Lightning bends on the roofs of the house. Grounding and lightning protection in a private house. Design of passive external lightning protection

It would be more correct to call this building lightning rod, but from the point of view of euphony, a lightning rod is more acceptable. In a sense, this name is associated with man's long-standing fear of the forces of nature; the ancients considered thunder to be a sign of the wrath of the gods.

In fact, during a thunderstorm, a large amount of electrical energy, which creates a strong electric field near the surface of the earth, the most powerful voltage occurs near all kinds of sharp conductors.

In such cases, we can see luminous discharges on the tips, which are not at all harmful to the building. The shock hits the receiver, passes through the conductor and goes into the ground through the grounding. Whether a lightning rod is needed or not at the dacha and how to make it with your own hands, there will be an article about this.

What is the danger of lightning striking a house?

Lightning has a certain, quite strong destructive force and simply can damage the building. In addition, lightning hitting the roof will touch the electrical wiring, causing a short circuit. If there is special protection on the electrical wiring, then the electricity will turn off; if it is not there, a number of switched-on appliances, such as a refrigerator, will burn out. But the worst thing that can happen is a fire caused by a short circuit.


It is believed that the first lightning rod-lightning rod was invented by Benjamin Franklin; he described its device in the weekly Poor Richard's Almanac. It must be said that devices similar to a lightning rod can be seen among the ancient Egyptians: throughout the Middle Ages, structures designed to act as a lightning rod were built at lighthouses, and we can still see their needles today.

Medieval temples and Muslim mosques could not do without lightning rods. We can safely say that lightning rods are ancient and useful devices.

Strictly speaking, this device consists of 3 parts:

DIY lightning rod

Making a lightning rod with your own hands will not work special labor. You don't need any special skills for this. It is enough just to know how to use household welding, or to be able to firmly screw bolts and not be afraid of heights. Necessary:

  • make a lightning rod diagram;
  • stock up on materials: wire, rods, tools and welding machine, as well as paint for painting connections. It is more reliable to make a lightning rod by welding, but you can use bolts and nuts;
  • choose a nice day, work on the roof even country house necessary in dry and fine, windless weather;
  • think over the model lightning rod, or better yet draw it;
  • decide what part of the work can be done on the ground and what will need to be done on the roof;
  • and get to work.

Note: the parts do not need to be soldered, but simply screwed together very tightly using bolts and nuts. The main thing here is that when passing electrical discharge there was no short circuit that could cause a fire.

Our goal is to protect your home from fire, not cause it. It is advisable to paint all soldered or twisted areas to protect them from corrosion.
And most importantly, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to let professionals do this work.

Lightning rod installation

Installation of lightning rod the most difficult part of the task. Having chosen the highest point of the building, you need to install a metal pin on it, which in turn is attached to a wooden base.

As the most high point may be suitable:

  • chimney, they are usually located quite high;
  • the ridge of the house, often it looks like a weather vane - it will be useful and beautiful;
  • the ledge on the roof is almost always decorative elements;
  • an antenna that itself can serve as a lightning rod if it is made of aluminum or other metal and is not painted.

As a lightning rod, a metal roof is sometimes used, constructed as a single unit with sufficient thickness of iron and equipped with appropriate protection, or a part of the roof with the same characteristics, as well as gutters, provided they are made of metal required diameter, or metal fencing on the roof.


- this is a device that removes charge, often very high values into the ground, effectively eliminating its destructive power.

Considering the specifics of the component being arranged, it is necessary that it be located at a distance of no closer than 1 meter from the wall of the building and at least 5 m from the porch and paths, this is if causing accidents is not part of your plans.

Tree as a lightning rod

One of the options for installing a lightning rod with minimal costs can be considered a lightning rod installed on a tree near the house.

To do this you only need a few things:

  • this is only possible if a large, or rather tall, tree grows next to the house, which can serve as a lightning rod;
  • the lightning rod, after the device, must be higher than the highest point of the house so that it can fulfill its purpose;
  • the location of the tree is such that the house falls into the “cone zone” (it was written about earlier), this means that the tree grows quite close to the walls of the house;
  • the pin and wire must be attached to the trunk using plastic clamps so as not to damage the bark and wood of the plant. We don’t want the tree to dry out;
  • We remember that grounding is located away from paths and walls of the house. This rule must be strictly observed.

Internal lightning protection

The presence of electricity in a private house, including a two-story one, at the dacha increases the chances of being struck by lightning. Therefore, when a thunderstorm approaches you need to turn off all electricity in the house. Now you can buy special lightning protection, it is inexpensive, but thanks to it you can protect your wiring and switched-on devices from damage. In addition, this will help protect the structure from fire.

One of the most simple ways Lightning protection means unscrewing the plugs when a thunderstorm approaches. It is the thunderstorm in the area of ​​your home that is dangerous. This is evidenced by peals of thunder heard at intervals of 10 seconds. To find out, you don’t need any special equipment, just count between the thunderclaps.

Protection zone

A lightning rod can protect not only the house, but also the area around it. The higher the lightning rod, the larger territory, which is under his protection. It acts like a cone, where the top point is the edge of the pin, and the base is the area protected from lightning.

The radius is calculated using the formula: R=1.732 x h, here h is the height of the lightning rod. Based on the above, there are two reasons to install the device so that it is the highest point of the building.

  • if there is a higher point on the building, the lightning strike will fall on it and the device will not perform its intended function;
  • The higher the discharge receiver is located, the larger the area protected by it.

Method of lightning protection in the absence of a lightning rod

If your house or apartment does not have a lightning rod, do not despair. Just a power outage during a thunderstorm is also very effective remedy from a lightning strike.

Go to the store or supermarket and buy protection for your electrical wiring. It is effective, very inexpensive and hassle-free.

No one is safe from money or prison, and even more so from a lightning strike. After a blinding flash and a deafening roar, the most pleasant thing is to get away with a slight fright and delight from the impressions you experienced. It's not good if the electronics in the house burn out. It's even worse when there's a fire. It is completely unacceptable for a person to be struck by lightning. The conclusion is simple: we make a lightning rod!

A lightning strike to a house cannot be called beautiful

Where does lightning come from?

The reason for this is cheerful clouds, which, as a thunderstorm approaches, gradually grow and turn into dark cumulus-type masses. The upper layers of moisture in the air turn into small ice crystals, while the lower layers remain as water droplets. This is how we got two plates of a giant capacitor.

Huge structures move in the air and are charged as a result of friction: the upper layers accumulate positive ions, bottom – negative electrons. There is a limit to everything, and the accumulated potential turns into an electrical discharge. As a result, it “breaks through” where there is the least resistance: tall trees, roofs of houses and... lightning rods!

How does lightning protection work?

From the above, the strategy for a lightning protection device follows: to direct a possible electric discharge along a path that is safe for us and thus insure ourselves against troubles. For this purpose, an lightning rod is installed at a sufficient height, which is designed to capture a lightning discharge.

Lightning rod device diagram

Next, an electric current of about 100,000A passes through the down conductor to the ground electrode. The latter ensures the connection of the protective system with the ground. Thus, the lightning strike bypasses the protected objects and is absorbed by the ground.

This protection system is widespread and is called passive. There are active lightning rods that have an ionizer that provokes a lightning strike. This increases the likelihood of protecting the target from damage. This type of lightning rod costs a lot, and its installation is difficult to do with your own hands.

Lightning rod options for a private house

There are three main types of lightning rods based on the type of design:

  • rod lightning rod;
  • in the form of a grid;
  • cable lightning rod;
  • roof covering as a lightning rod.

You can purchase a pin lightning rod or make it yourself

An air terminal in the form of a rod is the most famous and widespread. There are industrial products with ready-made fasteners. For those who like to create with their own hands, it is possible to make an elegant structure that decorates a building. In any case, a steel pin must have a cross-section of at least 70mm2, and for a copper product 35mm2 is sufficient. Thus, its diameter can be 7-10mm.

The length of the rod can vary between 0.5-2 m, and it must protrude at least half a meter above all objects surrounding the building. The lightning rod accepts the charge at one point and is especially effective in protecting small buildings.

Lightning rod in the form of a mesh is convenient for a large roof

An air terminal in the form of a mesh is made of wire with a diameter of about 6 mm. In the photo you can see what a structure of this kind looks like in practice. Already exist ready-made designs with cell size 3-12m. Lightning protection of this kind is convenient for use on a large roof area. To prevent the fire of the sheathing, the lightning rod is mounted at a distance of 0.15 m from the roof surface.

The cable lightning rod can be conveniently placed on the ridge

In a private home, it is more convenient to use an lightning rod in the form of a cable. It is mounted on the roof ridge, secured to two supports on opposite gables. It is also possible combined option, when pin lightning rods are installed on the mentioned supports in addition to the cable.

The cable must have a diameter of more than 5 mm and be mounted at a safe height from the roof. This type of construction is usually used on a roof with a non-metallic covering.

Seam roofing as a lightning rod

The metal roofing of a roof, under certain conditions, can also act as a lightning rod. In this case, the thickness of metal tiles, corrugated sheets or galvanized sheets must be at least 0.4 mm. It is tempting to provide lightning protection without using additional materials.

In practice, this is not easy to do, since there should be no flammable materials under the decking, while the sheathing is most often made of wood.

Moreover, it will be necessary to connect the down conductor to each individual sheet of coating, which is labor-intensive. This option is suitable for seam roofing, where the metal sheets are already securely connected. In this case, ignition of the sheathing is impossible if the coating is laid on a metal sheathing.

How does a down conductor work?

Ideally, for a self-made structure, the material of the lightning rod, down conductor and grounding conductor should be the same and connected by welding, that is, steel. This solution ensures reliability and durability of protection. In practice, it is possible to use galvanized and copper-plated elements, as well as various materials. Their connection is ensured by using clamps with bolts and nuts.

Down conductor on the roof, wall and basement of the house

A steel conductor in the form of a rod or strip must have a cross-section of at least 50mm2, an aluminum conductor allows a size of 25mm2, and a copper wire can be used with a cross-sectional area of ​​16mm2, which approximately corresponds to a diameter of 8.6 and 5mm, respectively.

The down conductor is placed so that it connects the lightning rod and the ground electrode along the shortest path.

In this case, sharp bends are not allowed, which can lead to a spark discharge and ignition in this area. For the same purpose, the conductor is placed at a distance of at least 100 mm from the surfaces of combustible materials of walls and other elements of the building.

Requirements for the ground electrode

This is what a ground loop ready for testing looks like:

Please note that it is not recommended to use a protective ground loop to connect a lightning rod. In the case of using a common grounding conductor during lightning discharge on surfaces household appliances Dangerous voltage may occur. To protect electrical wiring and household appliances In a private house, against lightning strikes, impulse noise protection devices (SPDs) are installed on the input switchboard.

Grounding for the lightning rod is placed no closer than 5 m from the porch and paths and the horizontal connector is buried at least 0.8 m. This is necessary to reduce the likelihood of injury to people in the event of a lightning discharge.

Lightning rod protection zone

You should not be under the illusion that a lightning rod on a neighboring house or a metal tower located nearby will completely protect your home from a lightning strike. The lightning rod's protective zone has very specific boundaries. In any case, the dacha will have to arrange its own lightning protection.

The size of the protected zone is determined by the height of the lightning rod placement

The safety cone created by the rod lightning rod has an angle of 45-50°. This rule is valid for lightning protection installation heights of up to 15 m. The above sketch shows that at an angle of 45°, the radius of the protective zone is equal to the height of the top point of the rod above ground level. At a value of 50° the protection zone will be slightly larger.

Thus, the higher we place the lightning rod, the larger the area of ​​the protected surface will be.

Anyway, a private house must fall completely within the protection cone area.It is highly desirable that all buildings in the yard be protected according to the same rule. Thus, it is convenient to place a lightning rod on the roof of the house. It can be easier to fix the pin on one side of the building than in the center, and the likelihood of lightning hitting the roof is reduced.

In the case of a large area, it may be necessary to install another lightning rod. It can be mounted on a special mast.

We install lightning protection with our own hands

First of all, you need to select an air terminal in accordance with the above recommendations and the materials at hand. The easiest way to install an ordinary steel pin on the roof of a country house. Galvanized pipe or aluminum rod will work even better. When using a pipe, its upper end should be plugged.

If you have a piece of cable of the required length and diameter, it will not be difficult to stretch it along the ridge. On a large roof area it is more effective to use a grid option. An air terminal of any design should be secured so that it is not disturbed by the wind.

Please note: it is easier to ensure electrical contact of the entire system by making all three components of the lightning rod from the same material.

If you do not have welding in mind, it is easier to make a down conductor from thick copper wire in accordance with the recommendations above. Reliable connection with lightning rod can be provided using galvanized clamps with bolts and nuts. It is practical to secure the conductor to the drainpipe supports.

Dimensions of the ground loop in the form of a triangle

It is best to install a grounding loop where there is the least likelihood of people being present. It is also beneficial to place it in a place where moisture is always present. This will improve the contact of the ground electrode with the ground. It wouldn't hurt to install a warning sign next to it. It is better to make a bolted connection to the ground electrode above the ground on the base of the building, and provide contact in the ground by welding.

After installing the entire system, the electrical connection from the lightning rod to the ground can be checked with a multimeter. The resistance of the ground loop can only be checked with a special device. Its value should be no more than 10 Ohms if there may be people nearby. For a separate lightning rod installed far from the house, the grounding resistance should not exceed 50 Ohms.

Standard Ground Resistance Tester

At least once a year, it makes sense to check the integrity of the entire system visually. Once every few years, you should dig up the grounding and assess the degree of metal corrosion. If the rods in the ground become noticeably thinner, they need to be replaced.

The tall tree will help us

To set up a lightning rod in your dacha, you can use a tall tree growing nearby as a mast. The lightning rod should be fixed to its crown so that it protrudes at least 0.5 m above the crown. It should not be forgotten that the tree grows and changes its size.

Lombardy poplar protects the house from thunderstorms

This means that the lightning rod and down conductor should be secured with plastic clamps that will not damage the barrel. It is better to use flexible stranded copper wire and it should be laid with a spare length. In addition, once every few years you will have to climb up and move the lightning rod above the top of your head.

A lightning protection device allows you to protect your home and people living in it from lightning strikes.

Absolutely every home needs personal protection from lightning, which will depend on its type, building material and other indicators.

In order for lightning protection to be more reliable during a thunderstorm, before installing it, you should thoroughly study the mechanism of lightning occurrence and the principle of its operation.

Lightning is an impulse electric current, affecting trees, houses, animals and people. When lightning passes through objects, it forms thermal energy, which results in fires.

That is why, to protect a house from lightning strikes, it is necessary to provide a lightning protection system.

According to its principle of operation, lightning protection of a private house is of the following types:

  1. passive;
  2. active.

In the first version it is more traditional and popular. It includes a lightning rod, a special down conductor and a grounding system. The purpose of such lightning protection is to catch lightning discharges using an air terminal, direct it to grounding and extinguish the discharge in the ground. When installing this lightning protection, consider the material from which the roof is made.

In the second type, lightning protection at home works on the principle of ionizing the air around the lightning rod and intercepting electrical discharges. This lightning protection has an increased operating radius, it is approximately 95 m.

And as a result, not only your home, but also nearby buildings can be protected from lightning strikes. The price of this lightning protection is much higher than passive, which is why its popularity is very low.

Main indicators of protection of a country house

The first indicator of lightning protection is a lightning rod; it consists of the following elements:

  1. lightning rod;
  2. down conductor;
  3. ground loop.

Lightning rod- a lightning protection component that performs the function of catching electrical discharges.

Such an element is made of metal, and its installation takes place directly. When installing lightning protection for a large private house, you need to take care of installing several receivers at once.

According to their own design features, lightning rods can be divided:

1) Receivers in the form of a metal pin with a length of 20 cm to 160 cm. As a rule, they are mounted in a vertical position and rise above the entire area of ​​the house. chimney used as a place for lightning rods. The diameter of such an air terminal is at least 5 cm. An air terminal of this type provides lightning protection for a house with a metal tile roof.

2) Receiver in the form of a cable, made of metal- installed in a tensioned position between two wooden supports. Used when carrying out work on lightning protection devices for wooden roofs.

3) Receivers in the form of lightning protection mesh create the highest quality protection because they cover almost the entire surface of the roof. A good option For . Any of the lightning rods must be connected to any steel object located on the roof.

An equally important indicator of a lightning rod system is current drainage.
This part of the protection is responsible for the timely transfer of electrical charge to the ground loop. This item is made from metal wire with a thickness of 0.6 cm.

For a high-quality connection of the lightning rod with the current drain, welding is used. The seams after welding must be of high quality so as not to tear under the influence of atmospheric factors.

The conductor element is located on the roof and passes along the walls to the ground.

To fix it to the wall surface, it is recommended to use staples. If there are several down conductors, the distance between them should be at least 20 m.

Such elements should not be bent, so that when an electric charge is transferred, a fire does not occur. The down conductor should be as short as possible.

Lightning protection in a private house contains a grounding loop.
This is a mechanism for ensuring high-quality contact between an electric charge and the surface of the earth. This circuit contains components consisting of three electrodes connected to each other, located in the ground.

Grounding lightning protection of a private house and electrical appliances goes through one circuit. In order to make grounding you need to use a copper or steel object. First dig a hole about 300 cm long and about a meter deep.

The interval between the grounding and the walls of the house must be at least 100 cm. In addition, the grounding loop must be located near the passage areas, and the distance between them must be at least 500 cm.

Methods for installing lightning protection at home

Two types of installation of wires for discharging electrical discharge and receiving lightning can be distinguished:

  1. tension parts;
  2. design like a clamping mechanism.

In the first option, rigid anchor mechanisms are used, which are installed on the main parts and houses, and cables are pulled between them.

For their rigid fixation, special clamps are installed. When equipping lightning rods, a plastic bracket is used that is capable of holding them at a given distance in relation to the roof.

On flat roof and it is better to install parts in the form of self-driving clamps. If the roof of the house is covered ceramic tiles, then certain difficulties may arise in fixing the clamps. Therefore, it is recommended to use special mechanisms that ensure reliable fastening and easy installation designs.

Screw clamps connect the elements of the lightning rod and down conductor. For their production, brass, copper or galvanized steel is used.

How to protect yourself from lightning at home

It is quite possible to do lightning protection with your own hands.

To make a lightning protection mesh you will need steel wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm. To attach the wires to each other, welding is needed. At the same time, all joints must be strong and reliable.

After manufacturing, the mesh must be laid on the roof and connected to the down conductor and the ground loop. This mesh is used only if the roof of your house is not made of metal.

The use of lightning protection wire is relevant if the roof of the building is not metal.

The operation of the lightning rod consists of the following: you need to install two insulators and put a metal cable on them. Place this structure on the ridge area, 30 cm above the ridge itself. The diameter of the wire should be six millimeters.

Roof mount

After firmly fixing the wire around one of the pipes, make a loop that will connect to the lightning rod. To connect them, use welding.

To make a down conductor you will need the same wire. Ultimately, you should have a structure in the form of a protective zone that will protect any non-metal roof from lightning.

Another option for a lightning rod- This is a receiver in the form of a pin.

The shape of this lightning rod can be different: rectangular, round, oval, square, etc. You need to choose very strong pins that can take on a powerful load from a lightning strike.

The material from which the pin is made must not be susceptible to oxidation. Under no circumstances should the lightning rod be painted. Its cross-section should be at least 1.2 cm. When using a pipe that is empty from the inside, one end must be welded.

The main function of a down conductor is considered to be transmitting an impulse to the ground. To connect to the lightning rod, welding is used. This option works well on metal roofs.

Home protection and grounding

Lightning protection at home

Good grounding can protect your home from lightning. To ensure proper operation of the entire lightning protection system, it is necessary to adhere to the technological aspects of constructing a grounding loop.

Improper grounding of the house will damage not only nearby objects, but also the house itself.

To ensure high-quality lightning protection of residential buildings, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

1) When purchasing materials, pay attention to their quality. It is good if the grounding comes from brass, copper or aluminum objects. You can replace these items with regular steel, but over time it can rust and lose its properties.

2) When using steel, the grounding must be periodically checked or changed, if any large plots corrosion.

3) Install more than one metal rod in the ground. This will improve the quality of lightning protection. To install lightning protection in a house, the grounding loop will consist of three rods.

4) The length of the rod depends on the depth of soil freezing in a particular region. It should exceed this figure by about 25 cm.

5) Use conductive materials to connect the rods together.

6) When connecting pins, it is prohibited to wind the wire onto their surface. It is necessary to use crimp sleeves and welding. This type of connection is especially strong and reliable.

7) Arrange down conductors and grounding in places inaccessible to children and pets.

Place the grounding in a place where moisture accumulates.

Standard tips for caring for lightning protection:

Thunderstorm and lightning protection scheme

1) At the beginning of spring, check all lightning protection elements for functionality.

2) Look at the degree of rust on the surfaces of metal objects. Replace them if necessary.

3) Paint certain areas of the protection every two years, check connections, tighten wires and clean contacts.

4) Once every five years, open the grounding and carry out a full inspection and maintenance.


The presence of lightning rods on the site is simply necessary. Lightning is a pulse of electric current of significant strength that occurs due to the accumulation of charge in thunderclouds. The current strength in this case can reach 200,000 A - such powerful lightning is rare, but with a force of up to 100,000 A it occurs regularly. A lightning rod in a private house does not prevent the occurrence of lightning, it only diverts it, protecting the house from fire. Discharge passing through different materials, causes the release of thermal energy, which causes fires and destruction.

About lightning rods

As for what a lightning rod looks like, it consists of:

  • lightning rod (intercepts lightning charge);
  • down conductor (needed to drain current into the ground electrode);
  • ground electrode (creates reliable contact of the device with the ground).

Lightning rods can be installed both near the house and on it - this is shown in the photo. Separate parts of the house can also serve as parts of a lightning rod. All lightning rod elements must be made of the same metal.

Lightning rod

A steel rod is usually used as a lightning rod, which should rise above the house. The cross-sectional area is 50 mm2, this value can be compared with a rolled wire with a diameter of 8 millimeters. A rod made of copper (sectional area 35 mm2) and aluminum (70 mm2) are also used.

It is allowed to use individual parts of the building as a lightning rod, such as metal roofing, metal fences and drainpipes.

The metal roof must be a single integral element without breaks. The thickness of the coating layer should be 4 millimeters for iron roofing, 5 millimeters for copper, 7 millimeters for aluminum. There should be no insulating layer on the surface of the coating (with the exception of anti-corrosion metal paint).

As a lightning rod, the metal roof is a truss connected to the rest by reinforcement.

Fencing or downspouts can be used if the cross-section is larger than the recommended value.

Down conductor

It is advisable to use the following sections: for copper - 16 square millimeters, for aluminum - 25 mm2, for steel - 50 mm2. The down conductor must go from the lightning rod directly to the ground along the shortest path. Worth avoiding large quantity turning under acute angle, otherwise between neighboring areas sparking may occur. This will result in a fire.

Typically, the down conductor is represented by a bare metal strip and rolled wire. During construction brick house The down conductor can be laid both inside the wall and outside. If the walls are made of flammable material, the lightning rod should be installed so that the minimum distance to them is 10 centimeters - more is better. In order to improve contact with the walls, metal brackets are used.

Ground electrode

To create a grounding conductor, steel (sectional area 80 mm2) or copper (sectional area 50 mm2) is used. The design of the ground electrode is quite simple. To create it, dig a trench 0.5 meters deep and 3 meters long, drive steel rods at the ends and connect them by welding.

A branch is welded to the structure to connect the down conductor to the house. Then the grounding conductor is brought to the bottom of the trench, while painting the welding areas. When arranging it, it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 1 meter from the wall and 5 meters from the porch and path.

Installation of lightning rods

A lightning rod is a bare conductor with a maximum cross-section and a large area, protected from corrosion. It is usually made from galvanized steel or copper wire, although duralumin and aluminum are sometimes used. High-quality lightning rods come from corners made of galvanized steel, as well as from tinned copper wire. Such structures take on the lightning charge and direct it along the cable to grounding. The lightning rod cannot be insulated or painted.

A lightning rod can protect a cone with an inclination angle of 45-50 degrees from a lightning strike. The higher the lightning rods for the dacha are, the larger the area they can remove lightning from. It follows from this that the height at which the lightning rod is located is equal to the protected area horizontally. If the lightning rod is located at a height of 15 meters, it is capable of receiving lightning within a radius of 15 meters.

It’s good if there is a tree near the house. In such a situation, you can attach the lightning rod to a long metal pole, and then attach it to the tree with synthetic cord clamps - so as not to damage it and not prevent further growth. In addition, the lightning rod must be raised to such a height that the house falls within the area of ​​the protective cone.

If there is no tree growing nearby, you can connect a lightning rod to a television antenna. Such masts are usually made of metal and are not painted - they are excellent lightning rods. If the television antenna is wooden, a wire or bare wire is run along it - it is recommended to use 3-4 pieces. At least one wire will be blown by the wind.

A mast 1.5-1.9 meters high (from the skates) is installed on each gable of the house. It can be either wooden or metal. Thick wires are stretched between the masts on insulators. In this case, you need to firmly connect the wire to the ground. Such a lightning rod creates a zone of good lightning protection around the house.

How to make grounding yourself, video example:

Reliable grounding can only be ensured if the site has groundwater. Even if you bury a huge piece of metal in the ground, dry soil will not allow current to conduct well. For a lightning rod to be effective, it is necessary to determine the depth at which the ground never dries out - this is how deep the grounding should be. Sometimes, to moisten the soil, drainage of precipitation from the roof is connected to the grounding point.

No lightning rod required special care. It will be sufficient to check the condition of the metal connections once a year, in the spring. They must be securely connected. It is recommended to use copper or brass terminals, clip the end of the wire with special copper or aluminum contacts, or use solder.

There is nothing complicated about how to make a lightning rod in a country house. The main thing is to follow all the advice exactly and carefully calculate its height so that it can provide the house with reliable protection, and also connect the structural elements well with each other. In summer, do not forget about maintaining constant humidity in the grounding area.

Lightning strikes on unprotected private houses and trees, unfortunately, are not uncommon. Having lightning protection at your dacha is necessary - it will divert the discharge into the ground and help save your property, and sometimes even your life. We will tell you how you can make a lightning rod with your own hands, using improvised means and tools.

Types of lightning protection for a summer residence

The lightning rod can be:

  • Rod - a metal pin fixed to the frame (on the roof, near the house, on a growing tree near the house high tree). The pin is connected to the grounding system using a metal wire. This lightning rod looks aesthetically pleasing, but its coverage area is not large. It is easy for them to calculate the protection area: from the highest point of the pin, you need to mentally draw a line to the ground at an angle of 45º. Everything that ends up in the perimeter triangle area is protected from lightning strikes.
  • Cable - its feature consists of several masts (two or four), connected to each other by steel or aluminum wire. This lightning rod is more effective and covers a larger area with protection.

These two types of lightning rods are the most common and are used in private homes and dachas, since their design is simple and installation is not difficult to do with your own hands.

Lightning protection elements

Any type of lightning rod system consists of three mandatory elements:

  • Lightning rod. In a rod lightning rod, this is a pin fixed above the chimney at least 1 m; in a cable lightning rod, it is a wire connecting the masts on the roof. A metal roof can also act as a lightning rod if the coating thickness is 4-7 mm.
  • Down conductor is one of the main elements of lightning protection. It consists of copper (d 16 mm²), aluminum (d 25 mm²) or steel (d 50 mm²) wire.
  • Grounding - a system of metal rods, connected to each other by conductive material. It is located underground at a depth of at least 80 cm.

Materials and tools

For the construction of lightning protection with my own hands you will need:

  • The lightning rod is a pointed pin. A television mast or radio antenna can be used, you can also buy an air termination rod from one of the leading manufacturers: SCHIRTEC, OBO Bettermann, J Propste, GALMAR;
  • Copper, aluminum or steel wire of the recommended cross-section;
  • Pins, pipes or metal strips for grounding;
  • Mast (frame);
  • Plastic fastenings;
  • Tools (hammer, drill, shovel).

Installation of cable lightning rod

At the first stage of lightning protection installation, it is necessary to stretch a wire along the roof ridges, which will serve as a lightning rod.

If the roof is covered with flammable materials (wood, plastic tiles), the wire should be located at a distance of 10-15 cm from the surface on special plastic fasteners. The ends of the wire are attached to metal masts (horizontal lightning rods), or bent vertically.

The down conductor is attached to the lightning rod by welding, bolts or rivets. The connection points are isolated. On the roof the down conductor is fixed with brackets, on the walls of the house - plastic fasteners. The wire can be placed in the cable channel to avoid negative influence atmospheric phenomena on it.

The grounding system is installed at a distance of at least 5 m from the house, paths, benches. There should be no areas for children to play or for animals to walk nearby. Grounding only works in moist soil, which must also be taken into account when choosing a location.

The procedure for installing lightning protection grounding is:

  • Dig a trench to a depth where the soil is always damp (at least 80 cm)
  • Drive metal pins into the bottom of the trench.
  • Connect the pins together with a steel strip or pipe by welding.
  • Extend the grounding with a steel tape to the point where it connects to the down conductor.
  • Connect the down conductor to ground.

Installation of rod lightning rod

For rod lightning rod installation of a high frame is required. Its role can be played by a television antenna mast. The lightning rod is attached to the mast by welding or bolts.

The installation of the down conductor and grounding of such lightning protection does not differ from that described above. After completing the work, it is necessary to check the resistance of the entire system. It should not exceed 10 ohms.


Preventative maintenance of a lightning rod includes periodic cleaning of the rod pin from dirt, dust and oxide, as well as checking the integrity of all connections.

It is not difficult to install a lightning rod at your dacha yourself. If you follow all the recommendations and standards of the instructions for the installation of lightning protection RD 34.21.122-87, then at the right time it will work flawlessly.

Despite the fact that it is easy to make a lightning rod with your own hands, it is recommended to contact specialists to perform such work. Only professionals will be able to suggest which materials are best to use specifically in your situation and provide qualified assistance in choosing right place for installation, and take into account negative factors from the influence of which the protection may not work.