Children's room for a girl: stylish design, modern design and the best solutions for children (150 photos). Children's room design for a girl Children's room design for a girl

17.03.2017 Read in 11 minutes.

7 years

Your daughter's room should reflect the inner world of the child, contribute to the development of his hobbies and please with pleasant tones. Therefore, the issue of developing the design of a children's room for a girl must be approached with great imagination and fiction and try to make the baby satisfied with the result. The portfolio of our design studio includes many projects of interiors for girls' rooms, which showcase the latest approach to arranging spaces for children. And the selection of photos presented in this publication will allow you to get an idea of ​​​​the current trends in the design of a children's room for a girl.

Interior styles of children's rooms for girls

In the photo: Design of a children's room with a beige canopy

In the photo: Design of a children's room with elements of Provence

Here you will see soft tones of decoration and furniture, an abundance of textiles, pillowcases with cute ruffles, a decorative canopy and lush curtains fixed along the edges of the window with neat bows. All these details create a modest but very pleasant atmosphere of family comfort in a country house.

2. In the spirit of neoclassicism

In the photo: Design of a children's room for a girl 5-7 years old

The example of the design of a children's room for a girl in the spirit of neoclassicism presented in the photo is intended for a child of 5-7 years old. Here, delicate pastel colors are combined with rounded furniture, simple carvings, lush curtains and an abundance of wooden surfaces. But the photo wallpapers on the walls give a special charm to the room. They demonstrate the ancient landscape and evoke thoughts about fairy tale countries.

3. Modern style in the room for a teenage girl 12 years old

In the photo: Design of a children's room in a modern style

This design option is suitable for an older child. After all, there is no excessive splendor or bright colors. The room is made in strict colors and is characterized by geometric shapes. However, here you will find comfortable furniture and massive mirrors. They are built into the wardrobe doors. Such mirrors will help the little beauty to monitor her appearance. In addition, they visually expand a narrow room. This design of a children's room for a girl is optimal for a child from 12 years old.

Popular color schemes for interiors of children's rooms

To decorate a nursery for a girl, you can choose a harmonious combination of bright or pastel colors or build an interior on a monochrome color basis. Let's look at a few examples.

4. Orange, green, purple. A harmonious color chord is the key to a good mood!

In the photo: Harmonious color combinations at the heart of the interior of a children's room for a girl

In the bright interior of the children's room in the photo, the designers used a harmonious and tasty color combination of shades of carrots, celery and blueberries. This decision brought notes of joy and fun to the interior design. Being in a bright and colorful room, your child will have a healthy appetite and never feel sad.

5. Pale turquoise monochrome base

In the photo: Design of a turquoise children's room for a girl of 12 years old

In the photo: Design of a purple children's room for a girl

For girls of primary school age, we recommend brighter colors in the interior. For example, the pink-lilac palette shown in the photo. It will help your daughter feel like a little princess and the heroine of modern colorful cartoons. Additional comfort to the room can be given with a floral pattern on the wallpaper and curtains.

Saving space and zoning in the interior of the children's room

In small rooms it is very difficult to place all the necessary furniture. In addition, even in spacious rooms, you should not clutter up the free space with unnecessary things. It is better to leave it for children's games. Therefore, our designers try to use all the features of the layout with benefit or supplement it with new characteristics. This can be seen in the following examples.

7. Tables and sofas instead of window sills

In the photo: Design of a children's room for a girl with a table and a sofa in place of window sills

In this project, both window sills were refurbished in the room. Our designers slightly expanded one of them and turned it into a narrow but comfortable study table. It can also be used as a dressing table. The second window sill was converted into a comfortable couch. On it you can relax by the window and chat with friends.

8. Shelves - the basis of functional zoning

In the photo: Design of a neoclassical children's room for a girl

This room has not been held redevelopment, but many convenient shelves were used. In the design of a children's room for a girl, the shelves in the photo serve as a place to store things and a means of functional zoning. With their help, the study and sleeping areas, as well as the area for relaxation, are clearly distinguished in the room.

9. Separate area for reading

In the photo: Design of a children's room for a girl

Functional zoning is carried out with the help of a bed. If you install it across the room, you can divide the room into two parts. In the interior of the nursery for a newborn shown in the photo, a reading area is isolated with the help of a crib. Sitting in a comfortable chair with floral upholstery, mom will be able to read bedtime stories to her baby.

10. Through shelving in interiors

In the photo: Design of a children's room for a girl of 12 years old

Through shelving, reminiscent of mini mezzanines, it is also very easy to separate functional areas from each other. The photo shows how the study and sleeping areas were demarcated in a similar way. But in this case, another goal was pursued in the design of the children's room for the girl: saving space. After all, the project was made for a narrow long room. Therefore, we used modular structures with a niche in which the sofa was located for relaxing and sleeping.

11. Mini sofa among built-in wardrobes

In the photo: Design of a children's room with a multifunctional furniture design

This layout option is similar to the previous one, but here you will see a very small square-shaped room. Its dimensions led to the fact that we had to use all the free space near the walls for built-in wardrobes. There was only a small opening for the sofa. In this case, it is recommended to use sofas with an "accordion" transformation or with another folding mechanism similar to it.

12. Built-in table by the window

In the photo: Design of a modern children's room for a girl

13. Curtains as a way of functional zoning

In the photo: Design of a children's room for a girl with an office area

Graceful symbolic curtains in a design project can serve both as a room decoration and as a way to delimit functional areas. In this example, you will see the study area separated from the bedroom with short openwork curtains. They do not interfere with the penetration of light, decorate the interior and make it homely.

Children's room design for two girls. Original ideas on the example of a photo from a portfolio

If you have two daughters, then you need to take care of personal space for each of them. This task is especially important if the apartment has only one children's room, which is not impressive in size. In this case, a serious approach to functional zoning in the room is necessary.

14. Redevelopment to increase free space

In this example, the room was extended with an attached loggia. In one of its sides we have organized a built-in wardrobe. It is compact and does not take up much space. In addition, a closet separates the window from the sleeping area. The girls' beds are located in the rest of the room. They are separated by a wide pedestal with a beautiful lamp. This is the easiest option for organizing personal space for two girls in one room.

15. Through partition between beds

In the photo: Design of a children's room for two girls

In this design of a children's room for a girl, the photo displays a narrow partition in the form of a shelving unit. It separates the beds from each other and rests against the original stretch ceiling in the form of a sky with clouds. There are built-in lights on the ceiling. Each of the functional areas is complemented by framed images and decorative butterflies on the walls. These decor items emphasize the isolation and uniqueness of personal space.

16. Bunk beds

In the photo: Design of a children's room with a two-tier structure

The following example demonstrates two absolutely full-fledged functional areas located on different tiers. In this case, each of the girls has not only her own bed, but also a built-in wardrobe. A comfortable and child-safe staircase with additional drawers inside the steps leads to the second tier. At night, one of your daughters will be able to relax on the top bed, and during the day they will play and chat together on the bottom, made in the form of a sofa.

17. Two-story castle for two princesses

Interior of a children's room for a girl with a bunk bed

If you have little twin daughters, then this project will be optimal for the interior in their room. After all, all girls dream of castles and princes. Therefore, they will be pleased with the two-tier structure in the form of a castle. Here, built-in side cabinets play the role of watchtowers. And the jagged edge of the upper edge of the design gives it a fabulously romantic look.

Finishing and decor in the design of children's rooms for girls

In the photo: Interior of a modern children's room with photo wallpaper

In the room you can see multi-colored horizontal stripes decorating one of the walls. On the opposite wall, there are also fragments of stripes on the photo wallpaper. You will find them even on the pillowcase and rug by the bed. This combination gives the room an interesting, but far from strict geometry.

19. Vegetable applications on the walls

In the photo: Plant applications in the children's room

This nursery is decorated in green and blue natural tones. Its main idea is expressed with the help of a panel in the form of a tree branch with leaves and birds. An openwork branch brings an atmosphere of wildlife, country freshness and cleanliness to the room. Our designers have tried to ensure that all items in the room look harmonious and do not show the triumph of technical progress. Therefore, even the TV in this room expresses unity with nature. After all, according to the designers' idea, it is located inside the green tree foliage.

20. Wall lamps in the form of flowers

In the photo: Interior of a children's room in pink tones

Pink color in the design of a children's room for a girl of 7 years old can be considered the best option, since this shade prevails in favorite cartoons and toys. Therefore, in this room, wallpaper with pink patterns was used, as well as bedspreads and decor items to match the finish. But the main decorations in the room can be considered two lamps above the bed. They are made in the form of bright pink flowers. Such lamps create a bewitching fabulous atmosphere in the evening.

21. Round appliqué pictures

In the photo: Children's room in the attic with pictures-applications

If you want to please your little daughter, decorate the wall above her bed with some appliqué paintings. Don't choose too bright colors. Let it be gentle shades that echo with neighboring pictures. Such images will have a calming effect on the child and help him fall asleep faster during the day and in the evenings.

Unusual interior items in the design of a girl's bedroom

Unusual designer toys and lamps, bright frescoes and photo wallpapers, hanging chairs and multi-tiered furniture structures will help to give the children's room individuality and richness.

22. Hanging chair-egg against the backdrop of a fabulous landscape

In the photo: Design of a children's room for a girl with wicker chairs

A wicker chair against the backdrop of a rural cartoon landscape looks fascinating and colorful. If the model is also convenient to use, then your child will be happy to read books in such an armchair or just relax. In this case, we picked up a designer egg chair, on which you can even swing in your free time.

23. Chandelier with bright shades and colored boxes for toys

In the photo: Children's room design with bright accents

Get a designer chandelier with 5 multi-colored shades and several multi-colored toy boxes for the children's room. Make sure that the colors of the shades are bright, juicy and overlap with other color accents. Such a chandelier will delight your child with an unusual combination of colors. In addition, it will be able to qualitatively highlight every part of the room. After all, all the shades are fixed at an angle and directed in different directions from the center of the lamp.

24. Drawing board

In the photo: Design of a children's room with a slate board for a little girl

In the design of a children's room for a girl, a slate drawing board looks good. In addition, this item brings a lot of joy to children. After all, it is more interesting to draw on it than on paper. Also, the board can be used instead of a draft while solving mathematical examples and problems. Calculating examples on the board, the girl will imagine herself as a teacher teaching her dolls math. She will take great pleasure in finding solutions with her girlfriends if this is done on the board, and not on a regular sheet of paper.

25. Wrought iron table for a little artist

In the photo: Design of a children's room for a girl with bright accents

If your daughter is fond of drawing and loves bright colors and contrasting transitions, decorate the nursery in the most colorful shades. Choose a wallpaper like in this photo, complement the room with colorful pillows. Pay maximum attention to the center of the room, which will serve as a round table for drawing. This is a very unusual product, as experienced designers worked on it. The frame of this table is made of metal, and the round tabletop stands out against its background in bright red.

26. Pendant lights above the sofa

In the photo: Design of a children's room for a girl with a sofa

The following example represents a nursery with neoclassical elements in the interior. These elements appear in the form of furniture, shades and wall panels. A special tone for this trend is set by two lamps above the sofa. Products resemble large brushes on cords for canopies and curtains. Such design favorably distinguishes them in the room and maximizes the feeling of classics in the interior.

27. Table for creative work

In the photo: Design of a children's room for a girl

For the smallest girls, you can organize a kind of waiting room for girlfriends. It will include a low table and chairs. Here your daughter will be able to treat her friends with sweet drinks, play with dolls, draw, sculpt or do other interesting things.

28. Canopy over the bed in the bedroom for a girl of 12 years old

In the photo: Design of a children's bedroom with a beige canopy for a girl of 12 years old

The canopy can be considered an integral part of the children's room, decorated with elements of classic and Provence. Lush folds of noble textiles turn an ordinary room into a princess' bedchamber and allow the girl to mentally transport herself to her favorite fairy tales. Complement the canopy room with massive mirrors, and the nursery will look like a real royal palace.

The proposed options are only selective projects from the extensive portfolio of Fundament Group of Companies.

Text: Rimma Aleksandrova

The appearance of a child obliges to take care of arranging the space for a new family member. You should especially try when it comes to your daughter. The little princess needs not only a comfortable, but also a beautiful environment. The interior of the children's room depends on the age of the hostess, available square meters, personal preferences.

Of course, not the last place is occupied by financial capabilities and the depth of knowledge in the field of design and repair. Our article will help you to get interesting ideas, learn a lot of useful information.

Age features in the interior of the girl's room

The age of its resident has the greatest influence on the design of the nursery. For a newborn baby, having your own room does not matter at all. The constant presence of the mother is important for the baby. It is enough to place the child in the parent's bedroom, setting a comfortable crib in it. It will not be superfluous to have a separate chest of drawers for linen, equipped with a changing table.

As the baby develops, his needs increase. A few months after birth, there is a need for a visual study of the surrounding space. Therefore, the design of the children's room comes to the fore. The environment should attract the attention of the crumbs, interest, but not tire.

By the six-month mark, physical activity increases: you will need free space. Here already the space should not only be attractive, safety is important.

At every stage of infancy, constant parental supervision is an essential part of parenting. It makes no sense to isolate the baby up to 1 year, or even up to 2 years. Separate stay is only appropriate if the child is cared for by a nanny. In other cases, this option will tire the already loaded mother with household chores.

Nursery design for a preschool girl

After 1 year of age, preferences in games begin to take shape in a child. Girls are drawn to dolls, textiles. The abundance of bright rags is the real passion of the princess. This is taken as a basis in the design of the nursery of this period.

Fluffy carpet on the floor, bright pillows, colorful curtains - accessories that create comfort. As a background, you can stop at 1 of the pastel shades.

In addition to visual appeal, convenience and safety are important. To do this, choose furniture according to the age, height of the child. The baby should develop freely. It will not be superfluous to zone the space. So, the girl will quickly learn order.

An important aspect is the environmental safety of furnishing materials and finishes. It is recommended to choose options based on natural raw materials. It will not be superfluous to take care of the lighting of the room. Sufficient supply of natural light during the day, moderate artificial flow in the evening is what you need.

As you grow older, the room can be slightly modified, the design can be supplemented. The child of the senior preschool period has already clearly formed interests and preferences. The interior of the children's room can be adjusted using stickers, posters, textiles. Self-adhesive cartoon stickers, princess bedspread is a good choice.

Interior for a girl of primary school age

A girl who started school is changing her lifestyle. Classes come to the fore, and toys become secondary. This does not mean at all that the child will instantly rebuild. To help do this faster, you will have to repair the children's room.

Clear zoning of the room is a good idea. Allocate:

  • a place to practice;
  • territory for games;
  • space for relaxation.

Things that require concentration are best done at a comfortable desk. It is necessary to equip a "school corner" with a separate place for storing supplies. Take care of the right lighting. In order not to distract attention, it will be necessary to provide for the absence of bright decor in this area.

Quite the opposite picture can be in the territory intended for entertainment. Girls in elementary school are still actively playing with dolls, watching their favorite cartoons. A child with the advent of a serious school life is not ready to grow up instantly. In the play area, you can install a bright pouf, a house for dolls, sports equipment.

Good rest is very important for a child during the period of getting used to school loads. The room should have a comfortable bed. It can be combined with a workplace (attic), install a two-tier version (if a children's room for two girls), completely separate multidirectional zones.

If space allows, then you need to install a small sofa. It can be used for a short day's rest, receiving guests.

Decorating a space for a teenager

Approaching adolescence often betrays a change in the character of a girl. The manifestation of independence, a loud statement of one's opinion - this is a small part of what parents have to face.

The pressure of an incompletely formed inner world by an imperious authority can be disastrous for a young person. Therefore, the opinion of the child is important in all matters. Especially when it comes to decorating a child's room.

Teens are given the right to choose. Style, color scheme, furniture layout - everything is done with the participation of a growing child. You can completely rely on the taste of your daughter or submit ideas based on the tastes and hobbies of the girl.

The most preferred options in modern sound, tuning in a positive way. The choice of style also depends on the size of the space available. Most often we are talking about a small children's room.

A stylish interior in the spirit of minimalism, hi-tech or modern is a good solution. A balanced light background with a moderate addition of bright colors, a modern and comfortable filling will give you comfort.

Romanticism or shabby chic with an airy marshmallow design is also in tune with a young dreamy nature. In extreme cases, a moderate classic is acceptable. Any of these styles are perfectly compatible with a compact space.

Joint viewing with a child of any age of a photo of a children's room for a girl will help to better understand the needs of a little housewife. The color scheme, the order of furnishing, the way the surfaces are designed are important characteristics of the future repair, which entirely depend on the preferences of the daughter.

Photo of a children's room for a girl

If you don't want to redecorate your nursery every year, you need to take into account the fact that children grow up quickly when choosing furniture. Therefore, the main items must either be “for growth”, or have the ability to transform. The latter option, of course, is more practical and convenient for the child: a folding sofa takes up less space than a full-fledged adult bed, to which the girl has yet to grow and grow.

As for the storage system, remember that the abandonment of childhood occurs gradually, so you will have to provide for boxes, baskets or shelves where toys will be stored. Interest in fashion grows with the girl, so there should be enough free space in the wardrobe for future purchases. In the meantime, shelves and drawers are empty in anticipation of future designer collections, fill it with those same toys. Do not forget about the need for shelves for storing books and educational supplies. Their presence in the desktop area is mandatory. It is advisable to arrange the shelves so that the child can reach them while sitting at the table.

In addition to the standard set of furniture - a bed, a wardrobe, a table and a chair - purchase additional items that are typical for a girl's room: a chest of drawers with drawers for storing personal items. Hang a mirror over it. In addition, it is desirable that there are several ottomans in the room, on which the girl could sit with her friends.

If the area in a house or apartment allows you to equip a separate children's room, many strive to complete it with maximum comfort and coziness for their children. So you can teach your child to discipline, increase the comfort of his pastime. Time does not stand still, the child grows, as a result, the design of the room changes. Of particular interest is the design of a children's room for a girl, which undergoes numerous changes depending on the age of the child.

When creating a layout, the greatest emphasis should be placed on its harmony. This indicator directly affects the comfort of the room for the child. It is recommended to divide the room into several zones: for rest, play, work (lessons after school, reading books, hobbies). For the purpose of zoning a room, you can use furniture (for example, cabinets) or install special partitions. If the room is small, you can use visual effects to zone it with different paint colors or arrange the furniture in the appropriate order. Finishing must necessarily provide for the character of the girl, her activity, her favorite activities. For very young children, only easy-to-care materials are suitable.

Tips to help accommodate the wishes of young princesses

On the Internet, you can find many photos of various designs of children's rooms for girls.

Before choosing the option you like and proceeding with the design, you should learn about some recommendations:

  • There is a stereotype: a room for a girl must be decorated in pink. It should be forgotten about. The child may like completely different shades or colors. You can give preference to light yellow, sky blue, lilac, milky shades. They will look very attractive.
  • Allow your child to make their own decisions when arranging furniture. The interior is created specifically for the preferences of the girl. Let the child independently choose the location of the bed, part of the room for games and work.
  • The interior should be touching, elegant, corresponding to a completely different mindset of girls compared to boys. They will like beautiful compositions, including flowers, hearts, bows, stars, and other decorative elements.
  • Much attention should be paid to lighting. The best option for the location of the nursery is a room with several windows. If there are few windows, you should take care of good artificial lighting.

Baby room design 2-3 years old

Most parents prepare the nursery even before the baby is born. Such rooms often have a unique design. At the age of 3 years, kids learn the world most actively, for them everything seems new, every detail attracts attention.

Parents should take into account many factors and nuances when creating a cozy corner for their daughter:

  • All things girls should be easily accessible.
  • Furniture should not have sharp corners, it must be safe for the child.
  • You should not choose catchy colors, their shades.
  • All materials used for decoration must be environmentally friendly and natural, not capable of harming the health of the child.
  • Eliminate stairs, other dangerous elements.

You can use images of characters from the girl's favorite cartoons, decorate the walls with their posters.

Room design for a princess 5-7 years old

Girls at this age are still big fidgets who strive to learn more information about the world around them, to try everything from their own experience. They still need a huge amount of toys.

Various pets, dolls now require new accessories, such as vehicles, apartments, and more. To store toys that will no longer have enough space on the shelves or in plastic boxes, you will have to purchase racks or a separate locker. Children at this age are already preparing for school, which means a whole bunch of different things: books, stationery, various materials for needlework.

The design of a children's room for a girl of this age should contribute to the desire to explore the world, show love for creativity, and learn something new. Some elements that were present in the design of the room for babies under the age of 3 years should be left. For example, do not get rid of hearts, bows, and other decorative elements. For color design, it is better to choose a lilac, sand, soft pink shade. You should revive a boring interior with a few bright elements, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Baby room design 8-9 years old

This age coincides with education in primary school. Much of the design of the room, designed for a girl of 5-7 years old, can be left the same. If a place has not been arranged for a young schoolgirl to work on her homework, it must be done as quickly as possible.

At this age, children are enrolled by their parents in various sports sections, such as swimming. For a sporty child, the interior can be decorated in a marine style. Wallpaper will play a big role in the design of the room. Most of the time, except for sleep, the baby will spend her lessons in her room, the color scheme of the design is of great importance.

Blue color calms the quick temperament, has a beneficial effect on the girl's ability to be creative, such as drawing. If it was decided to use a marine theme, you can add an aquarium with fish or the bottom of an impromptu pond, you can emphasize the style.

Simplicity and convenience are essential design elements for a nursery. The child needs space and a flight of fancy. An excessive amount of accessories, original things will limit the baby's imagination.

Baby room 10-12 years old

This age is marked for the girl by several events in her life at once: she graduated from elementary school, celebrated her first anniversary, began to perceive the world around her a little differently. Now less and less attention is being paid to Barbie, most of all the girl is beginning to be attracted to adults with their habits and demeanor. She seeks to adopt them.

The child is obliged to develop creatively at this age. In the room it is necessary to highlight the corner of creativity. The girl will need a clock set in front of her.

There will be fewer toys, for them you can allocate space in a separate closet. Now a computer desk with a PC should fit into the interior of a children's room for a girl. To replace a small and cozy bed, you need to purchase a more spacious sofa or bed in a classic style. She will serve the girl when she reaches adolescence.

Great attention when designing should take into account the nature of the child:

Children's teenager (13-15 years old)

This age period is the most difficult. Now girls are very demanding and capricious, when creating a nursery design, parents will have to take into account all the wishes of their child. A teenage girl will take an active part in the discussion of the interior of her choir, her opinion will have to be taken into account. The previously used glamorous pink color is no longer suitable for room design.

A teenager will prefer coral, beige, mint or just red colors that are fashionable in 2017 and 2018. Such color schemes can emphasize the zoning of the room. The first zone should accommodate a comfortable desk with a laptop, the necessary homework, creative items, and a chair. The second zone should be provided for recreation and leisure. Girls love to invite their friends to visit, share secrets with them, play. The zone will serve as a place for receiving guests.

For limited-sized rooms, it is advisable to use a folding sofa instead of a bed, replace chairs with small pear chairs or use flat pillows. Among the mandatory design elements of a nursery for a teenage girl, the following can be distinguished:

  • Bookshelves or CD shelves;
  • Dressing table;
  • Wardrobe for a girl's wardrobe with good capacity.

After a while, you can bring novelty to the interior of the nursery, thanks to modular furniture. The effect is achieved by rearranging it in places.

Girls at this age tend to be the true mistresses of their space. A lock should be placed on the door to their room. So the child begins to perceive himself as more mature, significant, develops his individuality.

You can not neglect the individual qualities of a teenager, his hobbies and temperament when designing a nursery. A girl with a calm character will appreciate the discreet interior, where there is a small closet for her favorite books, a table for needlework. A baby who is interested in everything new will be delighted with a room with 3d wallpaper, a ceiling made in several tiers (for example, a suspended ceiling), and various fashion accessories. A room with collected bright colors, various prints and draperies will attract the attention of a fashionista.

Space management when creating a nursery

In a large apartment, it is not difficult to arrange a corner for a child. With the right approach, this can be done in a small apartment. If the room does not stand out with large dimensions, you need to approach the design of the children's room for the baby rationally. Preference should be given to oversized roomy furniture. Free space must be divided so that there is room for games and leisure.

Proper selection of furniture and other elements will increase the dimensions of the room visually. A very effective technique is the installation of a wardrobe, one door of which is a huge mirror. If the area of ​​​​the nursery is from 20 to 30 square meters, there will be enough space to allocate sufficient space to each zone. Zones in style and color design are determined by the age of the girl. The bed can be put in a corner, fenced off with a screen, getting a sleeping area. In general, the design of the children's room depends on the preferences of the parents and the baby himself. The main thing is to get the optimal level of lighting.

Basic design rules and conclusions

To decorate the interior of a children's room for a girl, you can choose any of the numerous style and color schemes. The choice largely depends on the tastes of the parents and the preferences of the child. Its most important characteristics are convenience, harmony, safety. To this end, it is necessary to select only high-quality materials for decoration, safe and reliable furniture. Then the space will be arranged as comfortably as possible and cause only positive impressions and emotions in the child.

Let's get acquainted with the main rules that are useful when creating a children's room:

  1. Lighting is an essential element of a nursery. During the day, it can be sufficient due to several large windows that let in sunlight. At night, high-quality artificial lighting is required. For each zone of the room, it is recommended to install a separate lamp.
  2. The room for the girl is almost a full-fledged home, there should be everything you need. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the zoning of the room - conditionally divide the space with furniture or partitions. At least 3 main spaces should be distinguished, the first of which is intended for work, the second is for sleeping, and the third is for leisure and games. If the girl is already using makeup, you will need a dressing table. Teenage girls require an indoor wardrobe.
  3. The bed installed in the nursery should be comfortable and comfortable. Children's bones grow and develop extremely quickly, it is recommended to use an orthopedic mattress for the bed.
  4. A nursery for girls should not be overcrowded with various appliances. A well-equipped play area is a good alternative.
  5. When choosing furniture, pay attention to roomy compact models. Some pieces of furniture are multifunctional. A sofa or bed may have a niche for storing various items. To take care of the health of the child, they acquire high-quality furniture that does not contain dangerous elements: sharp corners, rough surfaces. Materials for its production are only environmentally friendly and safe.
  6. Exclude the floor carpet from the design of the children's room, it accumulates a lot of dust.
  7. When planning the room, you should be guided by the tastes and preferences of the baby, since it is she who will live in this room. For a comfortable stay in the nursery, its interior must emphasize the individuality of the child. Decor is a very important detail. You can stick special wallpapers with various decorative elements on the walls: stars, hearts, bows. Many of them are able to glow in the dark. It looks spectacular and will interest the child.
  8. You should rely on your own and children's imagination when creating a nursery design style. If the decorative elements were created jointly or only by the baby herself, she will be able to feel her importance, because she made her own contribution to the design of the room.
  9. It is recommended to ventilate the room often, you will need a humidifier. Parents should often carry out wet cleaning. The accumulated dust is harmful to the health of the baby.

The presence of your own space emphasizes the individuality of the baby. Parents should learn to respect this: knock on the door before entering the room. She will feel like the mistress of her territory, will maintain cleanliness and order.

A bright and cozy “shelter” of your child is the key to a happy childhood. And for parents, the design of a children's room design for a girl usually brings a lot of positive emotions. Just filling it with colors, you should not forget about the practical side of the interior, which should not harm the health of the precious child, while providing freedom for active development. How to strike a balance, as well as take into account all the nuances - in our article!

Features of the design of a nursery for a girl

When designing a room for a child, where he will grow, develop and explore the world, many points must be taken into account. Firstly, the age of the girl: is it a newborn or a more mature child of 5-6 years old? Children grow quickly and their tastes change rapidly, so the space in the first years of life should be minimalistic enough, but flexible enough to add new elements if necessary.

At the same time, do not forget that childhood impressions are the most vivid and can become an invisible companion in the child's later adult life. The design of a room for a girl will inevitably affect her attitude, formulate certain tastes, a model of behavior and interaction with the outside world. You will have to carefully select each element of the decor, focusing not only on your understanding of "beautiful", but also on the educational aspects of objects.

The interior of a nursery for a girl should be comfortable and safe. It is good if children have access to objects of interest to them, easily get toys, sit on a high chair. This will teach independence, as well as relieve discomfort in case of failures - even minor negative experiences can affect the character of the child. But you must be completely sure that no dangers await him in the personal space of the child, such as sharp objects, wobbly furniture or harmful materials.

Children's gender plays a key role in design, helping them identify themselves at an early age. This does not mean that the girl's room must concentrate the maximum number of dolls, flowers or all shades of pink. The world of the child should not be monotonous, but orient in the right way.

It is necessary to take into account the psychological and educational aspects of the interior, but do not fanatically follow each item, being afraid to enter an extra object or color. External aesthetics, uniqueness, as well as practicality - these components will help create a harmonious design of the room, which will become the key to a happy childhood.

Style decisions

The guiding thread in the organization of design will be the choice of style. It is desirable that the interior matches the overall composition of the house. But even a slight deviation will look harmonious if you correctly enter the characteristic elements. At the same time, the styles in the space of the children's room will inevitably find a new interpretation, for example, diluted with non-canonical colors.

Children's room for a girl in a modern style

To begin with, we note that such a solution would rather appeal to a teenage girl who has outgrown Barbie dolls and fairy tales. The conciseness, restraint of the modern style will create a universal space in which the child can enter his hobbies or hobbies. But even for younger girls, there is a lot to find in a modern children's room, because this particular style is best suited for unusual solutions. For example, photo wallpapers with cartoon characters, collections of figurines, items of non-standard shapes.

Children's room for a girl in a classic style

What else will help realize the cherished girlish fantasies, if not the style of real ladies? The classic will turn a trivial children's room into a princess's chambers, in which the characters of your favorite works live.

It will be possible to achieve the desired effect thanks to furniture with carved legs and patterns, curtains with pelmets, a four-poster bed or elegant decorative motifs in the decoration. Such a design will bring up aristocracy, a sense of beauty in a child, with which he will continue to go through life.

Children's room for a girl in Provence style

Born in the French provinces, the Provence style was created for gentle and romantic natures. Pastel palettes, floral patterns, light fabrics, antique furniture - using these expressive means, you will be able to embody a cozy atmosphere in the children's room, which a little girl will definitely be delighted with.

Light colors will calm overly active children a little. Another advantage of the style is the obligatory use of natural materials, which not only do not harm the health of the child, but also instill a love for natural beauty.

Children's room for a girl in the style of pop art

Creative and active girls with bright interests will definitely like a children's room in the pop art style. Such a space can become a place for the development of fantasy, as well as the realization of non-standard hobbies.

In interior design, you can enter rich, varied colors, slightly eclectic objects, images with comics or cartoon characters - any element will look appropriate.

Choosing a color scheme

Girls are more sensitive to the environment than boys. Therefore, even a certain color palette of the interior can affect their mood and behavior. Bright colors are acceptable, it all depends on the nature of the child, but pastel shades remain the most popular for the room.

Pink children's room for a girl

When thinking about a nursery for a girl, pink shades are the first to pop up in my head as the main color scheme. And it is not surprising, because this option looks very gentle, touching and clearly demonstrates the age, as well as the gender of the occupant of the room.

But when choosing the right shade, try to avoid rich tones of pink, if possible, combining them with neutral white. This will avoid the banal girlish character of the interior, because not all modern children love standard things.

Lilac children's room for a girl

The situation is a bit similar to the room in pink, only it is a more unbanal interpretation of the "girlish". A cold shade will positively affect the child and his development. Such a solution will allow you to fit floral motifs into the interior of the nursery, using different variations of lilac.

Green children's room for a girl

Green refers to today's popular mint, light green or olive shades. This is a more neutral color that will suit both a boy and a girl, but will certainly have a positive effect on the child.

Green is associated with nature, which is sometimes lacking in bustling metropolitan areas. By combining it with neutral tones, you can create a harmonious and fresh interior.

White children's room for a girl

In any children's room, the use of white should not be limited to this color alone. The girl will become bored in a sterile space, and the monotony of the palette, especially at an early stage of development, can worsen the perception of color, hindering the cognitive aspirations of the child.

White can serve as a universal background for other solutions, emphasizing and balancing them.

Beige children's room for a girl

Delicate creamy, nutty shades will perfectly fit into the style of classical style or Provence, creating a noble mood in the nursery. But we should not forget that beige is monochrome, does not go well with other colors, and only with careful planning achieves the desired effect. But natural materials look very organic against such a background.

Finishes and materials

More than an aesthetic look, when decorating a nursery for a girl, you need to pay attention to the materials used. Choose hypoallergenic, safe foundations. To be sure, ask the manufacturers for quality documentation.


The floor surface should be smooth, but not slippery, so that the child does not fall during active play.

Finishing in a room for a little girl should be selected taking into account all possible pollution options. Parquet and laminate have good characteristics, only dirt that has penetrated into the cracks will not be easy to remove.

Therefore, many designers advise marmoleum - a modern, environmentally friendly and durable material that has high aesthetic characteristics.


Many tests fall on the share of the walls in the nursery: they are painted, scratched, objects are thrown at them. In addition, the rapid pace of child development suggests a quick transformation of the interior.

Unfortunately, building technologies cannot yet offer a universal solution for wall decoration. You can choose cheap, easy-to-use materials, but they are not always environmentally friendly.

In the children's room for a girl, wallpapers remain the best choice - budget, but short-lived paper, harmless liquid, high-quality eco-wallpapers and colorful photo wallpapers. But vinyl can harm the health of the baby.


The most suitable ceiling is with cement starting plaster, treated with a primer and painted with white acrylic paint.

Many parents like to decorate the interior of the room with drawings in the form of a starry or cloudy sky. But this solution is not suitable for all children: some may be distracted and, accordingly, sleep poorly. A smooth white ceiling with an interesting chandelier looks simple, but at the same time harmonious.

How to choose furniture for a nursery?

Filling a children's room for a girl with furniture is a crucial design stage. The choice of models depends on the age of the child. It is clear that a comfortable bed will be enough for a newborn. But in just a couple of years, she will need more “tools” to meet her needs.

The child will be interested in learning and relaxing with a multifunctional headset that resembles a separate children's world, including drawers, beds on the second level and a cozy workplace.

Some girls will like separate, large beds with soft pillows and soft linens. This option is indispensable for the classics, as well as Provence.

Since it is difficult for children to concentrate on their studies, it is better if the workplace is more restrained and not cluttered with foreign objects.

Places for storing things should be as convenient as possible for the child - so that she gets the necessary things and learns to put them in place. But the choice of gaming furniture is too individual, as well as items related to hobbies. Try only to buy items fit into the already created design.

Design of a small nursery for a girl

If at an early age the small size of the room does not cause any particular difficulties, then with further filling of the space, the dimensions will begin to limit the freedom of design. You will have to additionally think about how to place everything you need, while maintaining a sense of spaciousness.

We note right away that the classic style is unlikely to fit into a room with a modest area. But the modern one is able to profitably beat the shortcomings of a small nursery for a girl. For example, if you give preference to complex multi-functional furniture with several levels, instead of individual bulky items, then there will be free space for movement and games.

Visually expand the space will also help some tricks. First, choose a light color scheme that is not oversaturated with patterns. Second, don't forget to include one or two full-length mirrors. Thirdly, pick up light, unobtrusive curtains that will not become an obstacle to the penetration of natural light.

Design of a children's room for a girl - photo

Making a nursery for a girl is a joy not only for the child, but also for the parents. Some interiors look like houses from fairy tales; others are like a workshop for a little genius. What other design options are there? See our selection of photos. Happy viewing!