The child has diarrhea with water for 4 days. What to do and how to treat watery diarrhea in a child? Additional measures in the treatment of diarrhea in infants

30.08.2022 Accessories

The child has diarrhea, what to do, most often young and inexperienced parents panic like this. Diarrhea or diarrhea is the emptying of the intestines (single or multiple) with liquid stools. Diarrhea occurs when the body needs to get rid of harmful or dangerous substances, such as disease-causing microbes.

If loose stools happened once, then you should not panic, just make sure that the child ate before that. But if this happens several times a day, while the baby has abdominal pain and vomiting, then you should consult a doctor, as this condition may indicate an intestinal infection.

Causes of diarrhea in a child

The most common cause of diarrhea is the dirty hands of the baby. Careless parents, not looking after the crumbs, subsequently face such a phenomenon as diarrhea. A small child puts everything in his mouth, forgets to wash his hands before eating. And if you forget to wash the fruit before eating or give your child raw water, then later diarrhea is guaranteed.

Diarrhea can be bacterial or viral. Diarrhea due to infection can occur with the following diseases:

  1. Dysentery.
  2. Hepatitis A of a viral nature.
  3. Toxic infections.
  4. Salmonellosis.
  5. Typhoid fever.
  6. Rotavirus infections.
  7. Cholera.


Other common causes of loose stools in children include the following:

  1. Worm infestations.
  2. Acute and chronic bowel diseases - colitis, enterocolitis, ulcerative colitis.
  3. Taking antibacterial drugs.
  4. Problems with digestion of food, lack of enzymes, bile, malabsorption in the small intestine.
  5. Diarrhea associated with nervous experiences, fears or anxiety.
  6. Individual intolerance to certain foods, such as milk, meat, fish, eggs, exotic fruits, etc.
  7. When poisoned by drugs, dyes or pesticides.
  8. Newborns may develop diarrhea during teething.

Symptomatic manifestations

The frequency of bowel movements can vary from 1 to 10 trips to the toilet per day. Depending on the cause of diarrhea, the feces may contain blood, mucus. The consistency of feces can be mushy, liquid, like water. Their color also depends on the type of disease.

Blood in the stool may indicate dysentery. With infections, feces are green. With diarrhea, the child most often complains of abdominal pain, colic, spasms, and bloating.

Diet for indigestion

What to do if the child has diarrhea, how to feed him at this time? If an upset stomach occurs, then it is worth changing the diet so as not to strain the gastrointestinal tract once again and avoid further development of the disease. So, with diarrhea, you must adhere to the following rules in nutrition:

  1. If the baby is too small and is breastfeeding, then do not stop feeding the baby with diarrhea. Since during this period, breast milk is the only source of fluid and nutrients entering the body. In addition, babies can already drink Regidron in small quantities.
  2. If, with frequent and liquid stools, the child is cheerful and mobile, then you should not cancel the meal. Food should be well cooked, but not fried. The following products are excluded: fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, juices, fatty foods.

What to do with regular diarrhea in a baby

Every parent should understand that this is a dangerous condition, so you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise, dehydration may occur. After all, with a chair, a child loses a lot of fluid, salts and trace elements. Start soldering the baby, various herbal decoctions, brewed rose hips, compotes or just water are suitable for this. It is necessary to drink often in small portions, this is important if the child has severe diarrhea and vomiting.

In the acute period, do not feed children at all, but if the appetite is not lost, the food should be extremely light.

To replenish the salt balance in the body, solder the child with Regidron. Do not choose other medicines for diarrhea on your own, it will be better if the doctor does it. Without a doctor's prescription, you can give sorbents - Activated carbon, Enterosgel or Smecta. The intestines will begin to recover faster. If you are an adherent of traditional medicine, then first consult with your doctor and use only proven methods with your child.

Diarrhea treatment

To stop diarrhea, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused this condition. Only a doctor will prescribe the correct treatment after examining a small patient or appropriate diagnostic measures.

Medication treatment:

  1. In addition to Regidron, you can use Glucosan, Oralit, Gastrolit, Enterodez or Citroglucosolan.
  2. To replenish the fluid, you can give the child a glucose solution.
  3. If the body temperature is elevated, then drugs containing paracetamol are prescribed. It is better to give small children in the form of a suspension, babies in the form of candles.
  4. Sorbents for removing toxins.
  5. As prescribed by the doctor, diarrhea pills are taken, such as Calcium Carbonate, Diarol, Bismuth, Tanalbin, Imodium.
  6. With a serious illness that caused diarrhea, the child is hospitalized.
  7. If the cause is intestinal dysbacteriosis, then there are medicines to normalize the intestinal flora, such as Enterol, Bifilin, Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin and other bacteriophages and probiotics.
  8. With intestinal infections, you can not do without antibacterial drugs, these can be Kanamycin, Rifampicin, Tienam, Meronem, Anamycin sulfate, Ciprofloxacin and others. Self-treatment with antibiotics can lead to negative consequences; even Levomycetin is prohibited without a doctor's prescription.
  9. Replenishment of enzyme deficiency with the help of drugs Festal, Pankurmen, Pancreatin, Abomin-pepsin, Panzinorm forte, Digestal, Mezim forte, Creon.
  10. Antihistamines.
  11. For pain, antispasmodics are prescribed - Spazmomen, Papaverine, Drotaverine.


Healing herbs

With diarrhea, you can drink fixing herbal decoctions only if you are sure that the child is not allergic to their components.

  1. Prepare in advance a collection of the following herbs in equal quantities - fennel, oak bark, sage leaves. 1 st. pour a spoonful of the composition with a glass of cold water. The product should be infused for 10 minutes. Then it is put on a small fire and boiled for 15 minutes. A strained remedy is taken in half a glass for a child, 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Mix 4 parts of chamomile flowers, snake knotweed and 5 parts of plantain and blueberries. 1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, put everything in a water bath. The broth comes within 30 minutes. The product is cooled for 10 minutes, then filtered. Adults take 2 times a day for ¼ cup, for a child, the dose is halved.
  3. To gently fight diarrhea, you can make a watery carrot puree.

It is easier to prevent diarrhea than to deal with such a condition. To do this, from an early age, teach the crumbs to the rules of hygiene. Meat products carefully process thermally. Watch your child's diet. Give up fast food. Enrich your child's diet with plant foods. All these rules cannot completely eliminate the occurrence of diarrhea, but will greatly reduce its frequency.

Any indigestion in a child is a cause for concern for his parents. Many adults, starting to panic, stuff babies with medicines without even trying to find out the cause of the ailment. But diarrhea is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of serious internal pathologies. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish the real causes that caused water diarrhea in a child. We will talk about this further.

Diarrhea, like water, can be caused by:

  1. Stress, nervous strain. Watery stools that occur in response to provoking factors of a neurological nature are a fairly common situation. Especially when it comes to children of the younger age group (or). In this situation, specific treatment is not required, it is enough just to eliminate the irritating factor.
  2. Respiratory infections. Even during a common cold, parents often note that the stool has become thinner than usual. Such loose stools in a child also do not need additional therapy, and treatment, first of all, should be aimed at eliminating its main cause.
  3. Intestinal infections. When an intestinal infection enters the body in a child, diarrhea is accompanied by a feeling of nausea, episodes of vomiting, and fever is also possible. It is possible to treat infectious pathologies only after consulting a doctor; self-administration of any drugs can be dangerous to health. The task of parents is to replenish fluids in the body to prevent dehydration.
  4. Nutritional errors. A child can also carry water when eating a large number of foods that irritate the intestines. With such diarrhea, treatment involves a strict diet that excludes fresh vegetables and fruits, berries and juices.
  5. Dysbacteriosis. Imbalance of microflora is a common occurrence, especially after taking antibacterial drugs. Probiotics and prebiotics are used to restore the number of beneficial bacteria.
  6. Poor quality or expired food is also accompanied by watery diarrhea with nausea and vomiting. But, unlike intestinal infections, usually the disease proceeds without fever.

Diarrhea with water in a child is quite common due to disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Diarrhea is the body's reaction to an irritant that has entered it. The chair at the same time acquires a liquid consistency, often watery.

So what are the causes of watery diarrhea and how to treat it?

Causes of watery diarrhea in children

The causes of diarrhea in children can be completely different: from food poisoning to intestinal infections.

The most dangerous thing in this state is the risk of dehydration, for children this is fraught with serious consequences.

Before highlighting the main causes of an unpleasant symptom, it should be noted that the appearance of watery diarrhea is most often caused by damage to the small intestine.

Such diarrhea often occurs in the summer. And the appearance of diarrhea with water in the cold season may indicate an infectious infection.

At the same time, regardless of the cause of diarrhea in children, the body loses priceless fluid. It is necessary to control the drinking regimen of the baby, no matter what treatment is prescribed.

The disease can be not only infectious in nature, but also be caused by problems with the digestive system.

There are a number of possible causes of diarrhea with water:

  • infection with an intestinal infection;
  • uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  • Malabsorption syndrome;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • enzymatic deficiency;
  • nervous excitement;
  • individual intolerance to certain products;
  • acetonemic syndrome;
  • teething in infants.

In the vast majority of cases, intestinal infections are the cause of watery stools.

The disease is accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever up to 39 degrees, nausea and vomiting, lack of appetite and others.

Diarrhea is a protective reaction of the body to an intestinal infection that has penetrated inside (rotavirus, enterovirus).

Thus, there is a deliverance not only from pathogens, but also from the products of their vital activity, that is, toxins.

In the case of taking antibiotics, diarrhea with water occurs due to the death of beneficial intestinal microorganisms. This disrupts the absorption of water and nutrients.

Malabsorption syndrome is a chronic disease of the digestive system, characterized by a problem with the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine.

In addition to diarrhea, other symptoms are also inherent: pain in the abdomen, weight loss, electrolyte imbalance, anemia, hypovitaminosis.

If a child has diarrhea without an increase in body temperature, then most likely this is due to food poisoning, overeating, indigestion, stress.

There are cases when watery diarrhea may indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or the endocrine system.

If there are suspicions of the presence of such, then the baby must be urgently taken to a specialist.

Water diarrhea can be caused by food intolerances or allergic reactions.

For example, when introducing new foods into the diet, such a problem may appear.

Severe diarrhea with water in children can be a symptom of the disease, so parents should immediately contact a specialist in cases where:

  • watery diarrhea occurs more than 4 times a day;
  • the baby's stool contains blood impurities;
  • body temperature rises more than 39 degrees;
  • marked weight loss began.

These symptoms indicate a possible inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract. The child needs an urgent examination by a doctor to prescribe treatment.

Diarrhea with water - treatment

How to treat watery diarrhea in children? For the treatment of diarrhea in a child, you can use both traditional drug therapy and treatment with proven folk methods.

The main thing is to soberly assess the condition of the child and not take things to extremes. If the child's condition worsens, it is better to call an ambulance or a doctor at home.

Accordingly, for this it is necessary to offer the child to drink water, tea, compote, herbal decoctions, specialized pharmaceutical powders to restore the water-salt balance in the body.

You can prepare such a solution at home. To do this, in one liter of boiled water you need to dissolve one teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of soda and 2-3 teaspoons of sugar.

It is important to know that clear or white watery diarrhea is the first sign of cholera. If the child's stool looks like odorless rice water, then urgently collect the child in a medical facility.

At home, it is almost impossible to normalize the water-alkaline balance in the child's body. In this case, intravenous administration of drugs is required.

It is necessary to start treatment of watery diarrhea as early as possible, since fluid loss can be extremely dangerous for a baby.

You can alleviate the condition of the child with the help of enterosorbents. For example, Smecta is a remedy for diarrhea of ​​​​natural origin, it contains clay, which is rich in trace elements (silicon, calcium, magnesium).

The drug absorbs toxic substances and excess fluid, due to which the watery stool gradually stops.

Smecta is often prescribed for the treatment of rotavirus infection in children, but for the treatment of diarrhea caused by other causes, the drug may be useful.

In addition to Smecta, you can give your child Enterosgel, activated charcoal, Atoxil.

Probiotics will help restore the microflora of the children's intestines. When taking antibiotics, children must also take probiotics - Linex, Enterol, which colonize beneficial microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract.

At the same time, it does not violate the intestinal microflora, but only eliminates diarrhea. Linex is approved for use in children, has a wide spectrum of action, does not disturb the intestinal microflora, and gently eliminates diarrhea.

At elevated body temperature, the baby can be given a medicine based on paracetamol (candles, suspension, tablets). With pain in the abdomen, you can give 1/3 No-shpa tablet.

It is possible to treat a sick child with the help of some traditional medicine recipes.

Compote of dried blueberries or pears will help to cope with diarrhea and saturate the child's body with useful trace elements.

One of the safest, and at the same time effective traditional medicine for diarrhea is rice water.

The tool has an enveloping and astringent property, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Due to the high content of starch, rice water absorbs excess fluid, thereby thickening the contents of the intestine.

To prepare the drug, you need to add a teaspoon of rice cereal to 250 ml of water, cook for 40 minutes over low heat. Children need to take 50 ml three times a day.

Feeding a child with diarrhea with water and prevention

In order for the baby to recover sooner, it is necessary to take care of his nutrition.

During an acute attack of diarrhea, it is necessary to limit food intake (so as not to burden the gastrointestinal tract) and increase the amount of fluid removed.

What you can give your baby to eat is presented below:

  • if we are talking about a baby, then you should not stop feeding him with breast milk, on the contrary, it is recommended to apply it to the chest as often as possible;
  • children on artificial nutrition, in addition to the mixture, are recommended to give several teaspoons of Regidron;
  • the use of mucous cereals is recommended - oatmeal, rice;
  • you can give the baby low-fat meat broths;
  • include baked apples, fresh bananas, persimmons in the diet;
  • it is allowed to eat eggs, but not more than two per day;
  • you can give your child biscuit cookies or crackers.

For now, the menu should look like this, but as soon as the baby gets better, you can gradually expand the diet. You should switch to a normal diet no earlier than two weeks later.

However, there are products that should be used as a last resort:

  • salted and pickled foods;
  • chips, crackers;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • sparkling water;
  • dairy products;
  • legumes, cabbage;
  • mushrooms;
  • bakery products;
  • sweets.

If with diarrhea the child behaves naturally, is cheerful and active, then you can not cancel the meal, but the menu should be sparing.

For children who are prone to frequent diarrhea, vomiting and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, a short-term diet - BRAS can be prescribed.

The name consists of foods that can be consumed while dieting: bananas, rice porridge, applesauce, crackers.

This is a sparing diet that includes nutritious yet easily digestible foods.

Treatment of watery diarrhea in children consists of following a drinking regimen, a rational diet and taking the necessary medications.

It is quite possible to cure the disease at home, however, if the child's condition worsens, he must be urgently taken to a medical facility for adequate treatment.

To avoid the occurrence of watery diarrhea, it is recommended to follow simple rules of hygiene and food handling.

A child must be taught from childhood to wash their hands after visiting the toilet and the street, wash vegetables and fruits in hot water, preferably with soap, and store food properly.

Compliance with simple rules will help prevent the occurrence of such an unpleasant ailment as diarrhea.

Parents do not always pay attention to loose stools in the absence of temperature. A case of malaise should not be missed. Diarrhea and watery feces indicate a violation in the digestive organs. As a result, the consistency of feces and the frequency of bowel movements change.

Diarrhea is not an independent disease, but only a consequence of a violation in the body. We are talking about dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, about lesions of other internal organs and systems.

Asymptomatic diarrhea should not be ignored, it is required to find out what triggered the bowel disorder:

  • A child under the age of 1 year suffers from diarrhea with water due to an improperly selected diet. Perhaps the use of products that are not absorbed by the body. Unsuitable foods need to be identified and eliminated from the menu.
  • The baby may suffer from diarrhea if the mother is not eating properly. The use of certain products through breast milk contributes to the formation of loose stools, increased formation of gases in the abdomen.
  • Children under 6 years of age suffer from frequent liquid bowel movements without fever due to stress. The symptom manifests itself before going to kindergarten, after a walk on the street, if an unpleasant and conflict situation has occurred.
  • If hygiene rules are not followed, diarrhea occurs, regardless of the age of the child. Parents need to make sure that the baby wash their hands on time: after the street, after the toilet, before eating.
  • Eating unripe fruits. Children 5 years of age and older are especially affected. Unripe berries lead to intestinal upset, bloating, diarrhea with water.
  • Poor-quality food also harms the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, but at the same time does not increase body temperature.
  • The use of antibacterial agents and other medications.

More serious disorders in the digestive system are also provoking factors.

Intestinal infections

Once in the body, pathogenic microorganisms destroy the beneficial intestinal microflora and create a dangerous imbalance. During the period of life, pathogenic bacteria secrete poisonous toxins that disrupt the normal process of digestion of food. The child has diarrhea with water. Additional symptoms are noted:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Temperature rise.
  • Pain syndrome in the abdomen.

An adult is also prone to diarrhea due to stressful situations. Such a symptom does not pose a threat to health. It is enough to find out the cause of the phenomenon and reassure the child. However, this applies to situations where an unpleasant event is gone and does not repeat. With more serious violations in the psyche of the baby, it is necessary to contact a neurologist.

How to help a baby

What to do first when diarrhea with watery stools appears:

  • Don't feed. The exception is infants.
  • Provide plenty of fluids. It is advisable to use non-carbonated alkaline mineral water as a liquid. From traditional medicine: fennel tea, chamomile infusion. From medications: Regidron, which promotes fluid retention in the intestines.
  • If there are no contraindications, it is allowed to give drugs aimed at reducing the motor activity of the intestinal tract. Imodium, Loperamide, etc.
  • Deterioration of the child's condition, the appearance of other symptoms: nausea, vomiting, fever - call a doctor or an ambulance.
  • Children in the period of abundant bowel movements with liquid feces are given drugs belonging to the group of sorbents. The action of drugs is aimed at binding toxins and other toxic substances in the gastrointestinal tract, excretion naturally through the rectum. Smecta, Enterosgel, activated carbon, etc.
  • After each emptying, it is supposed to wash the child and lubricate the anus with baby cream to prevent irritation.


Treatment of diarrhea with watery stools is agreed with the doctor. It is impossible to take medicines and prescriptions of traditional medicine on your own. This will lead to the opposite effect and instead of relief, the child's condition will worsen.


You will need to help the child's body cope with the root cause of diarrhea:

As traditional medicine recipes for quickly getting rid of diarrhea, they offer:

  • A decoction of fennel, oak and sage. Mix in equal proportions. In 1 liter of boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of the mixture. Boil on low heat for 30 minutes. Cool and strain through cheesecloth. 3 times a day, 100 ml of decoction.
  • Rinse a spoonful of rice under running water. Boil water and add rice to it. Boil 40 min. The resulting solution is passed through a sieve with fine perforation. Helps to stop diarrhea that has arisen for any reason, thanks to the content of a substance to strengthen the stool.
  • Blueberry jelly is very tasty. The children enjoy eating the food. A spoonful of starch dissolves in 100 ml of water and is added gradually to boiling water. Previously, berries were added there. So that there are no lumps left in the jelly, it will need to be stirred all the time. 15 minutes after adding the starch, the jelly is ready.


If a child has frequent urge to defecate, if emptying occurs with liquid feces, you need to follow a diet and follow the rules of hygiene.

  • The baby should not stop breastfeeding. You need to apply more often to the chest.
  • Add 2-3 teaspoons of Regidron to artificial feeding.
  • For older children, include more mucous cereals in the diet: oatmeal, rice.
  • Offer low-fat broths on meat, so as not to load the stomach and intestines.
  • The menu includes baked apples, bananas, persimmons.
  • It is possible to include a diet of eggs: 1 pc. per day.
  • As a sweet, offer the child biscuit cookies or rich crackers.

Children's diarrhea is a fairly common phenomenon, but sometimes it causes serious fears in parents for the life of the crumbs. Very often, diarrhea occurs without fever, but such a condition cannot be categorically ignored, because it can lead to severe dehydration, which, if left untreated, is fraught with death for young children.

Causes of diarrhea in a child without fever

Even if diarrhea is no longer accompanied by any pathological symptoms, it is imperative to find out its root cause.

There can be a lot of etiological factors, so only a doctor, after examination and appropriate tests, will be able to establish the true causes of diarrhea and take effective measures to eliminate it.


The clinical picture depends on its etiology. With intestinal infections or mild diarrhea, the baby is disturbed up to 5 r / d, the feces do not contain any impurities and do not change color, although they may contain elements of undigested food.

There are pains in the tummy, there is a white coating on the tongue, skin rashes can be observed. Such diarrhea can be cured at home.

With an allergy to medicines, diarrhea appears a couple of hours after taking the drug and is accompanied by skin rashes. To eliminate it, it is necessary to cancel the medication taken.

With helminthic invasions, diarrhea disturbs the baby periodically, often gives way to constipation, the child loses weight, is naughty, he is lethargic and pale. Complains of pain in the abdomen, sleeps poorly, restlessly, there is an increased secretion of saliva and. Treatment is carried out at home by taking anthelmintic drugs.

If diarrhea has become the cause, then the diarrhea is profuse, contains undigested food residues, there are signs of steatorrhea (fatty feces). The child refuses to eat, complains of pain in the umbilical region. The therapy can be done at home.

Dysbacteriosis is characterized by frothy diarrhea with an unpleasant, fetid odor. At the same time, the child rumbles in the tummy, loses appetite and suffers from colic, a white coating appears on the tongue, skin reactions such as itching, dryness of the skin or rashes are disturbing. Treatment at home.

Diarrhea can also occur with other symptomatic manifestations, therefore, if it lasts more than a day, it is recommended to immediately go to the doctor.

With blood

Doctors call diarrhea with bloody impurities invasive. Usually it is accompanied by a pronounced intoxication of the baby. In this case, diarrhea lasts at least 5 days and sometimes proceeds without hyperthermic reactions. In this situation, it is extremely important to start therapy as soon as possible.

With water

If watery diarrhea has begun on GV, then its cause is most likely related to the wrong maternal diet. It's just that some products penetrate the children's body with milk and provoke the development of diarrhea, which, as a rule, is accompanied by increased gas formation.

First aid

Diarrhea is especially dangerous for babies, so it is imperative to give babies as much liquid as possible, often, but little by little. This recommendation applies to children of all ages.

  • Boiled water, rosehip or chamomile decoction can be used to replenish the fluid. You can also use pharmaceuticals like Glucosan or.
  • In the first hours, it is necessary to refuse to feed the child so as not to overload the already upset bowel function. In extreme cases, you can feed liquid porridge on the water or mashed potatoes.
  • If relief is not observed, then you can dilute the baby with a bag of Smecta.


If diarrhea bothers you for more than two days, and there is no improvement in the baby’s well-being, then you should immediately contact a specialist who needs to describe the whole picture of the disease, when the first symptoms appeared and what the child complained about.

A specialist to identify the etiology of diarrhea prescribes, and other studies. After analyzing the results, the doctor will determine the true cause of the pathology and prescribe the appropriate therapy.

What is the treatment for children?

Therapy for childhood diarrhea is complex and includes drugs from the following groups:

  • Sorbent agents have practically no contraindications, because they have a local effect. One of the effective drugs is Smecta, which is allowed even for very small babies, but only according to the instructions. You can also give activated charcoal, Enterodez, Polyphepan, Enterosgel or Laktofiltrum, etc.
  • It is also necessary to cleanse the child's stomach of pathogenic microorganisms that caused diarrhea. To do this, it is recommended to use boiled water or a weak manganese solution. Then you need to give the child Polysorb. It has an extensive effect, while helping against poisoning and allergic diarrhea, viral hepatitis, etc.
  • Enzyme preparations in the treatment of childhood diarrhea are also needed. They help to restore intestinal activity. Such means include, Pancreatin, etc.
  • To restore the water-salt balance and prevent dehydration, special saline solutions are needed, such as Regidron, Glucosan, etc.
  • You also need to restore the microflora of the digestive system, for which the reception of products containing bifidobacteria is shown, for example, Bifiform, Linex, etc.
  • If the child has complaints of severe pain in the tummy, then an antispasmodic will help No-shpa, which can be given to children from the first year.
  • If the cause of diarrhea is a bacterial infection, then it is necessary to include antibiotics in the complex of therapy. These drugs include Levomycetin, Ciprofloxacin, etc.

The above drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, it is extremely dangerous to give a child, especially a baby, any medications on their own.

If the sick child is still a baby and is on breastfeeding, then you can’t stop feeding, continue to apply the baby to the chest in the same mode.


In order to never face the problem of diarrhea in a child, it is necessary to keep the baby’s diet under strict control.

Choose products carefully, and store and prepare them, observing the technology. Teach your child that after the street, he should first wash his hands with soap and water.

Do not give your baby unfiltered tap water, and wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before drinking.

Do not impose too large portions of food, and then force the child to finish eating everything. Very often, diarrhea develops precisely because of overeating and malnutrition, so these factors must also be excluded for prevention.