Characteristics of the employee’s work activity. Examples of filling out characteristics for an employee from the place of work in various cases

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No matter what field of activity you work in, you may at any time need the ability to write a testimonial. To do this, you do not have to be a professional psychologist, but observation and impartiality are necessary. Good characteristic always based on facts, has a logical structure and is compiled taking into account the purposes of the request. Let's look at how to write a characteristic correctly.

The characteristics, like any official document, have a clear structure. Although uniform requirements There are no requirements dictated by law; there is a mandatory list of items that must be indicated in the document. So, any official report contains a header, body, date and signature. The characteristics header contains the name, reference number, and date of compilation. Here information about the compiler is indicated: the name of the enterprise or other institution issuing the characteristics of the body, legal address, contact information.

Next, in the middle, the title of the document “Characteristics” is written and information about the person is described. The content of this paragraph varies significantly depending on the different situations and depends on the purpose of drawing up the document. Thus, the characteristics of an applicant when applying for a job should foresee his potential as a future employee and make it clear to management how well the candidate meets the tasks assigned to him. But, for example, the guardianship and trusteeship service will be more interested in the actual qualities of the parent and his attitude towards the child, mental stability, absence or presence of precedents of violence in the past, etc. The following data, called personal data, must be indicated when it is necessary to write a characteristic: full name, date of birth, Family status, education, position, etc.

In conclusion, as always, the author of the document indicates his last name, first name and patronymic, signs and seals. In some cases, not only the originator, but also the director signs here.

There is an internal and external characteristic per employee. The internal one is compiled for management and remains within the company. Such a characterization may be required when hiring a candidate, when appointing a current employee to another position, when deciding on penalties or incentives, etc. An external characterization is written upon request, which can be submitted by the court, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, banking and educational institutions, others. The characteristics may be asked to be drawn up by the person himself for his own purposes, for example, for admission to a university. Before writing a description, try to look at the person you are characterizing without bias, leaving a personal assessment. Describe his qualities, life path, achievements and negative actions, depending on the purpose of the requested characteristic. Sometimes a person can be asked to write a description of himself. Of course, it is not worth handing it over to the manager or the organizations that submitted the request. This short essay will help you evaluate the person you are characterizing more deeply, better understand his values ​​and how he perceives himself. This will help you make a prediction about what to expect from him in the future.

You can download it on our website.

A citizen may need a reference from his place of work when applying to various authorities and organizations.

Exist certain rules preparation of this document.

Depending on the purpose of compilation, the content of the document may vary. Let's look at how to write a job description.

Depending on the purpose of obtaining characteristics, they are divided into two types:

  1. Internal. This type applies only within the organization when a transfer is made to another position, a move to another department, a disciplinary sanction is assigned, etc.
  2. External. They are written on the initiative of a citizen or third-party organizations. Such documents are intended to be presented upon request outside the employee’s place of work. For example, when applying for a loan, when hiring a new employer, or guardianship authorities, for the military registration and enlistment office, for municipal organizations etc.

How to correctly write a reference for an employee - sample and procedure for drawing up

From the point of view of the law, there is no single generally accepted form of the document, that is, each employer can draw up a reference at its own discretion.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for applying for parental leave.

Example of compilation of characteristics

Let's look at an example of a correctly composed document.

The possible text of the document can be considered using the example of a description of an enterprise accountant compiled for presentation at a new place of work.

After indicating the date of the document and the title, the following text may appear:

“Issued to Margarita Petrovna Kharitonova, born on July 15, 1981.

She received her education at Moscow state university majoring in economics. Married. Has two children (7 and 5 years old).

She worked at the LLC “Vash Dom” company from 04/04/2010 to 15/02. 2016 as an accountant.

While working, I was sent to trainings on the “Chief Accountant” and “Consultant Plus” programs, and took courses on the “Accounting Reports 2016” program. Every year she received a year-end award for effective and qualified professional activity. She was not subject to disciplinary action.

Despite the fact that many consider a document characterizing a person to be a relic of the past, it is in great demand, as it allows one to determine professional or personal qualities. When applying for a job, an educational institution often pays attention to the specified personal and professional qualities.

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However, such a document has no legal force and in each case they react to it differently. For example, when entering a higher educational institution, they may require such paper, but it cannot become a basis for refusal of admission to study. But when a case is heard in court, such a document can form a certain impression on the judge, which can affect the decision made.

When applying for a job, it all depends on how the employer treats the compiled characteristics: whether he considers them a relic of the past or still, as a document defining personal and professional qualities.

Basic cases of writing characteristics

The following cases of writing characteristics can be distinguished:

  1. For a preschooler compiled by employees kindergarten if necessary. Some lyceums and elite fee-paying schools of primary and secondary education require a similar document when considering the possibility of admitting a child to study.
  2. For a schoolchild a document can be drawn up upon his or her admission to a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, or when a student ends up in police custody on various matters.
  3. From the student's place of study– during internship, during legal proceedings.
  4. From the student's place of practice Employers usually take such a document when looking for a young specialist.
  5. Transfer from one educational institution to another It is carried out quite rarely, and at the same time they may ask for a student’s characteristics. In this case, the document drawn up may become a reason for refusing the translation.
  6. From the employee's place may require paper in many cases: considering the possibility of granting a loan, during court proceedings, when considering the issue of promotion (in this case, management asks for a paper drawn up by immediate superiors) and in many others.

Such paper is available upon request. It is worth noting that the characteristics must be drawn up correctly. After all, if it can become a reason for making a decision, it is best to be sure that such a document will allow a correct assessment of personal and professional qualities.

Types of characteristics from the place of work

There are two types of job descriptions:

  1. Internal– drawn up when transferring to another department, when demotion or promotion, when imposing disciplinary sanctions. As a rule, more attention is paid to such a document, since it is easier to verify the authenticity of the information. Typically common in very large organizations.
  2. External– compiled at the request of a third party. The most popular type of document.

Internal and external characteristics contain approximately the same information.

The nuances of compiling a job description at the place of requirement

Depending on which organization requires a characterization, the following nuances of its preparation can be noted:

  1. When applying for a job. When preparing such a document Special attention pay attention to assessing the professional qualities of the employee, his level of training, and responsibility. In addition, it is worth paying attention to his work in a team, since often the existing relationship between employees affects the result of the work. It is worth noting that the previous employer must provide such a document to its employee within three years after his dismissal.
  2. When requested by law enforcement agencies. IN in this case special attention should be paid to personal qualities. It is recommended to draw up the document on company letterhead with the specified contact information and legal addresses of the company. In addition to personal qualities, the position held and the date of his employment are indicated. If the request is being made to review a driving license case, in order to assist the employee, the need for a license to fulfill work obligations should be indicated. In this case, the document in mandatory case must be signed by management and the company seal must be affixed.
  3. Credit organizations. In some cases, a request is made by creditors who are interested, first of all, in the client’s solvency and responsibility. It is these indicators that you should focus on when drawing up the document.
  4. Military registration and enlistment office. Such an organization pays more attention to the assessment of psychological, moral qualities. When making such a request, it should be borne in mind that the words written may determine whether the employee will be called up for service or not (in some cases, the military registration and enlistment office pays attention to the importance of the employee, but we are not talking about conscript service, but about training camps during exercises).

In other cases, the characteristic is written in any form. The employer has the right to note whatever he wants in it.

Structure of registration of characteristics from the place of work

Despite the fact that the document in question can be drawn up in any form, that is, various information is indicated (except for the assessment of the employee’s personal data, which does not concern him professional activity), The following design standards exist:

  1. Company details, date of document preparation. Within three years after dismissal, the former employee has the right to demand his reference.
  2. Employee profile details.
  3. Assessing the level of professionalism carried out by the immediate superior. In addition, the data that is taken as a basis may include facts of retraining, advanced training courses, and so on.
  4. Description of functional responsibilities and evaluation of their implementation. In many cases, people who occupy one position perform various jobs. That is why it is important to note what functional responsibilities the employee performed and how he coped with them.
  5. Personal qualities of the employee Only those that influence his professional activity can be noted: determination, responsibility, dedication. For example, political and religious views should not be displayed in such a document.
  6. Assessing the relationship that the former employee has with the team. In most cases, it is the ability to work in a team that allows you to achieve great results. Otherwise, problems with the quality of work performed will constantly arise for management due to the current situation in the team.

Such information should be indicated in the specification.

Example of a job description - sample

Limited Liability Company "Primer-A"

Address: Mira, st. Mira, 15, office 305, tel. 8 (0000) 000 – 00 – 00.


on Petrov Petr Petrovich

Petrov Petr Petrovich, date of birth April 27, 1976, last place of work - HR department at Primer-A LLC. Total experience in the current position is 6 years.

During his work, he has established himself as a responsible and disciplined employee who can take initiative and take correct solution in matters relating to his professional activities and within his competence.

Petr Petrovich took advanced training courses and repeatedly used the acquired skills in solving assigned problems.

The relationship with the team was good, he supported employees during difficult periods, but at the same time adhered to corporate rules and regulations. Repeatedly remained at work after the end of working hours at the verbal request of management to solve problems during a crisis situation.

Was fired due to at will due to a change of residence. The dismissal procedure took place in accordance with accepted standards.


Vasilenko Vasily Vasilievich

Characteristics from the place of work - a document that is used to provide different places and situations. Knowing the peculiarities of its preparation will help in situations where you need to check how correctly it was drawn up for you. Also, such information will be useful if you need to draw up a reference yourself and then have it approved by the employer. In our article we will talk about all the design features of this document.

○ What is a job description?

A job description is a description of the personal and professional qualities of an employee.

The peculiarity of this document is that there is no established form; it is filled out voluntarily by the employer. However, it often happens that they approach this problem formally, resulting in standard document, raising doubts about the validity of these facts.

But since this document is required in many cases, you need to know how it should be drawn up, so that in case of non-compliance with the standards, require a new characteristic.

○ Why is the characteristic required?

This document may be required in many cases, for example:

  • When applying for a loan from a bank.
  • When applying for a job.
  • When transferred to another department.
  • In case of problems with law enforcement agencies (for example, when returning rights after deprivation).
  • In a trial where a positive characterization can help justify or reduce the term, etc.

○ Types of characteristics.

Exist different types of this document, differing in content. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Positive and negative.

Characteristics of an employee can be either positive or negative. In the first case they describe best qualities people – personal and professional. Most often compiled when:

  • Entering a new job or educational institution.
  • Promotion.
  • Transfer to another department.
  • Payment of remuneration.
  • Submission for an award.
  • Applying for a loan.

A negative characteristic is the opposite and indicates business qualities and personal traits that interfere with the effective implementation labor activity. A similar characteristic is drawn up in the following cases:

  • Disciplinary action.
  • Referral to law enforcement agencies or judicial authorities.
  • Presentation to banking structures.

This document may have a negative impact on the employee’s future career.

Assessing the quality of work.

This type of characteristic is important when an employee gets another job. It increases his chances of getting a vacancy, provided that the document indicates positive traits employee.

In this case, the employee’s personal qualities are not specified; the emphasis is on his professional achievements.

Internal and external.

The characteristics are also divided according to the place of provision. It may be needed within the organization (when transferred to another department, nominated for an award, issued a disciplinary sanction, etc.).

The employer encourages employees who conscientiously perform their job duties (expresses gratitude, gives a bonus, awards a valuable gift, certificate of honor, represents the title of best in the profession).
(Article 191 Labor Code RF).

Also, the document can be presented outside the enterprise (at a bank, law enforcement agencies, court, etc.). A characteristic can either help or hinder an employee.

○ How to write a characteristic?

Despite the absence of a set form, there are certain requirements for the preparation of this document.

Rules for document preparation.

The specification must include the following information:

  • Title of the document.
  • Full name of the employee.
  • Position without reduction.
  • Age of the employee (optional).
  • Start of work in this position.
  • Achievements in professional activities (gratitude, awards, if any).
  • Information about advanced training and taking additional courses.
  • Data on penalties applied (if any).
  • Information about the employee’s professional skills and abilities.
  • Description of personal qualities.
  • Date of preparation.
  • Signature of the head and seal of the organization.

Primary requirements.

The characteristics are compiled in printed form on standard A4 paper. Standards of business ethics and the Russian language are used. It is important that the information provided is reliable.

Despite the absence of punishment for providing an incorrect description, the employer may encounter certain problems when sending such a document to law enforcement agencies, banking institutions or courts.

Sample characteristics from the place of work.

This document can be submitted to various authorities. Compiled directly by the employer or HR department employee. It is allowed to be executed by the employee himself, provided that the document is subsequently approved by his superiors.

An example of such a characteristic can be found here.

Having worked in a certain organization for at least 6 months, an employee has the right to receive an official document from the administration, which identifies him as an employee. Such a document is called a characteristic. It is usually required to study the qualities of a person by employers who evaluate the characteristics of a potential employee and can subsequently accept him into their company.

Before you start creating characteristics of a hired worker, you need to find out what he will use it for in the future. The content of the official document directly depends on this. For example, a reference can be provided to the traffic police in order to return a driver’s license. It is also quite often needed to obtain a bank loan. In such circumstances, the document will deal exclusively with personal qualities employee of the enterprise.

If a person asks for a reference in order to change his current job, then in addition to character traits (communication skills, responsibility, meticulousness in every task), it is necessary to list the employee’s significant achievements at the enterprise (stages in the development of a professional career, attitude towards work). It is worth considering that the employee’s education is not indicated in the document. If an employee is truly an excellent candidate for a new job, then it is permissible to recommend to employers from another company positions where he is able to fully express himself.

Similar documents are also issued to the employee in the event of his dismissal or as required. government agencies, for example, ships.

Classification of characteristics

  1. Internal characteristics. It is created with the aim of promoting or demoting a subordinate in position within one enterprise. It may also be needed when transferring an employee to another department or receiving financial compensation.
  2. External characteristics. This type of document is made by a third party company for the purpose of inviting an employee to a position.

The created characteristic is certified by a signature and seal.

Document requirements

  1. There are standard conditions for filling out the document. Before it is filled out, you need to discuss this with the employee and require his written consent that information about him will be transferred to other persons.
  2. The document should not disclose the employee’s nationality, his living conditions, religious views and other things that have nothing to do with professional qualities.
  3. The text of the document must be written in accordance with the form required by the enterprise.
  4. Most often, you need to fill out a reference on special forms from the organization. When requested by government officials, it must include a link directly to them.

Here is an approximate template for writing a reference from a previous place of work:

Characteristics template

In addition, it is important to consider the following information:

  1. Date of issue.
  2. Personal data.
  3. Objective assessment of professional qualities and relationships with the team.
  4. Indication of the qualification level, as well as the performance of the assigned work.
  5. Details of the company that is going to issue the document.

Towards the end, you should indicate the name of the organization where the testimonial comes from. Typically, the description is written by the head of the department or the HR manager. In addition to the signature of the authorized person, there must be a seal of the organization.

Features of writing a character reference upon dismissal

You need to know how to write a correct reference for an employee in the event of his dismissal. When a person wants to get a job new job, he will definitely need a reference from his previous employer.

At the same time, it is very important to pay attention to assessing the employee’s business qualities, position, level professional development. Sometimes (if a person is extremely hardworking) it is recommended to talk about his ability to make contact with people, improve his work process, etc. According to the laws, a person who worked at an enterprise and was subsequently fired has the right to then request a reference for the next three years. Of course, often employees do not require such documents (the reasons for this may be different).

Creating characteristics for the court

Sometimes it is possible for the court to request the enterprise to provide the necessary information about the individual. The responsibility when writing a document of this kind must be clearly understood. If a person is brought to administrative or even criminal liability, then the characterization can significantly affect the outcome of the case. The best solution There will be a consultation with a professional lawyer.

Each organization should have forms available for drawing up business documents. When requesting from the court, you must indicate the full name of the enterprise, contact numbers and postal address. Immediately below the address part, you need to write the word “characteristics” in capital letters and then indicate the details of the employee for whom the document is being created. Afterwards, information is compiled about citizenship, how long he worked in the company, and what his position is. No less important nuance is an indication of all achievements in career ladder, personal rewards for work activities (in the form of cash bonuses or certificates). It would be useful to indicate his attitude to the performance of assigned duties.

The main part involves an assessment of his work qualities as an employee, relationships with colleagues, time devoted to community service and other things related to the person’s field of activity. Finally, there must be a direct indication that the document is being issued at the request of the court. The completed description must be signed by the head of the enterprise or the director of the company himself. Next, the document is certified by the manager who is involved in personnel work. In any case, if you do not understand some point, you can easily find an example of a job description on the Internet. Here is one of them:

Sample description from place of work to court

Sometimes when carrying out trial where an employee is involved, the court requires a reference from the last workplace. If a person recently received a new workplace, then he will need to provide the court with a written description from each enterprise. Documents are compiled independently of each other. If a person has had too many jobs, then official documents from at least the last two organizations will be required.

Writing a profile for the police

Of course, if a document is created for the police, then most attention should be paid to the character of the person, because this plays the most significant role. It is drawn up on the company’s letterhead (letterhead). As a rule, it contains information about the company, contact numbers, and address. In the middle of the sheet you need to start with the word “characteristic”. Then with new page You should indicate all personal information about the employee who ended up with the police or interacts with them in some other way. It is necessary to mention the date of entry into the current headquarters of employees. The position held is taken into account.

Most often, such papers are drawn up for those employees whose driver’s license was confiscated or an administrative offense of another kind was committed on their part. In the document you need to “stand up for” the employee, indicating his main advantages and the performance of important tasks related to the police case (for example, if a person’s license was taken away for some reason, then you need to mention his professional driving skills, which went to benefit of the company). The focus is on efficiency and reliability. The reference is signed by management and certified by the official seal of the company.

Drawing up a negative characteristic

There are often cases when a manager is dissatisfied with the work of his subordinate. Then he may well write a “not entirely flattering” description of his activities. However, at this moment there is also back side– a poor performance appraisal may well affect the subsequent reputation of the enterprise. That is, they may think badly of the organization because it hires “bad” workers for cooperation. However, sometimes it is extremely necessary to receive a financial penalty. Or law enforcement agencies asked for compilation.

It is done according to a standard model. The main part is necessary to reveal all negative qualities. Any shortcomings of a personal or professional nature should be listed. If, after the expiration of the period, the subordinate has not violated disciplinary norms, then the penalty will be canceled automatically.

An interesting video about the peculiarities of compiling characteristics in Germany: