DIY decorative stream. Dry stream in the country (44 photos) - how to make your site original without large financial costs. Making a stream in the garden

16.06.2019 Heating systems

Who among us can walk past a trickling stream or waterfall and not stop to admire the scenery?!

Using our project as an example, we will tell you how to create a similar pond on your suburban area.

You won't need more than a couple of weekends for this!

Our stream is located next to the low veranda in the garden. To make it look more natural, the width of the riverbed was made unequal, and four waterfalls of different heights were installed.

The stream is designed to minimize the filtration and purification work required when the water flows into the pond. Nature itself - a layer of gravel and stone - will filter the water.

All you have to do is add water to replace what will evaporate - although rain can do the job without you.

Materials needed to make a stream in the garden with your own hands

For our stream it was required: gravel (up to 5 cm) - 0.5 tons per 3 m of flow, plus 1.5 tons for the upper and lower reservoirs; stone for the banks of the riverbed (up to 60 cm) - 750 kg per 3 m of stream; boulders (30-60 cm) for the upper and lower reservoirs - 1.5 tons. Don't buy limestone, it can encourage algae growth.

Water leak in a makeshift stream

The upper half of the stream with two waterfalls is located above ground, and the lower half of the 3-meter stream is in the ground. Over time, the soil, sand and plants along the edges of the waterproofing will take up water, subsequently it will penetrate beyond the edge of the insulation (proof of this is the wet soil around the tank). To prevent possible leakage, remove plants, soil and sand from the water's edge. Do not damage the waterproofing. Rock and gravel will not absorb water, but as a precaution, periodically remove sand and soil from the cracks between the rocks that surround the tank. If you want to keep your plants near water, you will have to add water to the tank more often to replenish the losses.

So, we make a stream in the country with our own hands

You will need:

large pump, water line and adapters, PVC putty, cement, tank 45 x 75 cm with lid, circular drills, waterproofing, geotextiles, foam water sealant, gravel, stone, decorative boulders, drill, hand tamper, level, 2- wheelbarrow without sides. (about material for the construction of garden ponds and other reservoirs)

1. Mark the stream bed using a garden hose, then apply paint along it. Also mark the locations of the upper and lower reservoirs, waterfalls and large decorative boulders.

2. Dig a hole for the upper tank 0.6 m wider than the diameter of the tank and 15 cm deeper. To frame the edges of the tank and the banks, lay the first layer of stones flat side up so that the next layer is more stable. Using a rubber mallet, tamp down the soil and gravel around the stones. Dig a hole for the bottom tank. Place boulders along the edges of the top reservoir and the top of the stream that is above ground level.

3. We complete the work with the lower reservoir. Drill holes in the tank using drills different sizes. Coat the hose adapter with putty and cement and insert it into the pump.

4. Place a layer of geotextile and waterproofing in the lower tank, extending the material 60 cm beyond the edges of the tank. After installing the pump tank, insert the pump into it, connect the water supply line and check that it reaches the upper tank. Connect the hose. Place the stone and cover the tank with a lid.

5. To create cascades at each height difference, dig out or, conversely, build a ledge to the height of the water drop. Starting at the bottom of the stream, dig a channel 0.6-1 m wide, 15-20 cm deep. Then dig shallow reservoirs under the waterfalls to slow the flow of water.

6. Line the banks with stones 15 cm high. Fill the gaps between the stones of the upper waterfalls with a mixture of soil and gravel. Then compact the soil around the top reservoir and bed. Align the waterfall ledges horizontally.

7. Start laying geotextiles and waterproofing at the bottom of the stream, starting from the lowest point, releasing the material 0.6 m beyond the riverbed. At the base of each waterfall, the material should sag a little so that the stones installed later do not break the stretched waterproofing. Lay out decorative stones at waterfalls, placing an additional piece of waterproofing under each heavy boulder.

8. To the shore

the streams are not washed away, fill the gaps between the stones with a mixture of soil and gravel. Lay geotextiles and waterproofing in the top tank, covering the stone banks by 0.6 m. There is no need to glue the waterproofing, just make sure that the top insulation overlaps the fabric underneath by at least 45-60 cm. Then lay the top layer of stones around the top tank .

9. After you have placed decorative stones in the waterfalls, install flat stones through which the water will flow. Apply expanding foam pond and waterfall sealant to the underside of the overflow stones to secure them to the waterproofing. Insert smaller stones into the gaps between the water overflow stones and the boulders of the shore.

10. Fill the voids around the overflow stones with gravel so that the water only overflows from the top, then take a garden hose and run the water down the riverbed. Fill leaks with foam.

11. Place stepping stones in the center of the riverbed for easy crossing of the stream. Cover areas of uncovered waterproofing with gravel.

12. Fill the lower reservoir with water and turn on the pump. Run water into the stream until the water coming out of the pump is clear. Insert the pump hose into the upper reservoir. Trim any exposed waterproofing and adjust the water flow by moving the stones.

Device garden stream do it yourself - tips

  1. On light soils, it is better to lay the channel in the ground. If the soil is too heavy, the stream will have to be placed on a stone foundation.
  2. For a continuous flow of water, a small slope is sufficient - 5 cm per 3 m of stream. To make water flow faster, the slope must be steeper.
  3. When planning flow volume, first determine how much water should be held in the lower and upper reservoirs when the pump is off. Plan the volume at the rate of 20 liters per 0.1 sq. m of flow (76 cm width x 7.5 cm depth). In our case, the volume of the lower tank is 150 l, the upper one is 900 l.
  4. To make the water in the stream murmur, make a waterfall 5 to 10 cm high. The greater the height difference, the louder the murmur of the water. In addition, you can make several waterfalls.
  5. Waterfalls should be visible from your deck, patio, or window of your home. If you like to listen to the sound of running water at night, it might make sense to place the stream outside your bedroom windows - you can always turn it off if it bothers you.

A babbling brook surrounded by stones and flowering plants will decorate any country property,
Its construction is usually trusted to professionals, but on a small scale it is quite possible to do it on your own.

To create a stream at your dacha, a small difference in levels in the garden is enough. You are lucky if your site has a natural slope - we simply place the source higher and dig the channel down the slope. What if the area is horizontal? We will have to raise the source above the mouth. How much depends on the goal: whether you want a quiet stream or a stormy stream. To obtain a “swift” stream, the difference should be about 3 cm per 1 m of length.

Accordingly, if the length of the future stream is 5 m, the difference is needed 8-15 cm, for 10 m - 30 cm, etc.

We organize the movement of water

Water in dacha stream moves in a closed cycle (that is, in a circle), so it needs a pump. Use of powerful water pumping surface pump involves the installation of a special pit near the source that protects the pump from weather influences. The water, having passed through the pump, flows down the stream to the receiving pond at the mouth, from where it is sucked in and delivered back to the pump through a pipe, completing the circle. The submersible pump is simply lowered into the receiving pond.

Water from the pond flows under pressure through pipes or hoses upward to the source, from where it flows back into the pond. This option is suitable only for short streams with a slight slope and a leisurely flow.

We are installing a water supply system

The depth of the receiving pond must be sufficient to fill the entire system with water. At the mouth, overflow is required to drain excess water formed after heavy rain. Used as a water supply polypropylene pipe. Most often it is laid along the shortest path from source to mouth, but this has its drawbacks. For example, if you plan to plant a coastal area with woody plants or build a gazebo, then repairing such a water supply system may subsequently become a problem.

In this case, it is better to make the riverbed less tortuous so that pipes can be laid along the bank or a flexible hose can be used for the same purpose. increased strength. In this case, the trench for laying the pipe is dug simultaneously with laying the waterproofing at a distance of 60-90 cm from the riverbed. At the point of emergence water pipe decorated with large stones, imitating a spring.

Making a stream with your own hands

1. Choose a location for the stream. If the area is flat, then the movement of water will be calm. On the slope you can create something like a mountain river with rapids and water flowing over flat stones. Mark the riverbed, the receiving pond at the mouth, and the line of bank fill with pebbles using twine stretched over pegs.

2. Dig a receiving pond about 80 cm deep and a trench in place of the riverbed about 40 cm deep, with a slight slope towards the pond. Clean the bed of roots, small stones and other inclusions. Compact the bottom along its entire length, cover it with a 15 cm thick layer of sand. Lay geotextiles and PVC film, or butyl rubber.

3. Press the edges of the film with bricks without stretching it.

To ensure that the film presses tightly to the bottom, run water down the stream.

Form folds of film and press turns and large folds with boulders or flat stones, scattering them picturesquely along the entire path of the water flow.

4. Fill the bottom with small pebbles with a layer of 5-7 cm. Lay stones of different fractions so that, in addition to a skillful decorative imitation natural reservoir, they pressed the walls of the film along the slopes of the stream and hid the film from the sun's rays.

Laying out large stones to the bottom, you can get beautiful effect from small thresholds.

5. Fill the stream again with water to check how correctly the place was found for each stone.

Trim the excess edges of the film. In places where the film extends far enough to the shore, you can not cut it, but make cross-shaped cuts, bend the edges and plant plants in the resulting windows.

Moisture-loving hostas, astilbes, and volzhankas are perfect for this purpose.

Our advice

To connect the pump cable to the electrical network, you can use the sockets of nearby buildings or arrange a special outdoor electrical panel, hiding it in plant compositions or behind large stones.

6. To form a wide coastal zone with rocky fill, lay PVC film on the area cleared of weeds and stones. Tuck its edges under the folds of the pond film or place it on top with a slight overlap. The film will serve as a barrier to weeds. Then lay out large and medium stones and cover with fine pebbles in a layer about 4 cm thick.

7. The receiving reservoir is arranged similarly to the bed of a stream - it is lined with geotextiles and butyl rubber film on top of a sand cushion. Then the bottom is covered with small pebbles in a layer of 5-7 cm and large stones are laid. If the edges are steep, they may require reinforcement with a special mesh or gabions. More flat banks are tightly lined with large flat stones, which are installed at an angle.

8. Landscaping the coastal zone in such a way that there are not too many shoots hanging over the water, otherwise the water will quickly become clogged with falling leaves. Excellent for this purpose conifers, hydrangeas, Siberian irises, low growing shrubs type of Japanese spirea, dwarf birch.

9. If there is a lot of soil left after digging a water feature, it can be used to form a steep slope near the stream. It is terraced and covered with materials that suit the style. They plant on the hill alpine plants or continue the theme of decorating the shore.

Stream arrangement

Not every summer resident can boast of a natural reservoir on their plot. IN best case scenario This small pond, decorated using scrap materials. We propose to make a stream - flowing, gurgling merrily and sparkling under the rays summer sun. Agree that the dynamics of moving water among stones and greenery completely changes the landscape picture, or more precisely, turns it into a real living corner of nature.

If we are unlucky with a natural stream, we will try to make Alternative option, exactly like the real thing, but with a hidden secret, or rather, hidden at the bottom of the reservoir. The role of the secret will be played by, known to all owners or.

Using a pump, we will create a vicious circle through which the water of an artificial stream will circulate as follows: go up the hose to the source, and then go down the riverbed to a small reservoir

This stream arrangement scheme is universal, but if desired, it can be diversified with one of the proposed solutions:

  • waterfall;
  • rapids;
  • a chain of cascades;
  • a small fountain.

To landscape composition looked natural, it would require a difference in height or at least a slight slope, for example, a gentle slope of a hill. Depending on the steepness of the descent - the place where the proposed channel will be located - we will choose the type of stream.

On a small hill it is better to arrange a calm, leisurely stream with smooth bends and quiet murmur. He will ideal option and in the event that the terrain is absolutely flat, without hills and hills

The slope of the channel can be achieved in two ways:

  • make a small artificial embankment;
  • gradually deepen the bed closer to the mouth.

Do not overdo it when digging the channel and forming its banks - everything should be extremely natural. Nature does not like clear geometry, which means we make smooth bends, an uneven shore line, and uneven bottom filling.

Difficult terrain, inconvenient for planting a vegetable garden or garden, in this case will play into our hands.

A high hill, cliff or steep slope is an excellent opportunity to build an unusual bed of a mountain stream. Unusual because it consists of a series of rapids, riffles, waterfalls and short straight sections

But don't get carried away by the device complex structures, otherwise your stream will turn into one big one. The flow of a mountain stream is faster than that of a flat stream, the speed of water movement is higher, the elevation changes are sharper, which means that a more powerful pump will be required.

Step-by-step instructions for arranging a stream

So, we briefly explained what an artificial stream is.

If you can find an area of ​​uneven terrain, provide a water supply and purchase submersible pump, you just have to study a few nuances of the technical side of the issue, and then you can get down to business. Best time year for construction work– spring or summer, on winter period It is better to preserve the reservoir.

Layout: location, direction, dimensions

The first stage, preparatory, is at the same time the simplest and most difficult. To implement it you will need stationery: pencils or markers, a ruler and a large sheet of paper, preferably graph paper or squared paper.

On paper it is necessary to display everything already available on dacha area objects including house, garden, paths, etc. Special attention pay attention to the area where your stream will be located.

Think about where its source and mouth will be located (the direction of the flow depends on them), to what height the top point needs to be raised, how the banks can be decorated, whether it is possible to use already ready-made flower beds or decorative objects

Be aware that the stream forms an area high humidity Therefore, it is necessary to consider planting moisture-loving or aquatic plants.

If there is a vegetable garden or flower garden with exotic flowers nearby, consider whether additional moisture will harm the already planted crops. The same applies to garden trees, shrubs and even wild flora.

The best place to locate any body of water is the so-called recreation area - small area located away from flower beds, beds and plantings fruit trees. Usually in such a place they install a bench for relaxation, a table for tea drinking, and if space allows, they erect a gazebo or place a patio

The length of the stream may vary: perhaps you prefer compact compositions or, on the contrary, you need a source that crosses the entire personal plot, enveloping buildings and flower beds. But remember: the longer the channel, the more difficulties with its arrangement, and the main problem concerns the slope of the terrain.

The width of the channel usually does not exceed one and a half meters, but more often it is from 30 to 50 cm. Depth is from 15 cm to half a meter. Please note: the larger the volume of water, the more powerful and expensive the pumping equipment

Do not forget that our stream is decorative, and this is its advantage. You can make a completely sealed riverbed and pond so that water from the source does not penetrate into the coastal soil.

The coastline will remain constant and will not be eroded by water in the spring, as happens in natural reservoirs during the snowmelt period.

Instructions for channel arrangement

The main stage is the construction of the channel. Let’s break it down point by point to make it easier to work with:

  • We carry out markings on the ground. When developing the project, you have already determined the location of the stream, its size, source and mouth points, all that remains is to transfer the markings from the paper diagram to nature. This will require small pegs and a ball of twine. We stick pegs along the proposed riverbed and connect them with twine or cord to outline the boundaries of the future reservoir.
  • We dig a ditch under the riverbed and a pit in which there will be a pond - the end point of our stream. A pond is not only a picturesque object, but also a necessary functional part of our project, since it is in it that we will place the pump that supplies water to the source.
  • We prepare the soil and concrete the riverbed. If you have chosen a mountain stream, we arrange stones, boulders, slabs in any form, and fasten them together concrete mortar. A flat stream requires a gently sloping base with smooth bends. The result should be a trench of a given width and a volumetric bowl for the pond.
  • We lay the waterproofing layer - all work surface cover with geotextile or special waterproof PVC film (butyl rubber), secure the edges with stones, pebbles, and sand.
  • Along the riverbed, from the pond to the source, we dig shallow trenches for laying a hose or pipe.
  • We decorate the bottom of the reservoir with sand, multi-colored crushed granite, pebbles, covering all artificial details as much as possible.
  • We supply water, fill the pond, test the pump.

Plants can be grouped, selected by height or splendor, or alternated, making a variety of floral arrangements from various types and varieties

If the plant composition includes trees or shrubs, select low, moisture-loving species that grow in the wild along the banks of water bodies: goat or white willow, evergreen mahonia holmifolia, caragana tree, Thunberg barberry, cotoneaster, euonymus.

Some shrubs, for example, forsythia or lilac, in addition to beautiful blooms, will give a fresh spring aroma, which can also be enjoyed while relaxing on the shore of a pond

Elodea or urut can be planted directly at the bottom of a stream or pond, if it contains fertile soil, while bladderwort or hornwort do not take root, but float freely on the surface of the water surface.

Egg capsules, water lilies, water lilies and marsh flowers feel great even in northern regions, therefore they are permanent residents of both wild and cultivated Russian reservoirs

Rules for caring for an artificial stream

To ensure that the water in the reservoir is always clean and the banks are well-groomed, it is necessary to regularly care for the plants and carry out preventive maintenance of the pumping equipment. To do this, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • check the tightness of hoses and pipes, clean or change filters on time;
  • during hot periods, when water evaporates, restore the required volume from time to time;
  • to preserve the functionality of the equipment for the winter, completely drain the water, clean the pump and place it in a heated utility room;
  • clean concrete barriers, wooden structures and stones from silt and pollution;
  • change the water completely if for some reason it becomes opaque.

Plants require the same care as regular plants country crops. Trees and shrubs need to be pruned so that they do not obscure the view of the water composition with their wide crowns.

Perennials need to be weeded, fed, replanted if necessary, and old and diseased plants removed. Annuals should be planted in favorable time, monitor their growth and flowering

Examples of dynamic ponds in landscape design

We present to your attention several samples good location streams on personal plots.

Perhaps, in some cases, water compositions are called streams only conditionally, but all of these are artificially created water sources in which the flow of water moves due to the action of a submersible pump.

A fine example of a lowland stream that is absolutely no different from its natural counterpart. River pebbles and stones were used as decoration; instead of bright flowering crops, herbs were sown, usually growing in the coastal zone of forest streams.

If you have the opportunity to decorate a pond with beautiful stones, be sure to take advantage of it.

The stream bed and coastal area are lined with stones various sizes and shapes. Pay attention to their color: a combination of contrasting shades - white, black and brick - enlivens the composition and makes it more dynamic

The bed of the stream does not have to be smooth and uniform.

The main decoration of this sample is a series of thresholds decorated with large boulders. The “ladder”, which forms picturesque rapids, must be equipped at the stage of channel preparation

See how a variety of decor is used to the fullest - and nothing is superfluous.

The authors of the project thought through literally everything: the natural bends of the riverbed, a cascade of low waterfalls, a neat bridge with a lantern, and stone cladding shores and even tastefully chosen and skillfully planted plants

Feel free to use non-standard solutions and ideas.

Notice how skillfully the designers played with the source of the stream: it seems as if it originates from the neck of a large inverted jug

If we take into account all the stages of planning, construction and decoration of an artificial stream, we can conclude: anyone who knows how to fantasize and is not afraid can do it physical work and appreciates natural beauty.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

There will be a pond at the dacha great place rest, the murmur of water will calm you down, and bright flowers and the plants will delight the eye. And in order to arrange cozy corner outdoors, it is not necessary to contact specialists. It’s not difficult to create a stream at your dacha with your own hands. It is important to follow the consistency of the technology, and soon your site will be transformed.

Let's consider step by step instructions to organize a stream, in which there will be a small waterfall with good water filtration and beautiful green spaces. Additional photos and videos of this exciting process will help you thoroughly study construction.

Site planning

According to the planned plan, at the chosen place we mark with pegs the bends of the future stream. The meandering view enhances the overall landscape of the site.

Then we dig a trench. Since it was decided to build a small waterfall, sections of the reservoir will have different depths.

Construction of a trench for the future stream

To arrange the bottom, you need to purchase geotextiles and waterproofing film. It must be taken into account that the size of the material must completely cover the bottom area and have allowances on both sides of 60 cm for fastening to the shore.

Since the stream will run along the entire site, we plan in advance the place where a small bridge will be installed.

Before shaping the bottom, it is necessary to install a spillway.

To do this, we use a pipe located horizontally. Additionally, it should be wrapped with insulating material.

Installation of a stepped structure

We use a “stepped” method, which will make it possible to obtain the required water level in areas with different slopes and artificial waterfall. We separate the boundaries of such areas with wooden planks, creating partitions.

We clear the banks near the stream from excess grass and line them with pebbles to strengthen them. To create the base of the reservoir, we use 3 layers alternately waterproofing material: geofabric, film, geofabric.

You can temporarily lay a base around the edges wooden planks. Note that the pieces of textile are laid overlapping, and the edges of the film are secured with double-sided adhesive tape. Upper layer geofabric protects the film from swelling and shifting.

In winding places it is more difficult to lay the foundation. In this case, when creating a stream in your dacha with your own hands, as in the photo, you can fill it a little with water. The material will completely follow the natural curves of the reservoir.

For natural water filtration, we additionally install peat cushions.

Strengthening the stream

For beauty, you can add small and large sea pebbles to the bottom and along the edges. Since the stream on the site divides the garden into two parts, we are building a wooden bridge for crossing.

Sometimes, in autumn time of the year, rainwater fills the stream. And on deep areas the reservoir may overflow its banks. To strengthen it, we lay stones and crushed stones of various sizes on the coast.

Laying flat stones

You can use flat stones near the waterfall. This is the starting point of our stream.

Nothing can so captivate the eye, make you think and delve deeper into your thoughts, as the sight of moving water, living its own life. There is already a calm pond on your site and it’s nice to relax near it, but sometimes you really want to fill it with movement... Create some semblance of a fast river, albeit in miniature. Well, nothing is impossible! If you already have a pond, then it's time to add a decorative stream to it. However, if you do everything correctly, then none of the neighbors will even guess that it is artificial. The water in it will be real, and the movement will be created by a pump, skillfully disguised in a homemade stone grotto.

Decorative stream - a river in miniature

The first step in creating a stream is to select suitable place. In principle, there will be no choice as such, since the stream should only be located next to a pond or other garden reservoir from which the pump will “draw” water. For an outside observer, the final composition will look like this: from an inconspicuous spring gushing out of the ground, water enters the bed of a stream along which it moves and flows into the pond. In fact, we understand that there is no spring - the water is taken from the pond!

Scheme decorative stream(click to enlarge)

Ideally, the mouth of the stream should be on a slope of the site (slope 30°-45°) so that the water can flow down into the pond by gravity. This is not necessary, since the water flow will still be provided by the pump, but its speed on horizontal flat areas will be less than on a slope.

Step 2. Digging a ditch of the required depth

As a rule, the depth of a homemade stream varies between 25-50 cm, and the width can reach 1-1.5 m. Having determined exactly how you want your stream to look, you can start digging a ditch.

Its dimensions will largely depend on the material from which the bottom and walls of the water structure will be made. We'll talk about this below.

Step 3. Create a stream bed

Now we will proceed to the most important thing - creating a full-fledged riverbed. To do this, you must first remove all stones, roots and other debris from the dug ditch, and then compact the surface. Subsequent work will depend on the material of the channel. For this purpose, you can use a waterproofing film or concrete.

If you have chosen the simplest option - film, then first lay sand cushion 5 cm thick, and spread on top of it non-woven material(butyl rubber, for example). Now all that remains is to carefully spread the film over the resulting surface.

If you choose concrete, the principle of operation will become somewhat more complicated. First, a gravel-sand cushion 25-30 cm thick must be laid at the bottom of the groove and covered with plastic film and fill the surface with a 15cm layer of concrete. Thus, the groove depth when choosing concrete surface initially should be 40-45 cm greater than the desired depth of the stream. Accordingly, the width should be larger.

Step 4. Decorating the stream with stones

We can say that the stream is ready, but its appearance is still far from natural. It is necessary to decorate it so that it is not visible even close up. artificial entity. First, pay attention to the bottom of the structure - in a real stream there will never be a perfectly flat surface. In the place of the riverbed where a weak current is expected, small flat stones, preferably pebbles, should be placed on the bottom. Where the speed will be intense, it is better to give preference to large rough stones.

For a waterfall effect, large flat stones can be placed at the bottom of the stream.

The banks of an artificial stream also need decoration - place boulders and small stones there irregular shape. Select stones of different sizes and shapes, placing them individually or in groups.

Pay attention to the landscaping of the coastline. Shrubs and perennials that prefer moist soil can be planted at the source. Viburnum and astilbe, juniper, bergenia, various ferns - all these plants will not only feel good near the water, but will also decorate the picturesque coastal landscape. Along the banks, between the stones, other moisture-loving plants will find refuge: marsh iris, loosestrife, daylily, brunnera, ostrich. Ground cover plants They will crawl onto the stones and become an interesting addition to the overall picture.

Select mosses, sedum, periwinkle or creeping tenacious for these purposes. Having planted all these plants in the coastal zone, it is worth remembering that most of them take about three weeks to take root. During this period, you should not turn on the pump at full power, so that the stream of water does not tear out the plants and carry them into the pond.

Step 5. Enter into the system and connect the pump

The stream bed will flow into the pond and it is there that the submersible pump should be lowered, which will force the water to circulate along a given route. The power of the device must provide the necessary intensity of its movement.

Hidden in a clay jug... is a hose from a pump

Considering that the water will rise to the sources of the stream, it is necessary to connect polypropylene hoses to the pump, which are easy to install and quite frost-resistant. It is advisable to decorate the outlet of the supply hose at the source. This can be done by hiding the hose behind a large boulder or by building a grotto from several small stones.

A wooden bridge spanning a stream invites you to approach the cozy pergola

And finally, if the stream is wide enough, it would not be a bad idea to throw it across decorative bridge or several large flat boulders. This way, the water will not become an obstacle for those walking through the garden, but, on the contrary, will turn the walk into an interesting adventure.