How to quickly get rid of spider mites on indoor plants. How to get rid of spider mites on indoor plants

17.04.2019 Heaters

1 594 Julia

Preparations for spider mites

Before you run to specialized stores selling pesticides, you should understand for yourself that there are 2 types of drugs: chemical and biological.

Chemical preparations have an acaricidal effect and can only be used for extermination spider mite, and may be of a wide orientation - from various indoor pests.

Important! When choosing chemicals, read the instructions: it should indicate whether it is acceptable to use with other chemicals.

Preparations with chemical compounds are of different degrees of toxicity. For the room, they usually use products related to the 3rd class, but the previous two in the middle of the room cannot be used categorically, since people, animals, and fish can be poisoned. Sometimes spraying poison is carried out near the house. After the smell has completely disappeared, the pot with the plant can be brought back.

When processing chemicals some rules must be observed:

  1. It is often necessary to irrigate plants to avoid dry "islands".
  2. Processing consists of 3 stages. After the first treatment, the plants must pass at least 5 days, after the second - another 5 days.
  3. Only dry plants need to be processed.
  4. With long-term use of one drug, it must be replaced with another (with a different active ingredient).
  5. The destruction of the tick is carried out up to 12 hours. The air temperature should not be lower than 20º, and not higher than 26º Celsius.
  6. Do not forget about the earth in pots - you need to pour a little solution into it.
  7. It is mandatory to have protective equipment for the person doing the processing.

The action of biological preparations is based on the active intervention of living microorganisms in the usual life of the spider mite.

This pest control method is especially popular among those who breed a large number of indoor plants for sale. Either a special fungus or a predatory insect is planted on the plants, which will simply feed on spider mites. The disadvantage of this method is the fragility of the storage of "killer material".


The insectoacaricidal orientation of the drug indicates its ability to actively fight both insects and ticks, and spiders.

It acts on pests through contact with the paws, and then penetrates into the body, and the tick can also be poisoned by pesticide vapors. There is also a systemic effect.

The toxicity of the drug is characterized by a high degree, which is dangerous for animals and humans. Therefore, its use is advisable with a large pest infestation.


Contact acaricidal action of the drug is aimed at the destruction of larvae. It is important that the tool is able to kill the eggs of the pest. Sterilizes adult ticks. To be mixed with other chemicals and compounds. It is not dangerous for bees.

Preparing the solution is simple: dissolve 1 teaspoon in 10 liters of water. The inside and outside of the leaf are subject to spraying.

The tool gives excellent result when killing adult ticks. Due to acaricidal properties, upon contact with a pest, it is able to penetrate deeply through the skin membrane. It is also used to kill eggs.

Toxicity: poses a danger to representatives of the aquatic fauna, does not pose a danger to bees and birds.

The processing time must be chosen taking into account the air temperature: it should not be below 10º and above 20º Celsius. During the season, the drug should be used 1 time.

Main active substance- brompilate. Thanks to him, the entire population of ticks at all stages of development dies. To achieve the maximum effect, the treatment should be carried out 2 times. The residual effect from use lasts more than 4 weeks. The disadvantage of the drug is its limited action: infection is possible only when the tick comes into contact with the drug.

The drug is used both for indoor and for garden plants. It has a fast acaricidal action. Able to significantly reduce the number of pests. It also destroys the larvae. It is used at sufficiently warm air temperatures - at least 20º. Does not depend on humidity indicators.

Efficiency is achieved by lowering the plant into the solution. Processing must be carried out repeatedly. After 5-6 days, you need to carry out the procedure again.

It has a contact effect, affects the viability of ticks and when inhaled. The drug is low toxic to fish and beneficial insects.

The drug is a concentrated emulsion, where the main component is malathion. It acts on ticks through contact, and is also able to destroy the pest by entering the intestines.

To prepare a 5 liter solution, 5 ml is enough. drug. Minimal amount treatments - 3. The procedure should be repeated after 7 days.

The tool can be used with various chemicals.

Fufanon has medium degree danger.

As the active basic substance, karbofos is used. It is non-toxic to plants and slightly dangerous to living warm-blooded organisms.

The solution is not subject to storage, it must be used immediately after preparation.

Biological agents

Refers to drugs that have a contact-intestinal effect.

Akarin processed garden and garden plots. Able to destroy, in addition to ticks, many other pests.

The drug slowly kills pests during daylight hours. Air temperature affects the speed of the effect. Spraying is carried out in the cool time of the day - in the morning about 5-6 hours and in the evening after 20.00.

The drug is not addictive, so you can use it as often as needed.

It is intended for fight against a large number of types of pests of garden plants. It has a shock effect of endotoxin and exotoxin, which act both inside and outside, depriving the insect of normal life. Death occurs on the 4th day. A week later, spraying is carried out a second time to destroy the freshly hatched colony.

It is possible to process plants at any time of their development, since there are no toxic substances in the preparation. It has a special effect on the larvae.

The 4th class of toxicity of the drug indicates its safety for people and animals, birds and fish. The insectoacaracidal action of the agent is so effective that it is ready to destroy ticks, their larvae and eggs. To do this, you need to use a saving drug every week, making a solution (2 ml per 200 ml of oxen). You need to repeat the procedure up to 5 times.

If you need to process a large garden plot, then you need to do this in dry weather without wind. Indoor plants can be sprayed right in the apartment.


In many ways timely detection spider mites depends on the hosts of the plants: inspect your plants as often and thoroughly as possible. On the early stage the spread of the pest, it will be easier to destroy.

The tick quickly and rapidly develops in the following conditions: no wind, no high humidity, heat air.

Necessary preventive measures:

Many varieties of spider mites are known, and the choice of methods for dealing with it depends on the type of arthropod:

Cobwebs are phytophages: they feed on the cell sap of plants, which leads to a slowdown in growth and death of the flower. Pests multiply quickly in a warm and dry room and spread freely among indoor plants. One female lays hundreds of eggs throughout her life, which mature in 3 days. New individuals fully grow in 2-3 weeks, the rate of tick development depends on the conditions. environment(temperature, humidity).

When spider mites appear on indoor flowers on inner surface leaves appear whitish blotches, and between the leaves - cobweb threads. As the number of ticks increases and, accordingly, their appetite, white or yellow dry spots appear. The nutrition of the leaves is disturbed, and gradually the whole plant - and it dies.

Spider mite control methods

When answering the question of how to deal with spider mites on flowers, you need to assess the degree of damage to the leaves using a magnifying glass. In the initial stage of settling animals, it is enough to use one of folk methods or single spraying with a chemical.

Folk remedies are not always effective and are recommended as auxiliary. The first measure that will significantly reduce the population of mites is a thorough washing of the entire plant. The use of soap solutions in this case undesirable because inside The leaf has special pores through which the flower breathes. The soap solution clogs these holes, making it difficult for oxygen and carbon dioxide to reach the cells. It is enough just to wash the flower with clean water for several days in a row.

At the same time, they wash the window sill, the pot itself and all neighboring flowers. sick plant isolate. You can cover the flower with a plastic bag for 3 days. From elevated temperature and moisture pests will die. But the plant must be constantly watered and monitored so that it is not damaged by elevated temperatures.

Except pure water fight spider mites at home with decoctions of wormwood, dandelion or garlic infusion:

  • Finely chopped 2 heads of garlic, pour 1 liter boiled water. The mixture is covered with a lid and left for 5 days in a dark, cool place. Then the solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and the affected flower is sprayed with it.
  • 100 g onion peel insist in 5 liters of clean water for 5 days. The finished infusion is filtered, washed or sprayed with plants.

Preparations for the destruction of ticks

It is difficult to get rid of the spider mite with folk remedies, it is advisable to use it simultaneously special means– acaricides:

  • Actellik is a drug with a neurotoxic effect. It affects pests upon direct contact with them, blocking the ability to feed. The product is sprayed onto the flower once every 2 weeks. When spraying use protective mask and gloves, the treatment of the plant is carried out in a well-ventilated non-residential premises or on the street. The photo shows the classic packaging of the product.
  • Fitoverm is a product of biological origin, which includes aversectins. These substances are waste products of soil fungi and have a neurotoxic effect similar to Actellik's. Fitoverm is less toxic to humans, but protective devices are also used when using it.
  • Neoron - the composition of the product includes bromopropylate, which has an acaricidal effect. The drug will allow you to quickly get rid of the tick on indoor flowers: the tool destroys adults, larvae and eggs.

Today, the popularity of biological control methods is growing. To bring out the spider mite will help its natural enemies - predators phytoseiulus or amblyseius. During the day, a predatory mite destroys about 10 eggs or 5 adult cobwebs.

Destroying spider mites on plants is not an easy task. But persistent implementation of all recommendations will certainly help in solving this problem.

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It is possible to get rid of ticks at home using soap solution. Traditionally, laundry soap is used for this, but sulfur-tar soap or green soap is sometimes chosen. Some recommend using a little instead of soap detergent diluted with water.

Any plants are treated with soap - both indoor and greenhouse. For the procedure, laundry soap with a volume of 200 g is ground on a grater and dissolved in a bucket with warm water. After the solution itself has been prepared, you need to take the affected flower and gently wipe the leaves and stems with a sponge dipped in the solution. It must be remembered that getting such a remedy on the roots will have a very detrimental effect on your flower (may even lead to its death), so the procedure is carried out very carefully. When the procedure is completed, the flower is left for several hours (3-4), and then the remaining foam is washed off well. After the procedure, it is recommended to cover the flower with a plastic bag to maintain moisture levels.

Sulfur-tar soap has also established itself as a reliable tool with which to really get rid of the spider mite. It will need less than household or green - only 100 g per bucket of water. Processing is advised to be carried out every week, only 2-3 times.

It is also recommended to fight spider mites with the help of an alcohol solution. Suitable for this ammonia, which requires only 30 ml. As a rule, this method is used when processing plants that have rather thick leaves (ficuses, dracaena), because alcohol can damage thin leaves. No need to spray the flower, just put alcohol on a cotton swab and wipe the leaves. So at the same time you will remove the web that the tick left.

A solution is also prepared from alcohol and soap - for this, 20 g of soap and 10 ml of alcohol are required per liter of boiling water.

Recall that alcohol will only help get rid of the pests themselves, but their eggs will not go anywhere.


There are several types of infusions that help in this case.

Firstly, garlic infusions are used, which are prepared in several ways. For the first method, you will need 30 g of garlic and a bucket hot water. Chopped garlic is placed in water and left for a day so that the solution is properly infused. A day later, the infusion is filtered and processed.

You can prepare a more concentrated infusion. To do this, 500 g of garlic is placed in a three-liter container with water and left to infuse for 5-6 days in a dark, cool place. Then the infusion is filtered, 60 g are poured from it and they are diluted in a bucket of water. The resulting solution is treated with a plant.

If you need to urgently carry out processing, 200 g of garlic will be required for a bucket of water. The resulting infusion is immediately applied.

Secondly, you can prepare an infusion of onions. To make it, take 200 g of onion per bucket warm water, defend for 12 hours, and then, after straining, they process the plants.

Thirdly, herbs and plants are used for tinctures: dandelion (30 g per liter of water, stand for several hours), yarrow (700 g per bucket of water, stand for three days), horseradish (1 kg of chopped roots per bucket of water, stand for a couple of hours ).


One of the types of folk remedies that are used against spider mites is decoctions with which plants are regularly processed. To do this, you can use the roots of cyclamen (50 g per half liter of water), the broth is immediately filtered and the flower is processed.

A decoction is also prepared using gray alder leaves. 2 kg of fresh leaves are poured with a bucket of water, left for a day. After that, the resulting broth is boiled for half an hour and again defended for 12 hours.

You can make a decoction of wormwood (800 g per bucket of water), which is infused for two days. After that, it is boiled for half an hour, filtered and another bucket of water is added.


To remove this pest, essential oils are sometimes used, which are diluted in water. For example, a few drops essential oil rosemary per liter of water can make a difference.

Questionable means

Video "How to get rid of spider mites"

From this video you will learn about effective methods to combat spider mites.

First, it spoils appearance flowers, secondly, leads to their death. But if you know how dangerous the spider mite is and how to deal with it, you can completely protect your garden from this.

Spider mite: pest description

The spider mite is a representative of the arachnid class. It is resistant to exposure, chemicals from ordinary mites hardly have an effect on spider mites. The pest is red, yellow or orange. The cobweb is one of the most common pests garden and.

The cobweb is a very small tick, a small insect that has an oval shape and reaches a size of 0.4-1.0 mm. Some individuals with a good appetite can reach 2 mm. The body of the pest is covered with small bristles, placed very rarely.

Pests settle on the underside of the leaf. You can identify insect infestation by looking at the light dots on the surface of the leaf. After some time, they move to the upper side of the sheet.
Reproduction of pests occurs when the daylight hours are more than 14 hours and the air temperature is from 12 to 40 degrees. In difficult conditions, females hide in shelters and fall into diapause, during which life processes in the body slow down, which allows insects for a long time exist without food.

The female pest comes to life immediately after the conditions become favorable, and begins to absorb a large amount of food and multiply. These insects do not tolerate moisture, so dry air is a favorable environment in the premises.

The cobweb lives in gardens and vegetable gardens, but can easily get into the room - it can fly in with a gust of wind through open window. The spider mite in this case is placed on indoor flowers and feeds on them.
Also, a flower mite can appear in a house on a bouquet of flowers or with land for planting, and the question arises: how from it. If the spider mite appeared on indoor plants you need to know how to deal with it properly.

What harm can a spider mite cause to plants, signs of a pest

The most common types are common and red spider mite. Ordinary harms, and crops. Cell sap is the insect's favorite food. They pierce the surface of the leaves and infect the representatives of the flora, sucking out the juice and violating the structural integrity - the leaves dry out and crumble.
Since the insect is very small, it is difficult to detect it. A sign that the plant is sick is web. If insects accumulate in large numbers on the leaves, light spots are found, which form large white areas and increase in size.

On an infected flower, leaves and buds fall off, flowering stops. Most often, you can find a spider mite on or.

In the affected leaf, the intensity of photosynthesis slows down, this makes the flower painful and susceptible to infectious diseases. The pest itself is a distributor of infections: gray rot, viral diseases.

How to deal with spider mites

Let's look at how to deal with spider mites.

After the spider mite has appeared on the plants, it is necessary to immediately begin to fight it.

First, treat the plant with a solution of detergent or laundry soap. Use the solution warm. If you use this method, you will not get rid of the pest completely, but you can destroy a significant part.
If the cobweb appeared on single flowers, they must be removed. The fight against spider mites is first of all proper watering, after which plants should be covered plastic bags For a three days.

Did you know? Many insects live without food for several years. For example, a scorpion can live without food for two years, and a tick for ten years.

Chemical methods of struggle, how to get rid of spider mites with the help of drugs

To get rid of the pest completely, make small drops of leaves. To do this, use phosphorus or sulfur preparations. Sulfur and phosphorus preparations for spider mites should be alternated.

The following substances are also effective in controlling insects:

  • "Vermitek";

These high-quality preparations are able to effectively destroy the pest. It is required to spray the plantings several times with a break of a couple of weeks, since they cannot kill insect eggs, it is necessary to wait until new pests are born.

Means "Fitoverm" can destroy pests even indoors, since the drug has a low toxicity. Protective equipment should also be remembered: wash your hands thoroughly after handling, change clothes.

The drug "Aktellik" - even more effective remedy from pests. It is much more toxic and kills insects almost immediately. "Aktellik" is recommended when other means no longer help, with massive damage to plants. Treatment with this drug is carried out only in open space, all precautions are observed and kept away from home.

"Neoron" destroys both adults and their eggs after two treatments.

Important! The insect does not tolerate ultraviolet rays, for this reason it hides under the leaves. It will not be possible to completely get rid of it with the help of ultraviolet light, but it is possible to reduce the population size.

Folk methods of dealing with spider mites

If it is not possible to purchase chemical agent from pests, use folk home remedies for tick control. Enough effective method cobweb control - dousing cold water. Douche is carried out only if the plant is able to withstand it. The fight against spider mites with folk remedies is also possible when the plant cannot be sprayed - you need to place a jar of turpentine or finely chopped near it. The bush with the indicated agent is covered and left for several hours.

It can also be used to make a preparation that is sprayed on an infected plant. Take about 200 grams of finely chopped and pour a liter of water. Close the container with the mixture tightly and infuse for a day. To spray affected flowers, use only 6 grams of solution per liter of water.

In a similar way, a solution can be made from, which does not need to be diluted.

Very effective in the fight against insects officinalis. AT ready-made this remedy is sold in any pharmacy. Grind 30 grams of roots and pour a liter of water. Let the solution stand for several hours. Strain and use as a spray.
Another folk remedy wrestling is