Closing the door in a dream. Interpretation of the dream of closing doors in dream books

16.10.2019 Warm floor

Often such dreams predict betrayal or betrayal in the family, or professional problems. What else could portend the appearance of a door in a dream?

Symbolic dream book

A closing door can symbolize your attitude towards your profession. This applies most of all to intellectual or advertising work. Make sure that no one can steal your work if the door is closed, and even strengthened with something.

If you dreamed that you closed the door yourself, this could be a warning about theft or robbery.

Women's dream book

According to the dream book, if a woman closes the door, she will soon get married.

If a girl closes the door, she will meet a wealthy man. With him she will be happy in family life.

Was there something in your life that you don’t even want to remember? Do these memories cause negative emotions and interfere with your life? You may have a dream in which you close doors. He will confirm your desire to erase the past from your life.

The desire to part with what oppresses and worries you will be expressed when you close the door from the outside. Find the strength to overcome your fears.

Home dream book

This dream book claims that closing a door in a dream means making some kind of decision.


You intend to close the door, but it comes off and falls right on you, which means that you and your close friends should be afraid of something.

You can’t get inside because the door is closed - make sure you don’t do anything rash. Cancel unnecessary meetings.

Closing the door in a dream means future troubles and disappointments.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

The forces of your enemies greatly exceed your capabilities. Danger awaits you. Gather your strength, you will need great courage to get out of a difficult situation with dignity. A dream in which you close a door warns about this.

In general, a dream about a door symbolizes the existing opportunity to analyze your inner world.

An open door - you can safely start your own business. If you dreamed of a closed door, then don’t rush into it. You just need to wait for the right moment.

Did you have a dream that you forgot to close the door? Be extremely attentive and careful. You may suffer losses and lose money. And this will happen solely through your fault.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If you had a dream in which you close doors, it means that you simply need to speak out. You shouldn’t keep what hurts inside you.

According to the Oracle's dream book, a plot where you had to close the iron front door, reports that one of the life periods will end. Soon you will make the transition to a new stage. Whether she will become happy depends on your actions.

Locking the door in a dream

Did you dream that they started to lock the door? You want to get rid of negative emotions caused by past mistakes and unpleasant events. Perhaps you previously had to endure a psychological trauma, and the memories of this cannot subside.

Cope with own emotions It's hard enough. Try to find a new hobby, activity, you need to get bright emotions and impressions. All this will slowly displace negative feelings.

In a dream, you close the door from the inside

Do you dream that they started closing the door from the inside? You have to constantly fight your own phobias and fears. The battle proceeds with varying success. The story tells the woman that she is afraid of an unwanted pregnancy or loss to her significant other. For a man, the picture he sees foreshadows a quarrel with his partner.

A difficult period is beginning in your life, filled with fears and concerns. Try to get rid of phobias as quickly as possible so that you don’t have to deal with the sad consequences.

In a dream, closing a door with a hook

The meaning of the dream, where you began to close the door with a hook, reports a dishonorable act committed by you. Because of your own thoughtlessness, you risk getting into a difficult situation in professional activity, relationships with colleagues may deteriorate.

To change the situation and avoid trouble, you need to take active action, be attentive and careful. Try to correct your own mistakes as quickly as possible.

Such a dream often means a missed opportunity, various troubles and obstacles. Usually you dream of a lock on a door as a sign that some person, important resource or problem is unavailable to you.

Such a dream often means an obstacle in pure form or your reluctance to open up to someone or let a person into your world. If you want to know why you dream of closing the door in different situations you should pay attention to who is doing this and to whom she closes herself in the dream and what happens next.

You are not allowed into a home or organization

Usually in such a situation, someone begins to close the door in front of you, both from the inside and from the outside. The dream book writes that a dream of this kind means for you some kind of inaccessibility of both a person and information or activity. Pay attention to where exactly the lock appeared on the door and what happened next. This will show who or what will soon become unavailable to you. Also, a key that you find in an unexpected place or that you hold in your hands means that the dreamer will be able to find a solution and a hint to solve some problem.

Why do you dream that the door of the store where you are going to buy something and the shopping center is closed in front of you? The dream book writes that your choice will be significantly limited. A store generally means choice, material and intangible opportunities, what is available or not available to you.

If you dreamed that someone began to close the door in front of your nose and hung a lock on it, this dream means a limitation of opportunities, a change in the field of activity. Sometimes it’s true that your store where you buy food and clothing will actually close or go bankrupt. But since in a dream this establishment means opportunities and choice, then modern dream book writes that a dream predicts a change in activity, a change in the availability of some things, choices

Sometimes such a dream means that you chose the wrong moment to make an important decision. Most likely, if the store has gone bankrupt or is closed for renovations and there is a lock hanging on it, then it is too early to make an important decision or make some kind of choice.

Pay attention to where exactly the castle hangs in your dream. If this is a store for smartphones, computers and household appliances, then information about the world, a person, or simply a means of contact with the outside world will be hidden and inaccessible to you. If someone in front of you began to close a clothing and shoe store, then changes in appearance, behavior or image, and sex life will not happen soon.

The dream book writes that such a dream often means that you will no longer have access to any information about style, clothing or the manner of presenting yourself. Most likely, changes in appearance and image will soon be inaccessible to you. If you dream of a lock on a grocery store, then soon your life will be monotonous. Since food in general means not only satiety, but also the level of life goods (delicacies). The dream book writes that your life will be very monotonous and boring, or that a life full of events and vivid impressions, the things you love, will no longer be available to you.

Closing a jewelry store in a dream means restrictions on pleasures and various benefits. However, accidentally finding the key to such a store and still opening the door is a good sign. Late to shopping mall and arriving there when closing time has already arrived and a lock has been hung on the door means acting at the wrong time. Most likely, you chose the wrong moment to implement some plan.

Why do you dream that your classroom, school, work, institute, or even library is being closed? This area of ​​activity means the inaccessibility of some knowledge, information or business activity. In this case, the dream means that the team is closing the door in front of you, not literally, but figuratively.

For example, if there is some issue that needs to be resolved, then most likely no one will meet you. If the door is closed from inside the establishment, then the dream book writes that such a dream means that you went there at the wrong time. In a situation where this permanent place work or study, then soon you may be thrown out of it (institute, school) for absenteeism, or everyone will unanimously boycott you and hide you important information.

If the door to the library or reading room is closed from the inside, then the modern dream book writes that knowledge and information will not be available to you. Especially if what you are looking for is there. This could be a book, information on a flash drive or other media. If the door to the office and work begins to be closed in front of you, then the dream book interprets this as a sign of bankruptcy, dismissal or ruin of the company. But most often, such a dream predicts a boycott, contempt for the team and its extreme reluctance for you to appear there anymore.

If you cannot find your school office key or kindergarten, where your child is studying, predicts trouble or lack of contact with your child. If you are not allowed to go to your child’s school, then no one will meet you in resolving an important issue. However, stealing or finding a key means that you can solve your problem. The dream book writes that such a dream is considered a happy sign. Especially if you manage to pick up your child from there.

Why do you dream of a lock or a closed door to a clinic or hospital? This dream means the inaccessibility of information about one’s own health. However, the dream book writes that such a dream is a sign of a good state of mind and that the disease will be inaccessible to you.

However, patients have a dream in which someone began to close the door or there is a lock hanging on it medical institution speaks of coldness, indifference of health workers or very poor service from staff.

Try to overcome this barrier and get the help you need. However, dreaming of finding the key to the door of a medical institution means the answer to the question and the fact that you can achieve your goal. The same thing means a dream in which you were able to find the key to the office of the boss or administration, where an important issue needs to be resolved.

Why do you have a dream in which close person doesn’t want to talk to you and locks the door? This dream means his cold attitude, betrayal and misfortune. The dream book writes that such a dream accurately shows a person’s real thoughts, even if in life he behaves well and nothing portends trouble.

Just for lovers family people For friends, such a dream foreshadows separation, betrayal, coldness and meanness. Most likely, a person will unexpectedly turn away from you at the moment when you need him most. The dream is interpreted equally in different ways. However, dreaming of a lock on the door means that you are late with your proposal, since circumstances have already changed. Good sign, if the dreamer can find the key to the door.

Why do you dream that someone closes the door of their car or their apartment or house in front of you? In the first case, this person will stop business or activity, communication, friendship with you as easily as he started a love relationship.

If you close the door in front of him, then you will put an end to it. If the apartment door in front of you is locked, the dream book writes that you will stop visiting the person or he will leave without warning you.

If you do this

Why dream of closing doors to a person from the inside and not letting him into your home? Most likely, you will have no use communicating with him and you yourself will decide to put an end to the relationship and isolate yourself from him. Pay attention to what exactly you are blocking from him.

If this is just an uninhabited room and only you have the key to it, then the dream book writes that you will make information, something, and not yourself inaccessible to him. There will be no need for him to worry, since your decision will become as firm as steel. Locking a grocery store or yours in a dream workplace why do you dream? The dream book writes that you will simply hide a resource, knowledge that is important to him, or a thing from him. However, if such a person can find the key to this room or car, he will get his.

But, if you close the door of a car or apartment or room in front of a person, what does this mean in a dream? The dream book writes that you will break off all relationships and affairs with him. But, if he picks up the key, the relationship will resume again even after you break up with him.

Closing a box, basket, etc. in a dream marks the completion of some business or the end of certain events. If the container is empty, this means an unsuccessful ending; if there is something in it, then you will be lucky.

Closing a box with valuables means that you want to keep something secret. Closing the lock is a harbinger that you will soon discover that someone is harming you. Closing a book in a dream means that in reality you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself from other people’s lips.

Closing the door in a dream means disappointment and trouble. For a young girl, locking the door with a key is a sign that she will get married. If you are trying to close the door, and it suddenly breaks off its hinges and falls on you, this portends danger for you and your friends. Standing in front of a closed door, unable to get inside, foreshadows frivolous actions and unnecessary meetings.

Seeing closed windows in a dream is a sign of abandonment, devastation and loneliness. Close the windows - you will fail in your chosen endeavor and lose respect, because you will be caught using dishonest means to achieve a goal that seems noble to you. A closed gate means that you will not be able to cope with the problems that arise alone. Closing the gates - to the successful progress of the enterprise in the most difficult and unfavorable external conditions. Seeing a closed carriage in a dream means your affairs and plans may be upset by an unexpected betrayal.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream of closing the door?

Closing a door in a dream is very symbolic dream. In general, it means that the sleeper will say goodbye to something, one period in life will end and another will arise. A detailed interpretation of a dream depends on the nuances and on the dream book consulted.

What if you dream of closing a door?

The door seen in a dream must first of all be deciphered based on the actions that you performed with it. So, by opening a Door in a dream, you personally open up new perspectives for yourself. And vice versa, Closing the Door in a dream, you are trying to put an end to some segment of your life. However, in any case, the image of a door in a dream is rather negative. Probably, in reality you do not have the inner courage to decisively move into a new stage of life or complete some stage of your life. The dream is not of a fateful nature, but of a psychological subtext, indicating low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence.

I dreamed of a door with a lock, I dreamed of a door and the keys to it, A door lock in a dream- difficulties in solving a problem; obstacles and delays in business; delays and delays; internal barrier.

The Door Lock is the key image of this dream. When deciphering, the most important thing to consider is whether you were able to open the Lock in the end, whether you found required Key, Or the Castle remained closed. In general, the “Castle” is an obstacle on your way, which for some reason you are not able to overcome. If you did open the Castle, then in reality you will find a way to find a way out of this difficult situation. And vice versa - the Castle that has not opened to you symbolizes that in reality you will continue to be in a state of fear, uncertainty and uncertainty.

I dreamed of a closed door without a lock or without a handle, I dreamed of doors that cannot be opened- dead end, hopelessness; The time has not yet come to move to a new stage of life.

A door that is present in a dream, but which is almost impossible to open, is a hint for you. Probably, now in reality you are on the verge of moving to a new stage of life. However, if you believe what you saw, the time for active achievements and deeds has not yet come. And a different interpretation awaits those who dreamed of completely closed Doors. In reality, you feel your own weakness or find yourself in a real dead end, When there is not a single way out in front of you. The dream should not be taken as a fateful forecast and it is dangerous to believe that you will not be able to find a way out of the “dead end” in real life. This is just a projection of your daily emotions into night sleep, And it is vital for you to continue to look for a solution to the problem that has arisen.

A dream in which you happen to open a door with a key, according to the dream book, means that your ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations will help you cope with the difficulties that have arisen. For a man, such a dream means that he will still be able to win the heart of the girl he has liked for a long time.

A dream in which you heard a knock on the door means pleasant and long-awaited news. Knocking furiously and loudly on a door in a dream means a forced conversation with a request to repay the debt. Also, a dream in which you have to knock on a door speaks of vain and unfulfilled hope. Knocking on a closed door means vain attempts to justify yourself and prove your innocence; ill-wishers have “worked hard” to tarnish your name in front of the public.

There is a knock on your door - you will be called to an important task / a good embassy / the main events in your life are coming.

They call it - bad news.

Door - may portend new opportunity explore yourself or go on an adventure.

An open door is a signal to start, a closed door tells you that the time has not yet come.

Door - may indicate that you have entered a new phase of your life.

going out Entering the door or - some difficulties in business.

A door in a dream symbolizes the beginning or end of something.

Seeing a door from the outside is an indication that you may have to take on some new business or are thinking about it.

Closed door- abandonment of plans. Sometimes such dreams indicate that you are at risk of making an irreparable mistake, and this can result in a serious loss.

wandering in search of the right door in the corridor is a sign that you can’t concentrate on any one thing and it’s high time for you to decide on your plans.

See open doors at home - to opportunity infectious disease; closed - promise the opportunity to stay healthy; for men, open - can mean hidden sexual attraction to a woman.

The door is open - to the guests.

Closed - to illness.

A closet door means treason.

stove door from - to sadness.

Breaking down the door is an attempt to prove what is right.

A sealed door means a ban on going to some people, visiting someone; to the threat.

Looking through the door means news.

Walking out the door backwards is breaking the law.

In a dream, you wander around a house, castle, palace and you can’t find the doors- soon an insurmountable obstacle will arise in front of you.

You dreamed that you would cut down doors with an ax- There is a lot of hard work ahead.

You watched someone chop down doors with an ax- Your family will have a lot of hard work to do because of you.

Board up doors- soon you may change your occupation.

A dream in which you watch someone board up a door- one of your loved ones may commit a careless act, and in order to make up for his mistake, you will even have to change your occupation.

Paint the doors- to a profitable offer.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Door- may herald a new opportunity to explore oneself or embark on an adventure.

Opened door- a signal to start, a closed door tells you that the time has not yet come.

Door- may indicate that you have entered a new phase of your life.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a big and tall door in a dream- means that wealth and nobility will soon await you, richly decorated- to an impossible dream; open it- to luxury, unjustified spending; unexpectedly opening doors- fortunately, benefit, good luck; creaking doors- to an unpleasant meeting.

Seeing an open door to your home in a dream- to self-doubt, deception, can't find the door near your house- to an obstacle in business, close it- to danger, the door falls to pieces- to an unpleasant situation.

If in a dream there is a knock on your door- to the upcoming important events in life, they're calling- bad news; if you open the door and there is no one behind it- to big troubles.

Seeing a beautiful woman in a dream door handle - means that you will soon have an interesting acquaintance.

Italian dream book

Door- a highly differentiated and ambivalent symbol. It is necessary to determine in what context it fits. In any case, the image of the door denotes indecision both in relation to the positive and in relation to the negative. The image of a door is a frequent symbol.

If a person opens the door- this expresses a desire to enter into a new business or new romantic relationship, or indicates a desire to get away from an unpleasant situation.

If a person closes the door- this most often means a desire to end a certain relationship, that is, “to close the door at a certain point in his life.

The dream book interprets knocking on the door in a dream differently. If, in addition to a knock, the dreamer hears the voice of a loved one, then the dream foreshadows pleasant meetings. But an alarming knock on the door in a dream is a sign that foreshadows difficulties on the road. Therefore, if you are planning a trip, you will need to prepare more carefully for the trip or postpone departure for a while.

The dream book interprets a doorbell in a dream somewhat differently. A doorbell heard in a dream is a signal that the dreamer may be invited to act as a mediator to resolve a conflict between people. If the dreamer, having heard a bell in a dream, opens the door but sees no one behind it, it means that in life it will be possible to prevent the development of an unpleasant situation at work. To ring someone's doorbell yourself means to receive some important information in life, which at first you may not attach importance to.

Did you have to knock on the door yourself in a dream? If, according to the plot of the dream, there is a loved one behind the door, then such a dream foreshadows reconciliation after a long conflict. Knocking on an unfamiliar door in a dream means experiencing disappointment in life, having hoped in vain for someone.

According to another interpretation, the creaking of a door or a knock on the door in a dream warns of someone’s visit.

Breaking and knocking down a door in a dream

Dream Interpretation Doors, gates DOORS, GATES - a clear sign of obstacles and opportunities; protection; transition to new (or old, previous) states and spaces of one’s consciousness, other energy levels. The door can symbolize the openings in our body (anus, vagina, mouth). An open door or it opens itself - new perspective, favor, luck. Locked and not opening is an obvious prohibition, an obstacle, a barrier in a relationship (the inability to “reach out” to another person). A small door opens - sexual intercourse (for a man). They wobble, open slightly, come off their hinges - danger; internal discord, doubts, mental discomfort. Being locked up and not getting out is a dead end in life. When interpreting the plot of a dream with doors, the appearance and nature of the space behind them is important. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Door Door. If in a dream you enter a door, this foreshadows your futile attempts to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers. The only door that you enter in your dreams - the door of your childhood home - promises you happiness in the future and an environment of kindred souls. If you look at the door at night in the pouring rain, this promises you unforgivable antics and frivolous meetings. Seeing others entering or leaving the door means possible difficulties in putting your affairs in order; for peasants and politicians this dream is especially full bad omens. If the door unexpectedly breaks off its hinges when you try to close it and injures someone, the dream portends danger to your friends. Furniture dream book

Dream Interpretation Door The door symbolizes opportunities for the implementation of plans and plans, bad and good news. A closed door is an obstacle on the way. Open the door - find a way out of a difficult situation. Someone breaks down your door - danger, betrayal. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Door If in a dream you enter a door, your attempts to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers will be in vain. If the door unexpectedly breaks off its hinges when you try to close it and injures someone, your friends are in danger. Seeing others entering or leaving doors: means possible difficulties in your affairs. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Door If the door was opened with your own hands: to a speedy recovery; if for some reason it did not work out: the illness will continue for some time. In all other cases: this dream is associated with moral problem choice of action. In your actions you must show firmness, tenacity and perseverance. Knock on the door: you are being studied, be attentive and careful! Open the doors: to a surge of new strength. Newest dream book

The dream in which I had a dream white door, is interpreted by the dream book as a sincere desire to help your loved ones, as well as openness of soul and the ability to forgive. Such a dream could mean good opportunity get serious about your business.

If you have to knock down a door in a dream, this means achieving what you want through titanic efforts, and this is why people around you will respect and be a little afraid of you.

Why do you dream about a door without a lock? This dream is interpreted by the dream book as a subconscious feeling of insecurity, fear of change and responsibility. Relatives and friends will help you get rid of vulnerability and self-doubt. As soon as you overcome this barrier, you will receive a promotion career ladder secured.

closed: disappointment, trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Health Door»›

Seeing open doors at home: to the possibility of an infectious disease

closed: promise the opportunity to stay healthy

for men open: may mean hidden sexual attraction to a woman.

Azar's Dream Interpretation Door»›

The burning door of your house: death of wife or danger of one's own life

burning strangers: friends visit

locked, padlocked: obstacle, meeting bad people

open: warm welcome, care

not finding doors in your own house:
delay in business, delay for those who have decided to go on the road, for the patient with a long illness

new: for the birth of a son

open with key: you will come under suspicion

the doors opened: success in all matters.

Lunar dream book Door»›

The door cannot be found: obstacle in business.

Knock on the door too Cm.