What name to choose for your child. How to choose a name for a child, or a proper name

26.09.2019 Heating

Part 1

Brainstorm options

    Decide whether you want a traditional, popular, or unique name. Carefully consider whether you want your baby's name to stand out or be casual and classy; stood the test of time or was catchy and solid.

    Please note personal history and traditions. Your family may have special naming traditions. Some families name a son after his father, others have special "schemes" such as all children's names starting with the same letter. Whatever tradition you choose, make sure each child feels unique and has a unique name. For example, by naming your twins Ira and Kira, you may encounter great difficulties in the future.

    Write a list of names you love, people you respect, names that have special meanings, etc. You should do this together with your partner. Compare lists - are there any names you both like? Maybe your partner likes a name that you can't stand. Cross out the names you don't like and add names you like to the list. These lists may change over time.

    Think about your heroes. Role-playing characters, whether real or fictional, can be a source of inspiration. The name "Hermione" suddenly became popular with the advent of the Harry Potter books. If you admire Mother Teresa, maybe Teresa is one of the options. Of course, keep in mind that some heroes are considered controversial, and some do not fit the local culture.

    Be careful with "ethnic names". Unfortunately, a name that represents an individual, or is somehow associated with discrimination, can complicate a child's life and make it difficult, for example, to find a job. But it might instill pride in the child's heritage. So choose carefully.

    Be wary of names inspired by your personal beliefs. In many ways, this great way to reaffirm your religious beliefs or your hopes for the child (joy, faith, grace, etc.). But sometimes a child grows up and is not happy with it. He or she may or may not convert his or her name. For example, Bogdana - this name may seem very awkward to her!

    Ignore the rules! A safe, traditional, good-sounding name is good and correct, and perhaps the most desired by most parents. But there are many unusual, unique and original names, so the choice is yours.

    Part 2

    Choosing a name
    1. Remember that your child will carry this name throughout his life. This is your first gift to your baby, so it's something special.

      Make sure it's a name you both like. Try saying your baby's name over and over again to see if you get tired of hearing it. As a parent, you will have to say it very often.

      Consider gender identity. IN modern world names are often both masculine and feminine.

      • Don't call your child by a name that is usually of the opposite gender. Your son named Katya, Dasha or Anya cannot be happy if he is called a girl on the first day of school.
      • Historically, masculine names tend to be more acceptable for girls (such as Sasha). But just by name alone, it may not be clear whether your child is male or female, and this can lead to confusion.
      • Some names are gender neutral (such as Chris, Dakota, River) or sound like masculine names but can be spelled in a feminine manner (Alex, Alexandra). Such names have both their own problems and advantages.
    2. Please note that the child will become an adult. Will his name sound good as he gets older? Very important factor- will the name age gracefully? What is suitable for the baby or small child may not fit an older person. Can you imagine an adult named Coco? Or a pensioner?

      Make sure your first name goes well with your last name. You probably don't want the first name to end with the same letter as the last name (eg Eve Anderson, Phillip Piper, Roger Rhyne).

      Think about how short it might sound. Many people shorten their names, and you should choose one that you like and that at the same time will sound good with your last name, for example, Richard Vikes sounds good, but what if they call him Rick?

      Don't ignore spelling. Sometimes there are several variations of the name and different options writing one name. Writing a unique name will help your child stand out, but can cause headaches when it comes to correcting people and paperwork! Plus, your child may never be able to buy something because of their name.

      Consider whether you really want your children's names, especially if they are the same gender, to have the same initials. When they get older and a letter arrives for J. Smith, how will you know if it's for Josh, Jack, James or Jordan? Although many families do this and are satisfied...

      Try a greeting test. Finally, once you've narrowed down your name, introduce yourself as your child using only your first and last name. Will this name be able to grow with the child? How will it sound to a future employer? Lyusya may sound cute as a baby's name, but what would it sound like for general director?

      Decide in advance what time you want to choose the name. Some couples wait until the baby is born, while others announce to family, friends, and anyone who asks right away when everyone already knows about the pregnancy.

    • Test your name through the "bully" test. Think of a rhyme with something that comes to mind, look for hidden words in the name, etc. Ask an older child to help you if you can't think of anything. Children very quickly come up with strange associations for names and use them.
    • Search the name on Google to make sure it is not associated with any big names co-opted strippers and porn stars.
    • How do first, patronymic and last names sound together? While a name may sound good on its own, things can change when you add a middle name to it.
    • if you have family tree, try looking through a list of names or try talking to relatives for new ideas. Even your grandmother can come up with a great idea.
    • It is also not recommended to name your children names like: Emerald, Ruby, Opal, Forest, Ocean, River. (Although some families do this.)
    • It is desirable that the name is well written and sounded.
    • Look at the initials to see if there is anything offensive in them. Ponomarenko Ustin Konstantinovich can turn into an abbreviation that is unpleasant for a child.
    • Remember, your child can always have a short name on their birth certificate. For example, Alison could be Alice, Nikita could be Nick, Anna could be Ani, Emily could be Em, Samantha could be Sam, and so on.
    • If you're choosing names for twins, make sure they sound good together because you'll be saying them together a lot. But at the same time, aren't they too similar? This will prevent them from developing as individuals. Twins Alexander and Alexandra will never forgive you! Just like Josie and Jodie, Charlotte and Charlie, John and Johnny.
    • Probably, best advice– have several name options ready. When a baby arrives, your backup option may become your main one. Sometimes a name just suits a child!
    • If your surname has become the target of many jokes (Dubina, Fool, etc.), do not give your children names that emphasize this surname. For example, Emelya is simply cruel.
    • Choose for long last names short names and vice versa. A long name will look and sound strange with a long last name
    • Try inserting "aunt" or "uncle" before the name. If your child has siblings, he or she will likely face this question.
    • If you have already matched your first name to your last name, it’s time to check how it sounds with your middle name. You may be very surprised at how it sounds when combined with your middle name and last name.
    • Go to special sites to check the popularity of the name you choose.
    • Do not come up with several “short names” for your child at once, as this can lead to confusion. For example, do not call Lena Alena while she is little, and so on.
    • If you've chosen an ethnic name from your country of origin but aren't sure how it will fit with another culture, ask your husband, a cafe waitress, a store clerk, or a neighbor to say full name. Aifi, Pádraig or Sadhb may be common names in Ireland, but could also be dangerous for your baby abroad. Come up with a short version, for example, Anya (Aifi) or Sanya (Sadhb.). You might settle on a name that is related to your home country, like Kerry, Patrick or Erin. Be aware that in some places such names may mark your child out as a foreigner or a "fake" when the child returns to their home country. Also, choose a name that translates easily to your native language. Mary can live her life as Mary and become Mary only upon returning “to her homeland.”


    • You do NOT need to give your child just the initials of their name. He will constantly have to explain that "A.I." don't really mean anything.
    • Don't give your child a name with negative connotations. Your name Hitler can create problems later in life.
    • If you want to name your child after a physical feature that he or she is likely to exhibit in the future, such as beautiful green eyes like Mom and Dad, make sure that the child will not be ridiculed for it. For example, if you name your red-haired daughter Ginger, she will probably be ridiculed in the future as a South Park character.
    • Check the initials and make sure they don't create any awkward/inappropriate word. For example, although Egor Stepanovich Pastukhov may sound like P.E.S.
    • Be careful when naming your child after celebrities or movie/show characters. For example, Maxim, if your last name is Galkin.
    • Be careful not to place expectations on your child based on their name. If you name your child after your grandparent, keep in mind that he or she will not end up being just like either of them.
    • Be careful about choosing a name for your baby that is too old-fashioned, like Frances or Hildegard.

When choosing names for boys, parents should remember that by doing this they largely determine the fate of their child and lay down the characteristics of his character. Sometimes a rare, strange or funny name given to a baby at birth can cause ridicule among peers and misunderstanding among others.

The choice of a male name for your heir and successor of the family must be balanced and meaningful. It should be remembered that the child will grow up and will then have to bear this name for the rest of his life.

In order not to create unnecessary difficulties for the baby from childhood, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules when choosing male names for a newborn. This will help to do right choice and choose for your son not just sonorous, but really beautiful name, which will harmoniously combine with the child’s middle name and last name.

The name is an important phenomenon for every person; it largely determines his character and destiny. It is especially important to choose the right one for the future man, since in in this case Parents also bear responsibility for the well-being of future grandchildren. Boys' names are more important in that they then become middle names for their future children.

Exists a large number of beautiful male names, from which you can choose just one for your own son. Parents can be guided by different selection criteria:

  • the ancestral tradition of your family;
  • church calendar;
  • a combination of the child’s first name, patronymic and last name;
  • fashion trends
  • meaning of a man's name.

But at the same time, you should always pay attention to how the chosen name will be combined with the patronymic and surname. It is important to choose a harmonious and harmonious combination first name and patronymic, so that later, in adult life, the baby does not experience difficulties.

To choose the right name for a boy, you should pay attention to the fact that there are names that can be used not only for boys, but also for girls:

  • Sasha;
  • Valya;
  • Zhenya.

It is important that from childhood the boy does not experience psychological discomfort due to the fact that he is confused with a girl. This happens in cases where the child's last name ends with the letter o. Thus, Sasha Sidorov will feel more confident than Sasha Sidorenko, who in kindergarten and school will have to constantly clarify during roll call that he is a boy and not a girl.

How to name a male child correctly

Parents should remember how important choosing a male name is. If a daughter can eventually change her surname by getting married, then the son will bear his first name, patronymic and surname all his life. For a man, a harmonious combination of his first name, patronymic and last name is very important. This helps him quickly find his place in life and gain confidence in his own abilities.

How to choose a name for a boy so that it will help him in his future adult life, reflect his individual traits and help in his personal development? Parents can start from different criteria, making your choice. The most important thing is to avoid ambiguity and irrelevance.

The first name should be harmoniously combined with the patronymic and surname. This will allow the boy, over time, to realize all the responsibility that is placed on him by the family as the successor of the family and will help to cultivate in himself the character traits necessary for a man.

In honor of a relative

Often the choice is made in favor of the name of a famous grandfather, great-grandfather, uncle or other relative in the family. Thus, parents want their baby to repeat the success of the one after whom he is named. However, a child can inherit, along with the name of a relative, in addition to his positive qualities, and negative sides, repeating the fate of his ancestor.

When deciding to name a son in honor of their relative, the mother and father should remember that it is not recommended:

  • naming a child after a person who passed away early is considered bad omen and inheritance of the same fate;
  • name your son in honor of a still living relative, since the name can attract not only positive, but also negative characteristics of this person to the child;
  • naming boys after their fathers, as this will burden the child’s psyche and impose on him the responsibility of being just like his father.

If there is a tradition in the family of calling the eldest son by a certain name, then in this case you can not pay attention to the fact that the child and the father may have the same name, since in this case the name will carry the generic meaning of “seniority”.

Selection by last name and patronymic

If a parent finds it difficult to choose a name for his son, then he can select male names for a specific patronymic and surname. In this case, it is necessary to select a short middle name for the long middle name. male name, and to short – long.

If the child’s father’s name is Konstantin, Vyacheslav or Stanislav, then it is better to choose a short name for the son:

  • Peter;
  • Oleg;
  • Ilya;
  • Gleb;
  • Yuri;
  • Igor, etc.

For short middle names, such as Petrovich, Lvovich, Ilyich, long names are suitable:

  • Alexei;
  • Alexander;
  • Anatoly;
  • Eugene;
  • Maksim;
  • Valery.

When choosing a male name suitable for the patronymic and surname, one should proceed from the combination of vowels and consonants. To get a harmonious combination of initials, you should choose a name so that its letters are not often repeated in the middle name.

Should also be avoided consonant combinations famous personalities, type:

  • Vladimir Ilyich;
  • Leonid Ilyich;
  • Nikita Sergeevich, etc.

Names and patronymics that sound similar to each other do not combine well for pronunciation and are poorly remembered by people. You should pay attention to ensure that the patronymic does not begin with the same letter that ends the male name. This combination of sounds is very difficult to pronounce correctly.

It is important that the name be native to the patronymic language culture, so that inappropriate combinations such as Peter Sidorov or John Ivanov do not arise.

The most fashionable names for boys in the coming year

Often modern young parents, when choosing a name for their newborn son, adhere to the fashion for names. The most popular and beautiful names for boys in this area, according to registration statistics, are:

  • Kirill;
  • Elisha;
  • Benjamin;
  • Vladimir;
  • Bogdan.

While focusing on fashion, parents should not forget about the well-being of their child. A fashionable male name should be harmoniously combined with the child’s middle name and last name.

According to the church calendar

You can name your son according to church calendar. To do this, it is best to choose those names of saints that are closest to the child’s date of birth. This will create some protection and simplify compliance. Orthodox traditions when raising a child.

You should also remember about the harmonious combination of the baby’s full name with his middle name and last name.

We focus on the meaning of the name

If parents want a name to help shape a certain character of their son, then they should use suitable option list of male names with their meaning. If parents want their baby to be purposeful and unbending, then they can choose names that denote such character traits. For example:

  • Gleb;
  • Boris;
  • Egor;
  • Maksim.

In order to soften the child’s character, make him more flexible and good-natured, preference should be given to names that denote these character traits. These male names include the following:

  • Alexei;
  • Ilya;
  • Leonid, etc.

In order to choose the most appropriate male name, you will need to study the dictionary of male names and choose the most suitable one for your child.

By time of year and month of birth

Those parents who trust horoscopes can choose a name for their son based on the time of his birth. Zodiac horoscope often offers a list of names that are most suitable for a particular sign. You can find them on specialized resources on the Internet, where they publish forecasts and descriptions of each sign of the zodiac, eastern and even Slavic horoscope.

Popular wisdom says that it is in winter that the brightest, but at the same time complex people are born; it is believed that communicating with them is not easy because of their character. You can try to soften the temper of the December child by choosing the right name for him.

We focus on nationality and traditions

Russia is a multinational country, home to a large number of representatives of a wide variety of ethnic groups and cultures. When trying to choose a name for their son in the spirit of the child’s nationality, parents should not forget that the baby will have to go to kindergarten and to school, where he will communicate with children of other nationalities and cultures.

Therefore, his name should not be too difficult to pronounce in Russian, which is the state language of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the baby may have problems communicating with peers.

Other options

It is not necessary to adhere to the above methods of choosing a name for your son. Perhaps parents will have other options for choosing a male name for their child. The most important thing is that both parents agree with the choice, and that the name is consistent with the patronymic and surname.

Young parents should remember that there are special legislative acts, prohibiting giving children names in the form of numerical designations and abbreviations.


The fate of the child largely depends on the correct choice and euphony of the combination of first name, patronymic and last name. Parents should remember this, because by choosing a name for their son, they determine his future life.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

Hello. I’ve already created a topic here about neighbors’ dogs, how to keep them away. In the fall, in September, a neighbor’s dog killed our kitten, in the middle of the day, one might say, in front of the neighbor (the dog’s owner) and ours (my son and I saw it). We simply didn’t have time to do anything, how much does a 3 month old kitten need? At that time, I expressed a lot of things to my neighbors because of their dogs. They apologized, promised to look after them, but at the same time the phrase was said: hunting dogs (ordinary mongrels at the same time) will still attack cats, they called it happy (((
Honestly, I didn't want to more cats to get one, but in October for my daughter’s birthday they brought her a kitten as a gift.. There is a litter box at home and the cat goes there, but only for small periods, but for the most part she is used to going outside. They let her out and looked after her all the time. And then that week, the neighbor’s dog jumped over the snowdrifts into our yard and grabbed the cat right on the porch. At that time I was hanging out laundry to dry under the canopy, he didn’t see me, but I didn’t see/hear him right away either - he attacked without a sound. I jumped out at the cat’s squeal. I fought it off, while he slashed his teeth along the sleeve of my jacket and tore my sleeve. When I calmed and treated the cat a little and calmed down myself, I went to the neighbors and said I would complain. The weekend passed, they did not take any measures (the dog was running along the street and continues to run). Today I wrote a complaint to the local police officer, but I was struck by his words, saying that we cannot take any measures against the dog’s owner, there is no punishment or fine for this. Only if you go further and sue them for material and moral damage. But I don’t want to go to court over a cat and a torn sleeve. Are there really no laws so that the local police officer, relying on them, can somehow influence the owners of dogs who strangle cats while walking on their own and in other people’s yards? In general, I wrote a lot, just if you’re going to start a war with your neighbors, then rely on the laws... Maybe someone can tell me something...



Divorced from my husband five years ago. From the marriage there are two children aged 9 and 11 years. I’m tired of solving and carrying all the family problems on myself, and besides, my husband started going out. I left him, as they say, “with one knot”... All this time I was organizing a house from scratch, paying off three loans, raising children, it wasn’t easy. Thank God I was lucky and I changed my job and started earning more. Life began to get better, more or less. A year ago I met a man... And Oh God... This is the man I dreamed of. Complete opposite my ex-husband. And care and attention. One thing... He is a single father... His wife left him and their child and went to his to the best friend. In principle, this situation did not frighten me and I thought, well, where are there two children and the third will not be a hindrance... But it turned out that everything was not so simple... I, like a wise woman, immediately began to look for an approach to the child, bought her toys, completely replaced them her wardrobe, the poor child didn’t even have decent things, everything was so washed out.... I bought her a bunch of beautiful rubber bands for the garden. I tried my best to please. The girl is 5 years old... The child is problematic, does not understand anything, in the kindergarten they complain about her that she does not obey, does not want to study... At home she does whatever she wants, does not respond to comments. She says that she understands and immediately does it again!!!
The mother does not participate in any way in raising the child, does not pay child support, citing the fact that she is paying off a joint loan... Oh well, God be with her...
We all lived together for a year... I thought that she would change and we would live happily... But nothing changed...
I was infuriated by her behavior and because of this I was constantly in a bad mood, so Alexei and I started arguing. I couldn’t tell him that his daughter infuriates me... I understand that he loves her more than life itself... I thought about breaking up, but I love him and he loves me very much... and he communicates well with my children, with my son goes to chess.... I don’t know what to do.. It seems to me that his daughter will never change and I will never be able to love her....



Topic to chat. Do you think about your children’s skills? Will explain. A friend’s son is a couple of months younger than mine, and so she proudly sends me a video of her baby crawling across the floor like a worm. She happily writes that he is starting to crawl. But for me, it’s just fussing on the carpet))) Or he kicks his butt back, and she thinks that he gets on all fours. I'm just either too critical of my son or a realist. But until he specifically crawled at least 30 centimeters, I somehow didn’t say that he was starting to crawl. And if he sits with support on one arm, he is not sitting yet. Which camp will you join and why?



What goes through the minds of people who constantly pick up animals from the street in addition to their existing ones? So I’m walking down the street and suddenly - a cat or a dog: homeless, no one’s - I don’t take it, I regret it, but I don’t take it, because... already have. And when they bring a second, a third - what is it like? Fine? No, my conscience is not gnawing at me, I’m not ready to set up a shelter at home. Moreover, you can’t take them all with you. And you? Are you passing by or are you still increasing the number of pets from the street?



I got a job six months ago. The child is 3.5. He goes to the garden. I walked normally in the fall. I went out for the full day. And now I’ve been sitting at home for almost the entire month of February and half of March. I got a job based on an acquaintance, no one said anything to me about absences, but last time they already hinted that something needed to be resolved with sick leave. I found a nanny through an agency, but my mother panicked that there was no need for a nanny (my mother is also a commander), she herself meets him from the garden, but sick leave says we will sit in turns, 2 days she, three me. But often she either flies away somewhere, then she’s at the theater, or she doesn’t want to at all and everything is unreliable. And nothing good came of it. The nanny eventually found some other shift work and now cannot come on call, only on her weekends. Mom also teases me that I will give half of my salary to the nanny. I can't work normally. I don’t want to leave, because my husband now doesn’t earn enough for everything, I buy clothes for myself, for women’s necessities, plus I pay for vacation, I can save for a mortgage, we are saving. Mom realized that we just couldn’t save up for an apartment, she stopped reproaching us for buying an apartment, before this she constantly asked her husband what he was thinking about when he started a family. Although my husband considers himself a breadwinner, he doesn’t have enough for everything. And I don’t want to lose my job, experience, qualifications. It’s also very difficult mentally to sit with a child for 2 weeks. I feel better at work, but I can't get there. Only goes to the garden for 5 days and again at home for 2 weeks. I'm constantly nervous. How can you work and watch your child at the same time? How do women do this?


Pregnant women pay great attention to choosing a name for their unborn child. And this is absolutely correct, because the name should give the baby a happy destiny, and, at the same time, it should sound beautiful. In this article we will tell you how to choose a name for your unborn child so that his life will be successful.

Parents expecting the birth of their daughter want to choose the most beautiful name for her, so that it emphasizes their love for the child and the tenderness they feel for the baby.

However, in fact, when choosing a name for your daughter, you need to be guided not by its sweetness and your feelings, but by completely different characteristics. We'll give you some tips, how to choose the right name for a child if you have a girl:

  • The name should emphasize the baby's individuality. If, looking at her, you understand that she is not Pelageya, but an ordinary girl named Mashenka, then it is better to call her a simple but suitable name.
  • If you want your daughter to bear the name of a great-grandmother or other distant relative who has positively influenced your life, and you want to show your respect for her by naming your daughter after her, then first make sure that it sounds normal and corresponds to modern canons. The girl will not be very pleased if her peers laugh at her when they recognize her strange, unusual name for anyone.
  • If you are watching some interesting foreign series and you really like the name of the main character, you should not rush to name your baby after her. For example, the name Aelitta or Isabella will sound strange if the girl’s last name is Petrenko and her middle name is Ivanovna. Such exotic names can be used if your family is international. If you really want to name your child after the heroine of a Latin American TV series, then go through a special phonosemantic analysis of the name via the Internet. This test will show you what reaction a set of sounds will cause in others when the baby is called by name, surname and patronymic.

  • You should not give a girl the name of a famous cultural figure or, for example, artist, if your surname coincides with the surname of an outstanding personality. People will perceive this with ridicule, and in adulthood it will be unpleasant for a girl to realize that her name is not at all unique.
  • Do not name the baby after her mother or grandmother. Let the baby have her own original name, which will emphasize its uniqueness. Choose a name for a child based on the names of the parents- this is an old and illogical tradition, because it will not affect the baby’s fate in any way.
  • Before registering your child at the registry office, read in the dictionary what the name you choose means. You may not like its meaning.
  • If you want your daughter to grow up to be a strong and self-confident person, then choose a solid name for her, maybe even a masculine one.
  • Analyze what associations people will have when they address your daughter by name. People always draw parallels with people who became famous under a certain name.
  • Make sure that you can’t add a funny, offensive nickname to the girl’s name. Of course, children are inventive people; if they want, they will definitely come up with an unpleasant nickname, but still pay attention to it.

In general, a name should be chosen with your soul. If you feel that your baby should be called that way, then don’t even doubt that she will be happy with him.

How to choose a male name for a child?

Thinking what name to choose for a child, if you have a boy, follow the rules described above. In this case they work too. However, there are a few more points that psychologists advise to consider when choosing a name for your son:

  1. You shouldn't name your son after your dad. Such a name will emphasize nothing but the pride of the father. Names like this sound especially strange: Ostap Ostapovich Ostapenko, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov. If you want your boy to grow up strong, independent and courageous, choose a name for him that will have nothing to do with his dad’s name.
  2. Keep in mind that your son will also become a dad someday. Therefore, his name should sound good as a patronymic. Select several female and male names, comparing them with the middle name that your grandchildren will have. If everything sounds good, go ahead and call the boy your chosen name.
  3. Don't call the boy a name that doesn't exist. Some parents, who try to resist the canons of modernity in everything, begin to invent names themselves or name their children in honor of some achievements of scientific and technological progress. Imagine how a boy named Google or Quark would be treated.
  4. Don't call your son a name that can be used to call a girl if your last name is not inclined. She must definitely emphasize gender child.

How to choose a name for a child using numerology?

Parents who want to predict the fate of their unborn child can choose a name for him according to numerology. Numbers play a very large and important role in a person’s life. They reflect what spiritual and physical qualities will develop in your child if you name him a name corresponding to a certain number on the day he was born.

You can use special programs online to choose a name for your baby by date of birth, or you can manually calculate it yourself lucky number for the baby, knowing his last and patronymic name:

  1. Write your last name and middle name in block letters on 2 lines. Then, according to the table, which clearly states which letter corresponds to which number, write down all the numbers:
  • figure "1" correspond to the letters: “A”, “I”, “C”, “Ъ”
  • figure "2" correspond to the letters: “B”, “Y”, “T”, “Y”
  • figure "3" correspond to the letters: “B”, “K”, “U”, “b”
  • figure "4" correspond to the letters: “G”, “L”, “F”, “E”
  • figure "5" correspond to the letters: “D”, “M”, “X” “Yu”
  • figure "6" correspond to the letters: “E”, “N”, “C”, “I”
  • figure "7" correspond to the letters: “Ё”, “О”, “Ч”
  • figure "8" correspond to the letters: “F”, “P”, “SH”
  • figure "9" correspond to the letters: “З”, “Р”, “Ш”

For example, your child's first and last name sound like:

  • Matveev – 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 6, 3
  • Pavlovich – 8, 1, 3, 4, 7, 3, 1 4

  1. Count how many times each digit appears in the last and middle names:
  • 1 – 3 times
  • 2 – once
  • 3 – 4 times
  • 4 – 2 times
  • 5 – one
  • 6 – 2 times
  • 7 – 1 time
  • 8 – 1 time
  • 9 – no
  1. Next, compare all the numbers with their average:
  • number "1" has an average value of “6”: if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and average values, then your child will have normal intelligence, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will have a strong will and leadership, if it is less, he will be completely unconfident; if there is no such number at all, the baby will grow up spineless and weak.
  • number "2" has an average value of “1”: if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and average values, then your child will be sociable and very tactful; if there is more of it than its average value, then the baby will have numerous talents and extraordinary charisma, if less, he will be tactless and impatient; if there is no such number at all, the baby will grow up to be a callous person.
  • number "3" has an average value of “3”: if this number in the name occurs not rarely, not often between the main and average meaning, then your child will have creative abilities, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will be multi-talented, if less, he will have trouble focusing on some things, if there is no such number at all, the baby will grow up withdrawn into himself.

  • number "4" has an average value of “2”: if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and average value, then your child will be a hardworking and practical person, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will be stubborn and too passionate about his work when he grows up; if less, he will be lazy; if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up unable to provide for himself or his future family.
  • number "5" has an average value of “1”: if this number in the name occurs not rarely, not often between the main and average values, then your child will high ability quickly adapt to society and openness in communicating with people, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will be too restless, if less, he will be uncommunicative, if there is no such number at all, the baby will grow up with the desire to always be isolated from society.
  • number "6" has an average value of “3”: if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and average value, then your child will be a caring and very responsible person, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will have a desire to constantly improve himself, if less, he will be an insensitive person; if there is no such number at all, the baby will grow up stupid and naive.
  • number "7" has an average value of “3”: if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and average value, then your child will show a special interest in knowledge, if there is more of it than its average value, then the baby will have strong love to science, but at the same time he will grow up to be an isolated person; if it is less, he will not be able to analyze the events taking place in his life; if there is no such figure at all, the baby will grow up distrustful of everything.

  • number "8" has an average value of “1”: if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and average value, then your child will be independent and businesslike, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will have a strong grip in commercial activities , if less, he will be an impractical and unhardworking person; if there is no such number at all, the baby will grow up passive, neglecting any material goods and values.
  • number "9" has an average value of “1”: if this number in the name is not rare, not often between the main and average value, then your child will be optimistic and compassionate, if it is more than its average value, then the baby will sacrifice himself in life for the sake of interests other people, if less, he will be a callous pessimist; if there is no such number at all, the baby will grow up to be a depressed person.

When choosing a name, you need to find a balance between the average and the number of times the numbers appear in the name so that your child develops only positive qualities.

How to choose a name for a child according to the calendar?

There is an ancient tradition choose Orthodox name to kid according to the calendar. It is connected with the fact that a child bearing the name of a saint acquires a very close connection with him. It is believed that the saint after whom the child is named becomes his guardian angel throughout life and helps him overcome various difficulties along the path of life.

If you want to choose a name for the child according to the church calendar, then wait for his day birth. By this date you need to choose a name for the child. The calendar contains the entire list of names of Old Church Slavonic, Greek, Jewish or Latin origin, from which you can choose the one you like best.

If you are not a supporter of naming your baby according to the calendar, you can give him the name of the saint on whose day the child was born at baptism. Just ask the priest in advance what name is best to call the baby during the baptismal ceremony.

A person’s name can say a lot about him, so we recommend that every future parent treat this issue scrupulously and responsibly. Do not listen to anyone’s recommendations or requests from relatives to name the baby as they like. You should choose a name for your baby that you would like, first of all. You must be sure that the child with the name you choose will grow up to be a happy person!

Video: “How to choose a name for a child?”

The birth of a child is a great happiness. But every parent is faced with the same question - what to name the baby? After all, it is believed that a person’s name can influence his fate and character, and therefore his choice should be approached responsibly. So, the topic of our article today is “How to choose the right name for your child.”

Throughout life, there is not a single word that a person would hear more often than given name. The sound of a name affects both its owner and the people around him. Some names sound harsh and firm (for example, Anatoly, Dmitry, Ekaterina, Zhanna), others sound soft (Natalia, Svetlana, Alexey, Sergey), and others sound neutral (Artem, Roman, Anna, Olga). You need to choose a name that will be well pronounced and pronounced both separately and with a patronymic.
The middle name begins to influence a person upon entering adulthood. If you pick the right combination name and patronymic, if they are consonant, then in adulthood, when your child is respectfully addressed by name and patronymic, it will be just music for him and those around him. But if there are a lot of consonants in the first name and patronymic, especially at the junction of words, then pronunciation becomes difficult, and the name will often be distorted.

But sound combination alone is not enough. When choosing a name, parents often make a mistake - they do not think about how the name and patronymic together influence the fate and character of the child, his inclinations and abilities. It is necessary to study the interpretation of names taking into account the influence of the patronymic.
It is better to give hard names to soft middle names, and soft names to hard ones.

The time of year your baby is born also plays a role in choosing a name. For those born in winter, it is better to give melodious and soft names in order to smooth out the severity of character inherent in nature. Those born in spring have a more flexible character, so the child can be given a more rigid name. This will add self-confidence to them and correct their character. Children born in summer are active, courageous, proud, and persistent. Those born in autumn are usually realists, distrustful, have a clear mind, a calm character, they are thrifty and thrifty.

December: Alexey, Andrey, Artem, Mikhail, Sergey; Vera, Irina, Natalya, Polina.
January: Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Grigory, Evgeniy, Ignat, Ilya, Peter; Anastasia, Asya, Irina, Lily, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Natalya.
February: Alexander, Arkady, Valentin, Vitaly, Georgy, Ivan, Maxim; Alisa, Anna, Asya, Vera, Zhanna, Irina, Milena, Natalya, Rita, Svetlana, Emma.
March: Bogdan, Gregory, Pavel, Peter, Taras, Philip, Fedor; Antonina, Ruslana, Rostislava, Seraphim, Stanislava, Stella, Sophia.
April: Kirill, Konstantin, Mark; Alexandra, Daria, Karina, Lydia, Maria, Sabina.
May: Anatoly, German, David, Kirill, Makar; Alana, Alexandra, Irina, Faina, Yulia.
June: Valery, Dmitry, Igor, Konstantin, Roman; Elena, Maria, Serafima, Simona, Stanislava, Tamara.
July: Anatoly, Vyacheslav, Georgy, Makar, Nikita; Alexandra, Alla, Antonina, Valeria, Daria, Elizaveta, Kaleria, Lyudmila, Sofia.
August: Alexander, Gleb, Zakhar, Nikolay; Anna, Anfisa, Maria, Margarita, Tamara, Tatyana, Yulia.
September: Anatoly, Gennady, Gleb, Denis, Zakhar, Ivan, Miron, Pavel, Roman; Anna, Ariadna, Vera, Elizaveta, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Nadezhda, Sophia.
October: Alexander, Vladimir, Vladislav, German, Grigory, Kirill, Mark, Mikhail, Nikita, Oleg, Sergey, Philip; Alexandra, Vasilisa, Zlata, Olga, Sofia.
November: Artem, Bogdan, Valery, Valentin, Victor, Grigory, Konstantin, Maxim, Mark, Mikhail, Philip; Vera, Evgenia, Elena, Elizaveta, Efrosinya, Irina, Maria, Natalia.

This is, of course, far from full list names suitable for this or that time of year.

If the name and date of birth do not match, then the impact of the name on fate will be minimal. There is an opinion that the name begins to influence the fate and character of a person from the age of five and for the rest of his life. And if fate partly depends on the name, then it is better to be able to name your children correctly.

Your next step is to choose a name by meaning; this will give you an idea of ​​what fate awaits the child if you name him one way or another.

How to choose the right name for your child? It is better for parents to choose a name on their own, without involving numerous friends and relatives in the process, because... this will only confuse you and lead you further away from the name you need. In addition, parents most often do not like other people's options.
First, decide which names are not considered categorically for one reason or another (for example, names of people that evoke negative memories and emotions), then make a small list of names that you like, and go from there.
Nowadays it is fashionable to name children unusual names. Before giving such a name, find out its meaning, decline it, put it together with the patronymic and even the surname to understand whether it sounds euphonious.

Sometimes, when baptizing your child, the priest suggests baptizing him with a different name, because... doesn't find your name in Christmastide. There's nothing wrong with that. Previously, children were called by two names. The name under which the child was baptized was kept secret from strangers, and he was called by his second name in life.
But what you shouldn’t do is give the child a name in honor of some event or date, a non-existent name. The names often come out are not euphonious or beautiful; they can only bring harm and complicate the child’s life in the future.

You should be careful when naming a child after close relatives, even grandparents. A child can repeat the fate and character of this person, and bad things are more easily inherited. This can also cause the degeneration of the race.
It is not recommended to give children the names of relatives who have already died, especially those who died tragically.
You should not name children after heroes of films, television series, famous people and figures, especially if the surname and patronymic coincide.
You can name a child according to Christian laws - in honor of one of the saints born on this day. If you don't like the names of this day, take the name of a saint born on one of the following days, but not one of the previous ones.

What you name your child is up to you. But remember that the name plays an important role. Let your child have good name, and let him build a happy life with him!