Scheme of connecting a deep pump to a hydraulic accumulator. Automation for the pump: types of equipment and installation scheme. Correct setting of the accumulator pressure switch

05.11.2019 alternative energy

The hydraulic accumulator maintains the necessary pressure in the water supply and smoothes out interruptions in the operation of the pump.

If the house has such a unit, then you do not need an archaic tank in the attic.

From the article you will learn how to connect a hydraulic accumulator to a well or well.

Using a hydraulic accumulator

How is a hydraulic accumulator arranged and working? The basis of the unit is a steel container, separated by an elastic rubber membrane. One compartment is filled with air, the other is filled with water. The more water, the more the membrane stretches, reducing the space of the first chamber. The more filled the second chamber, the higher the pressure in the first. Compressed air presses on the membrane, increasing the water pressure. When the consumer uses water, the pressure is reduced.

The upper and lower pressure limits are monitored by a sensor that sends a signal to the pump or control unit. When the water pressure in the system is below the set level (the sensor and the controller are regulated by selecting the necessary response limits), the pump relay is turned on, and water from the well enters the system. When the required pressure is reached, the pump switches off.

Pros and cons of using a hydraulic accumulator

The battery capacity, depending on the model, ranges from 5 to 100 liters. Therefore, a hydraulic accumulator, as a place for storing water, cannot be compared with any tanks. The cost of a 100-liter accumulator is 10-15 thousand rubles. The cost of a plastic tank with a capacity of 2-3 cubic meters is 2-4 thousand rubles.

A hydraulic accumulator is used in conjunction with a deep or additional pump to create pressure in the water supply system necessary for the operation of household appliances. For example, washing and dishwashers, instantaneous water heaters (columns) do not work at pressures below 0.5-0.7 atmospheres (Bar).

Deep pumps and pumping stations supply water with a pressure of 3-5 atmospheres. Working with a closed system from which no water is drawn increases pump wear by 15-25 percent. Therefore, the water supplied by the pump is stored in a water tank or a hydraulic accumulator. The higher the tank is installed, the greater the pressure. Each meter of height increases the water pressure by 0.1 atmosphere.

The larger the volume of the accumulator and the smaller the water withdrawal, the less often the automation turns on the pump. Turning on more than 6 times per minute increases pump wear by 20 percent. When turned on more than 10 times per minute, wear increases by 30-40 percent.

Connecting the accumulator

Owners of private houses are interested in how to connect a hydraulic accumulator to a well. Next, you will learn what connection methods exist, and how to choose one or another method in various conditions.

Scheme "pump - check valve - hydraulic accumulator - pressure sensor". This is the simplest scheme that is used with submersible and semi-submersible pumps. The pump supplies water to the system to which the accumulator is attached. Immediately behind the battery, a pressure sensor is installed that controls the pump.

How to choose a pump for such a system? If you are using more than 10 liters of water per minute, then use centrifugal pumps. They are 40-80 percent more productive, so they supply more water per minute than vibrating ones. If the flow is less, use vibrating pumps. If the depth to the water in the well or well is more than 3 meters, use only centrifugal pumps. The power of vibration pumps is not enough for the required water pressure.

Scheme pump - check valve - tank - additional pump - hydraulic accumulator - pressure sensor.

This scheme reduces the load on the main pump, because it works in a stable mode until the tank is filled. Turn the pump on and off manually or install a water level sensor in the tank to automatically control the main pump. With this scheme, use submersible vibration pumps for the main and additional pumps. They are cheaper, and their power is enough to consume up to 20 liters per minute.

For higher flow rates, use a submersible centrifugal pump for the main pump and a surface centrifugal pump for the secondary pump.

Use of pumping stations

The pumping station is a ready-made unit consisting of a surface centrifugal pump, a hydraulic accumulator with a capacity of 5-10 liters and a pressure sensor. If the water is more than 5 meters, use the pumping station as an additional pump and pressure sensor, this is due to the peculiarities of the operation of surface pumps.

Why the station needs an additional accumulator? The station pump, like other types of pumps, does not respond well to switching on more than 5-6 times per minute. The capacity of the built-in HA is only enough to equalize the pressure drops when the pump is turned on and off. By connecting an additional GA, you will ensure comfortable working conditions for the pump and extend its service life.

Vertical or horizontal accumulator? The arrangement of vertical and horizontal HAs is the same. Therefore, the one that best suits your conditions is better. If you have a lot of free space, use horizontal. If there is not enough free space, use vertical. The photographs show a horizontal accumulator aquasystem and a vertical reflex with a volume of 200 liters.

Where to buy pumps, a station, a hydraulic accumulator and a pressure sensor? These devices are sold in hardware and construction stores. They are also ordered through online stores.

Connect the accumulator to the deep pump in compliance with safety regulations, turn off the electricity to avoid accidentally turning on the pump. The pressure in the water supply is 1.5-2.5 atmospheres, by connecting a hydraulic accumulator or a sensor, check all connections for leakage.

The use of a hydraulic accumulator prolongs the life of the pumps, increases the pressure in the water supply system. Proper use of a hydraulic accumulator turns a plastic water tank, two cheap vibrating pumps and an inexpensive pressure sensor into a complete pumping station. In terms of its performance, such a station is 2-3 times superior to industrial analogues of the same cost.

The device and purpose of the hydraulic tank

A hydraulic accumulator, which is otherwise called a hydraulic tank or a membrane tank, is a sealed metal container in which an elastic pear-shaped membrane partially filled with water is placed. In fact, the membrane, placed in the body of the hydraulic tank and attached to its body with a flange with a pipe, divides its capacity into two parts: water and air.

As the volume of water in the hydraulic tank increases, the volume of air naturally decreases. As a result, the pressure in the water supply system increases. When the pressure parameters set by the user are reached, it is fixed by a relay, which systematically gives a command to turn off the pump.

The body of the tank is made of metal, but water does not come into contact with it: it is enclosed inside a membrane chamber, which is made from durable rubber butyl. This bacteria-resistant material helps water not to lose the qualities that sanitary and hygienic standards require. Drinking water, when interacting with rubber, retains all its wonderful properties.

Water enters the membrane tank through a connecting pipe equipped with a threaded connection. The pressure pipe and the outlet of the connecting water supply should ideally have the same diameter. This condition allows avoiding additional hydraulic losses inside the system pipeline.

To regulate the pressure inside the device, a special pneumatic valve is provided in the air chamber. Air is pumped into the compartment allotted for it through a conventional automobile nipple. By the way, through it you can not only pump air, but, if necessary, bleed its excess.

Air is pumped into the membrane tank using a compact automobile or simple bicycle pump for this purpose. When water enters the rubber bulb, compressed air resists its pressure, preventing the membrane from breaking through. The pressure inside the accumulator is also regulated using compressed air.

The principle of operation of the accumulator

If the system has just been installed, most of the internal volume of the accumulator is occupied by the chamber that is designed for air. Entering the pear-shaped membrane through the pipe, water compresses the air. This continues until the prescribed pressure is reached. The relay then turns off the pump. Relay operation can be adjusted.

When we open the valve and use water for our needs, the system is depressurized. Air, pressing on the membrane, helps the water to exit the container. This process will continue until the pressure in the system drops to the set minimum of -1.5 atm. At this point, the pump should start pumping water into the tank.

As you know, water also contains dissolved air. When it accumulates inside the membrane bag, the operation of the accumulator deteriorates, so it must be bled off. Some models have a special valve for this purpose. If there is no valve, it is necessary to arrange prophylaxis for the membrane tank every 1-3 months.

It is important to properly mount the accumulator in the water supply system. Then, if it breaks down or when maintenance work is carried out on it, the device can be easily disassembled so that you do not have to completely drain the water from the entire system.

Role in the water supply network

It would seem that the device simply passes water through itself. Could you do without it? In fact, it is with the help of a hydraulic tank that a stable pressure is maintained in the water supply system. The water pump, if present, does not turn on so often, which makes it possible to economically use its operational life. In addition, the system for extracting and transporting water is reliably protected from water hammer.

If, for any reason, the voltage in the mains is lost, a small “emergency” supply of water in the tank will help solve urgent economic problems. Let's clarify the list of advantages that this rather simple device provides.

  • Premature pump wear. There is some water supply in the membrane tank. It satisfies the primary needs of the owners of the cottage. And only when the supply runs out, the pump will turn on. It should be noted that all pumps have a rate of inclusions for an hour. In the presence of a hydraulic accumulator, this indicator will not be exceeded, and the unit will last longer.

  • Stabilization of pressure in the system. If two taps are turned on at the same time, for example, in the bathroom and in the kitchen, pressure drops can affect the temperature of the water. This is very unpleasant, especially for those households who are taking a shower at this moment. Thanks to the hydraulic accumulator, such misunderstandings can be avoided.
  • Water hammer. These phenomena, which can harm the pipeline, can occur at the moment the pump is turned on. With a hydraulic tank, the risk of water hammer is practically eliminated.
  • Water supply. In a country house, the problem of water supply is particularly acute. If there is a sudden power outage and the pump cannot perform its functions, then it is no longer necessary to store a supply of water in a bucket or other container to solve urgent problems. It is available in the accumulator tank and is regularly updated.

Obviously, the presence of this device in a water supply system independent of centralized networks is not accidental. It is necessary and useful.

Variants of membrane closed containers

Membrane tanks are operated as part of pipelines mounted for various purposes.

  • Cold water supply. The tank is used to accumulate and supply cold water, protects a variety of household appliances from water hammer when the pressure in the system changes. Extends the life of pumps by reducing the number of starts.
  • Providing hot water. The device used in this case must successfully operate in high-temperature conditions.
  • Heating systems. Such tanks are called expansion tanks. They function as part of closed heating systems and are their important components.

Depending on the configuration, hydraulic tanks are horizontal and vertical. However, the principle of their operation does not depend on the configuration.

A special feature is the presence of a special valve for bleeding air in the upper part of vertical models, the volume of which exceeds 50 liters. This air, as mentioned above, accumulates in the upper part of the chamber as the device operates. Therefore, the presence of a bleed valve in this place is a well-founded measure.

If it is necessary to bleed air masses when operating horizontal models, then a drain or a separate tap located behind the membrane tank is used for this purpose. To remove air from small devices, you will have to completely drain the water from it.

Since vertical and horizontal models are equally effective and functional, the choice of a suitable device should be based on the dimensions of the room in which it will be located. Which model fits the room better, that one is taken.

Hydraulic accumulator connection diagrams

This device can be connected to the plumbing system in many ways. The choice of a hydraulic accumulator connection scheme depends on the capacity in which it will be used and what functions it is supposed to be assigned to. Consider those connection schemes that are most popular.

For a normal connection to the water circuit, the hydraulic tank is usually equipped with an angled pipe, which is connected to the flange:

Use with booster pump station

Booster-type pumping unit is used to constantly maintain and regulate pressure in pipelines with active water consumption. Typically, such stations have a pump that operates continuously. If there is a need to connect additional pumps, the accumulator helps to compensate for the pressure surges that occur in the system.

The same scheme is used if the power supply to the booster pumps in the system is unstable, and the water supply, nevertheless, must be uninterrupted. During a power outage, the supply of water that is contained inside the accumulator is used. In fact, the membrane tank plays the role of a backup source of water supply during this period.

The more powerful the pumping station, the larger the tasks that are assigned to it. It must maintain greater pressure, and the volume of its accumulator must also be large.

Application in circuits with a submersible pump

In order to maximize the service life of the submersible pump unit, the number of its inclusions per hour must correspond to the declared technical characteristics of the device. Usually this indicator is about 5-20 times.

If the pressure in the water supply network drops, when it reaches the minimum value, a relay is activated, which turns on the pump that supplies water. At maximum pressure values, the relay turns off, the water supply stops.

If the water supply system is autonomous and small, even a small amount of water consumption can start the pump. In this case, the operation of the pump will be inefficient. And the device itself will not last as long as its owner would like. The supply of water contained in the membrane tank will save the situation. In addition, it will not allow a pressure surge at the moment when the submersible pump starts its work.

To choose a hydraulic tank of a suitable volume, you need to know the following characteristics: the power and frequency of the pump, the estimated water flow per hour and the installation height of the device.

If a storage heater appears in the connection diagram, then the accumulator performs the functions of an expansion tank in it. If water is heated, its volume will increase. It will expand. For a closed space, which is the water supply system, such a process could lead to devastating consequences if it were not for the hydraulic tank.

To be included in this scheme, it is necessary to choose a hydraulic accumulator, taking into account its following characteristics: the maximum temperature of the heated water and the maximum allowable pressure in the plumbing system.

Choosing a membrane tank with skill

A hydraulic tank is a container, the main working body of which is a membrane. Its quality determines how long the device will last from the moment of connection to the first repair. The best are products made of food (isobutary) rubber. The metal of the body of the product is important only for expansion tanks. Where water is contained in a pear, the characteristics of the metal are not critical.

Particular attention when choosing a device should be focused on the flange, which, as a rule, is made of galvanized metal. The thickness of this metal is very important. With its thickness of only 1 mm, the service life of the product will be no more than 1.5 years, since a hole will certainly form in the flange metal, which will disable the entire device.

At the same time, the guarantee for the tank is only a year with a declared service life of 10-15 years. So the hole will appear just after the expiration of the warranty period. And it will be impossible to solder or weld thin metal. You can, of course, try to find a new flange, but most likely you will need a new tank.

To avoid such misfortunes, you should look for a tank whose flange is made of stainless steel or thick galvanized.

Connecting the accumulator to the water supply circuit

As it became clear from everything written above, a membrane tank is not just a container with water. This is a special device involved in a continuous workflow. Therefore, the installation procedure is not at all as simple as it might seem. It should be fixed very carefully, taking into account vibration and noise factors.

It is fixed to the floor with the use of rubber gaskets, and to the pipeline - with the help of rubber adapters. And it should also be taken into account that the diameter of the eyeliner cannot decrease at the outlet of the hydraulic system.

A new tank should be handled with particular care, filling it with water under low pressure. The membrane from long storage could be caked. A sharp jet of water can damage it and even disable it completely. It is more correct to remove all air from the membrane pear before you start filling it with water. The location for the installation of the accumulator must be selected taking into account its accessibility.

The process of connecting the accumulator is carried out in the standard sequence:

Proper setup of a new device

A new hydraulic tank should be checked to see what the level of its internal pressure is. It is assumed that it should be 1.5 atm. But in the process of transporting the product from the place of production to the warehouse and during storage, a leak could occur, which reduced this important indicator at the time of sale. You can check the pressure by removing the cap on the spool and taking measurements.

Different types of manometers can be used to measure pressure.

  • Electronic. These are expensive devices. The result of their work can be affected by temperature and battery charge.
  • Mechanical. They are produced in a metal case, otherwise called automobile. If this device has successfully passed the test, then it is better not to find it. To get the most accurate value, since you will only need to measure 1-2 atm., It is better to buy a device with a large number of divisions on the measuring scale.

Inexpensive pumping stations and automatic pumps are most often equipped with pressure gauges in a plastic case. The error in the readings of such Chinese models is too great.

If there is less air in the tank than necessary, water will take its place. This will affect the water pressure in the plumbing. At high pressure, the pressure will always be high. More pressure will provide a smaller supply of water in the membrane pear, so the pump will have to turn on more often. If there is no light, the water supply may not be enough for all needs.

Therefore, sometimes it will be wiser to sacrifice pressure to achieve other important goals. However, it is better not to reduce the pressure below the recommended values, as well as not to exceed the limiting characteristics. Lack of pressure can cause the surface of the bulb to come into contact with the tank body, which is undesirable.

Optimum air pressure

In order for household appliances to work normally, the pressure in the hydraulic tank must be in the range of 1.4-2.8 atm. For better preservation of the membrane, it is necessary that the pressure in the water supply system be 0.1-0.2 atm. exceeded the pressure in the tank. For example, if the pressure inside the membrane tank is 1.5 atm, then in the system it should be 1.6 atm.

It is this value that should be set on the water pressure switch, which works in conjunction with the accumulator. For a one-story country house, this setting is considered optimal. If we are talking about a two-story cottage, the pressure will have to be increased. To calculate its optimal value, the following formula is used:


In this formula, V atm. is the optimal pressure, and Hmax is the height of the highest point of the water intake. As a rule, we are talking about the soul. To get the desired value, you should calculate the height of the shower head relative to the accumulator. The resulting data is entered into the formula. As a result of the calculation, the optimal pressure value that should be in the tank will be obtained.

Please note that the value obtained should not exceed the maximum allowable characteristics for other household and plumbing fixtures, otherwise they will simply fail.

If we talk about an independent water supply system at home in a simplified way, then its constituent elements are:

  • pump,
  • accumulator,
  • pressure switch,
  • check valve,
  • manometer.

The last element is used in order to be able to quickly control the pressure. Its permanent presence in the water supply system is not necessary. It can only be connected at the moment when test measurements are being made.

When participating in the surface pump scheme, the hydraulic tank is mounted next to it. At the same time, the check valve is installed on the suction pipeline, and the remaining elements form a single bundle, connecting to each other using a five-outlet fitting.

The five-terminal device is perfectly suited for this purpose, since it has terminals of various diameters. The incoming and outgoing pipelines and some other elements of the bundle can be connected to the fitting with the help of American women in order to facilitate preventive and repair work in certain sections of the water supply system. However, this fitting can be replaced by a bunch of connecting elements. But why?

So, the accumulator is connected to the pump as follows:

  • one inch outlet connects the fitting itself to the hydraulic tank pipe;
  • a pressure gauge and pressure switch are connected to the quarter-inch leads;
  • there are two free inch outlets, to which the pipe from the pump is mounted, as well as the wiring going to the water consumers.

If a surface pump works in the circuit, then it is better to connect the accumulator with it using a flexible hose with a metal winding.

The accumulator is connected to the submersible pump in the same way. A feature of this scheme is the location of the check valve, which has nothing to do with the issues that we are considering today.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

If, after reading the text, it is still not clear to you how exactly the accumulator should be connected, watch this video, which briefly but very clearly displays all the nuances of this procedure.

The hydraulic tank is an important component of the plumbing system. With its help, a whole range of tasks is solved. And it’s not at all difficult to make a competent connection of a hydraulic accumulator with your own hands, as it turned out. But the benefits of using it are undeniable.

What it is?

Any hydraulic accumulator is a container in the form of a tank, the body of which can be made of steel, cast iron or especially durable plastic. Inside is a membrane or, as it is often called, a pear. The membrane is attached to the body with a flange with a pipe through which water enters.

A technical hole for a nipple is provided in the body, through which the required volume of air is pumped into the tank. For ease of placement, the accumulator is equipped with legs and a platform in the upper part of the body for installing the pump.

An automatic control unit with a pressure gauge and a pressure switch is mounted on the branch pipe - this is the "heart" of the entire plumbing system.

Working mode

The principle of operation of the device is extremely simple and at the same time effective. With the help of a pump, water is pumped into the pear, causing it to expand. The air under the casing of the housing (between its walls and the pear) creates an external pressure that pushes water into the water pipes, thereby creating the necessary pressure and water pressure. Also, air prevents rapid wear and tear of the pear. The air pressure is 1.5 bar.

Pressure control in the system is carried out automatically using the control unit, which is responsible for the timely switching on and off of the pump. The upper and lower indicators (for switching off and on) can be seen on the pressure gauge. The relay is configured according to the technical data sheet of the pump. It is not recommended to exceed the maximum value recommended by the pump manufacturer.

All accumulators are divided into three types:

  • designed for cold water and water pipes (painted blue);
  • designed for hot water (red);
  • special for heating systems (they are often called expansion tanks).

It is believed that the hydraulic accumulator, due to the correct regulation of pressure, saves pumping equipment from rapid wear. The more capacious the accumulator tank, the less often the pump turns on and wears out. However, the larger the battery, the higher its cost in the market. And this factor holds back many owners when buying a battery for home plumbing. Manufacturers today offer various models, with a capacity of 5 to 100 liters. The largest battery will cost 15,000 rubles. With the help of these devices, you can establish an autonomous water supply for a private house.

How to connect?

The algorithm for connecting the accumulator has slight differences depending on the type of installation and the type of pump.

Plumbing with surface pump

This is the most common engineering solution for a country house. In this case, the pump is always located inside the utility room, and sometimes the living room. Next to it is a hydraulic accumulator with an automatic control unit.

Battery connection algorithm:

  1. The air pressure is checked using a car pressure gauge through the nipple. Its indicator should be 0.3 bar less than that set by the manufacturer on the pressure switch.
  2. The components and materials for connection are being prepared: a fitting with five leads, a FUM tape or tow, a pressure gauge and a pressure switch (complete with the equipment).
  3. The fitting is mounted to the battery using a flange with a bypass valve.
  4. All other elements are fixed. Water pipes for water intake and supply are screwed in, connected to the corresponding terminals of the relay fitting and a pressure gauge.
  5. The pump is turned on and all connections are checked for leakage.

Plumbing system for two residential buildings from one pump

This is a rare engineering solution that allows using one source for water intake.

Battery connection algorithm:

  1. The air pressure in both accumulators is checked in the manner indicated above. The pressure must be the same otherwise water will not flow into one of the batteries!
  2. The plumbing is divided into two separate systems. To do this, a tee is installed in the well, connected to a pump and two water pipes in different houses.
  3. Automation is mounted only to one of the accumulators. Pipes for the inflow and supply of water, as well as a pressure gauge, are connected to the second.

A more practical solution would be to install one battery for two houses with a tee cut in. Such an installation requires more powerful pumping equipment, but there are no problems with setting up hydraulic accumulators (pressure synchronization is not needed).

A similar connection principle is used to reinforce an already installed pumping station. The second hydraulic accumulator will reduce the load on the engine, allowing the pump to turn on less often.

Connecting a submersible or borehole pump

The most important thing in such a water supply system is the installation of a check valve, which is mounted immediately after the pump in front of the water intake pipe and ensures that the pressure in the system is maintained (water does not flow arbitrarily).

The order of work is as follows:

  1. The depth of a well or well is measured using a rope equipped with a sinker.
  2. The pump is lowered into the shaft to a depth of about 0.5 meters from the bottom. A non-return valve is pre-installed on it!
  3. The water intake hose or pipe is connected to the pressure switch. To do this, use a fitting for five connectors.
  4. A pressure gauge and water supply are connected to the fitting. And the fitting itself is attached to the accumulator.
  5. All connections are checked for leakage. It is necessary to use FUM tape to ensure the tightness of the entire system.

Mounting the pressure switch

When connecting this most important technical unit, you need to pay attention to special labels. To do this, the protective cover is removed from the relay. Below it are the contacts indicated by the corresponding pointers. "Pump" - the connection point of the specified unit, "network" - the point for supplying the power cable.

If no tags are found (such a drawback is present in some models of hydraulic accumulators), the owner will have to contact an electrician, since it is impossible to determine the connection method by eye. To seal the junction of the relay with the fitting, technical linen (tow) with sealant or FUM tape is used.

Operating rules

When choosing a hydraulic accumulator, experts recommend focusing on the intensity of water consumption and the number of family members. For a family of two, a 24-liter device is enough. Houses with large families and high water consumption need a larger battery. When installing a 24 liter model and connecting powerful household appliances, the pressure in the system will constantly drop, causing the pump to turn on frequently and wear out.

The maintenance of the device includes a regular check of the air pressure using a car pressure gauge. Too frequent turning on of the pump should alert. This is a sign of a depressurization of the accumulator or a rupture of a rubber bulb. Both breakdowns are easily repaired. However, a delay in repair can cause the pump to fail.

Be sure to adjust the factory settings of the pressure switch for a specific plumbing system and pump. The optimal difference between the upper and lower pressure indicator (according to the built-in pressure gauge) is one to two atmospheres.

A large battery will prevent the pump from turning on frequently and provide a supply of water in case of an emergency.

Accumulators with a horizontal position are used for mounting surface pumps.

Vertical accumulators with larger capacity are great for submersible pumps.

Functions, purpose, types

In the water supply system of a private house without a hydraulic accumulator, the pump turns on whenever water flows somewhere. These frequent inclusions lead to wear of the equipment. And not only the pump, but the entire system as a whole. After all, every time there is an abrupt increase in pressure, and this is a water hammer. To reduce the number of pump turns on and smooth out the water hammer, a hydraulic accumulator is used. The same device is called an expansion or membrane tank, hydraulic tank.


We found out one of the functions of hydraulic accumulators - to smooth out hydraulic shocks. But there are others:

  • Reducing the number of pump starts. There is some water in the tank. With a small flow - wash your hands, wash yourself - water flows from the tank, the pump does not turn on. It will turn on only when there is very little of it left.
  • Maintain stable pressure. This function requires another element - a water pressure switch, but they maintain pressure within the required limits.
  • Create a small supply of water in case of a power outage.

It is not surprising that this device is present in most private water supply systems - there are many advantages from its use.


A hydraulic accumulator is a sheet metal tank divided into two parts by an elastic membrane. There are two types of membrane - diaphragm and balloon (pear). The diaphragm is attached across the tank, the balloon in the form of a pear is fixed at the inlet around the inlet pipe.

By appointment, they are of three types:

  • for cold water;
  • for hot water;
  • for heating systems.

Hydraulic tanks for heating are painted red, tanks for plumbing are painted blue. Expansion tanks for heating are usually smaller and cheaper. This is due to the material of the membrane - for water supply it must be neutral, because the water in the pipeline is drinking.

According to the type of location, accumulators are horizontal and vertical. Vertical ones are equipped with legs, some models have plates for hanging on the wall. It is the models that are elongated upwards that are more often used when creating the plumbing systems of a private house on their own - they take up less space. The connection of this type of accumulator is standard - through a 1-inch outlet.

Horizontal models are usually completed with pumping stations with surface-type pumps. Then the pump is placed on top of the tank. It turns out compact.

Principle of operation

Radial membranes (in the form of a plate) are used mainly in gyroaccumulators for heating systems. For water supply, a rubber bulb is mainly installed inside. How does such a system work? As long as there is only air inside, the pressure inside is standard - the one set at the factory (1.5 atm) or which you set yourself. The pump turns on, starts pumping water into the tank, the pear begins to grow in size. Water gradually fills an increasing volume, more and more compressing the air that is between the tank wall and the membrane. When a certain pressure is reached (usually for one-story houses it is 2.8 - 3 atm), the pump turns off, the pressure in the system stabilizes. When you open a tap or other flow of water, it comes from the accumulator. It flows until the pressure in the tank drops below a certain level (usually about 1.6-1.8 atm). Then the pump turns on, the cycle repeats again.

If the flow is large and constant - you are taking a bath, for example, - the pump pumps water in transit, without pumping it into the tank. The tank begins to fill after all the taps are closed.

The water pressure switch is responsible for turning the pump on and off at a certain pressure. In most accumulator piping schemes, this device is present - such a system works in the optimal mode. We will consider connecting the accumulator a little lower, but for now let's talk about the tank itself and its parameters.

Large volume tanks

The internal structure of accumulators with a volume of 100 liters and above is slightly different. The pear is different - it is attached to the body both above and below. With this structure, it becomes possible to deal with the air that is present in the water. To do this, there is an outlet in the upper part, into which a valve for automatic air release can be connected.

How to choose tank volume

You can choose the volume of the tank arbitrarily. There are no requirements or restrictions. The larger the tank, the more water you will have in case of a shutdown and the less often the pump will turn on.

When choosing a volume, it is worth remembering that the volume that is in the passport is the size of the entire container. Water in it will be almost half less. The second thing to keep in mind is the overall dimensions of the container. A 100 liter tank is a decent barrel - about 850 mm high and 450 mm in diameter. For her and the strapping, it will be necessary to find a place somewhere. Somewhere - this is in the room where the pipe comes from the pump. This is where most of the equipment is installed.

If you need at least some guidelines to choose the volume of the accumulator, calculate the average flow rate from each draw-off point (there are special tables or you can see it in the passport for household appliances). Sum all these data. Get the possible flow rate if all consumers work at the same time. Then estimate how many and which devices can work at the same time, calculate how much water will go in this case per minute. Most likely by this time you will already come to some kind of decision.

To make it a little easier, let's say that the volume of the hydraulic tank of 25 liters is enough to meet the needs of two people. It will ensure the normal functioning of a very small system: a faucet, a toilet bowl, a sink and a small water heater. In the presence of other household appliances, the capacity must be increased. The good news is that if you decide that the existing tank is not enough for you, you can always install an additional one.

What should be the pressure in the accumulator

Compressed air is in one part of the accumulator, water is pumped into the second. The air in the tank is under pressure - factory settings - 1.5 atm. This pressure does not depend on volume - and on a tank with a capacity of 24 liters and 150 liters it is the same. More or less may be the maximum allowable maximum pressure, but it does not depend on the volume, but on the membrane and is indicated in the technical specifications.

Pre-check and pressure correction

Before connecting the accumulator to the system, it is advisable to check the pressure in it. The settings of the pressure switch depend on this indicator, and during transportation and storage the pressure could drop, so control is very desirable. You can control the pressure in the gyro tank using a pressure gauge connected to a special inlet in the upper part of the tank (capacity of 100 liters or more) or installed in its lower part as one of the piping parts. Temporarily, for control, you can connect a car pressure gauge. His error is usually small and it is convenient for him to work. If this is not the case, you can use the regular one for water pipes, but they usually do not differ in accuracy.

If necessary, the pressure in the accumulator can be increased or decreased. To do this, there is a nipple at the top of the tank. A car or bicycle pump is connected through the nipple and, if necessary, the pressure is increased. If it needs to be bled off, the nipple valve is bent with some thin object, releasing air.

What air pressure should be

So the pressure in the accumulator should be the same? For the normal operation of household appliances, a pressure of 1.4-2.8 atm is required. To prevent the tank membrane from tearing, the pressure in the system should be slightly higher than the tank pressure - by 0.1-0.2 atm. If the pressure in the tank is 1.5 atm, then the pressure in the system should not be lower than 1.6 atm. This value is set on the water pressure switch, which is paired with a hydraulic accumulator. These are the optimal settings for a small one-story house.

If the house is two-story, you will have to increase the pressure. There is a formula for calculating the pressure in a hydraulic tank:


Where Hmax is the height of the highest draw point. Most often it is a shower. You measure (calculate) at what height relative to the accumulator its watering can is, substitute it into the formula, you get the pressure that should be in the tank.

If the house has a jacuzzi, everything is more complicated. You will have to select empirically - by changing the relay settings and observing the operation of the water points and household appliances. But at the same time, the working pressure should not exceed the maximum allowable for other household appliances and plumbing fixtures (indicated in the technical specifications).

How to choose

The main working body of the hydraulic tank is the membrane. Its service life depends on the quality of the material. The best for today are membranes made of isobutyl rubber (it is also called food grade). The body material matters only in membrane type tanks. In those in which a "pear" is installed, water contacts only with rubber and the material of the case does not matter.

What is really important in tanks with "pears" is the flange. Usually it is made of galvanized metal. In this case, the thickness of the metal is important. If it is only 1 mm, after about a year and a half of operation, a hole will appear in the metal of the flange, the tank will lose its tightness and the system will stop working. Moreover, the guarantee is only a year, although the declared service life is 10-15 years. The flange usually deteriorates after the end of the warranty period. There is no way to weld it - a very thin metal. You have to look for a new flange in service centers or buy a new tank.

So, if you want the accumulator to serve for a long time, look for a flange made of thick galvanized steel or thin, but made of stainless steel.

Connecting the accumulator to the system

Typically, the water supply system of a private house consists of:

  • pump;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • pressure switch;
  • check valve.

In this scheme, a pressure gauge may also be present - for operational pressure control, but this device is not necessary. It can be periodically connected - for test measurements.

With or without 5-pin fitting

If the pump is of a surface type, the accumulator is usually placed near it. In this case, a check valve is installed on the suction pipeline, and all other devices are installed in one bundle. They are usually connected using a five-pin fitting.

It has leads with different diameters, just for the devices used for tying the accumulator. Therefore, the system is most often assembled on its basis. But this element is not at all necessary and everything can be connected using ordinary fittings and pieces of pipes, but this is a more time-consuming task, and there will be more connections.

With one of its inch outlets, the fitting is screwed onto the tank - the branch pipe is located at the bottom. A pressure switch and pressure gauge are connected to the 1/4 inch outlets. A pipe from the pump and wiring to consumers are connected to the remaining free inch outlets. That's all the connection of the gyroaccumulator to the pump. If you are assembling a water supply scheme with a surface pump, you can use a flexible hose in a metal winding (with inch fittings) - it is easier to work with it.

As usual, there are several options, you choose.

Connect the accumulator to the submersible pump in the same way. The whole difference is where the pump is installed and where to supply power, but this has nothing to do with installing a hydraulic accumulator. He puts it in the place where the pipes from the pump go. Connection - one to one (see diagram).

How to install two hydraulic tanks on one pump

When operating the system, sometimes the owners come to the conclusion that the available volume of the accumulator is not enough for them. In this case, a second (third, fourth, etc.) hydraulic tank of any volume can be installed in parallel.

There is no need to reconfigure the system, the relay will monitor the pressure in the tank on which it is installed, and the viability of such a system is much higher. After all, if the first accumulator is damaged, the second one will work. There is another positive point - two tanks of 50 liters each cost less than one of 100. The point is a more complex technology for the production of large containers. So it's also more cost effective.

How to connect a second accumulator to the system? Screw a tee onto the input of the first one, connect the input from the pump (five-pin fitting) to one free output, and the second container to the remaining free output. All. You can test the circuit.

An indispensable device in modern water supply systems is not only a pump. Very often it is supplemented with a hydraulic accumulator, which can either come with the pump or be bought and installed separately.

Installing a hydraulic accumulator is a very useful solution that improves the quality of work. Let us consider in more detail how this mechanism is arranged, how it works and how it is mounted.

1 The device of the accumulator and the principle of its operation

First, let's describe the device of a hydraulic accumulator: this is a container with a metal case, inside of which there is a membrane (or a cylinder, depending on the design). Pressure is created between it and the walls of the case - thanks to the compressed air pumped into the space.

Most often, the installation is used in water supply, but it is also important to use a hydraulic accumulator for heating - it is also suitable for this.

The tasks of the mechanism are as follows:

  1. Water accumulation.
  2. Maintaining stable pressure in the system.
  3. Supplying the system with water when the pump is not running.

The principle of operation is as follows: water enters the membrane, pumped by the pump. The membrane is filled and fills the space inside the case (naturally - for a certain volume).

On the other hand, the pumped air begins to press on the water, thereby displacing it into the water supply system. At the same time, the pump works until a certain moment - until the water pressure inside the tank reaches a certain limit.

After that, the unit turns off, and the air that acts on the network begins to “squeeze out” the water into the network. Well, when the liquid leaves the tank, and the pressure drops to a certain (only now - the minimum) mark, the pump will again turn on from the automatic control unit.

1.1 Classification

The range of products on the market is quite extensive, so it will be useful for the buyer to first know what they are, how they are classified, and which model is better to choose.

The differences lie in a number of factors, each of which should be mentioned.

According to the location of the container - the device can be both horizontal and vertical.

By the type of working part - there may also be differences. In this regard, there are two variations: a membrane or a balloon. In the first case, the space inside the tank is divided into two parts by a membrane: water flows into one, and air is pumped into the second.

In the second case, an elastic container is enclosed inside the container, into which liquid enters, and air is pumped into the free space between its walls and the walls of the case.

Separately, it is required to mention the volume - this, in fact, is the key parameter of any capacity. The most popular sizes are 24, 50, 100 and 200 liters. However, on sale you can also find containers of a different volume - for 6, 12, or vice versa - for 300 liters.

There are also larger devices - for example, the Aquasystem accumulator, which can be up to 2000 liters in volume. The Reflex accumulator has a smaller capacity - the largest model has a volume of 1000 liters. The Wester accumulator has the same limits.

Also, the material from which the membrane (balloon) is made deserves detailed attention. It can be either butyl or rubber. The differences are quite significant:

  • butyl has an upper temperature limit of +99 degrees;
  • for rubber, this mark is lower - only +50 degrees.

This is a very important nuance for those who choose a device for heating. However, most often the devices of modern manufacturers (the same Aquasystem accumulator) use butyl.

And finally, it is required to mention the manufacturers of products of this type. Above, several names that are most popular have already been mentioned. This is a Wester and Aquasystem hydraulic accumulator. Models of these brands are included in the high-budget segment, however, the quality is appropriate.

The Reflex accumulator is already cheaper, but at the same time it is practically not inferior in quality. In addition to these names, Gilex can also be distinguished, which is quite popular in the Russian market for its positive qualities: cheapness and reliability.

1.2 How to correctly calculate the volume of the accumulator?

In principle, the main point that deserves attention is the volume of the tank. The material of the membrane (cylinder) was also mentioned above, however, such devices are used less frequently for heating, so we will focus on the capacity.

It should be said right away that models with several hundred liters (for example, an Aquasystem VAV 2000 accumulator for 2000 liters or a Wester Line WAV 1000 accumulator for 1000) are suitable for providing water to large buildings (hotels, hospitals - for example).

For an ordinary residential building, there will be a lot of such a volume, and buying such a model will be a waste of money. Moreover, they cost quite a lot: for example, the mentioned Wester Line WAV 1000 accumulator will cost more than 10 thousand dollars, and the Aquasystem VAV 2000 accumulator will cost three dozen at all.

For a cottage in which 3-4 people permanently live, there will be enough capacity of up to 100-200 liters (and this is with a huge margin). Often, buyers in such conditions are limited to models of 24-50 liters (for example, an Aquasystem VAV 50 accumulator or a Wester Line WAV 50 accumulator).

An increase to 100-200 liters is relevant if there are more residents in the house, and / or there are a large number of water intake points (2 toilets and 5-10 taps - for example). In this case, you should pay attention to the Wester Line WAV 100 accumulator or the Aquasystem VAV 100 accumulator.

For accuracy, we will give a more detailed calculation that will help the buyer more accurately select the appropriate device.

2 Stages and nuances of installation

We figured out how to perform the calculation and how to choose a device. Now it is required to mention how exactly the accumulator is connected to the water supply system. If desired, this work can be done with your own hands - if you follow the tips below, then there should be no difficulties.

It does not matter which model is connected - a Reflex accumulator for a couple of tens of liters or a tank for 300 liters.

The preparation looks like this:

  1. First of all, you need to choose a place where the equipment will stand: an automatic water supply station and, in fact, the tank itself. They do not have to be placed side by side, but most often this is done that way.
  2. The pressure inside the container is checked. It is necessary that this indicator be approximately 0.2-1 atmospheres lower than the parameter set on the automatic pump start relay. Otherwise, you can (and should) adjust it yourself.

Now you need to take care of the necessary details for connection:

  1. A fitting with 5 outlets: for the tank itself, for the automatic switch-on relay, for the pressure gauge, for the pump and, in fact, for the water line itself.
  2. Pressure gauge (with a scale of up to 10 atmospheres).
  3. FUM tape (for sealing joints).

Now - consider how exactly you can make the connection with your own hands:

  1. The fitting is connected to the tank using a hose.
  2. A pressure gauge, relay, pump and are connected to other outlets of the fitting. Each connection is pre-sealed with FUM tape.

Upon completion of work, a test run of the pump should be performed to determine the tightness of the system. To do this, you need to carefully examine the connection points: there should be no leaks along them.

When connecting a pressure switch with your own hands, be sure and very carefully look at the marks that are applied under its cover. Two of them are "Network" and "Pump", and under no circumstances should they be confused. It is possible that these marks will not appear at all (some models also have this) - in this case, it is recommended not to connect with your own hands, but to use the help of an electrician.

2.1 How is the hydraulic accumulator arranged? (video)

An autonomous water supply system is a complex technical structure that requires the simultaneous use of various technical means. To automate pumping equipment and supply water to the points of analysis, it is necessary to install a special storage tank - a hydraulic accumulator. We can say with confidence that most owners of private buildings are not familiar with this device and do not know how to install a hydraulic accumulator.

To install a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems with your own hands, you need to clearly know the rules for connecting it to the water supply system, the features of using this device and compatibility with other equipment. In addition, the advice and recommendations of specialists will help to avoid many problems when installing a hydraulic accumulator.

The presence of a special storage tank in the water supply system reduces the degree of impact of water hammer on individual sections and protects household appliances.

How the hydraulic tank is arranged and why it is needed in the water supply system

A hydraulic tank, a membrane tank or a hydraulic accumulator are the names of one device, which is a sealed metal container. Inside it is built an elastic membrane in the shape of a pear with a small amount of water. The membrane is attached to the body of the hydraulic tank using a flange with a pipe and divides the tank into two parts. One of the parts is filled with water, the second - with air or nitrogen. If the hydraulic tank is planned to be installed in a household water supply system, then devices filled with air are purchased. For industrial use, nitrogen is pumped into the accumulator.

With an increase in the volume of water in the tank, the air part, respectively, decreases, which leads to an increase in pressure in the water supply system. After reaching certain parameters, a specially configured relay sends a command to turn off the pumping equipment.

Metal is used to make the tank, but there are no reasons for the formation of foci of corrosion. The fact is that the metal is protected from contact with water by a membrane, which is made of high-strength rubber butyl. This material is also highly resistant to micro-organisms, which contributes to the maintenance of water quality characteristics in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. It is safe to say that the interaction with this type of rubber does not affect the taste properties of water in any way.

Water enters the membrane compartment through a special pipe, which is equipped with a threaded connection; the ideal option assumes that the pressure pipe and the connecting outlet of the pipeline have the same diameter. In this case, you do not have to worry about additional hydraulic losses inside the pipes of the plumbing system.

To adjust the pressure inside the hydraulic tank, the air chamber is equipped with a special pneumatic valve. Air is pumped into the intended compartment using a conventional automobile nipple. Also, through this device, an excess amount of air mass is bled. You can pump air using a compact car or a simple bicycle pump.

The design is designed in such a way that the membrane is not able to break under the pressure of water entering it. The fact is that the compressed air inside the hydraulic tank resists this pressure and prevents its deformation or rupture. It should be noted that compressed air allows the pressure to be adjusted before the accumulator is connected.

Considering the device of a membrane tank, several main nodes can be distinguished:

  • Housing made of metal.
  • The membrane made of high-strength rubber.
  • Flange with valve.
  • Nipple for pumping or bleeding air.
  • Legs.
  • Platform for pump installation.

Knowing the device of the equipment, you can independently solve the problem of how to properly connect the accumulator for water supply.

The principle of operation of the accumulator

At the first stage, just before turning on the accumulator, the air chamber occupies most of the volume of the device. When filled with water, the pear-shaped membrane expands and begins to fill the inside of the hydraulic tank, thereby compressing the air. Filling lasts until the pressure reaches a certain limit provided by the relay settings. After that, the relay gives a command to turn off the pump.

When the tap is turned on at the point of water disassembly, the system is depressurized, compressed air, exerting pressure on the membrane, contributes to the release of water from the hydraulic tank. When the pressure in the system drops to the set minimum value, the relay will work and give a command to turn on the pump. Water will again flow into the storage tank. Therefore, it is important to understand how to properly install a hydraulic accumulator in a water supply system.

The air entering the accumulator membrane compartment gradually accumulates, which makes the device less efficient. For this reason, it is periodically necessary to bleed air from the membrane bag. Modern models are equipped with a special valve for bleeding air. If the equipment does not have such a part, then it is necessary to carry out preventive measures in relation to the membrane tank after about 2-3 months.

Correctly solving the problem of how to connect a hydraulic accumulator in the water supply system of a private house will allow you to easily carry out preventive work, disassemble and assemble the device, if necessary, without completely draining the water from the system.

The need to install a membrane tank

Without knowing the scheme for connecting a deep pump to a hydraulic accumulator, we can conclude that the hydraulic tank simply passes the incoming liquid through itself. However, this statement cannot be called absolutely accurate. Such a device performs the function of a water pressure stabilizer in the water supply system. In addition, the hydraulic tank helps to increase the operating period of the pump and protects the entire system from water hammer. In the event of a voltage drop in the electrical network, the supply of water in the storage compartment will allow for a certain time not to experience problems with clean water.

In more detail, the advantageous moments of connecting a hydraulic accumulator to a well can be described as follows:

  • Protection of the pump against premature wear. The presence of a certain amount of water in the membrane tank allows for some time to satisfy the needs of residents. The pump is switched on only after the membrane tank is empty. Each pump is factory set to turn on and off a certain number of times in one hour. If the accumulator is set to similar or lower values, then the pump life can be increased if the well pump is correctly connected to the accumulator.
  • Maintaining stable water pressure values. When several taps are turned on at the same time, a decrease in the pressure and temperature of the water in the system can be observed. This situation can cause discomfort to a person who is taking a shower at this time. The presence of a hydraulic tank allows you to maintain stable water pressure in the plumbing system in a private house.
  • Water hammer in most cases occurs at the moment the pump is turned on and causes irreparable damage to pipes and other elements of the water supply system. The installed membrane tank reduces the risk of water hammer to a minimum.
  • Water reserves. Most country houses have an autonomous water supply system, so a water problem can arise for various reasons. For example, power outages significantly reduce the efficiency of the pump, and in some cases the device does not perform its functions at all. This situation forces you to regularly store water in an additional container. When using a scheme for connecting a hydraulic accumulator to a water supply system, such a problem does not arise, since there is always a certain amount of water in the device.

Types of membrane tanks

Hydraulic tanks can be installed in the water supply system for various purposes.

In particular, we are talking about the following:

  • Providing hot and cold water needs.
  • Heating systems of a private house.

In the first case, the membrane tank allows you to extend the life of pumping equipment due to the set on and off mode and protects the system from the damaging effects of water hammer. The second option involves the use of a hydraulic tank as an expander, which is built into a closed heating system and is an integral part of it.

By configuration, hydraulic tanks are divided into horizontal and vertical models. It should be noted that the configuration of the tank does not affect the principle of its operation and the connection of the submersible pump to the accumulator.

A distinctive feature of vertical type hydraulic tanks is a special valve through which excess air is bled. Moreover, in most cases, models with a volume of more than 50 liters are equipped with a valve. The valve is mounted precisely in the upper part of the tank, since the air entering the membrane compartment along with water tends to accumulate at the top of the chamber.

Horizontal tanks also have a device for bleeding air, only in this case the drain device or tap is located behind the accumulator. To remove air from a small container, a complete drain of water is carried out.

In search of an answer to the question where to install a hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems, it is important to understand that horizontal and vertical type devices are characterized by the same efficiency and functionality. Therefore, when choosing a device, the dimensions of the room where the device is planned to be installed are taken into account first of all.

Connecting the accumulator

You can mount the device in different ways, this is determined by the connection diagram of the accumulator to the water supply system, the main purpose and the functions assigned to the device.

Standard device with surface type pump

Most often, an autonomous water supply system of a private house involves the presence of a hydraulic accumulator and a surface pump. In this case, the manufacturer offers prefabricated integrated pumping equipment, which already includes a hydraulic tank. However, the possibility of placing the membrane tank together with the pump in a caisson or in a heated utility room is not excluded. Therefore, it is important to understand how to connect a deep pump to a hydraulic accumulator.

The connection scheme is most often the same. A check valve is installed in front of the hydraulic tank, which excludes the possibility of changing the water flow, then there is a pressure switch that reacts to the slightest changes in water pressure. A mandatory element in such a system is a pressure gauge, with which you can control the operating parameters of the entire system.

Before connecting the accumulator to the water supply system, it is necessary to additionally mount an angled pipe for connection to the flange.

Booster pump installation

A booster pumping station is installed in places where there is an active consumption of water. The device in this case constantly maintains and regulates the water pressure in the pipeline. In most cases, the pumps here operate continuously. If there is a need for additional pumping equipment, it is recommended to use a membrane tank that is able to compensate for water pressure drops in the system.

A hydraulic accumulator included in a water supply system with a booster pumping station can act as a backup water storage. Here you need knowledge of how to connect the expansion tank to the water supply system. In addition, a similar scheme can be used with an unstable power supply to booster pumps in areas where uninterrupted water supply is required. In this case, the water reserves in the accumulator may well meet the needs during a power outage. The membrane tank in such a scheme is assigned the role of a backup storage. It should be noted that for powerful pumping stations a hydraulic tank of a significant volume is required.

Using a circuit with a submersible pump

To extend the life of a submersible pump, it is necessary to study the question of how to connect a deep-well pump to a hydraulic accumulator, and correctly select the on and off mode. These parameters must correspond to the technical characteristics of the device, which are indicated by the manufacturer in the accompanying documentation. Normal operation of the pump is ensured when turned on from 5 to 20 times for one hour.

Very often, the pressure in the plumbing system is below normal. In such a situation, the relay is activated and sends a command to turn on the pumping equipment. After reaching the set parameters, the relay turns off the pump, and the water stops flowing.

It is worth noting another very important point when an insignificant autonomous water supply station is not able to meet the needs for water in full. In this case, the pump will start much more often, which reduces the life of the equipment.

Using a scheme for connecting water from a well through a hydraulic accumulator in both cases will solve the problem of rapid wear of pumping equipment. In the first version, the membrane tank will maintain pressure and regulate the water pressure in the system. In the second variant, water reserves in the membrane compartment will make it possible to satisfy the needs of residents almost in full.

When choosing the volume of the membrane tank, the following points should be considered:

  • Pump power.
  • How often the device is turned on.
  • Required volume of water per hour.
  • The height at which the device is placed.

In closed water supply systems with a storage water heater, the hydraulic tank acts as an expander (read also: "Which scheme for connecting a water heater to a water supply system is better - installation features"). The fact is that when heated, water tends to increase in volume. Expansion of water in a closed system can have a devastating effect. The hydraulic tank in this case receives excess water, thereby saving the pipeline from ruptures.

When choosing a storage tank for such a system, it is necessary to compare the maximum temperature of water heating with the declared characteristics of the installed equipment. In addition, you need to take into account the maximum values ​​\u200b\u200bof the water pressure in the water supply system.

Rules for choosing a hydraulic tank

The main element of the accumulator is the membrane. Its quality characteristics determine how long the entire device will last and when the first repair is required. The best quality is the membrane, for the manufacture of which isobutyl rubber is used.

As for the material for the manufacture of the hydraulic tank housing, this factor in most cases does not really matter. The only exception is expansion tanks. The fact is that water enters only into the pear-shaped membrane, contact with the metal parts of the device is completely excluded.

It should be said right away that a hole in the thin walls of the flange cannot be soldered or welded. In the best case, you will have to buy a new flange, the worst option involves a complete replacement of the hydraulic tank. You can prevent such a nuisance if you choose the right thickness of the flange. A reliable membrane tank is equipped with a flange made of thick galvanized steel or stainless steel.

Features of connecting the hydraulic tank to the plumbing system

A hydraulic accumulator is not just a container filled with water. This is a special purpose device that performs a special function in the water supply system. For this reason, the installation of equipment can seem quite complicated.

When solving the problem of how to connect a hydraulic accumulator to a well, it is very important to take into account vibration and noise factors. Therefore, special rubber gaskets are used for fixing to the floor, and rubber adapters are used for attaching to the pipeline. In addition, it is important to understand that the outlet diameter of the eyeliner can be much smaller.

Fill a new tank with the utmost care, trying not to supply water under strong pressure. If the tank is not used for a long time after manufacture, the membrane may clog. Strong pressure or a sudden supply of water can cause damage to the membrane or its complete failure. Experts recommend bleeding all the air out of the pear before filling, which will help to avoid trouble when pumping water into the accumulator.

When choosing where to put the accumulator in the water supply system, it is necessary to provide free access to any part.

The connection of the accumulator to the water supply system is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  • A water pipe is brought into the house through the foundation or basement.
  • Enter the power cable to connect the pumping equipment.
  • Collect individual elements in one line.
  • Perform hydraulic tank adjustment.
  • Connect the device to the general water supply system.
  • If it is necessary to use two hydraulic accumulators in the water supply system, an additional device is installed in the caisson.
  • Connect the manometer to the second device.
  • If it is supposed to use a water branch for watering plantings, then they install a check valve and a drain tap.

Rules for setting up a new membrane tank

The first tuning step is to check the internal pressure level. This value should be 1.5 atmospheres. However, it should be noted that during transportation of the device and during storage, leakage is not ruled out. Therefore, at the time of sale, the parameters may differ from the values ​​​​specified by the manufacturer.

To fix the readings, you need to remove the cap on the spool. The following types of manometers are used to measure pressure:

  • Electronic type devices are considered the most expensive products and are quite sensitive to temperature and battery charge. This can significantly affect the measurement accuracy.
  • Manometers mechanical or automobile. In most cases, they have a metal case. The measuring scale can have a different number of divisions; to obtain more accurate results, it is recommended to use instruments with a large number of divisions.

It should be noted that inexpensive pumping equipment can be equipped with a pressure gauge in a plastic case, the measurement error in this case is quite large.

When deciding how to connect a hydraulic accumulator to a deep-well pump, setting the parameters of a membrane tank is of great importance for several reasons. For example, with insufficient pressure, water occupies most of the volume in the hydraulic tank, as a result, the water pressure in the system decreases. High pressure provides good water pressure. However, at higher pressures, there is less water in the hydraulic tank, which leads to frequent switching on of the pump and problems with water.

When setting up, it should be noted that the pressure parameters should not be less or more than the recommended values. At low pressure, the membrane may come into contact with the walls of the metal case, which should not be allowed.

Selection of optimal air pressure parameters

When solving the problem of how to connect a submersible pump to a hydraulic accumulator, you should know that for the normal operation of household appliances it is recommended to maintain pressure within 1.4-2.8 atmospheres. The safety of the membrane is ensured under the condition that the pressure in the water supply system is 0.1-0.2 atmospheres higher than the pressure in the membrane tank.

The pressure switch works in tandem with the hydraulic tank, therefore, during the setup process, a value of 1.6 atmospheres is set if the pressure in the system is 1.5 atmospheres.

It should be noted that such calculations can be used when setting up equipment installed in a private one-story house. For a two-story cottage, large values ​​\u200b\u200bare required.

The best option involves using the following formula in the calculations:

V = (Hmax + 6) / 10.

Here, the letter V denotes the optimal pressure, H max - the level of the highest point of water intake.

When performing calculations, it is necessary to take into account the technical characteristics of the connected plumbing and household appliances. The result obtained should not exceed the values ​​recommended by the manufacturer. Otherwise, the equipment in the kitchen or bathroom may simply fail.

The piping of the accumulator in a private house should include the following elements:

  • Pump equipment.
  • membrane tank.
  • Pressure switch.
  • Reverse valve.
  • Pressure gauge.

As for the last element, it is not a mandatory part of the system. The pressure gauge can be installed when performing test measurements of pressure in the system.

The scheme for connecting the accumulator to the well is as follows:

  • Using one 1-inch outlet, a fitting is connected to the accumulator pipe.
  • A pressure gauge and a pressure switch are connected to two 0.25-inch leads.
  • Two more outputs of 1 inch each are designed to connect the pipe from the pump and wiring to the points of water intake.
The hydraulic tank is an important element of the water supply system, which performs a lot of functions. Knowledge of the features of the device and the principle of operation of the membrane tank will allow you to independently connect the accumulator to the deep pump.

In the water supply chain is the key point of the autonomous water supply system.

This device is designed to solve not only the issue of creating a small reserve of water, but also to save the owners of cottages and private houses from variable pressure in the network.

Due to its design, the hydraulic tank also makes it possible to reduce the operation of the pumping station, thereby extending its service life.


As practice shows, the minimum possible volume of hydraulic accumulators for installation in a private house or cottage should not have a volume of less than 24 liters.

It is desirable that this value be slightly higher than the required requirement in order to create a small stock.

The main point when choosing will be the peak value of water demand, as well as the capacity of the pumping station. At the same time, the amount of water that will be in the hydraulic accumulator should be enough so that even at maximum load, the pump turns on no more than 30 times in one minute.

Usually the volume of the necessary hydraulic accumulator is determined based on the number of consumers (bath, washing machine, etc.). The more there are, the correspondingly higher the value of the volume should be.

And if you install an option smaller in volume than required, you can buy another hydraulic tank and install it in addition to the first one, their volume will be summed up.

It's important to know: the material of the membrane must be suitable for the expected load on it.

Also, during the selection, it should be borne in mind that the volume of water inside the tank will occupy no more than half of the total volume. It should also be taken into account that small versions of gyroaccumulators are ineffective in dealing with water hammers, and if you install an excessively large one, then water stagnation is possible in them.

For larger models, there must be a solid base to support the considerable weight of the device and the water in it.

In order to more optimally choose a hydraulic tank, it is advisable to carry out the calculation by contacting specialists.


Some options can be placed in the basement or on the ground floor, everything here will depend on the power of the option, and at what height the water will have to be supplied.

It is best to install the accumulator at the highest point of the house in order to create maximum pressure in the network. In this case, you can use both the attic and the second floor (in the case of a two-story house).

The place of installation must not have high humidity. The reason is that in this case, condensation will form on the surface of the tank. Over time, it will first destroy the paintwork of the hydraulic tank, and then lead to metal corrosion. The surface on which the installation will take place must be reliable and even.

Before installing the unit, you must first check the air pressure level, whether it corresponds to the required values. Because in the future, after its installation, in order to make such a measurement, you will have to drain the water and turn off the pump.


The installation scheme for connecting this device should be determined by the various design features of the system to which it is connected, as well as the type of pumping station used to supply water.

There are several connection options in total, which depend on the type of pump used:

  • submersible option, which must be placed in the water;
  • surface, attached closer to the accumulator.

Due to the peculiarities of their design, the schemes for connecting storage systems differ.

So, using a surface pump, the procedure will be as follows:

All threaded connections sit on the FUM tape, in accordance with generally accepted rules for such connections. After that, you can start operating the installed accumulator.

Take into account: it is desirable to install such units closer to pumping stations, for greater efficiency.

Connection using a submersible pump is as follows:

  1. First of all, the pump itself must be immersed in water. After that, the pressure hose coming from it is connected to the same collector as described above.
  2. Further from the same collector we make a tap for the accumulator.
  3. The last step is to connect another pipe to the water supply, and the rest to the pump control system.

But, there is one feature in the connection.

It is necessary to place a check valve between the manifold and the pump to prevent the water from draining back into the well after the water supply is turned off.

It is advisable to install it directly at the neck of the pump nozzle. And the water from this entire system should flow into the tap after the filter. (You can read more about connecting a hydraulic accumulator to a submersible pump in).

Watch the video in which the specialist explains how to install a hydraulic accumulator for a water supply system with your own hands:

A good owner is obliged to provide his house with a water supply system that provides comfort at any time of the year. But in the process of installing water supply systems, a problem often arises - how to maintain the necessary pressure inside the water supply system, which is necessary for the normal operation of household appliances, a bathroom, a shower, etc.? This issue is easily solved by installing a hydraulic accumulator.

A hydraulic accumulator for water supply systems is a metal container, inside of which there is a rubber membrane (pear). Hydraulic accumulators for water supply are used to accumulate a certain amount of water under pressure. When drawing water, water from the accumulator is supplied to the system.

Depending on the purpose, hydraulic accumulators are divided into:

  • hydraulic accumulators for cold water supply;
  • hydraulic accumulators for supplying hot water;
  • hydraulic accumulators for heating systems (expansion tanks)

The cold water accumulator, in addition to the accumulation and supply of water, protects the water supply from water hammer and protects the pump from frequent switching on. The hot supply accumulator has no fundamental differences, except for a membrane capable of operating at high temperatures. The expansion tank is designed to compensate for the expansion of water in heating systems. Below we will take a closer look at accumulators for cold water supply systems.


As mentioned above, the accumulator is a metal tank with a rubber membrane inside. The membrane is attached to the tank body using a flange equipped with an inlet pipe. Inside, between the tank body and the rubber membrane, is compressed air, which is pumped in using the most common car or bicycle pump. When water is drawn into the membrane, compressed air resists the expanding membrane and prevents it from rupturing, and also helps to create the desired pressure in the system.


1 - metal case. 2 - membrane for water. 3 - flange with a bypass valve. 4 - nipple for air injection. 5 - space for compressed air. 6 - legs. 7 - platform for a surface pump.


A water supply system equipped with a hydraulic accumulator works according to the following principle: a pump from a well (well, water supply) supplies water through a water main to a rubber membrane until a certain pressure is reached. Pressure (from 1 to 3 atmospheres) is set using a relay-regulator. When the pressure in the membrane reaches a predetermined level, the pump automatically turns off. After that, when the draw-off point starts to work (the tap is opened, the washing machine is turned on, etc.), the pear begins to squeeze water into the system. When the pressure in the pear drops to the lower mark, the relay automatically turns on the pump. The volume of the accumulator tank affects the frequency of switching on the pump - the larger the tank, the less often the pump will turn on. In this case, both the pump and the flange with the bypass valve will last longer. The tank itself is not subjected to any external loads, so it is not necessary to additionally fix it. The hydraulic accumulator can be installed simply on the floor, on regular supports.


Manufacturers produce hydraulic accumulators of various sizes and volumes - from 24 to 1000 liters. It is necessary to choose a hydraulic accumulator based on the amount of water that is consumed in the house. For minimal needs (kitchen, toilet, shower, watering beds), it is enough to buy a container of 24 liters. But if the water consumption is significant, there are many water consumers, then you should buy a larger hydraulic accumulator. In this case, you need to estimate how many people and household appliances can use water at the same time, and based on the conclusions made, choose a suitable container. If there is a need to increase the water flow with a ready-made water supply system, then you can replace the installed accumulator with another, larger volume, or simply add another container to the system.


Before starting the installation of the accumulator, it is necessary to check the air pressure in the tank, which should be 0.2 - 1 bar less than the pump start pressure (set on the relay).

To connect the accumulator to the pump, you need:

  • Union with five outlets;
  • Relay-pressure regulator;
  • pressure gauge;
  • FUM tape, or tow and sealant.

A five-pin fitting is required to connect the pump, accumulator, pressure gauge and relay. The fifth outlet in the fitting serves for the water pipe that goes into the house to the water points. First, the fitting must be connected to the tank through a flange with a bypass valve, or through a rigid hose. Next, a pressure gauge, a pressure switch and a pipe leading from the pump through which water flows are screwed to the fitting.

Separately, it is worth considering the connection of a pressure switch. First you need to remove the top cover of the relay. Below it are four contacts labeled "pump" and "network". We connect the wire coming from the pump to the contacts labeled "pump", and the wire connected to the network to the contacts labeled "network".

Attention! Some manufacturers produce relays without labels - if you are not sure about the correct connection of the relay, you should contact a professional electrician.

All threaded connections must be sealed with FUM tape or tow and sealant. After that, you can turn on the pump. In the process of water entering the system, you should carefully inspect all connections for leaks.

1 - hydraulic accumulator. 2 - five-pin fitting. 3 - manometer. 4 - relay-pressure regulator. 5 - surface pump.


The submersible pump is located directly in the well or well, from where it supplies water directly to the water accumulator. The water supply system with a submersible pump must be equipped with a check valve. The valve is necessary so that the membrane does not squeeze water back into the well (well). The check valve is most often installed directly on the pump, in front of the water supply pipe. Sometimes an internal thread is cut on the pump cover. In this case, you should use a fitting of the required diameter, which has an external thread on both sides. After installing the check valve, a pipe is connected to it for supplying water to the accumulator.

Measuring the length of the pipe from the edge of the well (well) to the pump is quite simple. To do this, you can use a regular rope with a load at the end. The load is lowered to the bottom, and the top point of the well or well is marked on the rope. After that, the rope is pulled out, and the length is measured from the load to the extreme point of the well. From the result obtained, you should subtract the distance from the top point to the place where the pipe from the well will go into the ground, and the length of the pump itself with a check valve. The length of the pipe must be calculated so that the pump hangs above the bottom of the well at a height of 20-30 centimeters.