Building materials for wall insulation. Insulation for the exterior walls of the house: methods of insulation and the better to insulate. stone wool manufacturers

30.10.2019 alternative energy

In a capricious, humid cold climate, room insulation is one of the most important building procedures. Which heater to choose? Where to start?

Important! It is best to pay attention to modern materials - they are of high quality, durable, environmentally friendly. The “correct” insulation will help reduce heating costs. The main thing is that it does not shrink after construction, does not succumb to insects and small rodents, and is also adapted to an aggressive weather environment (if necessary). Then it is worth starting to assess the value for money.

Manufacturers of modern building materials have done everything possible so that the eyes run wide in the store, and the hands do not know what exactly to grab onto. Kinds heaters and their purpose for most inexperienced inhabitants remain a mystery shrouded in darkness. Well, let's try to understand everything in order.

Types of heaters, characteristics and application

There are two types of insulation: reflective (organic, inorganic) and preventive.

Preventive type heaters

Such thermal insulation helps to reduce heat consumption by reducing the degree of infrared radiation.

Preventive type insulation (inorganic base)

Arbolite - made from shavings, small sawdust, straw and finely chopped reeds. As a strong base, the composition of the insulation contains cement and a small amount of chemical additives (calcium or soluble glass). At the end of production, such a product is treated with a solution with a high mineral content.

Arbolite properties:

  • Density - 450-700 kg per cubic meter;
  • Thermal conductivity 0.06-0.14 watts per meter;
  • The compressive strength is 0.2-1 megapascal.

Foam-polyvinyl chloride (PVC)- made from PPVC resins. Resins are given a foamy structure by industrial porization. Such insulation can be both soft and hard. In essence, it is a universal heat insulator (both for the roof, and for walls, and for the floor, windows and entrance doors). Its density is about 0.1 kg per cubic meter.

Based on small chips. Shavings make up 90% of its composition. The remaining 10% is: synthetic resin, antiseptics and water repellent.

Chipboard properties:

  • Density - 400-1000 kg per cubic meter;
  • Tensile strength - 0.2-0.7 megapascals;
  • Tensile strength when bending the material - 10-30 megapascals;
  • Humidity - 4-12%;
  • Hygroscopicity - 5-30 percent.

Wood fiber insulating board. Made from scrap wood, straw or corn stalks, and even old paper. Resins are used as the basis for bonding materials. DVIP also contains antiseptics and water-repellent substances. This is one type of insulation used in country houses.

DVIP properties:

  • Density - up to 250 kg per cubic meter;
  • Tensile strength when bending the material - up to 12 megapascals;
  • Thermal conductivity - up to 0.08 watts per meter.

Made on the basis of polyester with the addition of water, diisocyanate, emulsifiers.

Polyurethane foam is an excellent sound absorber. It is also resistant to damp environments. It is convenient in construction - it is applied by spraying. This makes it possible to process surfaces of complex configuration.

Properties of polyurethane foam:

  • Density - 35-75 kg per cubic meter;
  • Thermal conductivity - 0.017-0.027 watts per meter. This is the maximum and best value for thermal insulation today;

Mypora. It is also called penoizol. Mipora is produced by whipping urea-formaldehyde resin. For the strength of the material, glycerin is added to it. The foamed structure is obtained due to the content of sulfonic acids. An organic acid is used as a hardening catalyst. Mipora is sold both in the form of crumbs and in blocks, and in the form of a ready-made solution. This is another type of insulation that is loved in wooden houses.

Mypore properties:

  • Density - within 20 kg per cubic meter;
  • Thermal conductivity - 0.03 watts per meter;
  • Mipora is refractory (it burns only at 500 degrees), but is subject to deformation in high heat;
  • Minus - it is deformed under the influence of aggressive chemicals. Too hygroscopic.

(PPS). 98% of the composition of the insulation is air. The remaining 2% is polystyrene. Flame retardants may also be found in PPS.

Expanded polystyrene properties:

  • Thermal conductivity - 0.038-0.044 watts per meter;
  • Does not absorb moisture;
  • Resistant to corrosion;
  • Does not give in to influences of microflora and bioagents;
  • Nearly incombustible. Even if it catches fire, it will emit much less heat than burning wood.

Consists of polyethylene and its foaming agent. Perfectly protects against steam and any external noise thanks to small pores.

Features of polyethylene foam:

  • Density - 20-55 kg per cubic meter;
  • Thermal conductivity - 0.042-0.050 watts per meter;
  • Used at temperatures from 40 degrees below zero to 100 degrees above zero;
  • Poorly absorbs moisture;
  • Practically does not give in to chemical and biological influence.

Fiberboard insulation- based on thin wood shavings in conjunction with cement and magnesia component. Produced in the form of plates. Ideal for wet areas.

Properties of fiberboard insulation:

  • Density - 200-500 kg per cubic meter;
  • Thermal conductivity - 0.06-0.1 watts per meter;
  • Refractory.

Honeycomb insulation- consists of cells resembling a honeycomb. But this is not necessary, the cells, sometimes, come in a different shape. Such a heater is filled with a special fabric or paper based on organic fibers and resins. Outside, the insulation is covered with thin sheets of plastic.

It is made from waste paper production (defective books, cardboard, newspapers, magazines, etc.). For a lower cost of ecowool, waste paper is also used.

Ecowool properties:

  • Excellent sound insulation;
  • High thermal insulation. Gradually, ecowool decreases in volume and its properties deteriorate;
  • High hygroscopicity;
  • No seams visible after installation.

Preventive insulation (organic base)

It happens slag and stone. Slag is made on the basis of waste in the production of metals (both non-ferrous and ferrous). Stone is made on the basis of rocks (limestone, basalt, etc.). Phenol or urea is used to bind the components.

Properties of mineral wool:

  • Does not burn;
  • Perfectly absorbs noise;
  • Resistant to chemicals;
  • Poorly absorbs water
  • Almost does not shrink with time;
  • Passes steam. Therefore, mineral wool needs insulation.

Made from glass and glass waste. Its fibers are thicker and longer. It does not burn, absorbs sound and is not exposed to the damaging effects of chemical compounds.

Glass wool properties:

  • Density - up to 130 kg per cubic meter;
  • Thermal conductivity - 0.02-0.053 watts per square meter;
  • Withstands temperatures up to 450 degrees Celsius;
  • Poorly absorbs moisture;
  • Resistant to corrosion.

Ceramic wool - it is based on aluminum oxide and silicon. It is made on a special centrifuge. Not afraid of chemicals and resistant to high temperatures.

Ceramic wool properties:

  • Withstands temperatures over 1000 degrees Celsius;
  • Thermal conductivity - 0.12-0.17 watts per meter;
  • Density - up to 350 kg per cubic meter.

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Home insulation is one of the most important factors affecting the savings of the family budget. After all, if the house is blown from all sides, heating costs increase many times over. Experienced craftsmen do not advise warming the premises from the inside - this leads not only to a decrease in usable area, but also to the destruction of the walls due to the formation of condensate between the walls and thermal insulation, which means that such work should be done outside the buildings. Types of insulation for walls outside, the price and materials for the manufacture of thermal insulation - this is the topic of our conversation today.

Wall insulation is very important for saving the family budget.

The reason for the external insulation is that the thermal insulation for the walls, made inside the room, does not allow the internal air to warm up the building. As a result, in the cold season, on the cooled wall, from the inside, condensation forms. Thermal insulation does not allow it to evaporate, which entails not only the formation of mold and fungus between the insulation and the wall. This leads to a rather rapid destruction of the wall. In addition, literally after a year or two, a persistent smell of dampness begins to appear in the home, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

Extruded polystyrene - what is it

This material has a higher cost, but at the same time its technical characteristics are much better. The most famous of these heaters for walls outside can be safely called penoplex. It is strong enough, although it has a porous structure. It is also very convenient in plastering. Installation is carried out on special mastics, adhesive bases without the use of acetone, but special plastic anchors can be called the best option for exterior decoration.

For rodents and various pests, such a heater is of no interest. In addition, in its manufacture, substances are used that are not susceptible to the formation of fungus. In fact, there is only one minus - high flammability. The weight of the plates is small, which, coupled with its strength, makes it possible to carry out work on the insulation of the house from the outside with foam plastic to one person without any help.

Polyurethane foam - what are its disadvantages and advantages

Such material has been known for a long time and has found application not only as a thermal insulator. It is used as a filler in armchairs and sofas, car and bus seats. To put it simply, this is foam rubber, which is probably known to every person.

As a heater, it can only be used under panels. Its soft structure does not allow plastering. Although some home craftsmen, using foam rubber as a heat insulator, then close it or, which allows subsequent plastering of the wall.

It's important to know! Its biggest disadvantage is its high temperature instability. In addition, “due to” its chemical composition, this thermal insulator, when ignited, releases very toxic substances that are quite easy to poison, unlike extruded polystyrene foam, which is not subject to combustion.

Many are now talking about the harm that the phenol allegedly emitted by this material causes. However, scholars are divided on this. Some say that it is absolutely neutral, while others, on the contrary, argue that it causes colossal harm to the body. We will not take sides, limiting ourselves to stating facts - this material is now used in almost all furniture, in cars, and even as a filler for pillows. And if its harm had been proven, then a self-respecting manufacturer would hardly have dared to poison people.

Mineral wool, its varieties and the possibility of using it for thermal insulation

This heat insulator can be used inside or outside thermal insulation of walls followed by siding or wall paneling. It is most widely used in the construction of ventilated facades and insulation. Most often, for these purposes, its variety is used - plates of a certain size of basalt insulation, the price of which is relatively low.

Mineral wool has a higher thermal conductivity and vapor permeability than previous options. It is due to this that it is the cheapest insulation. However, when using it, the heat in the house becomes quite enough. A rather unpleasant moment can be called the fact that when working with it, the body begins to itch. Of course, not as strong as it was with its predecessor - glassy, ​​but still sensitive. In addition, it is quite brittle and fragile material. But still, for such a type of insulation as a ventilated facade, such a thermal insulator is practically indispensable.

Liquid wall insulation - how to use it and how it performs its functions

In appearance, such a heat insulator resembles thick paint. There is no doubt about the quality of his performance of his functions. However, its popularity is reduced by its high cost - not everyone can afford it. It is for this reason that professionals advise applying it only in the corners of the house and at the joints of the foundation and walls. It is better to cover the rest of the area with a more affordable heater. It will be very wasteful to choose it to insulate all wall surfaces.

Such material can be divided into 2 groups - this is heat paint and liquid foam. Both of them do an excellent job not only with warming, but also with. Fits well on them, which means their compatibility with any material. High adhesion allows the use of this heat insulator on any surface, be it stone, concrete, brick or wood.

The main manufacturers of thermal insulation materials - a brief overview

There are a lot of manufacturers of thermal insulation in Russia. And each of them is good in its own way, and therefore it makes no sense to make any kind of rating, it makes no sense. So today we will just say a few words about each of them.

  • "Ecover" is a manufacturer of very good quality basalt slabs. In addition to wall products, it produces roofing heat-insulating materials and sandwich panels.

  • "Knauf"- the same mineral wool, however, the peculiarity of the manufacturer is that he produces it not in slabs, but in rolls. The layer thickness can be different.
  • "Isover"- glass wool and its varieties. Such a thermal insulator has a very big drawback - the organization of moisture removal is required
  • "Penofol"- basalt slabs are quite high quality, but the heat-insulating material made of extruded polystyrene foam brought great popularity to this brand.
  • "TechnoNIKOL"- a brand known throughout Russia and having factories in many regions. In addition to roofing material and other roofing materials, it produces XPS boards and basalt insulation.
  • "URSA"– mainly basalt and fiberglass boards of excellent quality
  • "Penoplex"- the name has become a household name. "Penoplex" is now called all the plates of their XPS, regardless of the manufacturer
  • Ecoteplin- unique and absolutely natural tile materials, which include flax fibers, borax and starch.

  • "Astratek"- liquid heaters, which have no analogues in Russia. High-quality thermal insulation is achieved already when applying a layer of only 3 mm.

Related article:

By choosing plates of suitable thickness, you can ensure a sufficient level of thermal insulation of walls, floors, ceilings. Let's talk about this heater in more detail in our review.

The list of manufacturers is endless, we have named only a few of the most famous.

Features of wall insulation outside the house - ventilated facade

Mineral wool is used for the ventilated facade. In simple terms, without the use of building terms, a frame made of a metal profile with cells according to the size of mineral, fiberglass or basalt slabs is assembled on the wall, or the same profiles are attached in a line from the bottom to the top of the building, between which insulation is laid. After it closes with a special hydro and. Facing is made with ceramic-granite tiles (usually 50 × 50 cm), which are fixed to the same guides using special metal clips called "crabs".

Thus, the developer achieves a solution to several problems at once - insulation, vapor barrier and finishing.

Three-layer wall construction - installation features

Thus, the walls of low-rise buildings from or are often insulated. The technology is pretty simple. A building made of rough bricks is insulated from the outside with the help of any polymer thermal insulator, and then lined with facing bricks. But although the quality of such thermal insulation is not bad, this method has its drawbacks. The main of them can be called the low durability of the insulation in comparison with the building and facing material. Despite this, the popularity of such insulation is quite high.

Calculation of insulation for the walls of the house: convenient online calculators

It is not difficult to calculate the required dimensions of the plates along the length and width of the wall. A much bigger problem here is the calculation of the required thickness, which depends on many different parameters, including the region in which the residential building is located. That is why we suggest you use our online calculators, which will perform all the calculations themselves.

Online calculator for calculating the thickness of the insulation of the walls of a wooden house

natural board glued plywood sheets OSB clapboard or MDF panels natural cork chipboard boards or fiberboard sheets

board or natural clapboard plywood OSB sheets clapboard or MDF panels natural cork chipboard or fiberboard sheets drywall

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Online calculator for calculating the thickness of wall insulation with foam foam

Saving heat leads to financial savings. It is unreasonable to waste heat and heat the street, while modern technologies make it possible to take care of saving thermal resources already at the stage of construction and repair.
The main part of the responsibility for maintaining heat falls on those parts of the building that are most in contact with the environment, participating in heat exchange with it.
These are the walls, roof and floor of the building. It is through them that heat leaves the room, and cold gets inside. The use of energy-saving materials allows not only to minimize heat losses, but also to reduce the thickness of the walls, reduce the time of their construction, and reduce the total cost of construction.
Heat-insulating materials and products have an important impact on the quality, cost, and most importantly on the costs of operating buildings and structures.

Their use contributes to the creation of comfortable conditions in the premises, protects parts of the building from temperature fluctuations and prolongs the service life of building structures.
The modern trend of determining the quality of insulation by measuring the level of their thermal resistance has gradually moved to determining what types of radiation they are able to protect against.
In addition, there is a division of heat-insulating materials according to the intended purpose. Their shape and appearance may be different. There are rigid piece insulation (bricks, plates, cylinders, segments), flexible (mats, bundles, cords) and loose (vermiculite, cotton wool, perlite sand).

The structure of insulation can be fibrous (fiberglass, mineral wool materials), cellular (foam glass, cellular concrete), granular (vermiculite, perlite).
The substances included in the composition also determine the type of specific thermal insulation. According to the type of their main raw materials, traditional heat-insulating materials are divided into organic (natural substances are used as raw materials for their manufacture), inorganic (the basis is mineral raw materials) and materials made from artificial plastics.
Thus, each of the heaters existing today can be classified according to several criteria at once.
No comparison of thermal insulation materials is possible without determining which element is more suitable for which coating.

When deciding to insulate the floor, you need to know that such a solution will ensure a constant temperature in the house.
Comparing the characteristics of heat-insulating materials, it is possible to single out for this purpose the coating that will withstand the constant pressure exerted on it.
Good compression performance is important. One of the requirements for the material is the preservation of insulating properties, even if moisture penetrates and the coating is subjected to mechanical stress.
Expanded clay is often used for insulation, if it is possible to fill it up when pouring a concrete floor.
If your house has a basement, then to insulate the floor, you need to fix the insulation from the side of the basement or cellar. For this, polystyrene foam is used.

For walls, the classification of heat-insulating materials is somewhat different, it all depends on the place of application - inside or outside the room.
To isolate the house from the outside, mineral basalt wool is ideal, which is distinguished by its durability and lack of deformation. Also, it does not thicken and does not become thinner during prolonged use.
From the inside, the walls are insulated depending on the allowable insulation layer, sometimes the planning features do not allow it to be large.
The most popular way is foam or mineral wool, but these are also the thickest options. More modern - ceramic-based paint, the layer is required thinner, and it is easier to comply with the tightness conditions. True, the choice of material is also complicated by the fact that each option has its own dew point, and if the place you are trying to cover exceeds the allowable indicator, then your isolation will not work.
To insulate the ceiling, mineral wool is considered to be a non-replaceable leader, since it is easiest to put it in the right quantities in the frame of the truss system or interfloor ceilings, and during operation in such places it is almost not threatened by anything (which could reduce the quality of insulation).
If, however, to sacrifice the ease of installation and the cheapness of mineral wool, then slag or sawdust with clay could become the best means to keep warm, but the volume and troublesome work, and the high price of the material still do not make them popular.
One name "mineral wool" combines several types of thermal insulation at once: stone, glass and slag wool.
Mineral wool is obtained by processing molten rocks or metallurgical slags. Synthetic binders are added to the resulting vitreous fiber. It has good heat and sound insulation characteristics; when wet, these qualities of mineral wool are significantly reduced. This heater is non-flammable.

Characteristics of mineral wool
Thermal conductivity, W / (m * K): 0.039-0.054
Flammability group: NG, G1, G2
Deformation resistance: medium
Water and bioresistance: low
Destruction temperature, °С: 350
Density, kg / cu. m: 75-350
Service life, years: 20-30

stone wool

Stone wool is a fibrous heat-insulating material produced in the form of plates, rolls.
Stone wool is characterized by a low level of thermal conductivity. Its production is a process of melting metallurgical slags, various types of rocks. At the same time, the highest quality product is made from gabbro-basalt rocks.

Stone wool belongs to the class of non-combustible (NG) materials, which makes it possible to use it at various production facilities, as well as in private construction at elevated temperatures - up to 1000 ° C.
Immune to fire is complemented by resistance to moisture. Stone wool, being a hydrophobic material, does not absorb moisture, but, on the contrary, has water-repellent properties.
Thermal insulation, remaining dry, does not lose its operational properties over time. These two properties (incombustibility and hydrophobicity) make it possible to use cotton wool for warming such rooms with high temperature and humidity conditions, such as baths, saunas, and boiler rooms.
Strength in the case of stone wool is not directly related to density. Cotton wool, being a fairly soft material, has a certain level of strength. The level of compressive strength at a deformation of 10% is in the range of 5–80 kPa.
The structural stability of cotton wool is due to the special vertical and chaotic arrangement of the fibers.
Stone wool is an anti-corrosion material. Contacting with metals and concrete, it does not initiate chemical reactions. Biological resistance ensures that the material is immune to fungi and mold, insects and rodents.
Basalt is the main raw material for the production of stone wool. Basalt raw materials are processed with formaldehyde resins, which gives it the required level of strength.
Modern production technologies make it possible to completely eliminate the content of phenols from the material even at the stage of its production.
The product that reaches the final consumer is an environmentally friendly heat-insulating material that can be used to insulate building facades, roofs and floors of industrial and residential premises, as well as premises with extreme temperature and humidity conditions.
Stone wool from rocks is the choice for long-term and high-quality thermal insulation.

glass wool

Fiberglass is a fibrous thermal insulation material made from molten glass.
Insulation based on it is available in two forms: rigid plates and soft rolled mats.

The finished product is characterized by a high level of strength and elasticity. The glass fiber binder is also safe recycled formaldehyde resin.
Not all performance properties of fiberglass thermal insulation are close to those of stone wool. The plasticity of the material facilitates the process of working with it, allowing you to compress the insulation up to 4 times during its installation.
During operation, fiberglass insulation is able to sag and somewhat change its original shape.
Glass fiber is hygroscopic, i.e. is able to accumulate moisture, accumulating it from the air (especially humid and cold).
Taking into account these properties of the material, it is often covered with a special waterproof film or foil, thus compensating for the moisture absorption property.

Glass wool is characterized by chemical and biological resistance.
The maximum temperature for using fiberglass insulation is limited to 650 °C.
Glass wool is an excellent soundproofing material. The space of fiberglass insulation absorbs sound waves well, so it is successfully used not only as a heat insulator, but also as a sound insulator.
Glass wool is used where it will not experience mechanical stress. As a rule, these are the facades of buildings, roof spaces, the space under the floors. Often, its use involves the use of additional external protective layers, such as fiberglass or roofing material.
Systems of ventilated facades are equipped, as a rule, with the use of glass and stone wool.
Glass wool in the form of individual fractions of glass fiber is used to insulate hard-to-reach elements of building structures by blowing.


Styrofoam is a solid slab material used for insulating walls, ceilings, floors and roofs of buildings. It is used both for external warming of buildings, and for internal. It is based on expanded polystyrene granules.
It is made in the form of plates up to 2 m long, up to 1 m wide. Thickness - from 2 to 50 cm. All parameters can vary, therefore the foam insulation is selected individually based on specific needs.
In everyday life, the word "foam" refers to all synthetic cellular plastics with low density, which have in their composition a large number of non-communicating cavities.

Depending on the characteristics of the manufacturing process, one of two main types of foam can be obtained from the feedstock:
poroplast (porous substance, in the structure of which there are interconnected cavities). In turn, foam plastics can be different: polyurethane foam, polyvinyl chloride foam, polystyrene foam and mipora;
the foam itself (a substance resulting from the foaming of the feedstock. The contents of the isolated granules of the material do not come into contact with neighboring cells and the environment).
Expanded polystyrene is a plastic class material characterized by a cellular structure. Differs in high water - and biostability, low specific weight.
A characteristic feature of expanded polystyrene is low fire resistance, so it is usually used at temperatures not exceeding 150 ° C. The burning of expanded polystyrene is accompanied by the release of a large amount of smoke and toxic substances.
To prevent such consequences, flame retardants are added to this type of insulation during production. Such expanded polystyrene is called self-extinguishing and the letter “C” is added to its name at the end.
The soundproofing qualities of expanded polystyrene are low.

Characteristics of expanded polystyrene
Thermal conductivity, W / (m * K): 0.04
Flammability group: G3, G4
Deformation resistance: high
Water and bioresistance: high
Destruction temperature, °C: 160
Density, kg / cu. m: 10-100
Service life, years: 20-50

The production of foam boards is carried out by thermal bonding and pressing of expanded polystyrene granules. Due to their granular structure, foam boards are made up of more than 95% air, making them a unique thermal insulation material.
To ensure the level of thermal conductivity that a 30 mm foam layer has, it is necessary to build a brick wall, which should be almost 15 times thicker. And in the case of a reinforced concrete structure, this level increases up to 35 times!

The operational properties of foam plastic make it a fairly popular material in the thermal insulation market:
Polyfoam has a high level of strength to mechanical stress. This level significantly exceeds the similar characteristic of mineral wool;
Polyfoam is a moisture resistant material. It practically does not absorb water, which makes it possible to use it as a building foundation insulation in direct contact with the ground;
When insulated with foam plastic, the building retains the ability to air exchange. At the same time, the level of wind resistance is not reduced;
The ecological purity of the material is due to the absence of harmful impurities in it. It contains only two chemical compounds: carbon and hydrogen;
Possessing soundproof properties, the foam can be used for the needs of insulation and soundproofing at the same time;
The service life of foam insulation is limited only by the life of the building. Corrosion resistance is due to the moisture resistance of the material. During the operation of the foam, there is no change in its dimensions: shrinkage, displacement.
The main parameter of the foam, which determines the place of application and the specifics of installation, is its density. It depends on it where you can use a particular type of foam insulation. So, foam plastic is used in bulk work, for floor insulation, the space between floors, while a rigid foam sheet is used to insulate the foundation of a building.

Sprayed polyurethane foam

Spray foam is polyurethane foam applied by spraying. This insulation contains polyester polyol, polyisocyanate and various additives.
The technology of its application involves spraying with a supply pump or mixing the components directly on the insulated surfaces.

The adhesive properties of sprayed polyurethane foam allow it to be applied to horizontal and vertical surfaces. At the same time, it is securely fixed on a variety of bases: concrete, gas silicate blocks, plaster, metal, roofing material. Excellent characteristics of adhesion and moisture resistance determine the wide application of this heat insulator.
Sprayed polyurethane foam is successfully used for insulation of external and internal walls, pitched and flat roofs, basement floors, basements and foundations of buildings, insulation of joints between parts of various building structures.
The method of applying the material by uniform spraying ensures the absence of joints and gaps between the coating areas. This increases the thermal insulation properties of the material, because. the continuous coating layer does not have "cold points" that cause freezing of the structure.
Speaking about the shortcomings of this material, first of all, it should be noted the unsuitability of its use in conjunction with wood.
Of course, the adhesion of the insulation allows it to be applied to wooden surfaces. But wood treated with sprayed polyurethane foam soon loses its physical and chemical qualities and rots.
This happens due to the cessation of air exchange between the wood and the atmosphere. Moisture that gets into the wood layer does not find a way out, and the material undergoes destruction.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam is one of the synthetic heat-insulating materials belonging to the group of foam plastics.
It is made from polystyrene foam raw materials by extrusion - molding a molten substance under pressure. In this case, a special agent is added to the feedstock, which provides foaming and obtaining the required structure of the finished product.

The low level of thermal conductivity and water absorption ensures the resistance of the thermal insulation material to the effects of precipitation and temperature changes.
The structure of the material guarantees strength - something that ordinary foam is so lacking. The use of extruded polystyrene foam boards in those places of buildings where they will be subject to mechanical stress becomes available. The strength of the material determines its unpretentiousness to the installation process.
Insulation boards can be laid on a sand cushion. At the same time, they will not be deformed due to mechanical pressure, and they will not absorb moisture from the soil.
The process of mounting extruded polystyrene foam boards is simple and convenient. The material is easily cut into pieces of the required size, while it does not crumble and spray. Fastening of polystyrene foam plates is carried out using adhesives and mounting dowels.

According to the articles of chemical and biological resistance to extruded polystyrene foam, there are no complaints. The material does not break down under the influence of petroleum products, acids and alkalis, and the composition and structure make it unsuitable for the appearance and growth of fungi, as well as for eating by rodents and insects.
Among the shortcomings of this heat-insulating material, its instability to fire should be noted. At the same time, the combustion of polystyrene foam also releases toxic compounds.
This property of the material must be taken into account, providing it with additional protective insulation against fire. This heater is not only afraid of open fire, but also direct sunlight. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, its upper layers can change their structure and collapse.
This factor should also be taken into account when installing thermal insulation from extruded polystyrene foam.


Ecowool (cellulose insulation) is a heat-insulating material made on the basis of paper and cardboard waste paper. At the same time, the properties of cotton wool are largely determined by the substances that make up its composition. Thus, Western manufacturers use, in addition to recycled cellulose, sawdust, cotton waste, hay.
Ecowool or cellulose wadding is typically 81% processed cellulose, 12% antiseptic, and 7% fire retardant. The fibers of the material contain lignin, which, when moistened, gives stickiness.
All components of this material are non-toxic, non-volatile, natural components harmless to humans.
Cellulose insulation does not support combustion, does not rot, has good heat and sound insulation.
Ecowool is able to retain up to 20% humidity, which has almost no effect on the heat-insulating properties. The material easily releases moisture into the environment and does not lose its properties when dried.
The level of purity of ecowool depends on what chemicals were used in the manufacture of the material. Ammonium phosphates and sulfates, widely used as flame retardants in the production of ecowool in the West, are characterized by a high content of harmful substances.
In addition, the exploited insulation, which has these compounds in its composition, loses its performance properties over time. In particular, the ability to resist combustion.
Domestic manufacturers use borax (borax) as a flame retardant, which guarantees the absence of unsafe chemical compounds and the unpleasant smell of ammonia, as well as the constancy of the practical properties of the material.
When choosing ecowool, special attention should be paid to what substances are used in it as flame retardants and antiseptics.

Characteristics of ecowool
Thermal conductivity, W / (m * K): 0.036-0.041
Flammability group: G1, G2
Deformation resistance: low
Water and bioresistance: medium
Destruction temperature, °С: 220
Density, kg / cu. m: 30-96
Service life, years: 30-50

There are 3 ways to use ecowool: dry, wet and wet adhesive.
They are implemented using special equipment for blowing.
With small volumes and low complexity of work, ecowool insulation can be done manually.

It is important to properly carry out work on blowing and compacting ecowool so that voids do not form in the future and the insulation does not sink.
The practical advantages that distinguish this heat-insulating material include:
environmental cleanliness;
high degree of adhesion;
possibility of application in hard-to-reach places;
the formation of a single seamless layer during application;
fire resistance (when used as a flame retardant borax);
moisture resistance (capable of absorbing a large amount of moisture, gradually giving it to the surrounding space).
Thus, an optimal microclimate is maintained in the room with a humidity level of 40–45%;
long service life.
Among the shortcomings of ecowool, one should mention the complexity of manual application to the treated surfaces and the impossibility of organizing a “floating floor” due to the softness of the material.


Carbamide foam (penoizol) is a modern heat and sound insulating material.
In accordance with GOST 16381-77, penoizol, by type of feedstock, refers to organic cellular urea foams; in terms of density - to the group of materials of extra low density (ONP) (density 8-28 kg / m3), and in terms of thermal conductivity - to the class of materials with low thermal conductivity (thermal conductivity coefficient from 0.035-0.047 W / mChK).

Installations for the production of penoizol (carbamide foam) by foaming polymer resins appeared in the world about 50 years ago. In Russia, employees of the VNII PAV were engaged in the creation of a similar technology for the production of penoizol.
Penoizol is distinguished by high resistance to fire, resistance to the action of microorganisms, ease of machining, and low price. The air content in foam insulation reaches 90%.
Climatic tests of penoizol showed that the time of reliable operation of penoizol as a non-bearing middle layer of three-layer building structures is not limited. Fire resistance tests of penoizol showed that penoizol belongs to the group of slow-burning materials.

The production technology of penoizol is very simple. It consists in foaming a polymer resin with compressed air in a GZhU (gas-liquid installation) using a foaming solution and then curing the resulting souffl-like mass with a curing catalyst that is part of this solution.
The solution of the foaming agent with the curing catalyst and the resin are fed into the corresponding pumps in the foam generator, foam is formed under pressure in the foam generator, which is fed into the mixer. A dosed amount of resin is also supplied there. After passing the mixer, the mass of penoizol enters the supply sleeve and the final formation of penoizol takes place in it.
Penoizol can be poured into molds (with subsequent cutting into sheets) or directly on the construction site to pour into technical cavities (walls, floors, etc.)

The main characteristics of penoizol:
Bulk density 8 … 25
Thermal conductivity coefficient 0.031 ... 0.041
Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation, MPa 0.003 ... 0.025
Water absorption for 24 hours by volume,% no more than 18 ... 14
Sorption moistening by weight, % no more than 18
Operating temperature range, 0C - 60 ... + 90


Isocom - Foil material (on one or both sides).
One of the promising areas of energy saving is the use of reflective isocom insulation.
This material is a polyethylene foam sheet laminated on one or both sides with polished aluminum foil.
Isocom is a unique multi-layer heat-vapor-sound insulating material.
The combination of an extruded polyethylene foam backing in the form of a system of closed cells with trapped air and reflective highly polished pure aluminum foil gives the material exceptional properties of heat flow reflection and maximum thermal resistance with minimum insulation thickness.
When properly installed, isocom is exceptionally effective as thermal insulation around the entire perimeter of a building.
Environmentally friendly material, without freon, does not destroy the ozone layer.
Does not contain glass or basalt fiber, other materials harmful to the human body.
Durability more than 50 years without changing properties. Does not rot or deform throughout the entire service life.
Simple and easy to install, saves working time. It does not require special devices and mechanisms for installation.
Reliable protection against moisture and steam.
Effectively prevents the propagation of sound in all types of buildings Possesses great elasticity and physical strength in tension and compression.

Thermal conductivity according to GOST 7076-99: Thermal resistance (per 1 mm thickness): >0.031 m2 OS/W
Application temperature: from -60 C to +80C
Flammability group: G2 according to GOST 30244-94
Smoke generating capacity: D2 according to GOST 12.1.044-89
Flammability group: B1 according to GOST 30402-96
Water absorption in 24 hours by volume: 2%
Vapor permeability: 0 mg/m h Pa

Isocom application:
As a heat shield behind radiators: Reduces heat loss on the outer wall, increases the efficiency of heating devices by 30% or more! Promotes uniform distribution of thermal energy indoors.

Thermal insulation of walls along the perimeter of the building: Inside the building, it is laid with isocom, covering the massive thermal insulation, with a reflective surface inside the room and closed with wall panels while maintaining an air gap of at least 15 mm. Massive insulation receives protection from the damaging effects of water vapor and greater heat resistance, plus the reflectivity of the isocom.
Thermal insulation of floors: When thermal insulation of floors using isocom, heat flows, reflected from the foil layer, do not enter the supporting structures under the floor, which helps to avoid the formation of condensate.
For thermal insulation of the under-roof space, a double-sided isocom is attached behind massive insulation on counter-rails with a slight sag to ensure an air gap of at least 15-20 mm.
On the one hand, the double-sided reflective surface prevents the massive insulation under the roof from overheating, reflecting solar energy, on the other hand, it reflects the thermal energy inside the room, eliminating heat loss and making the climate in the house uniform.

An important element of construction is the insulation of the house. In Russia, after all, most of the year is winter. You have probably heard such an expression - don't drown, but it's still cold!

Houses are insulated with the help of building materials such as insulation. Do you know what types of heaters exist and which one is better to choose. Today you will learn about some of the most popular heaters today.

After all, it is easy to make a mistake when choosing a heater, but replacing it will be quite expensive and difficult. If during the cold season the heat in your house does not last long, and gas or firewood bills are growing, you should think about warming your house.

The first thing that comes to mind is to insulate windows, walls, floors, doors and roofs. As for the walls, it is quite simple here, a large loss of heat can be corrected by insulating the outside and inside.

So, let's move on to the types of heaters. The simplest and cheapest insulation is straw. It is used in the form of straw blocks or in the construction of an adobe (clay + straw) house.

Of course, adobe is now rarely built. And so we move on to more modern heaters. From modern, three main and popular types can be distinguished - glass wool, stone wool and polystyrene foam.

glass wool

In Soviet times, it was the most common, and probably the only species. Glass wool has a very huge minus that prevents the use of glass wool as the main one.

It absorbs moisture too well, which leads to its shrinkage. If there is not a big gap, at least 1 centimeter, heat will quickly leave the room and heating costs will increase.

It is rational to use glass wool for sound insulation in partitions. And as an auxiliary layer, insulating the attic or floor.

Basalt wool

The second type is stone wool slabs based on basalt. Basalt slab is made from several types of mineral stones. It does not burn and has good thermal insulation properties.

For insulation, it is better to choose basalt slabs with a thickness of 50 millimeters, 100 millimeters are laid faster, but in this case it is more difficult to block all joints (and these are cold bridges) and it is not much more difficult to cut a thick slab.

Basalt heaters have several degrees of rigidity. In terms of thermal insulation properties, they are the same, but more rigid ones can be used as facade slabs for plastering.

Rigid slabs are more expensive, so inside the frame it is better to use a slab with low rigidity. Basalt insulation can be easily cut with an ordinary sharp knife.

Heaters from basalt and glass wool are issued both in the form of rolls, and plates. and roofs are much easier to produce with slabs. And rolls are easier to roll out at and attics.


The next type is polystyrene foam or simple foam. The thermal insulation properties of the foam are much higher than, for example, basalt wool, respectively, the layer thickness may be less.

Expanded polystyrene has 3 significant disadvantages:

  1. This is a combustible material. During combustion, melting, harmful substances are released.
  2. For some reason, mice are not indifferent to polystyrene (they really like to gnaw it).
  3. If there is one small hole, heat will escape from the room.

It breaks and crumbles easily, so installation should be done as carefully as possible, and it is a little difficult to use it to insulate the floor. Extruded polystyrene foam suffers the least from such shortcomings.

Of course, such a heater costs a little more than ordinary polystyrene foam and is much more expensive than basalt wool. But extruded is denser than usual, so it is easier to mount it, you can not be afraid to break or crumble.

It is probably the best material for floor insulation, especially under a screed for underfloor heating. The list of types of heaters is constantly updated, but it takes time to test new heaters.


Not very long ago, such a variety as ecowool appeared.

Ecowool is split paper (cellulose) with the addition of fire-fighting and antiseptic substances. Ecowool is poured in bulk or sprayed onto vertical surfaces with a hose. It absorbs moisture too well, if the vapor barrier is broken, this insulation will be wet like after rain.

For insulation from the inside, there are several types:

  • wallpaper or plates of cork insulation;
  • wallpaper made of expanded polystyrene with heat-insulating properties;
  • heat-insulating polystyrene foam plaster;
  • polyethylene foam (polyfoam) - a special wallpaper insulation.

Polyethylene foam is located under the wallpaper and has a paper coating with a special substrate or a foil coating.

That is, if your floor is wooden, it is advisable to insulate with mineral wool, and if the floor is a concrete screed, then foam is used. The foam is vapor tight.

"... does not last long, but bills ..."

“... all joints (and these are cold bridges) and not much more difficult ...”

"... mice are not indifferent to foam..."

Please check the spelling - it is impossible to read ....

Hello, Alexander.
I'm sorry, but what's wrong with the spelling? Of course, I did not graduate from institutes, but it seems to me that everything is written correctly. Perhaps you mean punctuation? Here I agree with you, I have a problem with commas. For this I apologize.

Very helpful video, thanks! At one time I was looking for an environmentally friendly heater and I was also not satisfied that heaters made from natural fibers are treated with all sorts of rubbish, organic heaters are also with poison, but I still found an arctic heater for myself - they didn’t treat it with any rubbish, which means it’s definitely environmentally friendly clean. I insulated the walls and the roof with them, everything is fine.

All right! It's warm then it's warm when you know that you don't breathe phenol fumes and other chemicals. Therefore, the choice fell on an eco-shelter and I am very satisfied, because it is warm and without chemicals

The unheated hangar for storing vegetables was insulated with mats made using FORA technology. Aesthetic appearance and practicality in everything

And for the walls of reinforced concrete grade m300 vetted, can you use a heater whose vapor permeability for reinforced concrete 0.03 is very low? Insulation PIR-plate, produced on the basis of polyisocyanurate foam, is a heat-insulating material with a very low thermal conductivity coefficient λ25=0.023 W/m °C. PIR-boards PIRRO have a very low vapor permeability coefficient µ=0.0015 mg/m h Pa.

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