Chernenok Mikhail Yakovlevich Chernenok Mikhail Yakovlevich Mikhail Chernenok complete list of works

28.07.2020 alternative energy

The book includes two action-packed stories - "Kukhterinsky Diamonds" and "Bet on Losing", united by one main character - senior inspector of the criminal investigation department Anton Biryukov. They tell about the difficult work of the criminal investigation department and the prosecutor's office, leading an uncompromising fight against offenders.

“... The beekeeper was in a light stage of alcohol intoxication. The entire charge of the shot hit him in the heart cavity and got stuck there. Death occurred yesterday between nine and ten o'clock in the morning, and the throat was cut about half an hour later ... "Anton Biryukov takes up a new position and then, as if an unclean person, threw this murder ...

An authorized criminal investigation officer meets an eight-year-old boy on the street of the regional center with a Kalashnikov assault rifle on his shoulder. Next, two corpses are found on the bank of the river - a man and a young girl. And again, the threads of the investigation are in the hands of Anton Biryukov, now the district prosecutor ...

According to the conclusion of the forensic expert, Zuev, a radio equipment repairman, was shot in the back two days ago. Why was he killed? True, a new tape recorder was stolen from the young master. And one more clue - Zuev left an unsent letter to the prosecutor. However, there was absolutely no reason to take the life of a harmless guy...

The third day, it is not known where the seventeen-year-old girl with the unusual name Locia is. The worried mother turns to Anton Biryukov, the district prosecutor, the hero of many novels by Mikhail Chernenko, for help.

A crime has been committed. It is entrusted to investigate it to the inspector of the criminal investigation department of the militia Anton Biryukov, already a well-known reader from the book by M. Chernenko “The investigation established”.

Thanks to the determination and perseverance of a young police officer, he manages to get on the trail of a hardened recidivist and solve a long-standing crime related to the disappearance of diamonds by the famous Siberian merchant Kukhterin in February 1917.

Along with adults unraveling the criminal tangle, there are pioneers in the story: Anton Biryukov's brother Sergey and his friend Dimka Terekhin, a sixth grader, are active participants in the school circle of young pathfinders.

On the night from Saturday to Sunday, a store was robbed in the district center and Anton Biryukov and his always assistant Slava Golubev get down to business ... Another version of the story "From Saturday to Sunday." Differs in small details.

An authorized criminal investigation officer meets an eight-year-old boy on the street of the regional center with a Kalashnikov assault rifle on his shoulder. Next, two corpses are found on the bank of the river - a man and a young girl. And again, the threads of the investigation are in the hands of Anton Biryukov, now the district prosecutor ...

Soviet and Russian writer of the detective genre. Born in 1931 in the village of Vysokaya Griva, Toguchinsky District, Novosibirsk Region. He studied at the secondary railway school No. 51 of the city of Toguchin. Then he graduated from the navigational department of the Novosibirsk River Technical School (now the Novosibirsk Command River School named after S. I. Dezhnev, part of the NGAVT). For many years he worked in the Tomsk Department of the West Siberian River Shipping Company and in the shipping inspection of the Ob basin as an inspector of the shipping inspection, where, along with ensuring the safety of navigation, he was involved in the investigation of accidents.

For many years, Mikhail Yakovlevich was a people's assessor in court, where he had to come into contact with a huge number of difficult life situations. This work became the foundation of future creativity. Everything that Mikhail Chernenok later wrote about happened in real life, his characters have real prototypes.

Mikhail Yakovlevich began his career with newspaper publications (photographs, short essays and sketches about rivermen); was the author and co-author of books to help the amateur navigator, published several times in Moscow.

Since 1969 - in journalistic work as an employee of the regional newspaper Leninskoe Znamya, worked there for 6 years. Then he became the editor of the prose department of the magazine "Siberian Lights", actively published in the newspapers "On Watch" (Novosibirsk), "Water Transport" (Moscow), "Soviet Siberia" (Novosibirsk), "Red Banner" (Tomsk), in many Siberian and central magazines.

From 1976 to 1995, in Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Moscow, one after another, his books were published and republished: “Kukhterin's Diamonds”, “Under Mysterious Circumstances”, “Consequences Are Inevitable”, “Intersection Point” and others. The detective story Bet on Losing, which was reprinted many times, had a phenomenal success. The works of Mikhail Yakovlevich, the only one of the writers of Siberia, the Urals and the Far East, were presented in the 30-volume Library of the Soviet Detective (Moscow, 1990, vol. 17). A significant event in the work of the Siberian writer was the release in 1995 of two collected works at once: a 4-volume one in Irkutsk and a 5-volume one in Novosibirsk.

Books by Mikhail Yakovlevich Chernenok were published both in our country and abroad: in Bulgaria, Hungary, the GDR, Czechoslovakia, the USA, Spain and Finland. Member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. Lives in the city of Toguchin, Novosibirsk Region.

Mykhailo Chernenok's detective stories explore social problems that give rise to such crimes as speculation, fraud, blackmail, and abuse of office. The main idea of ​​the stories is that any crime is always immoral, it is a tragedy not only for the victim, but also for the offender. The protagonist of most of the works is Anton Biryukov, whose life and career in law enforcement agencies takes place on the pages of the works of Mikhail Yakovlevich.

Mikhail Chernenok - Laureate of the All-Union Literary Competition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Union of Writers of the USSR, laureate of the Prize of the Union of Writers of Russia "To the Glory of the Fatherland" (2010)

In 2016, the name of M.Ya. Chernenko was assigned.


(excerpt from the book "Bet to Lose")

On a stuffy August evening, frightening passers-by with a hoarse screech of a siren and non-stop purple flashes of flashing lights, an operational police car raced along the Novosibirsk Railway Station highway. Almost at the very railway station, she turned sharply into one of the quiet streets, drove up to a multi-storey building, in front of which people crowded, and, screeching her brakes, stopped. At the same time, opening the doors on both sides, members of the task force jumped out of the car. There were four of them: tall, in a police uniform with captain's shoulder straps, but without a cap, senior detective of the criminal investigation department Anton Biryukov; resembling a young slender stewardess, in a dark blue uniform suit, prosecutor's office investigator Natasha Makovkina; a red-bearded forensic expert Vitaly Karpenko and an elderly, professorial-looking forensic expert Arkady Ivanovich Dymokurov. A junior lieutenant of militia who immediately appeared near the operatives raised his hand to his visor:

- District Inspector Igonkin. The scene of the incident was kept intact. The victim is without signs of life.

"Invite witnesses," Biryukov said.

The crowd parted nervously. Near the house, in a flower bed, lay face down a tanned woman in a dark cherry bathing suit.

Forensic expert Dymokurov clicked his camera. The investigator and the medical examiner, squatting down, looked at the victim. Then Karpenko, with the help of Biryukov, turned her face up. Framed by luxuriant brown hair, her beautiful young face looked waxy. There was a dark streak of thickened blood on the dissected right temple.

“There is a pulse,” squeezing the victim’s wrist with his fingers, Karpenko quietly said to Anton Biryukov, who was leaning next to him. - Urgently to the clinic ...

I called the ambulance right away...

Turning around, Biryukov saw a thin old woman in a colorful cotton dress holding a string bag with a bottle of milk in front of her. Noticing the attention of the police officer, the old woman shyly adjusted her beret on her gray head and hurriedly said:

- Here, around the corner of the house, I first called from a machine at zero three, then called the local policeman.

- What happened here? Anton asked.

The old woman's gaze shot up in fright.

“From there,” she pointed to the balcony of the third floor, “either they pushed the little dove, or she jumped herself ...

Biryukov looked at the balcony—the door was closed. The old lady immediately explained:

- As the woman fell, a man flashed in the apartment and closed the door. I didn’t see him, but I remembered his head, like a whipped cap of foam.

With a siren, an ambulance rolled up. The paramedics hurriedly pulled the stretcher out of the car. Biryukov spoke briefly with the doctors and returned to the old woman. She began to frequent, without waiting for the question:

— From the dairy store, my dear, just right. I see that Yuri Palych's balcony door is wide open. I just thought: “Finally, the neighbor appeared at home,” then in an instant everything happened ...

“Excuse me,” Anton interrupted the old woman. - What is your name?

- Me? .. Xenia Makarovna. I live in this house, on the third floor.

- Tell me, Ksenia Makarovna, who is Yuri Pavlovich and why did he finally appear at home? Anton asked, emphasizing the word “finally”.

- His name is Demensky, our apartments are on the same site. The man is very courteous, a bachelor. Works as an engineer. He spent a long time studying in Sverdlovsk. Yesterday morning I arrived by plane, but I could not get into my apartment.

- Why?

“Before leaving, I gave the key to a friend,” the old woman looked down. It means that Yuriy Palych left the suitcase with me yesterday morning and left for the key to his apartment. Since then, the second day has already gone ...

The orderlies carefully laid the victim on a stretcher and, accompanied by forensic expert Karpenko, went to the ambulance. After seeing them off, Biryukov again asked the old woman:

What is the name of the woman who fell from the balcony?

I don’t know her last name, but her name seems to be Sanya.

- Who is she?

The old lady shrugged.
- Hard to say. The day before yesterday, exactly, that means, a day before the arrival of Yuri Palych, I hear a call in the morning. I open the door and she smiles. In this, you know, elegant pink dress and with a black handbag. “Hello,” she says, “grandmother.” “Hello, honey,” I answer. “Yura Demensky has not returned from Sverdlovsk yet?” - "Not. And who will you be to him, an acquaintance, or what? “My name is Sanya. I am Yurin's wife." Frankly, Yuri Palych never talked about any wife, although we have been living in the neighborhood for many years. Of course, it struck me as intriguing. I say: “I didn’t know that the neighbor was married.” - "Yura will return - you will find out ..." - The old woman took a break. “Here we had a verbatim conversation.

- Did you tell Yuri Pavlovich about this?

- Literally, as now, passed.

- And what is he?

- Didn't say a word. Left immediately for the key.

“Show us to his apartment.

- I'll go, my dear, I'll go.

On the third floor, Ksenia Makarovna, catching her breath, nodded towards the door. Biryukov knocked loudly. The answer is silence.

“There is a bell over there,” the old woman helpfully prompted.

However, Anton neither touched the button of the electric bell nor the doorknob. First of all, they were examined by a forensic expert. The door was locked. To open it, I had to break the English lock.

Demensky's small one-room apartment was modernly furnished and as clean as if it had just been prepared for a festive reception. On a polished table in the center of the room was a vase of red gladioli. There is a thick gray carpet on the floor. Small engravings hung on the walls, two coppers squeezed out for chasing, and a darkened board with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. A few chairs, a big-screen TV with an expensive transistor radio. One of the walls was completely occupied by a bookshelf full of books; at the other, opposite the balcony door, a chiffonier shone with a mirror polish; next to it was a sofa covered with a fleecy plaid, on which lay a woman's pink dress, and new ladies' shoes were lying on the floor.

Biryukov stopped in front of a darkened crucifix. Turning to Ksenia Makarovna, he asked:

Is your neighbor a believer?

The old woman waved her hand.

What faith is today! This fashion went to icons and crosses.

- How old is Yuri Pavlovich?

“Close to forty, but youthful in appearance, like you, and just as attractive. A very nice person.

Literature available in the fund of our library:

Author's books:

  • "Witch's Testament": detective. story / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: SO "Children's Literature", 1994.
  • "Lucky Butterflies", "Lilac Fog", "Operational Search": detective stories / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: SO "Children's Literature", 1995.
  • "Posthumous revenge", "Champagne splash": detective. novels / M. Ya. Chernenok. — Moscow: Interbook, 1998.
  • "Kukhterin's Diamonds", "The Secret of the Old Well", "From Saturday to Sunday": detective. story / M. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk ": SO" Children's Literature ", 1995.
  • "Cruel happiness": detective. story / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: SO "Children's Literature", 1995.
  • "Fatal Place": novel, short stories / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: Mangazeya, 2000.
  • "The Illusion of Life": a novel by M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: Mangazeya, 2002.
  • "The girl is looking for a sponsor": novels / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: Mangazeya, 2001.
  • "Bet on losing" / M. Ya. Chernenok. — Moscow: Veche, 2014.
  • "Fatal Place": a novel / M. Ya. Chernenok. — Moscow: Veche, 2015.
  • "Splashes of champagne": novel, stories / M. Ya. Chernenok. — Moscow: Veche, 2015.
  • "Aces and Sixes": novels / M. Ya. Chernenok. — Moscow: Veche, 2014.
  • State people” / V. N. Shaposhnikov. - Novosibirsk: West Siberian Book Publishing House, 1979.


  • State people” / V. N. Shaposhnikov. - Novosibirsk: West Siberian Book Publishing House, 1979.

[Rating: 0


Chernenok Mikhail Yakovlevich was born on November 8, 1931 in the village of Vysokaya Griva, Toguchinsky District, Novosibirsk Region. After graduating from the Novosibirsk River Technical School in 1952, he worked in the shipping inspection on the rivers of the Ob basin and as a senior dispatcher of the passenger fleet of the Tomsk Regional Directorate of the West Siberian River Shipping Company. For many years, Mikhail Yakovlevich was a people's assessor in court, where he had to come into contact with a huge number of difficult life situations. This work became the foundation of future creativity. Everything that M.Ya. Chernenok happened in life, his characters have real prototypes.

M.Ya. Chernenok began with newspaper publications (photographs, small essays and sketches about rivermen); was the author and co-author of books to help the amateur navigator, published several times in Moscow.

"Red Banner", where V. Lipatov worked as the head of one of the departments; he, according to Mikhail Yakovlevich, “dragged” him into writing. Since 1969, M. Ya. Chernenok has been a journalist, an employee of the editorial office of the Toguchin district newspaper Leninskoe Znamya. Here he worked for six years. Then becoming the editor of the prose department in the journal Siberian Lights, Chernenok actively publishes in the newspapers On Watch (Novosibirsk), Water Transport (Moscow), Soviet Siberia (Novosibirsk), Krasnoye Znamya ( Tomsk), in many Siberian and central journals.

From 1976 to 1995, his books were published and republished in Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Moscow one after another: "Kukhterin's diamonds" (1976), "Under mysterious circumstances" (1976, 1981), "Consequences are irremovable" (1984, 1985), "Intersection Point" (1987), "Vicious Circle" (1990), "Witch's Testament" (1990), "Crazy Music" (1991), "Lilac Mist" (1992, 1994), "Lucky Butterflies" (1995 ), “The Girl is Looking for a Sponsor” (1996), etc. The detective story “Bet to Lose” (1980, 1984, 1992, 1994) had a phenomenal success. The works of M.Ya. Chernenko, the only one of the writers of Siberia, the Urals and the Far East, were presented in the 30-volume "Library of the Soviet detective" (M., 1990, vol. 17). A significant event in the work of the Siberian writer was the release in 1995 of two collected works at once: 4-volume - in the Irkutsk publishing house "Timur" and 5-volume - in the Novosibirsk department.

Books by M.Ya. Chernenka are known far beyond the borders of Russia. They went through several re-releases in Germany, USA, Finland, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia and other countries. According to the reader's rating of 1990, M.Ya. Chernenok is one of the most popular authors of the detective genre in Russia. To achieve success with readers, and even more so to keep it, is an extremely difficult task, but the name of a writer from the Siberian hinterland has not been lost and has not faded. His popularity is truly phenomenal, although it is quite understandable: faithfully following the traditions of Russian literature, Chernenok always defends the ideas of morality and goodness, in his works there is always hope for the best. Probably, for this, readers love his books so much, and this is the main award for the writer.

An excerpt from an article by E.I. Lyapina 70 years since the birth of the writer M.Ya. Chernenka / "Calendar of significant and memorable dates in the Novosibirsk region, 2001".


  1. Gorshenin A. Heart given to detectives // Lenin, banner (Toguchin). - 1996. - 10 Jan. - S. 1, 3.
  2. [Grigoriev F.F.] Mikhail Yakovlevich Chernenok // Golden Book of Novosibirsk. - [Novosibirsk: Biogr. Center of Pro-Pagandy Bureau LLP: NIPP Sov. Siberia "], 1993. - S. 37: portr. - Zagl. and text para. Russian, English
  3. Ulyanina I. Mikhail Chernenok: “Writing is incompatible with secular life” // Vech. Novosibirsk. - 1995. - 17 Feb. - S. 18: portrait.
  4. Chernenok M.Ya. The girl is looking for a sponsor: [Tales]. - M. : Veche: AST, 1996. - 574 p. - (Risk zone).
  5. Chernenok M.Ya. Witch's Testament: [Detective story]. - Novosibirsk: Det. lit. 1994. - 591 p.
  6. Chernenok M.Ya. Mikhail Chernenok - the most popular detective in Siberia / Recorded by M. Nikolskaya // Lenin, banner (Toguchin). - 1998. - 8 Dec. - p. 4.
  7. Chernenok M.Ya. Death revenge. Splashes of champagne: Detective novels. - Novosibirsk: Interbook, 1998. - 320 p. - (On the Edge).
  8. Chernenok M.Ya. Entrusted to the criminal investigation department...: [Tales]. - Novosibirsk: Zap.-Sib. book. publishing house, 1981. - 414 p., ill., 1 sheet. portrait
  9. Chernenok M.Ya. Lilac fog: Story. - M. : Joint. ros.-germ. enterprise "Evadrat", 1994. - 466 p.: ill. - (Let's lie, Russian detective).
  10. Chernenok M.Ya. Loss bet. Cruel happiness. Consequences cannot be eliminated: [Tales]. - M.: Friendship of peoples, 1990. - 494 p. : ill. - (Sov. detective: B-ka in 30 tons; T. 17).
  11. Chernenok M.Ya. Mystery of the old well: Detective story. - Novosibirsk: Prince. publishing house, 1989. - 448 p. - (DFP: Detective. Fanta-stick. Adventures).
  12. Chernenok M.Ya. They have Sherlock Holmes, we have Anton Biryukov / Recorded by A. Podistov // Novosib. news. - 1994. - No. 27. - P. 15: portrait.
  13. Chernenok M.Ya. Lucky butterflies: [Tell me]. - M. : Joint. ros.-germ. enterprise "Kvadrat", 1995. - 445 p.


  1. Chernenok, M. Ya. Cruel happiness: [novel, story] / Mikhail Chernenok. - Moscow: Veche, 2010. - 287 p.
  2. Chernenok, M. Ya. Fatal place: Detective. novel and stories / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: Mangazeya, 2000. - 400 p.
  3. Chernenok, M. Ya. The music played for a short time: detective. story / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: Mangazeya, 2000. - 432 p. : ill.
  4. Chernenok, M. Ya. Under mysterious circumstances: a detective. story / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: Mangazeya, 2000. - 480 p. : ill.
  5. Chernenok, M. Ya. Bet on loss / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: West Siberian Book Publishing House, 1984. - 336 p. : ill.
  6. Chernenok, M. Ya. Entrusted to the criminal investigation department ...: [story] / M. Ya. Chernenok; artistic I. D. SHURITS. - Novosibirsk: West Siberian Book Publishing House, 1981. - 415 p. : ill., 1 sheet. portrait
  7. Chernenok, M. Ya. Crazy music: a detective story. story / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: Regional organization of the DOK RSFSR, 1991. - 181 p.
  8. Chernenok, M. Ya. Lilac fog / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Moscow: Square, 1994. - 466 p. : ill.
  9. Chernenok, M. Ya. Witch's Testament: [detective. story] / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Moscow: Children's literature, 1994. - 592 p.
  10. Chernenok, M. Ya. Posthumous revenge. Champagne Splashes: Detective. novels / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: Interbook, 1998. - 320 p.
  11. Chernenok, M. Ya. The hawk breaks its wings: [detective. novels] / Mikhail Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: Mangazeya, 2004. - 312, p.
  12. Chernenok, M. Ya. Vicious circle: Tales / M. Ya. Chernenok; artistic S. Lyubaev. - Moscow: Young Guard, 1990. - 318 p. : ill.
  13. Chernenok, M. Ya. Kukhterinsky diamonds: an adventure. a story for youth / M. Ya. Chernenok; artistic I. D. SHURITS. - Novosibirsk: West Siberian Book Publishing House, 1976. - 175 p. : ill.
  14. Chernenok, M. Ya. Intersection points: Tales / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk book publishing house, 1987. -
  15. Chernenok, M. Ya. Consequences are fatal: Tales / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: West Siberian Book Publishing House, 1985. - 304 p. : ill.
  16. Chernenok, M. Ya. The mystery of the old well: Detective stories / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk book publishing house, 1989.
  17. Chernenok, M. Ya. The investigation established: two stories / M. Ya. Chernenok; artistic V. K. Kolesnikov. - Novosibirsk: West Siberian Book Publishing House, 1975. - 333, p. : ill.
  18. Chernenok, M. Ya. Splashes of champagne. Posthumous revenge: detective. novels / M. Ya. Chernenok. - Novosibirsk: Interbook, 1998. - 319, p.
  19. Chernenok, M. Ya. Aces and Sixes: [novels] / Mikhail Chernenok. - Moscow: Veche, 2013. - 479 p. ; 21 cm
  20. Chernenok, M. Ya. Killers do not grow old: [novel] / Mikhail Chernenok. - Moscow: Veche, 2016. - 286, p.
  21. Chernenok, M. Ya. The illusion of life: [novel] / Mikhail Chernenok. - Moscow: Veche, 2016. - 286, p.