Why does a small child have a white tongue? When to see a doctor. What should a healthy child's tongue look like?

26.09.2019 Warm floor

A white tongue in a newborn after feeding is a common occurrence. These are milk residues; it will not be possible to remove them from the surface. special labor. But the appearance of a dense, cheesy coating in the mouth, anxiety, and poor appetite in a child indicate more serious reasons and require the help of a pediatrician. The doctor will determine why the baby has a white coating on the tongue and will develop an effective treatment regimen.

How to distinguish “bad” plaque from “good”

Photo: this is what a “milky” white coating looks like on a baby’s tongue

Appearance infant A white coating on the tongue is not always a sign of concern. Take a closer look at the baby, let him take 1-2 sips boiled water. If there are no negative changes in behavior, the baby is calm, eats well, and after drinking the amount of plaque decreases, then it is milk residue.

In the first weeks of life, the baby's main food is mother's milk, and it is not surprising that its remains are present on the tongue.

If there is a white coating on your tongue one month old baby has a dense consistency in the form of curdled flakes, you need to urgently take your baby to the doctor. Such symptoms indicate the development of thrush and other disorders in the child’s body.

Pathological plaque does not appear “alone”; changes in the baby’s behavior and well-being should also be observed: the baby is capricious, cries, refuses to eat, body temperature rises, and poor sleep is possible.

Why does a baby have a white coating on the tongue?

Pediatricians identify the following factors that provoke the appearance of white plaque on the tongue of infants:

  • weak, immature immunity;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, dysbacteriosis, early complementary feeding, gastritis;
  • treatment with antibiotics, allergies to them;
  • low level of hemoglobin in the blood, vitamin deficiency;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal changes, disruptions;
  • infection through the mother's birth canal, through dirty toys, a pacifier;
  • dry mouth.
Attention! Why a newborn has a white coating on the tongue and what measures to take to eliminate it are determined by a specialist after a detailed examination of the child. Self-medication is harmful to the baby’s health; do not give in to advice from TV or the Internet, even if it is from Dr. Komarovsky himself.

Whitish tongue as a sign of thrush

A white tongue in a newborn with a thick, dense coating often indicates fungal infection oral cavity, which is accompanied by the development of candidiasis (thrush).

Thrush is a disease that develops due to the active activity of yeast-like fungi Candida. They can be located in the human body without causing discomfort or pain. If the environment becomes favorable for microorganisms, they actively multiply, affecting the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Children in the first month of life are more susceptible to the disease; they could have received the infection at birth. If the mother is diagnosed with Candida fungus, infection is inevitable.

Photo: this is what a white coating looks like on a baby’s tongue with thrush

There are mild and severe stages of fungal infection. Mild treatment form lasts 7 days without the formation of wounds or the development of complications. To get rid of a severe form of candidiasis, you will need the help of a pediatrician and drug therapy. It is important to constantly monitor changes in the color of the baby’s tongue and oral mucosa and his well-being. Possible complications, increased body temperature.

White tongue- a frequent visitor to newborns who are bottle-fed. Breastfeeding helps prepare the baby's immune system to be attacked by viruses and harmful bacteria. In addition, the mother's warmth calms the baby's nervous system. “Artificial” ones require more time to strengthen the immune system, which increases the chances of developing the disease.

A newborn has a white coating on the tongue - what to do?

Method for treating white plaque on a baby's tongue depends on the reason for its appearance. If the whitish spots are residues breast milk, milk formula, you need to clean the baby’s tongue. Use boiled water to rinse the baby's mouth with it after feeding.

If the defect is caused by violations on the part of nervous system, contact a pediatric neurologist to identify the cause of the neurosis, take care of the baby’s peace of mind. There is no need to clean the tongue; the defect will go away on its own.

The appearance of whitish spots on the tongue may mean that the baby has digestive problems. Pay attention to your child's nutrition. The primary task is to eliminate dysbiosis by selecting a different formula during artificial feeding or adjusting the mother’s nutrition during breastfeeding. These actions are enough to eliminate the symptoms.

A white coating on the tongue of a newborn child may appear due to infectious diseases of the oral mucosa: herpes, scarlet fever, chicken pox. The disease occurs with elevated temperature bodies. It is impossible to do without drug treatment. To avoid complications and the disease becoming chronic, the doctor may refer the baby for inpatient treatment.

Treating thrush

Treatment of a mild stage of thrush involves wiping the tongue with a soda solution. With its help, you can easily clean whitish accumulations and prevent the growth of bacteria.

Pay more attention to personal hygiene rules:

  • For “artificial” babies, be sure to pour boiling water over the nipple and bottle before feeding.
  • Clean and boil rubber toys regularly.
  • Replace outdated nipples with new ones in a timely manner, taking into account the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • When breastfeeding, keep your nipples clean. Before latching your baby, do not forget to wash your breasts warm water. During the treatment of the disease, additionally treat it with soda solution.
  • During lactation, try to avoid taking antibiotics, normalize your diet, fill it with vitamin products.
  • After feeding, remove milk residues.
Important point! Do not kiss a sick baby on the lips, do not lick the pacifier - you risk becoming infected yourself and adding harmful bacteria and viruses with your saliva. Even after recovery, refrain from such actions.

A dense, cheesy coating on the baby’s tongue, palate and gums, and the appearance of whitish pimples indicate a complex stage of thrush. Drug treatment is carried out in strict compliance with the doctor’s instructions, without violating the regimen. Immunomodulatory and antifungal drugs are prescribed.

How to clean the tongue of a newborn

The most important factor influencing the speed of recovery from thrush is oral hygiene. Parents can clean the surface of their baby's tongue at home. Procedure:

In addition to soda solution, you can clean the child’s damaged mucous membranes with medicinal gruel. To prepare it, mix 1/2 tablet of Nystatin (125 thousand units) with 1 ml of liquid vitamin B12. Apply the resulting mixture to the gums, palate, and plaque-covered surface of the tongue. Repeat the treatment after each feeding.

To remove unpleasant plaque, ethnoscience advises using honey and lemon juice. Be careful, such components can cause an allergic reaction in the baby and complicate treatment.

Parting words for parents from doctors

A white tongue in a newborn as a symptom of thrush worries many parents. Timely elimination of the infection will relieve complications and the chronic form of the disease.

There are preventive measures, the observance of which will prevent the appearance of an unpleasant white coating in a one-month-old baby:

  • Maximum hygiene and sanitation, especially in the first months after birth, until the child’s immune system gets stronger.
  • After feeding, give your baby 1-2 tsp. boiled water, it removes the remaining milk.
  • Strictly follow the pediatrician’s recommendations when creating your own diet (if breastfeeding), follow the rules for introducing complementary foods to your baby in order to maintain normal intestinal microflora and prevent dysbiosis.
  • You can’t lick your baby’s nipple, eat with one spoon, or kiss on the lips so as not to convey it with saliva. harmful bacteria, viruses.
  • Buy your child separate dishes and cups.
  • At the first symptoms of thrush development, or the slightest change in the color of the tongue, contact your pediatrician.
  • The child sleeps with his mouth open, so if the room is hot, take measures to humidify the microclimate, ventilate the room more often and spend more time with the baby in the fresh air.

If you want your baby to be healthy, be attentive to such little things as changes in skin color and tongue. Don’t think about how to remove white plaque, focus your efforts on preventing its appearance.

Doctor Komarovsky’s opinion about white coating on the tongue of infants:

Thrush or candidomycosis stomatitis is a fungal disease in which the localization of white plaque spreads from the tongue to the cheeks and gums, while it looks like small curds.
Most often, thrush affects newborns who are bottle- or mixed-fed or who are sucking a pacifier.

When such plaque is removed, a slight redness remains on the tongue. Thrush may be accompanied by inflammation of the oral cavity. If this disease is not completely cured, it will constantly return, so if the fungus develops strongly, you should strictly adhere to the instructions of your doctor.

Treatment of thrush

It is usually easy to treat. White plaque from the baby’s tongue should be removed with a clean cotton swab, and then the oral cavity should be treated with a solution of baking soda. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of soda in 1 glass of boiled water. room temperature and with a cotton swab moistened with this solution, wipe the baby’s tongue, cheeks, and palate. In addition to soda, you can use a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, 0.25 - 1% borax solution, 1-2% tannin solution, 1% hydrogen peroxide solution. This procedure should be repeated every 2-3 hours for several days. You need to treat your baby's oral cavity very gently and gently. Make sure your child cannot inhale or swallow the cotton.
Do not spray your mouth immediately after feeding as this may cause vomiting.

If treatment is ineffective, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a suitable antifungal drug. Most often, for the treatment of thrush, infants are prescribed fluconazole for oral administration (drugs Diflucan, Diflazon and others). The medicine should be given from a teaspoon, while lubricating the affected areas of the oral mucosa. The doctor may also prescribe local antifungal drugs in the form of an ointment or gel (Miconazole or Nystatin). They need to be applied with your finger to the affected areas in the mouth. It should be borne in mind that even after the disappearance of clinical manifestations of thrush, treatment should be continued in accordance with the doctor’s instructions, since the absence of plaque does not guarantee complete elimination of the pathogen.

If the child is on, the mother should also be treated, even if she has no obvious manifestations of the disease. During treatment, you should wash your breasts with water after each feeding. Also, before and after each feeding, you need to treat your nipples with a soda solution.

Despite the fact that the newborn is monitored by a pediatrician, already in the first year of life the child also needs consultation with a specialist, including an otolaryngologist. During the examination, the ENT doctor draws the parents’ attention to the need for thorough treatment of the baby’s oral cavity, in particular, cleaning the tongue.

It's no secret that a large list of diseases, such as stomatitis, glossitis, gingivitis and caries, often occur due to irregular teeth brushing. But many people forget that an uncleaned tongue can also provoke the development of such conditions.

This is due to the presence of favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms:

  • High humidity.
  • Lack of light.
  • Presence of nutritional components.

Given the combination of these factors, the baby often develops a coating on his tongue. There are many characteristics that help determine the severity of the conditions that caused the change. For example, with thrush, the white coating is so dense that it is difficult to separate from the surface of the tongue and leaves behind redness, and also causes severe anxiety in the child. If yellow or gray plaque, the possibility of infection should be excluded.

Newborns often develop thin layer a coating on the tongue that is white or slightly yellowish in color, which does not cause visible discomfort in the child and is associated with feeding.

All of the above conditions often prompt the baby’s parents to contact a specialist, whose task is to be able to correctly determine the cause and explain in detail how to clean the tongue of a newborn.

How to clean a newborn's tongue?

It is important to maintain oral hygiene in children under one year of age, especially when plaque appears on the tongue. The best way to clean your child's mouth is with a finger toothbrush. Such brushes are available in several types: covered with bristles or with a ribbed surface.

Parents put it on their finger and, moving from the root to the tip of the tongue, clean the surface. Then they begin to clean the lateral surfaces of the tongue and the buccal mucosa.

The use of toothpaste for such young children is not recommended.

Traditional methods

Often, the question “how to clean a newborn’s tongue” arises before mothers only at the moment they discover a coating on the surface of their child’s tongue. Many parents resort to help traditional methods and advice from the Internet.

The most common of them:

  • Soda solution. To prepare the solution, half a teaspoon of soda is diluted in two hundred milliliters of water. It is not necessary to bring the soda to complete breakdown. Then, using a cotton pad moistened with a solution, carefully clean the surface of the tongue. It is important not to overdo it - this procedure is carried out no more than five times a day.
  • Use of honey. Honey is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:2. It is not necessary to drink the solution for the effect to appear; it will be enough to dip the baby’s pacifier in it and give it to the child until the signs of plaque disappear. Despite the taste qualities that may attract the baby, this product is a strong allergen. Therefore, before using this method, it is important to understand possible harm from this type of treatment.
  • Tincture of myrrh and ratania. Both plant extracts are mixed together, and then water is added to them in a 1:2 ratio. A cotton swab or gauze is moistened with the resulting solution and the surface of the tongue is treated. It is known that this tincture has a persistent antiseptic effect. However, given the high likelihood of developing allergic reactions In newborns, this cleaning method should be used with caution.

Do not forget that all of the above methods of therapy, without first correctly established cause the child’s condition may not only be ineffective, but also cause serious consequences. Do not self-medicate, but first consult a doctor for advice.

Medicinal methods

Often, in case of ineffectiveness folk ways For oral care, the child’s parents seek advice from a specialist. After establishing the reason that caused the baby’s plaque, the doctor can advise following methods cleaning the oral cavity with drugs:

  • Treating the surface of the tongue with a cotton swab moistened with Chlorophyllipt solution. After this, the ground Nystatin tablet is mixed with an ampoule of Vitamin B12 and the tongue is treated again.
  • Use of Sodium tetraborate (Borax) in 20% glycerol. It's antiseptic medicine for external use. The tongue should be treated with this solution 2-3 times a day. You need to know that the drug may have a convulsive effect.

The above methods of combating plaque on the tongue should be carried out only as prescribed by the attending physician, in order to avoid possible complications.

Precautionary measures

To protect your baby from such discomfort arising in the oral cavity, parents are required to follow basic hygiene rules:

  1. Timely heat treatment of baby's pacifiers and toys.
  2. Cleaning the baby's mouth after each feeding.

By following these rules, parents will protect their child from the possibility of infection.

Plaque on the tongue of a baby is most often a common occurrence. Babies feed only on milk, so this is not at all surprising. However, sometimes a white formation on the roof of the mouth, cheeks and lips is a sign of the disease. It is very important to monitor the child’s condition; this will help diagnose the problem in time.

A tongue on which a white coating has formed may be a harbinger of certain problems with the body.

Causes of plaque formation on the tongue

Causes of plaque formation white in the language small child may be different. A pediatrician should answer the question of why exactly the plaque appeared in the mouth on the roof of the mouth.

Main possible reasons:

  1. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it is very important to do a full examination of the baby’s body as quickly as possible.
  2. Disorders in the nervous system.
  3. Presence of infections.
  4. Avitaminosis.
  5. Failure to comply with oral hygiene rules.
  6. Possible diabetes.

Sometimes the reasons why a child has a white coating in his mouth and spreads to his lips are not as terrible as those listed above.

  1. If the baby is bottle-fed, the rash on the tongue may be the remains of baby formula. The situation is similar with breastfeeding.
  2. After eating, the child burped and leftover food remained in the mouth.
  3. White plaque can be a harbinger of the appearance of baby teeth in children.

When to see a doctor

New parents carefully monitor the health of their newborn. If a white coating forms on your baby’s tongue and it doesn’t go away after a few days, it’s not a big deal. You should consult a doctor if your baby exhibits the following symptoms:

  • excessive worrying and moody behavior for no reason;
  • the baby does not take the breast because it hurts him to suck milk on his own;
  • the inner surface of the cheeks and gums are severely inflamed.

If these symptoms occur, parents are advised to consult a pediatrician. He will have to examine the baby, take tests if necessary and identify the cause of plaque formation in the mouth and tongue.

If you need to go to the hospital, you shouldn’t refuse because the doctor won’t just suggest it. Necessary means necessary. This means it will be better for the child.

Treatment: subtleties and nuances

Before you start treating white plaque in a child’s mouth, you need to understand why it appeared. Only an experienced doctor will help with this. It is worth noting that it is not always necessary to resort to treatment. In some situations, the plaque goes away on its own. Let's consider the main subtleties and nuances that parents should know about.

  1. In case of gastrointestinal diseases, it is necessary to cure the underlying disease first. After this, the tongue will clean itself. The main thing is to quickly find out what exactly the problem is in your child’s body.
  2. If your baby has problems with the nervous system, only a neurologist can help. With proper treatment, the plaque will go away on its own within a few days.
  3. If the disease is viral or infectious in origin, you may need drug treatment. You cannot buy pills for your baby yourself - this will only worsen the situation. The required treatment and prevention are prescribed only by a competent doctor after a thorough examination of the child.
  4. For thrush, the main treatment can be accompanied by cleaning the palate with a soda solution.

Folk remedies

White plaque in a baby’s mouth can be removed very easily if there is no serious damage to the body. Try to do this with proven folk remedies. If there is no result, then you should consult a doctor.

  1. Honey. This is an excellent remedy for fighting bacteria and germs. The only downside is that honey is an allergen. You must first make sure that the baby does not develop a rash after consuming it. If there is no allergy, a cotton swab is moistened with honey and the plaque is removed with it.
  2. If the child has not previously shown an allergy to citrus fruits, the plaque can easily be removed with pure lemon juice. In addition, it copes with fungal formations, if any.
  3. Soda. Try getting rid of plaque with a solution baking soda. It does not taste very pleasant, so for a small child it is better to use one of the methods listed above, and resort to soda only as a last resort.

Preventive measures

White plaque on the tongue and lips of a baby is a phenomenon that in most cases can be prevented. You just need to follow basic preventive measures.

  1. All feeding devices (bottles, pacifiers) must be sterilized as often as possible.
  2. Sterilize toys that your baby comes into contact with most often.
  3. Bed linen must be boiled to kill bacteria.
  4. If the baby is breastfed, the nipples must be washed with warm water before feeding.
  5. Make sure your baby consumes enough vitamins. Add a little lemon juice to the water if you are breastfeeding, eat healthy fruits and vegetables.
  6. Please pay attention Special attention child's oral hygiene.

A white coating on a baby's tongue is not always a symptom of a serious illness. Try to remove it, and if that doesn’t work, then make an appointment with a doctor to identify the cause and begin treatment.

Many young mothers anxiously ask what these are - white spots on the tongue of a newborn baby, why they are dangerous and how to deal with them. Plaque on the tongue is not always a symptom of serious problems with the baby’s health. In infants, white spots appear on the tongue after feeding. During artificial feeding, traces of the mixture remain on the surface of the tongue. You need to give the baby a few tablespoons of boiled water. Breast milk also leaves its mark on the surface of the mucous membrane; 2-3 spoons of water will easily remove it.

What does a coated tongue mean in a child? It may indicate:

  • viral stomatitis - a frequent companion of chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever, and other infectious and viral diseases;
  • dysbacteriosis (in this case, the baby’s entire tongue is covered with plaque);
  • thrush (the plaque has a cheesy consistency and is not removed from the surface);
  • disturbances in intestinal function;
  • allergic reaction after antibiotics.

During illness, especially with sore throat, children's tongue constantly turns white. This is not considered an illness. The child recovers - the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Possible reasons

Doctors divide the causes of plaque on the tongue into safe and unsafe. The first include:

  • sticking of formula or breast milk on the surface of the tongue;
  • remnants of regurgitation after eating;
  • a harbinger of the eruption of baby teeth in a one-year-old baby;

In this case, the white on the tongue of a newborn goes away on its own, being washed off with water while drinking or after teething. No other special events are required.

K potentially dangerous reasons relate:

  • dysfunction gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, dysbacteriosis, gastric acidity disorders, constipation, disruptions in diet, consumption of inappropriate food, too early complementary feeding);
  • problems in the functioning of the baby’s nervous system, neuroses (the tongue is coated with a thick coating, teeth marks are visible along the edges);
  • infectious and viral diseases(stomatitis, thrush);
  • anemia, vitamin deficiency, decreased hemoglobin in the blood, weakened immunity;
  • taking antibiotics and other medications;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • insufficient oral hygiene;
  • in older children, plaque on the tongue may be a sign of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity;

Define the real reason Only a doctor can cause plaque on the tongue, do not self-medicate, consult a pediatrician or dentist.


Not all cases of white coating on the tongue require special treatment. If a one-month-old baby has a small plaque, lies in spots, can be easily removed by rinsing the mouth with water, there is no need to torment the baby with medical procedures.

If the plaque has a dense consistency and cannot be removed by rinsing, special treatment may be required, taking into account the cause of its formation. In this case, it is important to contact an experienced pediatrician as soon as possible to determine the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

When diagnosing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease; after recovery, the spots on the tongue will disappear on their own. It is important to establish a nutritional system, exclude age-inappropriate foods from the baby’s diet, and slightly delay the introduction of complementary foods.

Treatment of the nervous system of a small child will automatically rid him of a white tongue. You need to contact a pediatric neurologist, determine the cause of the neurosis and get rid of it.

Treatment of viral and infectious diseases. In these cases, the child may have a rise in heat, to appear bad smell from mouth. Self-medication will only make the situation worse. In some difficult cases You may need treatment in a hospital setting. You should not refuse - the doctor knows best. In any case, it is advisable to treat stomatitis under the supervision of a doctor in order to prevent it from becoming chronic.

With thrush (candidomycosis), the baby's tongue and palate are coated. Remove cheesy deposits with a solution of baking soda, in which the pacifier is moistened. It is recommended to treat the baby's mouth with Diflucan.

Additionally, it is necessary to give the baby B vitamins, multivitamins, and carefully monitor oral hygiene.

Traditional methods

In addition to the main forms of treatment, some can be used quite effectively. folk remedies. One of the most popular folk methods for treating white plaque on the tongue is natural honey, which has powerful antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal effects. You need to apply it to a cleanly washed finger or a cotton swab and work it gently inner surface mucous membrane of the baby's mouth.

Remember: honey is a strong allergen, it should be used with extreme caution!

To enhance the antibacterial effect, you can mix honey and turmeric to create an effective disinfectant solution. It should be applied to the inner surface of the baby's mouth.

It is recommended to wipe the newborn's tongue with freshly squeezed lemon juice, if the child is not allergic to citrus fruits. It not only removes white plaque well, but also has an immunostimulating effect and destroys fungal formations.

Symptoms usually disappear after a few days. If recovery does not occur, it makes sense to contact a qualified specialist.

Dr. Komarovsky advises young parents not to panic at the first signs of a white coating on the tongue of the newborn, but first to observe the general condition, behavior, and reactions of the baby. If the child eats well, does not refuse the breast, is calm, gains weight, the plaque is not dense, and is easily removed by washing off with plain water, there is no need to prescribe treatment. Why injure the baby by wiping the mouth with an unpleasant soda solution; the remaining milk can be washed off with clean water.

If the baby does not sleep well, refuses to breastfeed, shows signs of anxiety, or the plaque has a cheesy consistency, you should be wary. Symptoms indicate thrush (candidiasis) - the most common fungal disease infants. You can become infected with it both during childbirth and in the first days of life. An experienced pediatrician will suggest effective, harmless, pleasant methods of treating the disease, including the use of antifungal drugs, rinses, vitamin complexes.

Disease prevention

Preventing a disease is always easier than curing it, especially when it comes to a small child. Simple and effective steps will help you avoid the appearance of a white coating on your baby’s tongue. Preventive measures are as follows:

  • maintaining maximum cleanliness, you need to thoroughly wash your hands before touching the newborn, boil his dishes, pacifiers, pacifiers, toys that are put into the mouth;
  • From the first days of life, a baby should have his own dishes to avoid infection with candidiasis (thrush) or stomatitis;
  • It is undesirable to kiss a baby, especially on the mouth; an adult’s saliva contains both fungi and the herpes virus, and the baby’s immune system is not yet fully strengthened;
  • after each feeding, it is important to give the child a few tablespoons of boiled water to wash away any remaining food;
  • Before each feeding of the baby, it is necessary to wash the breasts, especially the nipples, dry them with a towel, and, if necessary, treat them with a soda solution.

We talked in detail about the reasons that cause the appearance of white plaque in infants and older children, the main methods of treatment, shared folk recipes to alleviate the condition of babies during the treatment of stomatitis and thrush, and explained the basic rules of prevention. It is important for parents to adhere to strict personal hygiene, trying to protect their baby from infection with infectious and viral diseases that cause unpleasant white spots. A timely visit to a doctor in case of illness will alleviate the child’s condition and prevent the development of complications.