High-quality pyrolysis boilers. Long burning pyrolysis boiler. Homemade long-burning pyrolysis boilers

07.02.2019 Boilers

The air temperature directly affects how comfortable your room will be. And it, in turn, depends on how well it will work heating device. If you choose this unit wisely, you will be able to enjoy the warmth without thinking about what the weather is like outside the window. But today the range of boilers is so impressive that an inexperienced person can simply get confused. In this row are also pyrolysis boilers, which are simple, effective and modern. Pay attention to them.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers: design and principle of operation

A pyrolysis boiler can be classified as one of those devices that perform their work using solid fuel. The device heats the coolant, which in turn distributes it throughout the room.

But this installation has a number of differences that set it apart from traditional boilers. The first thing you need to pay attention to is its design and principle of operation.

The work of a pyrolysis boiler is to process wood, this process is called pyrolysis. It releases a mixture of gases from solid organic matter under the influence of high temperature and the absence of oxygen. As a result of this process, the fuel decomposes into a dry residue, as well as gas or coke.

Such a process can only be carried out in the presence of high temperature, which is at least 1000 degrees. In addition, a reaction occurs and releases a large number of heat, the fuel dries, and the air that enters the combustion zone heats up. The gas released from the fuel reacts with oxygen and begins to burn, releasing heat.

The peculiarity of this process is that the gas interacts with carbon, and, consequently, carcinogenic substances are reduced to a minimum.

Long-burning pyrolysis boilers: fuel

In principle, pyrolysis boilers can operate on any type of solid fuel. More precisely, it is firewood, peat, coal or wood. Firewood in this case is the most economical option.

The size of the firewood is determined according to the parameters of the firebox. Basically, firewood is used for the pyrolysis device, the size of which is about 40 cm and the diameter is 200 mm. In the case of briquettes, their size should be approximately 30 by 3 cm.

It is also necessary to take into account that such a system is very demanding on humidity. If it is elevated, a large amount of steam will be released, which affects the heat and creates soot. In order for the device to operate optimally, the fuel moisture content should not be higher than 45%, the ideal is 20%.

Experts have found through research that when using fuel with a moisture content of 20%, about 4 kW of heat will be released per hour. At the same time, the fuel, whose humidity was above 50%, generated several times less heat.

It is for this reason that you need to pay attention Special attention humidity of the material.

Along with firewood and briquettes, you can use any wood waste and sawdust. Their volume should not exceed a third of the required volume of fuel.

How do pyrolysis heating boilers differ from other installations?

Those who purchased this equipment note that they received a large number of benefits.

The main ones include:

  • Increased efficiency of the device, since the fuel burns almost completely;
  • It is possible to regulate the temperature in a heated room, this allows you to use fuel with great savings;
  • Reduced level of harmful substances in gases, since they are released several times less compared to conventional equipment;
  • Fuel needs to be loaded several times a day; if the boiler is operating in economy mode, then once will be enough;
  • Semi-automatic control allows using a remote control to reduce or increase the air supply from 30 to 100%;
  • Combustion of products is minimal and cleaning of equipment is simple.

Of course, the device also has some disadvantages, which should also be mentioned. The first drawback is that all automated models operate solely on electricity. The second is that the boiler costs several times more than standard combustion devices.

But the savings that are made during the operation of the boiler pay for all costs over time. Well, the last drawback is that most often pyrolysis-type boilers are made as single-circuit ones, so they can only be used for a heating system. If you also want to get water heating, you will have to spend extra money.

Rating of long-burning pyrolysis boilers

The world leaders in the production of pyrolysis boilers are German companies. They are designed for less emissions toxic substances into the atmosphere and show the highest possible efficiency. Some of the models are able to work for a day without adding fuel.

The secret of such work lies in the fact that the design has been improved, and its firebox is equipped with modern word technology. The work and its efficiency are fully controlled by automation, this helps to achieve uniform thermal index and at the same time reduce financial costs.

From Russian made We can highlight the company from Kostroma TeploGarant, which produces Burzhuy-K models.

They are highly practical and can work with any type of solid fuel.

A distinctive feature of these devices is that they work effectively with fuel whose humidity is high. This indicator gives this manufacturer a great advantage over its competitors.

Czech solid fuel boilers for long burning

Czech boilers are among the most popular. For example, the company Dakon produces boilers that are identical to analogues from Germany or Russia, and as a result, their efficiency is no different. Among the successful models, we can highlight a design that is controlled by a remote control; it is this that not only regulates the temperature, but also all the basic adjustments. This model has the longest service life among class equipment. Besides this device capable of operating only at a third of power, when it is not yet warm, but no longer cold.

Models with interesting and practical parameters can be found from Czech manufacturers from the company OROP.

The main feature of these boilers is their complete independence from energy. In addition, their design feature allows them to work not only on wood fuel, but also on coal.

In order to control the work process, dampers are used; they can be either open or closed. The efficiency of a boiler from such a manufacturer is approximately 89%, which in principle can be considered a good indicator. Boilers of this brand are considered to be the best example, not only because they are non-volatile, but also because less gas is released. Also among the models of this manufacturer you can find types of boilers low power and top action.

What is a pyrolysis boiler (video)

Pyrolysis boilers are becoming more and more popular every year. They can be called the most practical option, which runs on solid fuel. Despite the fact that the pricing policy of such boilers is quite high, the efficiency shows excellent results, and the cost of fuel is affordable for everyone. Thanks to the wide variety of models, you can choose the boiler that suits your structure.

December 29, 2013 Alexei

Comfort in the home is always associated with the air temperature in the room. And it directly depends on the quality heating equipment and his work.

Only right choice boiler will allow you not to freeze in own home. However, their range is so large that you can’t help but think, which model to choose?

Most often they use gas appliances, but what to do if there is no mains near the house? In this case, you need to pay attention to. They run on wood and can heat even large industrial spaces.

Solid fuel or not

What is a pyrolysis heating device, and what is the principle of its operation? Let's look at the main points. A pyrolysis boiler, or also called a gas generator boiler, is a type of solid fuel heating equipment.

The principle of its operation is based on the combustion of gas, which is released under the influence of high temperature on wood with a lack of oxygen. To obtain it, a device was created consisting of two chambers - a pyrolysis boiler. The lower part is intended for loading firewood, the upper part is necessary for burning gas.

But to obtain it, certain conditions must be created, such as:

  • Having a very high temperature
  • Almost complete absence of oxygen

Such parameters can be achieved only if the lower firebox is completely sealed, as well as if there is a special boiler design vacuum pump, pumping air out of the chamber after laying firewood. All gases, including pyrolysis gas, are volatile, which means that it easily rises through the nozzle into the chamber where it is burned, which leads to heating of the heat exchanger. This device belongs to the systems long burning.

What to look for when choosing

Pyrolysis boilers, like other models of heating equipment, are divided into:

  • Dual-circuit

The former are chosen only as heating systems, while the latter are capable of providing hot water for household needs.

There is also a difference in power. It can reach 2000 kW. But, regardless of the differences, the operating principle of all hydrolysis devices is exactly the same.

Therefore, when choosing, pay attention to:

  1. Power
  2. Exterior design
  3. Number of circuits

There is another factor - cost. Of course, the operation of the boiler does not depend on it, but the filling of your wallet is very significant. This means that you should take it into account when choosing.

Which manufacturer to choose

To understand the features various models let's conduct them comparative analysis and find out which one will be the most optimal to answer the question - which is the best pyrolysis boiler to choose for your home?

Undoubtedly, German companies are considered leaders in the production of heating devices. They were able to create models of pyrolysis boilers that have high efficiency and the least emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Long-burning devices from Viessmann or Buderus can operate on one burner for 24 hours.

The manufacturer was able to achieve such results by improving the boiler firebox. The presence of automation systems allows you to regulate the activity of its work. The result of this is a reduction in fuel costs and ensuring uniform thermal regime in room.

The next most popular are heating devices from the Czech manufacturer Dakon. Structurally, they differ little from German products.

The same steel body of the combustion chamber, welded from metal with a thickness of at least 5 mm, and several ceramic blocks. Behind the structure there is a collector with exhaust fan, and in front are the doors of the loading chamber.

The main achievement of the manufacturer was the appearance of the control panel.

The boiler operation process is also no different from other models. The same principle of gas supply using a fan and high efficiency, the ability to control operation regulation using automation. However, this company also has its own new products - this is its pyrolysis boiler in a cast iron body.

The model is produced under the Daman Pyro brand and is considered the most durable in this class of equipment. In addition, the device is capable of operating at half power in the off-season. The disadvantage of the model is its energy dependence, since the fan runs on electricity.

Another model worthy of choice is pyrolysis boilers of the OPOP brand from a Czech manufacturer. Their characteristic feature is energy independence, as well as the ability to use not only wood, but also coal as fuel.

In the model of this manufacturer, gases enter the combustion chamber through the burner. In it, under the influence of secondary air, the process of combustion occurs. The power of the device is regulated in the process of opening the air intake dampers. Efficiency of this boiler is also quite large and amounts to 89%.

Pyrolysis devices from the Russian manufacturer, produced under the Bourgeois brand, have proven themselves to be quite good. Their main feature is the ability to use even wet wood as fuel, which sets them apart from their foreign competitors.

The choice of brand of solid fuel heating equipment cannot be unambiguous, since although they all have the same operating principle and differ little in their constructive solution, but each model has its own cost.

And very often it is this that has a decisive influence on the choice of a good pyrolysis boiler. If we take this into account, then first place should be given to Russian products. It is this that has the lowest cost with good overall quality equipment.

What consumers say about it

Consumers have increasingly begun to choose solid fuel heating devices, but among them, of course, the best are pyrolysis boilers. And although the price for them is quite high and ranges from 90 to 300 thousand rubles depending on the manufacturer, there is still a demand. It is due to the low price of fuel, the fairly high efficiency of these boilers, as well as the possibility long work from one download.

To ensure the competitiveness of this equipment and choose the most best model, just look at the reviews. Those who have already installed such equipment write that the savings amount to quite a significant amount, especially considering the constant rise in prices for energy and gas. This means that such boilers have a chance to become leaders.

Foreign or domestic

If we consider specific models, then it all depends on the availability Money. And, as always, the best pyrolysis boiler for the home is German, although Czech equipment also has high quality. Concerning domestic models, then they also have their advantages, for example the ability to use wet firewood. Therefore, you should choose based on your own requirements and capabilities.

In places where interruptions in gas or electricity supply are possible, where fuel (wood, coal, etc.) is available, long-burning solid fuel boilers are taking root as the main or backup heat sources in heating systems. And long-burning pyrolysis boilers have proven themselves especially well. They are both effective and economical!

The topic of solid fuel boilers at one time lost its relevance, but is now quite confidently making its way into the heating sector. This is successfully helped by rising energy prices (gas, oil, electricity), as well as the greater popularization of individual construction of houses and cottages.

Let's look at their features...

Who are they?

The group of pyrolysis boilers for heating usually includes their solid fuel “brothers”, which consume mainly wood.

Important! Firewood in our country has the status of an easily accessible fuel. And, mind you, renewable. The main thing to remember is that forests not only need to be cut down, but also need to be planted...

High-tech supporters need not be nervous! This is not a leap into the past, but a smart integration of scientific technologies into human life. Studying a wood-fired pyrolysis boiler (even the simplest one) reveals the beginning of an impressive list of its advantages.

The benefits of pyrolysis in heating

The long-term search for energy-saving technologies has touched a little on organic chemistry. Scientists have noticed that in a high-temperature environment with limited access to oxygen, the combustion process of many organic solids is accompanied by a stable release of flammable gas, which in itself is suitable for further combustion. And when it burns, a large amount of heat is released.

In other words, when one fuel burns, a new (gaseous) fuel is formed. Wood is the leader in this process!

This process of generating flammable gas from solid organic substances during their smoldering was called pyrolysis, which determined the name of the pyrolysis heating boiler. They are also called gas generators or long-burning solid fuel boilers.

Due to the two-stage combustion of fuel (solid and newly formed gaseous), pyrolysis boilers produce more heat when burning the same volume of fuel than conventional solid fuel units. That is, their efficiency is much higher.

The main practical advantage of such boilers is their ability to operate for a long time (up to 25-30 hours) on one load of fuel. This is achieved by deliberately restricting the air supply to the combustion chamber.

And how does it work?

The difference between a pyrolysis boiler and a conventional solid fuel boiler is that it has two combustion chambers. It also has a separate compartment for waste from the combustion process.

The upper chamber (gasification) is intended for loading fuel. The primary decay of firewood occurs in it.

Due to the restriction of air access into the chamber, an exothermic reaction occurs in it. High temperatures from 200 to 800 °C lead to the formation of two flammable components: pyrolysis gas and charcoal.

The heat released at this stage is also spent on drying the wood and heating the air entering the combustion zone.

Next, the gas enters the middle chamber, where, in “steam” with air drawn into the chamber by a fan-exhaust fan at a high temperature of 1150-1200 O C, it ignites, releasing a significant amount of thermal energy and virtually complete combustion of the entire contents of the chamber.

The resulting ash, as well as soot, fall into the lower chamber, adapted for periodic cleaning, the frequency of which depends on the quality of the fuel and the intensity of use of the wood-burning boiler.

High temperature processes occurring in pyrolysis boiler long burning determine the requirements for the strength of the entire unit. Steel or cast iron are used. Cast iron is more “slow” (inertial), both when heating and when cooling, but it is also more durable. Steel improves dynamics when heated, but rapid cooling of a pyrolysis boiler is not always convenient. Cast iron is more resistant to corrosion, and steel surfaces are predominantly coated with ceramic materials, which protects the metal from the “destructiveness” of high temperatures. Various construction materials, the presence of automation, and the power of the unit determine its cost.

Set of advantages and disadvantages

Modern technologies that use pyrolysis boilers have allowed them to acquire a number of advantages:

  • Efficiency of up to 85% is explained by the operating features of the boiler, which ensures complete combustion of fuel;
  • complete combustion of fuel ensures minimization of waste;
  • the slow combustion process allows you to add a new portion of fuel twice, and in some designs, with economical use, even once a day;
  • the boiler design provides the ability to automatically dynamically control the power of the heating system within the range of 30-100%, by regulating the rate of air flow into the lower combustion chamber;
  • the environmental friendliness of this boiler design is ensured by the virtually complete combustion of both solid and the resulting gaseous fuel mass, which ensures low emissions (about 3 times less) of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere;

Wood-burning pyrolysis boilers also have disadvantages. These are also worth mentioning:

  • the most insignificant is the need for constant power supply to the unit. But in view of the fact that modern systems heating mainly with forced circulation coolant, then electricity will be required to ensure the operation of the circulation pump.
  • “single-circuit” pyrolysis units, which is also easily compensated by the installation storage boiler For DHW systems, which naturally leads to additional costs;
  • quite high price, which is also compensated by economical fuel consumption;
  • the need, although rare, is still “manual” loading of fuel. This disadvantage is successfully overcome by new pyrolysis boilers using wood pellets, which can be automatically reloaded from a fuel bunker or warehouse.

  • “demanding” on the quality of wood fuel, especially its moisture content, to ensure highly efficient operation.

And in conclusion about the global...

As we can see, energy-saving technologies have firmly taken root in the long-burning pyrolysis boiler, realizing their current global goals in them:

  • minimizing fuel consumption;
  • increasing the heat transfer of fuel during combustion;
  • reducing the concentration of morbid substances in combustion products.

By installing a boiler of this type in your home, you will not only optimize your time spent on its maintenance, but also make your contribution to the conservation of nature.

Modern solid fuel boilers increasingly use the pyrolysis process in their operation. The operating principle of heating equipment is based on the ability of wood, when burned, to release large amounts of carbon dioxide.

A long-burning pyrolysis boiler accumulates heat obtained during the combustion of fuel from wood or its waste and afterburning of the released gas.

How do pyrolysis boilers with long burning times work?

A long-burning solid fuel pyrolysis boiler differs from classical heat generators in several design differences and internal device. The changes affected work processes, combustion chamber and smoke channel.

As a result of modifications and design solutions, the following advantages and characteristics were achieved:

  • Operating time from one fill of fuel is from 8 to 120 hours, depending on the model and quality of fuel.
  • Reduced wood consumption - compared to the classic version of the boiler, fuel costs have decreased by 15-20%.
  • Adjustment accuracy – the operating principle used and the automation used provide precise adjustment of the heating medium heating intensity, with an error of no more than 1°C.
  • High heat transfer - the efficiency of pyrolysis models varies, depending on the quality of the fuel and the manufacturer, in the range of 80-92%.

What is the process of fuel pyrolysis

The operating principle of a long-burning pyrolysis boiler is based on natural physical processes and properties of wood:
  • Wood, when heated, begins to release carbon dioxide.
  • After mixing with oxygen, a flammable gas-air mixture of CO is obtained, which under normal conditions simply exits into the chimney.
  • Long-burning steel solid fuel pyrolysis boilers with a water circuit are equipped with a special afterburning chamber. The produced gas is sent to an additional furnace, where it burns at a temperature of 600-800°C.
The main task of pyrolysis heating equipment is to create necessary conditions for maximum carbon dioxide production: high temperature and limited air access.

Design features of pyrolysis boilers

The long-burning pyrolysis heating boiler with a water circuit differs from classical equipment models in several features:
  • Loading type - all boilers are equipped with an enlarged firebox with vertical or horizontal loading. The large capacity of the combustion chamber helps to increase the time of the pyrolysis process. About 20 minutes after lighting, the boilers operate as usual. After heating to a temperature of 600°C, pyrolysis combustion begins.
  • Firebox design - the design includes two combustion chambers. The main firebox has convection holes for air intake and uniform distribution. The afterburning chamber is lined with fireclay to maintain a high temperature.
  • The design of the heat exchanger - long-burning household pyrolysis boilers using solid fuel, uses the heat generated during combustion as efficiently as possible. Combustion as such, in the full sense of the word, does not occur; wood smolders with limited air supply and high temperature. Flue gases are directed into the broken smoke channel of the boiler. The heat exchanger surrounds two combustion chambers and a duct. Progressive technologies make it possible to accumulate most of the heat coming from heated smoke.
  • Coolant heating – models with for a long time combustion heats the coolant in a flow-through manner. Boilers have one or two circuits. First heating circuit Designed for connection to a heating system. Through the second, water for domestic hot water is heated. The technical characteristics of the boiler, in particular productivity, largely depend on the presence of a hot water supply coil. In dual-circuit units, the power is less.
  • Air supply control – boilers are equipped with natural or forced air supply. Non-volatile models are controlled by mechanical ones connected to the ash pan door. Installation of automation connected to smoke exhausters and blower fans ensures precise combustion control.

Dependence on electricity, solved by installing a source uninterruptible power supply. The voltage consumption in boilers is 150-300 W/hour.

Is it possible to increase the burning time of a pyrolysis boiler?

The operating time of a pyrolysis boiler depends on several factors, taking into account which you can extend the operating time from one load:

Factory-made briquettes, wood chips and sawdust have a moisture content of 8-18%, which is the optimal moisture content for the pyrolysis process.

Which pyrolysis boiler is better

According to the statistical report, regarding sales of pyrolysis models of heating equipment, boilers from European manufacturers remain the most popular. Even the high cost of the models, which is 2-3 times higher than their domestic counterparts, does not affect their popularity.

A short review of long-burning pyrolysis heating boilers using solid fuel helps to identify models in demand by domestic consumers:

  • German boilers - the leaders in popularity are the German Buderus, Viessmann, HDG. The assortment includes both completely autonomous boilers and manually operated equipment.
  • Czech boilers - Wattek company offers energy-independent heating equipment for household use. The products became available to domestic consumers relatively recently, but are already popular.
  • Russian equipment - pyrolysis boilers are represented by the brands Burzhuy K, Trayan, Geyser, Termofor, Divo. The difference between the equipment is the ability to work on wood with a high moisture content. Most models are universal.
  • Bulgarian boilers are not widely used. A Russian buyer was able to evaluate Burnit boilers from Sunsystem. There are no other competitive models made in Bulgaria.
  • Co-production – several Russian manufacturers established joint production with European manufacturers. One of the most popular models are Lavoro boilers, manufactured by an Italian-Russian concern.

How much do pyrolysis boilers cost?

To select a pyrolysis boiler, you need to take into account not only specifications and productivity, but also its cost and further maintenance costs.

Low-power boilers, up to 20 kW, depending on the manufacturer, cost from 60 to 350 thousand rubles. The German Buderus and Wismann are the most expensive.

Domestic Termofor and Burzhuy-K belong to the middle price category. Czech Watteks are expensive, almost like their German counterparts, which somewhat limits their popularity.

Requirements for the installation site of a pyrolysis type boiler

Requirements fire safety to pyrolysis heating equipment are the same as to all other solid fuel boilers. When installing, comply with the rules of industrial safety and industrial safety:
  • High power boilers, over 40 kW, are installed in separate room. Installation of equipment with lower productivity is allowed anywhere in the house.
  • Before installation, prepare the base. Due to the presence of two combustion chambers, the weight of the boiler reaches several centners. Due to the large mass of the unit, a foundation is required.
  • When the chimney passes through the floor slabs and roof, a special fireproof cut is made.
  • The floor and walls are lined with non-flammable finishing materials.
The minimum area of ​​the room used for the boiler room is 9 m². Availability supply and exhaust ventilation Necessarily.

Most urgent question in winter cold it is heating. And many, whose household is located outside the city, cannot use gas, and sometimes even electric appliances due to the lack of main networks or their insufficient power.

In this case, the most pressing choice is solid fuel equipment. And most often, long-burning pyrolysis boilers are used for heating.

Why they? The answer to this question was their design features and operating principle.

What does wood pyrolysis involve?

In order to truly appreciate the capabilities of long-burning devices, it is necessary to find out what is unique about this process. Pyrolysis is the decomposition of wood into gaseous products and dry residue (charcoal).

But this process is only possible without air access and at a sufficiently high temperature. Deciduous trees are most often used as fuel for such equipment, although coniferous trees can also be used.

Principle of operation:

Typically, the vessel in which pyrolysis occurs is a retort, which is a closed structure with a low oxygen content inside. It is equipped with a pipe necessary to remove the resulting gases, which then condense and burn.

To more clearly understand the process of operation of such equipment, let’s consider its design features. The best way To find out all the nuances that long-burning pyrolysis boilers have, watch video materials. They show all the main components of the unit and explain their differences from traditional models.

Gas-generating heating equipment

The operating principle of such units is based on the combustion of gas, which is released from firewood under the influence of high temperature and with a minimum oxygen content. In this case, the wood is divided into gas and coke, which is almost pure carbon and is the final product of gas generation.

Because of this principle of operation, the equipment is called gas generator or solid fuel. Today, a long-burning pyrolysis boiler, reviews of which can be found online, is becoming more and more in demand. And such popularity was brought to him, first of all, by his unique abilities and high efficiency.

The gas released during the operation of pyrolysis boilers is cleaner even in comparison with wood. It is burned in furnaces, where it is converted into condensate and mixed with air coming from the nozzle.

The temperature can reach 700º C. The only nuance in their work is the humidity of the firewood. Different models have their own values, but only with completely dry fuel does this boiler have an efficiency of about 85%.

At the start-up stage, pyrolysis boilers operate as usual until a certain temperature value is reached and only after warming up are transferred to the required mode using special gate valves.

Design features

Solid fuel devices of this type consist of a firebox divided into 2 chambers:

  • Downloads
  • Combustion

In the first, the process of pyrolysis of firewood occurs, and in the second, the released gases are burned with minimal heat removal. Between the fireboxes there is a grate with briquettes. Primary air moves from top to bottom through the layer of wood. This operating principle, called top blast, is the main difference between pyrolysis devices and all other models.

Watch the video, starting the boiler:

Fireboxes with this design are characterized by increased aerodynamic resistance and have forced draft. Moreover, it can be done either using a blower fan or using a smoke exhauster. This option is used for small devices.

Long-burning pyrolysis boilers have many advantages, including:

  • Possibility of using heat obtained not only from burning wood, but also from the gas released during this process
  • Education minimum quantity ash and complete absence of soot
  • Higher efficiency than traditional models, which means they maintain the required temperature longer
  • The working time on one bookmark for many is more than 8 hours
  • Minimum content of harmful impurities in exhaust gases
  • Power adjustment from 30 to 100%
  • Possibility of recycling rubber and polymers without harming the environment

Consumers have already appreciated all these qualities and give preference to gas generator models. This is evidenced not only by the constantly growing demand for long-burning pyrolysis boilers, reviews of which note ease of operation and good economic benefits.

The disadvantages of these devices include their dependence on electricity, big sizes and demands on the wood used (firewood must have a certain moisture content).

Main fuels

Gas generating equipment can operate on:

However, it is required that their humidity does not exceed 40%. But dry wood is considered the ideal fuel for pyrolysis devices; only in this case will the maximum power of the device be achieved. For example, when burning 1 kg of wood with a humidity of 20%, a power of 4 kW is achieved, and if the humidity reaches 50%, then only 2 kW.

Comparing the results obtained, we can conclude that the efficiency of the device directly depends on the moisture content of the fuel. This indicator must be taken into account by those who decide to buy long-burning pyrolysis boilers to heat their own homes. When choosing a model, pay attention to permissible humidity firewood, this will help to avoid mistakes in further operation.

Why a pyrolysis apparatus?

The duration of operation of heating equipment depends on many factors:

  • room temperature
  • type of fuel
  • heat-saving properties of the building
  • correct system design

And if we compare conventional solid fuel devices and pyrolysis boilers long burning, then there is no doubt about the greatest effectiveness of the latter. After all, in the process of burning wood you can get the following high temperatures, which are impossible when operating conventional solid fuel equipment.

This feature is associated with the principle of operation of the device, namely the combustion in it not only of firewood, but also of gases released during its combustion. At the same time, combustion of pyrolysis gas does not require such large volumes of secondary air as when operating a conventional solid fuel boiler.

Does it have any disadvantages?

If you decide to install a long-burning pyrolysis boiler in your home, then in addition to its advantages, it is worth learning about the disadvantages. In terms of design and ability to heat a room, it is far superior to traditional models.

However technical features, which made it possible to extend the operating time on one tab to 8 hours, led to an average increase in the cost of equipment by 2 times. Consequently, the price for modern pyrolysis boilers is quite high. This somewhat restrains the growth of demand for devices of this type.