How to cheer yourself up in the fall. How to cheer up in the fall - simple methods to improve your mood

27.09.2019 Warm floor

For many people in the fall, their mood drops to zero.
Causeless sadness, apathy, and lethargy appear.
But don’t think about sad things, this time of year has many advantages.

1.A full eight-hour sleep will have a positive effect on your well-being.

2.Be sure to go outside during the day.

Spend your weekends outdoors.

3.The source of good mood and well-being is physical activity.

Movement is life. Walk.

Do exercises in the morning.

4.A bathhouse is good in autumn. Combine business with pleasure, take with you herbal tea and a scrub, a beauty mask.

5.Important in autumn period are vitamins A and C.
The daily diet should contain 0.5 kg of fresh fruits and vegetables.

6. How to cheer up?

Surround yourself with bright interior and wardrobe items.

The color orange has a particularly positive effect.

A good autumn mood and health depend on ourselves!

1. Don’t be offended over trifles, try not to quarrel with people close to you, forgive them. Anger and vindictive feelings are destructive.

2. Look at the world with humor. If you are insulted or find yourself in a difficult situation, smile and tell yourself: “This too shall pass!” For those who sincerely believe, everything bad really goes away.

3. Don’t sit at home, being offended by the whole world!

4. Introduce elements of novelty into your life. Change stable habits from time to time - for example, start a new hobby or change your clothing style.

5. Learn to relax. While doing some boring work, think about something pleasant.

6. Go swimming. Water helps the body rest and relax, improving tone and mood.

7. Periodically put your thoughts and goals in order. Often people find themselves trapped only because they do not take the time to think about whether they are moving in the right direction.

8. Take life easier. Focus on what you are doing at the moment.

9. Maintain a sense of perspective. What seems like a tragedy today may bring a smile tomorrow. The morning is wiser than the evening.

10. Don't think about troubles. If you want to lie in bed and feel sorry for yourself, it is better not to act on this desire. Do something useful.

How to raise it in the fall

Hello friends! How do you celebrate the beginning of autumn? How ? If for some reason you feel sad and sad, read on how to cheer up in the fall.

The weather, one way or another, affects our mood. Therefore, in the fall we are more susceptible to despondency. There is a way to get rid of the autumn blues, pull yourself together and make life happy, filling it bright colors autumn colors.

How to cheer up in the fall Simple methods to improve your mood

Laugh for company.

Brighten up your everyday life.

In autumn we feel a lack of bright colors, which is not the most in the best possible way affects our mood. Give preference to colorful clothes, mainly red, yellow, blue and green. These colors tune in, increase activity and harmonize nervous system. Orange and yellow colors are considered to be the most life-affirming colors. Add items to your room's interior orange tint, being in it will become much more pleasant and warmer.

Eat oranges.

The vitamins that citrus fruits are rich in perfectly tone and give strength. Before you eat an orange, hold it in your hands for a couple of minutes; the warmth of your palms will fill the room with a fresh, sweet aroma. To do this, give yourself a relaxing bath with orange or lemon oil.

Attend concerts and exhibitions.

Autumn is the time to pamper your aesthetic senses. Visit an art gallery exhibition, go to your favorite music group or to a theater premiere. Reading quality literature and communicating with interesting people will help you to enrich yourself spiritually.

Take up dancing.

Dance – excellent replacement morning exercises. Turn on your favorite incendiary rhythms in the morning and dance. This warm-up will charge you with positivity for the whole day.

Print out summer photos.

Over the summer vacation, you probably have a lot of stuff in your camera, so quickly go to a photo studio and print these pictures. Decorate your desktop and the walls of your room with the most successful summer photographs, so that every time you look at them, you will remember summer days with a smile.

Fill your life with positivity.

Every day brings joy and many opportunities. Regardless of the weather outside, believe that this day is unusual and unique, there is certainly a place for joy and fun. If you greet each day with such a mood, then the autumn rain will seem like a scattering of pearls, and colorful leaves, falling from the trees, will envelop you in mysterious romance and magic. Remember that thoughts are material, the coming day depends on you. Learn to find positive aspects in every event.

Brighten up your everyday life with cute trinkets.

A figurine brought from a summer vacation will not allow you to succumb to autumn gloom if it is placed in the most visible place. An unusual keychain or a pen given by a loved one will help repel the attack of autumn sadness.

Autumn affects everyone differently. Rain and shorter daylight hours do not contribute to a good mood. Women are very sensitive, so autumn weather often causes melancholy and evokes sadness and melancholy. We propose to spend this autumn in a new way. Let it be bright, joyful and useful.

So, how to cheer yourself up this fall?

How to cheer yourself up in the fall

1. Game “I am a designer”

Change something in your home environment. Yellow and red tones will bring a feeling of warmth and sun to the atmosphere of your home. See what you can move, try the most daring options.

2. Cooking inspiration

Make it a rule to master a new dish every week. So in a month you will learn to cook something new that you can please yourself, your family or guests.

3. Everyone to the bathhouse

In life, peaceful or violent, at any milestone,
Our body and soul are grateful to the caress of the bathhouse...
A. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin”

Very good habit Go to the bathhouse with your girlfriends at least once a month. Such meetings are beneficial both for the body and for the body. Conversations with friends help a woman maintain harmony within herself, and a bath helps cleanse the body.

4. Show off in style

Almost every woman will be pleased new thing in wardrobe. Buy yourself something light or bright, something that will please the eye. Be bright this fall!

5. Let the whole world wait

Give yourself at least 30 minutes of personal time every day. This will help you regain strength, relax and find inner balance. Remember that this is your personal time and you devote it only to yourself. Everyone else will have to wait!

6. Everything for yourself beloved

Create a new habit of pleasing yourself with something, doing something pleasant and useful for yourself every day, even if it’s something small like a cup of your favorite tea or watching a movie.

7. Self-education

Think about what you would like to develop or learn in yourself. You can start studying new language, undergo personal growth training or enroll in any courses. Learning new things allows us to move forward.

Remember, whatever you do, you do it for yourself. Learn to do something nice for yourself, find what brings you joy. Please note that your mood is the comfort in your home, your family relationships and the atmosphere in your work team. A harmonious relationship with the world begins with self-love.

Victoria Losetskaya | 09/07/2015 | 1335

Victoria Losetskaya 09/07/2015 1335

If you are tormented by the autumn blues, these tips will help you quickly cheer yourself up.

Apathy, melancholy, melancholy... a bad mood usually falls on me with the onset of autumn. What is the reason? Probably because the streets become gray, it often rains, you have to get out top shelves Warm, voluminous things in the closet, and hide your favorite dresses away.

It “lets me go” on sunny, warm days. Then the whole family goes for a walk in the park, takes pictures in the fiery fallen leaves and drinks fruit tea. But then the euphoria subsides, and I begin to mope again.

But this year I’m celebrating this time of year without autumn depression, which my neighbor’s advice helped me cope with.

Add brightness!

Dilute gray everyday life bright colors. For example, put a tangerine tree on your desk, wear it to the office bright accessory like a bracelet or scarf, do some minor renovations in your apartment.

tangerine tree on your desktop will help you overcome the blues.

For example, when the blues come over me, my husband meets me halfway, and we change something in our bedroom: we buy a bright floor lamp, new curtains or a “juicy” painting. Your soul immediately becomes more cheerful.

Go shopping

Proper shopping will drive away a bad mood. What do I mean by "correct"? When you buy something for yourself: be it clothes or jewelry.

If you go to buy meat, baby clothes or a shirt for your husband, you won’t get any pleasure! Here are some new spring things for you - better medicine from the blues. Whenever possible, choose bright colors rather than gray or black tones.

Start something new

The daily routine can unsettle you at any time of the year, especially in the fall. To avoid succumbing to melancholy, play sports or sign up for courses. New activities, acquaintances and emotions will benefit you.

Don't know what you want? Try yourself in or. Even a regular evening run will help you take your mind off sad thoughts and break out of your daily routine. Plus health and figure benefits.

For example, which can easily cope with bad mood. These include:

  • chocolate;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • hazelnuts;
  • bananas;
  • seaweed;

Do not try to cheer up with alcohol and energy drinks. Of course, at first they will give you a boost of cheerfulness, but then apathy will return again, and even “in the company” of poor health.

Get closer to nature

When the weather is good outside, try to get out into nature with the whole family. You can organize a picnic, barbecue, play with your children, or just lie in a hammock at the dacha.

One day my neighbor told me about my complaints about autumn depression. I realized that it is important to realize how beautiful this time of year is! No wonder it was autumn that inspired Pushkin, Yesenin, Lermontov...

It’s also important to smile more often, and not scare people away at work, on public transport or at home with your “sour” face. Then no autumn depression will be scary for you.

How do you fight autumn depression?

Are there ways to survive this unpleasant period without falling out of active life and maintaining summer energy and optimism? A psychologist answers these questions to

In autumn, nature prepares for sleep, and these preparations make a person as sleepy and inactive as leaves falling from the trees. If in the summer you want to jump out of bed and quickly run from the stuffy apartment to the sun-drenched street, then in the fall you want to wrap yourself in a blanket and stay in bed as long as possible. It’s dull and gloomy outside, it’s raining all the time and the wind is blowing. Optimism and energy disappear along with the raindrops.

What to do if autumn has come over you? Are there ways to survive this unpleasant period without falling out of active life and maintaining summer energy and optimism?

Secret 1. Bright colors

It has long been proven color effect on psychological condition person. Some colors give us energy, while others lead us to a state of anxiety and despair. In summer we are surrounded by a riot of colors - green, red, yellow... Why not recreate a summer day at home?

Yellow - the main engine of man. Yellow color has a positive effect on our emotions, giving us joy, fun, and love of life.

Flaw orange color manifests itself in decreased vitality, depressive mood, lethargy, doubts, self-doubt, self-flagellation, and self-blame. Therefore, if you are sad, lack communication, feel lethargic and insecure - add more orange to your interior.

Red energy gives a very important thing - the desire to live. Unconditional self-confidence, acceptance of yourself as you are, without judgment or reflection. But an excess of red in the interior can add aggression and anxiety, so it is best to wisely combine this color with others, or make bright color accents.

Colors that enhance your mood should be used not only in the design of your apartment, but also in your choice bed linen, clothes. Of course, you don’t have to wear everything yellow or orange every day; it could be some toilet details or accessories.

Secret 2. More light

In many northern countries, where daylight hours are much shorter than ours, it has been successfully used for many years. light therapy, there are even special “light rooms”, in which you can take a break from the impenetrable darkness outside the window. Under bright lamps, the body “remembers” sunny days and charges like a battery. Create in your apartment and at work bright lighting. A great way to recharge yourself with the energy of the sun - solarium .

In the evening, light candles at home; a live candle fire not only improves your mood, but creates a romantic atmosphere. And if the candles are scented, then this will be a double blow to depression and blues.

Secret 3. The magic of scents

Aromatic oils penetrate the blood through the skin and then spread throughout the body. By inhaling aromas through the nose, we directly affect our mood, since fragrant impulses reach the parts of the brain responsible for emotions.

There are a huge number of oils or oil blends that can be used to reduce depression and increase energy. Here are some of them: A nis, orange, basil, bergamot, oregano, spruce, jasmine, cedar, coriander, lavender, lemon, tangerine, lemon balm, peppermint, rose, rosemary.

I would also especially like to note the beneficial and calming effect of baths on the psyche, the effect of which can be enhanced by stirring a few drops of oil in the water. Also useful for bringing the nervous system into balance baths from sea ​​salt and pine extract.

Secret 4. Food for the mood

We are what we eat - and that says it all. It has been proven that carbohydrate foods come first in stimulating the production of “happiness hormones” . It has a particularly strong effect on our mood Olad consumption (by the way, cocoa can easily replace it).

English scientists have found that this product stimulates the production of both endorphins and serotonin. So it is not surprising that in moments of stress, dissatisfaction, disappointment or simply fatigue, we are “pulled” to pancakes.

Bananas come second for the “effect of happiness and joy.” They not only stimulate the production of internal endorphins, but also contain enough a large number of already “ready” serotonin. Ice cream has almost the same effect.

These products promote the production of endorphins, which increase emotional background. The same can be said about exorphins - their level increases after eating meat . We use it to “eat up” our bad mood. Fish and low fat dairy products They also stimulate the production of exorphins, improve mood, but do not affect the figure in any way. Mackerel and red varieties of fish may be especially useful in the fight against depression. Healthy carbohydrates that help reduce food cravings and improve your mood are also found in spaghetti and whole wheat bread.

The function of the nervous system is normalized by chemical elements - calcium (found in dairy products, cheeses), potassium, which has the ability to relieve stress (our body receives it along with oranges, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, figs and new potatoes, celery) and magnesium (it legumes, grains, nuts, pancakes are generous).

Spinach, olives and almonds thanks to their chemical composition Every day they will lift your mood and at the same time contain very few calories.

Foods rich in biotin will also help get rid of depression - liver, eggs, milk, cereal crops, vegetables.

When in a state of depression, the body needs adaptogens - substances that increase the abilities of compensatory systems. These include means plant origin. Today, many herbal teas are made from plants containing adaptogens - these are ginseng, lemongrass, licorice, St. John's wort, echinacea, green tea, ginger, eleutherococcus and many others. Their use is also considered especially effective for nervous exhaustion resulting from intense mental activity.

Spices can restore not only the taste for life, but also restore sexual harmony. For example, cinnamon is a well-known tonic and stimulant, and cardamom has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional sphere, stimulates the mind and heart, and gives a feeling of clarity and joy.

In cardamom contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and zinc, vitamins: B1, B2, B3. Cardamom has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves tension and relieves depression, and stimulates brain function. Cardamom also stimulates the genitals and is used in the treatment of sexual disorders such as premature ejaculation . Arabs have long considered it a good aphrodisiac and add it to food and various drinks, including coffee.

Ginger, or rather its root, Since ancient times, it has been famous not only as a spice, but also as a medicine. Ginger eliminates increased fatigue, lethargy, apathy, increases self-confidence, sociability and charm, and sexual desire. According to Eastern healers, regular use of ginger enlightens the mind. Ginger can not only revitalize your sex life, but it is also an excellent immunomodulator and one of the most effective means to remove toxins from the body. It is best to use infusions of fresh ginger.

A truly energy cocktail is a drink made from ginger root with the addition of cinnamon and cardamom. The drink will not only warm the soul and body, but also protect the body from colds.

Secret 5. Pleasure

Love and pleasure can bring our tired and sluggish bodies back to life. Love and pleasure are synonymous. Being in a state of love and being in love is one of the greatest pleasures. The physical and emotional experience of love is itself a feeling of pleasure. Essentially, love is the pleasure of what we receive and what we give.

Pleasure is not only an end in itself - thanks to it we experience a state that attracts love to us! On a purely biochemical level, when you experience pleasure, your body releases the same chemicals and hormones (serotonin,

oxytocin and endorphins), as in a state of love.

Take time to do what you enjoy and pamper yourself. You can listen to your favorite music, get a massage, go to the spa - it's up to you.

Secret 6. Movement

It sounds corny, but movement is life. Exercising for 30 minutes increases the concentration of “happiness hormones” five times. No need to set records. It is enough to run or walk 3-4 times a week for half an hour.

If you find it difficult to choose, listen to yourself. What is missing in life? What are your body problems? What does the soul want?

Dancing classes are the best way to relieve depression - there is movement, positive emotions, communication and music. Pythagoras also used music to treat certain diseases, and Avicenna in the “Canon of Medical Science” prescribed people suffering from melancholy to listen to music and birdsong.

Yoga helps restore peace of mind, get rid of anxiety, irritability, gain self-confidence.

Well, if in this moment If you feel sad without a strong shoulder next to you, try massage and swimming - at least the need for tactile contact will be satisfied in a useful way.

Secret 7. Hobbies and communication

Autumn is the time to educate yourself, find an interesting hobby and new friends. I don’t really want to go outside, but this is not a reason to be homesick. Go to the theater, cinema, exhibitions, sports clubs, etc. more often. If popular entertainment does not interest you, find something that interests you: sign up for a course foreign language, music, dancing, drawing, etc. If in the summer it is very difficult to force yourself to delve into some subject thoroughly, then in the fall the weather is conducive to just such activity.

Try to communicate more often - go to visit, invite guests to your place, attend social events. Psychologists and sociologists have long proven that sociable people are happier and live longer than their introverted counterparts.

Secret 8. Enjoyment from nature

The fact that pets can have an impact on our health has been known since the time of Hippocrates, and even earlier. However, the term “pet therapy” itself appeared only in the middle of the 20th century.

On the one hand, being close to a person, animals help him improve his quality of life, as they serve as a stimulus, educate and create good mood. On the other hand, they can become real healers, saving a person from many serious illnesses (either through direct contact with him or simply by their mere presence nearby). In addition, animals help cope with high level anxiety, constant worry.

For example, studies conducted in America have shown that in 70 nursing homes where animals were allowed, elderly people who suffered from depression or rejected any kind of communication completely changed their character and began to participate in public life, struck up friendships with other residents of the house with whom they had not previously been in contact.

Every owner of a dog or cat knows how quickly the mood improves just by playing a little with your pet or petting it. What a pleasure it is to watch dogs play on the playground! By the way, animal owners always have a reason to start communicating and make new friends among like-minded people.

If you don't have pets, you can visit places where they do: for example, go to the zoo, the circus, the hippodrome, etc.

Secret 9. Energy storage techniques

But what should you do if you’ve already been so busy that all you have left to do is crawl to the sofa and turn on the TV? In this case, you need to start with energy storage techniques that you can use without leaving your home.

  • Stand with your arms up, as if you want to reach the sky, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Close your eyes and imagine that the bright sun is shining directly above you. Sun rays touch your hands, warm them and enter you with thin golden threads, filling your whole body with a golden glow. Continue the exercise until you feel warmth and a sense of peace and tranquility.
  • Stand up the same way as in the first exercise. Close your eyes and feel how a dense and viscous flow of earth energy leads into your feet and rises through your legs to the center of your body, and a transparent light stream of air enters your palms and also rushes into your body in two thin streams. Imagine that the energy of water flows into you and the energy of fire. Connecting just below the navel, the energies begin to spiral upward and gradually take over your entire body, unwinding to the very tips of your fingers. Feel how your energy connects with the energy of the elements, with the energy of all people in the world. You become stronger and stronger, energy fills you. Having gained strength, you gradually collapse the energies into one point just below the navel and thank the energies for their help.
  • "Tree". Stand up straight, raise your arms apart. Imagine yourself as a tree. Feel how the power of the earth rises up your trunk, filling every cell. In the same way, feel how the power of the sky, sun and water flows into you. Feel how the tree is filled with strength.

Secret 10. The habit of happiness

Remember that a mood is just a habit. It all depends on how you perceive the events happening in your life. And you have the power to make any day dull and dreary or sunny and bright.

Ekaterina GORSHKOVA, psychologist