When to plant lawn grass, and how to achieve its best germination. The story of one lawn: personal experience of breaking up a bluegrass lawn Which lawn grows quickly

17.06.2019 Warm floor

This herb grows in most natural grasslands and can be found in any type of soil and in various moisture conditions. In the year of sowing, red fescue grows relatively slowly, has thin narrow leaves and gives a high density of shoots.

The main advantage of this grass is its hardiness to poor soils and arid climates.. In addition, it is very frost-resistant and tolerates great shading better than other herbs.

plant description

The red fescue is a perennial loose shrub of the winter type of development, giving a creeping rhizome on light soils. The height of this grass is usually from 20 to 70 cm. The stems are straight, rough or smooth, and may rise at the base.

The turf is thick. The high density of shoots and beautiful narrow leaves (0.1-0.3 cm) make it possible to create incredible beautiful lawn with uniform carpet.

It can often be found in natural meadows. Red fescue blooms in late spring - early summer.

In the photo, red fescue

Fescue Benefits:

  • Smooth attractive lawn;
  • High resistance to frost;
  • Low cost;
  • Good low mowing tolerance;
  • Good tolerance of mechanical damage to the lawn (it recovers quickly).

The main types of lawn grass

There are several types of red fescue:

  • Festuca rubra rubra (red) the most adaptable grass of all the above types. It creates strong shoots underground and covers empty spaces very quickly. Unlike some lawn grasses, red fescue tolerates extreme conditions well. climatic conditions: changes in temperature and humidity. This herb can be used alone or in combination with other herbs.
  • Festuca rubra trichophylla (hairy) characterized by short underground shoots, but high density. This grass tolerates low mowing with ease. It can be sown in parks, on roadsides, as well as in other places of high salinity of the soil (in winter time roads and paths in parks are sprinkled with salt). This type of fescue also tolerates shade and drought well, and will do very well in mild coastal climates.
  • Festuca rubra commutata (hard) does not have shoots underground at all, but is a loose shrub grass. Ground shoots of this type of grass grow densely. Rigid fescue must be used in conjunction with other types of this grass in order to be able to provide quality repair lawn gaps. This grass tolerates winter and low mowing well.
  • Red fescue seeds are oblong and gray-brown in color.

    red fescue seeds

    Grass growing and care

    This long-lived and highly attractive grass plant forms a fairly strong yet resilient turf thanks to its strong and dense root system.

    Some blades of grass break into the soil to a depth of more than 1 meter! But the main part of the roots is located at a depth of 20 cm from the surface of the earth.

    Although red fescue is a fast growing plant, there is still some fluctuation in growth rate: after sowing in the first year, this grass grows rather poorly, and a dense green carpet is formed in the next two years.

    Full maturation of fescue occurs in the fourth year of its growth.

    In care, this herb is picky. Almost any type of fertile soil is suitable for it, and timely watering is also necessary for its full development.

    Fescue can be with bright green, gray-green and other leaf colors. To create a first-class lawn, it is recommended to use loose bush or rhizomatous loose bush grass.

    How and when should sowing be done?

    In order to create a decorative and sustainable lawn, it is recommended to use A mixture of red fescue and bluegrass in a ratio of 50:50.

    It is best to start sowing in the period from May to September, before winter the lawn should already be well strengthened. To get a thicker lawn (if you are going to plant grass in the spring) you need to take a little more seeds than indicated on the package.

    As they grow, the stronger blades of grass will crowd out the weak ones, and so only the strongest of them will remain by winter. Only strong grass without loss will survive the frosty winter and in early spring will begin to ear.

    It is not recommended to sow grass in excess during the period of August-September, since strong specimens will not have time to defeat weak ones, and the grass itself will enter the winter in the process of competition, which means that the entire lawn will be weakened and may not endure winter well.

    Therefore, a good and dense sod of lawn grass can only be formed during the spring planting period.

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    Sowing - step by step

    Step-by-step instructions for planting red fescue:

  • Removing weeds from the site(by deep cultivation, mulching, hand or herbicide treatment). It is the use of herbicides that is the most effective method weed control. Within 2-3 weeks after using the drug, all weeds will die. After they dry, they should be removed from the site.
  • soil cultivation. It is necessary to dig up the earth to the depth of a shovel blade. In this case, you should remove all the stones that come across, as they will interfere with the growth of grass. The thickness of the soil should be homogeneous and even. There should be no bumps or pits on the surface. Problem areas of the soil must be poured or excavated.
  • soil fertilization. Fescue unpretentious plant, but it grows especially well on neutral soil, therefore, in the case of alkaline soil, peat must be added to it, if the soil is acidic - lime. The fertile layer must be improved with organic or mineral fertilizers. Compost, biohumus and rotted manure are perfect. But fescue grows even on poor soil, so there is no need to apply any radical measures to improve the soil (for example, replacing the fertile layer).
  • Soil leveling. After the end of cultivation, the soil is leveled with a rake and compacted with a garden roller. As an alternative to a garden roller, an ordinary asbestos or metal pipe (or even a barrel of water) can act.
  • Sowing seeds. We make grooves with a rake to a depth of 1 cm. It is not recommended to plant fescue deeper. First, the seeds must be planted along the site, and only then across. First, visually delimit the site into square meters so that you can plant fescue according to the recommended rates indicated on the package (for example, 15-25 g / m2). After the seeds are sown, the seeds should be planted - carefully cover them with earth. Now you need to level the soil again with a pipe.
  • Watering is the first lawn grass care event. To do this, you need a sprayer with a fine irrigation mode. Gentle irrigation can be achieved with the system automatic watering. But if you sowed fescue on rainy days, then you do not need to water it.
  • Step one - weed removal

    Step two - loosening the earth

    Step three - tamping the soil

    Lawn watering

    In the video you can clearly see all the steps for planting a lawn.

    If everything was done correctly, then you will see the first grass sprouts in 10-14 days.

    Fescue, like other types of lawn grass, sprouts unevenly, so voids will initially be visible on the site. You will see a complete picture of your lawn only in a few weeks.

    From the practice of using herbs

    Reviews of people who have planted a lawn of red fescue in their dachas.

    We planted red fescue at our dacha two years ago. Now it is growing well, we are satisfied, and no special care no need for her.

    Just periodically mow and water. It is also important that you can buy red fescue seeds at any market.

    Natalya Ivanovna

    I sowed my entire garden with red fescue, now it is very beautiful there, pleasing to the eyes. This grass feels great even in the shade of trees. I recommend to everyone!


    At first I did not like the red fescue lawn, as voids were visible in the area, and it looked weak. But a month later, she filled all the glimpses with herself, and now we have a green and thick carpet near our private house.

    Anna Petrovna

    Buy green manure seeds l Russian Seeds online store

    Clover hybrid (pink) is one of the most valuable legumes. Used for green fodder, hay and grazing. The fodder mass of its somewhat bitter taste, and therefore it is fed to livestock along with other herbs. Clover is an excellent honey plant, it is willingly pollinated by bees, the productivity of honey is 100-130 kg/ha. Under favorable conditions, seeds germinate 9-12 days after sowing. Thanks to its high repulsion, it gives good harvest green fodder. Clover is often grown in combination with various grass mixtures as a lawn grass, it is resistant to trampling. The plant forms many shoots, thereby increasing forage production. In pastures, clover improves the palatability of the grass eaten by livestock. When grown together with cereals, clover is oppressed and thinned.

    How to plant lawn grass the technology of work from the pros

    To grow a beautiful lawn, it is not enough to learn how to care for it. This knowledge will be useful to you when the English stalls or golf course are already available. In the meantime, when you have a bare piece of land in front of you, you need to think about how to properly plant lawn grass. The decorative qualities and viability of the future lawn will depend on this. Understanding the main points of this process is necessary. Let's do it right now.

    To create an ornamental lawn, you will need to study the technology of its creation, starting with planting lawn grasses

      • Step #2. soil cultivation
      • Step #3 soil fertilization
      • Step #5 Sowing seeds
      • Step #6 First watering
      • Crop care
    • Video with tips from an experienced gardener

    Choosing the Right Seeds for Sowing

    Let's start with the selection of seeds for the lawn. There are many ready-made mixtures for lawns on the market. for various purposes. Their names usually coincide with the target orientation of the future lawn - "sports lawn", "fast lawn", "decorative lawn for shady places", etc.

    When choosing a mixture for a lawn, pay attention to its species composition.

    Usually, consumers do not think about what lawn grass is better to plant. They are guided only by the name, without looking into the composition. They buy any “universal” lawn, and then they are surprised that already in the second year the lawn is almost completely frozen or covered with ugly bald spots. And all because most manufacturers bring their compositions from Western Europe or compose them according to local standards. And therefore, very often, ready-made grass mixtures contain seeds of non-frost-resistant, not adapted to our climate, plants.

    For example, the most famous such representative is ryegrass. It is found in almost every ready-made mixture, and in a fairly large amount (sometimes up to 50-60% of the total number of seeds!). For Europe, ryegrass is excellent lawn grass. It sprouts very quickly and covers large areas, it is highly decorative. The only "but": the life of ryegrass, even in ideal European conditions does not exceed 5 years. And in our country, ryegrass almost completely freezes out in the first winter, leaving bald spots on the lawn.

    Ryegrass is often used to create "quick" lawns, such as before a commercial landscaping project.

    For the climate middle lane The best lawn grasses are red fescue and Bluegrass meadow. They form a dense herbaceous cover of bright green color, have high frost resistance and durability. Fescue is more unpretentious, shade-tolerant, grows rapidly. Bluegrass gains strength more slowly, but in terms of decorative qualities it exceeds fescue. It is not for nothing that many gardeners admit that the most beautiful parterre lawn grows from bluegrass meadow, ideally when using one variety of this grass.

    Bluegrass lawn is one of the most decorative. In addition, it is distinguished by endurance and resistance to trampling.

    If you find on sale a mixture consisting of different varieties bluegrass and fescue are wonderful. For example, Premiumline's Ideal blend contains only these herbs in a 50:50 ratio. You can buy separately fescue and bluegrass, mix them and sow. This is the most win-win option for creating a decorative and, at the same time, sustainable lawn.

    Seeds can be sown from May to September. The main thing is that before winter the lawn leaves already strong enough. And there is one moment. If you decide to create a lawn in the spring, then the number of seeds for sowing can be taken a little more than indicated on the package (at different formulations this amount can be 10-25 g/m2). This will allow you to quickly get a thick lawn. As the herbs grow, they will begin to compete with each other and by autumn only the strongest will survive. They will form a lawn that will survive the winter without loss and begin to ear in early spring.

    In August-September, it is undesirable to sow grass in excess. Strong specimens will not have enough time to defeat weaker neighbors. Strong competition will lead to the fact that the blades of grass will leave before winter in the stage of fighting with each other, and therefore weakened. Most likely they will not be able to survive the winter and will die.

    In other words, lawn grasses will be more likely to form a good, dense sod during spring planting.

    Smart lawn planting technology

    Now that you have decided on the planting season and the type of lawn grass, let's start sowing. Consider step by step how to plant lawn grass in the country and how to care for seedlings to get a beautiful lawn.

    Step 1. Removing weeds in the area

    On the site where you plan to break the lawn, you need to destroy all the weeds. For this, they can be used different methods: manual removal, deep cultivation, mulching, herbicide treatment.

    by the most effective way is the use of herbicides. For example, spraying with Roundup helps to destroy even the smallest roots of weeds of all kinds. The drug penetrates into the tissues of the plant through the leaves and young shoots, then reaches the roots and kills them. Complete destruction weeds in this way occurs 2-3 weeks after treatment. When this happens, the yellowed and dried weeds are removed, after which they proceed to the next step of soil preparation.

    Roundup is a herbicide of continuous action. Therefore, the destruction of weeds with this preparation is carried out only before sowing the lawn.

    Step #2. soil cultivation

    They dig up the earth to the height of a shovel blade, choose stones that come across, dried roots - everything that can prevent the thin roots of lawn grass from growing. Large clods of earth are broken up so that the thickness of the soil is loose and uniform.

    At the stage of digging, they try to level the surface of the site so that there are no mounds and holes left on it. Water will accumulate in the pits, which can lead to excessive wetting of the grass and rotting. On hillocks, difficulties will arise when passing a lawn mower. Leveling is carried out by adding or, conversely, selecting soil in problem areas.

    Pre-sowing digging of the soil to the depth of a shovel blade

    Step #3 soil fertilization

    Lawn grass grows well in neutral soil. Therefore, if the soil is alkaline, peat should be added to it, if acidic - lime.

    It is important to improve the fertile soil layer by introducing mineral or organic fertilizers. It is best to use organic matter - compost, rotted manure, biohumus.

    If the soil is too poor and unsuitable for growing plants, it makes sense to improve it in a more radical way. By completely replacing the top layer with fertile soil. To do this, on the site allotted for the future lawn, they dig a "trough" 35-40 cm deep. The poor soil is removed, black soil or other fertile, well-fertilized soil is laid instead. You can use special soils for lawns that contain high-quality peat, sand and the required amount of mineral fertilizers.

    Step #4 Leveling with a rake and compaction with a roller

    After cultivating and fertilizing the soil, its surface is leveled with a rake, and then compacted. This can be done with a garden roller. If this tool is not available on the farm, an alternative replacement is used - a round metal or asbestos pipe, a barrel of water. Any such object rolls the soil. You need to compact to the extent that you can walk on the soil without sinking your feet in its thickness.

    Compacting the soil with a piece of asbestos pipe

    Step #5 Sowing seeds

    On compacted soil, grooves about 1 cm deep are made with a rake. Deeper is not recommended, since cereal seeds are small and when greater depth seals, they may not ascend. Seeds are sown first along the site, and then across.

    "Cutting" grooves with a rake

    On the packaging of any herbs sold for the lawn, the rate of seed consumption per 1m2 of area is indicated. For example, the number of bluegrass seeds with single-species sowing is 10-18 g/m2, red fescue - 15-25 g/m2, a mixture of bluegrass and fescue seeds (50:50) - 12.5-21.5 g/m2. Therefore, you should visually delimit the site into square meters and, when sowing, try to adhere to the recommended norms.

    After sowing with a rake, the seeds are planted, carefully covering them with earth. Then the soil is again rolled with a roller or pipe.

    Sowing seeds of lawn grasses is most often carried out manually.

    Step #6 First watering

    The first step in caring for newly planted seeds will be watering. For this, it is optimal to use sprayers with a fine irrigation mode. Then standing puddles will not form on the surface of the earth and the seeds will not be carried away to the garden paths.

    The automatic watering system allows you to accurately irrigate the lawn that has not yet sprouted.

    If sowing work is carried out in autumn or spring on rainy days, then watering the newly planted seeds is not necessary.

    Crop care

    At proper care for crops, the first sprouts will appear in 10-14 days.

    The "fast" seeds hatch first, such as ryegrass

    Grass, especially in combined mixtures, sprouts and develops unevenly. Therefore, at first, voids will be visible on the lawn. An objective picture will begin to emerge only after 3-4 weeks.

    Dense emerald green herbage with proper lawn care is formed no earlier than a month after sowing

    In dry weather, a young lawn will have to be watered every day, starting from the moment of planting. Newly sprouted sprouts are especially in need of watering, even the slightest drought threatens them with inevitable death.

    With the growth of lawn grass by 8-10 cm, its first mowing is performed. In this case, the length of the cut parts should not exceed 1.5-2 cm, that is, only the tips of the leaves are cut off. This minimizes stress on young plants. Positive points haircuts will be visible in a week: the laying of new growth buds will contribute to the rapid development of new shoots. The grass will begin to bush and cover the lawn area with a dense cover.

    The further mode of mowing the lawn will depend on the species composition of the grass, season, weather conditions. As a rule, a haircut is done every 5-7 days. In early spring and in late autumn, the frequency of mowing decreases, due to the slowdown in grass growth.

    An experienced gardener-agronomist will tell you and show you in practice how to sow grass seeds for a lawn in more detail. Watch the video story.

    The timing of seedlings of lawn grass depends on the variety of the grass itself, as well as on the conditions in which the grass is located. Moreover, climatic influences its development to the same extent as the conditions for caring for lawn grass after sowing, which lies on your shoulders. But how beautiful the ennobled home area looks!

    Lawn grass is planted at almost any time and any period is suitable for it, except, of course, winter, when there is no direct access to the soil. Cultivation is practiced only seed way, because lawn grass does not belong to those plants that are planted first in a greenhouse or grow seedlings, and then transplanted into open ground, since it would be more logical to sow immediately large area.

    If you plant lawn grass in the fall, then you need to do this at least a month and a half before winter period. Or you will need, as an option, to cover the area where lawn grass grows. It rises, in this case, not quickly, since the temperature is not very suitable for development.

    The main thing is that the weather conditions are suitable for germination and development. If the weather is consistently sunny, but with precipitation in the form of rain, so that the seed does not dry out, as well as the constant watering required from you, according to the schedule, and plentiful enough so that the grass feeds on moisture, but does not retain water, there must be a constant cycle, which is based on loose soil. The soil, as you know, plays a crucial role.

    From experience, I can see that not everyone succeeds in growing lawn grass, as from the “picture”, because there are many factors, as you can see. Also, there is nowhere to go without a person’s inner desire to receive good result. After all, as experience shows, for some lawn grass already grows to the desired size in five days, that you just need to cut it in the future and ennoble it externally, while for others it does not grow normally for even two weeks. Apparently, something is hidden, as in the quintessence, of all the parameters of care. Seeds are also an important element. If the sowing material is of high quality, then the lawn grass develops successfully and well. With poor-quality sowing material, you will get very poor seedlings of lawn grass, and, as you understand, they do not save either effort or money on quality.

    If you decide to create suburban area lawn cover, which means that you have already familiarized yourself with the types of lawns, with all the subtleties in the arrangement and care. Difficulties did not scare you and you have already prepared the area for sowing. Having done such a hard work, I want to see a beautiful result as soon as possible. And here a completely logical question arises, but after how much the lawn rises?

    The main criterion for germination is the variety of lawn plants. It directly depends on what kind of grass the plot is sown with, after how much the first shoots can be observed.

    1. The bezel is thin.
    2. Bluegrass meadow.

    Consider briefly the germination period, advantages and disadvantages of the most popular grasses for lawns.

    This plant is the most popular for country lawns.

    Red fescue is a loose, bushy, perennial grass, the type of development is winter, forms creeping rhizomes. In nature, it is often found in meadow spaces, when it is not sheared, it can reach a height of 20 to 70 cm.

    The plant creates a dense turf, and a large number of shoots and narrow beautiful leaves contribute to the creation of a uniform lawn cover.

    Red fescue blooms in late May - early June, but this can hardly be observed on a well-groomed lawn, as regular haircuts prevent flowering from appearing.

    Grass has several benefits:

    • tolerates frost and low mowing;
    • has the ability to recover from mechanical damage;
    • With its help, you can create an attractive, even lawn, while it is inexpensive.

    Although red fescue is a fast-growing plant, some fluctuations in its growth are observed. After it has been sown (in the first year), the grass grows weakly, it will please with a beautiful green carpet in the next couple of years.

    For creating decorative coatings it is best to sow fescue in the period from May to September, then by winter the lawn will get stronger. The first sprouts can be observed in 10-14 days. Do not be alarmed if at first you have voids on the site. Fescue has uneven germination, the full picture of the lawn cover can be seen in 4-6 weeks.

    Ryegrass is not suitable for arranging a first-class parterre covering; meadow and garden lawns are mainly decorated with such grass.

    Ryegrass is a grassroots or semi-top perennial cereal plants, the type of development is semi-winter, the turf forms an average density.

    Its advantages:

    • can tolerate light shade;
    • resistant to disease and trampling.

    If the winters are very cold, the ryegrass will freeze. During dry periods, it requires abundant watering.

    This plant sprouts together 7-11 days after sowing seeds. It is characterized by rapid growth rates, after three weeks it begins to bush. Spring regrowth can be observed already from the 1st to the 20th of April, with a long and cold spring, these dates are shifted to the end of April - the beginning of May.

    The plant is characterized by high seed germination and vigor of germination.


    On the territory of Russia, these plastic cereals are very common. With their help, you can create a lawn cover in a very simple and affordable way. Most often, meadow, sports, landscape gardening lawns, playgrounds for children active games, also with its help strengthen the slopes. In the UK, lawns of the highest class are created from a mixture of red fescue and bent grass.

    The bent grass is classified as a perennial short-rhizome grassroots grass. It creates a felt-like turf and develops an excellent root system, consisting of many small roots, due to this, arable soil layers are very firmly fastened.

    The plant consists of some advantages:

    • unpretentious to the soil composition;
    • she is not afraid of pests, diseases and trampling;
    • winters wonderfully;
    • good for low haircuts and light shading;
    • in dry periods, the leaves on the shoots dry up, but as soon as moderate weather conditions are restored, the bent grass resumes vegetation and the cover again takes on a beautiful appearance.

    The bent grass sprouts 9-14 days after planting the seeds, and a month later it begins to bush.

    More than 100 species of bluegrass are known in Russia alone. They are often used for arranging sports and ornamental lawns, some species, such as bluegrass angustifolia, are planted with the most exquisite parterre lawn coverings.

    Bluegrass is a rhizomatous grassroots loose-grass. It has a fibrous root system, the roots are located mainly in the upper soil layers. It has a dense turf and a thick beautiful grassy carpet of a rich green hue.

    This is winter perennial, fully developed by 3-4 years of age.

    Bluegrass Benefits:

    • not demanding on the soil composition;
    • can withstand long periods of flooding;
    • resistant to drought and cold winters;
    • they are almost not affected by diseases and infections.

    After sowing, single seedlings will first appear, somewhere on the 12-14th day, it sprouts en masse only after a month. About three weeks after germination, bluegrass begin to bush.

    We examined the main lawn grasses, but each of them has many more varieties and varieties, the germination period for them is individual. When buying seeds, this information can be read on the packaging. If you follow the basic rules when arranging the lawn, preparing the soil, planting seeds, then according to the terms indicated on the package, the grass will sprout.

    What affects lawn germination?

    The first factor, of course, is good quality seeds. Each lawn grass mixture sold must have a quality certificate, ask the seller if you buy grass mixtures in a specialized garden store. International national laboratories test and validate the seeds. In some other tents and outlets better mixture do not purchase for a lawn, there is a possibility that you will be slipped a fake or expired seeds, then you will certainly have to wait a long time for the first shoots.

    Remember important rule for a good lawn - you can not save on the quality of planting material.

    The time of sowing is also important. In principle, lawn grasses can be planted at any time of the year, except for winter of course. But experts recommend doing it in the fall. Sowing seeds 45-50 days before the start of the first frost will help avoid weeds on the lawn next spring. Because with the onset of warm spring days, lawn grass will begin to develop faster than weeds, and will not give them the slightest chance to break through. But if you sow seeds in spring or summer, then cereals lawn plants will sprout along with the weeds, and then a lot of work will have to be done to remove them.

    Be sure to take into account the climate in individual regions. In conditions of constant drought, you should not start with a lawn, even the most abundant watering will not guarantee high-quality grass cover.

    The soil prepared in accordance with all the rules will be the key to rapid seed germination and further high-quality coverage:

    1. Absolutely all garbage is removed from the territory of the future lawn - from branches and stones to weeds with their rhizomes.
    2. Next, the site should be dug to a depth of at least 30 cm.
    3. Then the upper fertile layer of soil is removed, gravel is poured onto the lower layer, broken brick, crushed stone and sand. Thus, a drainage layer is arranged, which will ensure good water drainage, moisture will not stagnate on the lawn.
    4. The fertile layer is returned to its place and carefully leveled.
    5. Before planting seeds, the soil should be fertilized, then rolled with a hand roller.

    Now the seeds need to be planted correctly. How many do you need for 1 square meter? This should be indicated on the packaging, the norms range from 30 to 50 grams. More than the prescribed amount should not be sown, this will lead to a lack of moisture and nutrients for the plants, they will be weak.

    Very important! After planting, it is necessary to cover the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lawn with a covering material to protect the seeds from hatching by birds.

    Planted seeds will germinate depending on air and soil temperature. In the summer it will happen much faster. The site must be watered abundantly using the rain method, since, watering with hoses, and even without a sprayer, with a jet under high pressure can damage the seeds.

    If everything was done correctly, it remains only to wait for the first young green heralds of the future lawn to appear according to the deadlines.

    Green lawn on the site - perfect place relaxation, and almost every owner tries to take at least a couple of meters under the green zone. But it happens that they began to arrange the site in the summer, when hot days came and the time for planting grass passed. In this case, there are two options left: either wait for the fall, when the temperature drops and a more favorable time for sowing comes, or sow the lawn with heat at your own peril and risk.

    Naturally, not every housewife will have the patience to wait until a cold snap, because weeds will instantly settle in the empty land. Yes, this is not necessary. If you sow with certain precautions and tricks, then even the worst heat will not spoil the seedlings.

    How best to plant a lawn in the summer - consider in detail:

    The initial stage of planting: preparing the soil

    Despite the fact that all lawn grasses have a good survival rate on any soil, the composition of the earth should still be corrected. If the soil is clayey, then when digging it, add peat, sand and humus (in equal proportions), and if it is sandy, then add more dense soil, for example, forest.

    Focus on your feelings: take a lump of soil in your hand and try to form a ball out of it. If it turns out very dense - the earth is heavy, it must be made lighter (dilute with sand or peat). If the ball rolls, but is loose and ready to fall apart, the soil is normal.

    If it is impossible to roll at all, then the soil is too crumbly and will not hold moisture. If the land is infertile, remove it half a meter deep and dilute it with useful components - peat, humus, sand, etc., or fill ready soil It won't hurt to put in complex fertilizer, which will accelerate the germination of seeds and give them additional nutrition.

    The rest of the soil preparation is normal: remove debris, stones, plant roots, level the site, mark the boundaries.

    Creating protection against drying out of the soil

    So, the soil is loosened, cleaned and ready to receive seeds. But don't rush. In summer, under the scorching sun, the earth dries up instantly, and this harms good germination. Therefore, first of all, create protection in the earth itself from its rapid drying. To do this, remove all the soil by 30 centimeters, tamp the bottom and line it with cardboard. It can be all kinds of boxes, newspapers in several layers, etc.

    Such a layer does not interfere with air circulation in the soil, but will retain water in the outer layers, not letting it through deeply. And the blades of grass will not lack moisture. By the way, the cardboard itself perfectly absorbs moisture, and then gradually gives it away. So the soil will be wetter than usual. By autumn, the paper layer will rot, and this will end its function.

    Surface leveling

    Scatter the removed soil over the cardboard and tamp it with a roller, and in narrow areas with an ordinary short board. Lay out the board, starting from the edge of the site, and jump on it. Under the force of weight, the earth is leveled. You can involve the kids in this activity. They are happy to jump on the boards.

    In order to level the surface of the earth as much as possible after ramming, walk along it with the back of the rake. They will pull off the excess, and the soil will become smooth as a knee. If small pebbles are picked out under the rake, it is better to remove them immediately, since the blades of grass at these points will still not germinate, and the turf will turn out to be uneven. Trampling with a board is convenient to use for those areas where a bulky skating rink cannot turn around: between paths, in flower beds and winding ridges

    The nuances of summer sowing: how to ensure germination?

    Now you can proceed to the most crucial moment - planting seeds. Summer sowing is enough to produce according to the norms indicated on the package with the herbal mixture. An unexpected plus of planting in the heat is the weak germination of weeds. If in spring they pour out almost in the same amount as blades of grass, then in summer (starting from the second half of July) their activity decreases sharply. And while the so-called autumn weeds hatch, the lawn manages to enter full force and suppress them.

    Time and density of sowing

    It is better to plant grass in the evening so that it does not immediately start frying. summer sun. Sprinkle the soil well before planting. The hotter the weather is, the longer it takes to water the prepared soil so that it is saturated with moisture at least 5 cm deep.

    Wait until completely absorbed and sprinkle the seeds. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site is small, it is better to first wake up the edges, and then the rest of the area. This will ensure that the grass is evenly distributed. After carefully spilling the edges of the site, proceed to sowing the entire site, focusing on the consumption rates indicated on the package with the herbal mixture. After sowing, be sure to mulch the area with a layer of dry soil or peat. Grass should hide from the sun. After spreading the mulch, do not spill it, but leave it dry. So it is easier to roll on to the seeds and push them into the wet ground. To press down the mixture, use the same board or roller.

    Protection of blades of grass from the sun

    In spring or autumn, these events would be enough for the grass to give good shoots. But in summer the temperature upper layers the soil is so warm that hatched seeds can easily burn out. And if they manage to germinate, then all the power will fall on the tender blades of grass sun rays. To save seedlings, immediately after sowing, cover the entire area with non-woven white material. It will reflect the rays and lower the temperature of the soil. And the moisture will evaporate less. Along the edges of the lawn, the material is fixed with boards, reinforcement or any other heavy objects, and if the area is large, then it is better to press down the middle. To do this, drive in pegs in the corners and pull the twine from the edges of the site (crosswise) so that it passes through the center, lowering the thread flush with the soil. The twine will press the material and prevent it from rising from the wind. Lightweight non-woven material does not interfere with the passage of oxygen into the soil at all, but it reflects a significant part of the harmful rays of the sun that sizzle tender shoots.

    How to care for crops?

    The finished lawn should be shed daily (morning and evening), spraying water with a fine rain over non-woven material. It will perfectly let the moisture inside and will not allow it to evaporate quickly. By the way, in uneven areas where there is a slope in one direction, such a shelter will allow you to avoid washing out the seeds and pulling them into a low place with streams of water. Therefore, shoots will be more uniform and friendly. The first thin blades of grass will begin to break through about a week after planting, and if the site is not covered, then the germination time will be delayed for another week

    With careful watering, the first blades of grass will appear in a week. Wait until the grass grows to 3-4 cm and only then remove the shelter. Then pull out all the weeds with your hands and mow the lawn. The first blades of grass will be thin, so it is advisable not to walk on the lawn until it gets stronger. You will see it on the powerful turf and juicy, thick greenery.

    Another nuance of summer planting - do not feed young shoots with fertilizers, especially nitrogen ones. At high temperatures they can burn the root system. Better wait until the rainy season, or don't apply at all, especially if you added fertilizer when preparing the soil. The supply of food on fresh soil is more than enough for the grass, and excess forcing of growth weakens fragile roots and leads to freezing of certain areas in winter. This is what a summer lawn looks like in early October - with a powerful turf, a healthy juicy color, and it has a high chance of overwintering well.

    Grass planted in July looks fully formed already in early autumn. She winters well, freezes less often than with autumn planting. In addition, if the mixture sprouts poorly (and this also depends on the quality of the seeds!), You will have time to sow the bald spots before the onset of cold weather. But in this case, you have to hide nonwoven fabric each restored place to provide a normal climate for crops, or re-cover the entire area, as you did in the case of the first sowing. As you can see, with proper care, a beautiful lawn can be grown even in the heat. Roses grow in Siberia, so why can't grass grow in summer?! published

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