Foundation injection waterproofing. Instructions for the technology of waterproofing and strengthening walls, foundations, bases with polymeric water-repellent compounds We will strengthen the foundation by deep injection of soils under the foundation

23.06.2020 Heating systems
If you need high-quality injection waterproofing, then REMSTROYHYDRO is the right choice.

Waterproofing by injection

Injection waterproofing is used to protect a building from the damaging effects of moisture. The use of this technology involves the introduction of a special substance inside the wall or foundation, which allows you to create a protective layer that repels moisture. What types of injection waterproofing do we offer:

  • - Protection of a brick wall, cut-off waterproofing of the foundation by the injection method;
  • - Isolation of the concrete joint from moisture;
  • - We work with foam and deformation seam.
    The price of injection waterproofing is acceptable. Let's consider each type of service in more detail.

Waterproofing masonry

Injection waterproofing of brick walls can be done independently. The execution algorithm is simple - you need to drill holes at an angle and inject inside. After the injection of the walls, a special substance will do the rest of the work. For 90 days, the walls will dry out. After performing this procedure, you can get rid of a wet wall in a residential building.
Injection waterproofing of the foundation is produced using a similar technology. If you have any questions regarding this procedure, we recommend that you contact our specialist.
Injection waterproofing of foundations and walls allows you to completely get rid of the threat of excessive moisture. The use of this technology will make it possible to extend the life of the building. Most of the facilities under construction have a recessed part, which is completely underground. Therefore, full protection against moisture is always relevant. Leakage most often occurs through working and expansion joints - waterproofing floor joints will make it possible to significantly improve protection against moisture.
Particular attention should be paid to the places where the structural elements meet and to the areas where communications have been connected. Sealing seams with waterproofing is a popular service.

Concrete joint waterproofing

Waterproofing the cold joint of concrete by injection is becoming popular in modern construction. The working cold joint of concreting is formed in the process of laying concrete structures. This area is extremely vulnerable to mechanical stress and temperature extremes. If moisture enters and freezes, cracks appear inside the concrete joint, which leads to loss of strength. Injection of concrete under pressure can solve the problem and patch the damaged area. The reason for ordering this service is to create an effective barrier to moisture, which leads to the destruction of the reinforcement.
The integrity of the building structure is at risk. Sealant must be used to waterproof joints in concrete. It is important to process the following places:

  • - Column connections and ribbed ceilings;
  • - Joints of slabs and foundation;
  • - Seams along the edges of beams made of various materials.
    During the waterproofing of a cold concrete joint, it is necessary to perform jointing, cleaning and caulking. Next, holes are made for the introduction of a waterproofing solution. It may also be necessary to inject concrete into the ground to improve the strength of the foundation.

Waterproofing the foam joint

Foam seams are also highly susceptible to moisture damage. Despite the high strength of the frozen substance, frozen water easily breaks the foam mass, creating cracks. Injections into the foam concrete wall will protect the seam from constant exposure to moisture.
Professionals recommend waterproofing the seams from the inside at the construction stage to significantly increase the durability of the building. In any case, this procedure can be carried out at any convenient time. Thanks to the ease of use of the technology, after three months you will receive a durable barrier that repels moisture, but allows air to pass through.
Waterproofing the joints between the slabs does not affect the ventilation rate. To get a good result, it is recommended to use the services of our company. We will provide professionals who are able to perform all the necessary actions to complete the task within a short period of time.

Seam waterproofing

Waterproofing panel seams of houses is an important stage of construction. It allows you to restore the protective layer inside the building without excavating the soil. In most cases, repairs are carried out inside the house. The surface is processed locally and if the cut-off structure is damaged for some reason, repairs can be made at any time.
Waterproofing of interpanel joints makes it possible to get rid of cracks, restoring the bearing capacity of the building. The bulk layer prevents the formation of decompressions. This technology also increases the strength of expansion joints placed in hard-to-reach places. Modern builders today have no idea how they used to do without waterproofing the joints between floor slabs.
Thanks to the technology described above, construction company workers have more opportunities to improve the bearing capacity of the building and achieve total cut-off of the wall or seam from moisture. It is very important to contact a trusted contractor who is able to complete the task in accordance with the established algorithm. Despite the simplicity of execution, trusting a professional is a smart decision.

Waterproofing expansion joint

Modern materials for waterproofing expansion joints can partially get rid of the destructive effects of moisture. However, over time, the joints of various building structures begin to lose strength. Therefore, many owners of buildings order the service of waterproofing expansion joints from the inside. This technology allows for a short period of time to establish a full protection of water.
LH is a section in the building structure, which divides the whole structure into separate blocks. This allows you to reduce the amount of load on the object in the place of possible deformation. After the work is completed, a hollow space filled with filler is formed. The waterproofing unit of the expansion joint does not allow moisture to penetrate into the filler, which significantly reduces the degree of destruction.
In the course of work, it is sometimes necessary to partially dismantle the joint filler and lay a new one in two layers. Further, holes are drilled and injection materials are introduced. The expansion joint waterproofing device is simple and effective. During the final stage, the holes are caulked. The injection method of this type requires professionalism.

- this is one of the technologies for protecting the foundation, walls and supports of horizontal ceilings, which are below the ground level, from capillary moisture, groundwater and storm water. When moisture gets inside the building structure, its bearing capacity decreases, the reinforcement corrodes and collapses. The protrusion of moisture on the internal surfaces of the room leads to the creation of conditions for the formation of mold and colonies of microorganisms. The technology allows you to restore the water impermeability of any type of foundation if it is impossible or due to high repair costs by other means. For example, in case of violation or poor-quality external waterproofing of a multi-level existing parking lot, there is no other way to restore the insulation.

Technology of injection of waterproofing materials

When repairing, the injection of a sealing compound is performed at the site of localization of moisture protrusion from the inside of the foundation or room. At a distance of 0.25 ... 0.5 meters from each other, a series of holes with a diameter of 0.2 ... 0.35 mm is drilled at an angle of 45 °. The vertical distance between the rows is selected depending on the thickness of the foundation. A plastic, aluminum or steel packer is inserted into each hole, which seals the connection and serves as a fitting for connecting the composition supply pump. The mixture supply unit is designed to connect several packers and create pressure up to 0.5 MPa at each point. The exposure time under pressure is selected depending on the thickness and material of the foundation or wall and the penetrating ability of the insulating composition.

There are two ways to create injection waterproofing:

  • The formation of a protective layer in the body of the slab or foundation masonry, for which holes are drilled to a depth of 2/3 of the wall thickness, packers are installed and the pump is connected. As a result, a volumetric region is formed, which is filled with an insulating compound through capillaries. The vertical and horizontal distance between the injection points should ensure the overlap of volumetric zones, which ensures the quality of work.
  • Formation of a protective layer between the outer surface of the foundation and the soil. Holes for injection are drilled through. When the composition is injected, an insulating layer is formed that connects the soil layer with the outer surface of the wall or foundation. For this method, materials with a high ability to expand during polymerization or relatively cheap ones are used. their consumption can be large and poorly controlled.

Cracks close up. After it has set, holes are drilled and the expanding composition is pumped in. All work is carried out at an air temperature of at least 5 ° C.

Most of the materials used have a limited polymerization or curing time (15…30 min), which is used to determine the injection and holding time under pressure. The pressure at the beginning of the exposure begins to fall, because. the composition "diverges" through the capillaries and pores. The cessation of the pressure drop indicates the maximum possible filling of the voids and the beginning of the curing of the composition. At the end of the exposure, the holes are sealed with a sand-cement mixture based on expanding cement. Additionally, surface finishing is carried out by impregnating, coating or painting method.

Expendable materials

One and two-component polymer gels based on polyurethanes(e.g. MasterInject gel line or ). A feature of these mixtures is an increase in volume up to 20 times during polymerization. When mixing the components, the composition acquires high fluidity (density 1.03 g / cm³) and fills voids well. One-component sealants have a higher density (1.1 g/cm³) and are recommended for filling crack and joint cavities. Polymerization occurs upon contact with moisture, which allows the use of gels in humid conditions.

Acrylate gels and solutions based on acrylic acid(eg, or). Gels have good fluidity and adhesion. The rate of polymerization depends on the presence of additives (accelerators or retarders). Polymerization occurs due to a chemical reaction with the formation of solid bound crystals. The use of gels based on acrylates allows you to strengthen the material and seams of the masonry or the body of a monolithic foundation. When mixed with soil that touches the outer surface, the composition forms a waterproof monolith of soil and wall.

Compositions based on silicon and its compounds(e.g. ). Aqueous emulsions of silicon compounds, when dried, form a durable waterproof film. Based on silanes and siloxanes, a concentrated silicone microemulsion is produced, which has good adhesion to all building materials. For injections, they are used to a limited extent, because. do not form a strong filling mass in the cavities.

Epoxy based compounds(for example, or) have a relatively high density (1.1 ... 1.5 g / cm³) and polymerize upon contact with atmospheric air, which limits their scope to the insulation of horizontal ceilings in a dry room and filling cracks or voids. At a relatively low cost, the use of epoxy resins can significantly increase the strength of the connection between the horizontal and vertical components of the structure.

Microcements(for example , ). The sizes of microcement particles do not exceed 1…2 mm. Used to fill cracks or voids in masonry or monolith. Waterproofing properties depend on the brand and amount of cement in the mixture.

Injection waterproofing is rightfully considered one of the most progressive methods of protecting structures from the negative effects of moisture. It allows you to protect existing buildings and structures from leaks, avoiding major repairs. You can order a full range of services related to the injection waterproofing of objects of any type at NPP StroyGeoTechnology LLC.

What is injection waterproofing

Wall injection is a method that is based on the penetration of a waterproofing compound into the voids present in a concrete or brick structure. Moreover, such a composition can be introduced not only directly into the object, but also placed between the surface and the outer decorative coating, thus creating a moisture-proof membrane. An important feature of injection is also that with the help of a hydrophobic material it is possible to create a reinforcing frame.

It is worth saying that injection allows you to compact the soil massif, brickwork or concrete structure by supplying special waterproofing compounds to them. After injection, the injection solution acquires a number of specific properties:

  • Prevents the formation of salts;
  • Penetrates into the smallest pores;
  • In large gaps, a monolithic filling is created;

Physical parameters are similar to masonry.

Where is injection used?

Injection into brick walls or concrete structures makes many surfaces waterproof. This technology is used for:

  • waterproofing of cold joints in concrete;
  • waterproofing expansion joints;
  • increasing the strength of the walls;
  • cut-off waterproofing;
  • sealing of inputs.

The application of this method is possible at any objects - built and under construction, as well as for the repair of technically complex structures - pools, central engineering systems, basements.

Pros and cons

If we talk about the advantages of this technology, then this is:

  • the possibility of carrying out in any climate;
  • saving time and money;
  • the ability to create a monolith without joints;
  • elimination of emergency leaks;
  • increase in the strength indicators of the foundation.

Do not forget about the shortcomings - the need to use specialized equipment and perform all work only by specialists.

Materials used for injection waterproofing

Injection of walls is a rather laborious process, and in it special attention is paid not only to the choice of equipment, but also to the selection of materials. The strength characteristics of the insulating membrane, the level of adhesion and the durability of the structure depend on how correctly the compositions for injection are selected. That is why you can use several types of waterproofing compositions, which differ in scope and in the presence of certain components.

Epoxy resins

The peculiarity of the use of epoxy polymeric materials is that during waterproofing work there should be no moisture in the wall and, especially, water, before the epoxy polymer completely hardens. The process of polymerization of materials based on epoxy polymers should take place only in an air environment with minimal humidity. But at the same time, after complete solidification, epoxy polymers form a high-strength hydrobarrier, and also significantly increase the strength characteristics of the structure with respect to mechanical impacts.

Acrylate gels

Similar mixtures are made on the basis of acrylic acid ester. Acrylate gels are considered to be one of the most popular wall injection materials today. This popularity is explained by the fact that gels have a density that is equal to the density of water, and the polymerization process can occur in a humid environment. After the introduction of acrylate gel into concrete or brick, a minimum of time is required in order to create a single whole with the wall material. The main advantage of using acrylate gels for injection can be considered the fact that it is possible to regulate the time of complete solidification, due to which it is possible to close large leaks in just a couple of seconds, the water pressure of which exceeds the standard values. An additional useful property of such compositions is the ability to create a protective membrane both inside the supporting structure and at the border with the soil base, thanks to which it is possible to strengthen the soil adjacent to the structure, preventing the leaching process.

Hydroactive foaming materials

Injection with hydroactive gels (two-component polyurethane resins) is the most economical option for waterproofing. The peculiarity of such polymers is that they increase several times in volume upon contact with a humid environment. During the expansion of the gel, all the water present in the micropores is displaced. Due to the fact that two-component polyurethane resins have rather specific hydroactive characteristics, they can penetrate into the smallest pores of the structure, due to which the level of waterproofing will be maximum. In order to regulate the time during which hydroactive gels polymerize, it is possible to regulate the introduction of special catalysts into their composition.

Cement-sand compositions

Compositions made from cement, polymeric materials and components with high frost resistance are microelements for injection waterproofing. A feature of such compositions is the ability to penetrate into the structure of the structure, where they fill absolutely all micropores and capillaries. Quite often, such materials are compared in properties with masonry, and with their help, not only a reliable waterproof membrane is created, but also the structure of the structure is improved.

Materials based on silicates and siloxanes

Compositions consisting of silicate components or siloxanes have an interesting feature - when interacting with basic building materials at the molecular level, as they go into the state of an emulsion that repels water. Such properties of these materials allow them to be used as a highly effective horizontal barrier that prevents even capillary moisture from entering concrete or brick surfaces. Materials based on silicates and siloxanes have the property of fast and unhindered penetration into wet surfaces, which makes it possible to waterproof thick surfaces that are very wet.

injection technology

Injection of brick walls or concrete walls can be done by two main methods:

  • The waterproofing composition is supplied by gravity, without the use of additional pressure created by pumping equipment. With this method, holes in a concrete or brick surface are drilled at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • The composition for waterproofing is fed into the boreholes under a predetermined pressure. A similar method is widely used in order to eliminate leaks in case of emergencies, since the process takes a minimum of time and is highly efficient. In this case, the lower holes are filled first, and then the upper ones - this approach can significantly reduce the consumption of the waterproofing composition when filling the upper part of the structure.

The actual process of injecting walls with waterproofing solutions looks simple only at first glance. But do not flatter yourself thinking that you can rent equipment and carry out waterproofing work yourself, as there are many subtleties and nuances of this process. The main stages of injection are:

  • Thorough cleaning of the surface of a concrete or brick wall from dirt, dust and previously used waterproofing materials;
  • Make accurate calculations of the surface area that needs to be waterproofed, and on these data calculate the number of holes;
  • Examine the surface with a metal detector for laying a reinforcing cage, and then mark on the wall where the reinforcement passes;
  • Light up holes in pre-marked places at a given angle (depending on the method of introducing a waterproofing solution);
  • Set the packers and pump the waterproofing solution using pumping equipment or by gravity;
  • After all holes are filled, wait until the composition is completely dry, and then finish the surface with plaster or decorative materials.

The specialists of our company, before starting work on waterproofing by injection, conduct a complete examination of the structure, on the basis of which the optimal composition and the necessary equipment are selected.

Building injection

Injection is one of the universal options with which you can fix problems and strengthen a wide variety of structures. In most cases, it is used in buildings that have already been built.

concrete structures

The use of injection for concrete structures allows you to restore its properties and make it completely waterproof. With small defects and the organization of waterproofing, injection is indispensable, but it is important to choose the right filling composition, the choice of which must be entrusted to professionals.


Instead of the usual disassembly of the old masonry and the installation of a new one, injection can be used, which is applicable when the brick is stratified and cracks appear. In most cases, microcement or polymer compounds are used.

Injection from NPP StroyGeoTechnology LLC is profitable and simple

In OOO NPP StroyGeoTechnologiya, you can get a comprehensive solution to issues related to the hydroprotection of various buildings and structures by the injection method. All works are carried out only by experienced specialists using advanced technologies, modern equipment and high-quality materials at affordable prices and in a short time.

Prices for waterproofing works

No. p / p Name of works Unit rev. Price per one. (rub.)
1. Wall waterproofing in 2 layers. m2 from 500
2. Coating waterproofing m2 from 300
3. Coating waterproofing with penetrating compounds m2 from 500
4. Membrane waterproofing m2 from 500
5. Wall waterproofing by injection m.p. from 3000
6. Injection of cracks in concrete m.p. from 3500
7. Waterproofing and sealing expansion joints m.p. from 3900
8. Injection of masonry m.p. from 4000
9. Balcony waterproofing m2 from 500
10. Roof waterproofing m2 from 250

The price includes the cost of the work performed. The cost of materials is calculated additionally depending on the project, terms of reference, work sheet.

Waterproofing is necessary for additional protection of a building or structure from the aggressive effects of water. If mistakes were made during construction, the water-repellent layer is able to eliminate them.

The essence of the injection is injection (injection) under strong pressure of modern hydrophobic materials using special pumping equipment.

One of the main advantages of this method is that there is no need to dismantle the structure.

The main types of injection waterproofing services:

Injection of cold (working) concreting joints

РШБ (ХШБ) is a seam that occurs when pouring (laying) a concrete mixture with interruptions: in the process of laying liquid concrete on already dried concrete.

RSHB is the most vulnerable point of a concrete structure. Over time, water begins to seep through the RCHB, which leads to the destruction of the material and corrosion of the reinforcement - this affects the integrity of the structures.

Typical locations of RSHB:

  • columns
  • Ribbed floors
  • Flat slabs and foundations
  • beams

Stages of work:

  1. Shtroblenie / Jointing RSHB;
  2. Cleaning and chasing RSHB repair tool;
  3. Drilling holes for injection;
  4. Installation of injection packers;
  5. Primary sealing of RSHB with polyurethane foam;
  6. Secondary sealing of RSHB with polyurethane resin;
  7. Knocking down packers and caulking holes with a repair agent;
  8. Coating waterproofing RSHB.

Injection of expansion joints

Expansion joint (DSh) - a section in the building structure, dividing the structure into separate blocks, designed to reduce loads on objects in places of possible deformations.

LH is a hollow space (as a rule, filled with a joint filler of the Penoplex type), through which water leaks are possible.

Stages of work:

  • Partial dismantling of the existing joint filler in the LH;
  • Laying of joint filler (type "Vilaterm") in two layers;
  • Chasing LH with a repair tool;
  • Hole drilling;
  • Installation of steel packers;
  • Injection of LH with acrylate gels;
  • Knocking down steel packers and caulking holes with a repair agent;
  • Installation of waterproofing tape on epoxy adhesive.

crack injection

Structural cracks are holes that affect the bearing capacity of an object. They arise due to design errors, improper operation of the building, as well as increased loads on structures.

Non-constructive cracks - holes that were formed during plastic shrinkage, shrinkage of the building, temperature changes, as a result of damage to the reinforcement. They do not pose a risk to the strength of the object.

The presence of active leaks through cracks leads to the destruction of structures.

Stages of work:

  1. Chasing/grooving cracks;
  2. Cleaning and chasing cracks with a special solution;
  3. Hole drilling;
  4. Installation of steel packers;
  5. Primary sealing of the crack with polyurethane foam composition;
  6. Secondary sealing of the crack with polyurethane resin;
  7. Knocking down steel packers and caulking holes with repair mortar;
  8. Diamond grinding of the defect propagation zone;
  9. Coating waterproofing cracks.

Injection of communication inputs (interface node)

Communications inputs - sleeves / steel pipes passing through the foundation of the building.

With a leaky junction of the input of communications with the foundation, it leads to the penetration of ground / sewage water. “Standing” water can also form, which can lead to structural failure and cracking.

Stages of work:

  1. Jointing of the junction of a steel pipe with a reinforced concrete wall structure;
  2. Sealing the interface with polyurethane sealant;
  3. Coupling of the junction with a repair compound;
  4. Hole drilling;
  5. Installation of steel packers
  6. Injection of the interface node with acrylate gels;
  7. Knocking down steel packers and caulking holes with a repair compound;
  8. Coating waterproofing of the junction with a polymer-cement composition.

Adjacency injection

The junction node is the junction of building structural elements:

  • Wall - floor / floor slab.
  • Column - floor / floor slab.
  • Window / door openings - floor / floor slab.

With a leaky junction of the input of communications with the foundation or walls, it leads to the penetration of ground / sewage water. “Standing” water can also form, which can lead to structural failure and cracking.

Stages of work:

  1. Shtroblenie / Jointing of the junction;
  2. Caulking of abutment defect with a repair compound;
  3. The device of the fillet with a repair composition;
  4. Hole drilling;
  5. Installation of packers;
  6. Primary sealing of junction points with hydroactive polyurethane foam composition;
  7. Secondary sealing of junction points with polyurethane resin composition;
  8. Dismantling of packers;
  9. Caulking holes with a repair compound;
  10. Diamond grinding of the defect propagation zone;
  11. Coating waterproofing of the defect propagation zone.

Cut-off waterproofing

When the foundation comes into contact with groundwater, moisture accumulates in the structure (capillary effect in concrete). The presence of water leads to rapid degradation of structures, a decrease in thermal properties, the formation and development of mold, fungi and microorganisms.

Stages of work:

  1. Drill holes at intervals of 10-12 cm, forming a horizontal line. Depending on the type of wall structure, the drilling angle is selected;
  2. Holes are cleaned of dust and foreign objects;
  3. Installation of injection packers;
  4. The injectable formulation is fed through the packer into the pressurized/unpressurized structure;
  5. Dismantling of packers;
  6. Caulking holes with a repair compound.

- a new technology widely used to strengthen and insulate the foundations of new buildings and existing construction projects. An effective way to create a reliable waterproof membrane between structures and aggressive environments.

In the article we will consider the waterproofing of objects by the injection method, the features of the technology, how the work is done, what is required for them, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

What is injection waterproofing?

- this is a waterproofing based on liquid polymers, pumped under pressure and works directly inside the building structure or in specially organized sections provided to minimize the consumption of the injection composition and the possibility of localizing leakage.

After entering the structure, helium polymer compositions polymerize, as a rule, within an hour, after which they acquire the ability to withstand very high pressure of the environment.

Application area

The method has long been used in foreign countries. In Russia, this unique technology has appeared recently, but has already gained popularity in the construction and repair industry.

This technique involves pumping waterproofing compounds into the foundation material and other building elements that are subject to destruction under the influence of a humid environment. For insulation work, special materials and equipment will be required.

The main goal is to strengthen and protect the foundation from destruction provoked by a humid environment. This method is relevant for increasing the bearing capacity of the foundation, for fixing the soil and sealing the formed cracks.

Modern technology is also used to eliminate the inflow of water formed in the foundation, and to equip the cut-off waterproofing between the foundation and the wall of the building.


It is carried out using a special technology. All materials used remain liquid for 30-40 minutes. Their hardening is regulated by the catalysts included in the composition. Experts recommend that work be carried out at a temperature not lower than 5 degrees.

Waterproofing Injection Methods

The choice of technique depends on the selected material and the surface to be insulated.

Where the technology is applied:

  1. For foundation injection. The best option is the use of a cement-sand composition based on silicates.
  2. For waterproofing walls during the construction phase and during major repairs. It is recommended to use acrylic or polyurethane material.
  3. For injection of basements and ground floors.
  4. In order to strengthen the foundation of concrete structures, waterproofing of joints and cracks is carried out.
  5. To improve the quality of a brick building, waterproofing is carried out by injection using hydrophobic compounds.
  6. To strengthen old foundations and restore bearing capacity.
  7. For isolating cold joints in reinforced concrete structures, etc.

Methods for applying injection waterproofing:

  1. "Gravity" - involves filling holes drilled at an angle with material, followed by its movement under the action of gravity. When performing insulation by this method, fast-hardening compounds cannot be used.
  2. "Under pressure" - filling of materials occurs under a pressure impulse. The pressure supply is provided by a pressure pump. It is possible to carry out work on this technology only in warm weather (not lower than 5 degrees Celsius).

Equipment for injection waterproofing

To carry out waterproofing work using the injection method, you will need a special metal packer and a high-pressure pump.


The foundation and other building surfaces are made using various materials.

What materials can be used:

  1. Polyurethane polymer is a highly plastic material that can withstand various loads well. Economic consumption. Affordable cost. It is widely used to isolate foundations located on the territory of quicksand and loose soil.
  2. Acrylic gel is a strong and stable material. Easily penetrates into the smallest pores of the foundation. Hardens quickly. Soil particles are used to strengthen the material, which provides additional protection against washout.
  3. Epoxy material - used in dry construction. Hardens quickly on contact with air. After complete polymerization, the solid membrane becomes completely impermeable to water.
  4. Materials based on siloxanes or silicates. When interacting with the main building material, they are converted into an emulsion that creates a highly effective barrier to water. Can be used for waterproofing surfaces with high humidity.

Stages of work

Waterproofing works by the injection method are carried out in stages, in accordance with important technological rules.

Stages of implementation:

  1. Examination of the surface with the identification of points of localization of moisture penetration.
  2. Drilling through holes in increments of up to 0.5 m. Diameter - up to 20 mm. Additional holes are made in places of localization.
  3. Drilling blind holes along fault lines or cracks.
  4. Metal packers are inserted into the created holes, ball valves are fixed to their outer part.
  5. A tank with a waterproofing compound is connected to the ends of the fixed taps.
  6. The composition is transported through the tube by gravity or under the influence of pressure (depending on the chosen method of injection).
  7. After the material has hardened, the tubes are removed.
  8. The outer surface is covered with a layer of moisture-resistant plaster or cement-sand mortar.

Advantages and disadvantages

Has many advantages. This technique eliminates the need for earthworks when strengthening the foundation of ready-made buildings. The mixtures used do not contain harmful impurities, therefore they are absolutely safe for the human body.

Due to the low density of the compositions, a high penetrating ability of the material is ensured. When carrying out work, it is not necessary to carry out preliminary drying, injection gels have good adhesion to wet surfaces. Waterproofing can be performed even in cold weather, the main thing is to choose the appropriate material adapted to low temperatures.

What other advantages does injection waterproofing have:

  • it is possible to perform work at the construction stage and after the construction of the building;
  • the technology is used during major repairs;
  • the result is guaranteed high-quality waterproofing with a reliable membrane that envelops the entire surface.

The disadvantages include the high cost of materials, the need to use special equipment and the mandatory observance of technological rules. In the absence of skills, it is better to entrust this work to specialists.

Features of injection of various designs

It is carried out according to the standard scheme, but has some features when performing work at different construction sites.

To improve the performance of the erected building, walls are injected. Works are carried out at the construction stage or during the overhaul.

When the foundation is injected, vertical waterproofing is performed with the creation of a horizontal barrier that prevents the penetration of moisture.

External and internal waterproofing is carried out when injecting basements.

To strengthen the foundations of concrete structures, waterproofing of cold and moving joints is carried out.

To increase the strength and moisture resistance of brick buildings, insulation is made using hydrophobic compounds.

To date, quality work is carried out by specially trained craftsmen who have all the necessary equipment in their arsenal.