Encyclopedia of indoor and garden plants. Bulbous garden flowers and their photos. From savage to prima ballerina

02.06.2019 alternative energy

Family Solanaceae. Despite the fact that physalis is a valuable plant with high decorative qualities, if we talk about inedible forms that serve to decorate the garden, as well as excellent nutritional characteristics, if we talk about edible varieties, it is quite rare in areas. Many gardeners refuse to grow this crop, believing that caring for it is difficult and burdensome. ...

Family Kirkazonaceae Hoofed hoof (Asarum) does not have an exotic appearance, but is an attractive and very valuable plant for the garden. This perennial can transform any corner of the site and add its own zest to the flower garden. Despite its unremarkable appearance, this crop always becomes an expressive accent of the garden. In addition, this plant has a unique composition, so it can be used for medicinal purposes. Usually …

The fescue plant is an indispensable garden crop, which helps not only to decorate the site without much hassle and effort, but also allows even an inexperienced gardener to implement interesting ideas and create beautiful compositions. In addition, the techniques for growing this cereal are very simple. According to its characteristics, it is frost-resistant and does not require shelter for the winter. It is growing quickly and...

Gravilat is a plant that is the pride of the gardener, since it is one of the most spectacular ornamental crops in the garden plot. An elegant flower will help you create the most unusual and vibrant compositions, and this will not require any special talents or skills. You can achieve success even if you simply randomly plant gravilate in different parts garden Wherever gravilate grows,...

Family Umbrella. . Hogweed is one of the most poisonous plants, so it is very rarely seen in the garden. In addition, many summer residents try to immediately get rid of it at the first sign of its appearance. There are also those who are not afraid of hogweed and grow it in a flower garden. It is worth noting that this is a rather attractive and extraordinary plant. Appreciated...

Family Cruciferous. Homeland - Southern Europe, Siberia. It is often difficult for small flowers to take their place of honor in a personal plot, since flower garden owners prefer bright, tall ornamental plants with lush buds. However, alyssum completely succeeded in this, and it was appreciated not only for its variegated inflorescences, which bring life to the flower garden, but also for its very pleasant rich aroma. Alyssum...

Family Umbrella. Astrantia can be called one of the main perennials in the garden. This is due to his extraordinary appearance of this flower, resembling a star, the brightness of its inflorescences, the duration of flowering. In addition, gardeners value the crop for its unpretentiousness, winter hardiness and resistance to diseases and pests. This plant requires a minimum of attention, time and effort. The astrantia flower is indispensable in landscape design, since...

Homeland: China, India, Japan, Sakhalin and the Far East. Anafalis began to be grown as a cultivated garden plant from the 16th century. Modern gardeners rarely plant this plant on their property, even though it pleases the eye with its decorative properties for several months. Among other species, the pearl anaphalis flower is in greatest demand among gardeners. Its silvery inflorescences...

Family Asphodelaceae. Homeland - Mediterranean, Caucasus. Asphodelina – herbaceous plant For open ground, which looks quite interesting in the garden. Tall bushes with small variegated yellow inflorescences are modest and elegant, they seem to tower majestically above other perennials. Due to the fact that their decorative effect is maintained throughout the spring-summer period, the area will look bright for a long time...

Family Cruciferous. It grows naturally in temperate regions of Asia, Europe and North America. There are more than 200 species in the genus, but not all are decorative. On modern site The main role is not always given to large, luxurious perennials. IN Lately There has been a tendency to decorate the estate with simple, modest, but at the same time charming small flowers. Unpretentious, long-flowering marigolds, ...

Family Svinchataceae. Under natural conditions, Armeria grows in Europe, Siberia, America, and Mongolia. Armeria is one of the most unpretentious ornamental crops, so it can often be found in garden plots: in flower beds, along paths and next to other flowers. Despite its unpretentiousness, this plant looks very elegant and has its own zest. For gardeners who once decided to grow a perennial...

Flowers in a garden plot always attract attention, lift your spirits on a gloomy cloudy day and create a unique atmosphere. That is why many plant growers try to make every effort to grow flowering crops in their garden. That is why, before you start growing ornamental plants, you need to get acquainted with tips on growing and caring for garden flowers. The better...

Recently very popular among owners country houses Euonymus (Euonymus) has become an ornamental plant that copes well with the task of landscape gardening. There are several legends about this shrub from the Euonymus family. According to one of them, he was created by an evil witch, who, in her anger at people, decided to raise poisonous plant to take revenge on humanity, but in...

Yasenets (dictamnus) is unusual plant with many names. Dictamnus is the Latin name for ash, translated as “dicte” - mountain, “ihamnos” - bush. This plant is also popularly called wild star anise and ash tree. Official Russian name indicates its foliage, which is similar to the leaves of an ash tree. It is also called the burning bush. Dictamnus secrete essential oils, which in a windless ...

According to the description, the penstemon flower cannot be confused with any other garden plant. It grows on a long stem with large powerful leaves. There are few branches, pink or purple flowers are located alternately directly on the stem. There are species in which the bells are white or deep blue. The flowers themselves are velvety to the touch. But for some reason this plant is little known among our summer residents and flower growers. ...

The world selection of peonies has changed the second century. At first they were among the favorites terry varieties, then the breeders paid attention to the variety of colors, the size and shape of the bush, and the timing of flowering. The squeak of fashion recent years- “Japanese” peonies. Anemone-shaped flowers seem simple to us, but in fact they are double, just the middle is densely packed with petals that look like stamens. But about everything...

Heuchera is a genus of rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plants of the Saxifraga family. Currently, cultivated species and varieties of this representative of the flora are quite in demand. The Heuchera flower has come into fashion quite recently. A few years ago, only blood-red heuchera (H. sanguinea) could be purchased. And now many varieties are sold everywhere. The popularity of heuchera is the result of the work of breeders. Revolution...

Tenacious flowers are frequent guests of personal plots. And mainly due to the fact that they require from the gardener minimal care– the tenacious ones spread throughout the area with lightning speed and do not need weeding at all, since they do not leave dense thickets weeds Not the slightest chance. Sometimes tenacious grass is called oak grass: this is explained by the fact that in natural conditions ...

One of the remarkable features of the ceanothus or redroot plant is that its various species, growing close to each other, easily interbreed and produce stable hybrids. The ceanothus shrub is thermophilic, and in harsh winters it requires shelter. The flowering of the bush does not last long, in late spring - early summer, and at this time the plant reaches its peak...

The Russian generic name of the flower, ragwort, is explained by the external similarity of this crop to watercress. In the West, this plant is called senecio, from the Latin word for “old” or “bald.” Indeed, after the seeds ripen, the baskets remain empty for a long time. In nature, senecio grows everywhere - from the tropics to the Arctic. How indoor plant ragwort has also become very widespread. Description of the species...

Homemade Japanese camellia is not a very frequent guest in Russian homes, as it is a relatively capricious plant that requires special attention. However, if you master the basics of caring for Japanese camellia at home, growing it will not be so difficult: the main thing is to provide proper level illumination and comply with soil composition requirements. Camellia varieties...

The weigela plant got its name from the German professor of chemistry and botany Christian Ehrenfried Weigel, who made a huge contribution to the science of seed and fern plants. In ornamental plant growing, the weigela shrub is used as a tapeworm or a companion in group plantings, and is successfully used to create picturesque hedges and strengthen slopes. Weigel bush: photo and description of Weigel...

Deutzia plant from the Hydrangeaceae family is ornamental shrub, especially beautiful during flowering time. Its branches, strewn with delicate flowers, bend low to the ground, resembling snow-white cascades. There are varieties with pink and purple inflorescences, but in mid-latitudes they are quite rare. The action owes its appearance to European culture to the French dendrologist M. Vilmorin. Shrub...

Saxifraga is a perennial crop, also grown as an annual, since most of its varieties simply do not survive in particularly harsh winter climatic conditions. The flower received its name for its ability to settle and grow quite successfully in infertile rocky areas, in crevices, at the foot of the mountains. People call it tear-grass and attribute to it the “ability” to break rocks. Types of saxifrage...

The Saxifraga Arendsa plant is a herbaceous perennial that is very popular among gardeners. It can be found in flower beds and alpine hills in almost all regions of the country. The Latin name of the plant is Saxifraga x Arendsii, and it comes from the words rock - “saxum” and break - “frango” and characterizes the ability of this plant to grow on rocks and in cracks. ...

Saxifraga flower (Saxifraga) is a perennial herbaceous plant native to the temperate and cold climates of the Northern Hemisphere. The family contains 30 genera, which unite almost 600 species of this beautiful flower. Family: Saxifraga Homeland: Japan, China. Rhizome: fibrous. Stem: long, dense, leafy, up to 1.5 meters long. Leaves: large, simple, entire, pinnate and palmate. Fruit: the fruit is a capsule that opens...

The unpretentious and very colorful gatsania flower, whose homeland is the distant and hot African continent, has won the love of flower growers and gardeners throughout the country and is often found in flower beds and outdoor flowerpots. Fans of this beautiful flower often call it African chamomile and successfully combine it in outdoor and indoor decorations. flower arrangements with other flowering plants. Gatsania garden...

Gatsania in the garden is beautiful unpretentious plant, pleasing to the eye with its bright colors similar to daisies. The plant's homeland is Africa, which explains its love for sunny and warm places. In addition, its African origin explains the fact that gatsaniya in the ground does not tolerate excessive dampness. To be able to grow this bright flower in your garden or flower garden...

The Gazania plant is an annual or perennial crop with more than 40 varieties. Currently, it grows naturally in South Africa, the Australian dunes and Mozambique. The flower was brought to Europe in the 17th century. Family: Asteraceae Homeland: South Africa Rhizome: fibrous Stem: short or absent Leaves: dark green or grayish green, dense, different shapes, With …

cultivated plant called amaranth and its wild relative amaranth have been known to mankind for more than six thousand years. Amaranth was grown along with corn by the ancient Incas and Aztecs, who worshiped it as a deity, protected it, and used it in ritual sacrifices. After the arrival of the conquistadors, the widespread destruction of this “devilish plant” began. It entered the territory of modern Europe in 1653 from...

The ornamental shrub lilac is a frequent visitor to personal plots. Its fragrant inflorescences fill the garden with a thick, rich aroma; fluffy branches are often used by florists to create compositions. They say that a randomly found flower with five petals will bring good luck, and a wish will certainly come true. Types of lilac: photos, names and description Lilac (olive family). There are 28 species distributed in Southern Europe, ...

Amaranth (Amaránthus) – predominantly herbaceous annual plant numbering more than a hundred species. It grows in tropical and subtropical regions with warm and temperate climates. The amaranth plant is used for decorative, food and medicinal purposes. Amaranth grass: height, reproductive capacity and other characteristics. 12 varieties of this plant grow on the territory of Russia. flowering plant, most of which are considered malicious...

Unlike the ordinary one, the Japanese quince shrub is significantly smaller in size and is most often grown for decorative purposes. However, those gardeners who managed to achieve fruiting Japanese quince, there is a great opportunity to treat yourself to delicious jam or aromatic tea with this tart fruit, shaped like small apples or pears. Description of the Japanese quince Chaenomeles Mauleya Ornamental ...

The popular name for lumbago flowers is dream-grass. They received it because the leaves of the plant have a calming effect and have a hypnotic effect. Hunters have noted more than once that fawns grazing in clearings where sleep grass grows fall asleep before reaching the forest. Growing lumbago flowers is also possible in garden plots with well-drained soil. Description of the plant lumbago (sleep-grass) ...

Iridodictium flowers are miniature irises. Retaining all the characteristics of ordinary irises, iridodictiums have dwarf sizes, and therefore are ideal for creating designer floral compositions, which are placed in small flowerpots. Also, these mini-cultures can be planted at the front in rock gardens and mixborders so that they are not blocked by larger neighbors. Description of flowers Iridodictium Iridodictium belongs to ...

What else will lift your spirits more than the first spring flowers breaking through the frozen thawed patches, and some even blooming right in the middle of a snowy field? Do you know many names of primrose flowers, or is your knowledge limited only to snowdrops - undoubtedly beautiful, but far from the only ones? What flowers appear first and what do they look like? It is popularly accepted...

Having grown an ornamental forsythia shrub on your site, all spring you will be able to enjoy a bright “golden fountain” of sunny yellow flowers strewn with fragile, long shoots. And if you cut off several branches in winter, then by March they will bloom wildly in a vase. Particularly impressive flowering shrub forsythia looks next to trees strewn with dark needles or foliage. Forsythia shrub: photo...

Ageratum is a tropical plant, so it loves warmth and sufficient moisture. However, despite this, it feels quite comfortable in the middle zone, provided it is provided with proper care and proper sowing. Growing ageratum as a perennial plant, which it is in the wild, is impossible in a garden. But to grow a beautifully flowering annual plant...

One of the most frequent “guests” of flower beds, street flowerpots and alpine slides is a flower of the aster family called ageratum. It is distinguished by a variety of colors and splendor of flowering. This herbaceous plant comes from North and Central America, however, it thrives in our climate. The plant blooms for quite a long time - from June to October, so it is very actively used...

Ageratum is an attractive long-flowering plant of the Asteraceae family, very loved by gardeners for its unpretentiousness, abundance of flowering and beautiful, bright and very fluffy flowers. This plant was discovered by a collector named W. Houston, after whom this species was named. The second name of this flowering plant is Mexican ageratum. In its natural habitat, this plant is...

Ageratum is a plant that grows primarily in tropical and subtropical climates. Ageratum flowers get their name from the Latin word ageratos - ageless. The family has about 60 species, the most common name often used by gardeners is “Dolgotsvetka”. Family: Asteraceae. Homeland: America. Rhizome: powerful, branched. Stem: branching, numerous, erect or ascending up to 60 cm in length, densely pubescent...

Levkoy, like phlox, fill the garden with an aromatic fragrance. The second name of the gillyflower is matthiola, this flower received it in honor of the botanist Pietro Mattioli (Italy). The very name “lewkoy” comes from the Greek word “violet”. When growing gillyflower from seeds, double varieties are obtained from part of the planting material of non-double varieties. Terry varieties themselves do not produce seeds at all. What do they look like...

According to its description, godetia resembles an azalea - the same flowers with simple or double petals of soft pink or bright scarlet color, entire leaves. Godetia is often classified as a member of the genus Clarkia, with some representatives of which they also have a vague resemblance. Planting and caring for godetia flowers is not difficult, and if you spread out the sowing over time, you can ensure the flowering of the flower bed...

If you don't know what aconite looks like, imagine an arrow pointing upward with a blue or purple tip. It is from the Greek Acontion (“arrows”) that the name of this plant comes - strict and at the same time decorative, powerful and at the same time tender. Having decided to propagate aconite in your garden, be prepared to “repel the attack”, because literally...

Sadovaya perennial primrose- one of the first plants to bloom in the garden. Even its name comes from the word “prima” (“first”). But there are also varieties that bloom until mid-summer. Basically, primrose bushes are squat, and therefore ideal for the lower tier of mixborders. These flowers always have a contrasting center, and some species also have two-color petals. Kinds …

perennial flower Hosta is considered a “plant for the lazy” - if you choose right place for planting, the crop is able to actively grow with virtually no care. If we talk about what hosts look like, then Special attention It is worth paying attention to the description of the leaves - they are the ones who endow the plant with decorative qualities, while the flowers of the plant are quite inconspicuous. What do the hosts of different...

From a distance, the perennial lupine flower can be mistaken for a delphinium - these plants have similar powerful flower clusters and dense dark green foliage. But the flowers of the lupine plant, according to the description, rather resemble snapdragons - only the “dogs” are much smaller. All varieties of perennial lupine are highly decorative and in most cases spread throughout the area by self-sowing. What perennial lupine looks like: photo and description...

The flowers of perennial monarda are very unusual - from a distance they resemble giant spiders, and all thanks to the needle-like growths on the upper petals. All types of monarda are extremely aromatic, and their leaves are sometimes added as a spice to various dishes. In addition, this plant is ideal for making floral arrangements, since the flowers do not lose their decorative effect for a long time when cut. Description …

Do you want to see a real miracle in your garden? To do this, it is not at all necessary to look for primroses in the forest, like the heroine of the fairy tale “12 Months”. You just need to plant a perennial hellebore - and spring will come in the middle of the snow cover at your dacha! Yes Yes! This plant, which is sometimes called the “New Year’s rose,” blooms even against the backdrop of snow, delighting its owners and causing...

The name of the small petal flower speaks for itself - its petals are so miniature that they resemble small needles. The most common types of petals are beautiful, alpine and orange. Their varieties differ in the height of the bush and the color of the inflorescences, but all of them are undemanding to the soil, light-loving and quite frost-resistant. Growing perennial small petals This is a perennial, rhizomatous, frost-resistant herbaceous plant, very similar in appearance...

By growing the perennial lavender plant, you will fill your garden with a fragrant aroma - it is not for nothing that these flowers are often used to make sachet pads; creams, gels and other cosmetic products are prepared on their basis. At correct landing and proper care of lavender, in addition to the divine smell, you will provide your flower garden with an attractive look throughout warm season, since this flower...

If you ask for a description of cornflower, many will definitely say that this plant is very similar to chamomile. Others will argue that perennial nevus resembles an aster. Still others, when asked “what does a cornflower look like,” will definitely answer that it is indistinguishable from a luxurious chrysanthemum. And all because everyone describes different types nivyanika – which, and...

If you want to decorate the lower tier of a rock garden or alpine slide, without low-growing varieties You can’t get enough of garden yarrow – this plant is unpretentious and grows well even on dry, sandy soils, creating a lush mat. If you need to arrange a bouquet, then perennial yarrow will come to the rescue: its tall varieties are perfect for cutting. How …

At proper cultivation and caring for salvia, this plant will delight you all summer on the site, and in the winter - in the room. The fact is that up to 90 flowers ripen on one peduncle, gradually blooming, their flowering continues throughout summer season. And even when they fall, bright flower stalks remain on the stem. And with the onset of cold weather, salvia can be transplanted...

Despite the fact that the history of castor beans goes back more than 4,000 years, its homeland has still not been reliably determined. Some botanists suggest that this plant first appeared in Africa, on the territory of modern Ethiopia, others give the palm to India, and still others to Brazil. Whatever it was, beneficial features No one will challenge the castor bean plant...

In addition to a lot of useful properties, calendula also has high decorative qualities. These small yellow or orange flowers bright, sunny spots can decorate any border or border. Moreover, in areas where calendula is planted, you don’t have to worry about the condition of the soil, because these plants have high disinfecting qualities and are able to repel pests. Calendula flowers and their cultivation...

If you want your garden to be as beautiful in the fall as it is in the summer, be sure to plant asters. There are dozens of varieties of asters, the best of them are used for cutting, creating landscape compositions and original herbariums. Growing aster flowers does not require any special conditions: they grow well in any soil and easily tolerate partial shade. How …

Antirrinum is popularly called snapdragon: indeed, the description of the plant’s flowers is similar to gaping lion’s mouths. Unfortunately, this crop is not characterized by increased frost resistance, and therefore in mid-latitudes antirrinum must be planted annually - as a rule, the plants die in winter. But in the south of Russia, snapdragons tolerate the mild winter season well. Description of what the lion plant looks like...

garden flowers Eshsholitzia resemble poppy, but only in the shape of the sepals. Their colors are often yellow-orange, red shades are quite rare. Eshsholitzia received its name from the surname of the Russian naturalist Johann Eschsholtz, who brought this beautiful flower in Russia. Growing eschscholzia from seeds is not difficult, and therefore the plant is very popular. Garden flowers Eššolytsia and…

Decorative flowers Tagetes are popularly called marigolds. Indeed, the petals of the plant are velvety to the touch and have a specific aroma. And the plant owes its Latin name (tagetes) to the Swedish healer Carl Linnaeus, who named marigolds in honor of Tages, the son of Genius and grandson of Jupiter. The description of Tagetes, Linnaeus believed, is as beautiful as this young man. Description and useful properties...

In addition to using the perilla plant in landscape design, this herbaceous crop is widely used to produce printing inks, drying oils and varnishes. Perilla is known to culinary experts as shiso - its leaves are added to salads and others to give them a spicy aroma. In some Asian countries, the oil of this plant is used as medicine. Perilla leaves and seeds This is an ornamental deciduous…

You can understand what rose hips look like from the name itself: the stems of this plant are literally strewn with sharp thorns. Perhaps this is the only drawback of the shrub - otherwise the plant “consists” of only advantages. In addition to the fact that rosehip is unusually beautiful during flowering, its fruits are also very useful thanks to increased content vitamin C. What does rose hips look like: ...

Spectacular flowers and lush foliage of peonies make these flowers one of the most popular for amateur flower growers and landscape gardeners. Unfortunately, like all garden plants, peonies are threatened by diseases and pests, and without taking any measures to combat them, you can easily deprive your area of ​​these beautiful flowers. Dedicated to how to protect flower beds from various misfortunes...

Fritillary flowers are perennial bulbous plants that are widespread in the gardens of the middle zone. A huge number of species and varieties of hazel grouse makes it possible to choose exactly those flowers that will fit perfectly into the composition of your flowerbed. In addition, when growing hazel grouse, it is recommended to replant the plants quite frequently to a new location, which means that every year you will be able to admire...

Chionodoxa are flowers for true connoisseurs of refined and exquisite plants. Their unpretentious, unobtrusive beauty does not catch the eye with the brightness of its colors or the splendor of its forms, but it is simply impossible to ignore this delicate flower - it attracts the eye with its elegance of lines and strict beauty. Growing and caring for Chionodoxa will not be a hassle; this plant will become a real decoration for rockeries or...

Spring whiteflower is medicinal plant, which contains substances used to treat a number of diseases nervous system. In addition, the white flower has valuable decorative qualities, and therefore is very popular among gardeners who are fond of primroses. Like most bulbous plants, this plant is suitable for growing in pots, and also keeps well when cut. Whiteflower, or leucoum, belongs to...

Growing adonis (adonis) is a troublesome business: this is mainly due to the difficulties in propagating this plant. The fact is that after planting Adonis, no more than half of the seeds germinate, so there is no need to save planting material– thickening will not occur. But those Adonis flowers that have taken root will delight you with lush growth and bright colors. Its name...

Owners of summer cottages pay special attention to growing bulbous flowers. Mainly perennials, therefore it is important to provide them with a comfortable winter, so that in early spring primroses delighted you with a riot of colors. Before caring for bulbous plants, take note of the recommendations experienced gardeners suggested on this page. You will learn how to feed bulbs, how to propagate them correctly, ...

Meadow plants are a fairly rich community, developing more dynamically than mountain or steppe plants. Meadow flowers and grasses compete for light, nutrients, water, therefore they grow much more actively than their forest counterparts, as well as representatives of the mountains and steppes. TO meadow plants There are thousands of species, and most of them can be grown on your own personal plots. With photo …

Most flowers prefer an abundance of light and cannot tolerate stagnant moisture. But what should owners of shady areas do, who, just like everyone else, want to see their dacha bloom? There is an exit! You can sow flower beds with shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants for the garden, and then the problem of landscaping will be solved. True, there are significantly fewer shade-loving garden flowers than light-loving ones, but...

None landscape composition is unthinkable without ground cover flowers - they are the ones who shade tall plants, emphasizing their beauty and hiding the “defects” of the flower bed. Little of, ground cover plants for the garden they are beautiful in themselves - their muted greenery and delicate flowering are unobtrusive, but very elegant. As a rule, creeping lights are unpretentious - lying low to the ground, they are content...

Plants for landscape design can be divided into three large groups. All of them occupy a certain place in the creation of compositions, the main thing is to take into account their height and flowering time, so that the mixborder or rockery does not lose its decorative effect throughout the season. The first group includes herbaceous landscape plants, which are planted near ponds and along the edges of flower beds. ...

Alpine plants are widely used in the design of alpine slides and rockeries. Ease of care, variety of species and varieties, decorative throughout the season... All these factors make alpine herbs and flowers of alpine meadows extremely popular among gardeners. These plants can be used in single plantings, in mixed groups, and also planted in pots and containers. Check out…

Garden plants today - required attribute any suburban area. Both a solid cottage and an ordinary village house will look advantageous when framed by green spaces. Garden plants attracted people thousands of years before our era. In Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, they were gradually resettled from the wild closer to homes. Some representatives of the flora generously gave gifts to people edible fruits, others became a true decoration of the territories.

From north to south, from south to north

From those distant times list garden plants expanded significantly. Trees, shrubs, flowers and herbs have made their home in big cities and tiny villages around the world. Professionals and amateurs studied the peculiarities of their maintenance, selected the most persistent and non-capricious species, and developed new varieties and hybrids. As a result, high-yielding, disease- and pest-resistant, beautiful and easy-to-care specimens appeared. The site contains photos and descriptions of garden plants, ranging from and ending with, suitable for growing in a variety of regions.
It is noteworthy that among them there are those who have “reconsidered” their attitude towards climatic conditions. Typical southerners - - are quite successfully grown in the middle zone, in Siberia and the Urals. In the same way, many cold-loving plants -, - have taken root well in warm regions.

Decorative orchard

Nowadays, land owners do not have to make a difficult choice between beauty and benefit. In particular, the catalog of garden plants with photos and descriptions presents plants that successfully combine both qualities. Original pruning, the use of trellises, and decorative trellises will allow you to obtain a harvest and at the same time enjoy the decorative effect of the created compositions. The sections on the site contain plants for dry areas and wetlands that love bright light and are ready to live in partial shade. Our recommendations will help reduce the hassle of caring for the lawn, creating alpine slides, and organizing flower beds with continuous flowering.

There are a huge number of varieties of large-leaf hydrangea, which is loved in America and Europe, not to mention its popularity in Japan, its homeland. Large-leaved hydrangeas are mainly recommended for gardens in countries with milder climates, and we found them in the southern gardens of the Black Sea coast.

The name of the barberry genus comes from the Arabic word “verberi”, which means “shell-shaped petals”. This genus (barberry family) includes up to 175 species, growing mainly in Central Asia, China, the Himalayas, and also in South America.

A group of powerful, tall bows is well known to a wide range of gardeners. They come from the mountainous regions of central and southwestern Asia and are known under the common name - anzura bows. They are closely related, many easily interbreed, blurring the lines between species and confusing the taxonomy. What are we growing and is it possible to figure it out?

For those who like to follow the advice of Chinese traditional medicine notes from Pavel Belousov, an expert on plants and the secrets of Chinese health. He offers to look at pears, quinces and grapes through the eyes of ancient and modern Chinese.

Valentina NOZHENKO, a member of the International Society of Clematis Growers, chairman of the “Clematis” section of the Moscow Flower Growers club, talks about new varieties that have been tested in her garden.

Seeing walnuts in a dream is a sign that foretells a lot of joy and auspiciousness - this is promised by the dream book, the interpreter of dreams. And in China walnut other properties were attributed. And not in a dream, but in reality. An article by sinologist from Almaty Pavel Belousov is about this.


Oddly enough, one of the most unpretentious and widespread plants in nature in the middle zone - geranium - is not so well known to ordinary gardeners.

Order table: “Please tell us about Phytolacca americana or Lakonos. Very interesting and useful plant and they say it blooms beautifully, but if I ask anyone, no one knows anything about it.”

Heucheras are one of those plants that have recently become in truly great demand. In our section, a story about the latest varieties heucheras, which, it seems to us, should further increase the number of her fans.

About the author: Sergey Goroshkevich is the head of the laboratory of dendroecology at the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of the SB RAS, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director of the Siberian Academy of Trees and Shrubs LLC, Tomsk.

There are probably few flower growers who have seen Cardiokinum, and even fewer who could boast that it grows in their gardens. And this plant, which looks like a giant lily, is worth it. In our conditions, it is quite possible to grow it, although you will have to take care of shelter for the winter.

I have never seen a garden without primroses. The richest love story of flower growers for these primroses in various countries suggests that primroses have always been and will be popular. There are many types of primroses, but in this article I want to talk about the most popular

Where can I get oblivion grass? I will plant it to the north, in the shade. My thoughts always strive for my husband. My heart yearns more painfully every day

Shijing. Longing for her husband sent on a campaign.

We got a garden plot in the late 80s, 6 acres in the drained swamps behind Shatura. And one of the first plants I planted there was clematis. I purchased it from the gardener from whom I bought currants. It was at the beginning of September, when clematis were blooming in his garden, about which I still knew nothing. Clematis bush with purple flowers I was amazed. For 20 years I