The magic of numbers. Keys - dream book. Dream Interpretation - close the door with a key

16.10.2019 Radiators

A person who sees a doorway in a dream may soon encounter obstacles, and depending on how the dream ends, you can find out whether he will overcome them or not. The dream book will help you find out what the door is dreaming of, you just need to remember all the details of the dream, its mood and ending.

A dream in which you have to close the door behind someone means, according to the dream book, a subconscious desire to protect yourself and your loved ones from ill-wishers and evil tongues. Locking the door means fighting people who are stronger, thereby dooming yourself to great danger. It will take a lot of courage and willpower to handle the situation.

A dream in which you have to close the door with a key is interpreted by the dream book as an early marriage or a meeting with a person who is most likely to become your life partner in the end. Closing the door with a lock is interpreted by the dream book as a desire to find peace and be alone. Also, this dream may be an indicator that you are trying to get away from problems, instead of immediately solving them.

To close the door from the inside means, according to the dream book, the struggle with one's own fears. For a woman, this dream means fear of an unwanted pregnancy or the fear that a guy will exchange her for another. For a man, this dream promises an unpleasant conversation with his girlfriend, which can end in a break if young people do not sincerely talk to each other.

To find out why the open door is dreaming, the dream book will help. This dream has two meanings: the first is a call to action, the second is a person’s readiness for a new relationship. A dream in which there was a door open to the apartment can warn of uninvited guests, as well as psychological and subconscious readiness to create a family.

According to the dream book, an open front door in a dream means that soon you will receive a profitable offer to participate in a profitable business, which actually turns out to be a financial scam. Do not succumb to the persuasion and promises of quick and easy money.

A dream in which you happen to open the door with a key, according to the dream book, means that your ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations will help you cope with the difficulties that have piled up. Such a dream for a man suggests that he will still be able to win the heart of a girl he has long liked.

The dream in which you heard a knock on the door means pleasant and long-awaited news. Furiously and loudly knocking on the door in a dream to a forced conversation with a request to repay the debt. Also, a dream in which you have to knock on the door speaks of vain and unfulfilled hope. Knocking on a closed door means vain attempts to justify yourself and prove your innocence, ill-wishers have done a good job of blackening your name in front of the public.

What is the dream of the front door. According to the dream book, if the entrance opening in a dream is open, it means a quick and painless overcoming of obstacles on the way to the implementation of the plan, closed - it means that obstacles on the way can confuse you and force you to change your goals.

A new door in a dream symbolizes the beginning of a new and important stage in a person's life: creating a family, having a child, starting a new project, moving to a new home. The dream in which the old doorway appears, according to the dream book, means that those things that you put off “for tomorrow” can no longer wait, and if they are not settled today, as a result, you can fly out of work. Also, such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a relationship that does not bring former pleasure, which should be abandoned in order for a new hobby to appear.

Why dream of a broken door. Such a dream means that your future career is in the hands of other people and your immediate future depends on them. In order to reach the desired heights, you should learn how to interact with them.

If in a dream you dreamed that they were breaking the door, it means that there is a traitor in the inner circle who will soon prove himself. This person takes revenge on you for the fact that once in your youth you destroyed his love. Breaking the door means that the time has come for decisive action and how you behave during this period depends on the future. The dream interpretation advises to get rid of those friendships and relationships that are a burden to you and do not carry more of the ease and pleasure as before.

A dream in which there are many doors is interpreted by the dream book as the need to make a choice and finally decide on the question that is now hanging in the air. A long pause in resolving this issue is inappropriate, since the chance may pass to another person. A corridor with doors seen in a dream represents a large selection of opportunities that you must definitely use. This dream may still be a call for the implementation of long-cherished plans.

Why else dream of a door in a dream

A dream in which the door does not close no matter how much effort is made, according to the dream book, means that with all your desire to refuse (hide, hide) from your obligations, it will be impossible to do so.

Why dream of ringing the doorbell. A doorbell from a dream book means unexpected news, and this dream can also promise urgent matters that require only personal presence. In order to succeed, you should increase your self-esteem and engage in self-education.

If you had a dream in which unknown persons are breaking in the door, then it means unsuccessful attempts to prove your point of view, or persistent attempts of people to convince you that you are right. The dream interpretation assures that such a dispute will not bring clarity, but will only affect your relationship with colleagues.

Entering the door in a dream portends futile and unsuccessful attempts to get rid of stubborn people who slander and sling mud at you. The dream interpretation warns that the fight against ill-wishers will spur them to even more active actions, the most effective way to harm them is to not pay any attention to them.

Seeing the keys in the door in a dream means a new love relationship, which will most likely end in a wedding. Also, such a dream suggests that your heart is open to new feelings and relationships, and soon a person will appear who will greatly please you.

You can find out the interpretation of the “door” dream, as well as what it is dreaming of, by paying attention to the material from which the opening is made. A glass door in a dream means a profitable business offer, which in reality turns out to be a scam and a scam. The dream in which the iron door was dreamed, according to the dream book, means the presence of a secret well-wisher who protects you from the attacks of enemies. Wooden doors in a dream indicate that your attempts to protect yourself and your family from the attacks of ill-wishers will be in vain.

The dream in which the white door was dreamed is interpreted by the dream book as a sincere desire to help your loved ones, as well as the openness of the soul and the ability to forgive. Such a dream can mean a good opportunity to get to grips with your business.

If in a dream you have to knock out a door, this means achieving the desired through titanic efforts, it is for this that the people around you will respect and be a little afraid of you.

Why dream of a door without a lock. This dream is interpreted by the dream book as a subconscious feeling of insecurity, fear of change and responsibility. Relatives and close people will help to get rid of vulnerability and self-doubt. As soon as you overcome this barrier, career advancement is guaranteed.

If in a dream, you had to change the door to a new one, then replenishment in the family is coming soon. If you had to paint the door in a dream, it means that you are too jealous, in most cases unjustifiably, by doing this you risk losing your soul mate. The dream in which you wash the door in your house promises a pleasant meeting with family and friends, and also means your willingness to take matters into your own hands.

A house without doors in a dream means a dead-end situation has arisen from which you cannot find a way out. The dream book advises you to turn to relatives and friends for help, you can unleash a tangle of intrigues and neglected cases.

Why dream of holding the door. This dream represents isolation and fear of opening up to people, which can lead to a lonely life without entertainment and communication. A dream in which you have to look for a door means a dead end situation from which it is impossible to get out on your own. Also, such a dream means that you should not open your own business now, because you are not mentally prepared for such cases.

Hiding behind the door in a dream is explained by a subconscious desire to run away from problems, the fear of being face to face with competitors (rivals, enemies), as well as fear for one's reputation.

If you dreamed of a secret door, and through it you got into the long-awaited room, it means that even the most controversial and complicated cases will soon be resolved. Such a dream according to the dream book indicates that you are in harmony with yourself and your desires.

What is the dream of the door in Miller's dream book. Entering the opening - unsuccessful attempts to get rid of ill-wishers and enemies. Seeing in a dream the same entrance as in childhood and entering it, the dream book portends success in business and subsequent endeavors. Seeing a dream in which people enter and leave the opening is a sign of difficulty when trying to put things in order in their affairs.

comments 34

  • I dreamed that someone was opening the door with a key, I thought it was my husband and ran out to meet him. But it was my late grandmother. She pushed me angrily and slammed the door in my face. Can someone help me understand what this dream means.

  • This dream was very long, and I remember it, not all parts, but basically everything. At the end, before they wake up, all my friends and the rest of the people ran away, it was the dead of night, and only the children remained, they laughed out loud and played. A lot of children. I ran to my entrance, dialed a combination of 6 numbers (I also remember them) to open the doors to it, opened it, but could not close it, the magnet did not work in any way, which seemed strange to me. And I knew that someone or something was interfering with it. Therefore, I just held the doors, supposedly they were closed. But then it became strange to me that it became quiet, and no one opens, I wanted to quickly run to my floor, but I opened the door, and there were just three women standing there, two holding a stretcher on wheels, and the third just stood, smiled sweetly, and looked at me, I understood that they came for me, but I did not understand why they just stood there. Then I realized that for me this war (I never saw what we were fighting, but I knew for sure that this was not an ordinary war) was over. I want to remind you that this is only the end of the dream, which is not even the 4th part of the dream, it was very long, and I remember many details: what we said, what we did, what we thought about.

  • Dirty Ramirez:

    I dreamed that I opened the door with the keys to the car, not mine. Stolen. The door didn't open, it broke. I knocked her out. She turned into a mirror and my face in the reflection was on fire. I sniffed a couple of roads of the hair dryer and I felt better. We've been talking to the door all night. What would that mean? And I also dreamed that the corpse of a girl was brought to my morgue for an autopsy and I fell in love with her. What to do?

    I dreamed that there was a house and a door, and behind it there was another door, and so I opened the door behind the door. There were many. Now the door from the side, then from the other side, then right and again right in front of me, and I felt that it was too late to go back, I got lost. And I opened and opened again.

  • Today I dreamed of many doors, but I still could not find my own. I went into the entrance, went up to my floor, and there the door is not mine and I can’t open it, but I leave the entrance, I think maybe I made a mistake with the house, but no, my house, my entrance, I go back to the entrance, and everything is completely different there it became as if entering the entrance every time I find myself in a different reality and I can’t find my own and there is no door for me. This all went on for a very long time in a dream, I left the entrance, went back, went up to my floor, but the door was still not mine, in the end I found my door, my reality, having finally come home. My husband began to ask why I didn’t believe in my story for so long, the sensations were that if I left the apartment again I wouldn’t be able to find my door, fear mixed with the feeling that I had lost my mind. But when my husband and I left the apartment, everything happened again, and we were already looking for our door together, of course, he believed me even then, and together we found our door and it was all over. The first time I was looking for a door with my mother, but then she disappeared somewhere. The whole dream passed in this spirit, it was like a mystery, and after it, when I woke up, it somehow remained not very pleasant, but with the feeling that everything would be fine.

  • The dream was like I was running away from people who want to kill me. I run into one room there is a door with a key. I open the door with the key. There is a door again and so I run 20 doors and I have a wild fear. And only when I close the first door with a key it becomes easier for me, as a result, having run through many rooms, I run out into a blooming sunflower, and between it there are many flowers. I fall to the ground and it becomes easy and free for me, why such a dream?

Dream interpretation close the door

Why dream of closing the door? It seems that such a dream has nothing to hide from the sleeper, but, in fact, everything is not so simple. A closed door is a reflection of possible obstacles that arise on the way to the goal. The final result depends only on the dreamer, and he must understand this.

general information

As the dream book thinks, closing the door is a symbol that depends on a large number of related details. In one case, a person will expect problems and disappointment, and in the other, a constant desire for a better life. The main thing is to learn to leave in the past what has been oppressing for a long time and affecting the stability of the emotional state.

What do the experts think?

Before you begin to decipher the image you see, you must understand the potential difficulties that you may encounter. At the initial stage, try to highlight key events.

It makes no sense to dwell on only one option, since a lot depends on the context.

Women's dream book

Lock in a dream with a padlock

As the dream book prescribes, closing the door to the castle means concluding a happy marriage, in which the partner will be able to know you from different sides. It is also important to remember from which side you decided to close:

  • outside - you will be able to get rid of oppressive thoughts that for a long time did not allow you to relax normally;
  • from the inside - you want to protect yourself from external influences.

The female interpreter of dreams advises you to learn to accept and solve problems face to face, and not try to run away from them. Such a tactic of behavior is unlikely to lead to good results. By overcoming your own fears, you can become stronger and more confident. Locking the door one by one is another attempt to hide from problems.

A young representative of the fair sex closes the door - to the upcoming acquaintance with an interesting and wealthy gentleman, who will allow you to gain not only financial, but also emotional dependence.

Symbolic dream book

Lock in a dream with a key

To close the door with a key - to possible difficulties in the personal and professional fields. The main thing - do not try to answer in the same way as the offender did. A dream that has been dreamed can be interpreted more accurately if the dreamer manages to remember the day the dream appeared. As a rule, night images that came on Tuesday or Thursday are considered prophetic, and therefore it is better to listen to them.

Dreams in which you had to close the doors are a certain warning: people who want to rob will soon appear. The dream interpreter advises to prepare for this in advance, so that later no surprises can piss you off.

A closed front door is related to certain professional areas related to advertising and the intellectual sphere. In such dreams, a warning is often hidden that your idea can be stolen, and the one who is most trusted will do it.

Miller's dream book

Deciphering what the closed door is dreaming of, the dreamer must understand that his attempt to hide gossip and intrigue from loved ones is doomed to failure. Enemies will try to do everything possible so that the information reaches the addressee, and therefore it is better to get ahead of them.

The front door is locked and does not give in to your efforts - to meet with a stronger enemy, and therefore it is better to think over a plan of your actions in advance. The lack of proper competencies can be compensated with the help of loved ones.

Close the door from the inside - your struggle with experienced fears continues to this day, but the results are disappointing. If a young girl saw such a dream, then she will be able to meet a person who can win her soul.

Lock yourself in a dream from the inside

Islamic dream book

Locking a new door in a dream - to marry a beautiful girl, if the gentleman is single. For married men, such a dream is a confirmation of a strong relationship that many simply envy.

The passage does not close, despite great efforts - the dreamer will be able to abandon the dubious business, which he cannot afford. The Islamic dream book says that closed doors indicate the wrong conduct of one's own life, and therefore it is time to reconsider one's views.

Where was?

Seeing closed doors in a dream is a sign of unexpected problems at work, so try to remember the place where the events took place.

I dreamed of many doors in the corridor


There are many doors in a spacious corridor - to the beginning of decisive times that require a solution to an unpleasant and difficult situation. Your task is to learn to endure all the hardships without resorting to the help of strangers.

Why dream of knocking on closed doors? For the fair sex great importance will have the end result:

  • opened - will be able to defend their point of view;
  • ignored - to possible problems in relations with the gentleman.

For married women, an open door indicates that the other half is ready to compromise. Slam the doors with your foot - to possible quarrels and conflicts.


I dreamed of closet doors - a sleeping person will have to touch a complex secret that will affect his future future. He will have to interpret the information correctly, otherwise she will play a cruel joke on him.

Dreamed of church gates


Why dream of the doors to the church? Such a dream is a reflection of possible changes for the worse. Longing will become an integral attribute of everyday life, and therefore it is better to think in advance about the nature of its appearance. The dream interpreter advises to abandon despondency, since any problems will end sooner or later.

How did everything go?

In your dreams, it is not always possible to remember the key action that allows you to shed light on the subsequent decoding.

Closing the door on the hook - your dreams are not destined to come true, but you should not indulge in despondency. Luck loves the brave, and therefore you can not leave your attempts.

Snapping on the key from the inside is a symbol of fictitious security, on which it is better not to place any hopes.

If the sleeping person cannot close the door, then he wants to enjoy loneliness and his own company more often. The dream interpreter advises using this time to good use, sorting out your thoughts. Of course, such complex work on oneself will have to be brought to its logical conclusion.

It is not possible to close the door to the apartment - a symbol that reflects self-doubt and subconscious fears. The plan will be realized only when it is possible to get rid of the shortcomings.

Latching a lot of doors - you will be able to avoid a lot of difficulties, but do not try to constantly avoid them. The more obstacles you can overcome, the easier it will be later.

Passages close by themselves - to future meetings with unpleasant people. The dream interpreter warns that the future may depend on them, so try to show good communication skills. Having passed such a test, you can count on an improvement in your life situation.

To see a lot of locked doors - you fail to learn about any rules or laws that hinder development.

Closing a box, basket, etc. in a dream marks the completion of some business or the end of some events. If the container is empty at the same time, this means an unsuccessful ending, if there is something in it, then you are lucky.

Closing a box of valuables means that you want to keep something secret. Closing the castle is a harbinger that you will soon find that someone is harming you. Closing a book in a dream - in reality you will learn a lot of curious things about yourself from other people's lips.

Close the door in a dream - to disappointment and trouble. For a young girl, locking the door with a key is a sign that she will get married. If you are trying to close the door, and it suddenly breaks off its hinges and falls on you, this portends danger to you and your friends. Standing in front of a closed door, unable to get inside, portends frivolous acts and optional meetings.

Seeing closed windows in a dream is a sign of abandonment, devastation and loneliness. Close windows - you will fail in your chosen business and lose respect, because you will be caught using dishonest means to achieve a goal that seems noble to you. Closed gates mean that you will not be able to cope with the problems that have arisen alone. Close the gate - to the successful operation of the enterprise in the most difficult and unfavorable external conditions. Seeing a closed wagon in a dream - unexpected betrayal can upset your affairs and plans.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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It may seem rather strange to the dreamer to have a dream in which he dreamed of closing the door in a dream. It is not uncommon for a dream to break off at the moment of closure, although it could continue further.

You need to remember all the details of the dream, down to the size of the pen. The subconscious constantly presents us with signs that the dream book interprets.

The general interpretation of sleep is as follows - the door personifies the obstacles that have arisen in front of a person, and it depends only on the further development of sleep whether a person will overcome them in the future or remain with his problems and torments. Vision also means the dreamer's desire to protect himself and his loved ones from dope and evil tongues.

A closed door in a dream, individual cases and their interpretation from dream books

Such a dream always symbolizes your readiness for new actions, impulses. We invite you to remember the details of an interesting dream and find your case from the following:

  • Closing the door from the inside symbolizes the struggle with one's own fears and problems, the desire to escape from external danger. For a woman, the subconscious thus carries a desire to abstract from unwanted pregnancy. Perhaps the girl does not believe her young man and suspects him of a secret relationship. For a man, such a dream marks an extremely unpleasant conversation with a lady of the heart;
  • You had to close it with a key. This type of dream is a symbol of your excessive tenderness and irresponsibility, you are trying to avoid problems by all means and methods. But if you could not close even the third time, you are lucky - you will find a stunning way out of a difficult situation and succeed even more in a problematic business;
  • Cover or close the gate and stay in a dark room. The dreamer closes himself from the past with all his might, tries not to remember the old scars, already healed by time, but still haunting;
  • You did not just close the door, but boarded it up with boards or other materials. Morpheus carries a rather terrible omen - relationships with friends and relatives are no longer important to you, you have lost the ideal that you believed in and do not know how to live on. We advise you not to be afraid to go astray and go further towards your goal, no matter how difficult it is. However, if the door fell in front of you when you, for example, nailed another board with a hammer and the door fell, everything will end well;
  • Locked up with a feeling of fear. Symbolizes your safety, relief after a hard day, some event;

  • You quietly closed after the exit of the person. Shutting the door after a person leaves predicts a break with this person;
  • You were obviously closing someone else's door. This means for you to be out of town, trying to squeeze into someone else's company that clearly does not accept you. We advise you to stop trying to seem at ease and try to find a company to your liking exclusively for yourself;
  • You have locked the opening on the heck. Locking the door on the latch means your quick quarrel with your neighbors, roommates. Perhaps you are very worried about your personal space and people who do not respect it. Talk to troublemakers face to face;
  • To be closed on the massive lock. Hitches in projects and affairs are quite possible. You should double-check all the ins and outs and do not rely on God, hitches can happen in completely unforeseen places and let you know about yourself after a long time at the most inopportune moment;
  • Close your own house. This dream does not bode well - your subconscious mind remembers the danger that has not left your heart alone. Nevertheless, danger can await you in real life, you should be much more careful;

Interpretation of sleep by famous personalities

  1. Miller claims that you want to protect yourself and loved ones from harm. Subconsciously, you feel the coming of troubles and strive to prevent them. If you lock a door that is very difficult to give in, you will soon meet with a very strong opponent. Locking it up in a dream symbolizes a meeting with a young man for a girl;
  2. The Islamic dream book interprets such a dream unambiguously - you are mismanaging the household and doing everyday things;
  3. Close the door according to the dream book of A. Meneghetti. If you close someone in the room, then you are trying to limit his influence on your life, or you experience a huge feeling of jealousy towards this person. If a person closes himself in a room, then this is a desire to erect a kind of partition between himself and the outside world. A person found himself in front of a closed gate - a feeling of discrimination in relation to his personality, infringement. Perhaps you are underestimated and not taken seriously.
  4. Dream Interpretation Grishina. A great danger awaits you in the near future, in order to overcome it without consequences, you will need a lot of courage and patience.
  5. Dream interpretation of medium Hosse. Locking on a big castle marks a meeting with extremely unpleasant people in real life;
  6. Sigmund Freud on sleep. According to Freud's dream book, a vision from your dreams speaks of your sexual dissatisfaction.
  7. Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova. You are promised trouble and meeting terrible people for you. It's not as big of a problem as it might be, Tsvetkova argues, you just need to be patient.
  8. Esoteric dream book. You can get in trouble because you don't know the law.

The keys dream of unforeseen changes.

Lost the keys in a dream - in reality you will be saddened by unpleasant events, found - peace in the family and revival in business await you.

Spoiled keys portend separation.

If a young woman in a dream saw a door not locked with a key, she will have a new admirer, distinguished by a submissive and kind disposition.

If a woman dreamed that she was locking the door with a key, she would marry. Lost the key - her reputation is at stake.

Nostrodamus claimed that the key symbolizes the desire to solve problems in an easier way. He interpreted dreams about the key as follows.

They opened the door with a key in a dream - such a dream prophesies a predicament from which you will try to find a way out.

Found a key in a dream - great things await you. Most likely, you will greatly move up the career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure the comfortable existence of your family. Perhaps you will meet a person who will change your life for the better.

If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, then soon you will go on an amazing journey and visit many countries. On this journey, you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things.

We saw two keys in a dream - an unexpected turn of events is possible.

Lost the key - you will find yourself in an awkward position.

We saw in a dream how someone gives you their keys - you will receive unexpected help in a difficult situation.

A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing severe trials.

We saw a golden key in a dream - your efforts that you spent searching for the truth will be rewarded according to your deserts.

They were looking for the keys to their house in a dream - in reality you will try to find a solution to your personal problems.

D. Loff wrote: “Keys are a symbol of power and might. To lose the keys means to lose control over the situation, to lose the means of access to something. The loss of keys means the inability to get something important to complete a task, to find an approach to people or access to information. To find the lost key is to establish yourself in this situation, to feel like a "blacksmith" of your own happiness.

It is interesting to consider the case when you find a key that previously had nothing to do with you, especially if you cannot find a direct use for it, although you feel that this is a very important key. Perhaps you are trying to reach your potential in yourself or in relationships with others.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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