What part of the Ural mountains is the highest. Mountain folk in the Urals

30.09.2019 Heating


Mount Narodnaya is the highest point of the Ural Mountains. Its height is 1895 meters. This geographical fact was established relatively recently. Due to the inaccessibility of the Subpolar region, few scientific expeditions were made to Mount Narodnaya.

AT different times the highest peaks of the Stone Belt of Eurasia were called the mountains: Saber (1497 meters), Telpos-Iz (1617 meters), Manaraga (1660 meters). In 1924-1928, the North Urals Complex Expedition worked here under the leadership of B.N. Gorodkov. One of her detachments, led by A.N. Alyoshkov, in 1927 for the first time passed to the headwaters of the Národa River. Having studied the height of the mountain using the scientific methods already available at that time, they determined its height at 1870 meters (at present it is measured more precisely - 1895 meters).

It was Alyoshkov who gave it its name, but on which syllable the stress should fall in it, he did not document anywhere. Disputes over stress continued until the publication of a textbook for pedagogical universities by F.N. Malkova and N.A. Gvozdetsky in 1963, in which the emphasis was on the first syllable. Since then, this option has been considered correct, formed from the name of the river, starting at the foot of the peak. Although, according to Gorodkov, who spoke after the death of Alyoshkov, she was named after the Russian people, as was customary at that time.

The Ural Ranges formed in Paleozoic era during the period of the Hercynian folding, later they experienced renewal, and their crystalline rocks came to the surface. They are composed of metamorphic, sedimentary and volcanic rocks, very rich in various minerals and rocks. They form flat-topped ridges with gentle stepped western and steep steep eastern slopes.

Narodnaya (Mansiysk "People-Iz") on the map of the Urals is part of the Research Ridge of the Subpolar Urals, on the border of the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region and the Komi Republic, its coordinates are 65° N, 60° E. e. It consists of metamorphic schists and ancient quartzites. Its peak is rounded and double-headed, and the slopes of the mountain are covered with natural depressions - karami filled with water, glaciers, snowfields, rocky remains, mountain tundra, stone ruins.

Since Narodnaya became a place of pilgrimage for tourists, objects like “Vasya was here” have appeared here - a bust of Lenin, tablets, commemorative signs, a pyramid in which visitors leave their notes, a worship cross with the words “Save and save” written on it. installed on a saddle between two mountain peaks in 1998. The eastern slope of the summit, like the entire Urals, is steep and impassable for tourists. The ascent is carried out along the western slope, which is complicated by carts, and along the more convenient northern one.

The peaks offer a view of the surrounding highest peaks of the Subpolar Urals - Saber, Manaraga and others. vegetable world. Here you can find coniferous and mixed forests, subalpine and alpine meadows, alpine and arctic tundra. In the warm season, numerous mosquitoes, gadflies, horseflies and smaller ones appear here. blood-sucking insects- midges, midges.

Dwarf birches, blueberries, wild rosemary, blueberries, short larch are replaced by herbs in the growth of a person, occasionally found with pink radiola. Of the animals, there are many inhabitants of the tundra - arctic foxes, deer, partridges, wolves. There are badgers, bears, chipmunks. AT mountain rivers There are only two types of graylings. In the lower reaches of the mountains, river fish are somewhat larger.

Mount Narodnaya [VIDEO]

Anyone who has been to the Urals at least once in his life remembers this region with special warmth. Beautiful nature, fast rivers, and of course, one of the most beautiful places worldwide - the highest peak of the Ural Mountains. This place can impress even travelers who have seen the world, because it is here that you can breathe in the purest air and see a stunning panorama. This is Narodnaya Mountain. It rises almost two kilometers above sea level, and is located in one of the most inaccessible areas. The height of Mount Narodnaya is 1895 m.

The highest mountain in the Urals- this is not only one of the most beautiful places, but also a historical monument. The most popular version of the formation of its name suggests that the mountain was named after the great Soviet people. Another version tells that the peak got its name from the river that flows at its foot. Now it is customary to call this mountain Narodnaya, putting the emphasis on the first syllable. Due to the fact that the highest mountain of the Urals is located in a very inaccessible area, its history has not yet been fully studied. The very first expedition was sent here only in 1843, although this place has been known for a very long time. At the head of this detachment was the famous scientist Antal Reguli, who arrived here in order to study the life and life of the Mansi. However, the expedition never reached the mountain itself. Narodnaya could only be explored in 1927 by our Russian scientists. And it was then that they not only thoroughly studied it, but also measured the height.

Ural mountains photo

This mountain became one of the main tourist attractions in 1950. Of course, it is not as famous as the highest mountain in the Caucasus, but here you can also find signs and marks about visiting the place by a large number of tourists. It was even organized at Narodnaya procession. He found his place here and the worship cross, on which the believers carved the inscription: "Save and Preserve." Distinctive feature mountains from the "neighbors" is not only a great height, but also the dark rock of which it consists. On its slopes you can find many depressions that are filled with water and ice. The relief here is very steep, with deep gorges and many slopes. Therefore, you need to be very careful when climbing to the top, in order not to fall and not get seriously injured.

You can understand how beautiful and mysterious the highest point of the Urals is, not only by climbing to its top. It is enough just to look at the unique photographs that fully reflect all the mystery and attractiveness of this place, and you can completely immerse yourself in the extraordinary Ural nature and originality.

Ancient Ural Mountains dividing Asia and Europe. The mountains stretch from the far north to the borders with Kazakhstan, from the polar Tundra to the arid steppes. These unique places are extremely rich in natural, archaeological, historical and cultural attractions.

There is an opinion that it is the Urals that is the ancestral home of the ancient Aryan race, which had unique knowledge. Many adventurers rush to these parts in the hope of getting closer to unraveling the mysteries of ancient civilizations. One of the most attractive places for researchers is the mysterious ancient city.

There are many places in the Urals that are of great interest to researchers of paranormal phenomena. One of these places is, which is a twenty-kilometer stone ridge, consisting of three ridges. Translated from the language of the ancient Bashkir tribes that have long inhabited these lands, "Taganai" means "stand for the moon." A huge number of legends, legends, stories about amazing events are associated with this place.

They say that on Taganay, locals and tourists have repeatedly found footprints of Bigfoot, seen ghosts and UFOs landing, made contact with the Higher Mind and fell into a loop in time. Who knows how true these stories are.

There is no doubt that Taganay is indeed an anomalous zone, and this is confirmed by generally accepted facts: in these parts, inexplicable failures in the operation of any equipment constantly occur, over the mountains often form fireballs, and absolutely healthy people are visited by strange visions.

Another incredible place is the Man-Pupu-Ner plateau, nicknamed the "Ural Stonehenge". According to local legend, huge stone pillars located on the plateau are petrified giants.

The height of the largest of the seven stone giants is 80 meters.

Everyone who managed to visit this ancient sacred place feels its powerful positive energy: all anxieties and gloomy thoughts disappear, a feeling of lightness and causeless joy appears.

The island of Vera, which is located on Lake Turgoyak, is also considered a mystical "place of power".

Ural panorama

Many religious pilgrims from all over Russia are attracted by the Ural temples and monasteries. Of particular interest not only to believers, but also to everyone who is interested in the history of the country, is the Yekaterinburg Church on the Blood. This is not only a functioning temple, but also a museum complex dedicated to life royal family Romanovs - it was in these places that the life of the last emperor of Russia ended.

Excursions are also conducted to the place of the last refuge of the imperial family, known as "Ganina Yama". At present, a memorial temple complex has been erected on the site of the mine where the bodies were dumped.

Traditionally, the Urals are very popular among outdoor enthusiasts. All kinds of trekking, rafting, horse riding, motorcycle and bicycle tours - this is just a small list of entertainment offered to tourists.

And in winter time traditional sleigh rides, skiing and snowboarding along the ski slopes are added.

Combination tours are very popular, combining active recreation with educational and educational programs. One of the most popular such routes is a hike in the footsteps of the Diaghilev expedition.

AT last years there are new exciting routes associated with the fall Chelyabinsk meteorite. Tourists are invited to make a trip to Lake Chebarkul - the site of a meteorite fall, visit the local museum of local lore, and talk with eyewitnesses.

The Ural Mountains are a real paradise for speleologists. The most interesting caves of the region are: Divya, Ignatievskaya, Kungurskaya, Kapovaya caves, as well as the Sikiyaz-Tamak cave complex.

Ural panorama

Notorious thrill-seekers prefer to travel around the most difficult region in terms of tourism - the Polar Urals. In the winter months, the air temperature in these places drops below -50 °. There are very few warm days in the year, mostly in July. The sun does not set below the horizon all day this month. Complex climatic conditions offset by the fantastic beauty of nature. impregnable Mountain peaks, glaciers and picturesque lakes, waterfalls and rocky canyons can impress even many experienced travelers who have seen it.

Routes along the Usa and Shchuchya rivers are very popular with tourists. It is believed that only qualified watermen can overcome the most difficult rapids on these mountain rivers.

AT recent times gastronomic and ethnographic tourism is in vogue. One of the best places, where you can get acquainted with the culture and life of the Urals, enjoy traditional local cuisine - the Museum of Russian Wooden Architecture in Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha.

In any case, traveling through the Urals is a wonderful opportunity to escape from everyday problems and worries, to find yourself in an unreal, fabulously beautiful world, to touch the origins of national spirituality and culture.


Ural mountains. Beauty is closer than you think.

Station station Inta, 4 am, light. Polar day. We sit with Natasha on backpacks, look around, the guys went to look for a shift that will take us to the casting point.

From here begins our ascent to Mount Narodnaya. This is the highest point of the Urals - 1885 m. It is located in the Subpolar Urals, on the territory national park"Yugyd Va". By the way, to visit the park you need permission with a prescribed route and stopping points, we issued it via the Internet :) We, somewhat risky, go without an instructor, testing our strength and knowledge. That's why I'm worried :) The driver did not disappoint, the shift was full, mostly tourists, many went out to the Zhelannoye camp site. And our end point is Lake Bolshie Balabanty. From the lake we still have two days of walking to Narodnaya.

The most difficult part of the trip was the route to the mountain and back: spending the night in the wild, the weight of backpacks, mosquitoes, strong winds... The ascent was not difficult, climbing equipment is not required, we were lucky with the weather, the main thing on the slope is to walk on stones, and not on moss, otherwise you can fall into a crack.

The most striking impression at the top was the route passed :))

How to prepare?

  • a large number of mosquitoes, repellents do not help, so you need to take gloves with you and mosquito net;
  • it is better to go from July to August, the warmest time, in winter you can only ski;
  • changeable weather, warm clothes should be with you;
  • gps, paper maps and compass;
  • wild animals, including bears, so we had a supply of flares with us;
  • prepare for the crossing of rivers and marshes;
  • be sure to obtain permission from the park administration;
  • be sure to take gas burner, in the mountains there is practically no firewood, a tent and a sleeping bag.

Without the experience of multi-day hiking trips, going to Narodnaya without an instructor is very dangerous!

P.S. If time and energy allow, I advise you to climb Manaraga. This mountain, located next to Narodnaya, impresses with the beauty of its pointed peaks.

The Ural Mountains, formed due to the collision of the Eurasian and African lithospheric plates, are a unique natural and geographical object for Russia. They are the only mountain range crossing the country and dividing the state to the European and Asian parts.

In contact with

Geographic location

In which country the Ural Mountains are located, any schoolchild knows. This massif is a chain that is located between the East European and West Siberian plains.

It is stretched so that it divides the largest one into 2 continents: Europe and Asia. Starting from the coast of the Arctic Ocean, ends in the Kazakh desert. It stretches from south to north, and in some places it reaches 2,600 km.

The geographical location of the Ural Mountains passes almost everywhere parallel to the 60th meridian.

If you look at the map, you can see the following: the central region is located strictly vertically, the northern one turns to the northeast, and the southern one turns to the southwest. Moreover, in this place the ridge merges with nearby hills.

Although the Urals is considered the border between the continents, there is no exact geological line. Therefore, it is considered that they belong to Europe, and the line dividing the mainland runs along the eastern foothills.

Important! The Urals are rich in their natural, historical, cultural and archaeological values.

The structure of the mountain system

In the annals of the 11th century, the Ural mountain system is mentioned as earth belt. This name is due to the length of the ridge. Conventionally, it is divided into 5 regions:

  1. Polar.
  2. Subpolar.
  3. Northern.
  4. Average.
  5. South.

The mountain range partially captures the northern districts of Kazakhstan and 7 Russian regions:

  1. Arkhangelsk region
  2. Republic of Komi.
  3. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
  4. Perm region.
  5. Sverdlovsk region.
  6. Chelyabinsk region.
  7. Orenburg region.

Attention! The widest part of the mountain range is located in the Southern Urals.

The location of the Ural mountains on the map.

Structure and relief

The first mention and description of the Ural Mountains comes from ancient times, but they were formed much earlier. It happened under the interaction of breeds different configuration and age. In some areas, and now preserved remnants of deep faults and elements of oceanic rocks. The system was formed almost at the same time as the Altai, but later it experienced smaller uplifts, resulting in a small "height" of the peaks.

Attention! The advantage over the high Altai is that there are no earthquakes in the Urals, so it is much safer to live in.


The long-term resistance of volcanic structures to the force of the wind was the result of the formation of numerous attractions created by nature. These can be attributed caves, grottoes, rocks and so on. In addition, in the mountains there are huge mineral reserves, primarily ore, from which the following chemical elements are obtained:

  1. Iron.
  2. Copper.
  3. Nickel.
  4. Aluminum.
  5. Manganese.

Making a description of the Ural Mountains on a physical map, we can conclude that most of the mineral development is carried out in the southern part of the region, and more precisely in Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions. Almost all types of ores are mined here, and a deposit of emeralds, gold and platinum has been discovered not far from Alapaevsk and Nizhny Tagil in the Sverdlovsk region.

The region of the lower trough of the western slope abounds in oil and gas wells. The northern part of the region is somewhat inferior in deposits, but this is compensated by the fact that precious metals and stones.

Ural mountains - mining leader, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and chemical industry. In addition, the region is in first place in Russia in terms of pollution level.

It should be taken into account, no matter how profitable the development of underground resources is, the harm nature more substantial is brought. Raising rocks from the depths of the mine is carried out by crushing with the release of a large amount of dust particles into the atmosphere.

Upstairs the fossils enter into chemical reaction with the environment, the oxidation process is carried out, and the chemical products obtained in this way again enter the air and water.

Attention! The Ural Mountains are known for their deposits of precious, semi-precious stones and noble metals. Unfortunately, they are almost completely worked out, so the Ural gems and malachite can now only be found in the museum.

Peaks of the Urals

On the topographic map of Russia, the Ural Mountains are indicated in light brown. This means that they do not have large indicators relative to sea level. Among the natural regions, one can emphasize the highest region located in the Subpolar region. The table shows the coordinates of the heights of the Ural Mountains and the exact size of the peaks.

The location of the peaks of the Ural Mountains is created in such a way that there are unique sites in each region of the system. Therefore, all the listed heights are recognized tourist sites successfully used by people leading an active lifestyle.

It can be seen on the map that the Polar region is medium in height and narrow in width.

The nearby Subpolar region has highest altitude, it is characterized by a sharp relief.

Of particular interest arises from the fact that several glaciers are concentrated here, one of which is extended in length by almost 1 000 m.

The height of the Ural Mountains in the Northern region is insignificant. The exceptions are a few peaks that rise above the entire range. The remaining heights, where the vertices are smoothed, and they themselves have a rounded shape, do not exceed 700 m above sea level. Interestingly, closer to the south, they become even lower and practically turn into hills. The terrain is practically resembles a flat.

Attention! The map of the south of the Ural Mountains with peaks over one and a half kilometers again reminds us of the involvement of the ridge in the huge mountain system separating Asia from Europe!

Big cities

The physical map of the Ural Mountains with the cities marked on it proves that this area is considered to be abundantly populated. An exception can only be called the Polar and Subpolar Urals. Here several cities with a population of one million and a large number of those with more than 100,000 inhabitants.

The population of the region is explained by the fact that at the beginning of the last century there was an urgent need for minerals in the country. This was the reason for the large migration of people to the region, where similar developments were carried out. In addition, in the early 60s and 70s, many young people left for the Urals and Siberia in the hope of radically changing their lives. This influenced the formation of new settlements being built on the site of mining.


Capital of the Sverdlovsk region with population 1,428,262 people considered the capital of the region. The location of the metropolis is concentrated on the eastern slope of the Middle Urals. The city is the largest cultural, scientific, educational and administrative center. Geographical position of the Ural Mountains was created in such a way that it is here that the natural way linking Central Russia and Siberia. This influenced the development of infrastructure and the economy of the former Sverdlovsk.


The population of the city, which is located where the Ural Mountains, according to the geological map, border on Siberia: 1,150,354 people.

It was founded in 1736 on the eastern slope of the South Range. And with the advent railway communication with Moscow began to develop dynamically and turned into one of the largest industrial centers of the country.

Over the past 20 years, the ecology of the region has deteriorated significantly, which has led to an outflow of the population.

Nevertheless, today the volume of local industry is more than 35% of gross municipal product.


The capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan with a population of 1,105,657 people is considered 31st city in Europe by population. It is located to the west of the Southern Ural Mountains. The length of the metropolis from south to north is more than 50 km, and from east to west - 30 km. In terms of size, it is one of the five largest Russian cities. In the ratio of the number of population and the occupied area, each inhabitant accounts for about 700 m2 of urban area.

In addition to millionaires, there are cities with a population of less than the indicated number near the Ural Mountains. First of all, you need to name the capitals of administrative centers, which include the following: Orenburg - 564,445 people and Perm - 995,589. In addition to them, you can add some more cities:

  1. Nizhny Tagil - 355,694.
  2. Nizhnevartovsk - 270 865.
  3. Surgut - 306 789.
  4. Nefteyugansk - 123,567.
  5. Magnitogorsk - 408 418.
  6. Chrysostom - 174 572.
  7. Miass - 151 397.

Important! Information on the number of population is presented as of the end of 2016!

Geology: Ural Mountains

Ural region. Geographical location, main features of nature


Although the height of the Ural Mountains is not great, they are the object of close attention from climbers, tourists and just people who lead an active lifestyle. Anyone, even the most sophisticated person, can find a hobby here to their liking.