Linden blossom collection and harvesting. How is linden useful and to whom are funds based on it contraindicated? Linden blossom - useful properties and applications

29.06.2020 Boilers

If you were planning to prepare a lime blossom - do not delay - the collection of linden flowers is the time to start. Half of the buds of lime blossoms have already turned into fragrant flowers - so do it soon. It will not take much time, it will not require much work, but you will provide your family with this useful (and tasty!) Medicinal raw material for the whole winter.

Collection of linden flowers, when and how to collect, dry, store

In order for the collected lime blossom to bring you the maximum benefit, try to follow the simple rules of collection:

Most of the flowers of the linden inflorescence have blossomed
  • When to harvest linden flowers? In different regions, under different weather conditions, the calendar dates are different. As a rule, this is the middle of June. The best picking time is when most of the flowers have blossomed on the inflorescences. This period is quite short (10 - 14 days) - don't miss it.
  • Harvest Linden away from busy roads and businesses.
  • Collect linden flowers in dry weather, preferably in the morning when the dew dries.
  • Collect healthy, rust and leaf beetle inflorescences.

How to dry lime blossom

Lime blossom spread out in a thin layer for drying
  • Dry by spreading (immediately after collection) in a thin layer in a ventilated place indoors or in the shade outdoors. You can dry in a dryer (temperature 40 - 45 degrees). Inflorescences dried correctly have a yellowish color, a slight pleasant smell, and break easily.
  • Store dried lime blossom in paper or glass containers for up to 2 years. It is convenient for me to store in a three-liter glass jar under a plastic lid.

Useful properties of lime blossom

Linden flowers are an ancient folk remedy. Their unique composition (carotene, essential oils, flavonoids, phytoncides, tannins, saponins, ascorbic acid) determines the beneficial properties. Most often, we remember linden with a cold. But alternative treatment effectively use it not only in the treatment of colds, but also diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, heart, blood vessels. Poultices, lotions from a decoction are used in the treatment of ulcers, burns, hemorrhoids,.

Linden flower tea

Read the article for recipes for using healing properties in the treatment of various diseases:. And the most popular application, for which most of us collect flowers, is fragrant and healthy linden tea - an excellent remedy for combating colds. It is not difficult to prepare it, brew in the same way as regular tea. Pour a tablespoon of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water, close or wrap, let it brew for 20-25 minutes - the healing drink is ready. The infusion has a sweetish astringent taste.

Hello dear readers! It has long been no secret that linden blossom is of great benefit to women. The healing properties and contraindications of this fragrant flower raw material allow it to be taken both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. But even the simple addition of lime blossom to tea gives your favorite drink a honey hue and uplifts your mood. What exactly are the beneficial properties of linden for the female body and how should this plant be used in order to get the maximum benefit?

Linden flowers - biochemical composition

The plant material used for medicinal and food purposes is a mixture of buds and blooming flowers along with membranous bracts. Linden blossom contains a lot of essential oils (up to 30%), tiliacin, glycosides, vitamin C, carotene, sugars, bitter and tannins, mucus, saponins, flavonoids and wax. It is this specific set of substances that determines the beneficial properties of linden for the body.

Lime blossom - medicinal properties and contraindications

Useful properties of linden

  1. The first thing that is always remembered at the mention of the word "linden" is diaphoretic tea for colds and fever. Indeed, this property of a medicinal plant is one of the first places on the list.

For women, lime blossom during respiratory diseases and flu is an indispensable tool, as it acts very gently, but effectively. To enhance the diaphoretic effect, it is recommended to brew linden flowers together with raspberries and mint. All ingredients are taken in equal quantities. They drink such tea with honey, preferably also lime.

  1. Infusion of lime blossom is useful to drink in case of any inflammation of the respiratory tract. This medicinal plant also helps to alleviate and reduce cough.
  2. Linden flowers mixed with the fruits of this tree have a pronounced calming effect. For this purpose, it is useful to use not only the infusion of flowers, but also to take herbal baths with linden. For one procedure, a decoction is made from 200 g of raw materials and a bath is taken for 15-20 minutes. There are practically no contraindications for a linden bath, it is only important not to abuse such water procedures - one bath per week is enough.
  3. Linden preparations improve the condition of blood vessels by increasing the elasticity of the walls. In addition, lime blossom extract stimulates blood circulation and prevents the formation of sclerotic plaques in the vessels.
  4. Linden color also shows its healing properties for the urinary system of women. Due to the large amount of mucus, the infusion reduces the feeling of pain in the urethra in infectious diseases of the bladder. A decoction of fresh flowers and leaves has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Linden tea and infusion are used as a remedy for fainting, headaches, convulsions and neuroses of various origins.
  6. Due to its bactericidal properties, lime blossom is included in the preparations for gargling.
  7. When used internally, linden blossom helps to reduce the pain effect of gastritis and colitis. The mucus formed during the brewing of raw materials gives an enveloping effect in the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract and soothes the inflamed mucosa. That is why linden is included in gastric preparations along with chamomile, mint.
  8. For women, the medicinal properties of linden blossom are important for inflammation of the mammary glands: compresses and lotions are made from crushed flowers, fresh buds and linden leaves.
  9. Linden tea is useful for menstrual irregularities, as well as for pain during menstruation. To solve this problem, it is recommended to make an infusion. One tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 15-20 minutes, then put in a water bath and heated for about half an hour. The result is a rich linden blossom extract. Drink it 80-100 ml before meals.
  10. The same recipe helps to cope with the problems that accompany women during menopause. Such medicinal properties of linden are explained by the high content of phytohormones, which are biochemical analogues of estrogens. Once in the body, they partially perform the function of female hormones, which become less in the body of women during menopause.
  11. If there are no special contraindications, then lime blossom can be used for internal use in uterine tumors (fibromas, myomas). It is useful to make herbal preparations from "female" herbs and include linden among them.
  12. Lime blossom is recommended to be used during unloading diets in order to reduce weight. In this case, the infusion is taken half a cup before meals.
  13. Lime blossom has indications for diabetes treatment. Tea from this plant normalizes blood sugar.
  14. Linden baths are useful not only as a relaxing remedy, but also to improve the condition of the skin. This procedure gives anti-inflammatory and anti-cellulite effect.
  15. And finally, lime blossom is good for women during pregnancy. With regular use of weak tea from flowers, you can achieve a decrease in edema, which often accompanies pregnancy. And also to remove anxiety and depressive states, pumped up by the expectation of childbirth.

Linden blossom - contraindications

The very first warning concerns the duration of the use of linden preparations. Like all other medicinal plants, they must be drunk in courses: a month of admission - a two-week break. Uncontrolled use of infusions, decoctions and teas from linden can lead to heart problems. Thanks to the diuretic and diaphoretic action, the necessary substances are excreted from the body along with the liquid, and first of all potassium, which is essential for the heart.

The second contraindication concerns the quality of raw materials. Very often, linden grows in the city and along highways. It is in these places that a large amount of heavy metals, benzapyrene and other harmful substances accumulate in plants. With the constant use of drugs from such raw materials, you can get poisoning of the body. Therefore, it is important to follow the procurement rules and be sure that the purchased raw materials are environmentally friendly.

Knowing the medicinal properties and contraindications of linden blossom for women, it is not difficult to achieve a positive result to strengthen the body.

Health to you! Nadezhda Goryunova

Effective recipes using lime flowers are endowed with a mild effect, the body easily tolerates them. The valuable complex of medicinal substances of the plant allows not only to use it in herbal medicine for a number of diseases. Miraculous baths and lotions from lime blossom are successfully used for cosmetic procedures, as they allow you to restore freshness and youth to the skin.


In folk medicine, the inflorescences of the narrow-leaved linden are used. The tree grows to a height of 30 m, has a dark bark with cracks on the trunk and gray on the branches. Serrated leaves are heart-shaped, pointed at the top. Linden flowers, collected in semi-umbrellas, light yellow. In the inflorescence there is an oblong, fused with flowers, leaf. At the time of collection, these leaves are cut off along with the flowers. The flowering period of the tree is the end of June.

Linden blossom at the end of June

Linden inflorescences contain carotene (slows down aging, stimulates the immune defense of the body), glycoside (increases myocardial performance), vitamin C (prevention of cancer, regulates blood clotting), as well as mucus (wound healing effect) and essential oil (antispasmodic and diuretic effect) It gives the flowers a fragrant smell.

In herbal medicine, linden blossom with raspberries was usually used as an antipyretic for colds. But the medicinal effect of the plant is much wider.

Table: useful properties

Systems and diseasesAction
gastrointestinal tractanalgesic for pain and spasms in the abdominal cavity, choleretic;
Respiratoryexpectorant, softening cough;
Cardiovascularstrengthens the heart muscle;
Urogenitalremoves sand from the kidneys;
Endocrinerestores the metabolism in the body;
nervousanticonvulsant, sedative;
Childhood diseases (measles, mumps)antipyretic, anti-inflammatory in combination with sage.

Lime Blossom Recipes

Respiratory system

Acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system of a different nature require the use of expectorant, emollient and anti-inflammatory drugs. With bronchial asthma or laryngitis, the result of taking chemical drugs often has the opposite effect with the manifestation of allergic reactions of the body. Therefore, it is often advised to use soft decoctions and tinctures from linden. Recipes from the inflorescences of the plant in complex therapy will give tangible results in sore throat, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

  1. A decoction of inflorescences for sore throat and a cold: pour 15 g of finely chopped flowers with one glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Filter and take internally 100-200 g at night or 2 tbsp. l. up to 4 times / day before meals. To gargle, add 5 g of salt to a glass of decoction, rinse up to 6 times / day. Duration - 10–14 days.
  2. Infusion for laryngitis and tracheitis: Pour 20 g of cut flowers with 200 ml of hot water. Leave to languish in a water bath for 15 minutes, insist until cool, filter. Drink 100 ml up to 3 times a day during the period of illness.
  3. Lime blossom tincture in combination with raspberry leaves, elderberry flowers for bronchitis, pneumonia. Mix everything in equal proportions of 15 g, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for about an hour, strain. Drink 5 tbsp. l. up to 3 times / day before eating for 15 days.

Heart ailments

  1. A decoction to strengthen the heart muscle: take 30 g of lime blossom and motherwort, 20 g of wild rosemary shoots, 10 g of horsetail. Grind ingredients, mix. 30 g of the collection pour 300 ml of boiling water. Boil for up to 15 minutes, let it brew for half an hour, filter. Drink 40 g up to 4 times / day before eating for 2 weeks.
  2. With high cholesterol: grind the dried inflorescences into powder in a coffee grinder. Take 1 tsp. powder up to 3 times / day for a month. After 2 months, repeat the course of admission. For the best result during herbal medicine, follow a diet.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Decoctions and infusions using lime blossom are the best way to deal with ailments

The composition of the inflorescences includes mucus, which envelops the walls of the stomach and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Decoctions are drunk for prophylaxis in gastritis, colitis and ulcers.

  1. Infusion for gastric ulcer: take 15 g of lime flowers and calendula. Pour 400 ml of boiling water, soak for half an hour, filter through a bandage. Drink 40 ml up to 4 times / day before meals for 2 weeks.
  2. Broth: 20 g of linden inflorescences and 20 g of galangal roots (Potentilla erectus), chop, pour 350 ml of boiling water. Boil for half an hour, filter hot and bring to the original volume. For gastritis with increased secretion, drink 20 ml up to 4 times / day 30 minutes before eating, the course is 30 days.

reproductive system

Fees, which include lime blossom, have an anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect in diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract, diseases of the reproductive system. Phytoestrogens contained in linden normalize cardiac activity in women during menopause.

  1. A decoction for urolithiasis: take 15 g of linden flowers, blackcurrant leaves, plantain leaves, rose hips, hop cones. 3 art. l. therapeutic collection pour 500 ml of hot water. Simmer over low heat for about half an hour in a water bath (so as not to boil). Filter, drink warm 0.5 cup 3 times / day half an hour before meals for a week.
  2. Infusion of linden inflorescences with goat's milk: strengthens the reproductive system, normalizes processes, helps with infertility. Pour boiling water (200 ml) 20 g of lime blossom, leave for 2 hours, filter. Drink during the day, with 1 glass of goat's milk, during the period of a month, repeat after a month.

Endocrine and nervous system

The use of a medicinal plant gives positive results in alimentary-constitutional obesity, thyroid pathology, diabetes mellitus and diseases of the nervous system.

  1. Infusion to reduce sugar and treat obesity: use 10 g of lime blossom, thyme, rowan flowers, dandelion herb. Brew 15 g of the mixture in 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour, strain through gauze. Drink the prepared infusion on an empty stomach, repeat for 7 days.
  2. Alcohol tincture for nervous disorders: pour 50 g of linden inflorescences and motherwort into 500 ml of an alcohol solution in a glass container. Cork the container, put it away for a month in a dark room, after a while add 40 g of linden honey. For nervous ailments, drink 15 drops diluted in water up to 3 times a day half an hour before eating for a month.

Infusions for external use

Linden decoction is used as a disinfectant, relieves inflammation, a remedy for diseases of the throat, oral cavity.

  • For rinsing with sore throat, stomatitis: take 20 g of lime flowers, 30 g of chamomile flowers, pour 300 ml of hot water. Wrap in a towel, leave for 25 minutes, strain. Rinse with external infusion up to 5 times a day until complete recovery.

Lotions from the decoction are used for burns, hemorrhoids, ulcers, aching pains in the joints and gout.

  • Moisten a soft cloth with the previous infusion. Apply to the inflamed area for 20 minutes. 2 times/day for a week.

Linden in cosmetology

Linden slimy infusion is rich in chemical compounds, so it is used in cosmetologists for the treatment of sensitive skin and rejuvenation.

Infusion for linden lotions - better than any anti-wrinkle creams
  1. 30 g of inflorescences pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Moisten with a cotton swab and wipe dry skin of the face and neck. The effect is visible after three procedures, the skin becomes velvety, wrinkles are smoothed out, inflammation on the face disappears. It is recommended to carry out the procedure for 10 days.

For weight loss

An infusion of lime flowers is recommended for weight loss in combination with herbs that also have a diuretic effect. When using herbal medicine for weight loss, you can lose up to 5-6 kg of weight per month. Together with the liquid, toxins and slags are removed from the body. At this time, food should be low-calorie, not contain too fatty and starchy foods.

  1. For infusion, take 15 g of dry lime flowers, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, dill seeds. Place the collection in a thermos, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse for about an hour, strain. Drink before meals 3 tbsp. l. up to 3 times / day for 10 days. Medicinal tincture to do every day.

Use in childhood

The soft property of lime blossoms is excellently used in the treatment of colds in babies, as well as in such children's infectious diseases as mumps, measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough. Children are offered to use linden decoctions with other antiseptic herbs in a warm form.

  1. A decoction for rubella: take 50 g of linden blossom, rose hips, currant leaves, lingonberry and raspberry leaves, mix, cut with a knife. Pour 15 g of the collection with boiling water (1 cup), let it brew for about 2 hours in a closed container, filter. Drink 20 ml up to 3 times / day at any time during the period of illness.
  2. Infusion for measles: 30 g of linden inflorescences, 30 g of sage, dip into boiling water, turn off the fire on the stove, let it brew for 25 minutes. Take 20 ml up to 4 times / day throughout the illness.
  3. Tincture for colds: Mix 15 g of lime blossom, 15 g of coltsfoot, 20 g of raspberries in a bowl and pour 300 ml of boiling water into it. Keep for 30 minutes, strain. Children drink 20 ml up to 6 times / day during illness.
  1. Harvest when most flowers open.
  2. Collect only in ecologically clean areas, away from factories and highways.
  3. Dry in a shady and ventilated place, as the lime will lose its healing properties in the sun.
  4. Lay out the inflorescences for drying in a thin layer, no more than 3 cm.
  5. Store in a glass container or in a linen bag.
  6. Shelf life is not more than two years.
  7. Do not boil the broth in aluminum, copper containers.
  8. For infusion, use glass or earthenware dishes.

Contraindications for use

  • Prolonged use impairs vision.
  • Intolerance to linden components.
  • Heart failure.
  • Children under 2 months old.
  • Gastritis with reduced secretion.

Linden tea is a safe and effective cold remedy for pregnant women. The reasonable use of a medicinal decoction will increase immunity and contribute to the speedy recovery of the expectant mother.

Linden tea is drunk only for medicinal purposes, so they cannot replace regular tea drinking. When treating, be sure to familiarize yourself with the dosage and period of use of the lime drug.

When linden blossoms in summer, its intoxicating fragrance spreads around. At this time, it is necessary to have time to collect linden inflorescences and learn how to prepare decoctions and infusions at home, which accumulate the healing properties so necessary for our body during the period of illness.

Linden is a very common tree throughout Russia. It usually blooms in July. Therefore, in some Slavic languages, the month of July is named after the tree - "linden".

However, in recent years, climatic conditions are very variable, and the time when you need to pick the lime blossom may vary slightly.

Fragrant white-yellow flowers are collected from three to fifteen pieces in an umbrella. Each of them accompanies one leaf. Insect honey plants cannot fly past such aromas. Therefore, bees constantly buzz over flowering trees. Linden honey is one of the most fragrant and healthy honey.

About how to collect and how to dry lime blossom, about its medicinal products and methods of application - this article.


This is one of the main trees in the mixed forest zone of East Asia, Europe and North America. The linden genus has from forty to eighty species. Ten of them grow in Russia. The most common linden in the middle zone of the country is ordinary, or heart-leaved. The height of the tree reaches thirty meters. It has a wide crown and rounded leaves with sharp tips and heart-shaped bases.

The tree is quite winter-hardy and therefore hardly damaged by frost. It can also be found in spruce-fir forests. Linden often grows near oaks and maples.


How to use lime color? The most widely used after tea are infusions. They are prepared in different ways depending on the goals.

Three tablespoons of dried flowers are poured into a glass of hot water and heated for fifteen minutes in a water bath. Then the infusion is cooled for about an hour, filtered, and boiled water is added to the resulting infusion in an amount to make a total of two hundred milliliters of infusion. The remedy is taken after meals, one glass up to three times a day and is a diuretic, diaphoretic, choleretic and antimicrobial agent for colds.

An antipyretic for colds and infections is prepared as follows: one teaspoon is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for ten minutes, filtered and drunk. Take the infusion should be two to three times a day, one glass before meals.

Well quench your thirst infusions left for six to eight hours. They are recommended to drink after exercise and massage.


Its recipe is as follows: a glass jar is filled with lime blossom, and there is no need to tamp it down. Then it is filled to the brim with vodka and insisted for two to three weeks. Linden blossom tincture is taken one spoon before meals three times a day. Such a remedy will help with nervous breakdown, leg cramps and even fainting that often occurs.

Outdoor use

When used externally, compresses, condiments and lotions are made. With edema, ulcers, inflammation of hemorrhoids, rheumatism and gout, women's diseases and mouthwash, lime blossom can often help.

Recipes for external use from it are as follows:

  • An infusion of six tablespoons per glass of boiling water after half an hour of infusion can be used to rinse the mouth, hair and wipe the face with oily skin.
  • For the treatment of ulcers and burns, a decoction of four tablespoons of flowers per 0.5 liter of water, boiled for ten minutes, is used. It, together with the resulting slurry, is applied to the damaged surface.
  • With mastitis, you need to take three to four tablespoons of raw materials, pour two glasses of water and boil for fifteen minutes. After cooling the broth, add half a teaspoon of soda to it and make compresses or use it for washing.
  • Strained hot infusion is useful to rinse your mouth with gingivitis or stomatitis.
  • For insomnia, anxiety and severe fatigue, herbal baths are recommended. To do this, two tablespoons of flowers are poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted for fifteen minutes. Then filter, and the infusion is poured into the bath. The water temperature should not exceed thirty-seven degrees. The duration of the procedure is no more than fifteen minutes.
  • With fatigue of the legs and to strengthen their vessels, baths are made of linden blossom with the addition of sea salt.


Linden honey is one of the most valuable varieties. Its aroma is clean and very fragrant. Honey has a yellowish to greenish color. It is believed that the darker it is, the richer it is. However, this is not the case with linden. It can only change its color during crystallization. At the same time, it will no longer be transparent and thicken. However, even in this state, honey does not lose its taste and useful qualities.

If by winter the acquired honey remains liquid, then, unfortunately, it is not real.

You can also check the quality with a piece of meat put in a small amount of honey. The prototype should not rot. If this happens, then honey is not of high quality.

There are many unique and amazing trees in Russia, one of these trees is linden. The tree itself is extraordinarily beautiful, and its flowers and bark are a storehouse of elements useful for the human body, so infusions and decoctions are made from them, which are used in cosmetology and medicine. This article will discuss the medicinal properties of linden blossom and contraindications to its use.

What is lime color

The tree grows in a temperate climate, in central Russia. It is found mainly in Europe and some parts of Asia Minor. The average life expectancy is 350 years. An interesting fact is that linden appeared before the era of dinosaurs, it is considered the oldest of all deciduous trees. Linden flowers are commonly called linden flowers. It is an excellent immunomodulator with healing and strengthening properties. Contains essential oils, vitamins. It is used to prepare decoctions, is part of the medicinal fees. Linden flowers are harvested in June-July.


The medicinal properties of linden are due to its chemical composition. The plant has tannins, flavonoids, contains derivatives of salicylic acid, essential oils, a large number of trace elements and minerals. Linden flowers contain essential oils (approximately up to 10%), which give that very unique aroma. Of the elements useful for humans, it contains: vitamin C, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, carotene.


Lime blossom is used in the production of medical and cosmetic preparations. Healing compounds are used in the treatment of colds, to eliminate stomach pains, to treat kidneys, liver, and dermatological diseases. Infusion wipe the places of insect bites to eliminate itching. The decoction is used in cosmetology, diseases of the oral cavity and for the treatment of a large list of diseases. Taking linden tea for a cold, you will very soon notice how the ailment recedes, because this drink is an excellent immunomodulator.

Indications for use

Useful properties of linden contribute to the strengthening of the human body. It is no accident that decoctions made from it are used as an effective remedy for certain ailments. A course of treatment with linden is able to get rid of colds, gynecological and urological diseases. Linden is used to treat kidney diseases, stomatitis, and therapeutic lime baths, along with tea, can strengthen the nervous system.


Although linden is a plant that can be purchased independently without a doctor's prescription, not everyone can use it. The decoction made on the basis of the plant has a diuretic effect, so it should not be used for certain kidney diseases. It is not recommended to drink linden decoctions with poor blood clotting, because they dilute it. In addition, the decoction is capable of producing a diaphoretic effect, so they should not be carried away by cores.

What is useful lime color

The plant with regular use brings great benefits to the whole body. It revitalizes and relieves stress. A decoction of flowers has an antimicrobial effect. Due to the fact that linden decoctions have an anti-inflammatory effect, they are often prescribed as an anti-cold remedy. Using a decoction of the plant, you can get rid of pain in the bladder, improve the outflow of bile from the liver. In addition, dried linden flowers are used to brew tea, because with it an ordinary mug of tea turns into a soothing drink.

For women

Since ancient times, decoctions of herbs have been used to maintain women's health and beauty. This plant is now used in gynecology and cosmetology. Nutritionists prescribe linden tea for weight loss as an additional source of beneficial trace elements and to reduce hunger. Linden decoction is used as an anti-aging, facial tonic. Dry skin for moisturizing can be wiped with warm infusion, and swelling is relieved with cold infusion.

To create a tonic, you need 1 cup of lime infusion, in which you need to dissolve 2 teaspoons of honey. The face is wiped with this decoction 2 times a day. This homemade tonic has a rejuvenating effect, gives the skin elasticity, improves its tone. For hair, you can make a special moisturizing mask. Take half a glass of broth, add honey, olive oil (you can use sea buckthorn or ordinary sunflower oil instead). Use linden mask 2 times a week, which will give your hair extra shine, elasticity and an unforgettable aroma.

For men

Linden decoctions are suitable for the treatment of not only female ailments, but also male ones. It is no coincidence that urologists prescribe them to men as effective means that are part of complex therapy. For example, a wonderful remedy for prostatitis is made from the coals of burnt linden. Charcoal is crushed, then brewed with boiling water like coffee, applied once a day, 1 cup for 7 days. This drink has an antispasmodic effect, relieves pain.

For kids

Linden is included in the collection for the treatment of colds in children. Many doctors recommend using decoctions of the plant to cure intestinal colic. Linden inflorescences contain substances important for the development of the child's body: trace elements, minerals and vitamin C, so the tea prepared on their basis will not only be tasty and fragrant, but very useful for your child.

How to brew lime blossom

To prepare fragrant tea with the addition of a plant, you need to take the usual portion of black tea intended for 1 teapot and supplement it with a spoonful of dried inflorescences, you can also add honey here. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 3 tbsp. spoons of flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for about 15 minutes under a closed lid. Take 3 times a day before meals. For a decoction, you need a spoonful of dry raw materials, which must be poured with 1 cup of boiling water and put on fire. Cook for about 30 minutes over low heat.

The use of lime blossom in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of the plant contribute to getting rid of many ailments. What are the benefits of linden flowers and what can be done from them? Decoctions from dried inflorescences of the plant are used for:

  • lowering sugar levels;
  • treatment of joints, gynecological, urological, endocrine diseases, diabetes, urolithiasis;
  • with rapid fatigue, inflammation of the kidneys, bronchitis, colds, flu, joint diseases;
  • linden tea is used to relieve swelling, to treat colds, as a vitaminizing, immunomodulating agent that speeds up metabolic processes.

With a cold

Lime inflorescences are excellent for getting rid of colds. Decoctions prepared from them act as an antipyretic and bactericidal agent, and gargle with infusions. It is necessary to brew linden for a cold according to a specific recipe:

  1. If you are worried about coughing, fever, use the recipe: pour 2 teaspoons of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, close the lid tightly, let it brew for an hour.
  2. If you have a sore throat, prepare a special mixture for gargling: pour 2 cups of boiling water over 4 tbsp. spoons of inflorescences, let it brew for 20 minutes, cool and add a little honey. Gargle with this infusion 4-6 times a day.

For kidney treatment

Linden decoctions are effective remedies for the treatment of the urogenital area and kidneys, because the components that make up the plant have an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. The medicine for polyarthritis is prepared as follows: 3 tbsp. tablespoons of linden are rubbed and mixed with the same amount of honey. Take 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon until the general condition improves.

To prepare a remedy for uric acid diathesis and to treat a disease such as cystitis, it is necessary to brew 2 tbsp. spoons of inflorescences with boiling water. A linden infusion created from 2 tbsp helps to get rid of urolithiasis. tablespoons of dry raw materials and 2 cups of hot water. Use this remedy every night before bed for 2 weeks. It will help get rid of pain, remove sand from the urethra.

For headaches

With increased excitability, stress, increased anxiety, insomnia, make yourself a hot bath with the addition of linden essential oil - a few drops are enough. Taking such baths three times a week, you will notice a positive effect very soon. Linden is also effective for hypertension: pour 2 teaspoons of dry color with boiling water, let it brew for 20-30 minutes.

For joint diseases

For rheumatism of the joints, brew a few tablespoons of dry raw materials with 2 cups of boiling water and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Then let it brew, then add half a tablespoon of fine table salt. Make lotions with this remedy at night. The course of treatment with this method is 1 week. With the help of poultices from linden leaves, joint pains are eliminated. In case of gout, linden leaves must be doused with boiling water, then immediately, until they have cooled down, put on the joints and wrapped with a warm towel.

In gynecology

What is the use of linden for women in addition to the possibility of using it in cosmetology? The plant contains phytohormones, which are similar in composition to estrogen. The phytoestrogens contained in linden act on the female body like hormones produced naturally. Drink linden tea to normalize hormonal levels during menopause and in case of cycle disorders. If you are worried about pain during PMS, drink 3-4 days before the onset of menstruation, a decoction of linden 2 times a day before meals. This therapy will relieve you of pain.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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