Story Living Hat - Nosov N.N. The story of the living hat

17.04.2019 Warm floor

The hat was lying on the chest of drawers, the kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor near the chest of drawers, and Vovka and Vadik were sitting at the table and coloring pictures. Suddenly something plopped behind them and fell to the floor. They turned around and saw a hat on the floor near the chest of drawers.

Vovka went up to the chest of drawers, bent down, wanted to pick up his hat - and suddenly he shouted:

Ah ah ah! - and run to the side.

What are you? - asks Vadik.

She's alive, alive!

Who's alive?

Whoops, whoops, whoops.

What you! Are there real hats?

- Look for yourself!

Vadik came closer and began to look at the hat. Suddenly the hat crawled straight towards him. He will shout:

Ay! - and jumped onto the sofa. Vovka is behind him.

The hat climbed out into the middle of the room and stopped. The guys look at her and shake with fear. Then the hat turned and crawled towards the sofa.

Ay! Oh! - the guys shouted.

They jumped off the sofa and ran out of the room. They ran into the kitchen and closed the door behind them.

- I w-ho-ho-ho-zhu! - says Vovka.

I'll go to my home.

I'm afraid of hats! This is the first time I have seen a hat walking around the room.

Or maybe someone is pulling her string?

Well, go take a look.

Let's go together. I'll take the putter. If she comes at us, I'll hit her with my stick.

Wait, I'll take the hockey stick too.

Yes, we don’t have any other stick.

Well, I'll take a ski pole.

They took a hockey stick and a ski pole, opened the door and looked into the room.

Where is she? - asks Vadik.

Over there, near the table.

Now I'm going to hit her with a stick! - says Vadik. - Just let him come closer, such a tramp!

But the hat lay near the table and did not move.

Yeah, I was scared! - the guys were happy. - He's afraid to come near us.

Now I’ll scare her away,” Vadik said.

He started hitting the floor with his hockey stick and shouting:

Hey you, hat!

But the hat didn't move.

Let’s pick up some potatoes and shoot them at her,” Vovka suggested.

They returned to the kitchen, picked up potatoes from the basket and began throwing them at the hat." They threw and threw, and finally Vadik hit him. The hat jumped up!

Meow! - something screamed. Lo and behold, a gray tail stuck out from under the hat, then a paw, and then the kitten itself jumped out.

Vaska! - the guys were happy.

He was probably sitting on the floor, and his hat fell on him from the chest of drawers,” Vovka guessed.

Vadik grabbed Vaska and let's hug him!

Vaska, my dear, how did you get under the hat?

But Vaska didn’t answer anything, he just snorted and squinted from the light.

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Nosov Nikolay

Living hat

The hat was lying on the chest of drawers, the kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor near the chest of drawers, and Vovka and Vadik were sitting at the table and coloring pictures. Suddenly something plopped behind them and fell to the floor. They turned around and saw a hat on the floor near the chest of drawers.

Vovka went up to the chest of drawers, bent down, wanted to pick up his hat - and suddenly he shouted:

Ah ah ah! - and run to the side.

What are you? - asks Vadik.

She's alive, alive!

Who's alive?

Whoops, whoops, whoops.

What you! Are there real hats?

Look for yourself!

Vadik came closer and began to look at the hat. Suddenly the hat crawled straight towards him. He will shout:

Ay! - and jumped onto the sofa. Vovka is behind him.

The hat climbed out into the middle of the room and stopped. The guys look at her and shake with fear. Then the hat turned and crawled towards the sofa.

Ay! Oh! - the guys shouted.

They jumped off the sofa and ran out of the room. They ran into the kitchen and closed the door behind them.

I'm hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! - says Vovka.

I'll go to my home.

I'm afraid of hats! This is the first time I have seen a hat walking around the room.

Or maybe someone is pulling her string?

Well, go take a look.

Let's go together. I'll take the putter. If she comes at us, I'll hit her with my stick.

Wait, I'll take the hockey stick too.

Yes, we don’t have any other stick.

Well, I'll take a ski pole.

They took a hockey stick and a ski pole, opened the door and looked into the room.

Where is she? - asks Vadik.

Over there, near the table.

Now I'm going to hit her with a stick! - says Vadik. - Just let him come closer, such a tramp!

But the hat lay near the table and did not move.

Yeah, I was scared! - the guys were happy. - He's afraid to come near us.

Now I’ll scare her away,” Vadik said.

He started hitting the floor with his hockey stick and shouting:

Hey you, hat!

But the hat didn't move.

Let’s pick up some potatoes and shoot them at her,” Vovka suggested.

They returned to the kitchen, picked up potatoes from the basket and began throwing them at the hat." They threw and threw, and finally Vadik got in. The hat jumped up!

Meow! - something screamed. Lo and behold, a gray tail stuck out from under the hat, then a paw, and then the kitten itself jumped out.

Vaska! - the guys were happy.

He was probably sitting on the floor, and his hat fell on him from the chest of drawers,” Vovka guessed.

Vadik grabbed Vaska and let's hug him!

Vaska, my dear, how did you get under the hat?

But Vaska didn’t answer anything, he just snorted and squinted from the light.

Stories for children “Cucumbers”, “Mishkina Porridge”, “Dreamers”, “Living Hat” by Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov are known, perhaps, to every child. They are constantly included in the list of books recommended for reading in kindergarten And primary school. Short, funny, memorable scenes taken from life are very popular with young readers and listeners.

Nikolay Nosov

“The Living Hat” and other works of the writer were born after the birth of a child in his family. The baby, like all children, needed to be told fairy tales. But Nikolai Nikolaevich liked more to invent funny stories himself - so the idea came to try himself in the writing field. Nosov wrote his first works, including the story “The Living Hat,” in 1938, at which time they began to be published in children’s publications, mainly in the then popular magazine “Murzilka.” Soon enough of them accumulated, but the release of the collection was prevented by the war. As a result, it appeared only in 1945 and immediately attracted the attention of readers. Since then, for several decades, Nikolai Nosov has been one of the most famous and most beloved writers by children of young and middle age.

Nosov's "Living Hat" begins quite normally. Two boys sit at the table and calmly draw. Nearby, by the chest of drawers, a kitten is playing. Suddenly the heroes hear something plop onto the floor. It turned out that a hat had fallen off the chest of drawers. This was also a common thing, but she suddenly moved, causing fear among the guys. They understood that an inanimate object cannot move on its own. But for no apparent reason the hat began to move around the room. The boy, who came to visit his friend, even wanted to run home out of fear. However, curiosity got the better of them, and the heroes decided to find out what was going on. They began to throw potatoes into the hat and suddenly heard meowing. Nosov’s work “The Living Hat” ends cheerfully: the culprit of his friends’ fear turns out to be a harmless kitten.

Features of the plot and style

What is it about Nikolai Nikolaevich’s books that captivate more than one generation of young readers? To answer the question, consider the story “The Living Hat” as an example. Nosov chooses for the plot a situation that is quite real and understandable to every child, but introduces a little mystery into it. The reader, unlike the heroes, knows from the very beginning who is sitting under the hat. That’s why the one Nosov uses works great. “The Living Hat” is a humorous story, as we have fun watching how absolutely groundless fear increasingly overcomes the heroes. In addition, the plot in the story develops rapidly: Volodya and Vadik instantly react to what is happening and come up with a plan of action. If at first they simply try to run away - a natural human reaction when encountering something incomprehensible and frightening - then they begin to build versions of what is happening. At some point, the boys even begin to defend themselves with a stick and certainly want to reveal the secret of the hat. The only character who really evokes the reader’s sympathy is the fly-catching cat Vaska, who became both the culprit and the victim of what happened.

The vocabulary used in “The Living Hat” is also close to the children - a story where the expressions “something flopped”, “they were shaking with fear”, “they began to throw” are appropriately used. They best help to understand the state of the main characters who find themselves in a comic situation.

Educational value of the story

Despite the apparent simplicity and insignificance of the situation described, children can learn several lessons from the work. Firstly, the main characters are brave, active boys. Having overcome their fear caused by fantasies, they began to look for a logical explanation for what they saw. For example, they decided that someone was simply pulling the hat by the string. It is also important that the boys decided to get to the bottom of the truth together, and Vovka, who was about to run away home, stayed with his friend. Mutual assistance, courage, and ingenuity will help find a way out of any situation, Nosov emphasizes.

“The Living Hat” is a story about what a wonderful time childhood is, when you can be sincere and spontaneous.

There is a well-known story about two friends and a kitten, on whom a hat fell from the chest of drawers. At first the boys thought that the hat had come to life and were very scared. But soon the secret of the hat was discovered...

Read the story The Living Hat

The hat was lying on the chest of drawers, the kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor near the chest of drawers, and Vovka and Vadik were sitting at the table and coloring pictures.

Suddenly something plopped behind them and fell to the floor.

They turned around and saw a hat on the floor near the chest of drawers.

Vovka went up to the chest of drawers, bent down, wanted to pick up his hat - and suddenly he shouted:

- Ah ah ah! - and run to the side.

- What are you? - Vadik asks.

- She's alive, alive!

- Who's alive?

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

- What you! Are there real hats?

- Look for yourself!

Vadik came closer and began to look at the hat. Suddenly the hat crawled straight towards him. He will shout:

- Ay! - and jumped onto the sofa. Vovka is behind him.

The hat climbed out into the middle of the room and stopped. The guys look at her and shake with fear. Then the hat turned and crawled towards the sofa.

- Ay! Oh! - the guys shouted.

They jumped off the sofa and ran out of the room. They ran into the kitchen and closed the door behind them.

- I w-ho-ho-ho-zhu! - says Vovka.

- I'll go to my home.

- Why?

- I'm afraid of hats! This is the first time I have seen a hat walking around the room.

- Or maybe someone is pulling her string?

- Well, go and have a look.

- Let's go together. I'll take the poker. If she comes at us, I'll crack her with a poker.

- Wait, I’ll take the poker too.

- Yes, we don’t have any other poker.

- Well, I'll take a ski pole.

They took a poker and a ski pole, opened the door and looked into the room.

- Where is she? - Vadik asks.

- Over there, near the table.

- Now I’ll crack her with a poker! - says Vadik. - Just let him come closer, such a tramp!

But the hat lay near the table and did not move.

- Yeah, I was scared! - the guys were happy. - He's afraid to come near us.

“Now I’ll scare her away,” said Vadik.

He began banging on the floor with a poker and shouting:

- Hey you, hat!

But the hat didn't move.

“Let’s pick up some potatoes and shoot them at her,” Vovka suggested.

They returned to the kitchen, took some potatoes from the basket and began throwing them into the hat. They tossed and tossed, and finally Vadik got hit. The hat will jump up!

- Meow! - something screamed. Lo and behold, a gray tail poked out from under the hat, then a paw, and then the kitten itself jumped out.

- Vaska! - the guys were happy.

“He was probably sitting on the floor, and his hat fell on him from the chest of drawers,” Vovka guessed.

Vadik grabbed Vaska and let's hug him!

- Vaska, my dear, how did you get under the hat?

But Vaska didn’t answer, he just snorted and squinted from the light.

(Illustration by I. Semenov)

Published by: Mishka 21.01.2018 13:52 17.04.2018
    • Story: Living Hat
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    • Size: 6.64 MB
    • Duration: 00:03:37
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The hat was lying on the chest of drawers, the kitten Vaska was sitting on the floor near the chest of drawers, and Vovka and Vadik were sitting at the table and coloring pictures. Suddenly something plopped behind them and fell to the floor. They turned around and saw a hat on the floor near the chest of drawers.

Vovka went up to the chest of drawers, bent down, wanted to pick up his hat - and suddenly he shouted:

- Ah ah ah!  - and run to the side.

- What are you?  – Vadik asks.

– She’s alive, alive!

– Who’s alive?

– Shit-shit-slap-pah.

- What you! Are there living hats?

- Look for yourself!

Vadik came closer and began to look at the hat. Suddenly the hat crawled straight towards him. He will shout:

– Ay! 

- and jumped onto the sofa. Vovka is behind him.

The hat climbed out into the middle of the room and stopped. The guys look at her and shake with fear. Then the hat turned and crawled towards the sofa.

– Ay! Oh!  - the guys shouted.

They jumped off the sofa and ran out of the room. They ran into the kitchen and closed the door behind them.

- I'm hoo-ho-ho-zhu! 

- says Vovka.

- I’ll go to my home.

- Why?

– I’m afraid of hats! This is the first time I have seen a hat walking around the room.

– Or maybe someone is pulling her string?

- Well, go take a look.

- Let's go together. I'll take the putter. If she comes at us, I’ll hit her with my stick.

- Wait, I’ll take the hockey stick too.

They took a hockey stick and a ski pole, opened the door and looked into the room.

– We don’t have any other stick.

– Well, I’ll take a ski pole.

- Where is she? 

But the hat lay near the table and did not move.

– Vadik asks.

- Over there, near the table.

He started hitting the floor with his hockey stick and shouting:

– Now I’ll hit her with a stick! 

But the hat didn't move.

– says Vadik. 

- Just let him get closer, such a tramp!

- Yeah, I was scared! 

- the guys were happy. 

- He's afraid to come near us.

Vadik grabbed Vaska and let's hug him!

“Now I’ll scare her away,” said Vadik.

But Vaska didn’t answer anything, he just snorted and squinted from the light.