Why do small fruits of cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse. Why cucumber leaves turn yellow: the main reasons and what to do if the leaves on cucumbers have already begun to turn yellow. We carry out the prevention of the appearance of yellow leaves in cucumber bushes

26.06.2020 Heating

It is important to figure out in time why the ovary of cucumbers turns yellow and falls off. This will save the crop and preserve the taste of the fruit. There can be several reasons, mostly it is either improper care or infection with some kind of infection.

It is not always possible to avoid problems if all agrotechnical requirements are observed. There are several main reasons why the ovary of cucumbers in a greenhouse may turn yellow, some tips will help in this case.

  • Cucumber embryos can develop slowly due to the rare ventilation of the room. The air becomes humid or too dry, stale.
  • Hot air is another reason why cucumbers do not grow. If the air temperature in the greenhouse is more than 27 degrees, then the leaves and ovaries turn yellow and crumble.
  • Another unfavorable factor why the ovaries do not develop and wither is the close planting of cucumbers. The green tops of densely planted seedlings create a shadow and do not allow air to pass through. Therefore, it is very important to keep your distance during landing. The distance between each cucumber bush in a row should be at least 45 cm.
  • The reason why the puppets do not grow is due to the untimely harvest. During the period of active ripening of cucumbers, it is recommended to harvest every other day. If the fruits remain on the lashes, they overripe, from which they begin to take all the nutrients. The new ovary does not develop, but dries up and falls off.
  • Violation of the irrigation regime is often the main factor why small cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse. Lack or excess of moisture leads to the fact that the ovaries of cucumbers dry in the greenhouse. Water for irrigation should be warm (about 20 degrees) and it is desirable to defend it. It is impossible to carry out sprinkling too often, it is better to water under the root, with a stream without pressure.
  • Ovaries do not form on cucumbers or they turn yellow due to a lack of trace elements in the soil. When correcting the situation, the main thing is not to overdo it, since an excess of fertilizers is not beneficial.
  • Zelentsy do not develop due to too many ovaries on one bush. The optimal number of them is about 26 pieces. If there are more ovaries, then more nutrients begin to be consumed and the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow and dry out.

Insufficient pollination or its complete absence also causes yellowing of the ovaries of cucumbers. Since the room in the greenhouse is most often closed, it is best to choose self-pollinating varieties. The same varieties of cucumbers are best chosen for growing on the window. The inflorescences of such cucumbers have both stamens and pistils. If bee-pollinated varieties are planted, then you need to take care of the free access of insects to cucumber beds.

The reasons why the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in the open field are almost the same as in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Additional factors are frosts, heavy rains and through winds.

What to do if the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow in the greenhouse

As soon as the reason why the cucumbers turn yellow has been identified, they begin to eliminate it. The following steps will help.

  • When cucumbers cannot start, watering should be adjusted. Before the fruiting period, it is recommended to water every other day with warm, settled water in the evening. During fruiting, watering is recommended to be done less frequently. Each root should take about 5 liters.
  • Poorly developing cucumbers need to be ventilated. It is advisable to equip the greenhouse with a ventilation system; on a hot day, you can open a window or door.
  • Be sure to monitor the air temperature at night and during the day.
  • In order not to dry out the ovaries, it is imperative to form a stem, tie it to a support and prevent excessive hanging of the fruit from one branch.
  • When cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse, what to do depends largely on the variety. If bee-pollinated varieties of cucumbers grow in the greenhouse, then you need to check whether the bees can enter the greenhouse. It is recommended to open the door of the greenhouse during the day; to attract the attention of insects, you can use a sugar-honey solution. There is an option to help the plant yourself.
  • If the ovaries of cucumbers fall due to the large number on the branch, then it is recommended to pick some of them. But it is better to carry out stepsoning on time.

If cucumbers are tied, but do not grow, the situation may be the result of a lack of top dressing. Soil depletion leads to a lack of useful trace elements. Wood ash will help replenish potassium. Nitrogen deficiency will be filled with urea. Chicken manure and mullein are also popular.

Do not abuse nitrogen fertilizers, which is why the tops begin to develop, and the ovaries dry out and can crumble. You can feed cucumbers with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

It is useful to carry out foliar treatment of the plant. Useful infusion based on urea. 50 g of urea and 90 g of soda are added to 10 liters of water. Such a composition helps to restore damaged seedlings in just two sprays.

Gardeners may experience not only yellowing, but also falling ovaries. The problem of why the ovary falls on cucumbers often leads to non-compliance with the temperature regime, improper watering, lack of mineral fertilizers and poor pollination.

Why can ovaries turn yellow and dry on cucumbers, diseases and pests

The resulting ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow and fall off as a result of various infections.

  • Sudden temperature changes, humid air, dense planting of plants leads to the development of downy mildew. First, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, brown spots appear. After a few days, the whole plant begins to turn yellow, including the ovaries on cucumbers in the greenhouse. The first step in solving the problem is to stop watering and fertilizing. You can use drugs such as Topaz, Oksihom.
  • The reason why cucumbers in a greenhouse turn yellow is often a fungal disease such as fusarium. Once inside the plant, it prevents the movement of nutrients and the plant dries up. Treatment is carried out with drugs such as Fitosporin, Trichofit, Kornevin.
  • Cucumber ovaries do not develop due to bacteriosis disease. Frequent watering and an excess of moisture causes the reproduction of the fungus. You should not plant the bushes too close to each other, you need to water it correctly, and after watering, be sure to ventilate the room.

The invasion of various insect pests becomes another reason why the ovaries dry and the embryos turn yellow. The most frequent unwanted guests are spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies. You can fight them with compositions from folk recipes or use insecticides (Aktara, Aktellik).

  • If the cucumber does not grow due to pests, then you can make an infusion of hot peppers. The product is poured with boiling water and left to infuse for a day. The finished solution is filtered, shavings of crushed soap and wood ash are added.
  • You can make an infusion of onion peel. Half a bucket of husks is poured with a bucket of water, put on fire and brought to a boil. Then for 10 hours you need to leave to insist. The filtered solution is diluted with water and cucumber beds are sprayed.
  • The infusion of potato tops will not allow the ovaries to dry out. Greens are poured with boiling water and insisted for a day. For better adhesion of the solution, soap must be added to the composition during spraying.
  • Infectious diseases, due to which the ovaries may fall off, are treated with skim milk. A few drops of iodine and soap are additionally added to a liter of milk. You need to water the cucumbers with the composition under the root.

For preventive purposes against insects, it is possible to spray cucumbers with modern preparations: Tsimbush, Fitoverm, Akarin.

What to do so that the ovaries on cucumbers do not turn yellow, preventive measures

General preventive measures will prevent the yellowing of the started cucumbers.

  • In autumn and spring, disinfect the greenhouse structure and garden tools.
  • So that the cucumbers do not wilt and grow well, it is recommended to replace the top layer of soil in the greenhouse with a new one every year.
  • It is recommended to fertilize the soil before planting cucumbers, for example, with rotted manure.
  • Cucumber beds in a polycarbonate greenhouse must be regularly weeded from weeds and loosened after watering.
  • It is useful to mulch the soil. An additional layer of straw, grass, sawdust will help protect the plant from adverse factors.
  • Observe the distance between the beds and seedlings in a row.
  • During active fruit ripening, it is recommended to harvest the crop daily or every other day.

Few ovaries may be due to poor seed quality and poor preparation of planting material. Therefore, cucumber seeds must be carefully selected, heated and treated with special preparations before planting.

In order to have fewer yellowed ovaries, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of cucumbers. Spraying with boric acid has a positive effect on the formation of cucumbers. You can dilute the solution from drugs such as Bud, Ovary.

This year we planted seedlings of cucumbers F1 "Zyatek" in the greenhouse. According to the description on the bag, they should form from 2 to 8 fruits in each leaf axil. Fruiting has already begun, but some ovaries turn yellow and dry out. Why is this happening? The leaves on the plants are green, large, pests are not visible.

Beam hybrids of cucumbers, namely Zyatek, have become very popular in recent years. There are really a lot of ovaries in the axils of the leaves, but rarely anyone manages to save them all. If we exclude the attack of pests and the development of any diseases, then we can name several reasons for the yellowing and drying of greens. Let's try to find out why cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse.

This is how the ovaries of bunch cucumbers should look like

Reason one: plants are too densely planted

They simply do not have enough food area, so they cannot feed all their numerous offspring. In particular, for Zyatek cucumbers, the recommended distance between adjacent plants is 50 cm, which means planting them closer, even with a vertical growing method, is not necessary. For each specific variety or hybrid, this information is indicated in the description on the bag.

Reason two: plants do not form

Many novice vegetable growers allow cucumbers to grow arbitrarily, it seems to them that by pinching certain lashes, the yield will decrease. As a result, thickets of intertwined vines with large leaves form in the greenhouse, through which sunlight breaks through with difficulty. Under such conditions, not some of the greens can dry out, but almost all - the cucumbers turn yellow and fall off. The formation of cucumbers is simple: from the sinuses of the lower 3-5 leaves, you need to pluck the stepchildren completely. The upstream shoots should be pinched off after the second leaf. Stepchildren of the second order, which will form from the axils of the leaves of the secondary lash, should remove the growth point after the formation of the first leaf.

Yellow cucumbers in the greenhouse, what to do?

Reason three: improper feeding

If, at first, cucumbers, as a rule, are fed with fermented manure, i.e. predominantly nitrogen, then with the onset of fruiting, the needs of plants change, they already require both potassium and phosphorus. Therefore, superphosphate and ash must be added to infusions of grass or mullein. You can use complex fertilizer, for example, "Kemira" or similar.

Reason four: fruits that have grown to the size declared by the manufacturer are not removed in a timely manner

Overgrown fruits (or one fruit) greatly delays the development of other ovaries. For bunch cucumbers, the presence of overgrowth, even an extra 2 hours on the lash, affects the greens.

Something has changed in the growing conditions, so the cucumber fruits that have begun to grow have partially turned yellow

Reason #5: You may need a pollinator

Modern hybrids and varieties are predominantly parthenocarpic, not requiring pollinators. To bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids, you need to plant 1 or several (depending on the size of the greenhouse) pollinator plants, i.e. cucumbers of other varieties that have male flowers. In the latter case, care must be taken to attract pollinating insects.

A little about care

The soil on which bunch cucumbers grow must be fertilized, loose and always moist. These plants need to be fed weekly, but an excess of nitrogen can lead to a decrease in the number of ovaries. Under adverse weather conditions (for example, prolonged cloudy weather, i.e. lack of sunlight, or a sharp cold snap), it is advisable to spray the cucumbers with Epin-Extra or Zircon. To speed up the filling of greens in the greenhouse, you can install a container with fermenting manure or grass. The “aroma”, of course, will be specific, but the carbon dioxide released, which is necessary for plants for photosynthesis, will significantly increase the growth rate of fruits.

Subject to agricultural technology, the probability of getting a decent crop of cucumbers is very high.

And finally

All plants bloom "with a margin", which means they form more ovaries than they can feed, so the drying out of some part is a normal phenomenon.
We hope that our explanations will be useful, and you will be able to save the maximum amount of greens in each bunch.

The dream of any vegetable grower is a plentiful harvest of high-quality fruits. If the embryos of cucumbers grown in a greenhouse turn yellow and fall off, it is clearly not necessary to talk about record collections of greens. To the delight of gardeners who are faced with this problem, agronomists have found the answer to the question of why such a failure occurs in the process of fruit formation and gave recommendations on what should be done in this case. We, in turn, suggest that you familiarize yourself with the advice of professionals and consolidate the knowledge gained with the help of the final video instruction posted at the end of the article.

It is very unpleasant to look into a greenhouse one morning to find wrinkled, yellowed ovaries on green cucumber lashes. It would seem that you did everything right, and a few days ago the plants looked absolutely healthy, and then suddenly such a misfortune happened to them. Are the hopes for a good harvest finally buried, or can it still be somehow corrected? To understand what to do in this case, you first need to reliably establish the cause of what is happening.

In fact, there may be several such reasons, the most likely of them include:

  • violation of the temperature and water regime in the greenhouse - if it is too hot, stuffy, damp and parko, the embryos of the fruits may well turn yellow due to an uncomfortable microclimate, in addition, significant daily temperature fluctuations indoors and insufficient watering can lead to the same consequences;
  • poor quality of the substrate - a deficiency of trace elements, a lack of organic matter, or vice versa, an excess of fertilizers can cause twisting and yellowing of the embryos;

There can be many reasons for yellowing cucumbers.
  • congestion of cucumber bushes - cucumber hybrids are capable of forming a huge number of ovaries, in case of their overabundance, plants physiologically cannot provide all embryos with sufficient nutrition for normal development;
  • dense plantings - cucumber bushes growing in close quarters are forced to fight for access to light and "food", so they direct all their forces to the growth of stems and a set of deciduous mass;
  • irregular harvesting - if there are a large number of large, sometimes even overripe fruits on cucumber lashes, they rightfully pull out all the juices from the plants, and the weak "kids" do not have enough food;
  • diseases and pests. Root rot, bacteriosis, powdery mildew, spider mite, melon aphid, greenhouse whitefly - they all harm the health of cucumber bushes and therefore can cause yellowing of the embryos.

How to prevent yellowing of cucumber ovaries

In order to avoid such an undesirable phenomenon, which is the yellowing of cucumber germs, in the greenhouse you need:

  • equip the greenhouse with effective forced ventilation or simply ventilate the structure regularly;
  • ensure a constant, optimal temperature for cucumbers in the greenhouse structure;
  • to intensify self-pollination of parthenocarpic hybrids in the morning, create a light draft in the greenhouse;
  • make sure that the number of ovaries simultaneously growing on a cucumber bush does not exceed 25-27 pieces;
  • adjust the watering of the bushes, i.e. prevent waterlogging or drying of the substrate and water the cucumbers with small portions of warm settled water;

cucumber ovary
  • do not plant cucumbers for several seasons in a row in the same greenhouse and, strictly according to the instructions, fertilize the soil under them with potassium-phosphorus complexes.

Ways to fight disease

In order to prevent possible infection of cucumbers, it is necessary to carefully remove all last year's remains of plants from the greenhouse and around it, and burn them outside the site, and this must be done regardless of whether they were infected or not.

Advice. Before planting seedlings, the greenhouse must be treated with a disinfectant solution, and its wooden parts must be whitewashed with lime.

Found yellowed germs or diseased leaves must be disposed of immediately, but if the bush is completely affected, it must be disposed of. In case of detection of painful symptoms, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis as soon as possible and treat the cucumber bushes with appropriate preparations.

Advice. To repel aphids between cucumber bushes, you can plant mint, garlic, coriander or fennel.

The implementation of all the listed preventive measures is not a complete guarantee that the ovaries will not turn yellow, but it significantly increases the chances of getting a good crop of cucumbers.

Why the ovaries on cucumbers turn yellow: video

What to do if the leaves on the cucumbers began to turn yellow and dry

natural causes

Sooner or later, the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow for natural reasons, it is impossible to influence them. In some situations, it is possible to prevent and prolong the life of cucumber lashes.

  1. The lower leaves turn yellow and wither during the growth and development of cucumbers.. This is a natural phenomenon. The lower leaves take away a lot of nutrients. But, as the shoots grow, they no longer have enough food. Due to its lack, they turn yellow and gradually die off. To facilitate plant growth, the leaves closest to the ground are removed when there are at least 6-7 leaves on the whip. Further, every 10-14 days cut off the lower leaves. But, if the growth of the culture slows down, and new leaves do not develop, then the lower ones do not need to be cut off. The basic rule is this: if 2-3 leaves have grown, then the lower ones are removed, if not, then they should not be cut off. The cucumber must have enough green mass for the processes of photosynthesis and growth. This is especially important in a greenhouse.
  2. Prolonged cold and rainy weather. The lashes acquire a uniform yellow-green hue. This is more often observed in open ground cucumbers. If the cold is prolonged (below 17 ° C for more than 7-10 days), then the leaves of the cucumbers begin to turn yellow, dry and fall off. The only thing that can be done in this case is to put up a temporary greenhouse and feed the cucumbers. In a greenhouse, this almost never happens. When top dressing, they are restored and continue growing.
  3. Scourge completes the growing season. The lower leaves at the edges begin to dry, the leaf blade itself becomes yellow. The process begins with the lower leaves, but gradually covers all the shoots. As soon as the first signs of wilting appear, and the yield has decreased, they make top dressing with organic matter or, at worst, make a double dose of nitrogen and kalimag. Then you can extend the growing season and get a second wave of greens. If urgent measures are not taken, then the process will become irreversible and no top dressing will help - the plants will dry out.

The last two reasons are quite difficult to influence. The main thing here is not to waste time.

Improper care of cucumbers

Takes first place among all problems. The culture is very demanding on agricultural technology, and even minor deviations can lead to problems.

Wrong watering

The problem occurs with both insufficient and excessive watering, as well as watering with cold water.

  1. With a lack of moisture yellowing starts from the lower leaves and quickly spreads throughout the plant. Cucumber leaves turn yellow. As moisture deficiency increases, they become yellowish-green, then greenish-yellow, yellow, and eventually dry out. Already at the first signs of a lack of moisture, the leaves wilt and lose turgor, become soft and rag to the touch. To correct the situation, cucumbers are immediately watered. In case of severe wilting, watering is carried out in 2-3 doses.

  2. Excess moisture manifests itself in the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves, which are barely noticeable at first, but then acquire a bright yellow color and gradually merge. Excessive watering, especially in a greenhouse, is almost always accompanied by the appearance of diseases, most often various rots. When waterlogging greenhouse cucumbers, watering is stopped for 2-5 days (depending on the weather), the greenhouse is thoroughly ventilated. In open ground, cucumbers are much less likely to suffer from waterlogging, since under natural conditions most of the moisture evaporates. But with daily heavy rains, a film tunnel is made on the cucumber bed, leaving it open at the ends. Watering stops.

  3. Irrigation with cold water causes difficulty in the absorption of moisture from the soil and can lead to the death of sucking roots. In garden partnerships, water is usually taken from a well from a depth of several meters. Ground water is very cold and unsuitable for irrigation. Before watering, it should settle and warm up for several hours. When watering with cold water, it is not consumed by the plant, cucumbers lack moisture, cucumber leaves turn yellow. Of course, this is a temporary phenomenon, but such watering delays the development of cucumbers and leads to the fall of ovaries and greens. Cold water cools the soil, which is highly undesirable for cucumbers.

The optimal irrigation regime for a crop is once every 2-3 days, and in hot weather every day. Water consumption rate - 10 l / m 2. In cloudy and cold weather, watering is carried out every 3-4 days.

Lack of batteries

Cucumbers are consumed extremely. Their deficiency is immediately reflected in the state of cucumber leaves.

  1. Lack of nitrogen. Young leaves are small light green with yellowness, the rest become light green with a yellowish tint, the tips turn yellow. With a lack of nitrogen, the lower end of the greenery (where the flower was) narrows and bends like a beak. The opposite end thickens. Cucumbers are fed with any nitrogen fertilizer, manure (1 l of manure infusion per bucket of water) or herbal infusion (1 l / 5 l of water). For hybrids, the rate of fertilizer consumption is increased by 2 times.

  2. If the leaves of cucumbers not only turn yellow, but begin to curl down and dry, this is an acute nitrogen deficiency in the soil. This phenomenon is especially common on poor soils. Zelentsy at the same time turn yellow and fall off. To correct the situation, fertilizing with nitrogen mineral fertilizers (urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate) is carried out. Feeding is repeated after 5-8 days. The first dressing is done on the leaves (foliar), the second time cucumbers are watered under the root. With an acute lack of nitrogen, it is not recommended to feed with organic matter, since it enriches the soil, while mineral fertilizers contain elements already suitable for plant nutrition, which are absorbed very quickly. After the elimination of a sharp lack of nitrogen, they switch to the usual mode of fertilizing with organic matter.
  3. Potassium deficiency. A brown border appears along the edge of the leaf, and greens become pear-shaped. Top dressing with potassium sulfate or ash. Cucumbers are potassium-loving and tolerate a lot of this element, so the norms of potassium supplementation of the culture are high: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of potash fertilizer per 10 liters of water. Ashes per 10 liters take 1-1.5 cups. The drug Kalimag is very effective, which also contains magnesium, which is also often lacking in cucumbers.

  4. Magnesium deficiency. The leaf acquires a marble color: the veins remain green, and between them the leaf plate turns yellow, but the leaves themselves do not droop, do not curl and do not dry out. It is necessary to carry out foliar feeding with Kalimag (10-15 g / bucket of water), or pour dolomite flour (1 glass / bucket) under the root.

Insufficient lighting

Suffering from a lack of light, mainly seedlings grown at home. Cucumbers tolerate shading well, but the apartments are too dark for them, and if there is no sun on the windowsill for at least 3-4 hours a day, the cucumbers turn yellow. With strong shading, the seedlings begin to turn yellow already at the stage of cotyledon leaves. The leaves acquire a uniform yellow color, and if the room is also dry, then their tips dry and curl a little. The plant itself does not die, but its growth slows down or stops altogether.

Seedlings should be grown in good light.

With a lack of lighting, seedlings are illuminated for 2-4 hours a day if it grows on a northeast or northwest window. If the window sill is poorly lit (north window) or during long cloudy weather when growing seedlings on any window sill, it is illuminated for 5-8 hours.

In greenhouse conditions, dense plantings suffer from a lack of light. The lower cucumber leaves, to which there is practically no light, turn yellow and fall off. Along with the yellowing of the leaves, diseases develop in such thickets. Usually there is not one, but several diseases.

For the normal development of cucumbers, they are thinned out, excess lashes are removed, the lower, diseased and dried leaves are cut off. Properly formed cucumbers in the greenhouse not only do not lack light, but also need shading.

In open ground, cucumbers do not suffer from a lack of light. On the contrary, they are recommended to be shaded or even grown under trees.

Cucumbers gouged

The plants initially look healthy, but the next day the leaves begin to turn yellow. If the roots are not severely damaged, then only the lower leaves turn yellow, if the damage is significant, then the leaf blades dry out and the culture dies.

If the leaves of the cucumbers have only turned yellow, then the cucumbers are watered with Kornevin (5 g of the drug per 5 liters of water) as soon as the first signs of yellowing appear and 2 days after the first watering. With severe damage, cucumbers cannot be saved.

When growing cucumbers, they are not loosened, because their roots are very tender. At the slightest damage, they die off and the plants then grow new roots for a long time.

If the soil is too dense, then it is mulched. In extreme cases, the ground at a distance of 20-30 cm from the plants is pierced with a pitchfork. But loosening cucumbers, even superficially, is not recommended.

Growing cucumbers through seedlings

Cucumber seedlings are grown only in peat pots. In no case should you dive into it. Plants are planted in the ground along with the container in which it grows.

If the roots are still damaged, then the leaves of the cucumbers turn yellow, but do not curl. Yellowing spreads evenly throughout the leaf plate. Plants are watered with a solution of Kornevin or Heteroauxin.

Yellowing of cucumbers caused by pests and diseases

Any always affect the condition of the plants. Most often, the first signs appear on the leaves, and then damage appears on greens and lashes.

  1. downy mildew. Yellow oily spots appear on the leaves from the upper side, which then merge. A white-violet bloom of mycelium appears on the underside. The spots begin to dry, the leaf blade turns brown, gradually dries up and begins to crumble. At the first signs of the disease, cucumbers are treated with Abiga Peak, Previkur, Consento, or the Trichodermin biological product. The treatment is carried out at least 2 times, changing the drug, otherwise the pathogen will get used to the active substance. Greenhouse cucumbers are especially affected by powdery mildew.

  2. Angular spotting (bacteriosis). Yellow spots appear on the upper side of the leaves, droplets of a cloudy pink liquid appear on the lower side. Gradually, the spots dry, crack and fall out, leaving behind holes. The leaf dries up. Then the disease passes to the greens. At the first signs of the disease, cucumbers are treated with copper preparations: HOM, copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture.

  3. Anthracnose. It first appears on the leaves. Blurry yellow spots form on them, then merging. The leaf blade looks burnt. The edges of the leaves are slightly curled up and crumble. To prevent the development of the disease, treatment with Alirin B, Fitosporin or copper-containing preparations is carried out.

  4. Cucumber mosaic virus. Pale yellow spots or streaks appear on the leaves. Gradually, the veins become yellowish. The leaves become corrugated and gradually die off. The disease spreads rapidly and can spread to other cultivated plants. Farmiod treatment. With the progression of the disease, cucumbers are removed.

  5. Spider mite infestation on cucumbers. The pest causes significant damage to cucumbers. Lives and feeds only on the underside of the leaves. It pierces the skin and feeds on plant sap. Light spots appear on the leaves, which then discolor. Such points are gradually becoming more and more. With severe damage, the leaf becomes yellow-brown, dries and falls off. Initially, mites infect the lower leaves, and as they dry out, they move up the lashes. A characteristic sign of pest damage is the web with which it entangles the plant. With minor damage, they are treated with Bitoxibacillin, Akarin, Fitoverm biological products. In case of severe damage, they are sprayed with acaricides Apollo, Sunmite. All treatments are carried out only on the underside of the leaves.

  6. melon aphid attack. The pest feeds on any parts of the plant, but prefers the leaves. Aphids twist the leaves of cucumbers. They turn yellow, shrivel and dry out. If you expand the sheet, you can see a colony of insects in it. Damaged lashes dry and die, the plant begins to shed its ovaries. With a large number of aphids, it can kill the borage. For