Rose crown princess margaret encyclopedia of roses. Rose Princess Margaret: cultivation, photo and description. Current questions on the topic of growing the Grown Princess Margareta variety

rose brush Crown Princess Margareta

Dear gardener, we present to your attention the English rose Crown Princess Margareta in apricot-orange tones. The rose is named after Crown Princess Margaret, granddaughter of Queen Victoria of Sweden.

GroupEnglish roses

SubgroupEnglish Leander hybrids



Flowering typerepetitive

Heightfrom 1.3 m

Spreadingfrom 1.3 m


Powdery mildew resistancehigh

Black spot resistancehigh

Cold resistancehigh (up to -28 °C)

BreederD. Austin

Catalog nameAUSWINTER

Year of introduction into culture1999

foxglove and rose Crown Princess Margareta

The English rose Crown Princess Margareta, as part of the group of Leander hybrids, has characteristics inherent in this subgroup - resistance to diseases, resistance to low temperatures, attractiveness. It forms a tall, spreading bush, consisting of long, beautifully arching branches, strewn with beautiful and healthy foliage.

The rose flower Crown Princess Margareta is densely double and on average has from 40 to 120 petals. They form a bowl with a rosette from which emanates strong aroma in the style of tea roses with a dash of fruit. Average diameter flower - 10 cm. Bud - rounded with a sharp tip. The flowers are collected in clusters and bloom one at a time. The flower lasts up to 7 days and almost does not react to rain. In hot weather it fades to pale yellow.

The Englishwoman prefers sun or partial shade. The optimal soil pH for it is 5.6 – 6.5. The Crown Princess Margareta rose is propagated by cuttings and dividing the bush. Roses have typical pests and diseases:


We water the plant when upper layer the soil will dry out by 3-4 cm. At the same time, we try to water all root zone. We do not pour water on the bush, but under the bush. The water should be warm. For maximum soil saturation, we recommend watering the Crown Princess Margareta rose in the evening hours so that everything is well saturated with moisture overnight. Another way to make the rose pleasant is to spray it in the evening in the heat. Watering at this time will also have to be increased to 3-4 times a week instead of 1-2. For 1 adult bush you will need up to 15 liters of water.

We must fertilize the plant, starting from the moment it opened after winter. Then we hold the event once every two weeks. In addition to mineral and organic fertilizers, roses require the addition of vitamins and microelements. They are brought in in windless, gloomy but dry weather. One fertilizing can be combined with watering. Both liquid and solid fertilizers are used. The last nitrogen-free fertilizing is given no later than the first half of September.

Loosening the soil and removing weeds is mandatory. These types of gardening help the plant's root system receive more oxygen and speed up the penetration of moisture and nutrients. They are done carefully so as not to damage the roots.

Another important point in the life of roses - pruning. Its purpose is not only to form a bush, but also to keep it clean. It is performed in spring or autumn. At the bush of the English rose Crown Princess Margareta, 5-7 main skeletal branches are left, which are shortened by 2/3, and old, diseased and unnecessary ones are removed. If the plant has been frostbitten over the winter, it is shortened to healthy tissue. I use only clean and sharp tools. During flowering, faded flowers are cut out, cut off above the first true leaf and completely faded clusters. This will stimulate the appearance of new flowers.


climbing rose Crown Princess Margareta

The use of the English rose Crown Princess Margareta in landscaping has a wide range - from single planting to planting in a wide variety of woody and floral compositions. For example, salvia, geranium, mantle, sage, lavender, and delphiniums are suitable for her as companions. Roses with this flower color look harmonious with plants that have a blue-violet color scheme. An excellent cut plant. If it receives minimal pruning, it can be grown as a climbing plant. This rose will also impress in the form standard tree, and planted in a container.

Interval time lapse video. Accelerated opening of a rose bud Crown Princess Margaret.

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The rose is named after Queen Victoria's granddaughter, Crown Princess Margaret of Connaught of Sweden, who was an accomplished gardener and decorator. The flowers are of charming colors - a mixture of apricot tones, which change their saturation depending on weather conditions and as they bloom, the lower petals become lighter. The buds are single, large, 10-12 cm in diameter, densely double (more than 40 petals), spherical, hold their shape for a long time and do not fall off. Flowering is abundant and continuous throughout the season. The flowers are fragrant with a fruity aroma. An erect bush with drooping branches, covered with light green foliage. On a support it can exceed 250cm. High winter hardiness and disease resistance. Belongs to the Leander group (the hardiest and healthiest group of varieties English roses)

Reviews from Rosebook.

A beautiful healthy rose, but, indeed, much paler than in the catalog (although this does not spoil it), and, indeed, the bush literally falls apart in all directions without a garter. But after looking at the album of one of the rose growers, I realized that we are simply planting English roses incorrectly. They need to be planted in a raised area, such as a raised area along a wall, like a tall, wide border with soil. If you plant English roses there, they FALL so wonderfully in cascades of flowers onto the ground under the elevation that it looks like a fountain. I realized that English roses are designed for this purpose, to fall down, and we artificially tie them up, forcing them to grow upward, for which they are not adapted, so it doesn’t look very good. If you don’t fight their nature, but let them grow the way they were intended, it’s a complete delight!

It grew for the first year and the flowers amazed me with their smell, of course. But most of all I was surprised by the attractiveness of the bush, I couldn’t pass by, I always stopped and looked, looked... The gaze goes deep into the flowers and dissolves... I can’t say “rose, flower” about it, it’s so majestic

This year (third summer) there are a lot of buds. Don't whip yet. The shoots are thin and droop under the weight of the flowers. The flowers are very nice. Half-opened - the color of pink mother-of-pearl. Opened - very densely packed compact dark yellow rosettes, the petals are laid evenly and neatly. In combination it is perceived as very unusual and intriguing. The smell in my opinion is simply amazing, it is complex, rich and strong.

My Princess is 5 years old. Height -2 meters, width -2 meters. It blooms along the entire length of the shoots all summer almost without interruption, a stunning sight. I never have it yellow, orange inside, apricot around the edges. Grows in full sun, grafted onto Laxa. It takes cuttings very well and grows well on its own roots. I consider her the most the best variety Austin. Even in an unfavorable rainy summer there is not a single spot on it.

Stunning variety! I love, love, love... It grows quickly, the bush is powerful, the flowers are beautifully shaped and have a wonderful aroma, evenly distributed throughout the bush. It is the first to bloom even among the ostinos. Overwinters well up to the tips of the branches. It grows on the east side of the house, receiving sun only before lunch. Happy in any weather.

The rose is indestructible, the bushes grow huge, the smell is felt only close to the bush, it takes cuttings well and grows on its own roots. A garter is required because the flowers look down. It fades very quickly in the sun. For lovers bright colors I don't like it, the rose is too pale.

Rose Princess Margaret was bred in the UK at David Austin's nursery in 1999. Named after Princess Margaret of Sweden, who was a professional gardener. In this article we will look at the characteristics and description of the Princess Margaret rose variety.

Description of the rose Crown Princess Margareta

Rose Crown Princess Margareta belongs to the group of Leander hybrids. It is resistant to fungal diseases and rain, very beautiful (in shape, it really resembles a princess’s crown), and tolerates cold well.

The bush is tall, spreading, with long flexible branches, the foliage is small, but lush, bright green. The height of the shrub can reach up to 180 cm with a width of one meter, which should be taken into account when planting, since the side branches tend to quickly grow in width.

The flowers of the Princess Margaret rose are double, large, from ten to twelve centimeters in diameter. One bud can contain from forty to one hundred and twenty densely packed petals, twisted into a densely filled bowl. The aroma is persistent, strong, pink, with pronounced notes of ripe summer fruits.

Flowering in Princess Margaret is abundant, continuous, several times throughout the summer, racemose. The buds are resistant to rain, but are susceptible to fading in the sun - they become pale yellow, but this in no way spoils the overall beautiful picture.

Growing Crown Princess Margareta

The English rose Princess Margaret prefers to grow in fertile, nutritious soil with a slightly acidic reaction. If there is a lack of acidity, it can be corrected by adding manure and peat, and if an alkaline environment predominates in the soil, it can easily be “quenched” with lime or wood ash.

Before disembarking at open ground It is recommended to keep the seedlings in a root growth stimulator for 3-4 hours. The depth of the planting hole is 60 cm, the bottom of the hole is lined with a 10 cm layer of drainage made of expanded clay and fine river sand. A nutritious earthen composition (peat, rotted manure and humus-rich soil) should also be added to the hole. The bush is placed straight, the roots are straightened. The depth of the grafting site should be hidden 3 cm underground. Then the material is gradually covered with earth, after which it is well compacted, watered and mulched.

In the future, the Crown Margarita rose should be watered after the top layer of soil has dried three to four centimeters. The water should be settled, warm, preferably warmed by the rays of the sun. Water should only be poured under the roots, not on the above-ground part of the plant. Watering is best done in the evening or early in the morning so that the water does not evaporate and the bush has time to drink properly. In hot weather water procedures spraying of the upper part of the bush is added under the roots, and watering is increased to three times a week.

Fertilizers are applied immediately after removal winter shelter, then once every 14 days. Use organic and mineral compounds, which should be alternated with each other. At the same time, one application of fertilizing can be combined with watering. In the spring, the rose is fed with nitrogen, in the summer and closer to autumn, potassium and phosphates are added. When the buds begin to set, it is best to feed the bush with mullein. Then the flowering will be especially abundant and beautiful.

You should also regularly loosen the soil, ensuring optimal air exchange between the root system of the plant and external environment. Weeds are removed and pruning is carried out. It is mandatory: thanks to it, the bush not only looks beautiful and neat, but also becomes healthier, and fungal diseases will avoid him.

IN spring time remove frozen and dried branches, leaving the strongest ones, in quantities from five to seven. They are shortened by two thirds: this pruning is called medium and promotes the rapid growth of lateral branches, giving the rose maximum decorativeness. In the summer, those branches that stand out from the overall picture or thicken the bush too much are pruned. Faded buds are removed in a timely manner. In the fall, pruning is also of a sanitary nature: those shoots that turn out to be diseased or very thin are cut off, since they will not survive the winter cold, and they will still have to be removed in the spring.

A winter shelter is constructed from spruce branches and a wire frame, onto which non-woven material is stretched and plastic film. With the onset of spring, the bushes begin to gradually ventilate, and when consistently warm weather sets in, the shelter is finally removed.

With proper care, a luxurious Margarita will always delight the owner with abundant and continuous flowering and classic floral aroma, and the frost resistance of “ostok” will always help them to adequately survive the cold in the most severe Russian regions.

Rosary Rose Crown Princess Margareta:

Roses - amazing beautiful bushes from the Rosaceae family. On personal plots V middle lane cultivate many species, varieties and garden forms. Special group are the flowers of David Austin, the famous English breeder. A striking representation of this series is the Princess Margaret rose.

Austin Roses

David Austin specialized in creating varieties of roses. The idea came to him in the middle of the twentieth century. Then he saw ancient views these beautiful plants and decided to cross them with the modern hybrid tea group. He was faced with the task of preserving the previous decorative qualities and increasing the resistance of plants to adverse factors.

Rose Princess Margaret

As a result, more than 200 varieties were created. They have not yet been identified as a separate group, but they all have some distinctive features. David Austin focused on the extraordinary aroma, long flowering period and varied colors - among the ancient roses there were neither yellow nor orange.

Princess Margaret received in 1999. This is a relatively young variety. The official name is Rose Crown Princess Margareta. The breeder named it in honor of the Swedish Princess Margaret, who was fond of floriculture.

The name literally translates as “Crown Princess Margarita.” However, among flower lovers it is customary to use not a literal translation, but a name that corresponds to the pronunciation. Therefore, in Russia the variety is called Crown Princess Margaret or simply Princess Margarita. But the name rose Crown Prince Margaret rose from any point of view is incorrect.

Characteristics of the variety

Crown Princess Margareta is a rose belonging to the group of Leander hybrids.

Botanical description:

  • the bush is tall, spreading, reaches 2 m in height and 1 m in width, shaped like a crown;
  • stems are drooping, when grown without support they bend to the ground;
  • almost no thorns;
  • leaves are small, rich green in color;
  • blooms in small clusters of 3-5 inflorescences, from early summer to autumn;
  • flowers are medium-sized, rosette-shaped, double, apricot in color;
  • the diameter of each flower is 10-12 cm;
  • The aroma is pleasant, with pronounced fruity notes.

The plant is unpretentious and resistant to common diseases. In particular, to powdery mildew and black spot. Winter hardiness is high - under cover it can withstand frosts down to -35 ° C.

Features of cultivation

The Princess Margarita rose is grown in much the same way as other varieties. It grows well in moderately moist and well-fertilized loamy soil. The optimal pH level is 5.6-6.5. The soil is prepared in advance - it is dug up, fertilized, and weeds are carefully selected.

The plant can be planted twice per season:

  • in spring - as soon as the soil warms up to +10 °C and the threat of return frosts has passed;
  • in autumn - about 30 days before the onset of cold weather.

The place is chosen in partial shade. In the bright sun, flowers quickly fade and lose their brightness. For normal development, the plant needs 4-5 hours of lighting.

Since the bushes grow powerful, a sufficient distance is left between them - at least 1 m. Planting pits dig to a depth of 60 cm. A drainage layer must be laid at the bottom, because roses cannot tolerate stagnant water. After planting, the soil is well moistened so that it settles to the roots.

Planting a rose

In the first year of cultivation, the buds are cut off so that the plant has time to grow green mass and take root in a new place. Thanks to this procedure, more flowers will form next season.

On a note! The plant needs support for tying, otherwise the stems will “scatter” in different directions.

Caring for the Princess Margarita rose consists of:

  • loosening the soil;
  • watering;
  • pruning;
  • removal of weeds;
  • feeding

The earth is carefully loosened, trying not to touch the roots. Thanks to the procedure, air and moisture permeability improves.

Loosening the soil

Watering is carried out as the soil dries, following certain recommendations:

  • use only warm, settled water;
  • the optimal watering time is evening;
  • prevent water from getting on the leaves.

On a note! In hot weather, the bushes are additionally sprayed warm water from a spray bottle.

The bushes are periodically pruned. The procedure is carried out in different ways depending on the desired goals. When growing the climbing form, only sanitary pruning is carried out at the beginning and end of the season - injured branches and branches growing inside the bush are removed. To obtain drooping shoots, they are shortened by 1/5 every spring.

Roses are quickly consumed nutrients contained in the soil. Therefore, they are fed regularly - every 2-3 weeks:

  • at the beginning of the growing season - nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
  • during the flowering period and autumn - potassium and phosphorus.

For assimilation minerals organic matter is needed - mullein, bird droppings, humus. Both types of fertilizers are applied alternately.

Roses are covered for the winter. The lashes are removed from the supports and carefully folded, leaving free space. Air gap, surrounding the stems, limits the development of pathogens.

Roses are covered for the winter.

The top of the bush is covered with sawdust, spruce branches or wrapped non-woven material. The thickness of the coating depends on the climatic characteristics of the region.

Important! To prevent roses from rotting, a protective layer is installed only after the temperature drops to -5 °C.

Rose Crown Princess Margaret is propagated by:

  • By cuttings - select stems that transition from herbaceous to woody state. The sections are treated with a root growth stimulator and kept at home or in a greenhouse at a temperature of +20...+22 °C.
  • By dividing the bush - the procedure is carried out in the fall or spring before the buds bloom. The bush is cut into pieces. Most of the branches are pre-cut so that they do not interfere and do not take away nutrients. Thanks to this procedure, the plant rejuvenates and develops better.

Tools are pre-sharpened and disinfected.

Advantages and disadvantages

Rose Crown Princess Margaret is loved by millions of gardeners. It has many advantages:

  • endurance and resistance to diseases;
  • abundant and long flowering;
  • the flowers are large, double, and are not afraid of rain;
  • pleasant fruity-floral aroma;
  • easy propagation using cuttings.

Flower growers growing this variety of roses noted some disadvantages:

  • few flowers are formed in the first years of life;
  • with age, the stems become coarser, so problems arise when covering for the winter;
  • In the bright sun, the flowers quickly fade and turn pale.

With proper care, Crown Princess Margareta roses will delight the owner with abundant and long flowering. The bushes look luxurious both individually and in group plantings. Due to their frost resistance and unpretentiousness, they are grown even in regions with harsh climates.

Good day!

It is not for nothing that the rose is considered the queen of flowers; this noble flower has an incredible aroma and perfection of form; the abundance of varieties allows you to choose a plant for every taste and color.

I love roses very much, so in my garden they take up almost all the space. Of course, plants require care, it is very important correct pruning, watering, fertilizing, sheltering for the winter, and then your plant will delight you with lush flowering all summer long.

David Austin Roses appeared in my garden just a couple of years ago, but now these English aristocrats are my favorites. They captivated me with the perfection of their forms, their delightful aroma, and their gracefully drooping shoots.

English roses appeared as a result of crossing two roses - antique and floribunda. The flowers of these roses are shaped like a rosette or pompom with a large number of petals.

In this review I will talk about one of my favorite varieties of "ostok" - rose CROWN PRINCESS MARGARETTA (Crown Princess Margaret).

This rose received its name in honor of Crown Princess Margaret, granddaughter of the Queen of Sweden.

The buds of this rose open into large rosette-shaped flowers. A fully opened bud has an apricot-like orange tint, but over the course of several days of flowering, the color of the rose changes, becoming lighter, golden with a slight pinkish tint. In hot weather, the petals fade to a pale yellow color.

This rose has a very strong aroma, I would say it is the smell of a tea rose with a hint of fruity notes.

By the way, the aroma of English roses also tends to change throughout the day.

For example, in the morning the smell is stronger and more saturated, in the evening it becomes lighter and more refined; the aroma is also more intense in sunny, windless weather and barely perceptible in damp and rainy weather.

The average flower diameter is 10 - 12 cm; this beauty blooms for an average of 5 - 7 days.

This rose also looks great in the company of other plants; plants of contrasting shades will look good next to it - salvia, lavender, delphinium, speedwell.

This variety "Austin" belongs to one of the most hardy and healthy groups of varieties of English roses; they are very resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew, black spot.

This plant tolerates heat and cold very well.

The graceful spherical buds on elegantly drooping branches look very beautiful, as if straight out of old Flemish paintings.

This rose blooms very profusely, buds appear from the lowest shoots.

This rose blooms both with single buds and in small clusters - inflorescences of 3 - 5 flowers at a time.

The flowering of this rose is repeated throughout the season, for me it blooms on average four times per summer, the first flowering is the most lush and abundant, the last in September.

This rose will feel best in the sun and partial shade, but since these beauties are native to Foggy Albion, I think partial shade will still be preferable.

Features of care: Pruning is very important for English roses. To get large large flowers, the grown shoots need to be shortened by half, and if you want the bush to be strewn with buds, the stems should be cut by a third.

This rose can also be grown as a climbing rose, in which case minimal pruning is done.

Be sure to remove wilted buds and faded roses, this promotes the formation of new flowers .

It is better to water roses in the evening, preferably with settled or rain water, always watering under the bush. In hot weather, watering should be more frequent - 3 - 4 times a week; spraying the bush will also be useful in such weather.

It is also necessary to fertilize the plant. They are usually fertilized with organic and mineral fertilizers, and also add microelements and vitamins.

From mineral fertilizers will give a good effect ammonium nitrate, superphosphate(contained in these fertilizers nitrogen - helps increase the number of shoots, phosphorus - helps the formation of stems and flowers, potassium - promotes plant resistance to disease).

Also useful organic fertilizers - peat, grass fertilizers, mature compost, bird droppings.

Necessarily: loosening the soil and removing weeds. This will help the plant roots receive more oxygen and improve access to moisture and nutrients.

Following these simple rules will help your plant stay healthy and delight with its unique beauty.