Double-circuit floor-standing gas boilers with a boiler. Boilers with built-in boiler and flow-through heat exchangers

21.02.2019 Accessories

At the stage of choosing a gas heating boiler, the question arises, which is better: with a built-in boiler or with a flow-through heat exchanger?

Many people give their preference to boilers with a flow-through heat exchanger, explaining this by the continuous flow of hot water, while a boiler with a boiler has the inconvenience of limited volume.

By functionality gas boilers can be divided into two groups: single-circuit and double-circuit. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which is better: a double-circuit or single-circuit gas boiler?

A single-circuit boiler has economical operating modes and can form a cascade heating system, but does not have the function of heating domestic hot water (DHW). This requires installation additional equipment in the form of a boiler indirect heating.

On a note.
The main characteristics of indirect heating boilers are the volume of the boiler and the water heating time, measured in minutes.

With the correct selection of the power of a single-circuit boiler and an indirect heating boiler, it is possible to provide several points of consumption with a continuous flow of hot water.

Boilers with high power and large volume boilers can provide heating for industrial facilities and supply them with a sufficient amount of hot water.

A double-circuit boiler includes the function of heating and heating hot water at the same time. Heating is carried out by a bithermal flow heat exchanger. That is domestic water heated directly from the burner flame. This process is accompanied by intense scale formation, which is a detrimental factor for the heat exchanger. Heating is instantaneous.

The amount of heated water directly depends on the power of the boiler. Each double-circuit boiler with a flow-through heat exchanger has such a characteristic as the rate of heating water for domestic hot water, measured in l./min.

Boilers of this type are very convenient for providing domestic hot water to one or two points of consumption. The water temperature will directly depend on the flow rate. The greater the pressure, the lower the temperature, and vice versa.

With such DHW scheme there is no need to accumulate hot water - this significantly reduces the size of the unit.

A double-circuit boiler with a built-in boiler is an ordinary single-circuit boiler and an indirect heating boiler combined into a single unit.

In the main heat exchanger, the coolant is heated by burning gas, then part of the coolant goes into the built-in boiler and heats the water for DHW systems, the rest is sent to the heating system.

Scope of application of boilers with built-in boiler

With correctly selected boiler power and boiler capacity, such a unit can supply hot water several points at the same time.

We can conclude that all 3 types of boilers: single-circuit with an indirect heating boiler, double-circuit boilers with a flow-through heat exchanger and double-circuit boilers with a built-in boiler can be effectively used in various situations.

For example, for a large number of hot water consumers, even in industrial volumes, a high-power single-circuit gas boiler with a large-volume indirect heating boiler is best suited.

For a private house with several bathrooms, a double-circuit gas boiler with a built-in boiler or a single-circuit boiler with an indirect heating boiler is well suited.

For a small private house or apartment ideal option there will be a double-circuit boiler with a flow-through heat exchanger. It does not take up much space and can be done in wall version and instantly produces enough hot water for two consumption points.

If the heated object is located outside the service area of ​​the electrical grid, then floor-mounted single-circuit, non-volatile gas boilers are well suited for providing heating. If there is a need to heat water for household needs, then there are dual-circuit energy-independent models.

Modern gas manufacturers heating equipment provide wide choose boilers for every taste and income.

2 November 2013 Alexei

If you have problems with hot water, then a gas boiler with a boiler will certainly help you.

The tank in which the water is stored maintains it high temperature for a long time.

The advantage of a wall-mounted boiler over its competitor is flow column, is that with it you will always have large reserves of heated water.

Wall-mounted gas boilers with a boiler are designed to serve large areas (usually used floor standing boilers with a boiler or entire cascades of such devices), they are perfect for both the office and your own country house, providing the room with heat and hot water. For a city apartment, a small-sized wall-mounted boiler is quite sufficient.

The boiler expands the functionality of the wall-mounted gas boiler. Bosch models, for example, have volumes from 120 to 500 liters. Boiler tanks, like most boilers, are equipped with electronics - temperature sensors, indicators of errors in the operation of the heating system.

These devices are also equipped with steel coils that give off a large number of heat, this helps to more efficiently use the energy received from the column, as well as save gas consumption.

Principle of operation

The principle by which a wall-mounted boiler and boiler operate is simple and somewhat reminiscent of the operation of a wall-mounted water heater.

This is the so-called “endless hot water” effect: there is a certain amount of hot water in the boiler, which flows out when the tap is opened, and cold water comes in instead, and heating cold water usually occurs faster than hot consumption.

After closing the tap, all the water in the boiler warms up to 60°C, after which the tank’s automation (in this case, a temperature sensor) switches the equipment to the “heating” mode.

The advantage of a combination of a single-circuit boiler and a boiler over double-circuit boilers and wall heaters in that the water flow does not change its temperature, that is, when two taps are opened in parallel - in the kitchen and in the shower, the water will have the same temperature.

Advantages and disadvantages

A significant advantage of the “single-circuit boiler + boiler” pair over their double-circuit counterparts is that the latter are more susceptible to scale formation, because have a narrow passage of the heat exchanger.

This is especially true for regions with tough running water. In the case of a boiler, already prepared water, devoid of hard salts, is used.

Temperature changes and water consumption do not affect the temperature of the hot water supply. Rational use of heat losses from the tank body - the heat is used to heat the boiler room. The need to switch the boiler is reduced, and accordingly the equipment will last longer and work more reliably.

In terms of ease of use, a single-circuit boiler with a boiler is compared with central water supply, among other things, you can automatically set any desired water temperature.

Price - domestic and foreign

The price of a boiler depends on its volume and power. Thus, a Sunsystem/TESY GCR 80 TSR boiler (manufactured in Bulgaria) with a power of 2/12 kW and a volume of 80 liters costs approx. 10,000 rubles,

while a similar model with a power of 3/29 kW and a volume of 200 liters will cost almost twice as much - 18,500 rubles. The difference is significant.

The world's leading brands in the production of heating equipment, including wall-mounted boilers, are Ariston, Viessmann, Baxi, Beretta, Ferrolli.

Russian manufacturers of boilers are Thermex, represented by several series: Thermex Hit, Thermex Flat Plus, Thermex Flat Diamond Touch, etc. Their price starts from 3,000 rubles (Thermex SPRINT 30 SPR-V with a volume of 30 liters), ending with the Thermex FLAT DIAMOND RZB 100 D model - a flat water heater made of of stainless steel with a volume of 100 liters, the cost of which is 10,600 rubles.

Which to choose?

They are conventionally divided into electric and gas. Technological progress does not stand still, this also applies to household appliances— electric ones are replacing their gas counterparts over time. In addition to technical progress, this is also due to the fact that the installation process gas boiler is quite labor-intensive and requires compliance with many rules, while electric devices are much simpler in this regard.

The operating principle of the electric boiler is the same as in electric kettle: current passes through a tubular electric heater or coil, which in turn heats the water. Such heaters can be installed anywhere; it is necessary to have a power source. Actually, this is a disadvantage of everything electric. thermal equipment: no electricity - no heat.

If the heater power exceeds 5 kW, then you will have to lay independent wiring, as well as install another fuse. Therefore, powerful heaters are rarely installed at home.

Based on the method of heating water, they are also divided into storage and flow-through. What is the difference? IN instantaneous water heaters there is a heat exchanger that heats the water, and in storage tanks the same role is played by the already familiar heating element (tubular electric heater).

Advantage flow heaters before storage systems consists of an uninterrupted supply of heated water, the amount of which, however, depends on the power of the equipment and the water pressure in the central heating.

Storage ones allow you to save electricity and are connected simply by connecting to a power source of at least 220 V. However, you will have to wait some time until the water in the unit heats up to the desired temperature.

Anyway, best boiler- the one that fully meets your operating conditions!

Single-circuit gas wall-mounted boilers with boiler - perfect choice to heat the room and provide it with hot water. Let your home always be warm and cozy!

A floor-standing gas boiler is practical, reliable and quite simple, the main advantage of which is that it does not depend on electricity. Such boilers are economical, equipped with reliable automation and maintain the set temperature.
If natural gas is available, it would be more advisable to give preference to a floor-standing boiler rather than a wall-mounted one. A floor-standing gas boiler is indispensable for a private home, because it can provide heating and hot water to large rooms.

A floor standing boiler with an integrated cylinder is ideal for generating large amounts of heat and maintaining comfortable temperature in room.

Features of boilers with a boiler

With an additional boiler, a chimney must be installed. The chimney for a floor-standing gas boiler should not be narrowed. Gas floor-mounted chimney boilers automatically turn off if the gas suddenly disappears or turns off.

They are also set to automatic shutdown in the absence of draft in the chimney.

Such boilers are installed when the power supply is unstable. A chimney for a floor-standing gas boiler is important element, which must be taken into account when installing the boiler.

Some gas boilers require an ordinary chimney, while others require the installation of a coaxial one. Therefore, before installing the chimney, you need to carefully read the instructions for the gas boiler. With some boiler models, the chimney is already included. Conventional chimneys lead upward, and coaxial chimney It is installed into the wall, as it is mounted horizontally.

Some experts argue that it is better to purchase boilers that only work to heat the room, without heating water, considering heating water with a boiler to be economically unprofitable. And some, on the contrary, believe that boilers with DHW mode are a profitable investment.


Floor-mounted ones include steel and cast iron heat exchangers.

The steel heat exchanger is not afraid of impacts and is slightly lighter than cast iron. A cast iron heat exchanger is more fragile and there is a risk of microcracks forming.

A floor-standing gas boiler can be equipped with atmospheric or inflatable burners. The latter are much more expensive and boilers with such burners have greater efficiency. The burners in such boilers can operate on both gas and fuel. Atmospheric burners are simpler and cheaper, and operate quieter. Typically, atmospheric burners come complete with a floor-standing gas boiler, while inflatable burners must be purchased separately.

At the time of buying floor boiler With a boiler, you should definitely take into account its technical characteristics:

  • thermal load;
  • power;
  • volume of water in the boiler;
  • Weight, dimensions and manufacturer.

What to consider when choosing a boiler

There are gas boilers with one and two circuits. The difference between them is that a double-circuit boiler combines two functions simultaneously: it heats the room and provides hot water. A single-circuit boiler, accordingly, performs only one of these functions - heat supply.

A double-circuit boiler is more convenient and economical option, as it is used as a house heater and replaces a water heating column. The boiler can be connected to both a single-circuit and a double-circuit boiler.

What should you pay attention to before choosing a floor-standing gas boiler and what parameters should you take into account? The main thing that needs to be considered is the conditions for placing the boiler and the power of its operation.

The boiler is connected to the boiler if high water consumption is expected and it is necessary to heat a large space.

Extends the life of the boiler, improves its operating mode and perfectly withstands constant temperature changes. The capacity of built-in boilers can be from 40 to 100 liters. When installing a boiler, it is necessary to install cleaning filters that prevent the appearance of scale.

Gas floor heating boilers with a built-in boiler are used for hot water supply and heating. The coolant is process water. A floor-standing gas boiler has its negative and positive characteristics.

Gas floor heating boilers have long term services and have no power limitations. Such boilers have a fairly high cost of the boiler itself and its equipment.

Floor-standing gas boilers with a boiler are a system with which, without extra costs Not only heating, but also hot water supply is organized. In almost all modern models The boilers have a DHW mode and automatic switching between heating and DHW modes. Such a boiler is capable of supplying water to a family of up to 6 people and heating large areas.

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