Basic home safety rules: description, features and recommendations. Possible dangerous and emergency situations in the home. Flooding of the apartment Dangerous situations in the house or apartment

20.06.2020 Heaters

Name: Occupation in the system of preschool education.

The purpose of methodological development: Teach preschoolers safety rules when staying at home (rules for handling sharp objects, electrical appliances, medicines, fire safety rules).

Tasks of methodological development:

  • To form in children ideas about objects dangerous to life and health that are found in everyday life.
  • Clarify children's knowledge about electric current.
  • To work out the protective behavior of the child in case of violent actions through training.
  • Explain the reasons for categorical prohibitions, clarify the concepts of "possible", "impossible", "dangerous".
  • Build an understanding of cause and effect relationships.
  • Build children's communication skills.
  • Expand the vocabulary, develop the conversational speech of children.
  • Cultivate respect for your health.
  • To monitor the formation of knowledge within the subject.

Target audience: pupils of the preschool educational institution, children aged 3-5 years.

The concept of activity: the introduction of modern technologies (ICT), the use of a differentiated approach in the work, the use of interactive methods.


  • Presentation of the open lesson "Dangerous situations at home".
  • Video of the lesson.
  • The final report on the level of mastering the knowledge of one of the pupils with a recommendation for the further work of the teacher, parent.
  • Photos of children's works sent to the All-Russian competition "Country of Safety", which served as visual material. And other visual material.

List of used literature:

  1. K.Yu. White Formation of the basics of security in preschoolers. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2011.
  2. K.Yu. White Me and my safety. Thematic dictionary in pictures: the human world. - M.: School press, 2011.
  3. Safety. For older preschool children. Album. Part 1. - M.: AST-LTD, 1997.
  4. A. Usachev, A. Berezin "Fundamentals of life safety".
  5. Belaya K.Yu. and others. How to ensure the safety of preschoolers. M., 1998.
  6. Avdeeva N.N., Knyazeva N.L., Sterkina R.B. "Fundamentals of life safety of preschoolers". - St. Petersburg: 2005.
  7. Internet resources. Sites: ; ;
  8. The multimedia manual "Diagnostic Lotto. Formation of the Basics of Safety in Children" was used. Author K.Yu Belaya. It is licensed, so it has copy protection. You can open it only on the computer where the installation took place. You can buy: the department of education of the company "New disk"

Preliminary work.

Children worked on a practical multimedia manual, which basically contained an interactive game lotto called "Diagnostic lotto. Forming the foundations of safety in children." The author of this manual is K.Yu. Belaya.

The work went on 5 thematic sections: safety on roads and transport, we protect our health, safe outdoor recreation, edible and inedible, safety of our own life.

According to the game lotto, children worked in two modes: training and testing.

The task of the child was to look at the picture, put himself in the place of the children and evaluate the correctness of their behavior and actions.

Then there was individual work with the child - a diagnostic examination (testing). An interactive play environment opened up before the child. The child independently chose the cards and gave an assessment of the children's behavior in the situation that is depicted.

The knowledge of the children was checked using an electronic diagnostic method and stored in the final reports under the indicated names and surnames. The tables presented an interpretation of the level of assimilation of knowledge by the child with a recommendation for the further work of the teacher, parent. Text materials with interpretations could be finalized and corrected. The resulting final result helped to evaluate the new acquired knowledge of the child, to plan practical work with him. The reports were printed out and shown to parents.

On the basis of the fifth section "Safety of one's own life", a complex lesson was developed, which should take place in two stages:

Stage 1: the lesson itself. It is better to spend it in the morning hours.

Stage 2: showing a puppet theater on the theme of the Russian folk tale "The Cat, the Fox and the Rooster".

Each teacher knows what is needed for his children in the conditions in which he works. Knows their abilities and capabilities. In this regard, the tale was remade in a special way, without losing its essence. The performance is best shown in the afternoon.

Acquaintance of children with the rules of safe behavior was not limited to the scope of work with this manual. Children in joint work with their parents and in the classroom in the group drew pictures on the topic "Rules of conduct in the forest." This topic included: "Edible and inedible mushrooms and berries, we protect nature, behavior during a thunderstorm." The children's works were sent to the All-Russian competition "Country of Safety".

A screen was made for the performance. The children decorated it with candy wrappers. The roles were played with great interest. The decorations themselves and the puppets played a big role in memorizing the text.

To consolidate knowledge on the topic of safety, the children looked at their drawings and pictures with the corresponding images. They wrote descriptive stories about them. Listened to works of art. They solved riddles. Learned poetry. We watched cartoons "Lessons of Aunt Owl. Lessons of Caution".

Working with parents

Individual consultations were held with parents on child safety issues. Information sheets are hung in the "information for parents" corner. Posted material - "Working with parents. "Safety of our children. Practical advice" and "Conversations between parents and children on the formation of the foundations of safety" on the personal page of the author of the development on the website of the kindergarten.


  • toys: iron and ironing board, doll clothes;
  • matches, a screen and dolls for the theater, scanned drawings of children on the topic of safety (originals sent to the competition),
  • multimedia equipment: screen, laptop, projector; interactive lotto, illustrations of sharp objects, electrical appliances, dangerous situations.
  • For the game: needle, scissors, knife, razor, medicine, extension cord, glass, paper, toy, book, ball.

Lesson progress

Children are seated in a semicircle opposite the interactive whiteboard. The teacher suggests talking about how to behave at home so that trouble does not happen, and what to do if something happens. Clarifies that trouble can be prevented if we are careful, if we follow safety rules. At the same time, he constantly draws a parallel - how they would behave in each of the situations if they were not at home, but in their group in kindergarten.

The teacher during the lesson should strive to create such a microclimate in the group, where he discusses problems with the children, together with them looks for a way out of a difficult situation, learns together, makes discoveries, and is surprised.

Slides are shown during the session. For each slide, the announcer asks a question about the correct behavior of the children in the picture. There is a discussion. At any time, you can listen to the rule of conduct in the depicted situation.

Slide 1: Dangerous items at home.

Speaker question:"Is the boy handling the toys and objects in his room properly?"

The teacher offers to discuss which items are not in their places, and which can be harmful to health. Helps to remember the rules of safe behavior in the house:

1. Order in the house is observed not only for beauty, but also for safety, so objects and toys must be put in their places.

2. You can not take without the permission of adults sharp, piercing and cutting objects (scissors, knife, needle, nails, pins), as well as play with them.

There must also be order and cleanliness in the group. It is necessary to put the toy back after it has been played with. Otherwise, you will fall on it and hurt yourself, and you will also break the toy. You can not distract, push another if he cuts with scissors. You can't run around with a pencil in your hand and shove it in the other person's face.

Game "Dangerous - safe object"

If it is a dangerous object, then they stomp; if it is safe, they clap.

Slide 2: Window (window, balcony).

Speaker question:"Is it possible, standing on the windowsill, to look out the open window?"

The teacher asks the question: "Guys, what do you think could happen to a boy who climbed onto the windowsill and opened the window?" Children analyze the depicted situation and possible negative consequences.

In a group, you can’t climb onto the windowsill either. You have to say goodbye to your parents in the locker room.

Slide 3 Working stove.

Speaker question:"Is the boy doing the right thing?"

Children discuss why it is dangerous to walk up to a working stove in the kitchen and reach for a pot of boiling soup.

You can’t touch the hot lunch that the nanny brought, you can get burned.

slide 4 iron

Question:"Is the appliance in the correct position?"

At the same time, the teacher continues to use a visual teaching method, showing the children a toy ironing board, an iron and doll clothes. Shows the children under what circumstances a fire can start in this situation.

The teacher clarifies what other electrical appliances the children know, draws the children's attention to the rules for using electrical appliances. He says that the electric current runs through the wires and makes all these devices work. He is our helper. After all, if it does not exist, we will not be able to watch TV, listen to music, vacuum. But electric current can be dangerous and can even start a fire. The teacher explains to the children that if they smell or see smoke, then they must immediately tell the adults about it.

The child recites the verse:

We've all become big
And mom helpers.
We clean with a vacuum cleaner
We even turn on the lights ourselves.
But when you're alone at home
Be careful my friend!
After all, not everyone is familiar with the current,
In the house TOK lives around.

The teacher asks what electrical appliances do we have in the group? Is it possible to touch wires, extension cords, is it possible to play with an outlet? Put your fingers in it, insert pencils and other objects?

The child recites the verse:

You, baby, must remember:
Be careful with the socket!
You shouldn't play with her
A hairpin, a nail to stick there -
The case will end in disaster:
The current in the outlet is very angry!

Physical education minute

Up hand and down hand.
Pulled them up a little.
Quickly changed hands!
We are not bored today.
Clap Squats:
Down - cotton and up - cotton.
Legs, hands stretch,
We know for sure - it will be good.

Before putting the next slide, the teacher lights the matches and says: “Guys, look what I have in my hands? That's right. Matches. The match itself is wooden, and its head is made of sulfur. the fire is so bright.

Oh guys, look, the fire is creeping up on my fingers. Wants to burn me. Help me! What should be done?" The children answer (blow, throw on the floor, etc.).

"Save me soon, blow!" - says the teacher, - "Thank you guys, I was so scared! And you? And if - I threw a burning match on the floor, what would happen? Yes, that's right, the carpet, furniture, curtains, clothes would catch fire, we are with you. Here it turns out, what a big trouble from a small match.Children should not take matches - this is not a toy! Fire is our friend. It warms us, we cook food on it. But in some cases they can be our enemy. It can cause a fire. Seriously injure us What can cause a fire?"

“Faulty electrical appliances, a cigarette butt not extinguished, an iron not turned off, unextinguished candles, games with matches, lighters, sparklers,” the children answer.

Slide 5 (13)

Question:"Is the boy doing the right thing?"

If necessary, the teacher comments on the images: "Can I play with matches and lighters?" and clarifies what the children said: "No. You can't. This one can start a fire."

What should you do if there is a fire in the apartment?

Please note: children of primary preschool age and they find it difficult to call 01 and give their address, so the teacher explains to them that in this case, you need to open the front door and call adults for help.

What is fire afraid of? What can put out a fire? (Blanket, coat, water, sand, fire extinguisher). If the flame is still small, you can try to extinguish it yourself with water.

Can I touch electrical appliances with wet hands? (It is impossible! Water passes current through itself. It is life-threatening).

What is the main rule in any danger? (Do not panic, act calmly, but quickly).

Is it possible to hide in a fire under the bed, in the closet? (You need to run away. But if you can’t get out, you need to go to the balcony and close the door tightly in anticipation of help. If this doesn’t work, then cover your mouth and nose with a wet rag, lie on the floor. There is less smoke.

Remind the children that the group has an emergency fire door in the bedroom.

Slide 6 (No. 9 section "We protect our health") First aid kit.

The teacher suggests discussing where different medicines are stored. Explains that every family has a first-aid kit. Only adults are allowed to use this first-aid kit, because medicines can be poisonous and cause great harm to yourself.

Clarify that the group also has a first aid kit. Only caregivers and a nurse can touch her

Slide 7 (12) Do not open the door to strangers.

Question:"Is the boy doing the right thing if he opens the door to the bell?"

Children argue why it is impossible to open the door of the apartment to strangers. The teacher clarifies that in life there are not only dangerous objects, but also dangerous people. Such people are called criminals. They can rob an apartment, kidnap a person. Then explain to the children the following rules:

1. Do not open the door to strangers.

2. You can't go anywhere with a stranger

3. You can not take gifts and treats from strangers.

The child recites the verse:

Don't go to strangers!
Avoid strangers!
Even if they promise
What will the whole world give you:
Chocolate, candy bag,
Doll, ball, delicious juice.
You must know the rules!

Let's learn how to behave properly with strangers who can cause harm.

Training is underway.

The teacher invites two children to act out a situation where one of them is a stranger who grabs the child by the hand and drags him along. Another shouts "Help! Help! I don't know this man!" The teacher clarifies: "If they try to pick you up, you need to take a position where it is difficult to lift you, for example, sit on the ground and raise your hands up. Try to dodge, run away."

After the situation is played out, the guys are divided into pairs and play this situation with each other, changing roles. It is important that every child be in the role of "abducted". The situation must end with a happy ending, when the child breaks out and runs away, or other children come to the rescue in the role of adults.

The teacher reminds the children that they cannot go into the locker room without permission. There may be strangers there. This is dangerous. You should always be in front of the teacher.

The first part of the lesson ends. The teacher thanks and praises the children for the work done. And he reminds us that after sleep, in the afternoon, the guys will show us the puppet theater "Cat, Fox and Rooster". “And once again we will make sure with you guys,” says the teacher, “that you can’t open the door to strangers, you can’t be as gullible as the Cockerel from a fairy tale.”

Fairy tale dramatization

The teacher offers to watch the fairy tale "Cat, Fox and Rooster".

After the dramatization, there is a discussion of the behavior of the heroes of the fairy tale:

Which of the heroes of the fairy tale violated the safety rule? (cockerel)

What is the name of this rule? (can't trust strangers)

How did the cockerel attract the attention of the cat when it was in the paws of the fox? (loud scream)

Did the cockerel behave correctly when it screamed when the fox carried it away?

After discussing the fairy tale, the teacher thanks the children for their attention, for their activity and wishes them to take care of themselves.

Scenario for the fairy tale "Cat, Fox and Rooster"

Presenter: There lived a cat and a rooster in the forest. They lived in a beautiful house. The cat went hunting in the morning, and the cockerel remained to guard the house. And in the morning the cat is going ...

CAT: Don't open the door for anyone! Don't go anywhere! Otherwise, the fox will catch you and eat you. But if suddenly something happens, you call for help, I will help you out.


LEADING: The cat went into the forest, and the cockerel is in charge of the house. He cleaned everything in the hut, swept the floor cleanly, sings songs and waits for the cat.

COCKER: Ku-ka-re-ku!

LEADING: The fox ran past, heard the rooster singing songs, she wanted to try the rooster meat. So she sat down under the window, and sang.

Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop,
Look out the window
I'll give you peas.

COCKER (goes out into the yard): Polka dots? What kind of peas? I love peas! Come on, show me!

LISA: Yep! Gotcha!

THE FOX grabs the COCK. COCKER is screaming.

LEADING: The cat does not hear the rooster, let's help the rooster, and together we will call the cat. Kitty! Kitty!

CAT: I'm coming! You again, fox! Give me my friend cockerel!

FOX: Take it, I don't need it.

CAT (COCK)". Why don't you obey?! Why did you go out into the yard?

COCKER: So the fox said that she had peas! And I love peas!

CAT: Don't you know that you can't take anything from strangers and animals?

HOST: Guys, do you know that you can't take anything from strangers? No candy, no apple! Do you know? Well done! But the cockerel didn't know.

CAT: Besides, cockerel, the fox deceived you, she doesn’t have any peas!

COCKER: And why did she talk about peas?

CAT: Especially to lure you out of the house, grab and carry you away! Here, the guys know that you can’t go anywhere with strangers.

LEADING: Yes, cat, our guys are smart, they won’t go anywhere with strangers and won’t believe for anything, not like you, cockerel!

COCKER: Okay, okay, I, too, will never go anywhere with strangers again!

CAT: This is good, because this time I will go far, far into the forest, if you call me, I will not have time to run to help.

COCKER: Don't be afraid, cat, I won't listen to the liar fox anymore! I will stay at home, I will not leave the house!

LEADING: The cat went far, far into the forest, you can’t see it from here! And Lisa is right there again. I waited for the cat to leave, and to the house. He is spinning around, everything is thinking how to lure the cockerel out of the house.

LISA (sings):

Cockerel, cockerel,
golden scallop
butter head,
silk beard,
Look out the window!
I'll give you peas!

COCKER: No, Fox, I won’t go out into the yard, and don’t try!

Well as you know.
The guys ran, spilled the wheat.
Sparrows peck, roosters do not give!

COCKER (running out into the yard): How is it that they don’t give roosters? Where is the wheat?

FOX: Again I deceived you, cockerel. There is no wheat here. (grabs a rooster).

COCKER: The fox carries me over dark forests, over high mountains, over fast rivers! Kitty! Brother! Save me! Take it from the fox! Oh-oh, can't hear, help me guys!

LEADING: The cat does not hear the rooster, let's help the rooster and call the cat together. Kitty! Kitty!

LISA: You won't succeed! The cat has gone far into the forest, and while he will hurry here, I will already run far. (Runs off with a rooster.)

CAT: Oh, I was running, in a hurry! Where is the rooster? He is not here? Did the fox take it?

LEADING: Yes, cat, the fox deceived the rooster - she promised him wheat, the cockerel went out into the yard. The fox grabbed him and took him to his house, the cockerel wants to eat.

CAT: Well, we must hurry, rescue the cockerel! Will you help me?

Children: Yes!

The scenery is changing. The house of the Fox is being set up.

CAT (knocking): Knock-knock, does Lisa Patrikeevna live here?

FOX (from the window)". Here-here!

CAT: Didn't you take away my cockerel friend?

LISA: He's not here! I didn't take anyone!

COCKER: Here I am, here, the fox is deceiving! Save me Kitty!

CAT: Well, thief fox, return the cockerel!

LISA: I don't think so! I'll eat it!

LEADING: Oh, oh, guys, we need to help out the cockerel! We must take it away from the fox! Let's scare her. Let's say that hunters with dogs are coming.

CAT: Fox-fox, hunters with dogs have come here.

FOX: Why can't I hear the dogs barking? And how do hunters shoot?

The presenter asks some guys to bark, while others - to portray shots.

FOX: Oh-oh, and, really, hunters! Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid. (Runs away.)

COCK (leaves the house): Thanks guys for helping me. Now I know that you can’t listen to other people’s animals and people, you can’t go anywhere without permission from the house.

CAT: Well done, cockerel, I remembered how to behave correctly! Well, let's go home with you. And thank you guys for your help!

CAT and COCKER bow, leave. Music sounds. End of the puppet show.

Subject: Dangerous situations in the home.

Target:tell students about possible dangerous situations in the house (apartment) and measures to prevent them.

Conduct form:combined lesson.

Materials:chalk, blackboard, textbook, posters, cards, collections of tests and instructions.

Lesson plan:

Organizing time - 2 minutes .

Homework with explanation - 2 minutes .

Homework check survey - 6 min.

Learning a new topic - 10 min .

Fixing the material - 5 minutes .

Repetition of the past - 8 min.

Independent work - 10 min .

The result of the lesson - 2 min.

During the classes.

Greeting students, checking their readiness for the lesson (availability of the necessary supplies), reporting the topic, purpose and plan of work in the lesson. Children write the date and topic of the lesson in a notebook.

To the house: § 6, ind. ass (describe possible dangerous situations at home).

I call one student to the board (tell § 5), I give the rest cards.

Card number 1.

What services do these phone numbers belong to?

01 - rescue service

02 - police

03 - ambulance

04 - gas service

What is the name of the emergency alert? "______________________!"

Decipher: OBZH - basics of life safety, emergency - emergency, GO - civil defense, PSS - search and rescue service, ZhEK - housing maintenance office.

I tell the children that dangerous situations can also await us in our own home, so the well-known saying “My house is my fortress” does not always work, because even at home we cannot feel completely safe. I list the most common dangerous situations in the home, then, in the course of a conversation with children, we find out the reasons for their occurrence, noting which of them are caused by man-made factors, which are natural, and which are social. We consider some of these situations and the rules of behavior when they occur.

Elevator (I read the instructions).

Our smaller brothers (dogs: actions in case of a possible attack, bite,disease transmission; poultry, blood-sucking insects, rodents).

If the door slammed (procedure).

Questions for consolidation:

What dangerous situations can occur in your home?

What are their reasons?

How should one behave in a given situation?

What contagious diseases can be transmitted to humans from animals, insects and birds?

What should you do if the door to the apartment slammed shut?

Test on page 31.

Task number 3 on page 31.

Review questions:

What is the name of an unfavorable environment in which there is a threat to the life and health of a person, his property or habitat?

What is the name of the most complex dangerous situations that require a person to protect his life and health by exerting all his physical and spiritual forces?

What is the difference between a dangerous situation and an emergency? Give an example.

What is the name of large-scale dangerous and extreme situations involving a large number of people and threatening severe consequences for society?

Which of the following hazards are man-made,which are social and which are natural: racial conflict,factory accident, earthquake, epidemic, bully attack, car accident, flood?

Continue the saying:

a) Whirlpools in still water...(deep)

b) Where it is thin, there is ...(tearing)

c) Fear the goat in front, the horse behind, and the evil man ...(from all sides)

d) Do not tease the dog, so do not ...(bites)

e) Trouble does not come ...(one)

e) Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head in ...(water)

g) There is courage, you need and ...(skill)

Vertically. 10. The state of human protection from adverse factors. 11. A rodent is a carrier of infectious diseases. 12. Service that comes to the rescue in criminogenic situations. 13. Food. 14. Electricity. 15. Dangerous place to stay.

    do the crossword:

9) Fizminutka. Role play (task no. 4 on page 20).

Independent work: No. 4 on page 31.

I can offer the following poem, which contains the words and phrases indicated in the task:

Fifth grader doing homework

burned lamp on the table.

Walked along the wirescurrents ,

Smart thoughts in my head.

The room suddenly became stuffy.

He put chair on the table .

The window should be opened

But suddenly the chair came off the table ...

Pupil on the floor fell .

get up he already couldn't ,

Since his hand broke

And fell ill for a while.

And when woke up already ,

I saw the doctor in front of me.

Read, dove, life safety fundamentals -

The surgeon told him.

At the end of the lesson, we sum up the results of the work (what we did, what we did not have time to do, what we learned new things, who worked how). Students receive grades for the lesson. If there is time, you can read a number of memos and instructions from the collection.

Marina Maslennikova
Synopsis of educational activities with older children "Dangerous situations at home"

Summary of educational activities with older children

« Dangerous situations at home»

Performed by the educator MADOU DS No. 11 "Teremok" Maslennikova M. A.

Integration educational areas: cognitive, speech, communicative development.


1. Cognitive:

Consolidate knowledge about dangerous situations that may arise at home;

Introduce children to emergency numbers;

2. Speech:

Develop mono- and dialogic speech;

3. Communicative:

Develop the ability to work in a team.

GCD progress

V .: Guys, I suggest you become rescuers. Who are they?

V: You are right. Rescuers are people who help us in difficult and dangerous situations. Here we are talking about them now.

We are very, very friends.

In the morning I take a shower. (water)

Q: Guys, what danger can lie in wait for us with an inattentive attitude to water?

What happened?

How the boats sail grandmother's slippers

The cat is angry "Where is the comfort? I wet my paws".

In the corridor, streams ran together

Maybe the days of May have finally arrived.

The carpet at the door is wet - squelching with water

Here the younger sister made a flood

She forgot to close the faucet in the bathroom washing the doll.

V .: Guys, what rules should be followed so that this does not happen?

Physical education minute

Quietly splashing water.

Quietly splashing water

We are sailing on a warm river. (Swimming movements with hands.)

Clouds in the sky like sheep

They fled, who went where. (Sipping - arms up and to the sides.)

We get out of the river

Let's take a walk to dry off. (Walking in place.)

And now a deep breath.

And we sit on the sand. (Children sit down.)

V .: And tell me guys, how in one word name: refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, iron, TV?

V .: That's right, these are electrical appliances. And why are they called that?


Current runs through the wires

Light brings us to the apartment.

For devices to work

refrigerator, monitors,

coffee grinder, vacuum cleaner,

The current brought energy.

Current assistant in the house first,

Our faithful and faithful friend.

V .: Electric current helps people, but it can also be dangerous. With what?

Didactic game "The Fourth Extra"

Choose an item that can cause fire:

Boiler, comb, box, pan;

Carpet, TV, picture, table;

Glass, lighter, spoon, table;

Hairdryer, vase, pencil, ring;

Matches, bucket, knapsack, doll.

Q: Guys, who will help us in case of fire?

"Physical education"

All children stand in a circle. The teacher has a red balloon in his hands. The ball is passed around. Whoever has the ball, he says the last word of the poetic line.

“One, two, three, four who has a fire (in the apartment?

Smoke suddenly rose like a pillar, who didn’t turn it off (iron?

A red glow ran, who with matches (played?

The table and wardrobe burned down at once, who dried the clothes over (gas?

The flame jumped into the grass, who burned at home(foliage?

Who threw into the fire at the same time unfamiliar (objects?

Remember every citizen is a number - (01?

I saw smoke - do not yawn and firefighters (call).

V .: Well, guys, continue? Then the next mystery:

blue light,

Helped us cook dinner (gas)

V .: Remember guys that only adults can light the gas. Household gas requires careful and attentive appeals. Natural gas, which is extracted from underground, has no smell. In the gas that enters our at home, specially added odorous substances. This is done so that the tenants, having smelled the smell, take the necessary measures. Remember guys the gas service phone number is 04.

The teacher shows the first aid kit to the children.

V .: Guys, what do you think is in the box with the red cross?

V .: That's right, this is a first aid kit and there are medicines in it.

Tablets are not candy.

Adults and children know if someone gets sick,

He takes pills to get better faster.

But beautiful pills, in a multi-colored shell

It's not candy at all.

Although sometimes they resemble sweets in appearance,

But they take medicine if something hurts.

Q: What will you do if you find a pill on the floor? Why can't you swallow randomly found pills?

V .: If suddenly something happened, you need to call the station "Ambulance". Her phone is 03.

Reflection: Did you enjoy being lifeguards?

What kind dangerous situations have we considered?

What phones do you remember?

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Actions in case of an apartment fire

What can you do if something is on fire in your house?

Let's remember the sequence of the most urgent and mandatory actions.

  1. Call the fire brigade on 01.
  2. At the same time, the duty officer will ask you where and what is burning, the exact address in the surname. Say it quickly and clearly. You may be asked how best to drive up to the house and how many entrances it has.
  3. If there is no phone, call the neighbors, shout “Fire” for help, knock on the walls, on the pipes so that everyone can hear your alarm signal.
  4. Leave the burning building, warn the neighbors. Meet the firemen.
  5. Only if the fire is small, try to cope with it yourself: tear off the burning curtains, trample the fire with your feet, fill it with water, cover it with a blanket, knock it down with a broom. Breathe through a wet scarf or towel.
  • open windows and doors in a burning room - oxygen promotes combustion, and smoke reduces it;
  • come close to the fire because of the danger of explosions, collapse of building structures. In large fires, air currents are formed that can drag a person into the fire;
  • succumb to panic and interfere with those who put out the fire, save property;
  • Extinguish with water electrical household appliances, electrical panels and wires included in the network.

If the TV is on fire

Hundreds of people die each year due to television fires in Russia. Sometimes (during a power surge) even turned off TVs can light up, but with the plug remaining in the network.

In the event of a fire on a TV or other electrical household appliance, proceed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Try to quickly turn off the device;
  2. Fill the fire with sand, earth from a flower pot, washing powder;
  3. Cover with a thick cloth, blanket, jacket, rug to stop air from reaching the flame.

However, the best thing is not to bring the matter to a fire. To do this, you need not so much - carefully follow the instructions and safety rules.

Actions in case of leakage of domestic gas

Household gas can be of two types: main gas (methane), more often used in large cities, and liquefied gas in cylinders, consisting of a mixture of two gases - propane and butane. The first is lighter than air and, therefore, rises; the second one is heavier and therefore, in the event of a leak, it fills first of all basements and underground utilities.

Household gas has neither color nor smell. In order to notice the leak in time, a strongly smelling substance is added to it, giving it a specific “gasy” smell.

Causes of domestic gas leakage and poisoning:

  1. malfunction of pipes, plates, columns, cylinders;
  2. improper installation of gas equipment;
  3. weak fastening of the rubber hose between the cylinder (pipe) and the stove, which may cause an explosion;
  4. incomplete closing of the gas stove tap;
  5. flooding the fire of a gas burner with boiling water, milk;
  6. blowing out a weak fire with a draft.

Therefore, if you warm up dinner yourself, do not go far from the gas stove and keep it under control.

It is very important to ensure good ventilation in the room where the gas stove is installed. If there is no exhaust installation, then when the gas stove is operating, you must always keep the window or window ajar. If there is a ventilation hole in the kitchen, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the filter installed in it, as it is gradually clogged with dirt and grease.

Keep in mind that the flame of a gas burner should be an even blue color. If it is red or yellow, and there is scale on the pots and pans, the gas does not burn completely and you need to call the master.


  • If you smell domestic gas in the house or the entrance, do not touch the electrical switches, ring the electric bell, call the elevator, use matches and lighters.
  • Any spark can cause a gas explosion throughout the house.
  • Quickly open the doors and windows to let the draft blow out the poisonous accumulation of gas.
  • Shut off the gas pipe.
  • All this must be done while holding your breath and covering your mouth and nose with any tissue.
  • If the cause of the gas contamination is unclear and you cannot cope on your own, then you should quickly leave the dangerous place and call the emergency gas service. It is better to do this from the neighbors by calling 04.

When poisoned with any gas, a person first begins to get very sick and dizzy, there is tinnitus. Then it darkens in the eyes, nausea rolls up. These signs are an important signal for you, you must quickly leave the dangerous place and warn others.

With more severe poisoning, consciousness is darkened, muscle weakness and drowsiness appear. Loss of consciousness, convulsions and death are possible.

First aid "inhaled" by carbon monoxide or household gas: the victim must be taken out, taken out into the street. With weak shallow breathing or its stop, artificial respiration should be applied. Help in this case, rubbing the body, heating pads to the feet, short-term inhalation of vapors of ammonia.

Actions in case of flooding of the dwelling

Most often it starts in the bathroom or kitchen, but it can also start in the attic and basement.

Home flooding occurs for a variety of reasons. The most frequent are:

  • and malfunction (failure) of taps, the frivolous attitude of residents to water leakage;
  • inattention (forgot to turn off the tap); clogging of the sewer system; damage to the heating system, pipeline;
  • heavy torrential rains;
  • leaking roof, ceiling.

What should be done in case of technical accidents?

  1. First of all, try to turn off the tap or shut off the water supply. If you can't do it on your own, ask an adult to help you.
  2. Report the incident to your parents or neighbors, if they are not at home, then to the dispatcher of the maintenance department (REU) or the housing maintenance office (ZHEK).
  3. Warn the neighbors downstairs.
  4. Place basins, jars, pots and buckets in places of leaks, collect water from the floor in them with a scoop and a rag. This way you can save the floor from swelling, and the neighbors below from flooding and repair costs.
  5. Move valuables to cabinets, to a dry place, cover furniture with foil, raincoats, plywood.
  6. If water is running down the walls or dripping from the ceiling, turn off the power. In case of severe flooding (flooding) of the entire floor or house, it is better to leave it without using the elevator and taking the necessary things and documents with you. A flooded house may collapse.

To prevent flooding in the apartment through your fault, follow these simple rules:

  1. do not leave the flowing water unattended;
  2. check the faucets before leaving the house, especially on days when the water is turned off;
  3. don't play, don't jump, don't swing on
  4. radiators and heating pipes;
  5. do not clog the bath, sink and sewer system with large pieces of paper, cloth, gauze, hair;
  6. When leaving home, do not leave windows open. A good downpour can create a small pool on the floor of your room, with all the ensuing consequences for the household budget and that part of your body that is not exempt from punishment.

Actions in case of destruction of the building

There are many reasons for the destruction of buildings. First of all, in seismically hazardous zones, these are earthquakes. In addition, explosions (for example, gas), strong winds (storms, hurricanes, tornadoes), prolonged vibration, builders' mistakes, soil failures.

A multi-storey building is a complex structure. In case of serious damage to the building, all its “stuffing” fails: pipes burst, electric wires are torn. Destruction can occur very quickly, and sometimes within a few hours, which makes it possible to save people and property.

What to do in cases of danger of destruction of the building?

  1. Feeling the first shocks (in the event of an earthquake, chandeliers begin to sway, furniture trembles, windows rattle), and when you see the first cracks, act immediately. If you are on the first or second floor, go outside.
  2. If you live above the second floor, settle in the safest place - the opening of the main internal walls, the corner formed by the internal main walls. Do not stand at windows, doors, stairs, do not stay in corner rooms.
  3. In order to protect yourself from fragments of structures, glass, falling objects - hide under the bed, table, under the desk (at school), covering your head with your hands.
  4. Go outside without delay as soon as the tremors stop. Remember: you can not use the elevator, touch the wires, light a fire.
  5. Do not despair when you find yourself in a blockage: a person can survive for several days without water and food. Try to help yourself and those who come to the rescue: raise your voice, knock on pipes and batteries so that you can be heard, try to understand where you are, perhaps there is a way out nearby. To protect from the cold, use any rags, papers, clothes and blankets.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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The main reasons for the occurrence of dangerous situations in the apartment: negligence (an open faucet, an unturned iron, a boiling kettle that flooded the gas stove); improper handling of equipment and household appliances; careless handling of fire and chemicals; criminal situations (breaking, robbery).

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Dangerous situations that happen at home (in an apartment): fire (faulty wiring and electrical equipment, careless handling of fire); gas explosion (gas leak, stove not turned off); flooding (faulty plumbing or a washing machine plugged in and left unattended); poisoning (gas or chemicals); electric shock (violation of safety rules when using electrical appliances and electrical equipment); destruction of building structures (as a result of an earthquake or explosion).

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Why??? Flooding can occur due to an accident in the plumbing, heating system or oversight (someone forgot to turn off the tap or did not fix the water leak). Could it be a clogged drain or a leaky roof?

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In all these cases, first of all, inform the parents about this, and if they are not at home, warn the neighbors and ask them to call the emergency service and warn the ZhES dispatcher. Place basins and buckets in places of leaks. If the entire floor is flooded, leave the house without using the elevator. Ask adults to turn off the water and be sure to turn off the electricity in the apartment - if water gets on the electrical wires, there is a danger of electric shock and short circuit

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To prevent your home or school from flooding: Do not leave running water unattended. Before leaving, check if the taps are closed, especially on days when the water is turned off Do not clog the sewer Do not try to turn or repair the taps on the pipeline in the apartment on your own, in case of malfunctions or water leaks, ask adults to call the housing department workers

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What to do in case of flooding if there are no adults in the apartment at the time of the accident, you should immediately inform your parents about it at work or call the neighbors; call the control room of the repair and maintenance department and ask to send specialists;

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What to do in case of flooding, turn off the electricity and turn off the water (this can be done by one of the adult neighbors); place basins or buckets in the places of leaks, wrap the places of leaks with a cloth and start removing the accumulated water as soon as possible.

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What to do if neighbors flood? If the flooding of the apartment is still in progress, stop the elements. Go to neighbors. When the bay occurs due to an accident in communications, it is necessary to inform the control room of the operating organization; Before calling an expert to assess and fix the damage from the flooding of the apartment, in no case eliminate the traces of the bay; Call an employee of the operating organization (ZHEU) - he will record the damage from flooding the apartment (for subsequent assessment of flood damage), as well as their cause in a special act. One copy of the act must remain with you. Contact the housing department even with minor damage (possibly defects after the flooding of the apartment will appear later in a larger volume). When drawing up the act, make sure that the damage is described very accurately (this will be needed for a more accurate assessment of the damage from flooding the apartment); After the manifestation of all traces of the accident, it is necessary to meet with the neighbors and try to resolve all issues related to the bay of the apartment, without going to court;

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Inform the culprit that if he refuses to pay for the restoration repairs, he will go to court and, if he wins, the culprit will have to pay all legal costs (services for assessing flood damage, a lawyer, etc.); It will be more difficult with an intractable defendant. Start looking for a lawyer who specializes in damages; As soon as all traces of the accident appear, invite an independent appraiser to assess the damage from flooding (bay) of the apartment; The inflictor of harm is notified by telegram (at least 3 working days in advance) of the date of the inspection and assessment of damage caused by flooding of the apartment; The result is a damage inspection report. In this act (repeated) the opinion of the tortfeasor is taken into account. If a neighbor received a telegram and did not appear to draw up a damage inspection report, the inspection is carried out without it;

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After the visit of an expert appraiser and receiving a report on the assessment of the damage caused (takes 2-4 working days), you can safely repair the apartment; Having received the assessment report in your hands, try again to go with the culprit "to the world." If the culprit resists, prepare for a trial; Subject to all the rules and formalities, the case for compensation for damage caused by the flood (flooding) of the apartment, as a rule, is won;

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If during the trial you managed to carry out repairs and did not meet the previously declared amount, you can file a claim with this amount, assuring it with checks, receipts, estimates of the repair organization. However, victory in this case is not guaranteed, since the defendant may doubt the amount and request a cross-examination to assess the damage caused by flooding. You can safely go for it only being sure that you paid for repairs not at inflated prices, and this happens very rarely; Court won. The defendant pays you the amount determined by the court. If the defendant refuses to pay you the money, the Bailiff Service initiates enforcement proceedings and gives the culprit of the flood five days to enforce the decision. If the defendant does not comply with the decision, the Bailiffs Service takes appropriate measures to identify the property of the debtor. In case of non-payment, the debtor's property is seized, the property is sold and the necessary amount is paid to you from this amount.

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Control questions Why does flooding happen in the apartment? How to protect yourself from this? What should be done in case of flooding? 1. Immediately report the accident to adults (parents, neighbors, etc.). 2. Call the control room of the maintenance department and ask to send specialists. 3. Turn off the electricity and turn off the water. 4. Put basins or buckets in the places of leaks. Wrap these places with a cloth and remove water.

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Practical tasks Ask an adult to show where the cold and hot water shut-off valves (faucets) are located in the house, how to use them? Draw a diagram of the water supply of your apartment, on which indicate the location of pipes with hot and cold water, stopcocks, faucets and other devices. Mark areas where water leaks may occur. Find out the phone numbers of services where you should contact in case of flooding. Write them down in your emergency telephone directory.

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A fire in an apartment, house or country house occurs, as a rule, through our fault. We often forget about safety rules. And very often, if there is a fire, we do not know what to do. Remember the main rule: FIRE IS EASIER TO PREVENT THAN TO EXTINGUISH!!!

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Well, what if it does catch fire? Feeling the smoke, be sure to find out where it comes from, if anything in the apartment is on fire. Do not panic! If there are no adults at home, first of all call the RESCUE SERVICE by phone 112 or 01

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At the same time, report: What is on. Your address (street, house and apartment number, floor, entrance, code). Last name and phone number from which you are calling. You can ask how many floors in the house and entrances in the building, how best to drive up to the house. Get ready to answer these questions.

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If the fire is not large, try to cope with it yourself, using improvised extinguishing agents: a wet cloth and water.

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REMEMBER!!! Therefore, if a TV or other electrical appliance catches fire, immediately pull the plug out of the socket! If after this the burning has not stopped, cover the device with a thick cloth (blanket, coat) and press it firmly to stop the access of oxygen to the flame and stop burning, fill the hearth with water. Under no circumstances should electrical appliances and burning wires connected to the network be extinguished with water!

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In a fire, smoke is even more dangerous than fire. In case of fire, leave the apartment, warn the neighbors about the danger. When leaving the apartment, close the door to the burning room and to the apartment so that there is no air access. It is better to move around a smoky room bent over or on all fours (there is always less smoke below) and breathe through a damp cloth (handkerchief, towel, etc.), covering your nose and mouth with it. To protect yourself from fire, put on a wet towel, coat or blanket. Go down the stairs, you can not use the elevator!

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If it is impossible to leave the apartment, come back. In a multi-storey building, you need to know where the evacuation stairs and the hatch on the balcony are located. If you can’t get to them, go out onto the balcony (loggia), stand at the closed window, shout and call passers-by for help.

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A gas leak in an apartment is very dangerous. It can happen due to a malfunction of gas equipment (pipes, stoves, columns, cylinders) or the negligence of residents (a gas stove valve not completely closed, boiling water that flooded the fire in a gas burner, or a draft that blew out a weak fire)

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Remember the main thing: If the apartment smells of gas, NEVER light a fire, do not turn on the lights and electrical appliances If the smell of gas in the apartment is very strong, then do nothing and leave the apartment immediately! If you smell gas, immediately inform adults about this, immediately open the windows, turn off the tap on the gas pipe (parents should teach you how to do this) and leave the apartment. Ask the neighbors to call the EMERGENCY GAS SERVICE on 04 and the RESCUE SERVICE on 112

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