Why do they burn last year's grass? Why you can’t burn grass in the spring and what it leads to. I see a natural fire. What to do

In the spring, after the snow melts in Russia and the CIS countries, the same picture is observed: grass is burning along the roads, mountains, fields and meadows are burning. There can be several reasons for a fire, but there are two main ones: carelessness, for example, an unextinguished cigarette, and intentional burning of grass. Why do they burn grass in the spring? Often the grass is set on fire by children or hooligans, rarely by mentally ill people with a passion for arson. Sometimes road workers and signalmen set fire to dry grass, thus caring for the right-of-way.

There are cases when grass is deliberately set on fire in order to cause a ground fire and obtain permission for sanitary felling of forests where, by law, it is not allowed to be cut down. Some farms specifically burn stubble, arguing that it fertilizes and warms the soil and destroys the seeds. weeds and easier to plow. Sometimes they burn grass in pastures, mistakenly believing that this will stimulate the growth of new grass. Some people, by setting grass on fire, fight ticks and ticks in such a barbaric way. tick-borne encephalitis.

Burning garbage, including grass, is prohibited in populated areas; burning can only be done in specially designated areas under the supervision of special services. But people, despite the prohibitions, collect last year’s grass from their plots and burn it. Why do they burn grass in their gardens in the spring? Some people burn grass for cleaning, others argue that this is simply necessary, since pest larvae and diseased plants are destroyed, and by burning grass near the house, they eliminate the possibility of a fire, and others don’t even know why they burn grass in the spring - they do everything, and I do like this.

However, doing this is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous, since terrible fires can occur that can destroy entire villages. Forest fires are a real disaster and cause both economic and environmental losses. During fires, animals and birds are destroyed, the growth of tree stands is reduced, and dying trees become breeding grounds for pests and all kinds of forest diseases. The amount of oxygen and phytoncides released by the forest decreases, that is, there is a qualitative deterioration in the condition of the forest, which makes it unsuitable for use for recreational purposes. Peat fires can occur, sometimes burning for months on end.

The ecosystem is destroyed, since nature has its own laws that cannot be broken.

The old grass rots during the winter and does not interfere with the growth of new grass; it’s just that the young shoots are hidden at first. After the fires, weeds and the most unpretentious grass begin to grow first; only perennials, whose roots are hidden in the ground, and annual seeds die, so the former forbs will no longer exist.

So why burn grass in the spring if it can be used effectively? For example, some gardeners harvest grass in compost heaps, where it rots and thus produces high-quality humus. You can dig up your garden without waiting for the grass to rot. While some gardeners and gardeners burn or put grass into compost heaps, others, experimenting, use it when planting potatoes. There are several ways to plant potatoes with hay. Some people lay a layer of dry grass at the bottom of the ditch, throw potatoes on the grass and cover it with soil. Others do the opposite: first they throw in the potatoes, and then the grass and soil. You can loosen the soil and spread a layer of grass without any grooves or holes directly on the ground, put potatoes on top and simply cover it with grass, without even covering it with soil. They say that with this method of planting, the potatoes will not get scab, since they do not come into contact with the ground.

The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Kryash-Serda was spared the trouble.

In 1904, a wooden Church of the Life-Giving Trinity was built in the village of Kreshchenye Kazyli. Then troubled times began and our country began to build communism. As you know, in the Soviet Union there were no religions, just like sex. For some time the church housed a school.

After 1975, the church became completely dilapidated and was dismantled. But, as you know, it is not so much the church that is important, but the presence of a place of worship. Pal totalitarian regime, and with it a ban on religion.

In 2006, local residents, with the help of benefactor Kharitonov, decided to restore the temple. But they never fully restored it...

Back in August last year, young people with beards and other attributes that indicate the Islamic faith traveled around local villages and took photographs of temples. What can you say, our law does not prohibit photography, then everyone turned a blind eye to it.

When the first churches began to burn in Tatarstan, no one thought it was arson. Somewhere it was attributed to the wiring, somewhere to wood heating, you know how it usually happens. The police don't need extra work either. But when the arson became systematic, no one doubted that a gang of arsonists was working. Moreover, they are not simple, but they defend certain beliefs.

It is clear from their behavior that the arsonists are not prepared and make a lot of mistakes. For example, in the same village of Kreshchenye Kazyli, in the dark, the guys lost their way and got stuck in a rut suitable only for a tractor. The villagers saw them pushing the car, but they were not vigilant enough - no one really remembered the make of the car, much less the license plate number. Just a few minutes after the visit of the mysterious car, the unfinished temple caught fire. Now construction must begin from scratch; all that remains of the church is the foundation. There were practically no traces of the fire; local residents cleaned everything up and took it away.

Around the village of Kreshennye Kazyli you can see only Tatar villages. Almost every one of them has a small mosque. Maybe the fire is the result of national enmity between the Kryashens and Tatars? After all, not so long ago, residents of the village of Mordovian Karatay, when asked about a broken church, told me: “The Tatarlar came from a neighboring village and broke it.” Population Survey this version completely refuted, Orthodox Kryashens and Muslim Tatars live very friendly and help each other in everything...

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For comments, the author of the article went to another wooden temple, located in the village of Kryash-Serda. The local church, built in 2006, was spared the trouble of arson. But the local rector, Father Dimitri, remembers people with cameras who came in August.

Father says that we should have started sounding the alarm even then, perhaps arson would have been avoided. He says that the police managed to detain seven people involved in the arson, but he is not sure that this is the whole gang.

This is just the beginning, suggests Father Dimitry; already now a certain “Sharia patrol” has begun to appear in the villages of Tatarstan, and with it the propaganda of Islam.

Guys in black masks beat up people in the village streets drunkenness, they say, they do not live according to Sharia law, while self-proclaimed patrol officers do not hesitate to take money from victims and Cell phones

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At night on young man three guys attacked, while they shouted insults, adding: “...you will soon all know who we are.”

During the fight, it became clear that they were beating him because he was not a Muslim. However, passers-by stood up and, frightened by them, the young people disappeared into the area of ​​the medical university dormitory.

Assuming that villains could live in this dormitory, the author turned to the vice-rector for international activities of this university for comments. Airat Usmanovich Ziganshin conducted an inspection and denied the possibility of any ethnic groups forming in the student’s house...

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It is worth talking separately about the propaganda of Islam, which Lately intensified and intensified.

Here's a life story for you. A friend talked about how he managed to film last winter inexpensive apartment in Kazan and away we go... Left on the shelves caring owners there was enough Islamic literature for furniture.

Even the DVD player was “charged” with a disc containing verses of the Koran.

The last straw for refusing to rent an apartment was that the owners constantly came to visit and offered to teach a friend Arabic so that he could read the holy book in the original. Now everywhere in in social networks invitations appear for free lessons on the basics of Islam and the Arabic language.

Such aggressive propaganda, by the way, has neither rules nor honor.

Suffice it to recall the famous fake that the famous explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau converted to Islam. This is how Islamic websites interpret the captain’s delight at reading the Koran: “I swear that this Koran, from which modern science is 1400 years behind, cannot be human speech. This is the true speech of the Almighty."

A fair amount of controversy has flared up around this statement, but there is a letter on the Internet with information that the great scientist did not accept Islam. Moreover, the letter states that last way he set off from the Catholic Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris, and a cross was erected on his grave...

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It is obvious that Tatarstan has become infected with some previously unknown disease, and if measures are not taken urgently, it will soon be too late. In our conversation, Father Dimitri suggested using the most primitive methods in wrestling, although he did not explain which ones.

On this moment The guys have not yet gained the necessary experience; just remember the stuck car and unexploded shells near Nizhnekamsk. An unsuccessful car bombing of the mufti of Tatarstan and the case when extremists were driving towards Kazan, but blew up their bomb on the way. If we start this business now, the guys will gain certain skills and then it will be much more difficult to deal with them. It is worth noting that representatives of all faiths talk about this.

The same picture is observed: grass is burning along the roads, mountains, fields and meadows are burning. There can be several reasons for a fire, but there are two main ones: carelessness, for example, an unextinguished cigarette, and intentional burning of grass. Why do they burn grass in the spring? Often the grass is set on fire by children or hooligans, rarely by mentally ill people with a passion for arson. Sometimes road workers and signalmen set fire to dry grass, thus caring for the right-of-way.

There are cases when grass is deliberately set on fire in order to cause a ground fire and obtain a sanitary permit where, by law, it is not allowed to be cut. Some farms specifically burn stubble, arguing that this fertilizes and warms the soil, destroys seeds and makes it easier to plow. Sometimes they burn grass in pastures, mistakenly believing that this will stimulate the growth of new grass. Some people, by setting grass on fire, fight ticks and tick-borne encephalitis in such a barbaric way.

Burning garbage, including grass, is prohibited in populated areas; burning can only be done in specially designated areas under the supervision of special services. But people, despite the prohibitions, collect last year’s grass from their plots and burn it. Why do they burn grass in their gardens in the spring? Some people burn grass for cleaning, others argue that this is simply necessary, since pest larvae and diseased plants are destroyed, and by burning grass near the house, they eliminate the possibility of a fire, and others don’t even know why they burn grass in the spring - they do everything, and I do like this.

However, doing this is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous, since terrible fires can occur that can destroy entire villages. Forest fires are a real disaster and cause both economic and environmental losses. During fires, animals and birds are destroyed, the growth of tree stands is reduced, and dying trees become breeding grounds for pests and all kinds of forest diseases. The amount of oxygen and phytoncides released by the forest decreases, that is, there is a qualitative deterioration in the condition of the forest, which makes it unsuitable for use for recreational purposes. There may be fires that sometimes burn for several months in a row.

The ecosystem is destroyed, since nature has its own laws that cannot be broken.

The old grass rots during the winter and does not interfere with the growth of new grass, it’s just that the young shoots are hidden at first. After the fires, weeds and the most unpretentious grass begin to grow first, only perennial plants survive, whose roots are hidden in the ground, and the seeds of annuals die, so the former forbs will no longer exist.

So why burn grass in the spring if it can be used effectively? For example, some gardeners put grass in compost heaps, where it rots and thus produces high-quality humus. You can dig up your garden without waiting for the grass to rot. While some gardeners and gardeners burn or put grass into compost heaps, others, experimenting, use it when planting potatoes. There are several ways to use hay. Some people lay a layer of dry grass at the bottom of the ditch, throw potatoes on the grass and cover it with soil. Others do the opposite: first they throw in the potatoes, and then the grass and soil. You can loosen the soil and spread a layer of grass without any grooves or holes directly on the ground, put potatoes on top and simply cover it with grass, without even covering it with soil. They say that with this method of planting, the potatoes will not get scab, since they do not come into contact with the ground.

Last year's grass is by no means an evil that needs to be gotten rid of by any means. On the contrary, if it is properly processed, it can bring tangible benefits to the site.

Seeker 05/27/2014 - 12:49

There are many photographs where fighters have a medical tourniquet wrapped around the butt of their machine gun. There is this practical use, besides being constantly on hand in case of injury? As far as I understand, such storage of the tourniquet renders it unusable and, if you try to use it for its intended purpose, it will simply break.

Mazilla 05/27/2014 - 13:11

We read the top topics of the Army section.

Seeker 05/27/2014 - 13:14

Read. What if I'm a civilian?

Mazilla 05/27/2014 - 13:23

Read. What if I'm a civilian?

Then by letters and syllables.

Seeker 05/27/2014 - 13:28

Made. Can I delete something that is not related to the topic of the question?

RONIN 218 airborne 05/27/2014 - 14:01

1. When constantly under the influence external factors(rain, mud, snow, sand, sunlight) the tourniquet very quickly becomes unusable. And despite its apparent external integrity, it may burst at the moment of application and fail to perform necessary functions.
2. When manipulating the weapon, the tourniquet can again break and unwind (as a rule, this happens at the most inopportune moment), which will create a lot of problems in a combat situation.
3. There should not be any foreign objects or devices on the weapon that are not intended to be installed on it.
4. The fighters’ medical packing is always located in the same way (in one pocket on their clothing, unloading bag or pouch). This is done so that in battle you do not have to search through all the pockets of unloading or clothing for the necessary aid supplies. Using a tourniquet and IPP located in a specially designated pocket is much easier and faster than unwinding them from the butt.
5.If you need to fold the stock, you cannot do this with a tourniquet.

To experiment, wrap the tourniquet around the stock, secure it, and then try to quickly remove and apply it. Try the same thing from your pocket and it will immediately become clear.

In addition, no matter what counter-strike pros say, you can simply lose a machine gun in battle. This often occurs during a near rupture, contusion, etc. and in addition to weapons, you have also lost first aid equipment, which in this case you will most likely need...

landing 05/27/2014 - 14:02

There are many photographs where fighters have a medical tourniquet wrapped around the butt of their machine gun. Is there any practical use for this, besides being constantly on hand in case of injury? As far as I understand, such storage of the tourniquet renders it unusable and, if you try to use it for its intended purpose, it will simply break.

think correctly.
Well, there’s also a little convenience from touching your face not to the metal of the butt.

vladdrakon 05/27/2014 - 15:02

This tourniquet is clumsy. From the same opera as a spent rocket launcher pulled over a flash suppressor, supposedly from dust. Gun oil corrodes rubber and
The resulting cracks tear up the unshaven cheek when inserted into the butt during recoil. The bandage inside the butt is also for fashion. All these brave gadgets in the form of a tourniquet and other glasses on a bandana and gloves cut off at the phalanx give a plus 15 to the bonus for a distant enemy sniper to choose your carcass as a target.

zaurbek 05/29/2014 - 22:29

Cheap show off. While you unwind it from the butt and heal the wound, you will lose a liter of blood. And elasticity is lost in practice.

Rus-s 05/30/2014 - 09:09

And who can say the pros and cons of the handle on the forend?

Father Mikhail 05/30/2014 - 09:43

A normal and practical device. The main thing is that there IS a tourniquet. loses elasticity? Throw it out and wind a new one. And in the butt frame there is also an inspection package inserted. Very convenient and practical.

vladdrakon 05/30/2014 - 10:18

For me, it’s more convenient and practical to place a parachute lanyard in the side pocket of the sleeve. And the same tourniquet, if God forbid, weighs nothing and you can even pull it out with your teeth when needed and always have it with you, and who knows how else you can use this rope for another purpose.

But they say now that people are actively using women’s tampons as a hemostatic agent for wounds, very interesting; Have any of the comrades come across this?

vladdrakon 05/30/2014 - 10:32

And who can say the pros and cons of the handle on the forend?
I haven't tried it personally; and in the army for such non-statutory modification of weapons, previously scolding would have been inevitable. But I believe there is a rational grain in this, it’s not for nothing that the Hungarians and Romanians in their versions of the Kalash regularly install the front handle on the forearm.

lynx145 05/30/2014 - 10:42

Cheap show off. While you unwind it from the butt
Echo of Afghanistan. in 79, there was at least a pouch for stores. Razgrueks were made from life jackets, a Chinese "bra" - best gift. The dressing bag was screwed into the butt frame with a tourniquet. Now yes, there is no need for winding.

Rus-s 05/30/2014 - 12:53

Napkins of this type are sold in pharmacies.

Warrior555 05/30/2014 - 13:07

I read about the tourniquet that it is more of a “tribute to fashion”. Rubbing a dirty tourniquet around a wound is not very helpful.
About paracord (parachute line) as a substitute - interesting.
On the front handle - it is also convenient for long-armed people, when they come across an oversized weapon and it is inconvenient to hold it by the fore-end.
Here are the ballistic glasses - useful thing, it’s a pity that for us this is a matter of people’s personal initiative.

Rus-s 05/30/2014 - 13:46

Rubbing a dirty tourniquet around a wound is not very helpful.
Isn’t it applied above the wound? How does it come into contact with the wound?

Warrior555 05/30/2014 - 14:19

In battle conditions, when a large vessel has been broken or a limb has been torn off, when people are being dragged somewhere, running and falling, of course there will be a professional medic nearby (and not a friend/colleague with shaking hands, smeared with everything possible) who will apply a tourniquet with an experienced movement where necessary with millimeter accuracy 😊. In reality, even applying a tourniquet yourself in a non-combat situation without rubbing dirt from it into the wound is not so easy. All of course IMHO. It’s better to ask those who have done this in a combat situation.

zaurbek 05/30/2014 - 16:47

woman's tampons

Some women's pads are used as insoles in shoes. It’s very comfortable, by the way, and your feet don’t sweat.

Mazilla 05/30/2014 - 17:04

In battle conditions, when a large vessel is broken or a limb is torn off, when people are being dragged somewhere, running and falling,

I doubted it.
I went to the combat unit.
I read it.
Doubts disappeared.

Warrior555 05/30/2014 - 18:47

Mazilla - so I wrote that I did not serve and did not fight. Why doubt it 😊. I saw only Afghans live, they were the taciturn ones, they didn’t talk much about those times. Well, front-line soldiers. But can you imagine the same situation?

Mazilla 05/30/2014 - 20:21

Yes Yes.

Norg 06.06.2014 - 16:16

Father Mikhail
The main thing is that there IS a tourniquet. ....

Yes, this is the answer to TS's question.
Unlike the IPP, an “individual tourniquet” is not issued to fighters; it is part of the medical kit or driver’s first aid kit. It is mined by fighters using household methods.

And where do you order the fighter to wear it? It’s inconvenient in a pocket, there’s no room for it in a pouch, you can quickly get horseradish out of a RD or “Sidor” - so they put it on stocks, and not only on folding ones. Turnstiles neither in Sovetskaya nor in Russian armies as if not intended...

In general, it’s all ours because of poverty. And from a disregard for the life and health of employees.

PVL 06/11/2014 - 11:00

I haven't tried it personally; and in the army for such non-statutory modification of weapons, previously scolding would have been inevitable. But I believe there is a rational grain in this, it’s not for nothing that the Hungarians and Romanians in their versions of the Kalash regularly install the front handle on the forearm.

Well, it depends on the commander, we were neutral. For me personally, the handle did not add any convenience or inconvenience; I went with the standard one. And it appeared specifically on Romanian and Hungarian machine guns because their barrel heats up more, so that it’s impossible to even hold the fore-end, hence the handle. I don’t know about the Hungarian ones, but the Romanian AKs overheated very quickly. But the Romanians have a leather belt - it’s interesting.
As for the tourniquet, it’s just a show-off, they shoved an individual package, but it’s also not very convenient, it could fly out. And beer bottles have a tourniquet that makes it difficult to open.

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On July 13, the African swine fever (ASF) virus broke out in the village of Verblyuzhye, Sargat district. Now the disease, according to the main agricultural department of the region, has spread to 4 districts - Omsk, Lyubinsk, Sargatsky, Tavrichesky districts. Farmers continue to seize animals from contaminated areas and destroy outbuildings.ASF was first registered in Russia in 2007 (before that in the USSR in 1977). Effective way struggles other than extermination of pigs do not yet exist. Vaccine trials are underway in Russia and Spain.
In the Omsk region, within a radius of 5 km from the ASF outbreak, all pigs and products obtained from them are confiscated from farms and sent for destruction. Within a radius of up to 100 km from the borders of the ASF outbreak, observations of the clinical condition of pigs are carried out with sampling from all pigs suspected of having the disease and their laboratory testing for ASF, and the transportation of pigs from this zone is prohibited and peasant slaughter is not carried out (only industrial). Seized pigs in the Omsk region are destroyed (burned), but for example in Spain, infected pigs are processed into canned food.
The amount of payments has become known, which will be 133 rubles per kilogram of live weight and 186 rubles for slaughter weight. The amount of payments is determined based on the average market value in live weight of pigs, boars, piglets, despite their real cost and breed (breeding). Only those owners who surrender animals voluntarily will receive compensation; those who hide the facts of death will not receive compensation and will be prosecuted by law, according to the regional government. In the Omsk region, more than 3,500 pigs have been destroyed to date in ASF outbreaks. The work of supervisory services has been intensified, roadside cafes and places of unauthorized trade are being checked, and raids are being carried out on city municipal markets in every district of the city.
Similar situations have already arisen in Russia, for example in 2016. ASF reduced the pig population then from 450 thousand to 55 thousand. suffered as subsidiary plots, and large corporations (“Agroeco”). The payments were the same for business representatives and ordinary people.
The cause of the disease has not yet been identified. The budget will pay people meager compensation for pigs, but no one will return lost profits, wasted energy and health to people.
The ASF outbreak in the Omsk region forced the authorities of neighboring regions to think about radical measures. The authorities of the Novosibirsk and Tyumen regions are seriously concerned that we have an ASF outbreak. Despite the fact that there are no outbreaks of the disease within the borders of these regions, the regions are thinking about shooting all wild boars.