Why do you dream about falling in a dream? Why do you dream about falling?

16.10.2019 Accessories

Surely everyone has dreamed of falling - just out of the blue, with high altitude, into a hole, into an abyss, from a mountain, in an elevator, into an abyss, into water or a well, fainting, or even from a chair...

Sometimes we wake up from a fall, and sometimes we dream that we crashed or injured ourselves in a dream. It is unpleasant, and sometimes, on the contrary, exciting.

The dream book does not give a clear answer as to why you dream of falling - such stereotypes that falling means failure or misfortune are wrong. After all, what is important here is not only the action itself, but also additional symbols: whether you dreamed about mountains, a roof, riding in an elevator, and so on.

It depends on the “scenery” of the dream and the nuances of the vision. exact interpretation. The options are as follows:

  • A simple fall in a dream.
  • Falling, having a fear of heights.
  • Fall into a hole, onto asphalt or into an abyss and damage something to yourself.
  • Walk and suddenly fall into a hole.
  • Fall down out of the blue.
  • To break from falling from a height in a dream.
  • Fall into the water.
  • Fall in a dream and wake up from it.

Perhaps your dream suggests two or even more options at once? Read all the appropriate interpretations, compare and analyze to understand what to expect in reality.

What to expect after the vision?

It is worth saying that events such as a fall often warn the dreamer of dangers or difficulties, and foreshadow disappointments or troubles in reality.

But you should not be afraid of such interpretations - after all, these dreams, on the contrary, will help you do the right thing, prepare for possible unexpected turns of fate and prevent unpleasant events. So you need to treat such interpretations calmly and wisely.

1. As the dream book says, falling in dreams, just as if from nowhere and into nowhere, is often a symbol of growth. Perhaps this is how your subconscious reacts to internal spiritual changes, new stage, personal evolution.

Listen to yourself, notice the changes - maybe you have become wiser and are ready to change your life, your attitude towards the world and yourself?

2. If a woman had to fall in a dream (fainting, from a height or from a mountain, it doesn’t matter) - this may mean some kind of forbidden, illicit feeling. You are limited social attitudes and stamps, and yours are new, hidden feelings and desires sharply contradict them.

Decide for yourself - to remain captive of other people’s imposed rules and moral principles or listen to your desires and not suppress them, depriving yourself of happiness.

3. If in a dream you experienced a terrible fear of heights and panic, almost fainting from horror, then know: the difficulties that you are now trying to overcome and which are poisoning your life will ultimately turn into success.

So believe in your own strengths - difficulties are given as a test to give you the necessary experience and new strength. And if you are not afraid and move on without retreating, then success will pay off in full.

4. Damaging something from falling in a dream is a symbol of upcoming conflicts. It is advisable and correct to try not to provoke them, to be calmer and not to spoil relationships with others. It will be more difficult to correct and smooth over the conflict.

5. Flying from a great height in a dream is a symbol of certain difficulties and obstacles on the way to the goal. Fear is your enemy and it only makes your problems worse. Those who are not afraid of difficulties and are not lazy to overcome them solve problems faster and easier.

Circumstances of the vision

1. If you fell from a mountain in a dream, the interpreter’s advice is this: take care of what you have achieved . Your behavior is probably risky now; you may lose the success you have achieved, the place you stand in, your reputation and relationships with people.

No matter what height you are at, even if it is small, still take care of your position so as not to fall.

2. If in your dreams you were in an elevator and were terrified of it falling, in reality you are afraid of decisive action and stand still. Nevertheless, this fear is unfounded, and “getting stuck” at one point is worse than any difficulties.

3. P Sitting in an elevator is a scary dream, but it only means that difficulties and problems occur due to lack of self-confidence. You can blame circumstances, fate, other people, but it doesn't really change anything. Everything will change, and radically in better side when you believe in yourself and begin to take active action.

4. Falling into a hole is a sign that you do not feel your fulcrum and are at a loss. You should calm down, wait, relax, put your thoughts in order.

Understand yourself, look around - you will probably find support in your loved ones, or you will find the strength in yourself to confidently move towards your goal. And the goal itself should be defined more clearly.

5. If in a dream you were walking and suddenly fell into an abyss or hole, even into an open hatch, know that unexpected success will come to you after many difficulties. In other words, a wide white stripe will replace troubles.

7. Fainting in dreams is a symbol of change. They will be positive, but you are not ready for them, so you may become stressed.

Prepare mentally for the fact that life can change at any time, and this is always for the better. Although it is not easy to give up old, familiar stereotypes, if you are not afraid of change and know that new opportunities lie ahead, then life will be happy.

8. Falling over out of the blue is also a symbol of uncertainty and confusion. It’s like the ground sometimes disappears from under your feet. Only you yourself can cope with this condition and only with your willpower.

9. Flying into a dark abyss is good dream, especially if you did not experience fear and panic in the dream. This promises interesting things, and if you felt delighted at the same time, then know: many new projects await you that will bring you self-realization and joy.

10. If in a vision you happened to crash, falling from somewhere, then current affairs are unlikely to bring success. We need to think about what to change - maybe take on other projects that are more promising?

11. Falling into the water is a symbol that you will soon fall in love and lose your head. Well, open up to a new feeling - it will bring a lot of emotions! And if you dived, jumped into the water, while feeling joy, a lot of pleasures and pleasant emotions await you.

12. If you woke up from a fall, you have very significant events ahead of you in reality. Author: Vasilina Serova

And so on.

Falling from height- failure, exposure of your secret.

Falling into a hole- illness, deterioration of social status.

Waking up when falling, horror- this is neurotic anxiety, crisis, transition to recovery.

A fall- may also mean that you are losing control over yourself or over life. If this is true, you must find one area in your life that you have control over, and build on that to gain control over other areas of your life.

They often say “to fall face down”, “fallen woman”- these expressions can be symbols. Does this symbolism apply to you?

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Feeling a fall in a dream- to troubles that await you both in public and in personal life. Important in solving such a dream, the height from which you fall matters.

Fall from a great height- several unpleasant events will happen in your life. This state of affairs will unsettle you for a long time, as difficulties will fall on you one after another, not giving you the opportunity to rest. You will lose your footing, your fall will be inevitable. WITH with great difficulty you can recover from the blow. It will take a lot of strength from you to pass the test of strength.

If in a dream you fall from a small height- this means that you will find yourself in a difficult situation from which it will be very difficult for you to get out. But not much time will pass, and you will be able to enjoy life again, despite minor troubles.

If you are seriously injured in a fall and experience severe pain- it says that you for a long time You will be in despair, close to mild insanity, as you will get tired of waiting for your life to change even a little for the better.

Seeing someone else fall- hurry to help a friend in trouble.

English dream book

A dream in which you fall from a height (from a tree or from the edge of an abyss)- means loss of position and property. If you are in love. You are in vain showering him (or her) with your affection. You won't be able to get married!

Traders and businessmen have a dream- portends business failures, financial difficulties and the like. Those who set sail are in for a big disaster: a shipwreck and all the troubles that arise from it.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Fall from a height- to a serious illness.

See yourself falling- to joy.

Italian dream book

Fall- denotes a loss of life direction, under someone’s influence. Very often this image can be associated with the fear of career destruction, the feeling that some relationship is coming to an end, the fear of physical death or death desire.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

ABC of dream interpretation

If you fall from tall building or into the abyss - this is a symbolic warning that evil fate can play a dangerous joke on you. You will lose status, fortune, honor, etc.

Falling from a height is failure, exposure of your secret.

Falling into a pit means illness, deterioration in social status.

Awakening when falling, horror is neurotic anxiety, crisis, transition to recovery.

Falling into an abyss or from a height means your plans are not feasible. Adjust them, simplify them.

Falling off a horse means you will have to pay for a pleasant adventure. Prepare a “coin”.

Falling while running - a little patience and you will achieve success. Now pause.

If you fall out of the vehicle, you will have to start all over again. Now is the time to dream about the future.

American dream book

To fall is a loss of control over oneself or over life. We often fall when we learn to walk. Situations where “the ground has gone from under your feet,” as well as self-doubt during personal growth, all this often causes such dreams.

English dream book

A dream in which you fall from a height (from a tree or from the edge of an abyss) means the loss of position and property. If you are in love. You are in vain showering him (or her) with your affection. You won't be able to get married!

For traders and businessmen, a dream foretells business failures, financial difficulties, and the like. Those who set sail are in for a big disaster: a shipwreck and all the troubles that arise from it.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about falling in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream in which you fall and experience fear means: you will encounter serious trials along the way, but you will successfully cope with them. It's worse if you fall into the abyss.

If you dreamed that you injured yourself by falling, get ready for difficulties and conflicts with friends.

Idiomatic dream book

“To fall low”, “totally sank!”, “to sink to the very bottom” - to degrade greatly; “come down to earth” - gain a sense of the real; “stop soaring in the clouds and come down to earth” - realistically assess the situation.

Imperial dream book

To fall (a distinct feeling of falling) is not to control oneself and the situation: that is, to enter into a confrontation with reality, based on one’s own weakness and inadequacy, generated by the internal disorder of feelings and opinions (the lack of habit of self-restraint and self-education is simply called stupidity). All actions in this state are meaningless and self-destructive. One way or another, all actions will be aimed at maintaining one’s own safety, which will lead to quarrels and deterioration of relationships with others, if one does not realize that the main enemy and source of fall is in the chaos of one’s own thoughts.

Falling into the abyss is a major spiritual loss, a miscalculation (physical illness), and no obvious open consequences - they are in the future. All dream options here are unfavorable, everyone reports varying degrees damage to the liver, kidneys and spleen.

Icelandic dream book

To fall means loss of honor.

Italian dream book

To fall means a loss of life direction, under someone’s influence. Very often this image can be associated with the fear of career destruction, the feeling that some relationship is coming to an end, the fear of physical death or death desire.

If a person sees that he is falling, this is a reflection of the collapse of his romantic aspirations or erotic passions, a reflection of his inability to cope with existing problems and fear. that he cannot stand on his own two feet.

Lunar dream book

To fall is an insult; to fall and hold on is the return of what was lost.

Maly Velesov dream book

To fall is humiliation, bad luck, misfortune, illness, loss, failure; into a pit - death, fire; into the water - the desired will not come true.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Falling is an inevitable dangerous situation, often accompanied by anxiety, an indication of real reasons failures.

Fall - associated with falling into the hands of the enemy, danger of failure, misfortune, high probability of death due to the fact that it indicates a symbolic descent into the grave. Close to this is the experience of falling asleep or falling asleep, as well as birth (falling out).

Fall in a woman's dreams is sexual intercourse, since the physiology of female sexuality implies falling and lowering (fallen woman).

The fall of another person is an unconscious desire for death or a man's fantasy of a "fallen" woman.

Rise and fall - exaggerated ambitions often erect a barrier to childhood fears, but over time the old fear breaks through again. A life curve consisting of ups and downs.

The fall of the individual, loss of consciousness - loss of the Ego. Death and dreams are often associated. Transition from an active to a passive state, from resistance to compliance.

Psychological dream book

Fall - usually indicates elevated level anxiety.

If you dream of falling, this means that you are giving in to difficulties, giving in to the struggle of life (or at least deep down in your soul there is a desire to give up and give up), losing control over yourself, admitting your helplessness.

Russian dream book

To fall is to grow; into the abyss - interesting things; but if you fall and crash, you will not achieve success in business.

Family dream book

A dream in which you fell and were very scared by this promises you overcoming difficulties and good luck.

If you fall and get seriously injured, you may have a misunderstanding with your friends.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Falling?

If you dream that you are falling and experience great fear, in reality you will undergo severe trials, but gradually fame and wealth will come to you.

If you are injured in a fall, real life Difficulties and loss of friends await you.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Fall is a reflection of fear of failure. Reflection of risk.

Azar's Dream Book

To fall - to see a child fall - obstacles in your endeavors.

Falling from a great height - promotion, well-deserved honors.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Feeling a fall in a dream is a sign of troubles that await you both in public and in personal life. The height from which you fall is important in solving such a dream.

Falling from a great height means several unpleasant events will happen in your life. This state of affairs will unsettle you for a long time, as difficulties will fall on you one after another, not giving you the opportunity to rest. You will lose your footing, your fall will be inevitable. With great difficulty you will be able to recover from the blow. It will take a lot of strength from you to pass the test of strength.

If in a dream you fall from a small height, this means that you will find yourself in a difficult situation from which it will be very difficult for you to get out. But not much time will pass, and you will be able to enjoy life again, despite minor troubles.

If you receive serious injuries as a result of a fall and feel severe pain, this means that you will be in despair for a long time, close to mild insanity, since you will get tired of waiting for your life to change even a little for the better.

To see someone else falling - hurry to help a friend in trouble.

Dream book of the future

Falling in a dream and being very scared promises overcoming significant difficulties, the struggle with which will lead you to success; falling from a great height - well-deserved honors, promotion.

Dream book for lovers

If you dream that you fell and got hurt, this promises separation from your loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

We often fall when we learn to walk. If we have “lost the ground from under our feet” - in some situation or we are in the process of personal growth and are not confident in ourselves, such signs will often appear to us.

When we “tread new ground” and take risks, the reward is often success. Sometimes we even have to fail first in order to achieve success. Learn to take risks in life.

Falling can also mean that you are losing control over yourself or over life. If this is true, you must find one area in your life that you have control over, and build on that to gain control over other areas of your life.

They often say “to fall face down”, “fallen woman” - these expressions can be symbols. Does this symbolism apply to you?

Dream book for a bitch

To fall means well-deserved honors, promotion.

If you get scared in a dream when you fall, you will have to overcome possible difficulties.

Hitting means separation from friends.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A dream about falling is a sign of an unexpected obstacle in business. Accompanying dream images often carry a hint about which side you should beware of troubles from.

To unexpectedly fall out of the blue means that something that seems reliable and strong to you may present an unpleasant surprise.

Falling and slipping is a sign that it is better for you to postpone all matters related to risk for now.

Climbing up and falling from a height suggests that the difficult task you have undertaken or are about to undertake is unlikely to be within your power. Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to get some rest before you take it on.

Falling down the stairs is a warning that your position is at risk. It is possible that you made a mistake in business, and this could result in trouble.

A dream in which you dream that you fell out of bed suggests that relaxation in this moment is inappropriate and can lead to serious trouble.

Fall while running in a dream - bad omen. This is a sign that you anticipate a very serious obstacle on your path, but you don’t know which side to expect it from. You should conduct your affairs with great care and caution.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

To fall - loss of property and health; from a high place - squalor, deprivation of a relative.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about falling in a dream?

To fall - believe only in yourself.

Miller's Dream Book

Falling in a dream and being very scared at the same time promises you to overcome significant difficulties, the fight against which will lead you to success.

If you are seriously injured by falling, expect loss; it is possible that your friends will leave you.

Dream book of the past

If a person sees himself falling, this reflects the collapse of his romantic aspirations or desires, reflects his inability to cope with his problems and fear, he is not able to stand on his own two feet. Often this means the loss of the right direction in life, one’s own ideals and attitudes under the influence of some strong personality.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Falling in a dream and being very scared at the same time means in reality overcoming significant difficulties and ultimately winning over circumstances.

If you fall and get seriously hurt, expect material losses or loss of friends.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Falling according to the dream book?

Falling means discomfort, difficulties, fears, anxieties.

Land successfully, smoothly and softly - balance, harmony, problem solving.

Freud's Dream Book

For any person, falling in a dream symbolizes the possibility that he will become a victim of sexual harassment. For a man, this can also symbolize his fear of being unsuccessful during sexual contact.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The feeling of falling - to loss, bitter regrets; to actually fall means trouble, a risky business; a shooting star directly towards the sleeping person means the fulfillment of the most cherished desires, but if into the water or sea, the desires will not be fulfilled, the secret will not be fulfilled.

Medieval dream book

Falling from a height means a serious illness.

Seeing yourself falling is a sign of joy.

French dream book

Falling in a dream, but immediately getting up is a sign that honors and prosperity await you soon.

If you were unable to rise after a fall, your dream is a harbinger of future misfortunes.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Falling is an insult.

Universal dream book

Why are we so afraid of falling, because the sensations we experience are quite exciting? What we are really afraid of is lack of support and an unpleasant landing.

If you fall in a dream, it means you lack support. Why don't you feel supported? What can you do to regain your footing in life? Remember where you fell from in your dream (from a cliff, from a ladder, or just from the sky) and where you fell. What area of ​​life was affected in the dream: work, relationships or social status? This will tell you what areas of your life you lack support in.

If in a dream you fall from the stairs, first of all, inspect the stairs in your house to make sure that they are in good condition, and then think: perhaps in the dream you assumed that someone would hold the stairs for you.

If you see another person falling in a dream, think: maybe he needs support. Or has he fallen out of favor with you? What does this person mean to you? Perhaps it symbolizes some aspect of your personality? Think about your life. Perhaps in a dream you foresee failures at work, a decline in relationships or another area of ​​life?

Gypsy dream book

People often dream that they are falling, gypsies say that this means that you are unhappy, especially in your personal life, and you want to get out of this situation.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of sleep: Falling according to the dream book?

To fall means failure in your endeavors, sudden negative changes. If you wake up at the same time, the “fall” will happen soon.

Why do you dream of falling down?

A correct understanding of why you dream of falling down depends on the specific circumstances under which the fall took place. If a person, while in a sleeping state, simply felt that he was falling, this means that soon sorrows and painful experiences await him.

Falling rapidly and at the same time hitting or injuring yourself very hard on something indicates a quarrel with friends or serious financial losses.

If a person dreams that he is falling from a cliff, mountain or other hill into the sea, ocean or river, then his cherished dream will not come true.

When a person falls in a dream because someone pushed him, it means that there are a lot of people around him. envious people who build various intrigues and gossip behind their backs.

If a person dreamed that he fell heavily and someone helped him up, this means that there is a faithful friend nearby who will help in a difficult life situation.

A good sign would be if a person fell on a soft surface - on a bed, mattress, hay. This says that all his endeavors will end in success. However, it's worth a little effort.

If a person was very frightened while falling in a dream, then in reality he will be able to overcome various difficulties, which will subsequently lead him to universal success.

Seeing yourself falling into an abyss or abyss in a dream indicates the prospect of starting new interesting things. However, if a person crashes during a fall, this indicates that in the near future he may become seriously ill, and all affairs are doomed to failure.

In general, falling down means that all a person’s aspirations, desires and hopes can collapse due to the intervention of another influential person. The main thing that such a dream warns about is that you should not be too trusting, especially when communicating with unfamiliar people.

When interpreting a dream in which a person falls, the height of the fall is of great importance. If a person falls from a very high height, then a series of failures awaits him. No matter how hard he tries to cope with the difficulties that arise, but due to the fact that the problems will come one after another, the person will not be able to overcome them either physically or mentally. Such a dream speaks of the onset of a “black streak” in a person’s life. But if the fall occurred from an insignificant height, then he will be able to cope with all the difficulties after some time. The main thing is for a person to believe in himself and not be afraid of anything.

From the point of view of the philosophy of ancient China, there are always two energies in a person, called “yin” and “yang”. “Yin” is responsible for moving down and moving away from reality, “yang” for moving up and developing human abilities. When one of these energies dominates the other, an imbalance occurs and a person loses the meaning of life. Their balance promises success.

In any case, a dream in which a person falls down is a warning. It is undesirable to take on new things or be very trusting of the people around you. This dream says that for some time a person will have to rely only on himself.

A dream in which you or someone else falls from a height is not a good omen. Often it is dreamed by people who in real life lose control over themselves and the situation. This is a warning that a difficult period awaits you, and troubles may simultaneously arise in several areas of your life.

If, when falling from a height in a dream, you get very scared and scream, then the dream is caused by the anxiety that you experience in reality, but it does not bode well. If in a dream, while climbing up, you fall from a great height and fall, then the task that lies before you will not be worth your efforts.

The dream can also predict the loss of property or problems in personal relationships. If in a dream you fall from a height many times, then in reality you will be emotionally thrown from hot to cold and back again. For entrepreneurs, this dream is a harbinger of financial failure. If the height from which you fall is insignificant, then the period of failure will not be long. Falling from a great height in a dream warns against the risk of losing money, reputation, and also portends futile efforts in resolving business issues.

Why do you dream about falling from a height?

According to the French dream book, a fall and immediately a rapid rise means that honor and prosperity will soon await you in reality. However, if a person failed to rise, then the dream predicts future troubles and possible misfortunes.

The dream book for women interprets the meaning of dreams of falling from a height as a symbol of overcoming significant difficulties with subsequent victory over life’s problems. If a person is seriously injured when falling from a height, then in reality one should expect material losses or a quarrel with a friend.

According to the psychoanalytic dream book, falling from a height means dangerous internal state a person who is very often accompanied by anxiety and nervous restlessness. Here, falling from a height is associated with falling directly into the hands of one's enemies. In addition, such a dream promises failure and can even sometimes predict death. loved one or the sleeping person himself, since the fall also symbolizes the descent of the coffin into the grave.

For a woman, falling from a height means sexual intercourse, since the physiology of her sexuality involves a fall (it’s not for nothing that there is such an expression as a fallen woman). In addition, the ground on which it falls acts as a symbol of attractiveness and femininity.

A dream in which a man sees a stranger fall means his subconscious desire to die or his fantasies about sexual relations with a fallen woman.

If, after falling from a height, a person immediately gets back to his feet in a dream, then in real life his inflated ambitions often erect a barrier to the fears that he had in childhood, but over time these fears will break out.

Besides, similar dream can symbolize the curve of life's path, which consists of falls and subsequent ascents. In addition, such a dream sometimes means the loss of one’s own individuality and strong character, a transition from the level of activity to the level of passivity, from a stable disposition to compliant actions.

Falling from a height into the abyss means a state of loneliness and even inner despair. However, what lies in that void is the beginning of something new, perhaps the beginning of a whole new life.

If in a dream someone throws a person into the abyss, and he falls for a long, long time, then in reality he wants to withdraw into himself, leave the conscious world and fall into the depths of his life.

Medea in the dream book interprets falling from a height differently. A dream in which a person falls from top floor tall building or rushing into the abyss, is a warning that soon evil fate will play with it dangerous game. Perhaps he will lose his status, lose his fortune or his honor. In addition, a fall in height into a hole predicts a non-serious illness.

When a person wakes up as a result of a fall in a dream and experiences fear, this indicates his neurotic state, but soon everything will pass. If a fall causes a severe injury, then in reality they can expect the loss of loved ones or friends.

Thus, falling from a height does not promise anything particularly positive. Such a dream suggests that you need to think about your life, since it is likely that a person is rolling down the stairs somewhere. You need to try to get back on your feet immediately after such a fall.

Dream interpretation of a man falling in a dream

Why do you dream that a person is falling? Dream interpretation

A good sign is a dream in which a person falls, but soon gets up again. It means that you feel confident and strong to solve problems and overcome difficulties, and in the end you will succeed. It is possible that the dream is a reflection of the desire for some changes in life, but there is neither knowledge nor experience for this yet.

A dream in which a person falls can also be interpreted as a reflection of a loss of control over the situation; this state also depresses you because you cannot find a way out of the current situation and make the right decision.

In our dream book you can find out not only about the meaning of dreams about a person who falls, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a person falling in a dream online in Miller’s dream book.

The sky in a dream, according to the dream book, means limitlessness. To the one who dreams about it, a lot becomes available. But this dream is characterized by various interpretations. It's a good sign if fire falls from the sky. However, if it falls on the people appearing in your dream, then this indicates possible revenge.

If in a dream light falls from the sky on your spouse, then the dream foretells you the successful birth of a son, of whom you will be proud. But if torches, comets and stars fall from the sky, then losses among loved ones or illness await you. If the moon or sun falls, the dream foreshadows the death of one of the parents. If you yourself fall from the sky, then this is a sign that in real life you lack the support of your parents. It can also predict the loss of property or the precariousness of your social position.

If a plane falls from the sky in a dream, then you should refrain from flying at least for a while. If you dream that you are flying in the sky, and then suddenly break down and quickly fall down, such a dream promises disappointment in someone close to you.

Mountains are falling

Dream Interpretation Mountains Fall dreamed of why you dream about Mountains falling? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see mountains falling in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fall

Dream Interpretation - Fall

Dream Interpretation - Mountain

This symbol is directly related to many fairy tales and legends. According to the ancestors, the mountains concealed secret powers and served as a haven for their owners. Many believed that the mountains contained treasures that were inaccessible to people and brought misfortune to those who went in search of them. For those who lived near the mountains, there were forbidden places, which were not allowed to go, so as not to disturb the spirits.

Slavic oral literature interprets mountains as eternal, beyond the control of human forces. The mountain is a large and serious obstacle on the way.

Exists famous expression: “A smart person will not go up a mountain, a smart person will go around a mountain” and one more thing: “If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain,” which means: don’t wait in vain for the impossible, do as much as you can.

If in a dream you climb a mountain, then this means your desire to realize some idea. Reaching the top of the mountain means achieving what you want, making your dreams come true. If, despite all your efforts, you are unable to climb to the top of the mountain, then this indicates that external circumstances will interfere with the implementation of your plans; perhaps you should wait for some time and try again to achieve your goal.

Seeing a mountain with two peaks - such a dream predicts success in some important matter, because you have the support of an influential person.

If a river flows along the slopes of a mountain, this means that many events await you ahead, but they will be small and insignificant, the work will not bring satisfaction, but this period of hectic pursuit of empty affairs will soon end.

Seeing a chain of mountains is a warning dream. If a mountain range blocks your path, this means that you will encounter insurmountable obstacles on your way. If a chain of mountains stretches along your path, then this is a sign that you will achieve your goal despite the actions of ill-wishers.

If you dreamed of a mountain with settlements on its slopes, then this means that you are surrounded by a large number of friends and good acquaintances who will help you in difficult times, which will not keep you waiting.

To see in a dream how a person moves a mountain from one place to another at will - you are looking for strength to carry out your plans, but do not overestimate your capabilities and do not rely on outside help.

To dream that you are going to a mountain and understand that it is approaching you on its own - this dream means that external circumstances will develop favorably and you will receive what has long been due to you according to your deserts.

To see in a dream a friend who came at night looking to ask for help: you need to dig a mountain, and you immediately go to help him - this dream means that you do not spare yourself for the sake of others, but every day you become more and more disappointed in those who help and for whom you sacrifice yourself.

To see in a dream that a mountain begins to move, like the belly of a pregnant woman, and after that many mice appear in the area - you foresee the uselessness of what you are doing now and what your best forces are going to.

To see a nag in a dream that is barely dragging itself up a mountain - endless hard work tires you too much, so you do not see any clearing ahead; You will have to work hard to complete something that requires close attention.

Dream Interpretation - Fall

Falling off a horse.

Fall while running.

Fall out of transport.

Dream Interpretation - Fall

Dream Interpretation - Mountains

Mountains - dreaming about mountains means grief, bad things, difficulties. Bare mountains - anxiety, covered with forest - treason. Just as you dream that you are climbing a mountain, this heralds sadness; when you climb out onto the mountain and start walking, that’s good: the man got out of his grief a little; and if you climb a mountain and don’t get out, you will be in poverty: climbing a mountain is the difficulty in what you have to do, but once you get out, then it’s already good; if you climb a mountain, it must be some kind of mountain, but like climbing a tree, you grow; going down from the mountain is bad luck. A stone on the road (path) uphill is an obstacle. Heading up a mountain with an abyss means an unhappy marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Mountain, rocks

Mountains in a dream symbolize obstacles in business. Mountains covered with forest are a sign of infidelity. Seeing ruins in the mountains means winning. See interpretation: ruins.

A castle standing in the mountains means that good changes and profits await you. See interpretation: castle, rocks, up.

Snow-capped mountain peaks in a dream symbolize your ambitions; getting to such a peak is a harbinger of the fulfillment of your ambitions. See interpretation: snow, ice.

Rocks in a dream are a sign of obstacles and worries. Seeing fire or smoke coming from the mountains in a dream is a sign of great danger in a risky business. See interpretation: volcano.

Climbing them represents your attempts to overcome these obstacles. Successfully climbing to the top is a sign of achieving success and receiving high income. The same thing means a dream in which you managed to easily go down the mountain. However, rolling down a mountain in a dream unexpectedly is a bad omen that foretells an unexpected and unfavorable turn in your affairs. Climbing a mountain without slipping is an omen that your persistence will help you succeed if only you reach the top of the mountain safely. Standing on the mountain is a sign of honor and a strong position in society. Traveling through the mountains in a dream is a sign of success in business, which you will achieve through hard work. However, if you have a guide on your journey, then in reality someone will contribute to your success.

Dream Interpretation - Mountain

Great difficulty, hard work, grief, troubles, troubles, obstacles; bald - anxiety; wooded - betrayal; falling from a mountain - great grief, loss, failure, you will get out of grief; and if you fell and didn’t fall, it’s okay, everything will work out; to go up the mountain - to good things, recovery // great grief, empty work, bad path; going down - good luck // for worse, failure; walking in the mountains means experiencing great need; standing on the mountain - great honor, glory; climbing slides is a chore that will turn out to be beneficial; climbing a mountain is a difficult but good thing, sadness; if you climb but don’t climb, you will be in trouble; climbing to the top of the mountain means good things; your plans will come true; there will be failures along the way - unhappy marriage (for women); stone road uphill - obstacles.

Dream Interpretation - Mountain

Seeing a mountain in a dream means receiving benefits or benefits without expending effort. Seeing a mountain landscape - to achieve your goal, you will have to be smart, resourceful and act at your own peril and risk.

Climbing a mountain means gaining well-deserved success through hard work. If you dream that you are riding a horse along a narrow path along the very edge of a mountain gorge, it means that in reality you will achieve a very strong position in life. Seeing a bare mountainside devoid of vegetation portends hunger and suffering. Going down the mountain means minor luck.

If you work in the mountains, extracting some minerals, it means that after many unsuccessful attempts you will finally achieve the desired result in your business. A pile of stones that you cannot get through in the mountains is a sign that your life’s road will be uneven and difficult.

High rocky mountains in a dream are a harbinger of failures, quarrels, and the onset of bad luck. Do mountaineering - you will overcome a serious life obstacle on the path to happiness. If you dream that you are starting to climb the mountains and making your way along a beaten path among the green alpine meadows at the foot of large peaks, it means that in life you will easily be able to achieve prosperity and fame in a respectable society.

Standing on the edge of a mountain cliff, looking down in horror, and at that moment waking up - in reality, the state of your seemingly deplorable affairs will unexpectedly change for the better.

Walking in the mountains together with siblings - such a dream clearly foreshadows changes towards stability and prosperity and at the same time warns of danger from imaginary friends.

If you dream that while climbing in the mountains you are exhausted and are unable to move on, it means that in life you will be content with only a small fraction of what you expected. If you dream that you continue to climb the mountain through force, but cannot reach the top, the dream foreshadows the most incredible twists and turns of your destiny. If you fail to reach the top in a dream, this will mean the collapse of all hopes in real life. In order to survive in it, you must give it your all.

Doing alpine skiing in a dream, seeing yourself rapidly rushing along the mountain slopes means that delay in the matter that you are currently preoccupied with is simply impossible, and you cannot postpone it either - only speed and pressure will decide the success of the entire enterprise.

Why do you dream of falling in a dream and suddenly waking up??


Irina Gennadievna Peregudova

A fall is the birth of a problem. It's good that you woke up))).

99% angel

Freud's Dream Book:

For any person, falling in a dream symbolizes the possibility that he will become a victim of sexual harassment. For a man, this can also symbolize his fear of being unsuccessful in sexual contact.

Modern dream book:

If you dream that you are falling and experience great fear, then in reality you will undergo severe trials, but gradually fame and wealth will come to you. If you are injured in a fall, then in real life you will face difficulties and loss of friends.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov:

The feeling of falling - to loss, bitter regrets; to actually fall means trouble, a risky business; shooting star (directly to the sleeping person) - fulfillment of the most precious desires; into the water or into the sea - desires will not be fulfilled, the secret will not be fulfilled. Also see Stars.

~Bad Girl~

to problems

Manka bondღ ღ

fall in a dream, bad, failure

Carrying crap across the waves

fail, fail

Fall in a dream with and

Dream Interpretation Falling in a dream with and dreamed of why in a dream you dream about falling with and? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Falling in a dream and by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fall

Dishes falling into the well means a joyful event.

If you see a live horse in the house, there will be a letter from your son.

Frost falls along with the snow - do not expect a successful completion in the case.

Leaves fall from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

A meteorite flies past, but does not fall to the ground - a change of residence.

The sword falls into the water - the death of the wife.

Knives or a sword falling into the water - foretells the death of the spouse.

A star falls - there will be illness, work problems.

Snow is falling - soon there will be great luck and benefit.

Tiles fall from the roof, you feel mortal horror - there will be a quarrel with your wife.

Falling into the water means no harm will happen.

Falling into a well means illness or trouble.

Falling into a well drunk - a situation will arise related to officials, official business.

Falling into a latrine and getting back out is fortunate.

Fall into a hole in main room- portends misfortune in the family.

Falling on a mountain means losing your job.

Leaves are falling from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

The dishes fall into the well - there will be a joyful event.

A meteorite flies by, but does not fall to the ground - portends a change of residence.

If you fall from the ground onto the mountain, you will lose your job.

The sun and moon fall from the sky - grief, you will lose your parents.

Dream Interpretation - Fall

A dream about falling portends loss, illness, trouble or insult. In any case, your plans, health or happiness are in danger. Feeling in a dream that you are falling means the bitterness of loss and anxiety because of this. Sometimes such a dream can mean missed opportunities, loss of grip or dexterity. Falling from a height to the ground in a dream is a sign of shame, the collapse of your plans or hopes, humiliation and poverty. If you dream that you fell out of your bed, then your family life will crack and soon you will face a divorce. See interpretation: bed.

If in a dream you fell into a river and got wet, this is a harbinger of illness or scandal. A dream in which you saw that you fell, but did not harm yourself, foretells you that what you lost will be found, and your fears will not be justified. See interpretation: water, river, etc.

Falling in a dream, but waking up before you fall, means that you will face great troubles and disappointments, which will be very difficult for you to overcome, but you can do it. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in a risky business. Falling into an abyss in a dream foreshadows unexpected danger or insult. Sometimes such a dream predicts loss of fortune due to a fire. See interpretation: abyss, mountains. Falling into water or into the sea (ocean) in a dream means that your wish will not come true. See interpretation: wet.

Falling off and falling somewhere in a dream is a warning that your unbridled temper can harm your position in society. See interpretation: abyss, abyss, drop.

Dream Interpretation - Fall, fall, fall

If you dreamed about the feeling that you were falling, this means that there will be troubles - and in matters related to social activities, and in personal ones.

An important point is the height from which they fell.

It was big - immediately leads to several unpleasant events that will follow in succession, unsettling you for a long time.

By losing your foothold, you make your fall inevitable and will only be able to withstand the blow with great difficulty.

The fall did not occur from a great height - you will find yourself in a difficult situation, the way out of which will be an extremely difficult undertaking.

However, it won’t be too long before you will again be able to enjoy life without paying attention. special attention for minor troubles.

Serious injuries after a fall and strong pain- a dream about this foreshadows long-term despair, bordering on mild insanity due to the fact that you will stop waiting for your life to finally become even a little better.

In your dream, another person fell - the dream calls for you to be on guard: one of your friends will get into trouble and will really need your urgent help.

Dream Interpretation - Fall

Fall into an abyss or from a height.

Tip of the day: your plans are not feasible. Adjust them, simplify them.

Falling off a horse.

Tip of the day: you have to pay for a pleasant adventure. Prepare a “coin”.

Fall while running.

Tip of the day: a little patience and you will achieve success. Now pause.

Fall out of transport.

Tip of the day: you have to start all over again. Now is the time to dream about the future

Dream Interpretation - Fall

If in a dream you fell from a great height, it means demotion.

If you fell with your wife - to love for life.

If someone else falls in a dream, it means loss.

If a patient falls from a height, his illness is difficult to treat.

The merchant fell from a height - to losses in business.

If in a dream you saw yourself falling from a horse, expect misfortune.

If you fall from a roof in a dream, it means expulsion.

If you fall into the water, it means bankruptcy in business.

If an elderly person saw himself falling out of bed onto the floor, it meant imminent death.

If a woman saw her children falling, this meant serious illness for her children.

Dream Interpretation - Fall

The feeling of falling - to loss, bitter regrets;
to actually fall means trouble, a risky business;
shooting star (directly to the sleeping person) - fulfillment of the most precious desires;
into the water or into the sea - desires will not be fulfilled, the secret will not be fulfilled.
Also see Stars.

Dream Interpretation - Fall

insult; fall and hold on - returning what was lost

Dream Interpretation - Fall

Dream Interpretation - Fall

To fall - to failure in endeavors, sudden negative changes. If you wake up at the same time, then the “fall” will happen soon.

Dream Interpretation - Fall

The dream is not bad at all. Falling in a dream means difficulties, through overcoming which good luck will come to you. If you dreamed that you were walking along a flat road, stumbled and fell, an unexpected obstacle will arise in front of you. By coping with it, you will learn something new. If you fell down the steps, you will be transferred to new job. Falling into a ditch - a dream foreshadows a decline in some matters, but on sober reflection, you will understand that these affairs were doomed to failure from the very beginning, so this will not bring you much distress. Falling off a cliff - a dream suggests that you are doing the right thing when you trust only yourself and do not involve even your closest friends in your affairs. Any information leak could lead to disaster, so you should continue to remain silent.

You almost fell from a height, but you managed to hold on - you will find a lost thing or make peace with a person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time.

If you nevertheless fell from a height (for example, from the roof of a house), but did not crash, the dream means a temporary failure, which will only bring the completion of the intended task closer.

Imagine that you fell and immediately got up. You did not receive any damage.

Each of us has once experienced the feeling of falling in a dream, some flew, some fell. To understand why you dream of falling, it is worth remembering the details of the dream, its fragments and events. If you can’t remember everything, it doesn’t matter. You can see interpretations of what you remember most clearly. A dream book will help you get the overall picture. “Falling,” according to various interpreters, means “reversing” the meaning of the dream and viewing everything seen in reverse. If we talk not about the image of falling, but about sensations, then psychology and medicine are sure that the feeling of falling signals sleep disorders and nervous system. Therefore, if you very often have to “fall through” in your sleep, you should consult a somnologist - a sleep specialist. In any case, what is very important when answering the question of why you dream of falling is what exactly happened - a picture of a fall or an unpleasant sensation.

Dream of Fall

Falling down, oddly enough, is a very good sign, indicating that in the dreamer’s real life everything is going uphill. You can expect a change from the black stripe to a white one and rest a little after a protracted series of failures.

Longo's dream book is sure: an event will soon happen that will literally pull the rug out from under the feet of the sleeper. There is a danger of not finding support in an extremely responsible and important point, which will undermine both moral and physical health. Before deciding on desperate measures, it is worth considering a retreat plan and consulting with loved ones.

Feelings of falling, failing, or sleep paralysis

According to Vedic traditions, the Svadhisthana chakra is responsible for human emotions, and the feeling of falling is direct evidence of its activation. This happens if you have great luck or a win in the near future; it may also concern a happy event for one of your relatives.

From a physiological point of view, falling in a dream indicates severe physical fatigue. It's time to let yourself relax.

Anna Faraday explains why you dream of falling - this is an impending danger. Speech in in this case It's about the feeling of falling. In the coming days, you should avoid late walks in dimly lit places and not get involved in an argument unnecessarily.

According to another dream book, “to fall” speaks of big internal problems, namely, self-doubt. If you have had to disappoint others and yourself, or be dissatisfied with your internal and external qualities, you may want to consult a psychologist. This type of medicine has been successfully solving internal problems for many years.

According to some religious concepts, the feeling of falling occurs due to the dreamer's bad conscience. Most likely, he is worried about his actions and it gnaws at him. But soaring and flying in a dream, on the contrary, is considered a good sign, indicating high spirituality and morality.

In conclusion, about the feeling of falling, it is worth noting that most of the world’s population has felt it, but such experience does not always indicate diseases of the nervous system, heart or psyche. A problem becomes a problem when it begins to bother a person. Until this happens, don’t worry about it. After all, the nature of this phenomenon has not yet been studied and explained.

Fall from a great height

The explanation for falling from a great height in a dream depends on how far the distance had to be overcome. The longer you fly, the worse it gets. Unpleasant changes in health and relationships may soon occur.

According to some sources, falling into an abyss or abyss in a dream means a loss of control. Soon something awaits the dreamer, where a mistake cannot be made, because it can lead to disaster.

To fall, according to Miss Hasse's interpretation, means to stand on the threshold important event. Now you should rely only on yourself, without trusting your life to anyone. Any mistake will lead to irreparable consequences.

The Chinese dream book gives very unusual advice those who dreamed of falling from high mountain. He believes that to achieve a goal you need to deceive fate, otherwise you will not be able to achieve it. To do this, you should direct all your thoughts and actions anywhere, as long as not to the dream, otherwise you will never be able to realize it.

The Dream Book of the Pharaohs considers a dream where you fall off a cliff to be an excellent sign! He promises the end of troubles and a change from minus to plus. And in ancient times, a similar plot predicted the end of war and lean times on the scale of an entire state.

Roberti, a scientist and psychologist, is inclined to believe that those who live in pleasure fall in their sleep. Moreover, the person knows perfectly well that this will not lead to anything good. Sometimes we are talking about drugs or alcohol, if this is the case, and treatment is scary, you can start with the book by Christina Grof, wife famous person, who brought holotropic breathwork to the masses. The book is called “Thirst for Integrity”; it has helped many people take the path of independently overcoming the illusion of happiness.

Esoteric dream book, draws attention to the emotions of the fall and the situation. If the fall was in connection with a fun activity, such as a roller coaster or trampoline, this is good sign. There are many pleasant moments ahead. A slight fear from falling indicates difficulties that you can easily overcome.

The modern dream book interprets what dreams of falling mean, depending on the consequences. It is believed that what the sleeper misses most in life is what the “landing” occurred. Therefore, you can also look at the interpretation of the object on which you fell from the sky.

Those who had to fall down the stairs in a dream should take this literally. There may be some problems at home that need to be fixed to avoid injury.

Falling on an elevator in a dream may indicate a stop in personal development. Make sure you take the time to develop your strengths and working on the weak. Also, such a motive can indicate dissatisfaction with oneself and movement in the wrong direction. Probably, we are talking about a problem, the solution to which needs to be examined more closely, and, if necessary, adjusted.

What you dream about falling from a balcony is not so scary. Yes, there are inevitable difficulties ahead, and everything will not go as planned, but the outcome will be successful, and fate will reward you in full for your efforts.

Big surprises and surprises await those who dreamed of falling from a roof. If you are not one of those people who like sudden changes, don’t be alarmed. You'll definitely like these.

Falling from a window means work problems. Making important decisions, business meetings, and concluding contracts should be postponed until a more favorable period, which will not be long in coming if you listen to the recommendations of the dream book.

Sometimes falling into a hole in a dream speaks of the inner despair of the sleeper. Perhaps you have already come to terms with your problems, are dissatisfied with yourself and your position in society, but it’s time to shake yourself up and get ready for a sharp turn for the better. Everything will calm down soon.

But why you dream of falling into water will depend only on the dreamer. Such a dream screams about the need to act right now! You cannot miss the chance to change yourself and your life for the better, because fate does not present such opportunities very often. It is also worth considering the purity of the water.

Falling into the sea, according to some interpreters, speaks of possible troubles in a situation that seemed transparent and controlled. Don't celebrate ahead of time, brag about your achievements, or talk about your plans to strangers.

Coldness on the part of loved ones is evidenced by a dream in which you happened to fall from a bridge. But the dream book is sure that you shouldn’t take everything to heart, because there are times in everyone’s life when he wants to be alone, avoiding the attention of friends and family.

Falling into a well can be interpreted as getting to know yourself. Soon you will be lucky enough to discover amazing knowledge about yourself.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 02/23/2019

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus speaks...

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Why do you dream about Falling?

  • Loss of control over yourself or life.
  • We often fall when we learn to walk. Situations where “the ground has gone from under your feet,” as well as self-doubt during personal growth, are all often the cause of such dreams.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Dream Interpretation Fall

  • We often fall when we learn to walk. If we have “lost the ground from under our feet” in some situation or we are in the process of personal growth and are not confident in ourselves, such signs will often appear to us. When we “tread new ground” and take risks, the reward is often success. Sometimes we even have to fail first in order to achieve success. Learn to take risks in life.
  • Falling may also mean that you are losing control over yourself or over life. If this is true, you must find one area in your life that you have control over, and build on that to gain control over other areas of your life.
  • They often say “to fall face down”, “fallen woman” - these expressions can be symbols. Does this symbolism apply to you?
  • Leaf fall means autumn. In this regard, falling can be a symbol of completion.

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Fall

  • A dream about falling (not to be confused with falling at the moment of falling asleep) is a symbol of negative circumstances and experiences, upcoming failures and worries, sudden and fatal knowledge.
  • IN women's dreams– illicit feeling, concession to desires, social decline.
  • Falling in a dream - may indicate sexual dissatisfaction; in adolescence, such dreams accompany the process of growth of the body, often with special heart spasms characteristic of youth and the climatic period.
  • If you fall while walking, success will come after many difficulties.
  • Falling from a great height means loss of honor or money, danger, home enemy, futile efforts.
  • Falling down the stairs definitely indicates some social damage.
  • Falling into a hole is harm, a misfortune that will be difficult to overcome.
  • Falling into the coffin - brought in from good fame.
  • Falling during a flight is humiliation, which will be replaced by a significant rise.
  • Falling into a basement is a serious illness.
  • From the tower - disappointment in yourself.
  • Into the well - deep self-knowledge.
  • Falling repeatedly in a dream means a change in worries and hopes, strong excitement.
  • Feeling great fear when falling and screaming - everything will end well, the dream was caused by your anxiety.
  • Waking up when falling is a very significant event.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Falling?

  • A dream in which you fell and were very frightened by this promises you overcoming difficulties and good luck.
  • If you fall and get seriously injured, you may have misunderstandings with your friends.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

To see a Fall in a dream

  • People often dream that they are falling. Gypsies say that this means that you are unhappy, especially in your personal life, and want to get out of this situation.

Dream Interpretation: Antique French dream book

To see a Fall in a dream

  • Falling in a dream, but immediately getting up is a sign that honors and prosperity await you soon. If you were unable to rise after a fall, your dream is a harbinger of future misfortunes.

Dream Interpretation: Antique English dream book(Zadkiel's dream book)

Why do you dream about Falling?

  • A dream in which you fall from a height (from a tree or from the edge of an abyss) means the loss of position and property. if you are in love. you are in vain showering him (or her) with your affection. you won't be able to get married!
  • For traders and businessmen, the dream foreshadows business failures, financial difficulties, and the like. Those who set off on a voyage are in for a big disaster: shipwreck and all the troubles that arise from it.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Fall

  • A dream in which you fall and experience fear means: you will encounter serious trials along the way, but you will successfully cope with them. It's worse if you fall into the abyss. If you dreamed that you injured yourself by falling, get ready for difficulties and conflicts with friends.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Fall

  • Falling in a dream and being very scared at the same time promises you to overcome significant difficulties, the fight against which will lead you to success.
  • If, having fallen. You are seriously injured - expect loss; it is possible that your friends will leave you.

Dream Interpretation: Italian Dream Book by Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Fall

  • Symbolizes a partial or complete departure from the direction of one’s onto-In-se.

Dream Interpretation: Egyptian Dream Book of the Pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshefa)

Dream Interpretation Fall

  • If a person sees himself falling from a wall in a dream, it means good, this means the end of strife.

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet contains 75 best dream books: Egyptian dream book pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshefa), dream book Yellow Emperor, dream book by Denise Lynn (brief), Slavic dream book, spiritual dream book, psychotherapeutic dream book, Azar's dream book, dream book of symbols (symbolic), Denise Lynn's dream book (detailed), self-instructional dream book (Vrublevskaya's dream book), Martyn Zadeki's dream book, Schiller-Shkolnik's dream book, Veles's dream book, Loff's dream book, children's dream book, Italian dream book by Meneghetti, Chinese dream book Zhou-gun, Vedic dream book Sivananda, Cleopatra's dream book, Shereminskaya's dream book, mirror dream book psychological states, the Wanderer's dream book, the ancient Persian dream book of Taflisi, the ancient French dream book, and others.