How to remove old paint from a heating pipe - chemical and mechanical methods. Methods for removing old paint from pipes How to clean a riser from old paint

01.11.2019 Heaters

Preparatory work and the dyeing process is a very labor-intensive job that requires not only strength, but also patience. To achieve perfect paint coverage, the surface of the pipe must be vainly cleaned of old layers of paint.

Before removing paint from a pipe, you need to find out ways to achieve this goal: chemical and mechanical methods. It cannot be said unequivocally that both methods are suitable for removing old paint from a metal surface, since the quality of the metal and the degree of wear vary. Take, for example, a pipe that has rusted and swelled with a layer of paint.

As a rule, the integrity of the structure is destroyed by rust, and if you begin to clean it of layers of paint mechanically, then cracks may appear on the pipe and it will begin to leak. To prevent this, it is necessary to carry out gentle cleaning using construction hair dryer and brushes.

Method No. 1

Before removing paint from the pipe, use a brush to scrape off the swollen layer and rinse with water; heat the paint layer that remains on non-rusty areas with a hair dryer. As the temperature rises, the paint will begin to swell and will need to be removed with a brush. The cleaned surface of rust and paint must be washed off with warm soapy water, dried and painted with an anti-corrosion compound and a new coat of paint applied.

Method No. 2

Removing the old paint layer from cast iron heating pipes can be done with a special chemical composition- wash.

This must be done wearing a respirator, rubber gloves, protective clothing and with the windows open.

The remover is applied to the entire surface and removed after a certain period of time. The first sign that the paint is ready to be removed is the formation of bubbles and “wrinkles”.

You can remove the swollen layer of paint with a spatula or a metal brush. If after the initial treatment the paint remains on the surface, then it is necessary to repeat the procedure by applying a new layer of remover. Finally, the surface is cleaned with sandpaper or construction sanding mesh.

After treating the surface with a remover, it is necessary to rinse the pipes thoroughly with water with the addition of alkaline agents in order to neutralize the acid. Then treat the surface with a primer and apply a new coat of paint.

For processing vertical pipes It is best to use a gel or paste remover. This texture covers well and lasts a long time on the surface than liquid, which evaporates in a matter of minutes.

Method number 3

This method very simple, it can be used to clean most of the surface in a short period of time. To do this, you need an electric drill with special attachments, which are intended for removing paint and varnish coating and sanding the surface. The rotation mode of the nozzle is hard. If you don’t have an electric drill, you can use a regular grinder, remove the disc and replace it with a brush or another attachment.

Method number 4

This method is intended for pipe surfaces that are painted with oil paint. Oil paint Over time it becomes very strong and very difficult to dissolve. IN in this case You can use gasoline, acetone or lime paste slaked with soda ash.

Lime paste ideally cleans oil surfaces that are no more than 4-5 years old. Surface treatment with these products should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, wearing protective clothing and rubber gloves. Make sure your eyes are protected with goggles.

Method number 5

The surface of pipes can be cleaned from a layer of old paint blowtorch. When burning the surface, make sure that there is no fire. The choice of a particular method depends on the availability of the necessary materials.

In any case, when it comes to finishing, painting, puttying and other work, any good builder will remove the old one before applying a new coating. This also applies to already peeling paint from pipes. It doesn’t matter what kind of pipes they are, maybe heating or water pipes.

Removing paint from a pipe is not difficult, not a little troublesome. Most often they use plaster, an iron scraper, a chisel and a bunch of solvents, but this does not make it much easier difficult task. We live in the 21st century, so there must be more innovative ways to solve this problem.

There are two types of ways to get rid of old paint:

  1. Chemical, which allows you to save enough time on removing paint. It is represented by various liquids and sprays, solvents.
  2. Mechanical. Involves the use of specialized tools to solve a problem.

Of course, it is impossible to clearly divide the entire process into using only one specific method out of two. We can say that cleaning old paint is a combination of chemical and mechanical methods.

For paint removal work, you need to use protective equipment: rubber gloves to avoid dermatological problems or injury old pipe, eye protection or a respirator to avoid inhaling chemicals

The most commonly needed tools are: a hair dryer, a torch/soldering iron, a grinder and a grinder, special chemicals and acetone.

We go to a building materials store and consult with consultants about choosing a chemical. Be sure to study the packaging or label! It may have important information, which will not only prevent harm to health, but can also protect the material from improper use.

You can take a special wash, this universal remedy, removing all types of paint from the surface. Apply the product to the pipe with a brush and wait 10-15 minutes. The paint seems to have acidified, and now it can be removed with a spatula or chisel. Remove the paint thoroughly, and then clean the surface with a regular solvent. Next, wash the pipe with a damp cloth.

There are also even more useful ones on the farm chemicals, which will help remove not only paint, but also varnish, glue residues, plaster, not only from metal, but also wood, ceramic tiles, glass and even cement.

This is the simplest way to quickly and easily clean a pipe from old paint. But there are other ways. For example, you can use power tools. Special attachments were made for the grinding machine. This not only removes paint, but also rust. There are also attachments for an angle grinder. Residues from electrical appliances are cleaned with a solvent.

Sometimes the surface of the pipe is sanded with warm air from a hair dryer or a torch. The applied paint is also removed with a spatula, and at the end the surface is cleaned with a solvent.

How to remove old paint from metal? This question arises when the previous decorative layer falls into disrepair. The coating can deteriorate for various reasons, but the main factor is constant contact of the surface with oxygen. You can remove the old layer in various ways, but the method should take into account the specific situation and not take much time.

Removal of a worn out or outdated protective and decorative layer can be carried out in various ways, during which certain materials and tools will be used. The following options are considered the most popular and effective:

  • Use of available heating devices. Thermal action allows you to quickly remove old composition, but may have a negative effect on the surface. For work, use a hair dryer, blowtorch or gas-burner. If necessary, parts can be immersed in a furnace or fire.

Removing paint using heat is a labor-intensive process, the speed of work depends on the heating device and the thickness of the metal layer: the thicker it is, the longer it takes to clean

Important! Many decorative compositions have good flammability even after complete drying, which can lead to bad consequences. Also, this method is not suitable in cases where it is necessary to process small area single design.

  • Use of devices with abrasive attachments. The mechanical method allows you to clean metal parts systematically, adjusting the load on the surface. This method is not always suitable for working with small or relief elements. The process will take a lot of time, but may be the only correct solution. Among the devices used are sandpaper, a grinding and polishing machine, a grinder and brush attachments.
  • Wash metal base You can do it yourself using acetone and white spirit. But if the resulting film has good adhesion to the base, then this will not help. This option is an excellent addition to the previous method.
  • Quick results are achieved by using a special remover. Chemical method good because it allows you to remove paint in a short period of time, and even difficult areas can be cleaned.

The use of any tool or material must be done with caution; harm can be caused not only to the metal, but also to health.

Removing paint using the thermal method

This technology involves the use of available devices. The principle is that under the influence high temperatures the coating softens, after which it can be removed immediately. When using tools with an open flame, a burning effect is created, due to which the paint burns, freeing the base for subsequent cleaning.

Work order:

  1. The condition of the area being cleaned is assessed. If the structure is easily removable, then it is better to dismantle it, this will allow the work to be completed more safely. If this is not possible, ensure that adjacent areas will not be exposed to high temperatures.
  2. All excess is removed, and adjacent surfaces are protected if necessary. Asbestos boards can be used for this.
  3. The item is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust, washed with water and dried.
  4. In preparation heating device. It is better to use a hair dryer, as it is much safer than a gas torch or blowtorch. You also need to have a wire brush and spatula. To avoid unpleasant consequences, protective equipment is provided: gloves, goggles, respirator.
  5. Heating occurs evenly. Initially, a large area is captured to make the coating easier to remove, then individual zones are heated. As soon as the structure of the layer being removed becomes noticeably softer, a spatula or brush is used.
  6. For achievement best result all movements must be interconnected and consistent: heating - removal.
  7. To completely remove residues, a solvent is used. The main thing is that the base should not be very hot.

This method is suitable when you need to clean the oil coloring composition. It is better to carry out work on outdoors or in a constantly ventilated area.

On a note! Heating radiators made of cast iron, brass and aluminum, as well as thin sheets and forged decorative elements, which are parts of a composition made of other materials.

Cleaning with abrasives

The tools used are drills, grinders, and grinders. The choice of a suitable nozzle, which must have an abrasive coating, is very important. To work in hard to reach places and with small parts it is better to use manual method: sandpaper is used independently or mounted on a special block.

It happens that it does not take much time to remove paint from metal when using mechanical method when the surface has a large number of peeling and swelling as a result of exposure to rust. In this case, a spatula and a knife are used. The main thing is to subject the base to thorough cleaning and anti-corrosion treatment.

Process algorithm:

  1. The place is prepared, everything unnecessary is removed. A respirator, gloves and goggles are used as protection.
  2. Removal begins from the selected area. It is better to move systematically, clearing the entire area without skipping.
  3. Different types of tools and abrasives have different effects on the surface. If the paint is applied in a thick layer or is well absorbed, the process begins with the roughest products, then the nozzle is changed.
  4. Due to the formation of dust and dirt, it is recommended to spray the treated area with water from a spray bottle. This method is suitable when using attachments in the form of brushes, disks or petal circles.

Strong mechanical impact can damage the base, so tools are used for rough cleaning. For parts that require careful processing, the manual method is chosen.

Chemical removal

A simple but unsafe method. The chemical option allows you to quickly and efficiently wash off water-based acrylic or other polymer composition, as well as organic paints. Used for work different kinds products. Aerosols have proven themselves well; with their help you can easily treat the desired area.

Attention! If you need to clean brass or other decorative parts, they are first boiled in soap solution. Paint removal is done manually.

When working at home, it is advisable to take care of the health of others, animals and indoor plants. All procedures are carried out in a ventilated area wearing gloves, a respirator and safety glasses.

The technology is as follows:

  1. The surface to be treated is thoroughly cleaned and washed, and after drying, degreased.
  2. Adjacent areas are closed, unnecessary items are removed.
  3. The chemical reagent is applied generously and thoroughly. An aerosol or liquid composition. For the second option you need a brush.
  4. The product closes plastic film, this will improve the response.
  5. Depending on the manufacturer’s recommendation, you should then wait from 1 to 10 hours, and then remove the swollen layer using a spatula and brush.
  6. The surface is immediately washed with solvent and water, otherwise there is a high probability that the composition will damage the metal structure.

This product is also suitable for cleaning powder paint, but it is better to choose more caustic compounds.

When thinking about, there is often a desire to put things in order plumbing system, paint the pipes in new color. Before applying a new coat of paint, you need to get rid of the old one. Below we will look at several methods that explain how to remove it from pipes without damaging its metal surface.

Required tools and materials

First of all, you should stock up on available tools that, firstly, will ensure your safety, and secondly, will help you get rid of old paint:

  • Safety glasses, overalls and respirator. Instead of a respirator, a regular gauze bandage is suitable, which needs to be changed once every half hour in case of continuous operation.
  • Drill with special attachments.
  • Sandpaper of different grits.
  • Old iron.
  • Blowtorch.
  • Solvent (acetone, remover).
  • Rag.
  • Protective gloves if chemical removal method is used.
  • Spatula or scraper.
  • Knife, chisel.

Remember that the list above contains those that will help you in your work. In this case, it is not necessary to have them all; it is enough to have a drill with special attachments or grinder, or a blowtorch. Below we will look at ways to remove old paint from pipes at home.

Video tutorial on removing old paint

Method of using chemistry

IN construction stores Various chemical products are sold to remove old paint. All of them are poisonous; it is imperative to use a respirator or at least a gauze bandage. You can try removing the paint special means B-52.

Before you begin the cleaning process, you need to meet a number of requirements:

  • Clear the room of unnecessary items.
  • , since the pungent smell of chemicals can be absorbed into them, and you will create unnecessary problems for yourself.
  • Make sure there are no children running around in the room.
  • Open windows and doors to keep the room constantly ventilated.
  • Finally, check to see if they may need to be replaced.

Apply the chemical solution to the surface. Try to avoid the method chemical treatment, if it is possible to remove the paint mechanically. If after the mechanical method there is still some layer left, then in this case you cannot do without chemistry. After applying the chemical to the surface, you need to wait 10 to 20 minutes, as indicated in the instructions, then remove the remaining paint with a spatula or knife and remove the remaining product with a rag.

Mechanical method

Drill with special attachment

One of the best is to use a drill with a special attachment. Or, if you have the opportunity to purchase grinding machine, then you will make your task even easier. The main thing here is not to overdo it so that no damage remains on the pipe.

Putty knife

The method will require physical effort from you. Try to scrape off the paint layer. Of course, in hard-to-reach places you will have to use solvents.

Construction hair dryer or old iron

We will try to explain how to remove old paint from a pipe using a hair dryer. Heat the surface and then use a knife to scrape it clean. Remember that a hair dryer cannot be used on a gas pipeline. Otherwise, you risk becoming the instigator of a fire or explosion. If you don’t have a hair dryer at home, but have an old iron, then apply foil to the pipe and use the iron. Modern irons should not be used to avoid damaging them.


You can try heating the pipe with a blowtorch. Afterwards you will have to treat it with a solvent.


Alternatively, use sandpaper. Select a specific grain size - the smaller the grain size will be on sandpaper, the lower the likelihood that you will damage the pipe. When finished, use a rag to remove any layer of dust.


The methods we propose are time-tested. Now that you know how to remove paint from a pipe, you can handle this task yourself. If you have questions, leave them in the comments below!