The names of the killers of the Vlasco fighter. European champion Yuri Vlasko left undefeated. Brief biography of Yuri Vlasko

24.03.2024 Accessories

As it turned out, the brawl on Lake Baikal, which happened on July 29 with the participation of Yuri Vlasko, began because of a girl. The heads of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee for Buryatia spoke about this at a meeting with the public. Investigators, in particular, made public the preliminary results of the criminal investigation into the murder of a famous Buryat athlete.

During the press conference, it became known that the quarrel began on the dance floor. Yuri Vlasko's friend began to pull the hand of a girl with a sore arm. Her common-law husband stood up for her. The fight started there and an hour later moved to the shore of Lake Baikal.

Yuri's friend Vlasko, who was holding the girl, ran to Yura for help. The girl’s common-law husband and Yuri Vlasko tried to find out what happened, says Boris Badmatsyrenov, head of the Investigation Department for the Pribaikalsky District.

The company of the attackers was also relaxing at the camp site. According to the investigator, while the husbands were fighting, their wives and children were at the camp site, but they did not see the conflict itself.

There were police officers and a rescue post not far from the scene of the incident, but they did not have time to help - the attack on Yuri Vlasko happened too quickly.

A witness brought the video of Yuri being stabbed on August 3. Later it was published on social networks. The witness who brought the video is now afraid for his life and is under protection,” says Vyacheslav Sukhorukov, head of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for Buryatia.

Investigators report that according to witnesses, the attackers were intoxicated. For the murder of Yuri Vlasko, the suspects face 8 to 25 years in prison. However, investigators will insist on life imprisonment. The attackers had previously been convicted; one of the suspects was released from prison in 2012 on parole. One of the men is unemployed, the other worked on a rotational basis.

The instruments of crime were found on the shore of Lake Baikal and seized from one of the participants in the fight, as well as fragments of the murdered man’s clothing. Photo: Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Republic of Belarus

Investigators hope to complete the investigation this year. A search is currently underway for 10 more people involved in the mass brawl.

Let us remind you that a wrestler from Buryatia was brutally beaten on the night of July 29. The 20-year-old young man went to Baikal with the guests of the international freestyle wrestling tournament among juniors for the prizes of Boris Budaev - to show them the nature of his native land. The competition took place the day before in Ulan-Ude. Yuri Vlasko took gold in the weight of 96 kilograms.

In Goryachinsk there was a conflict with local residents, which later escalated into a fight. One of the attackers pulled out a knife and stabbed Yuri with it. The details of that fateful night were later told by athletes from Dagestan, one of whom was also vacationing on the lake.

Vlasko was buried in his small homeland in the village of Russian Yanguty in the neighboring Angara region.

The entire wrestling community, residents of Buryatia and Irkutsk are grieving the loss of the athlete. After a video appeared that captured the moment of the brutal massacre of the young man, a petition was created on the Internet demanding that his killers be given life sentences. The appeal addressed to the country's President Vladimir Putin has already collected over 20 thousand signatures. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee Yuri Shvytkin promised to send a parliamentary request to the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika. It should be noted that two suspects are currently detained. One of them admitted to killing the athlete.

We also remind you that on September 6, from 19.00 to 20.30, an action in memory of Yuri Vlasko will take place near the fountain on Arbat (Lenin St., 33). Representatives of the sports federations of Buryatia, friends of the deceased athlete, will speak at the event. In addition, guest artists will perform a memorable vocal number and also play a musical composition on the morin khuur.

Details of the murder of champion wrestler Vlasko revealed

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The senior coach of the Russian freestyle wrestling team, Anatoly Margiev, confirmed the death of 20-year-old wrestler Yuri Vlasko on Lake Baikal in Buryatia, R-Sport reports.

According to him, the death of the athlete was “a serious loss for Russian wrestling,” since the young man was part of the Russian youth team and was “one of our most promising light heavyweight athletes, he weighed about one hundred kg.” He remembers Vlasko himself as a calm and polite person.

Meanwhile, eyewitnesses told the Arigus TV channel about how the murder happened. According to them, the wrestler received a fatal blow “with a knife in the neck” during a mass fight of “international character.” The conflict occurred between two companies, in one of them there was Yuri Vlasko and his friends-athletes, and in the other - residents of Ulan-Ude who had previously been convicted of theft and robbery - Radnazhab Ch., Evgeniy B. and Vitaly T. At some point Yura's comrades noticed that he was lying in a pool of blood. According to an eyewitness, the young man was still alive at that time, but it was not possible to save him.

“The police were waiting for the doctors, the coast guard also did not come, despite the fact that everything happened not far from their building. In the end, after 20 minutes, the friends themselves loaded it into some kind of machine. But it was already clear that they would not make it,” said an eyewitness.

Information about the mass brawl was also confirmed by Dmitry Stolyarov, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for the Republic of Buryatia. According to him, the circle of participants in the conflict has basically been determined, and work is underway to identify suspects among them. Participants in the fight were detained and interrogated.

A criminal case has been initiated into the incident under the article “Murder” (Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The tragedy occurred near the village of Goryachinsk last night, reports the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the republic. The 20-year-old athlete has been at international competitions in Ulan-Ude since July 27 and went to Lake Baikal to show nature to the competition guests. According to local media, a massive fight took place near the lake, during which Vlasko was stabbed and died on the spot.

Vlasko was an international master of sports in freestyle wrestling and a multiple winner of competitions both in Russia and abroad. In particular, he twice won the European Junior Championships.

Young athlete Yuri Vlasko was killed in Buryatia. A video with footage of the murder of a famous wrestler, international master of sports, multiple winner of prestigious world competitions Yuri Vlasko appeared on the Internet the day before. The cruelty with which Yuri was killed shook society not only in Buryatia, but throughout Russia.

The video shows that the conflict is taking place on the beach with the participation of about 20 people. The athlete speaks to a tall man in a dark tracksuit, who almost immediately punches him in the neck. Vlasko tries to fight back, but apparently, having already received a fatal injury with a knife, he cannot stand firmly on his feet.

At this moment, he is attacked from behind by a young man in a blue suit, then again by a man in a dark one, who, having kicked him in the face, runs away behind a stone. Meanwhile, the second attacker hits the athlete, presumably with a metal rod, about four times. The athlete tries to get up, but to no avail. At this time, the first attacker runs up to him and first hits him on the head with a stone, and then kicks him. Before leaving the crime scene, he punches the wrestler in the lower back. The athlete stops showing signs of life, and the 30-second video ends.

It is not yet known whether this video will be used by law enforcement agencies, but today in Ulan-Ude two local residents have been detained on suspicion of murdering a famous athlete. One of them, a 33-year-old man, is the one who hit the athlete with a knife, the second is a 29-year-old Ulan-Ude man, who, during a mass brawl, struck the deceased on the head with a metal rod. They were both charged under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder committed by a group of persons). The suspects are in custody.

It is known that the detained men were previously convicted of theft and robbery; they hid from law enforcement agencies for a long time. The man who was detained first confirmed his involvement in the death of the athlete, but stated that his actions were related to the necessary defense and protection from attack by the wrestler himself.

However, the investigation believes that the version of self-defense does not correspond to the objective picture of the incident and the testimony of witnesses.

Law enforcement officers published a video with a confession from one of the detainees. In it, the man admits that it was he who killed Yuri Vlasko.

We need to proceed to the village of Goryachinsk, located on the territory of Lake Baikal, there, on the spot, I will get my bearings and show you the beach where all the action took place. This is within the village of Goryachinsk. All this happened on the night from July 28 to July 29, 2017, there was a mass fight, during which a man, Vlasko Yuri, was killed by me,” said the detainee.

Stood up for a friend

Yuri Vlasko was born on March 14, 1997 in the Osinsky district of the Irkutsk region. From the age of 10, Vlasko was engaged in Greco-Roman wrestling, and after that he trained for the Sparta club. Later, the wrestler moved to Buryatia, where he began practicing freestyle wrestling. The athlete’s father, Vladimir Vlasko, was known in criminal circles as “Khokhol.” In 2010, he was shot dead in the entrance of his own house. But he always wanted a different fate for his son, and it was he who brought the future champion into the fight to coach Fedor Makhutov.

His father brought him in in sixth grade. Then, with a height of 164 cm, Yura weighed 84 kg. In two years we were able to lose excess weight. In the first year - 8 kilograms, in the second year another 8 were removed, and everything returned to normal. Since childhood, Yura was cheerful and never said anything bad to anyone. When the guys were arguing with each other, he always said with a smile: “Let’s finish it. I’d rather tell you a joke now.” And everyone laughed together,” recalls his coach.

In 2015-2016, the athlete won the European Junior Championship, and was also the winner of the Russian Cup and champion of international tournaments. Yuri Vlasko dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion.

Yuri Vlasko arrived in Ulan-Ude for the traditional tournament for the prizes of Boris Budaev. In the weight category up to 96 kg, he won the last victory of his life. After the tournament, Vlasko invited his friends, members of the Dagestan national team, to Lake Baikal to show them nature. They stopped on the shore near the village of Goryachinsk; the athletes did not drink alcohol while on vacation, according to investigators. According to media reports, they went to bed early. Shortly before this, Yuri met his friend on the shore. At five o'clock in the morning, this acquaintance ran into the athletes' tent and asked Yuri to help him stop the fight that had broken out on the shore.

They woke him up and said that a guy was being beaten, it seemed that he was also a wrestler, but he was not resting with them. Yura immediately stood up and calmed his awakened friends, promising to settle everything on his own,” says Yuri Vlasko’s coach Fedor Makhutov.

Who fought with whom still remains a mystery, but Yura’s friends now very much regret that they did not go out with him and could not protect him, reports

Amin, Yuri's best friend, woke up to the sound of a gunshot. He immediately ran out of the tent and saw the crowd running away, and Yura on the ground. Amin ran up to him, and, not knowing what to do, began to roll him from side to side, tried to perform artificial respiration, and at the same time called an ambulance. Without waiting for the doctors, the friends loaded Yura into his own car and decided to take him to the hospital themselves. We already met an ambulance on the way,” says Magomed Dibirov, Amin’s older brother.

The wrestlers managed to disperse their opponents, and when they fled, Yuri Vlasko’s friends saw that the athlete was lying on the shore covered in blood, Life reports.

At first we thought he had been shot because we heard shots, but it turned out that it was a stab in the neck. We didn’t notice who exactly hit Yura,” one of the eyewitnesses of the crime told the police.

According to friends, law enforcement officers were waiting for doctors, who were late, and the rescuers who were nearby never came. Friends independently loaded Yuri into his own car to take him to the hospital, but they didn’t have time - the athlete died in the arms of his friends.

On July 30 they said goodbye to him in Ulan-Ude, then his body was transported to the village of Osa, Irkutsk region, where he was buried next to his father.

“Unbearably sorry for him”

In Buryatia they demand harsh punishment for the killers of the 20-year-old athlete who glorified the republic. Many of those who published recordings on social networks were not personally acquainted with Vlasko, but despite this, they reacted to the tragedy - some expressed condolences, while for others the footage of the cruel video caused tears or hatred towards those involved in the murder.

“I’m writing here, and I have tears in my eyes. I am a simple housewife, wife. I have two wonderful children, a son and a daughter. Today I saw a video of the massacre of Yuri Vlasko, and it shocked me. I am a person who did not know him, but I cannot describe how sorry and unbearably upset I am for this guy. What kind of people are they? Why is this so? He’s still just a child, a 20-year-old boy. And those who killed him were over 30! They are non-humans! And Yura’s family and friends, and especially her mother, have the strength to survive all this!” writes an anonymous user.

“I feel very sorry for Yura, I didn’t know him personally, but they killed him very cruelly. I saw a photo from the funeral, he had a handkerchief in his hands, and tears rolled down. I watched the video of the murder 20 times and I can’t believe that they killed him so brutally, you just watch it and don’t believe it. I won’t spend the night on Baikal anymore, by the evening people turn into zombies, everyone on the shore is drunk, we went into a cafe with a child, there were only drunk men and women there,” writes another girl.

For many, the murder of Vlasko came as a shock; some called it a disgrace for Buryatia.

“Buryatia ranks 3rd in crime out of 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, what’s going on? Why did it happen so? What's happened? Why is there no death penalty in Russia, these non-humans create chaos, kill whoever they want and whenever they want, how can we live with these people in the same society? They disgraced Buryatia throughout Russia and the whole world,” writes another user.

Some users were outraged that the recording of the brutal massacre was posted online: “I don’t understand who posted it online. Why show people such cruelty? I feel so bad at heart, my heart is breaking from what I saw. This video spread all over the country and now in the comments they only write that the Buryats killed a Russian. There is so much negativity towards our nationality now. I’m ashamed, very ashamed and hurt.”

Meanwhile, one of the resources reported that many were afraid of being accused of murdering Caucasian athletes who went on vacation with Vlasko. “The entire Caucasian wrestling world froze in anticipation of whether their most terrible assumptions would be confirmed: that it would be the Caucasian wrestlers who would be found involved in the murder. It is worth admitting that the Russian media this time turned out to be surprisingly correct,” writes

Many also write that this incident will sharply reduce the flow of tourists to Buryatia: “And how can we invite tourists to Buryatia now, when even a strong athlete was killed by some pack of thugs. It has now become completely unsafe to vacation on Lake Baikal.”

Alena Ryabova, Vostok-Teleinform news agency.

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Law enforcement agencies managed to find both suspects in the high-profile murder of wrestler Yuri Vlasko. The athlete died as a result of several stab wounds to the head and neck, received during a mass brawl on the shore of Lake Baikal in the Buryat village of Goryachinsk.

“On August 2, in Ulan-Ude, employees of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Buryatia detained a suspect in the murder of a famous athlete,” TASS quoted Irina Volk, a representative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, as saying.

“In Ulan-Ude, another local resident was detained on suspicion of murdering a famous athlete on the coast of Lake Baikal. Both detainees have already been preliminary charged and a preventive measure in the form of detention has been chosen,” says a message on the website of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Buryatia.

Meanwhile, a short video of the interrogation of the first detainee appeared online. In the footage, he promises to follow the operatives to the beach of Goryachinsk and admits that he killed the athlete during a mass brawl.

Footage of the crime itself also appeared. The video shows how Vlasko begins to fight with the man, tries to use a wrestling technique against him, but after several blows he unexpectedly quickly finds himself on the sand. It was probably at this moment that Yuri received fatal stab wounds. Then the athlete tried to get to his feet, but after several series of blows he lost consciousness.

Later, the investigation established that Vlasko died from being stabbed in the head and neck area.

“This morning, on the shore of Lake Baikal near the village of Goryachinsk, the body of a 20-year-old young man was discovered with signs of violent death - stab wounds in the head and neck,” said Dmitry Stolyarov, head of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the Republic of Buryatia.

It was noted that the athlete and his friends came to Goryachinsk for the international freestyle wrestling tournament among juniors for the Boris Budaev prize. Moreover, Vlasko won in the weight category up to 96 kg and was recognized as the most technical athlete.

A conflict on the beach broke out between athletes and three local residents. Despite the fact that the fatal fight occurred around five o'clock in the morning local time, there were other people present on the beach who, seeing Vlasko's condition, rushed to call an ambulance. Unfortunately, the doctors who arrived at the scene could no longer help the young wrestler, who had lost too much blood.

“The young man’s friends were in panic and tried to provide first aid. No one provided help from the outside: the police were waiting for doctors, and the coast service also did not come, despite the fact that everything happened not far from their building. In the end, after 20 minutes, the guy’s friends themselves loaded him into some kind of car. But it was already clear that they wouldn’t make it in time,” eyewitnesses said.

Vlasko's death was a huge loss for Russian sports. Yuri was considered one of the most promising fighters in the heavy weight category. In 2015 and 2016, he became the European champion among juniors, and this season he took third place at the national championship in his age group. By the age of 20, Vlasko managed to receive the title of international master of sports.

“I don’t particularly think about the future, but my dream, like many athletes’, is to become an Olympic champion. Not everyone makes it to the Olympics, but I think I will definitely succeed. This is the only thing I seriously think about. I'm just at the beginning of my journey. I always tell myself that it is important not to be afraid of anything, to endure, not to feel sorry for yourself. Then you become a fighter of a higher level,” Vlasko talked about his plans.

The funeral of the young wrestler took place on July 31 in the village of Russkie Yanguty, Irkutsk region, where the athlete was born. The Russian Wrestling Federation also provided assistance in organizing mourning events for the family of the murdered athlete.

The editor of our newspaper was contacted by a person who was on the shore of Lake Baikal on the night when the famous athlete Yuri Vlasko was killed. An eyewitness to a deadly brawl knows what the conflict was about and wants everyone to know about it. According to an eyewitness, the fight and death of Vlasko was provoked by one of his fellow athletes, who first pestered the girl at a disco and then gathered friends to sort out the relationship with her protector.

The witness to the deadly fight fears for his life, so he agreed to talk only on condition of anonymity.

A good man, a young athlete, died; this is a great loss not only for the sport, but also for his family. Now they write everywhere that they detained the two who killed him, but not everyone knows who was the cause of the conflict, because of whom the guy died. “I would like to tell you how it all happened,” says an eyewitness.

The young man said that on that tragic day, when a mass fight occurred on the shores of Lake Baikal, he and his girlfriend were vacationing in Goryachinsk. According to him, the beginning of the incident, which turned into the murder of a famous wrestler, happened at a local disco called “From Dusk Till Dawn.”

At about three o'clock in the morning, a young guy with an athletic build in a blue trowel began to pester a girl relaxing at a disco, who was in the establishment with her friend. He put his arm around her shoulder; it was clear that the girl did not like the advances of an unfamiliar guy. She told him about it and tried to free herself, but he held her tightly. At some point, he swore at the girl with obscenities, after which he pushed her away from him, so much so that she hit the railing hard, says an eyewitness.

According to the vacationer, one of the visitors to the disco noticed this unpleasant scene and stood up for the girl. A verbal altercation broke out between the guys, they were calmed down, after which both the girl and the guy who stood up for her left.

Some time later, when my friend and I were returning home, we saw a continuation of that conflict. A group of young athletes quickly headed towards the girl’s defender and his friend. Among the athletes was Yuri Vlasko and the guy who pestered the girl at the disco. They surrounded the “defender” and, apparently, began to make claims against him. I wanted to go up to them and calm them down, but my friend asked me not to interfere. The conversation took place in a raised voice. The intercessor, as I heard, told the company - “let's talk tomorrow.” But in response he received a blow to the head with his fist, says an eyewitness.

Then, according to the eyewitness, the whole group attacked the defender, knocked him to the ground, someone tried to kick him, but the guy rose to his feet. Unknown guys from outside intervened in the ensuing conflict, and a fight broke out. According to an eyewitness, they stood up for the girl’s intercession.

Only when two shots were heard from the road (apparently someone was trying to stop the conflict) did the fight stop. After that, the girl and I ran away. “I think if it weren’t for the shooting, there would have been more casualties,” the eyewitness is sure.