The leaves of tomato seedlings are falling off. Why do tomato seedlings lose leaves? Lack of lighting, excessive soil moisture

22.07.2019 Radiators

Sometimes when growing tomatoes, the bottom leaf turns yellow. The leaves of the plant may not only turn yellow, but also dry out, and something needs to be done about this. Not all gardeners immediately understand why plants behave this way, especially if all the conditions for growth were created for the tomatoes: timely watering, fertilization, and temperature environment relatively normal.

If they turn yellow lower leaves in tomatoes, which appeared on the bush first, and the leaf plate changes entirely, and not just in the veins, the reason is the lack nutrients. It always affects plants In a similar way, and with a lack of nitrogen, the leaves turn yellow.

If yellowing of the leaves is observed only in the lower part, and this is not observed in the newly grown green mass, there is no reason for concern. Just carefully remove any yellow leaves to direct the nutrition to the plant's shoots and young leaves. In order not to harm the tomato stem, it should be done this way: the leaves are pressed downward against the trunk, then pulled upward.

It is also useful to remove the lower leaves because it reduces contact with the ground, where the pathogens are located. This also helps to improve ventilation. This is especially important if the air high humidity: the risk of late blight disease is reduced.

Sometimes tomato seedlings grow strong, fat, fill their containers and the root system turns into a tightly packed ball. Just such tomato seedlings require a lot of time to properly adapt to the changed conditions. In some cases this may not be easy. It is not surprising that during the adaptation period, the lower leaves of tomato seedlings planted in the ground turn yellow. Sometimes the color change reaches the top ones. This can happen due to the death of some overgrown roots.

Fusarium wilt

Tomato leaves may turn yellow due to Fusarium wilt. So called fungal disease, often affecting tomatoes. The leaves lose turgor and become lethargic and dry out. Upon inspection, it may seem that the last watering was carried out several days ago.

They can remain viable in the soil for a long time; their action seriously reduces the yield of the affected crop. The source of the disease is infected seeds, plant remains, weeds, and in some cases, tools used for tillage. Wind can spread spores. Hot weather is favorable for the development of the disease, during which the disease can affect a much larger number of plants.

The disease affects tomatoes regardless of age. Both seedlings and adult plants grown in the ground or in a greenhouse are equally susceptible to it. Defeat occurs through root system tomato seedlings, gradually takes over the stem and grows further.

When the mycelium develops, the work is disrupted vascular system plants. Subsequently, the disease, as it develops, seriously weakens the bushes, and in some cases, water and nutrients completely stop flowing to the plant or are supplied in insufficient quantities. This provokes a serious delay in growth and development - this is why the lower leaves turn yellow.

In seedlings transplanted to permanent place(in a greenhouse or open ground), first the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and die. The disease then moves up the stem. The result is often the complete death of the plant. With minor lesions on some bushes, just before harvest time, tiny fruits are sometimes set, which reach maturity much earlier than expected.

How to deal with yellowing of tomato foliage

A lot of time and effort will have to be spent to cope with plant disease.

Start with seeds: if the plants have diseases, they will have to be replaced with new ones, especially if you prepare them yourself.

When growing tomatoes from independent preparations, the seeds must be treated before sowing. First, you need to properly disinfect them. For 20 minutes, the seeds are placed in a one percent solution of potassium permanganate (for its preparation, 1 g of the substance is diluted in 100 ml of water), then washed with fresh water, changing it several times.

Be more careful when preparing seedling containers. They also need to be disinfected. To prepare a soil mixture for growing, use soil that was taken from “clean”, uncontaminated places. These can be meadows and forests, edges. For greenhouses, you need to prepare fresh soil mixture.

All disease-affected bushes must be collected, taken outside the garden and burned. Do not use infected tops for fertilizers or compost preparation.

Garden tools that were used for work on the site must be thoroughly disinfected. A new bed for tomatoes should be made in a place that is not infected.

If you still plan to grow tomatoes in such places, you should dig up the soil well, mixing it with coarse sand. Tomatoes have increased resistance to severe diseases and turn yellow less if they are promptly fed with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. It is useful to spray plants from time to time weak solution potassium permanganate. You need to prepare it like this: for a ten-liter bucket of water - 1 tbsp. l. substances.

Why do the leaves turn yellow (video)

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Growing seedlings is not always successful; it often happens that the seedlings spoil. Therefore, you should be armed with information about why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow.

Yellow leaves of tomato seedlings

Caring for tomato seedlings

A common reason why tomato seedlings turn yellow lies in fungal diseases. One of them is fusarium, which often affects planting material. Before sowing tomato seeds, it is important to treat them to eliminate the possibility of spores in the planting material.

To cure an already infected tomato, you need to treat the planting material and replant it in new fertile soil. Another reason when tomato seedlings turn yellow is the fungal disease blackleg. If a tomato is not properly cared for, the plant becomes susceptible to blackleg. If the tomatoes dry out and the tomato turns yellow, you can treat the plant with wood ash.

Land for planting seedlings is purchased at the store and frozen first so that the plant grows healthy. The seedlings are also additionally treated with manganese and treated with hot water.

The seeds are sown at a distance of three centimeters from each other. The frequency of planting also has an impact on the development of seedlings and can cause the leaves of the plant to dry out or turn yellow.

IN soil mixture for tomatoes, add sand to reduce density and, if necessary, adjust the acidity level of the soil. The place where the tomato is planted must be constantly ventilated. Excess moisture or excessive dryness can cause illness.

To grow a tomato, it is better to first plant seeds to grow seedlings. To prevent the disease, you need to know why a tomato dries and turns yellow, the main reason lies in improper landing and material care.

Reasons for damage to seedlings

At improper care planting tomatoes can not only dry out or turn yellow, but also stretch out. The main reason for excessive growth is excessive watering and excessive application of nitrogen to the soil. If the plant is stretched, its nutrition is disrupted, as a result of which the plant’s development is disrupted. To save the plant from disposal due to developmental disorders and spoilage. need to provide the plant proper care and carry out a rescue operation in time if the seedlings dry out.

If the vegetable is overgrown, it can be divided into two parts and thus increase the quantity planting material and save the plant from death. Trim the plant after the third leaf. The upper part is placed in water. and when the root sprouts. transplanted into open ground.

These care measures are carried out three weeks before the planned transplantation of the plant into open ground. We need to have time to let the seedlings produce lateral shoots so that the upper cut section is to be transplanted onto the plot.

Transplantation into open ground is carried out if the crop has produced lateral shoots. The more shoots on the sides, the more fruits one bush will produce. If the plant begins to dry out, it is necessary to urgently do processing and pruning.

To ensure plant health you need:

  • prepare seeds for planting;
  • choose clean, fertile soil;
  • make a potting mix based on soil. stove and fertilizing;
  • plant seeds;
  • transplant seedlings into open ground;
  • fertilize and treat the plant.

As they grow, the seedlings are tied up and planted. The reasons for the spoilage of seedlings lie in many aspects:

  1. poor soil;
  2. infected planting material;
  3. abundant light or lack of light;
  4. improper fertilizing.

Only comprehensive care and attentiveness can provide the plant with longevity and high productivity. To grow tomatoes, you need to plant at the turn of March and April, and transplant the seeds into open ground after that. when the night frosts end. Most reliable way To save seedlings from damage or death is to provide them with proper care throughout the entire development process.

Many gardeners wonder why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn light green, then turn yellow, dry out and completely fall off. The ability to correctly read the signs that a plant “gives” will help you grow good seedlings.

Caring for tomato seedlings is a responsible matter. In order for the seedlings to be healthy and delight you with a rich harvest in the future, you need to pay enough attention to them, especially since the plant itself “signals” about impending trouble.

Why do the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow?

One of the most noticeable “signals” that something is wrong with tomato seedlings is a change in the color and shape of the leaves. The main reasons for such changes are as follows:

  • excess moisture;
  • lack of light;
  • temperature changes;
  • increased soil acidity;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • plant diseases;
  • container too small.

It all comes down to one thing big problem– improper care of the plant, as a result of which the seedlings change appearance: leaves curl, turn yellow, dry out and fall off.

Why do tomato seedlings' leaves curl?

Leaves may curl due to the characteristics of the tomato variety. For varieties such as Honeydrop, Japanese Crab, Oxheart and many cherry tomatoes, slight leaf curling down is normal and nothing to worry about. But if the leaves of the seedlings suddenly begin to curl, which does not correspond to the description of the variety, then it’s time to sound the alarm.

Reason 1: high temperature
One of common reasons leaf curling – the room temperature is too high. The plant tries to reduce the area of ​​moisture evaporation, which is why it “curls” its leaves. The seedlings will feel good if in the first week after germination the temperature is maintained within 15-17⁰C during the day and 11-13⁰C at night, and then gradually increased to 20-23⁰C and 15-18⁰C, respectively. This will allow the seedling to develop normally and give good harvest.

Reason 2: improper watering of seedlings
As for the effect of watering on the curling of leaves in tomato seedlings, it is important to maintain a balance, since both excess and lack of moisture can cause the problem. For irrigation, it is better to use settled tap water or melted snow water.

The first shoots need to be sprayed carefully warm water twice a day, and water the already grown seedlings moderately at the root as the soil dries out. 2 days before picking and on the 5th day after it, the plants should be watered. In the future, tomato seedlings need to be watered once a week.

Reason 3: improper feeding
Improper application of fertilizers leads to an excess or lack of nutrients in the soil, which can manifest itself in the form of yellowed and deformed leaves of tomato seedlings. For example, when only the lower leaves turn yellow, this indicates a lack of nitrogen, and yellowing of the entire seedling is a sign of too much nitrogen. large quantity nitrogen in the soil.

To prevent problems, seedlings are usually fertilized according to the following scheme: the first fertilizing is on the 10th day after picking, the next one is 2 weeks later and then at the same interval until planting in the ground. You can feed tomato seedlings with any complex fertilizer(according to the instructions), and when curling the leaves, fertilizers rich in phosphorus, magnesium, copper and zinc will help.

Reason 4: pests
Curling and the appearance of spots on the leaves of seedlings may be a signal that the seedling has been attacked by pests: aphids, whiteflies or spider mites. To prevent the invasion of uninvited guests, you need to create suitable conditions for growing seedlings, as well as regularly and carefully inspect the seedlings.

If the plant is heavily damaged by pests, you will have to treat the seedlings with insecticides, but if the damage is minor, it will be enough to collect the aphids by hand and spray the leaves with a solution of soapy water (30 g of laundry soap per 1 liter of warm water).

An infusion of garlic will get rid of whiteflies: chop 10 cloves of garlic into a pulp and pour 1/2 liter of water, cover and leave for 5 days, and then 1 tsp. Dilute the infusion in 1 liter of water and spray the affected leaves. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times every 10-15 days.

Get rid of spider mite(the pest can be recognized by small black dots on the underside of the leaves), especially if there are few pests on the leaves, regular spraying with plain water will help. In case of massive damage, spray the plants with Actellik, Fitoverm, Iskra M or other similar insecticides.

Leaves can also turn yellow for natural reasons, for example, during and after picking, a seedling tends to experience stress, which causes the color of the leaves to change. In such cases, within a week the seedlings will take on a healthy appearance, having gotten used to the new place.

Why do the leaves dry out on tomato seedlings?

Most often, seedling leaves dry out due to too much high temperature in room. If a box with plants is located, for example, near a working radiator, you need to move it to another place or fence it off from the heat source using wide plywood. Also, seedlings dry out due to insufficient humidity in the room; use a humidifier or simply place large containers of water next to the seedlings.

The cause of leaf drying may be salting of the substrate due to watering with hard water or excessive fertilizing. In this case, it is recommended to carefully remove upper layer soil and add fresh soil.

If the leaves begin to dry out after picking, it means that the Kornisey plant was damaged. To bring the plant back to life faster, you can spray it with a weak solution of complex mineral fertilizer.

Why do tomato seedlings lose their leaves?

The falling off of the very first leaves of seedlings (cotyledons) is a natural process, and there is no need to worry, but if the real leaves begin to change color and shape, and then dry out and fall off, this may be a symptom of diseases that need to be diagnosed and urgent protective measures taken.

What to do?

To provide first aid to the affected plant, transplant the seedling into fresh soil, then pour 20 ml of potassium permanganate solution (0.5 g of powder per 100 ml of water) under the root and move the box with the seedlings to a well-lit place. When replanting, carefully clean the roots from the soil and remove yellow and blackening roots. If you don’t have fresh, disinfected substrate at hand, you can wash the old soil with plenty of water.

As you can see, the main thing in growing seedlings of any crop is to observe optimal conditions for healthy plant development and carefully monitor the seedlings.

When growing tomatoes, many amateur gardeners often encounter the following problem: the leaves of tomato seedlings fall off. You need to figure out why this is happening and figure out how to deal with it.

Tomato seedlings have an increased sensitivity to changes in humidity levels both in the soil and in the air. Compliance with the humidity regime of these components, lighting, sowing density and much more are not all the factors that can lead to drying and falling of leaves. In order to understand why they fall off and be prepared to solve these problems, you should familiarize yourself with the main reasons for this phenomenon.

Tomato seedlings have increased sensitivity to changes in humidity levels both in the soil and in the air

Seedlings sometimes behave not like tomatoes, but like cereal plant, that is, the sprouts stretch upward, becoming narrow, with a small number of leaves, which are also small in size. It's all about the lack of light, this situation arises if the seedlings are planted very densely, the stems in this case block the light from each other, and, naturally, each of them tries to quickly reach the sun and stretches upward.

The problem can be solved simply - plant the sprouts further away from each other; the grown tomatoes should not pile up on neighboring bushes. Additionally, if growing at home or in a greenhouse, it is important to install additional light sources rather than relying on the meager rays of sunlight coming through windows.

When growing tomatoes, many amateur gardeners often encounter this problem: the leaves of the seedlings fall off.

The temperature should not exceed +20-25ºC, a decrease to +18ºC is permissible. This is necessary so that the seedlings do not become greenhouse flowers that get sick and die at the slightest temperature changes. For the same purpose, seedlings should not be accustomed to abundant watering and fertilizing.

If the seedlings turn yellow, the leaves dry out and fall off

This result is caused by excessively moist soil and lack of sunlight. Tomatoes cannot grow in a swamp, but in in this case this is exactly what happens. The container with seedlings must be placed in such a way that it is constantly in the sun.

If you grow tomatoes on a windowsill, then the pots with seedlings will have to be moved from one to another during the day, following the sun.

The stems of tomato seedlings, if they have turned yellow, can still be saved by replanting them in fresh soil and exposing them to the sun. You need to replant correctly. First, completely free the roots from the old soil and check their condition: if they also turn yellow or black, then the plant is dead. Secondly, the transplanted sprouts should be watered with a small amount of potassium permanganate solution and left in the sun.

If all the measures taken do not help and the stems remain yellow and lethargic, you should try adding mineral fertilizers, since most likely they lack some substance for normal growth. Using the trial method, you will select exactly the drug that will bring the seedlings into proper form.

This result is caused by overly moist soil and lack of sunlight.

If the ends dry out

If you notice that the edge of a leaf is drying out on tomato seedlings, first inspect the rest of the plants in the room. If the inspection shows that the leaves of all plants are in a similar condition, then the air is too dry. In order to moisten it, just place a basin of water next to the plants.

The second reason for this problem is increased content salts in the soil. This can be seen by white spots on the surface of the soil. In this situation, it is necessary to remove the salted soil and add fresh soil, without salt. After this, the tomatoes should be watered with melted or distilled water and no fertilizer should be added for 2 weeks.

If there is no salt on the soil surface, it should be assumed that the plants do not have enough potassium. It can be isolated from ordinary ash. This is done simply: 1 handful of ash is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water. After the water has cooled completely, you need to dilute it with 5 liters clean water. The resulting product should be watered tomato seedlings every other day for a week.

Leaves become spotted

If spots appear on the leaves of the seedlings white, then most likely it is a sunburn. Most often it occurs in plants that are weaned from sunlight. You can help seedlings survive this disease by covering the plant with a sheet of paper. But you don’t need to completely remove it from the sun; tomatoes don’t grow without sunlight.

If the spots on the seedlings are not just white, but have a dark border, then this is a fungal disease and the plants will soon die. This fungus gets onto tomato leaves from the soil. To prevent this from happening, the soil should be thermally treated before planting plants. It can be frozen or, conversely, heated strongly, for example, in the oven. in any case they will die.

Blackening of plants

Plants become weak and black. Moreover, the blackening is visible only near the ground. Such plants soon fall to the ground and die. In order to save the rest of the plantation, it is necessary to remove the dead seedlings and change the soil for healthy ones. You need to add calcined sand and ash to the fresh soil.

In this case, the problem can be avoided only by preparing the soil for planting, that is, calcine it and add a little ash to it. After transplanting tomatoes into new soil spray the plants with Fundazol and do not water them until the soil is completely dry.

So, to prevent the leaves of tomatoes from drying out and falling off, it is important to pre-prepare the soil: not only fertilize it, but also carry out heat treatment against fungus. In the future, do not flood the plants with water and make sure there is sufficient lighting for them. You should not grow tomatoes in too hot a climate; a temperature of +20-25ºС is optimal for them. By following all these recommendations, you will get a healthy and strong seedlings, and subsequently a rich harvest of tomatoes.

Tomatoes are a very ancient culture. There is information that they were grown back in the 8th century AD by the ancient Aztecs. Only hundreds of years later, vegetables came to Europe, but ancestors considered tomatoes to be a large berry.

What do tomato seedlings need to grow?

Beginners in dacha business often make many mistakes, which lead to negative results. In order for seedlings to grow year after year and not disappoint, you need to gain experience and knowledge. It is not enough to plant seeds in the soil from the garden to get seedlings. It is necessary to follow all agricultural techniques from the first stages.

Things to consider:

  • nutritional value of the soil - it gives strength and immunity to future seedlings, which means they are less affected by diseases, that is, tomatoes will not turn yellow, wither, or turn black;
  • light - we all know from our school biology course that plants need light, otherwise they simply die. This is one of the main rules. There is not enough light - lamps are needed to provide lighting for at least 10-12 hours a day;
  • even a child knows about watering. If flowers or garden crops do not water, the result will not be long in coming. The water must be settled so that the soil does not accumulate heavy elements. Also, it should not be icy so that the roots are not stressed;
  • fertilizing - it is not enough just to plant the seeds in nutritious soil, since the seedlings will soon take everything from the soil. Then there will be a nutritional deficiency, hence the immunity will drop, and the seedlings will begin to get sick.

What conclusion can be drawn from the above? If you don’t know why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow, then you should review all agricultural practices and identify shortcomings. If measures are taken in time, the seedlings can be easily saved and a good harvest can be obtained in the future. Let's look at everything in more detail in the next section.

Causes of yellowing leaves of tomato seedlings

Errors when feeding

As you already understand, any crop is very sensitive to the nutritional value of the soil. Tomatoes respond well to fertilizing, they love it. It is especially important to regularly fertilize those varieties that grow tall and have a strong root system. Fertilizers must include a complex of elements in order to completely compensate for the entire deficiency. If some mineral is missing, then problems begin, including yellowing of the leaves of tomato seedlings. But beginners will immediately ask the question: how can they understand what exactly the seedlings are missing? It's quite simple.

It is better to prevent any problem than to deal with the consequences. Therefore, before starting summer season buy not only seedlings and seeds, but also various fertilizers and additional lighting.

The main elements that are necessary for tomatoes are potassium, nitrogen, zinc, manganese, iron, copper, phosphorus. They must be in optimal combination- of course, it’s difficult for you to make the perfect feeding yourself. But the complex preparation is easy to buy at a gardening store. You can also solve the problem when you already understand which mineral is in this moment in deficiency - replenish it with appropriate fertilizer. There will be a separate section about them. So, how can you determine why the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow?

Element shortage:

  • if you notice that the foliage of the seedlings has begun to lose its green pigment, it turns yellow, regularly falls off, and new leaves are formed small, then most likely the reason is a lack of nitrogen in the soil;
  • if you see that young leaves on seedlings begin to curl, old ones lose color and appear yellow spots, then this is most often a lack of potassium in the soil;
  • may indicate magnesium deficiency yellow along the veins on the leaves;
  • if the leaves first turn yellow and then even become white, then this is an iron deficiency;
  • on seedlings you see two types of spots - brown and yellow, then this is a lack of zinc;
  • The following fact can indicate a manganese deficiency - the leaves turn yellow here and there, often in a checkerboard pattern, and the process begins from the base.

Even a beginner can see these signs with careful examination and observation for several days. As soon as you understand which element is in short supply, you need to replenish it with additional feeding. As a rule, the situation will begin to change quite quickly in better side, we repeat once again, tomatoes are a very responsive crop to fertilizers. But is it only a lack of fertilizer that can cause a problem when the leaves of tomato seedlings dry out? Of course not. Perhaps the reasons are much simpler.

Insufficient lighting

This problem is easy to identify and solve. We all know that where there is a lot of sun, a place that is moderately humid, all plants - be they cultivated or just weeds - smell fragrant. And vice versa. Tomatoes are very light-loving; of course, they may suffer from sun rays. It is optimal to place the seedlings on a south-eastern or eastern window, or place them next to each other, creating light lacy partial shade.

If the window is south, there is a lot of sun, which in the spring begins to burn strongly, and the region is warm, then the seedlings may begin to turn yellow because they are hot. In addition, direct rays can burn tender seedlings, especially if they also lack moisture. The easiest way to solve this problem is to move the boxes with tomatoes to another window or place them nearby on a table so that there is a light shadow from the curtains, also watch out for watering, the soil should not dry out, much less lag behind the walls of the pot.

But the situation can be different - what to do when tomato seedlings turn yellow from lack of light? Provide additional lighting.

Lamps for additional lighting:

  • sodium - include the optimal spectrum for seedlings, they help seedlings grow very well. But such lamps require space and are not cheap;
  • phytolamps - ideal for plants in the spectrum, used both in greenhouses and at home, suitable for growing for sale. But this light is also not cheap, and also has pink color, which irritates the eyes. Optimal for those who grow seedlings in a separate room;
  • fluorescent lamps are cheap and quite suitable for small-scale growing of seedlings. The lamps are economical, but they emit little red spectrum and are also dangerous if they break. Also a minus is small area coatings;
  • diodes - very a good option, but not cheap. Diodes can be bought in any color; they are economical, safe and durable.

If you are now asking the question whether it would be easier to place a simple incandescent lamp above the container, then do not rush to draw conclusions. No - incandescent lamps are extremely unsuitable for seedlings, they do not emit the spectrum they need, waste a lot of energy and, in addition, threaten to burn delicate seedlings. Which lamps to choose is up to you. If you plan to grow seedlings constantly, then it’s better to spend money once, but buy quality lighting. If you are a beginner and just trying yourself, then take simple fluorescent lamps.

All lighting can be purchased in gardening stores, hardware stores, and online stores. In the latter case, place your order in advance, as delivery is often delayed.

Consequences of close planting of seedlings

Well, everything here is simple and easy to solve. If you often sow seedlings and then do not plant them in separate cups, then it is quite possible that the seedlings are suffering from their own brothers. Its roots are closely intertwined in the soil, which is important to take into account later when replanting to avoid injury. It takes a lot of seedlings in a tray and a lot of nutrition, but we already told you about the deficiency of elements. In addition, seedlings shade themselves, and we also just mentioned this.

An excess of plants often leads to excess moisture in the soil, then diseases can begin to develop there and the roots rot. The latter directly affects the leaves - they turn yellow, fall off, seedlings wither and die. The solution is simple - plant the seedlings more freely, or better yet, in separate cups with new, clean soil.

The soil

Of course, seedlings need very good soil. You already understand that it should be nutritious. But that's not all. The soil must have good air permeability so that oxygen reaches the root system, then it will develop well and nourish the entire above-ground part. If the soil is heavy and you have difficulty loosening it, then it is better to replace the soil with a new one before it is too late. The mistake could be that you simply took soil from the garden, but it was not suitable for you. It’s not enough to just add fertilizer to the soil; you also need to add sand, peat or perlite to it for breathability. This also affects the excess water content.

An important factor is the acidity of the soil. It is checked using litmus paper, which is sold in pharmacies, garden stores or on the Internet. Tomatoes do not like acidic soil, like many crops. Normal pH is 6-6.5. If the soil is acidic, that is, the indicators are much lower than 6, then add lime, chalk, fluff, dolomite flour, mix and check the indicators again with paper.

If you have not found litmus paper, then you can understand that your soil in the area is acidic by the vegetation that grows wildly on such soils - horsetail, hostas, heather, plantain.

But not only acidic soil has a bad effect on seedlings, but it is also salty. You can tell that you are using salty soil, and it has a bad effect on the seedlings, by the fact that white or yellow plaque. It is better to transplant the seedlings into new soil. If you can’t find the soil yourself, then just buy ready-made ones.

Improper watering

Another most common and easily solvable reason. You can tell that you are flooding the soil too much by the fact that your soil hardly dries out and mold has appeared. Also a clear sign bay - the cotyledon leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow. Excess moisture causes a pathogenic environment to develop, which leads to disease and root rot. The seedlings need to be watered as the soil dries; every day it should be only slightly moist and well loosened. You should neither flood the seedlings nor, conversely, allow them to dry out when the soil moves away from the walls of the trays. The water needs to stand for a day.


Of course, one of the common reasons for the appearance of yellow leaves on fragile seedlings can be disease.

  • Rot that occurs due to excess moisture. The solution is to reduce watering or move it to new soil. Also monitor the room humidity and temperature.
  • Fusarium. It can also occur against the background of excess moisture and cold. Adjust watering and temperature. The seedlings are treated with “Fitosporin” twice in a row, after which they take a break of 14 days and repeat the treatment again.
  • Late blight. If the leaves begin to turn yellow and brown spots appear, then immediately spray them with a salt solution - 1/2 tablespoon of salt per liter of water. You can use a solution of the drug "Trichopol" in water. 10 tablets per bucket and pour 15 ml of brilliant green into it. The same remedy can be used to prevent diseases during flowering.

What to do if the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow

Let's summarize all of the above. You already know why tomato seedlings turn yellow, and you could also understand what to do about it. We will tell you about replenishing the deficiency of one or another element in last section, in all other cases everything is quite simple.

  • If you have flooded the seedlings, it is advisable to remove the seedlings from the soil and assess the damage to the roots. Then transplant into a new, well-drained and nutritious composition.
  • Keep the room temperature within 23-26 degrees.
  • If you notice yellowing, you can immediately feed the seedlings with a complex preparation, if you know for sure that the reason is not acidity or bay.
  • If the soil is acidic, then you will have to replant it in new soil, having first tested it with litmus.
  • If the seedlings begin to turn yellow after picking, then shade them and water them only occasionally and let them get stronger.
  • If the seedlings are crowded, then quickly separate them, and remember that the light needs to be thought out in advance.

Fertilizer for tomato seedlings


This tool will help to form a good above-ground part or simply green seedlings. The thing is that urea contains a lot of nitrogen - more than 45%. They begin to feed the seedlings after germination, then every 14-20 days. After picking, it is left for 10-14 days for the seedlings to take root. Sold in stores in the form of white balls. Approximate consumption is 20-30 grams per bucket of warm water.

  • affordable price;
  • high nitrogen concentration;
  • very fast effect;
  • simplicity and versatility in use;
  • prevention of illnesses;
  • Possibility of use for foliar feeding.
  • nitrogen should not be given to plants during flowering and after, otherwise fruits will not set;
  • it is important to maintain concentration, as seedlings can get burned;
  • slightly acidifies the soil.

Manganese solution

You can use it to compensate for the manganese deficiency in the soil. Used as foliar spraying - once every 7-10 days throughout the growing season. The solution should be slightly pinkish.

  • serves as an excellent preventive measure;
  • budgetary means;
  • disinfects;
  • can always be used, and also for etching the soil.
  • high concentrations can lead to plant death.


One of the oldest and most popular remedies. Wood ash includes several elements at once - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and others in smaller quantities. The recipe may look like this: a glass of ash is dissolved in a bucket of water and left for 2 days. You can water the area and use it for spraying.

  • cannot be used as a complete feed; it is better to combine ash with organic matter;
  • The effect of fertilizing is quite short, it will have to be applied frequently.

Potassium nitrate

This fertilizer contains not only potassium, which is needed by both seedlings and future fruits, but also phosphorus and nitrogen. Seedlings and bushes in the beds are fed with saltpeter. The norm is 1% solution, feeding is combined with watering. Dilute 10 grams per bucket of water.

  • helps well to compensate for the deficiency of elements;
  • can be used throughout the growing season;
  • affordable price;
  • prevention of illnesses.
  • You must strictly observe concentration and precautions, as you can get poisoned.