We study how to close the pipes with drywall in the bathroom, and not only. Installing a drywall pipe box How to close the pipes with drywall by hand

04.03.2020 Radiators

One of the key positions is occupied by drywall. This material compares favorably with the same plastic that is now popular on the market. Drywall consists of heat-resistant gypsum and an outer shell of thick paper and has many advantages:

1) it is heat resistant,

2) durable,

3) easily interacts with paints and various facing materials.

In just a few hours, walls can be leveled with this material. Also, affordability should not be overlooked. All this allows you to choose drywall for pipe sheathing.

The single size of a drywall sheet for sale is 2.5 by 1.5 m. After purchasing the material, it must be sawn, taking into account the size of the pipe to be sewn up. For cutting drywall, a regular mounting knife, hacksaw or jigsaw is suitable.

In addition to these tools, you will need:


Of the materials, mounting foam and putty are useful. The technology of work can be divided into several stages.

Preparation: processing directly to the pipe itself - the surface must be sanded and painted to avoid rust. Sheathing work should be started only after the paint has completely dried. If the pipes are plastic, this step is omitted.

Measurement: you need to measure the size, height and diameter of the pipes, and taking into account these values, cut the original drywall sheet into plates that will be used in the work. Marking lines are drawn with a pencil on the front side of the sheet, in place of which furrows are drawn with a mounting knife.

The incised sheet is broken along these lines and then cut from the reverse side. An important point: you need to make markings and cut drywall after the final completion of work with the frame - so that the measurements are correct.

Fastening: first you need to install a special iron frame. Theoretically, the frame can also be made of wood - environmental friendliness and a higher degree of sound insulation speak in its favor. But at the same time, moisture is less dangerous for a galvanized steel frame, it practically does not rust. The installation of the frame must begin from the base of the pipe and move up. Horizontal profiles are attached to already installed vertical ones.

When alternating horizontal and vertical stripes of the frame, it is important to maintain a distance of 60 centimeters. Prepared drywall sheets are attached to the frame using ordinary self-tapping screws. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the caps of the self-tapping screws are immersed in the material: they do not stick out and hold tight - this is necessary so that after puttying the resulting surface is without irregularities.

Completion and finishing: with the help of putty, you need to smooth out all the irregularities of the coating and align the seams. Different spatulas will help to make a coating of different texture and achieve the perfect look of the walls. Next, you can paint the walls in a color that suits the interior or pick up ceramic tiles.

In addition, one must take into account some features of working with drywall and pipes. We must not forget that access will be needed to the pipe, so you need to leave a small hole in the back. Further, you need to work with the frame carefully so as not to damage or spoil the pipe itself. And finally, after the work is completed, you need to seal the holes in the corners of the resulting box.

It should be noted that when using drywall, in order to close the pipes in the bathroom or in the toilet, you need to choose a moisture-resistant type of this material.

That's all: the pipe is securely hidden, more or less protected and successfully integrated into the interior without spending too much time.

Plumbing and heating most of the work can be considered done. It remains only to decide what to do with the pipes, they are unlikely to decorate the interior of the room. The solution to this problem can be their disguise behind a plasterboard partition.

What material for the partition is considered optimal?

Already after laying the pipeline, people are wondering how to close the pipes in the kitchen with drywall (and in any other room). To do this, you just need to assemble the frame and sheathe it with drywall or any other material.

For sheathing the frame of the box, you can use not only drywall, but also materials such as wood, plywood, thin metal sheets. However, it is drywall that is most often used for this.

The popularity of this material is due to the following factors:

  • it is much lighter than wood or metal;
  • even when heated, it does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere, this is important when the heating pipes are closed;
  • It is also important that after the installation of the partition there are no restrictions on its finishing. It can be painted, or even tiled;
  • in addition, the price of drywall is low, and the partition is unlikely to need more than 1-2 sheets.

Partition device technology

The whole process can be divided into 3 stages:

  • layout;
  • frame installation;
  • frame sheathing.

After that, it remains only to finish the partition so that it does not stand out from the general style of the room.


At the planning stage, it is necessary to mark the contour of the future partition on the floor and ceiling. Its walls must be strictly vertical, so when transferring the contour from the floor to the ceiling, you will need a building level.

The markup instruction looks like this:

  • the contour of the future partition is drawn on the floor at right angles to the walls of the room. It is important to maintain the distance from the wall of the partition to the pipe itself. It is desirable that it be at least 5 - 7 cm;

Note! When the heating pipes are closed, this distance can be increased. It is undesirable that the partition is very hot, this can adversely affect the quality of the finish.

  • after the contour on the floor is ready, future racks (rack profile) are attached to the corners, with the help of a level it is brought to a vertical position and the position of the corner of the partition is marked on the ceiling. The operation is repeated several times;

Frame installation

When it is required to close the pipes in the toilet with drywall or in another room with a high level of humidity, it is better to use galvanized metal profiles for the frame. You will need 2 types of profiles: UD - attached to the floor and ceiling, as well as CD-profile - will act as racks and horizontal partitions.

Although, ordinary wooden planks can also be used for the frame, but such a design will be more cumbersome. In addition, using wood in the kitchen or bathroom is not a good idea.

Metal profiles are connected to the floor and to each other with small self-tapping screws.

The assembly of the frame must be carried out in the following sequence:

  • first, guides are attached to the floor and ceiling;
  • then rack profiles are installed in the corners of the box, their verticality is additionally controlled. The same profiles must be installed against the wall;
  • in order to ensure the rigidity of the structure, crossbars from the same rack profile are fixed between the racks, the step between them can be taken about 60 cm.

Frame sheathing

Sheets are attached to metal profiles with self-tapping screws. It is convenient to use a knife to cut sheets. The sheet is cut along a predetermined line by about 2/3 of the depth, then it is placed with its back side on the edge of the table and breaks sharply.

After that, it remains only to cut a thin layer of cardboard with a knife.

When all work is done by hand, it is imperative to take into account the purpose of the room. So, ordinary drywall is suitable for the living room, but for the bathroom, kitchen and bathroom it is recommended to use moisture-resistant drywall (it differs from the usual greenish color).

The interior of the box must be ventilated. To do this, when sheathing the frame, a small hole is left in the upper part (at least 5 cm in diameter).

In addition, access to the pipeline may be required at any time, for example, in the event of leaking joints. For revision in the box, it is desirable to provide a door opposite the taps, fittings.

After finishing the partition, the door will be almost invisible.

Note! Moisture from the room should not get inside the box, so the joint between the drywall and the floor, as well as the walls, is filled with mounting foam. In the bathroom, the joint can be filled with sealant.

The space between the sheets and the wall can be filled with heat and sound insulating material, such as mineral wool. Thanks to this, the noise in the pipes will become absolutely inaudible.

How to hide heating pipes?

When deciding how to close the heating pipes with drywall in a room, in general, the procedure is preserved. Differences in technology are associated with the high temperature of the pipes with the coolant.

As a rule, the heating radiator is located under the window, approximately in the middle of the wall. Therefore, in addition to the vertical pipeline, there is also a significant segment of the horizontal pipe in the room.

When masking heating pipes, it is better to bring the drywall partition to the very ceiling in the area from the riser to the radiator. The loss of free space will be almost imperceptible, but the partition will not stand out.

In addition, it is necessary to provide for more intensive ventilation. Large holes in drywall will be too conspicuous, so many small holes can be drilled along the piping.


Thanks to simple actions, the pipeline will no longer disfigure the interior of rooms. At the same time, the installation of the partition is carried out literally in a matter of hours, and all the work can be done by yourself, without involving specialists ().

The video in this article discusses in detail the issue of masking pipes behind a false plasterboard wall.

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List of tools and materials for working with drywall

Before starting work, you need to prepare the material and tools that will be needed. You will need:

  • pencil;
  • metallic profile;
  • dowel;
  • drywall;
  • putty;
  • putty knife;
  • screws;
  • plumb;
  • square;
  • construction roulette;
  • sandpaper;
  • screwdriver;
  • metal scissors;
  • perforator;
  • knife for cutting drywall.

In conclusion, I would like to draw your attention to one important point. If you decide to sheathe the heating pipes and the radiator with plasterboard, then do not forget, without fail, to make thermal holes. They help heat in winter without obstacles to get through the walls into the room. To make such holes, you will need an electric drill with a special nozzle (crown). You can choose the diameter of the holes yourself, but not less than 5 cm. The smaller the diameter, the more holes you need to make.

To date, sheathing pipes with drywall is the fastest and most affordable way to hide communications that spoil the appearance of your room with their appearance.

When starting a do-it-yourself repair in a bathroom, kitchen or toilet, the first thing the owner faces is the issue of improving the water supply and sewerage system: how to hide the pipes in the bathroom, how to sew up the pipes in the toilet and how to close the pipes in the kitchen. The unsightly appearance of the water supply system does not concern builders when erecting a building, but it is important for any apartment owner to create coziness and comfort in their home. It is not always possible to transfer or remake communications. In order to hide the pipes in the bathroom, the construction of a box will be the most effective and easiest way. This way to close the pipes in the bathroom will save you from the aesthetic problem of external wiring, protect the water pipes from possible external damage, but leave access to taps and meters. Plasterboard sheets will serve as the material for the construction of the box, as they are easy to process, do not limit the choice of further finishing, and you can create a solid and reliable structure from them.

What is this article about

Necessary materials and tools

If you wondered how to hide the pipes in the bathroom, how to hide the sewer pipe in the toilet, or how to close the pipes in the kitchen, then the first thing to do is prepare materials for building the structure and tools. The walls of the structure are sheets of moisture-resistant drywall with a size of 2500x1200 mm and a thickness of 12.5 mm, the ribs are metal guides and rack profiles that form the frame of the structure and fasten the box to the walls, ceiling or floor.

From the working tool it is necessary to prepare

  • impact drill for attaching a structure to concrete or brick walls;
  • a screwdriver for connecting profiles with self-tapping screws or a cutter;
  • wire cutters or scissors for metal to cut the profile of the required length;
  • a hammer;
  • building corner;
  • bubble level or plumb line for marking;
  • roulette;
  • construction knife for cutting drywall sheets to size.

The structural elements are interconnected by special self-tapping screws. Dowel-nails are used to fasten metal rails to the walls.

Box marking

To create a frame, you need to determine the size of the future box, which helps to hide the pipes in the toilet. To begin with, draw markings on the floor in the bathroom so that the design can completely cover the pipes in the bathroom. When tiling, make markings that are a multiple of the width of the tile. Be sure to check each marking line with a building corner for perpendicularity relative to others. Consider such a moment that the pipes should not come into contact with the future box.

Lay the distance from the walls of the structure to the system about 5-10 cm, and do not forget when planning that the pipe box in the bathroom itself will be larger due to the installation of drywall sheets on the metal profiles and the finishing of the finished box. Using a bubble level or a plumb line, which can be any small weight tied to a thread, lift the resulting projection of the future box along the walls to the required height. You should get a system of lines that creates projections of the box on the floor and walls with an L-shaped box (pipes are located in the corner of the room or between the floor and the wall) or on the floor, walls and ceiling with a U-shaped structure (in the middle of the wall).

Wireframe creation

To close the pipes in the bathroom, it would be preferable to use a galvanized profile, because due to the high humidity in the bathroom, wooden blocks can be susceptible to rotting and fungus infection. Also, the geometry of wooden products is not always correct, since it is unlikely to find dry timber on sale. And, in principle, it is cheaper to buy a metal profile and it is lighter in weight. It is possible to close the pipes in the toilet using a bar only if it is pre-treated with special protective compounds.

Along the resulting markings with dowel-nails, the guide profile is mounted on the wall, floor and ceiling. From the rack profiles, it is necessary to assemble the loose ribs of the box, connecting them together with self-tapping screws and checking them for parallelism relative to the fixed profiles. If the pipe box in the bathroom has a length of more than one and a half meters (with a width of up to 25 cm), then jumpers should be installed to ensure the rigidity and strength of the structure. The greater the width of the box, the shorter the length requires the use of additional profiles. The distance between the jumpers is chosen no more than one meter.

It is also possible to close the pipes in the toilet with a box with a niche. A niche is a great modern decor option that replaces cabinets and hanging shelves. It is possible to install a separate niche lighting, which creates greater depth and thereby increases the visual space. Prepare drawings for the niche in advance, since already at the stage of laying the frame, additional metal profiles are needed to obtain protruding parts and recesses. A properly formed frame is 80% of the work. It is convenient to fix the intersections of the guides with special "crabs". If it is planned that the niche will be loaded, then it is better to provide additional fasteners and stiffeners.

GKL finishing

A two-sided box for pipes in the bathroom, consisting of two walls of drywall, is closed with drywall sheets cut to the size of the structure. The end of the drywall sheets must be cut flush with the metal profile. Do not assemble structures from pieces, but try to use solid elements.

The trihedral box for pipes in the toilet is assembled using a different technology. According to the dimensions of the two side faces opposite each other, two pieces of drywall are cut out. Using self-tapping screws, the edges are screwed to the assembled frame. Rack profiles are attached to the installed walls of the box, so that they are flush with the guides. The width of the end wall is measured and the necessary piece is cut. Screw the last wall of the box to the profiles. All screws must be screwed into a metal profile.

Arrangement of hatches

The arrangement of a viewing window in a box that allows you to hide pipes in the toilet will provide full access to valves, metering devices, complex nodes in the pipeline system, for revision in the bathroom of the sewer pipe. You can install a plastic removable hatch with a door. This does not require special preparation, it is simply necessary to cut a hole in the drywall with a construction knife 1-2 mm larger than the hatch parameters. The hatch can be glued around the perimeter with liquid nails, or simply inserted into the opening.

The second version of the viewing window is the installation of a secret hatch that creates a hidden opening that fully preserves the aesthetics of the interior. The design of such a hatch consists of a metal frame with a plasterboard door, which is finished in the style of the surrounding walls. Such hatches can be pasted over with wallpaper and even laid tiles on them. The installation of invisible hatches is carried out before the box is covered with drywall, since the hatch frame is fastened with self-tapping screws to the metal frame of the box. Measure the dimensions of the manhole cover. At the installation site of the hatch, form a frame from the profiles. The frame is inserted into the frame and fixed to the metal profile with self-tapping screws (2 pieces on each side). In order for the hatch door to be flush with the wall, the drywall around the opening should recede from the edge by 10-12 mm. The gap between the frame and the frame is sealed with putty.

Box cladding

The decorative finish of the box, which makes it possible to sew up pipes in a toilet or bathroom, can completely repeat the decoration of the walls. How to sew up pipes in the bathroom is up to you, since the possibility of decorating drywall is not limited by anything. It can be beaten by tiling, pasting over with wallpaper, sewing up with plastic or MDF panels.

If you plan to use wallpaper as a finish, then the first step should be to seal the heads of the self-tapping screws recessed into the drywall and align the corners. To form a clear and even angle, special plastic or metal perforated corners are used, which are recessed into the putty when plastering the drywall surface. After drying, the surface is rubbed and primed. The final stage of finishing is wallpapering.

Facing with a tile does not demand preliminary preparation of a surface. A special glue is applied to the surface of the box in an even layer, to which the tile is pressed for several seconds. You can also sheathe pipes in the toilet with plastic panels. For paneling, special guides are installed into which elements are inserted one by one.

Solving the questions of how to hide pipes in the bathroom, how to close the pipes in the toilet and how to make a pipe box in the kitchen will not be a problem, even for a beginner in construction, using drywall sheets and having studied the simplest rules for building metal profile structures.

The modern approach to the design of any room is the absence of protruding communication engineering systems. For example, in the bathroom. It is clear that three main pipes will pass through it: water supply, sewerage and hot water supply. Let's face it, even plastic products will not give the room presentability, so they must be hidden. There are not so many options for how to close the pipes in the bathroom, so we will consider them in more detail.

The option of laying in strobes is used if the bathroom is being renovated. That is, the old finish has been beaten off, communications are being carried out anew. In order to lay pipes, it will be necessary to cut grooves (grooves) in the wall or floor. A very important point is that the width of the strobe should be greater than the diameter of the pipes being laid.

But there are a few points here:

Pipes inside the grooves are fastened with clamps and sealed with plaster.

Installation of a drywall box

With hidden wiring of pipe systems, it is understandable. But what to do for those whose repairs do not allow ditching the walls or floor. One option is to cover the pipes with drywall. How to do this so that the box itself fits into the design of the room? Here it is important to trim it correctly.

Here is a small algorithm on how to close the pipes with drywall in the bathroom.

To close the pipes with drywall sheets, it is necessary to use a moisture-resistant material (GKLV), because the question is how to sew up the pipes in the bathroom, i.e. in a humid environment. Plus, some masters recommend that the reverse side of the sheets be processed with drying oil. It is difficult to say how effective this tool is. For wooden structures, this would be justified. But how will drywall behave in such a situation?

Creating a plywood box

With the advent of drywall, plywood began to be used much less frequently. First, it is more expensive. Secondly, there is a lot of fuss with her in terms of isolation. Even a moisture-resistant sample will not be able to withstand the humidity regime that is present in the bathroom for a long time. After all, here the humidity either rises when a bath is taken, then decreases to normal levels, as in any other room. And this negatively affects any building material.

And yet there is such an option. Let's learn how to make a plywood pipe box in the bathroom. In this case, the same technology is used as with drywall. Only instead of metal profiles, craftsmen use wooden bars. They must be covered with an antiseptic solution, as, in principle, plywood sheets.

By the way, ceramic tiles fit perfectly on the plywood box. True, it will be necessary to stretch a reinforcing plaster mesh made of synthetic material on its walls. A well-placed tile in this case will play the role of a kind of waterproofing material for the box.

Closing with plastic panels

This finishing material will perfectly fit into the design of the bathroom. But here you have to take into account the moment that, although plastic is a material that is not afraid of moisture, ceramic tiles are the main type of bathroom finish. Therefore, the issue of closing pipes must be addressed taking into account this nuance. That is, is it worth using plastic panels or is it better to close the GKL pipes and then tile them?

If the choice stops at a mixed finish, then you will have to select plastic panels in color (pattern, pattern) for ceramic tiles. The problem today is not difficult, because the variety of plastic design is so huge that it will not be difficult to choose the desired option. We recommend not to run around the shops, but to get acquainted with the collections on the Internet on the websites of manufacturers.

The frame construction technology, the installation of the panels themselves exactly repeats the construction of a drywall box. Same mounting dimensions, same frame materials. Although you can use wooden blocks. To seal the joints, special plastic profiles are used, which will give the box structure a presentable appearance.

As you can see, there are not so many ways to sew up pipes in the bathroom. Which one to choose, everyone decides for himself. Maybe someone had experience where a different slab material was used. I would like to hear the story, share the information.

Photo 1 - Hiding pipes in the bathroom

Sewer and water pipes, being in plain sight, can ruin even the most original design, so you need to hide them.

Rules to be observed when hiding pipes

To make the bathroom look stylish and at the same time all systems work properly and for a long time, you need to follow a few rules:

  • Use pipes with a minimum number of connections, which is ensured by competent wiring and proper placement of equipment;
  • Use connections that use the same material as the pipes. At the same time, the margin of safety should also be identical, or better, it would be higher.
  • In order to have quick and convenient access to taps, valves and other items of equipment during revision or urgent repairs, special hatches should be provided.

Photo 2 - Plastic pipes in the bathroom

Insulating materials should be used to prevent condensation on the pipes. If the pipes are planned to be hidden in the wall, such insulation will also allow them to expand freely, which is especially true for pipes with hot water.

Photo 3 - Insulating material for pipes

Several ways to hide pipes

If there is a need to hide communications in the bathroom, then there are several proven methods.

Masking pipes with furniture

Hiding all communications behind hanging or built-in furniture is the easiest, fastest, and at first glance inexpensive option. For example, if the pipes are mostly vertical, then you can buy a regular pencil case of the right size. It remains only to remove the back wall and make the necessary cutouts on the panels at the top and bottom. The result is a cabinet in which you can put a lot of different things, among which there will be pipes.

Photo 4 - Masking pipes behind the nightstand

However, this method has a significant drawback. In the place where the pipes pass, there is always high humidity, and it is difficult to find furniture that can withstand such a load for a long time. You can additionally treat all surfaces with a moisture-proof material, but this will take a lot of time and is not cheap.

Installation of pipes in the wall

This method is convenient if the house is just being built or redevelopment is being done. To hide the pipes in the wall, you will have to ditch, however, if the walls are panel, then such work in the horizontal direction is prohibited. Quite often, the walls are not thick enough to perform such work.

Photo 5 - Installation of pipes in the wall

It should be remembered that metal pipes, as well as any communications with threaded connections, cannot be used for wall mounting. It is important to properly route the pipes, and be sure to take into account the thickness of the tiles if facing is to be carried out. Next, you need to lay the insulation. It remains only to carry out plastering work, close the pipes and you can veneer.

Photo 6 - Pipes in the wall in the bathroom

This option allows you to make the bathroom a little more spacious, and it looks more attractive. But, if a leak occurs, it will be very difficult to get to the pipes.

Photo 7 - Pipes in the wall in the bathroom

How to use boxes and niches to mask pipes

The construction of the box can be considered one of the ways to redevelop the bathroom, quite simple and convenient. A metal profile of the desired shape, or several wooden bars of the required length and section, is sheathed with sheets of drywall, which needs further finishing. It is easier and faster to build a box using plastic panels.

Photo 8 - Box for pipes in the bathroom

Niches for masking pipes are built in a similar way, but they allow you to hide not only plumbing lines, but also a washing machine, washbasin, etc.

Boxes and niches have a serious drawback - they take up space, which is very important in a small room.

Closing pipes with a special screen

Currently, the choice of screens in stores is quite wide. It is a frame with two guides, to which plastic or drywall panels are attached.

Photo 9 - Screen under the bath photo

The cost of the screen is low, while it looks very original and attractive. In addition, it is easy to remove, which makes access to communications quite easy. The disadvantage is the same as that of boxes and niches - it takes a few centimeters of usable area.

Features of masking pipes with a plasterboard wall. Instructions for use

This option is easy to install, as well as low cost. It is better to install a drywall wall in rooms that have not yet been inhabited, where the owner determines the location of the partition. This option for masking pipes is also suitable for large bathrooms.

Before starting the construction of the wall, if steel pipes are used, they must be prepared: cleaned of old paint and applied a new coating.

At the first stage, you should prepare all the necessary materials and tools.

Now you can start building the frame:

Pipe routing must be carried out at the stage of frame construction. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the wall of drywall and tiles, if the finishing work will be carried out with its help.

Now you can proceed to the sheathing of the frame with plasterboard:

Photo 13 - Finishing the box with tiles

Installation of a drywall pipe box video

When choosing a way to hide pipes, you need to be guided by the size and style of the bathroom, as well as personal preferences and financial capabilities. You can use any of the above options, while no one limits you in creating your own method, which will be more interesting and practical.

A photo

Photo 14 - Box for pipes in the bathroom

Photo 15 - Box for pipes in the bathroom

Photo 16 - Box for pipes in the bathroom


How to hide a pipe in a bath

High-quality modern renovation involves not only the use of reliable materials and elements, but also getting a beautiful room, so different parts of communication systems are hidden in the bathroom. To understand how to hide pipes in a bathroom, you need to know that it is quite simple, and various methods and materials can be used for this. Before starting work, it is necessary to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each option, as well as to study which communication elements are not allowed to be hidden in the wall, as they may require full access.

Ways to hide pipes in the bathroom

Disguising pipelines is allowed by various methods, and this will allow you to get a room that has an attractive appearance. If high-quality and expensive materials are used during the finishing process, but pipes are visible, then the room will not look too beautiful. Also, condensate often accumulates on open sections of the pipeline, so they darken over time, which does not add to the attractiveness of the bathroom.

An interesting and well-implemented disguise provides a neat, stylish and modern room. The main thing is to get acquainted with how you can hide the pipes in the bathroom with your own hands.

Hiding in the wall

This method is considered the most common, but it is only suitable for pipelines made of polypropylene or copper, since in them all connections are soldered and welded reliably and efficiently, and there is also no thread. How to close the pipes in the bathroom with this method? For this, the following steps are performed:

  • a scheme is created for laying the pipeline in the wall;
  • markings are applied to the walls, along which strobes will be created further;
  • chasing is carried out, after which recesses are obtained for pipes with the required depth and width;
  • pipes are placed in a special corrugation;
  • then they fit into the strobes obtained earlier;
  • the strobes are closed with concrete mortar, after which the walls are covered with plaster and putty, and then any decorative coating is allowed to be laid.

wall chasing
Pipe laying
From above, the pipes are closed with concrete mortar

Before turning on the water supply, you must wait until the concrete mortar used to close the strobe is completely dry, since if you turn on hot water, the screed will crack. Closing pipes in this way is quite difficult and expensive, and it also takes a lot of time to devote to this process. It is usually used for new apartments where major renovations are being carried out from scratch. It is also effective in redevelopment of the apartment. Before you hide the pipe in the bathroom, you should determine the locations of various adapters and taps, and viewing windows are certainly created for them.

Horizontal chasing is not allowed in panel walls.

If the pipelines are hidden in the wall, then to create them, it is necessary to purchase exclusively high-quality materials, since in a poor-quality system there is a high probability of breakthroughs, which leads to flooding of the neighbors and the need to dismantle the decorative coating and re-chase the walls.

The positive aspects of using this method include an attractive appearance of the entire room. Any finishing materials are chosen for the walls, and the size of the room will not be reduced, which is especially true for a small bathroom.

Bathroom podium

To hide communications, a podium is considered an excellent choice, which effectively disguises the unattractive space under the bathroom. A bathtub is considered a popular plumbing fixture found in almost every bathroom. It can be mounted on legs, but often a podium is organized for this. It acts as the base for the device.

Usually the ugliest and largest elements of the water supply and sewerage system pass under the bathroom, so this space is effectively closed with the help of a podium. For this, chipboard treated with special water-repellent compounds, or plastic panels can be used. Usually a small door is created, with the help of which access to the space under the bathroom is provided. In this case, various cleaning products are stored here. Most often, plastic is used for this, but before that you need to familiarize yourself with how to hide pipes in bathrooms with plastic panels.

Drywall box

Often, communication elements are closed with drywall. This material has many advantages, as it is notable for its low cost, ease of processing and cutting, and its moisture-resistant variety is also produced, which is perfect for the bathroom. Removing pipes with this method is easy and fast, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money on it.

Drywall hides not only pipes, but also other elements of communications.

How to close the pipes in the bathroom with this method? For this, the following steps are performed:

  • a drawing of future work is created, on which its result will be schematically visible;
  • calculations are made that determine the required amount of materials;
  • materials are purchased, which include metal profiles to create a frame, moisture-resistant drywall itself, fasteners for fixing profiles, as well as a sealant used at joints;
  • fastening of metal profiles begins, with the help of which a high-quality frame of the desired size is obtained, and it is desirable to do the work in such a way that the distance from the frame elements to the pipes is minimal;
  • the frame is sheathed with drywall, for which the material is easily cut with a sharp knife, after which it is inserted into the free space between the profiles;
  • joints are filled with sealant;
  • the box is finished with any materials suitable for the bathroom.

Frame around the sewer pipe
Frame around pipes on the floor
The frame must have places for passing pipes
The space around the pipe should be filled with mineral wool
Sheathing the frame with drywall

Thus, if you carefully figure out how to make a box correctly, you get a beautiful decoration of the room. Drywall is easy to work with and is an environmentally friendly material. The disadvantage of using a box is a decrease in the area of ​​​​the room, which is especially important for a bathroom that is usually small in size.

To gain access to taps or other important sections of the pipeline, special technological holes are made in the box, on which doors are mounted. In the event of a malfunction in the performance of the system, you will have to completely dismantle the structure.

Masking furniture and screen

Often when looking at ways to hide pipes in bathrooms, the choice falls on furniture or a screen. Often a special furniture design is created, which is a cabinet equipped with shelves. With its help, not only unattractive areas of communications are hidden, but also free space is provided for storing various items. A room with such a design looks interesting and unusual.

With the help of a pencil case, you can hide vertical pipes
Cabinet with countertop will help hide the pipes

How to hide vertical pipes in the bathroom? For this, a special pencil case is suitable. The back wall is removed in it, and recesses for pipes are cut out in the shelves with the help of a grinder. However, for these purposes, special moisture-resistant furniture is selected, as it must cope with the constant exposure to high temperature and humidity. Such interior items are presented on the market in limited quantities, and also usually have a high cost. It is allowed to use standard items to create a furniture structure, but they will regularly have to be treated with special protective equipment, which entails a constant waste of time, effort and money.

Most often, laminated chipboard is used to create such furniture, which has high resistance to high humidity. Doors are selected hinged or sliding to ensure ease of use of the structure indoors. All cracks are necessarily treated with high-quality silicone to ensure high tightness.

How to hide the pipes in the bathroom under the tiles using a screen? This method is used quite often, and it involves closing the space under the bathroom with special panels or drywall sheets. The most frequently asked question is how to hide the sewer pipes in the bathroom with plastic panels. To do this, a frame is formed under the bathroom, sheathed with panels. Even during the production process, they are equipped with special grooves and spikes, so their connection is a simple and quick job. The disadvantages of this method include a decrease in the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, which is often critical for a small room.

Bath screen

roller shutters

Often, roller shutters are used to decorate pipes. They have an attractive appearance and are also considered easy to use. For many residential property owners, the main advantage of using roller shutters is the constant and easy access to communications and the main elements of networks.

Roller shutters are created for the bathroom from various materials, and are considered the ideal solution if the pipes are located in niches, since the installation process is greatly simplified. The disadvantages include the fact that usually inexpensive products are formed from soft materials, so if handled carelessly, they can be easily damaged, so they lose their attractive appearance.

What not to hide and possible mistakes

Before you close the sewer pipes in the bathroom, you should make sure that they can really be closed, since some elements of the communication networks must always be open to constantly provide access to them. It is not allowed to hide without access:

  • any threaded connections, as they are considered to break often, so there is a high probability of leakage;
  • threaded fittings that are assembled on metal-plastic using keys.

It is easiest to hide elements without any connections, since the likelihood of leakage in such places is minimal. If it is nevertheless necessary to hide areas with connections, then it is important to choose such structures where it is possible to make inspection hatches that give access to difficult areas, cranes or other important elements of the system.

The main problems that arise during work include:

  • along with hidden pipes, various taps or other important communication elements are hidden, the need for which may arise already during the operation of the system;
  • areas where there are threaded connections are hidden, so if leaks occur, it is impossible to quickly access them for repair, so you have to partially destroy the finish in the room;
  • there are no inspection hatches in important parts of the systems.

If you know about the main problems that arise during the work process, then you can make high-quality decoration of unattractive pipes in the bathroom. It is easiest to work with brazed copper and welded joints, as they are easily closed with ties or other methods without creating access to them. It is also possible to close press fittings crimped with construction tongs without fear, however, the products themselves must be of high quality and reliable.

Thus, pipes, which are part of numerous communication networks, are most often hidden to increase the attractiveness of any bathroom. For this, various methods and technologies can be used, so the design that looks the most attractive and interesting is chosen. This takes into account that some sections of the pipeline are prohibited from being closed, and in certain sections it is required to create access to the system in case of a need for repair work. At the same time, not only an attractive decoration of the room is guaranteed, but also the creation of a safe repair, therefore, in the event of a leak or other problems, it will not be necessary to violate the integrity of the finish.



How to hide pipes in the bathroom

The presence of open pipes in the bathroom can disrupt the overall design concept of the room. To correct the current situation, it is necessary to make high-quality masking of the elements of communication systems.

The communication system is an integral part of the bathroom. At the same time, the presence of open pipes can spoil the overall appearance of the room, as a result of which there is a need to resolve this issue. You should first take care of how to hide the pipes in the bathroom. It is also necessary to consider further maintenance of the system. The presence of a small door or the installation of a collapsible structure can significantly facilitate access to the communication element. Before you hide the pipes in the bathroom, you should think very carefully about this point.

How to hide the pipes in the bathroom with drywall?

Drywall is a very affordable material that can be used for a variety of building purposes. Excellent performance characteristics allow the use of drywall when resolving the issue of how to close the pipes in the bathroom. At the same time, attention should be focused on the need to use a variation of the material with a high moisture-resistant potential. In order to close the pipes in this way, you may need:

  • moisture resistant drywall;
  • screws;
  • mounting strips;
  • dowel;
  • screwdriver;
  • paint knife.

Before you close the pipes in the bathroom with drywall, you should first take care of preparing the frame. The base will consist of a guide and rack profile. It is best to use a metal variation of the frame, which is made using galvanized sheet. Here we can talk about maximum resistance to negative corrosive effects.

At the initial stage, the future location of the main frame elements is marked. A guide profile is installed along the drawn contour. To mount the rack profile, small screws are used - bugs. At the final stage, the prepared frame is sheathed with drywall. For fixing sheet material, ordinary screws are used. They are screwed in such a way that the surface of the cap sinks no more than 1 mm.

Before you hide the pipes in the bathroom with drywall, you can take care of installing a shock-absorbing tape at the points of contact between the profile and the work surface. The presence of this element will help increase the stability of the entire structure, since the tape absorbs the resulting vibrations and does not transmit them to the frame.

Vlad Zhitin, expert

Thermal holes

Provided that the drywall box is mounted to mask hot water pipes or heating elements, then care must be taken to prepare the heat holes. Their presence allows thermal energy to freely enter the room.

To install the heat holes, you may need an electric drill with a special nozzle. Subsequently, special swivel covers can be installed that allow you to adjust the heat supply.

Finishing work

If we close the pipes in the bathroom with drywall, then one of the mandatory installation steps will be finishing work. When resolving this issue, it is necessary to close up the places of fastenings and seams very high quality. Also at this stage, the strengthening of internal and external corners is carried out using a special metal profile. This will provide reliable protection of the structure from various mechanical damage.

Finishing work also includes the application of primer and putty layers. After the putty has dried, you can resort to grinding the surface using sandpaper. Subsequently, the finished box can be painted or wallpapered.

Do-it-yourself installation of pipes in the wall

Masking pipes in the thickness of the wall is a fairly popular way to resolve this issue. It is very important to know the communications wiring diagram and have a special tool at hand. In addition, care should be taken to purchase special fasteners.

Before you hide the pipes in the bathroom in this way, you need to make small strobes in the wall. Their size must correspond to the pipes. At the same time, the prepared ditches for the hot water supply system should be somewhat larger, since possible thermal expansion should be taken into account.

It should be remembered that wall chasing in a panel house is strictly prohibited. It is also recommended to refrain from a similar procedure if the thickness of the brick wall is minimal.

At the final stage, facing works are carried out. The main advantage of this method is that the bathroom is not reduced in size. However, in case of pipe damage, it becomes necessary to completely dismantle the facing layer to identify the place of failure. This is not to say that this method is extremely practical.

How to hide pipes in the bathroom under the tiles?

Covering pipes with tiles can take a long time. This is a rather laborious process. It should be noted that this material is ideal for the bathroom. This is due to its high resistance to high humidity.

Here you will also need to install the frame. A wooden frame or a metal base can be used as a base. In the latter case, we can talk about practicality, since there is no need for pre-treatment of the surface with special compounds.

Before you hide the pipes in the bathroom under the tiles, you should initially sheathe the frame with moisture-resistant sheet material. Subsequently, a mesh is glued to the surface, which will be the basis for future tile installation.

First, the front side of the structure is tiled. After that, the tile is laid on the end sections and the horizontal surface. At the end, the uppermost part of the structure is lined.

To make access to the elements of the system as simple as possible, you can install a special hatch. Such a door is slightly recessed into the wall, and pasted over with tiles on top. This will help ensure that the hatch will not stand out against the general background of the wall.

Masking pipes with furniture

Using furniture to mask pipes is a fairly effective and very affordable way. However, it is predominantly decorative. Installing hanging cabinets or cabinets provides the easiest access to the plumbing system if necessary. Before you close the pipes in the bathroom with a cabinet, you need to pay attention to the location of these elements.

Provided that the pipes are placed vertically, it is most advisable to resort to installing a pencil case. In this case, the back wall of this furniture attribute is removed, and holes are made in the upper and lower parts of the cabinet. Additionally, such an attribute can be used to store various things.

Given the high humidity in the bathroom, you must carefully approach the choice of a headset. In order to increase the overall service life in such conditions, the furniture attribute used must be pre-treated with special compounds.

Seal pipes with plastic panels

When using plastic panels, it also becomes necessary to install a box. Such a finishing material is suitable for use in wet conditions, as it has a number of advantages:

  • moisture resistance;
  • minimum weight indicators;
  • optimal thickness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation;
  • price availability.

Before you hide the pipes in the bathroom under the panels, you must first calculate the amount of material that will be needed for this. After that, markup is carried out to install the frame.

The fastening of individual elements of the frame is carried out using self-tapping screws. Profiles are attached to the wall with dowels. Initially, it is necessary to mount the frame base to the wall. Before you hide the pipes in the bathroom under the plastic panels, you should take care of the possibility of access to the individual elements of the plumbing system. To do this, you can make a collapsible box.

At the end of the installation, the skirting board is installed, which can be removed very easily during dismantling. After that, the screws are untwisted and the panels are very easily removed from the frame. Here we can talk about the practicality of the design.

How to hide pipes on the floor?

If you are faced with the task of hiding the pipes in the bathroom on the floor, then this issue can be resolved with a screed. It is the floor arrangement of communications that is the most optimal option.

Before you seal the pipes in the bathroom in this way, it is very important to determine the most appropriate thickness of the screed. The implemented layer should freely contain communications with a small gap. In order to ensure the mobility of the pipe during expansion, it is laid in a corrugation.

The laying process must be carried out with the heating turned off. Moreover, starting hot water is prohibited until the screed is completely dry. Otherwise, cracks may form on the floor surface. This method of masking is not practical, since in case of damage to the system, it is necessary to completely dismantle the implemented layer.

Alternative methods of disguise

In addition to the above methods of masking, there are several more simple and affordable methods. Each of them has its own characteristics. Alternative masking methods include:

  • stucco;
  • mosaic;
  • roller shutters;
  • metal gratings;
  • false walls.

Stucco. The use of such material does not require special skills. Stucco molding can be an excellent element of decor, which is characterized by maximum practicality. In case of damage to the pipe, the stucco molding is very easily removed and subsequently also returned to its place. The material is easy to process.

Mosaic. This solution can also be called exclusive. In order to disguise, it is enough to simply paste over the pipe to match the color of the tile. A feature of the mosaic can only be called that such material can be used exclusively for wide pipes.

Roller blinds. Plumbing shutters are a great option for masking pipes. They can be positioned as a decorative element. Roller blinds are very practical to use. They provide the easiest access to the damaged section of the highway. If necessary, roller shutters are equipped with a mechanical or manual drive.

Metal lattices. These elements are mounted on an installed frame or directly to the pipes. Their use allows you to bring variety to the overall design concept of the room.

False walls. The advantage of this solution is the possibility of simultaneous masking of several pipes at once. At the same time, the installation of so-called false walls is associated with a decrease in the total space in the room.

What is the result?

We looked at several options for how to close the pipes in the bathroom. With a sufficient abundance of ways to resolve this issue, it is quite possible to choose the most appropriate method. The final choice will depend on the characteristics of the bathroom and the characteristics of the pipes to be masked.

It is possible that you have your own ways to resolve this issue. If so, please share them in the comments.

Vlad Zhitin

Expertise - sewerage, water supply

How to hide pipes in the bathroom under tiles, how to close them with drywall, how to seal them with plastic panels: photo, video - printable version


How to close the pipes in the bathroom with your own hands?

Many owners of modern apartments often have the question of how to hide the pipes in the bathroom with their own hands. After all, furniture and sanitary equipment create comfort in this room. There can be no question of beauty if at the same time beautiful tile is visible and plain rusty pipes against its background. How to hide pipes in the bathroom under the tiles? Let's consider several options for solving this issue.

How to hide pipes

In a renovated apartment, hiding the pipes in the bathroom and not littering it is impossible. How to hide pipes in the bathroom? It is better to do this work at the stage of repair. You can hide them in the wall. How to remove pipes in the wall? It will not be possible to do this with products with a diameter of 110 mm. Cutouts up to a depth of 50 mm can be made in the wall. But not everything can be hidden there. Piping systems are:

Welded ones are suitable for hiding in the wall. And the fittings may begin to ooze over time. In this case, the walls will get wet. Fungus and other harmful microorganisms will start in the strobes (grooves in the wall). Strobes must be sealed with cement mortar. You can remove the pipes into the wall and fix them with special fasteners. Grooves for them are made with a puncher and a circular saw.

How to close the pipes in the bathroom in another way? You can do this with a drywall or plastic box. This method can be an excellent solution in cases where you need to hide risers or sunbeds that have a large diameter. Even a large number of thin pipes can be hidden in a box. It is made of drywall or plastic.

The plastic box is easy to assemble and disassemble. It is suitable for sheathing old pipelines, the strength and quality of which are in doubt. Drywall is recommended to cover new pipes. This is due to the fact that tiles are usually glued onto drywall. To make a box you need:

  • profile UD - 4 pcs.;
  • profile CD - 1-2 pieces;
  • drywall or plastic panels;
  • dowels and screws;
  • drill;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • building level.

Guides are attached to the walls. Their position is regulated by the level. The finished frame is sheathed with plastic panels or drywall sheets. Installation of a plastic box is best done after the completion of the rest of the finishing work. A drywall box is made before they are carried out. The framework for them is the same. In drywall, you need to think over and build an inspection hatch for quick access to pipelines. Then the hidden and disguised pipeline can always be inspected and the casing not damaged.

Other ways to disguise

How else to hide pipes in bathrooms:

When developing any method, you need to consider the placement of all pipes, appliances, joints and turns. It is advisable to mark all this on the wall and on the floor. This will make it possible to spend less time on practical work, because some of the products will fall on the floor. You don't need to cut walls underneath.

Under the fill, you can place a heating circuit, water supply. If the pipes in the bathroom will be hidden in a box, you need to additionally insulate them with a layer of foam, mineral wool, and then close them with drywall or plastic panels. Drywall is better to use moisture resistant.

More ways to hide the pipe in the bathroom:

  • A good way is to close the pipes in the bathroom with cabinet furniture that you can make yourself. Shelves are closed with doors. There is also a storage facility for household chemicals.
  • It can be masked with foam stucco, colored mosaics, artificial flowers and lianas, just paint with paint in a color suitable for the interior. Roller blinds (roll-type metal shutters) are also used. They provide full access to the hidden and allow you to equip shelves for household chemicals. Installation is not difficult, any color is selected.

Disguise methods

You can mask the pipes in the bathroom:

  • stucco;
  • mosaic;
  • roller shutters;
  • metal gratings;
  • false walls.

Stucco is a material for which you do not need to have special skills. It is very practical in design, easy to remove and stick, easy to process.

Mosaic is an exclusive solution. You can simply paste over the product to match the color of the furnishings or tiles. But you can use the mosaic on rather large things and on pipes of large diameter.

Roller shutters or plumbing shutters are another option to hide pipes. At the same time, they are a decorative element. Roller shutters are very practical in operation, they allow easy access to any hidden section of the pipeline. They can be equipped with a drive - manual or mechanical. Roller blinds are durable and comfortable. Their disadvantages include their high cost.

Metal gratings are mounted on an installed frame. They bring variety to the design of the room. False walls are able to hide several plastic or steel products at the same time. But they take up part of the usable area of ​​the bathroom. They are made of drywall and hide everything that is there.


We have already figured out how to hide your plumbing and other pipes in the bathroom. This can be done in different ways. The main thing is to leave an inspection channel for checking and repairing threaded connections, meters, valves and fittings. Valves must always be accessible.

It is desirable to wrap all products with a layer of waterproofing material. This is done so that they do not sweat. It is best to use polypropylene products for hidden communications. They will go under the filling of the floor. All connections are best boiled well. Before laying on the floor, the products should be placed in a corrugated hose. From above, everything laid is covered with a layer of cement or concrete pouring. The layer thickness is at least 2-3 cm above the pipes. Tiles, linoleum, laminated panels are laid on the screed.

How to attach a drywall profile to a wall

Many apartment owners, upon completion of the installation of pipes or heating systems in the house, are wondering how to close them with an outer box and what kind of sheathing to use for this. Everyone has their own preferences in this matter, however, the material that is most often used for this purpose is drywall.

Advantages of drywall boxes

In general, the construction of the outer box can serve various purposes, for example:

  • Give designs an aesthetic appearance.
  • Provide protection against accidental mechanical and other damage.
  • Achieve a soundproofing effect (especially in the case of sewer pipes).

Gypsum boards meet all these requirements well, and although other materials can be used to build the box, they are preferable for a number of reasons:

  • Low price.
  • Ease of assembly design.
  • Excellent environmental performance.
  • High sound absorption rates.

It is not difficult to work with this material, and therefore the involvement of professionals is optional, and with some skills, you can close the pipes with drywall with your own hands.

Preparation for sheathing pipes with plasterboard boxes

Before sheathing the pipes with drywall, some preliminary work should be done, which are as follows:

  • Preparation of the necessary materials, including metal profiles (rails, rack), screws, dowels and drywall sheets themselves.
  • Preparation of the necessary tools (knife, screwdriver, hacksaw, plumb line, level, pencil).
  • In the case of metal pipe products, it is advisable to clean their surfaces of old paint and repaint before sewing up the pipes with drywall. After sheathing the pipes with drywall, access to them becomes very difficult or impossible.

Upon completion of these works, before you close the pipes in the room or in the bathroom with drywall, you must first prepare a reliable frame for its fastening.

Do-it-yourself frame installation

The material for the construction of the frame structure, to which the plasterboard sheathing will be attached, is usually metal profiles (rack and guides) made of galvanized sheet.

These products are resistant to the process of corrosion and rust, and therefore their use ensures a long service life and the absence of serious problems during operation.

Work on the manufacture of a frame structure consists of the following steps:

  1. Marking lines and contours of the frame on the floor, walls and ceilings, carried out with a simple pencil using a level and plumb line.
  2. Installation of guide profiles in accordance with the marks and their fastening to the wall with dowels.
  3. Installing three vertical rack profiles and measuring the distance between them.
  4. Inserting rack profiles into the rails and fastening them to each other with small special screws called “bugs”.

After these works are completed, the frame for the planned sheathing can be considered ready, and it is possible to proceed with the construction of the box itself from drywall sheets.

Plasterboard box installation

  1. Sheets of drywall are prepared for the assembly of the skin, after which they are cut into fragments of the desired size.
  2. The blanks are inserted between the profiles and placed for subsequent fixation.
  3. Plasterboard blanks are fastened to the frame using self-tapping screws. The screw heads should not penetrate the drywall by more than 1 mm. Screwing plasterboard sheets with screws to the frame is done on both sides.
  4. The ends and edges of the used sheets protruding beyond the structure are sawn off with a hacksaw. Edges in places of cuts are leveled by means of a diamond grid No. 100.

Processing and finishing plasterboard sheathing

If we are talking about how to sew up heating pipes with drywall, or you need to surround the heating system as a whole with a box, then it becomes important to have holes in the casing for heat to escape into the room. It is desirable that such heat holes have a diameter of five centimeters or more, but they can be replaced by a large number of holes of small size.

During the summer, the heat vents are not used, and in order to prevent dust and other particles from clogging them, it is recommended that they be closed until the next winter. A handy option are commercially available hinged lids that can be left open in cold weather and closed in the spring/summer season.

If it is necessary to box ordinary household pipes in the kitchen or in the toilet, or the question is how to sew up the pipes in the bathroom with drywall, then the presence of such holes is not required.

In addition, lining and additional arrangement of a drywall box provides for several types of work:

  • Sealing of attachment points, slots and seams. As a rule, ordinary polyurethane foam is used for this purpose.
  • Strengthening the outer and inner corners of the box with steel corner profiles, which not only helps to align the corners, but also provides additional protection against accidental mechanical damage.
  • Inserting the exhaust flange into the top of the mounted duct.
  • Puttying work followed by grinding with a grout mesh or sandpaper.
  • Decorative finishing of the erected cladding structure. There are plenty of options here to choose from. For example, wallpaper can be pasted over the box, painted in the desired color with paint or emulsion, covering the sheathing with self-adhesive furniture tape, using liquid wallpaper, decorative plaster, etc. Which option or style to choose depends on the imagination, taste and preferences of the owners of the home .

As you can see, lining pipes with drywall does not present any particular difficulties, and does not require high professionalism or sophisticated equipment. This is due to the popularity of drywall boxes for enclosing pipe and other structures. Their manufacture is within the power of any self-taught home master who will carefully read the instructions and observe accuracy and thoroughness in work.

When starting a do-it-yourself repair in a bathroom, kitchen or toilet, the first thing the owner faces is the issue of improving the water supply and sewerage system: how to hide the pipes in the bathroom, how to sew up the pipes in the toilet and how to close the pipes in the kitchen. The unsightly appearance of the water supply system does not concern builders when erecting a building, but it is important for any apartment owner to create coziness and comfort in their home. It is not always possible to transfer or remake communications. In order to hide the pipes in the bathroom, the construction of a box will be the most effective and easiest way. This way to close the pipes in the bathroom will save you from the aesthetic problem of external wiring, protect the water pipes from possible external damage, but leave access to taps and meters. Plasterboard sheets will serve as the material for the construction of the box, as they are easy to process, do not limit the choice of further finishing, and you can create a solid and reliable structure from them.

What is this article about

Necessary materials and tools

If you wondered how to hide the pipes in the bathroom, how to hide the sewer pipe in the toilet, or how to close the pipes in the kitchen, then the first thing to do is prepare materials for building the structure and tools. The walls of the structure are sheets of moisture-resistant drywall with a size of 2500x1200 mm and a thickness of 12.5 mm, the ribs are metal guides and rack profiles that form the frame of the structure and fasten the box to the walls, ceiling or floor.

From the working tool it is necessary to prepare

  • impact drill for attaching a structure to concrete or brick walls;
  • a screwdriver for connecting profiles with self-tapping screws or a cutter;
  • wire cutters or scissors for metal to cut the profile of the required length;
  • a hammer;
  • building corner;
  • bubble level or plumb line for marking;
  • roulette;
  • construction knife for cutting drywall sheets to size.

The structural elements are interconnected by special self-tapping screws. Dowel-nails are used to fasten metal rails to the walls.

Box marking

To create a frame, you need to determine the size of the future box, which helps to hide the pipes in the toilet. To begin with, draw markings on the floor in the bathroom so that the design can completely cover the pipes in the bathroom. When tiling, make markings that are a multiple of the width of the tile. Be sure to check each marking line with a building corner for perpendicularity relative to others. Consider such a moment that the pipes should not come into contact with the future box.

Lay the distance from the walls of the structure to the system about 5-10 cm, and do not forget when planning that the pipe box in the bathroom itself will be larger due to the installation of drywall sheets on the metal profiles and the finishing of the finished box. Using a bubble level or a plumb line, which can be any small weight tied to a thread, lift the resulting projection of the future box along the walls to the required height. You should get a system of lines that creates projections of the box on the floor and walls with an L-shaped box (pipes are located in the corner of the room or between the floor and the wall) or on the floor, walls and ceiling with a U-shaped structure (in the middle of the wall).

Wireframe creation

To close the pipes in the bathroom, it would be preferable to use a galvanized profile, because due to the high humidity in the bathroom, wooden blocks can be susceptible to rotting and fungus infection. Also, the geometry of wooden products is not always correct, since it is unlikely to find dry timber on sale. And, in principle, it is cheaper to buy a metal profile and it is lighter in weight. It is possible to close the pipes in the toilet using a bar only if it is pre-treated with special protective compounds.

Along the resulting markings with dowel-nails, the guide profile is mounted on the wall, floor and ceiling. From the rack profiles, it is necessary to assemble the loose ribs of the box, connecting them together with self-tapping screws and checking them for parallelism relative to the fixed profiles. If the pipe box in the bathroom has a length of more than one and a half meters (with a width of up to 25 cm), then jumpers should be installed to ensure the rigidity and strength of the structure. The greater the width of the box, the shorter the length requires the use of additional profiles. The distance between the jumpers is chosen no more than one meter.

It is also possible to close the pipes in the toilet with a box with a niche. A niche is a great modern decor option that replaces cabinets and hanging shelves. It is possible to install a separate niche lighting, which creates greater depth and thereby increases the visual space. Prepare drawings for the niche in advance, since already at the stage of laying the frame, additional metal profiles are needed to obtain protruding parts and recesses. A properly formed frame is 80% of the work. It is convenient to fix the intersections of the guides with special "crabs". If it is planned that the niche will be loaded, then it is better to provide additional fasteners and stiffeners.

GKL finishing

A two-sided box for pipes in the bathroom, consisting of two walls of drywall, is closed with drywall sheets cut to the size of the structure. The end of the drywall sheets must be cut flush with the metal profile. Do not assemble structures from pieces, but try to use solid elements.

The trihedral box for pipes in the toilet is assembled using a different technology. According to the dimensions of the two side faces opposite each other, two pieces of drywall are cut out. Using self-tapping screws, the edges are screwed to the assembled frame. Rack profiles are attached to the installed walls of the box, so that the drywall walls are flush with the guides. The width of the end wall is measured and the necessary piece is cut. Screw the last wall of the box to the profiles. All screws must be screwed into a metal profile.

Arrangement of hatches

The arrangement of a viewing window in a box that allows you to hide pipes in the toilet will provide full access to valves, metering devices, complex nodes in the pipeline system, for revision in the bathroom of the sewer pipe. You can install a plastic removable hatch with a door. This does not require special preparation, it is simply necessary to cut a hole in the drywall with a construction knife 1-2 mm larger than the hatch parameters. The hatch can be glued around the perimeter with liquid nails, or simply inserted into the opening.

The second version of the viewing window is the installation of a secret hatch that creates a hidden opening that fully preserves the aesthetics of the interior. The design of such a hatch consists of a metal frame with a plasterboard door, which is finished in the style of the surrounding walls. Such hatches can be pasted over with wallpaper and even laid tiles on them. The installation of invisible hatches is carried out before the box is covered with drywall, since the hatch frame is fastened with self-tapping screws to the metal frame of the box. Measure the dimensions of the manhole cover. At the installation site of the hatch, form a frame from the profiles. The frame is inserted into the frame and fixed to the metal profile with self-tapping screws (2 pieces on each side). In order for the hatch door to be flush with the wall, the drywall around the opening should recede from the edge by 10-12 mm. The gap between the frame and the frame is sealed with putty.

Box cladding

The decorative finish of the box, which makes it possible to sew up pipes in a toilet or bathroom, can completely repeat the decoration of the walls. How to sew up pipes in the bathroom is up to you, since the possibility of decorating drywall is not limited by anything. It can be beaten by tiling, pasting over with wallpaper, sewing up with plastic or MDF panels.

If you plan to use wallpaper as a finish, then the first step should be to seal the heads of the self-tapping screws recessed into the drywall and align the corners. To form a clear and even angle, special plastic or metal perforated corners are used, which are recessed into the putty when plastering the drywall surface. After drying, the surface is rubbed and primed. The final stage of finishing is wallpapering.

Facing with a tile does not demand preliminary preparation of a surface. A special glue is applied to the surface of the box in an even layer, to which the tile is pressed for several seconds. You can also sheathe pipes in the toilet with plastic panels. For paneling, special guides are installed into which elements are inserted one by one.

Solving the questions of how to hide pipes in the bathroom, how to close the pipes in the toilet and how to make a pipe box in the kitchen will not be a problem, even for a beginner in construction, using drywall sheets and having studied the simplest rules for building metal profile structures.