How to clean an acrylic bathtub. How to wash an acrylic bathtub at home: an overview of options. The right way to clean an acrylic bathtub

23.06.2020 Radiators

Housewives often face the problem of how to wash an acrylic bathtub at home? The walls and bottom are sensitive to abrasive substances, so a product chosen at random will not work. The purpose of the article is to talk about the basic rules and methods of cleaning, give practical advice and recommendations:

  • characteristics of cleaning products, their features;
  • cleaning options - what they are, the main differences;
  • Tips for caring for and extending the service life of your bathtub.
Acrylic is a wear-resistant material, a type of plastic that comes from a group of synthetic derivatives of one of the unsaturated organic acids.

What should you know about the characteristics of acrylic bathtubs before cleaning them?

Before answering the question of how and what to wash an acrylic bathtub, let’s talk about the material used. Acrylic has a dirt-repellent effect: microorganisms, bacteria and fungi do not develop in the bathtub. The material is durable and resistant to impacts. A noticeable disadvantage is that it is easily scratched and subject to wear.

The main difference is exposure to abrasive and chemically active components. Like plastic, substances with high alkalinity or acidity lead to degradation of the structure, and abrasives scratch the surface, leaving deep grooves.

It is important to be careful when washing. Do not buy abrasive compounds, pastes with ammonia, chlorine, acids and alkalis. Powdered products are harmful, leaving damage and scratches. Brushes (metal and with hard bristles) are contraindicated for use.

What brushes and sponges to use

For cleaning, use soft cloths or sponges. Cloth napkins are also used. They are moistened in special solutions (we will talk about them later). After washing, it is wiped dry and treated with polish.

If it is not possible to buy a special sponge, use soft-pile rags, for example, microfiber. If necessary, use a regular cloth - the main thing is that there are no abrasives on the surface.

How to clean an acrylic bathtub at home: TOP 5 ways

We have selected several options for you on how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home:

  • detergent;
  • lemon acid solution;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • toothpaste.


An adequate and simple way is to use special detergents. Their cost rarely exceeds reasonable limits. For correct selection, make sure there are no abrasives. Often the ingredients are indicated on product packaging, or special notes are made.

Acrylic bathtub cleaner used for small and large cleaning volumes. Appearing stains are removed using:

  • Cif– for bathtubs, sinks, tiles and toilets. The composition does not contain abrasives, which is safe for acrylic. The reasonable price and variety of composition types (spray, paste, cream) make it a popular product among buyers. After cleaning, a film appears that protects it from further formation of limescale.
  • Akrilan– foam for baths and showers. When using, leave only until completely dry, without rinsing.
  • Bass– cleaning product, used daily. Sold in liquid form.
  • Tim-Profi– an environmentally friendly product, helps fight unpleasant odors, and is effective for heavy soiling.
  • Cinderella– a popular substance that emits a pungent odor, so when spraying (sold as a spray), wear gloves and a special mask.
  • Chister– a composition for quickly removing dirt, promotes the decomposition of stains and grease stains. Consists of a polymer that protects against fungi.

In addition to those listed, allowed Use of the following products is at your own risk:

  • Sarma;
  • SunClean;
  • Luxus professional;
  • L.O.C.Plus;
  • Cillit;
  • Acryl – Net;
  • Star – Acrylate;
  • Triton;
  • RAVA K;
  • Panny.

Citric acid solution

Citric acid is an organic acid with a relatively high pH - a solution indicator. The materials perfectly remove plaque, grease and other contaminants. Organic acid is especially effective in affecting ordinary substances, so it is easy to clean off fat with its help. In its pure form, it has an adverse effect on acrylic, because mix into solution:

  1. Fill ⅔ full with warm water;
  2. Pour out half a liter of acid;
  3. Mix the consistency and leave overnight;

The method is effective, but aggressive towards acrylic, and it is not recommended to carry it out more than 0.5 years.

After standing for about 12 hours, the solution descends. Citric acid should be stirred more thoroughly than vinegar - completely dissolve it for further precipitation. Finally, the structure is washed with a stream of water from the shower and wiped with a soft cloth. Rub additionally to add shine.

Apple vinegar

A practical substance, but it does not always have a positive effect on acrylic. The main feature is low pH and high acidity. For a material, this factor turns out to be critical, especially if there are scratches. You should work quickly and carefully. The recommended method is to generously soak a cloth in the solution, apply it to the stain and pour water on it.

We recommend using this method at least once every six months.

In case of heavy contamination:

  • Prepare 9% vinegar in an amount of 1 liter;
  • Fill two-thirds full with hot water;
  • Pour out the vinegar;
  • Wait for the night;
  • Rinse and wipe


Regular soda removes plaque. The composition has a highly alkaline environment that breaks down fats and strong compounds. In most products it is present in the form of compounds or in its usual form. There are two types: food and calcined.

Use this method once every 3-5 months.

Baking soda is a weak alkali, while calcined soda is a strong alkali, with a powerful abrasive effect. Use only baking soda.

  • Place 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda on a plate;
  • Pour a glass of water;
  • Wet the soft side of the sponge with the solution;
  • Apply the mixture by dabbing rather than rubbing;
  • After 15 minutes, rinse with water and clean with a cloth.

Never use undiluted baking soda! It has a strong abrasive effect and will damage the body.

If you need to leave the surface in its original form, use distilled or filtered water. In some cities, tap water contains large amounts of calcium, which reacts with soda to form fine sand-like particles. Using water will get rid of it. The advice is also relevant for other cleaning methods involving the use of chemically active substances.


Acrylic came to plumbing from dentistry - it was used for lining the frames of dentures and making crowns, so cleaning the bathtub with toothpaste is quite acceptable.

The procedure should not be carried out more than once every two months.

Buy non-abrasive pasta. The manufacturer may not indicate this on the packaging. Abrasive particles are similar to small grains of sand that remove plaque from teeth, but they will greatly damage the surface of the bathtub. Before use, squeeze a small amount of paste onto your finger and rub it - the sand is immediately noticeable.

  • Apply the paste to a sponge or napkin;
  • Wipe the dirty surface;
  • Clean with water;
  • Rub until shiny

Video: how to wash an acrylic bathtub

The video below provides detailed tips on how to wash an acrylic bathtub.

Let's look at the main ways to clean an acrylic bathtub:

Contraindications: what not to use when cleaning

A few words about how not to clean an acrylic bathtub at home. We do not recommend using:

  • Acetone– corrodes plastic, causing holes to appear.
  • Abrasives– spoil the surface, leaving scratches and reducing the thickness of the enamel.
  • Mixture of several components– creates the opposite effect, scratching the walls.

The appearance of acetone in the room should be completely eliminated. The element is chemically active and acts as a solvent. 10-20 ml is enough to make a dent on the surface of the structure.

Wash off active chemicals with cold water. High temperature increases the reaction rate and surface damage will occur faster.

Compatibility of detergents with acrylic surfaces

Is it possible to wash an acrylic bathtub with Domestos or a mixture of substances? It is not advisable to mix with:

  • Formaldehyde– they are not compatible with acrylic.
  • Chlorine– its use creates pores, shortening the service life of the product.
  • Acetone, ammonia- corrode the walls.

Domestos, Sanox, Pemolux and Selite contain hydrochloric acid, which destroys protection. Initially, it is bleached, but then it absorbs plaque, becoming dirty faster. Therefore, such detergents cannot be used.

Disinfection with white

An acrylic bathtub is a way to forget about fungus forever, but it’s not ideal either. The fungus does not appear on the material, but easily multiplies on plaque, fats and other organic substances with nutritious microflora. Contamination should not be allowed to appear for a long time, and if it does appear, complete disinfection should be carried out periodically.

Fill the bathtub with water at room temperature;

  • Add 2 liters of white (7%);
  • Do not touch for 10–15 minutes;
  • Rinse off the water and refill;
  • Remove any remaining bleach and drain the water;
  • Wipe dry with a cloth.

Rules for proper use

The bath does not require serious care, but it is still necessary to follow the rules.

  1. Periodically bringing plumbing fixtures into decent condition in 5 minutes - after water procedures rinse with clean water. Acrylic does not absorb dirt, so this type of washing is sufficient.
  2. Wipe the bath after use sponge with soapy water. Next, dry to avoid streaks.
  3. To remove scratches there are restoration kits- They are sold in hardware stores.

Acrylic bathtubs are gaining popularity every day. This is due to ease of use, hygiene, and lack of corrosion on their surface. But since this material is whimsical, the question arises of how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home.

Advantages and disadvantages of an acrylic bathtub

An acrylic bathtub has the following advantages:

  1. Light weight. A standard bath has an average weight of 30 kg. It is easy to transport, lift and install yourself.
  2. Ease of installation. There is no need to purchase special legs, as is the case with other bathtubs. The product comes with a frame that can be adjusted based on the specified parameters.
  3. Large model range. Acrylic is the most flexible compared to other materials. Therefore, bathtubs can have a variety of shapes: from simple to figured. This is a godsend for designers who want to surprise with unusual shapes, as well as for lovers of non-standard solutions in interior design.
  4. Easy maintenance and repair. To clean the bathtub from dirt, just use dishwashing gel or liquid soap. Despite this, it is recommended to purchase special products for cleaning acrylic surfaces. If small scratches appear, clean the surface with sandpaper. If large cracks occur, you should contact a specialist who will restore the surface with liquid acrylic.
  5. The property of maintaining temperature. The water cools down more slowly, and the acrylic surface does not give off cold, unlike cast iron or metal.
  6. Non-slip coating. The surface of such a bath is smooth, but not slippery. In this regard, the risk of falling is greatly reduced.
  7. Material hygiene. Acrylic does not contribute to the development of fungus, rotting and the proliferation of pathogens.
  8. A convenient addition. The owner of an acrylic product can buy special attachments for massage and other relaxation devices.

The disadvantages of these products include low strength, susceptibility to damage and scratches, and high cost. The latter is determined by the use of complex technologies for the manufacture of acrylic products.

Caring for an acrylic bathtub is not so difficult if you do it regularly and correctly. This surface prevents the accumulation of dirt and stains on it. But if there are small cracks, plaque, grease and dirt will accumulate in them.

You should avoid falling or hitting the bathtub with various objects, as this may damage the integrity of its surface.

The container must be washed regularly: after each use, using liquid detergents or shampoo. To avoid the formation of water deposits on the surface, it is necessary to wipe the bathtub dry each time.

The danger for acrylic is exposure to high temperatures. Do not allow boiling water to come into contact with the acrylic surface. Care should be taken to ensure that items such as curling irons, curling irons, etc. do not come into contact with the acrylic.

Prevention and disinfection

High-quality acrylic can last 30 years without losing its original appearance, but only if used correctly. It is not recommended to perform the following actions in such a bathroom:

  • soak and wash linen and outerwear;
  • bathe animals without a special mat;
  • wash the bathtub with alkali, acid, abrasive substances;
  • place basins and other objects in it.
  • water is taken into the container;
  • dilute the product in water in a ratio of 1:10 and pour into a container with water;
  • leave for 10 minutes, stirring the solution periodically;
  • wash off with water using a sponge.

The enemies of acrylic are cleaning products that contain concentrates of acid, alkali and other aggressive substances. They can cause scratches and cracks, paint the surface a different shade, and make it uneven. Products recommended for use for cleaning acrylic:

  1. "Acrilan". This product creates a thick foam that is used to remove rust stains and plaque. The foam is applied to the sponge for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with running water. The product forms an invisible protective film on the acrylic surface, which prevents dirt from settling.
  2. "Sif", Bass. These are the best products for delicately cleaning the surface of plumbing fixtures, including bathtubs. These products do not contain aggressive components that have a negative effect on the acrylic surface. After them, the coating becomes white and shiny if there are no old stains on it.
  3. "Cinderella". When using the aerosol, you should wear a mask to protect your respiratory system from getting chemicals into them. Among other things, the product has an unpleasant odor. It should be washed off with a sponge 10 minutes after application.
  4. "Chister." Contains acrylic polymer. It creates a thin protective film on the surface that prevents the accumulation of dirt, bacteria and fungi. It should be washed off 5 minutes after application.
  5. "Tim-Pro." Gently removes various types of dirt and unpleasant odors, protecting the surface from the accumulation of dirt.
  6. Bon Professional. It is applied to the fabric that is used to process the coating. After application, wait 2-3 minutes and then rinse off. The product creates a protective film on the surface.

Domestos can be used as a cleaning agent for acrylic bathtubs, despite the fact that it contains hydrochloric acid. It copes well with rust stains and limescale. You must be careful and adhere to the following rules:

  1. The sponge is moistened with the product, and then the bath is wiped with it.
  2. Keep the product for no longer than 1 minute, after which it is washed off with plenty of water.
  3. The coating is wiped with a dry cloth.

Folk remedies for cleaning the bathroom are affordable and safe. To clean your bathtub at home, you can use baking soda, citric acid, etc.


To remove various types of contaminants from the surface of acrylic products, it is not necessary to use detergents. Cleaning acrylic bathtubs at home is not difficult. To remove yellow plaque, you can use the following means:

  1. Mix hydrogen peroxide and ammonia in equal proportions. Apply the solution to a soft cloth and rub the coating with it.
  2. Mix vinegar and lemon juice 1:1, apply to a sponge and treat the surface.
  3. Dilute the bleach powder with water to a paste and apply to the stain. Leave the product until completely dry, then rinse and wipe the coating dry.

Citric acid solution

To clean the coating, fill the bath with warm water and add 10 g of citric acid to it. The water should be left for at least 2 hours (maximum 12). After this time, it is necessary to drain the water, wash the coating and wipe it with a napkin.

It is an effective stain and plaque remover, but you must be careful and act quickly with it as it is highly acidic and has a low pH. If there are scratches on the surface, then you should avoid using apple cider vinegar.

It is necessary to moisten a soft cloth in the solution and apply it to the problem area, directing a stream of water there. After this, the surface should be washed with warm water.


You can use baking soda to remove corrosion and plaque. The product is soaked to a paste and applied to the coating. After 2-3 minutes, wash off with warm water.


Stains of various origins can be removed with toothpaste applied to a sponge. You should rub the stain with it, slightly pressing the sponge on its surface.

To remove rust from an acrylic bathtub, fill it to the brim with water, the temperature of which should not exceed +30°C. Then add the juice of 1 lemon or table vinegar (50 ml) to the water and leave for 12 hours, making sure that the water remains warm. After this, you can drain the liquid and rinse the bath with cool water to remove the acid, and then wipe the container with a dry cloth.

This procedure should be carried out no more than 2 times a year.

To clean the coating from yellow deposits, you must use the following advice:

  1. Take washing or cleaning powder and dilute it with water until it turns into a paste.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and 2 tbsp. l. whiteness.
  3. Treat the coating with the resulting substance using a rubber or plastic spatula.
  4. The product is left for 15 minutes, after which the coating is wiped with a soft sponge and the mixture is washed off with cold water.
  5. Wipe with a dry cloth.

Toothpaste helps get rid of limescale and stains.

How to remove scratches?

It is recommended to use special coating restoration kits, which can be purchased at a plumbing store. To cover any type of damage you will need: a spatula, liquid acrylic or epoxy putty for an acrylic surface. The coating around the defect is treated with fine sandpaper, then the grease is removed from the surface. A ball of epoxy putty is applied to the problem area and smoothed using a spatula. Drying time: 24 hours.

The area must be sanded using small sandpaper and polished with a special compound.

When using liquid acrylic, it is necessary to cover the defect with it, then stick polyethylene on this place and leave it in this form for 2 days.

What should not be done and what should not be used to clean an acrylic bathtub?

Many owners of such bathtubs are wondering what cannot be used to clean the acrylic coating. The following products are prohibited for use:

  • abrasive powders;
  • aggressive chemical solutions (alcohol, acids, alkalis, etc.);
  • products containing chlorine;
  • organic solvents, including acetone;
  • ammonia, ammonia;
  • formaldehyde.

The surface should be cleaned exclusively with soft materials. Do not use brushes, hard sponges, scrapers, or even microfiber. The most suitable option is cotton fabric.

Every housewife dreams of a snow-white home font. To ensure that it always remains in this condition, it is necessary to clean the acrylic bathtub from yellowness and other contaminants. How can we do this better? What means should I use?

Consider preventive measures

If the installation of the structure is carried out incorrectly, then liquid will remain near the drain hole, which will subsequently appear in unsightly external defects: dirty stains, gray deposits.

Water with harmful impurities flowing through rusty pipes, constantly dripping taps - all this will ultimately lead to persistent yellow spots appearing on the surface of the bathtub.

Tip No. 1. Maintain the correct angle of inclination of the bathtub, install water purification filters and repair the equipment in a timely manner.

Timely maintenance of the water tank

What to do to achieve a flawless appearance? How to clean?

The recommendations are quite simple: take a soft sponge or cloth, onto which you apply dishwashing liquid or shampoo residue, or a non-aggressive soap mixture. Wipe the surface thoroughly. Rinse with warm water. Then use a microfiber cloth, which will perfectly absorb moisture and restore shine.

Tip No. 2. Wash the bathtub immediately after use with a soft, clean cloth: cotton, flannel, felt. The product used must be neutral to acrylic. Only then will care be effective.

What cleaning products should you avoid?

  1. From abrasive cleaners, since the solid particles contained in these cleaners can lead to scratches on the surface being cleaned;
  2. From hard brushes, sponges with metal coating. As a result of working with them, the walls of the font become covered with small cracks, and the material is corroded.
  3. From those containing chlorine (this is why the bottom of the tank often turns yellow, because some housewives think that it will be cleaner), acids, ammonia, acetone, gasoline. Interaction with these drugs will lead to darkening and dullness.

Tip No. 3. Do not use powdered products, as they can damage the integrity of the coating; avoid harsh chemicals.

About vinegar, citric acid and baking soda

It is dangerous to use these agents (especially the first two) in their natural form, as they will have a destructive effect upon direct contact with the reservoir. Therefore, only their aqueous solutions are used.

You can clean the acrylic bowl with vinegar (9 percent) and soda, or replace the second component with salt. The main thing is to stir thoroughly so that no solid particles remain.

To prepare the mixture, you need to take a small bowl. Pour soda into it (half a pack) and stir with warm water until it reaches the consistency of sour cream so that there are no lumps left. Spread it over a damp surface. Leave for half an hour or an hour. Then pour citric acid (1-2 packs) into the same container and add boiling water in a ratio of 1:3. Stir and cool to room temperature. After putting on gloves, rub the entire mixture into problem areas with a soft sponge.

Citric acid can be replaced with vinegar (250 ml). After 15 minutes, rinse with running water and wipe dry.

Tip No. 4. It turns out that improvised means available in almost every home will help remove yellowness from an acrylic bowl.

Professional protective equipment

The range of gels, pastes, and sprays is quite wide. Detergent compositions specially designed for this purpose are required. It is worth paying attention to some of the proven cleaning and detergents:

  • Cif. Quickly copes with light stains;
  • Team Pro. Fights old stains, unpleasant odors, and helps remove yellow stains.
  • Mr. Cheester. The basis is a gentle composition. Carefully cares for the water tank. Has an antibacterial effect, adds shine;
  • Acrilan. A protective shell is created that prevents the appearance of dirty spots. Has disinfecting properties.

Tip No. 5. Choose only proven formulations from well-known manufacturers. They must be safe for humans and acrylic. It is with their help that it is easiest to wash the bathtub from yellow plaque. Some products clearly indicate the plumbing fixtures for which they are intended. The method of administration and acceptable doses are described. Do not forget to use rubber gloves and clean soft cloths, microfiber.

If you regularly take care of your home font from the first day of purchase, its service life will be long. In addition, the surface will be smooth and shiny.

Acrylic is a polymer with a small number of pores. That's why they talk about its dirt-repellent properties. That is, particles of dirt do not stick to a smooth surface. But this does not mean that it does not need care. On the contrary, it must be thorough and regular, otherwise the bowl will quickly lose its original appearance. Let's figure out what to wash and how to properly care for it.

All about cleaning an acrylic bathtub

Rules for caring for acrylic plumbing fixtures

The main rule is regular cleaning. Ideally, the surface should be washed daily. It's very easy to do. Rinse the container with warm water. Dampen a soft cloth or sponge without the abrasive side in a soap solution and gently wipe the acrylic. Wash off the foam with water, wipe the walls and bottom dry. That's all you need to maintain the appearance of your plumbing fixtures. If you do this daily, no additional manipulations will be required.

List of simple rules

  • Each new detergent is tested on a small, inconspicuous area. It is used in accordance with the instructions, after which it is checked to see if there are any traces left on the coating.
  • It is difficult to remove from an acrylic surface. To prevent such stains from appearing, they must be in full working order. After use, close them tightly.
  • Acrylate is easily scratched and chipped. Dirt that is difficult to remove subsequently accumulates in these areas. Therefore, you cannot use hard brushes, scrapers, or abrasives for cleaning.
  • Chemicals, even those considered approved for this type of plumbing, are not recommended to be used too often. It is optimal to do this 1-2 times a month.
  • It is advisable to regularly apply a special wax-based polish. It increases the smoothness of the coating and gives it additional dirt-repellent properties.
  • After washing, be sure to wipe dry. This prevents the formation of unpleasant plaque.

How to clean an acrylic bathtub from limescale

A set of simple preparations that can be found in any kitchen or medicine cabinet will help you effectively get rid of most contaminants. True, they remove fresh stains best. But they act less aggressively than household chemicals. Here are a few proven recipes.

Table vinegar

Mustard and soda

Not a bad choice if you don’t know how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home when there are no suitable factory-made compounds. Mustard powder is mixed with an equal amount of soda. The mixture is diluted to a paste with warm water. Apply to yellow areas, leave for half an hour or an hour, and then wash off.

Laundry soap

Universal detergent. The higher the percentage of fat, the better it copes with dirt. The soap is grated on a fine grater, the resulting shavings are diluted to a homogeneous gel. Add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of soda. The paste is applied to the surface with a sponge, left for about an hour, and washed off.

How to remove rust

Cleaning rust stains and stains is difficult. The following products help.

Lemon juice

Freshly squeezed juice is applied to the stain, left for no more than an hour, and washed off. To enhance the effect, add finely ground salt to the juice. So that it turns out to be a thick paste. It is applied to rust, but under no circumstances is it rubbed. Otherwise the gloss will be ruined.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

The substances are quite aggressive, so their exposure should be short-term. For fresh rust, 5-7 minutes are enough. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied to problem areas. The maximum permissible exposure time is 10 minutes.

What household chemicals can be used

  • "Cinderella". Cream emulsion, removes plaque and old rust. The silicone included in the composition forms a protective coating.
  • "Tip-Pro." Professional product for use at home. Disinfects and removes the most stubborn stains of all types.
  • "Sanelit". An antibacterial gel based on active oxygen that removes rust stains and lime deposits.
  • "Acrilan". Spray to remove rust and old plaque. Forms a protective, dirt-repellent layer for a short time.
  • "Mr. Cheester." Removes soap stains, lime deposits, rust stains, kills bacteria.
and ruin the gloss.
  • Powder preparations with abrasives.
  • Chlorine. Destroys the gloss, acrylic becomes dull.
  • Acetone, any other organic solvents. They enter into a chemical reaction with the polymer and destroy its structure.
  • Formaldehyde. They act similarly to solvents.
  • Care should be taken to clean the bathtub with solutions of alkalis, alcohol or acids. They are quite aggressive and can damage the coating if used incorrectly.

    We figured out what you can do with an acrylic bathtub, and what products it is better not to use. Acrylic surfaces are capricious and do not tolerate the effects of aggressive chemicals. Therefore, do not forget about regular simple care, for which you only need a soft cloth and soap solution. Using a special polish will secure the result.

    • Material prepared by: Inna Yasinovskaya

    In addition to dirt and soap scum, plaque often forms on the bathroom. Its intensity and color depend on the quality of tap water. White limescale is caused by an increased concentration of hardness salts, rust is caused by excess iron, and yellowness is caused by the content of chlorine in tap water. The problem of plaque can be solved by proper and regular care using traditional methods or special household chemicals.

    Traditional methods of removing dirt and plaque are popular everywhere - many home remedies can actually cope with the problem quickly and without additional financial costs. But it is worth noting that it is easy to remove limescale and yellow deposits using home methods. Rust is much more difficult to remove, and if it is old, you cannot do without household chemicals.

    Homemade recipes for limescale

    Liquid soap

    A common option for everyday product care. Using a soft sponge, treat the bath with the product and rinse with water. This is enough to remove daily dirt and keep the surface clean. You can also wash your acrylic bathtub with washing gel or dish soap.


    Table vinegar dissolves lime deposits well. Used alone or in combination with citric acid, salt or soda. The main thing is that in the case of acrylic, do not use it in its pure form. 0.5 - 1 liter of 9% vinegar is diluted in a bathtub filled with warm water. Leave for several hours (but no more than 12), after which the solution is drained, and the bath is wiped with a sponge, rinsed with water and wiped dry.

    Lemon acid

    Citric acid powder is used in a similar way to vinegar, but it must first be dissolved in warm water. For light whitening you will need 50 g of powder (this is 2 packs of 25 g each), for plaque removal - 100 - 200 g.

    It is necessary to dissolve all the crystals so that they do not settle on the bottom of the bathtub. Freshly squeezed lemon juice applied to a sponge can be used to wipe off small yellowed areas.


    Washing an acrylic bathtub with soda often causes controversy among professionals and on thematic forums. Baking soda effectively whitens and removes limescale, but as an abrasive substance it is of concern. In order not to harm the acrylic surface, you should soften the abrasive effect of soda: to do this, dissolve it in a bath of warm water and leave for 30 - 60 minutes. Then the solution is drained and the bath is rinsed with water. Another option: dilute baking soda with water to a paste-like consistency, apply for 15-20 minutes and rinse.

    Folk remedies for yellowness

    Laundry soap

    A universal cleaner for cleaning all surfaces. Using laundry soap, you can prepare a cleaning gel that effectively removes stubborn dirt and whitens yellowed areas. To do this, grate the soap and dilute it with warm water to a thick, uniform consistency. Add 1 - 2 tbsp. l. soda and mix well until it dissolves, apply with a sponge. The exposure time of the product is from 15 to 60 minutes.

    Soda and mustard

    Combine soda and mustard powder in equal parts, add warm water and stir until the soda dissolves. The resulting slurry is used to treat rusty and yellow areas and leave for 30 to 60 minutes.

    Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

    Vinegar and peroxide are mixed in a 3:1 ratio and applied with a sponge or spray bottle. After 15 minutes, wipe the treated area with a napkin and rinse with water.


    Whitening toothpaste can be used to clean an acrylic bathtub from yellow plaque and fresh traces of dyes (for example, such stains may remain after hair dyeing). Rub the paste into problem areas with your fingers or a sponge, leave to act for several minutes and rinse with water.

    Recipes for rust

    Salt and lemon juice (vinegar)

    Finely ground salt is mixed with the juice of half a lemon or 2 tbsp. l. vinegar until you get a paste. The composition is applied to rusty spots and left for a period of 15 to 60 minutes. You cannot rub the surface with this composition - it is washed off, and the remaining rusty deposits are removed with a sponge.

    Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

    A solution of equal parts peroxide and ammonia can remove limescale and fresh rust. The action time should not exceed 10 minutes: ammonia in ammonia can harm the acrylic surface.

    Special means

    Industrial products for acrylic are presented in the form of liquid sprays, creams or gels.

    Compositions suitable for acrylic can be found among consumer household chemical products and from manufacturers of branded sanitary ware. Professional products can not only remove stains and old plaque, but also return the bathroom to its original color.

    Industrial products active against plaque and dirt of various origins:

    Note: It is advisable to test any new product on a small area before use.

    How not to handle acrylic

    Acrylic is a durable polymer material and a bathtub made from it will last a long time if mechanical and chemical damage to the surface is avoided, namely:

    1. Do not use aggressive cleaning agents based on chlorine, concentrated acids and strong alkalis (Domestos, Belizna, Pemolux). Due to chlorine, the bathtub may turn yellow, and caustic substances can destroy the acrylic layer and cause cracks.
    2. Do not use hard brushes or metal scrapers for cleaning - they easily scratch acrylic. Polymers are characterized by a non-porous surface, so with proper care there is no place for dirt to accumulate and there is no need for rough cleaning. But when defects appear, dirt easily gets into the damaged areas.

    How to remove scratches

    If scratches do appear on the bathroom, they can and should be eliminated to avoid further damage to the material. Cracks, chips and defects that form when the surface is corroded by aggressive substances also require restoration.

    Acrylic bathtubs are easy to restore, so minor defects can be removed at home. Scratches can be removed fairly quickly:

    • the damaged areas are carefully sanded with sandpaper of different grain sizes (from coarse to fine);
    • A special polishing compound is applied to the cleaned area and treated with a fleece or special cloth in accordance with the instructions.

      Note: Small scratches can be removed with a special polishing pencil for acrylic surfaces.

    Serious defects can be eliminated using putty, liquid acrylic and polish. Often such work is entrusted to professionals, but if you wish, you can do it yourself in several stages:

    • Use masking tape to separate defects from undamaged areas;
    • cracks and chips are sealed with starting putty;
    • after the putty layer has dried, the damaged areas are rubbed first with coarse-grained sandpaper, then with fine-grained sandpaper;
    • if small unevenness remains, add a layer of finishing putty and, after it has dried, sand the surface again with fine-grained sandpaper;
    • remove the masking tape and degrease the surface with alcohol;
    • after all layers of putty have completely dried, a special paint is applied to the treated areas (its color is selected in accordance with the shade of the bathtub);
    • Finally, polish is applied to the dried layer of paint.

    For convenience, you can purchase a repair kit for acrylic bathtubs. The standard kit includes polish, a set of sandpaper of different grits and polishing cloth.

    Step by step how to remove scratches is described in the video below:

    Cleaning your hot tub

    If hydromassage equipment is installed in the bathroom, weekly cleaning of the nozzles and regular disinfection of the system will be required. When soap suds, residual dirt and organic compounds get into the hoses, they begin to decompose and cause an unpleasant odor. When water circulates in the system, this dirt ends up in a common tank, which makes the bathing procedure unhygienic.

    To fix the problem yourself, you can purchase special disinfectants for hot tubs. The bath is filled with warm water, an antiseptic is added and the hydromassage is started for 10 - 15 minutes. Then the water is drained and the bath is thoroughly washed to remove any remaining disinfectant.

    Antibacterial solution Ravak Disinfectant for plumbing and hydromassage systems.

    Note: Chrome whirlpool jets can only be cleaned with products designed for chrome surfaces. This should be taken into account when choosing a bath detergent. Otherwise, the chrome elements may darken or become stained.

    At least once a year, it is advisable to contact specialists who will professionally disinfect and clean the hydromassage unit - including the filter and water supply system.

    Bathroom care

    Caring for an acrylic bathtub comes down to preventing persistent contamination and, as in the case of cleaning, not damaging the surface layer. To do this, it is important to observe the following preventive measures:

    • Monitor the serviceability of taps, shower hoses and mixers: leaking plumbing is the main cause of rusty streams.
    • Pay attention to the composition of cleaning products for faucets and shower heads that are mounted above the bathtub container or fixed above its surface. Drops of detergent will certainly fall on the surface of the bathtub and leave stains on it or cause damage to the acrylic layer if the active substance is aggressive.
    • Do not exceed the exposure time of cleaning agents: after a long time, even acrylic-safe compositions can form undesirable reactions. Their most harmless consequences can be stains and discolored areas on the surface of the bathroom.
    • Do not wash or soak laundry in acrylic bathtubs, especially in bleach solutions. Colored clothes may stain the container when washed.
    • Avoid hitting the surface of the bathtub or dropping heavy objects on it.
    • Do not place basins or other containers with hard bottoms or sharp edges in the bathtub.
    • Do not burn the acrylic surface with curling irons or curling irons.
    • Be careful when bathing animals: their claws can scratch the acrylic layer. Therefore, it is better to organize another place for this procedure or lay a rubber mat on the bottom of the bathroom.
    • Do not pour hot water into the bath bowl, especially boiling water - it destroys acrylic, and the thin coating of a low-quality product can even melt. Safe water temperature for cast acrylic bathtubs is up to 80°C, for sandwich structures – from 50 to 70°C (depending on the thickness of the acrylic layer).
    • To restore the antibacterial properties of the acrylic coating, periodically disinfect the bathtub with special solutions.

    Ideally, it is recommended to wash your acrylic bathtub daily with liquid soap and be sure to wipe the surface dry after each use. But with the modern rhythm of life, it is quite difficult to implement this in practice. Therefore, it is advisable to wipe the bathtub at least once at night and clean it with a suitable product once or twice a week. Additional use of polishes will reduce the frequency of washing the acrylic bath and prolong the effect of the shiny surface.

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