Decoration of the apartment in the year of the rooster. Decor without problems: we create decorations for the New Year with our own hands and combine them correctly. DIY Christmas decorations

12.10.2020 Boilers

Now it's time to talk about decorating your apartment for the New Year. This article has prepared for you a selection of the most amazing and beautiful designs. Thanks to the ideas, you can create a cozy and fabulous atmosphere in your home and please your family and children.

themed color scheme

The color accents of the apartment should be changed to traditional festive ones. Here everything will already depend on the prevailing basic shades. Choose one of the most popular traditional combinations: green with red, silver with blue and white, white with red, or other original variations on the theme of pink, crimson, gold or purple.

When you have already decided on a decorative color palette, then try to stick to it even in small things. Toys, textiles, candles, garlands and other solemn attributes should have the same color meaning.

Natural decor 2017

The traditional New Year's tinsel does not always fit well into the interior. A wonderful alternative to balls and garlands will be dry branches, natural cones, fruits and needles. Such things will perfectly fit into the New Year's concept. Other than that, they will never break.

This can be a big plus if there are small children in the house. If it still seems to you that natural accessories do not look elegant enough, then there is always the opportunity to transform them with silver or gold paint.

original Christmas tree

Of course, the Christmas tree should be called the most necessary attribute of the New Year's decor of the living room. But if your room is quite small in order to put a full-fledged solemn tree there, or if you just don’t want to remove the needles from all the cracks for a couple of days, then a little trick will serve as an alternative, which will completely replace a large tree.

And here we will talk about the wall panel. In order to make it, you can use anything you want: decorative stickers, toys, a garland and other items that can be fixed on the wall.


Ribbons always looked elegant and could decorate any room. You can use ribbons not only on the Christmas tree, but also tie curtains with them, hang toys on the Christmas tree for them, or lay out a couple of decorative gifts on the fireplace portal, which will also be decorated with ribbons. Only when choosing such an accessory, do not forget about the festive color scheme. Also, chairs, paintings or table lamps are decorated with ribbons. However, you can't overdo it here.

Pillows for the New Year

Sofas and armchairs, it turns out, can also be decorated with decorative pillows. Only here you will have to choose pillows with a New Year theme, or buy special covers. The fabric is better to take shiny and elegant.

As for the color, the right shades will perfectly emphasize the festive atmosphere. The effort and money spent will not be in vain, because such bright accents will always make the interior more alive, regardless of the time of year.

New Year's garlands

No New Year can be imagined without New Year's lights. Here I must even say that they are allowed to be used not only as Christmas tree decorations. The decorative potential of garlands can be much wider. Thanks to them, you can create a New Year's wall panel, window curtains, an inscription that glows and lighting for furniture or stairs.

Garlands, in addition, are allowed to decorate compositions, create an association with live fire on the fireplace. And another great and easy way is to put lights in a jar so that you have an original lamp.

fireplace portal

If you have a real fireplace in your house, why not decorate it too? After all, it is precisely such a thing that can become the main focus of the New Year's decor of the living room. However, if you still do not have a fireplace or you have not had time to equip it in the room, then here you can find a way out. The main thing is to show imagination. A New Year's arrangement of needles, candles and toys on the mantelpiece, as well as a few bright gifts and socks will do the trick. Everything will be like in a beautiful fairy tale.

Christmas smells

The pleasant aroma of pine needles is also an indispensable attribute of the New Year. If you bought a live spruce, then the smell is guaranteed. But what about those who have only an artificial Christmas tree? Here you will come to the aid of artificial aromatic oils with the desired smell.

And you can kill two birds with one stone. Buy special scented lamps with New Year's decorations and light a candle or drop oil into it. As you can see, you will have not only the New Year's smell of spruce, pine and other things, but also additional decorations for the room, corridor, bath and so on.

However, these things should not be left if you have animals or scarlet children in your house, otherwise there will be a fire or something like that. Of course, no flavors can replace the natural smell of spruce. So you can always take a few real branches and hang them in the apartment.

If you decide to celebrate the New Year at home, then you need to beautifully decorate the apartment so that the owner of the upcoming year 2017, the Rooster, will like it.

When decorating your home before the New Year, you should not forget that all decoration should correspond to the habits, mood and tastes of the Rooster.

What are some ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2017?

You can arrange an apartment in a cozy rustic style - and, most likely, this year's owner, the Rooster, will appreciate this choice.

How to create this style at home? It is quite simple to do this - add soft textiles, linen and cotton, hand embroidery, homemade Christmas tree toys to the decoration of the house.

Any decor will be incomplete without a figurine of the symbol of the year - the Rooster, it is better for him to highlight the most prominent place.

2017 is the year of the Red Rooster, so the main colors in the interior for the New Year are red, orange and yellow.

It is not allowed to use black and gray tones - this can upset and even anger the Fire Rooster.

Burning candles in original wooden candlesticks will help to support the element of the year, Fire.

Above the front door, you can hang a small ceramic, porcelain, rag or plastic figurine of a cockerel. It is desirable to place bells or bells next to it, they will create an atmosphere of celebration and fun, and each guest will be greeted with a joyful ringing.

It will be wonderful to decorate the house with impromptu nests woven from Christmas tree branches or just twigs filled with New Year's sweets, chocolate eggs and other goodies.

Such a nest can be placed under a Christmas tree or on a festive table - the decoration will surely win the Rooster over to you, and 2017 will be the most successful!

If you have an artificial Christmas tree, if possible, place a couple of branches of fresh needles in the apartment - a symbol of prosperity and well-being according to Feng Shui for the year of the Rooster.

Do-it-yourself snowflakes look original. They can be hung both on the Christmas tree and around the room.

If you have enough time, you can dream up and make an imitation of snow out of cotton wool, laying it neatly on spruce branches.

Do not forget that the element of this year is Fire, so everything in the house should shine, from the lights on the Christmas tree to the candles on the table.

In the New Year 2017, each guest's device can be decorated with a small candle. To do this, take half a walnut shell and fill it with plasticine. Fix a small candle in the center, and attach small artificial flowers around it with glue. Put the resulting composition next to the plate.

It is better to light candles when the guests are already a little tired and are away from the table. If there are children at the table and you are worried about their safety, you can buy electric candles instead of ordinary candles.

A vase with apples, a ceramic dish with grains of wheat and other cereals, compositions of spikelets and dried flowers will not hurt either.

All these delicacies and decorations of the apartment for the New Year will appeal to the owner of 2017, the Rooster, and he will feel at home.

Ecology of consumption. Interior design: Thinking about New Year's design? Do not know how to decorate a room for the new year 2017 with your own hands? It's time to start collecting interesting ideas! The brighter and more varied the design of your room, the more accurately you will be able to convey all the beauty of the holiday on New Year's Eve.

Thinking about New Year's design? Do not know how to decorate a room for the new year 2017 with your own hands?

It's time to start collecting interesting ideas! The brighter and more varied the design of your room, the more accurately you will be able to convey all the beauty of the holiday on New Year's Eve.

New Year's decoration of the house should not be spontaneous and thoughtless: prepare all the materials in advance, design the layout, make sure that each accessory has its own place in the interior. Creating a harmonious and pleasant design for the New Year theme is not difficult, but this process also requires preparation.

How to decorate a house for the New Year 2017? The brightest and most stylish jewelry can not only be purchased at the store, but also made with your own hands using improvised materials. Let's create a fabulous environment together!

Materials for New Year's decor

New Year's decor of the apartment begins with the choice of materials suitable for creating a festive atmosphere. If we are talking about decorating a Christmas tree, then standard decorations come to mind that can be purchased in almost every store before the holiday: glass and plastic toys, garlands, rain, tinsel.

But is it possible to emphasize the stylish and bright New Year's interior 2017 with the help of other materials? It is possible and even necessary!

For decoration, you can use:

    plastic bottles. Plastic is a practical and easy-to-use material for creating candlesticks, elements for garlands, small figurines for decorating a Christmas tree and even mini-Christmas trees for decorating a festive table;

    textile. Since the fabric can be deformed, take care of a solid base or use felt: these materials can be used to sew Christmas decorations or garlands with elements on the New Year theme. From soft fabric, you can sew voluminous toys;

    decorations. Who said that ordinary beads and earrings cannot be used as a decorative element? Small accessories are perfect for decorating small artificial Christmas trees, and beads from unnecessary decorations can be used in the design of candles, candlesticks, figurines, Christmas tree wreaths;

    cones- A fairly common option for creating decorative accessories for the New Year. Paint them bright or white, sprinkle them with sparkles or artificial snow - and use them as a Christmas decoration or an element of New Year's composition on the table;

    sweets, cookies and fruits. With the help of edible gear, you can decorate a festive table or garlands hung around the room.

Any material can be used for decorative purposes. For example, from threads and glue, you can create voluminous compositions in the form of stars or snowflakes - and hang them from the ceiling. And from ordinary paper or cardboard, excellent drawings will come out for decorating walls and windows.

Show your imagination and do not be afraid to implement the most daring ideas: photos of the New Year's decor 2017 will serve as a source of inspiration for you.

Tip: when deciding how to decorate a house for the New Year 2017 with your own hands, do not forget about the harmonious arrangement of accessories.

The shade and shape of the decorations also play an important role: everything should be in moderation, so disperse the accessories around the room, stick to a single design style and try not to combine several catchy design elements at once.

So that you do not have to redo the work several times, plan in advance where and how the New Year's atmosphere will be created. Make sure that not only furniture, but also different surfaces in the house are decorated festively: this applies to walls, windows, doors, ceilings, window sills, individual niches and ledges, fireplace areas.

It is desirable that the decoration of the house for the New Year 2017 be made in the same style and not be characterized by an excessive abundance of conflicting shades: white, red, golden and green colors are considered the most successful in this design.

Table setting

The place where guests are coming - the central zone of the festive decor. Therefore, you should not save by decorating the table only with dishes and dishes. Considering that many accessories can be made by hand, you do not have to spend money on stylish serving.

Accessories used to decorate the table should match the New Year's decor at home. It is not necessary to make the table bright and catchy due to the appropriate shades: even in white and pale blue, the table setting will look stylish and elegant, since light shades are associated with the winter holiday.

How to decorate a house in the year of the Fire Rooster is easy to figure out by referring to the symbolism of the next year: red can be present in textile elements, food, jewelry and toys; The theme of fire can be supported with the help of candles or garlands with characteristic lanterns, you can choose figurines, drawings and New Year's candles with the symbols of the Fire Rooster 2017.

Candles will become the most striking decoration of the table: you can choose ready-made options for the New Year theme and even scented candles that will allow you to relax and enjoy the holiday.

If you want to decorate the table and the interior in the same style, you can make candles for the new year 2017 on your own.

To do this, prepare molds for future candles, melt the wax, pour it in - and wait for it to harden. Don't forget to pre-insert the wick. Finished wax figurines are decorated with varnish, paint, sequins, beads, napkins (decoupage technique), cutouts, ribbons and many other suitable accessories.

Candlesticks in the New Year's table setting in 2017 will play an important role. It is believed that the rooster loves everything bright and shiny, so why not pick up metal or transparent candlesticks that shimmer under fiery highlights.

Glass candle holders with a long stem will be a stylish addition to the classic table decor: they can be made using glasses and placed in the center of the table.

The decoration of the festive table will not be complete if you do not pick up textiles. The tablecloth can be white or have a bright shade, but it is better to use solid colors without patterns.

If you do not plan to decorate the table with a tablecloth, take care of the availability of fabric napkins: they can have a standard square shape, be openwork or embroidered.

Plain cloth doilies can be embellished with stylish grips or brightly colored ribbons. Do not forget that even food laid out in an unusual form (for example, in the form of Christmas trees) can become a spectacular decoration for the New Year's table.

We decorate windows

Let's find out how to decorate the house in the year of the Fire Rooster, if you don't plan to stop with just serving. Even the window area can become a space for creativity: here you can apply some bright and interesting ideas.

The most common option for decorating a window is gluing plots cut out of paper onto glass. To emphasize the New Year's window decor, search the Internet for interesting pictures on this topic, print on white paper and cut along the contour. It can be deer with a sleigh, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas trees, houses, a blizzard, gifts, New Year's toys and other subjects.

Tip: you can show your imagination - and cut out different snowflakes: children really like this process, so connect them to creativity. To make snowflakes shimmer under the glare from candles and garlands, glue them over with a glossy film or paste them into a regular file cut along the contour.

If you don't want to spend time cutting out figures, make one stencil, lean it against the glass, and smear the cuts with toothpaste. As a result, slightly blurry drawings will remain on your window, which will look quite realistic.

Ordinary Christmas balls, fruits, toys can also be used to decorate the window. It is enough to fix them on long ribbons - and tie them to the eaves. This decor is suitable if your window is not covered with curtains.

To decorate the window sill, you can also implement some interesting ideas. For example, furnish the surface with toys and figurines on a New Year's theme.

With the help of durable paper or cardboard, you can create a realistic composition across the entire width of the window: cut out Christmas trees, houses, clouds, among which a sleigh with deer rides - arrange in several layers around the entire window sill and separate with garlands that will create a flickering light in the evening.

For realism, create a New Year's decor from foam: it will imitate snow. Using this material, you can also create some elements of a fabulous composition or toys for a cornice, garland, curtains or a Christmas tree.

Interior decoration for the new year 2017 can even be complemented by decorating curtains. Attach bows, cones, Christmas decorations to the fabric, hang rain or garlands - and your room will be perceived more festively.

Other areas of the room

Where else can you show your skills? Of course, improvised materials will come in handy for decorating the Christmas tree, because you can’t do without it on New Year’s Eve. In addition to the standard store-bought decorations, decorate it with candies, tangerines, homemade toys, ribbons, and even themed cookies. And don't forget the gifts!

For those who love regularity and restraint in design, the idea of ​​decorating a Christmas tree only with the help of garlands will seem attractive. Bright lanterns will replace multi-colored balls, and in the evening this area of ​​the room will become the most fabulous and mysterious.

As a material for hand-made, you can use light bulbs, paper clips, puff pastry, cones and tangerines, fabric, plastic caps, berries, nuts and other elements. You can create Christmas decorations from existing, but outdated ones: for example, beat a few bright balls - and prepare a shiny powder for new decorations.

Another area that needs decoration is the door. Even if it is not the main one in your home, you can apply several common decor options: hang rain and tinsel, draw a Christmas tree (or stick paper figures), create a festive wreath.

Attention! It is wreaths that have been considered a trend for several New Year holidays. They can be made from fir branches, small Christmas balls, berries, tangerines, cones, toys, candies, beads and other accessories. Determine the parameters of the wreath, focusing on the dimensions of the door.

If you have a fireplace in your apartment or house, do not forget to prepare New Year's socks or hats: you can put small gifts for guests in them. Also, the fireplace can be decorated with candles, garlands, rain, toys, spruce branches. It is desirable that the decor of the fireplace matches the decor of the Christmas tree.

New Year's decor 2017 may also involve the appropriate design of furniture. You can stick themed pictures on it (like on windows), attach garlands or beads.

If you have chairs with backs, take care of creating stylish covers: they can depict Santa Claus, deer, snow maidens. The best shades for chair covers are red, white, green and gold.

To decorate the ceiling and walls, use beads, rain, electric garlands. DIY Christmas decorations 2017 may include home-made chain garlands, compositions from Christmas balls, ribbons with toys, decorative snowflakes, voluminous lanterns. The easiest way to decorate is to use ready-made pictures on an adhesive basis.

With this decor, the New Year 2017 will definitely be remembered for a long time! Your room will be warm and cozy at home, and bright accessories and decorations, iridescent and sparkling under the glare, will emphasize the solemnity of your interior.m published

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The coming year will be held under the sign of the fiery Rooster. It is necessary to take care in advance of preparing your home for the rapidly approaching holiday. So, how to decorate an apartment for the New Year 2017 and fill the atmosphere with a unique atmosphere? Here you will find useful tips and tricks.

Color palette for decorating an apartment for the New Year 2017

Let's start with the fact that the rooster is a very neat and meticulous bird. He is especially picky about all the details, so before decorating your home, be sure to do a general cleaning of all rooms. A real riot of juicy flowers should reign in your house. To beautifully decorate an apartment for the New Year 2017, as in the photo, you need to know that the rooster is extremely fond of bright colors. Most preferred shades:

  • violet;
  • purple;
  • burgundy;
  • cherry;
  • coral;
  • red;
  • terracotta;
  • Orange;
  • yellow.

An equally good choice would be an emphasis on a golden palette. Its brilliance will bring happiness to your home in the coming year. Forget about the so-called "cold" tones for a while. Of course, you can dilute a bright red interior with small blue and silver blotches, but it’s better not to abuse them. The main rule is not to forget about naturalness, because the New Year's decoration of the apartment should not seem too clumsy.

Do-it-yourself ways to decorate an apartment for the New Year

To make the evergreen beauty tree look as attractive as possible on the eve of 2017, as in the presented photos, there are several ways to decorate it:

  1. The easiest option for people who do not have much free time is to hang toys in a random, chaotic manner and wrap colorful garlands around the tree.
  2. Arrange Christmas decorations of the same type and size in a spiral. Use several varieties of toys to diversify the visual picture.
  3. Conditionally divide the tree into several sectors and mark their boundaries with lush garlands. Decorate each piece lavishly with toys of the same color.

Do not resist your desire to decorate the apartment for the New Year with your own hands. You can independently sew several miniature soft toys to decorate the Christmas tree, create a beautiful New Year's ikebana or make some crafts from improvised materials - cedar and spruce cones, acorns, branches.

To decorate the premises, use hand-cut snowflakes of various shapes and sizes, as well as decorations made of shimmering sequins. If desired, hang large balloons around the house that will cheer you up even in the strongest snowstorm outside the window. In addition, fluffy multi-colored garlands with brightly glowing lights will surely please the rooster.

finishing touches

Table setting in the year of the red fiery rooster is exactly the case when a combination of classic style with country elements is welcome. In other words, buy wooden and ceramic dishes, linen tablecloths, napkins. Any interesting compositions made from natural materials will look very attractive. You can use materials such as burlap for gift wrapping and surface decoration. Thus, you realize two ideas at once - pay tribute to the country style and make your apartment stand out among similarly decorated dwellings.

Instead of the usual electric lighting in the evenings, use a variety of decorative lights. Harmoniously distribute the light garlands you have on all available surfaces. Do not forget about one of the most popular New Year's attributes - candles. Arrange them asymmetrically on your dining table and coffee tables for a more cozy and festive feel.

To make the decoration of the apartment for the New Year 2017 more holistic, leave the main place in the apartment for the symbolic figurine of the fiery rooster. It can be carved out of wood or cut out of colored paper. The main thing is to demonstrate to the village bird that she is truly loved and expected in this apartment!

Despite the fact that I was completely confident in the excellent state of my own health, I became scared. And here Natasha came to the rescue. At the stall with the inscription Best Food. A couple of meters away from us, two thin-necked sergeants were indeed peacefully eating cakes with meat. I started the engine and rushed to the address indicated by Kiryushka. My heart was restless. I turned my head and saw two policemen. Standing a bit away from. Who Alice was remained a mystery, but I was not going to solve it.

We saw a ladder made of steel bars. Without thinking twice, I climbed up, deciding that the panel opens in the same way as the one through which we got into the tunnel. She rested her hands against the wall, pushed it away, climbed out into which one. That little room and said Vanya. There was a sniffling, and later Ivan's voice sounded in complete darkness. I was confused, but optimistically answered. At that very moment, the closet lit up with light, I closed my eyes. I was standing in the toilet. Two toilet bowls without toilet seats and drain tanks amused the ear. Peacefully murmuring water. There was a strong smell of bleach, the doorway was closed with a net, and beyond. Squirrel, Misha and two gloomy men with machine guns were standing. I glared at the guys with the guns and blurted out.

I stretched again. It was behind a mirror, but here a passerby pointed his finger in the direction of my typewriter and continued. I surveyed the offended Zhiguli, picked up the sneakers that fell out of the box and grunted. The man pouted, puffed for a couple of minutes and declared. Here I am slapping into the store, holding in my fist the pennies given out by Raisa for a bottle of beer. Zhigulevsky in those years in Moscow was. To get it, as soon as the lighted boxes arrived in the shops, a horde of peasants stormed the counters, shouting. Sobbing, I laid out the essence of the matter to her, told her about Raisa, beer, coins, the sewerage network ... The woman shoved the banknote into my fist by force. The door to Zalygina's apartment was open and propped up with a stool, and on the stairs, on the windowsill, sat a woman in shorts and a T-shirt smeared with paint. The girl jumped off the windowsill, put her hands on her hips and barked. I noticed that her voice had changed and repeated it. Nika bit her lower lip, then decisively shook her hair and again rushed into battle. I quietly listened to the already well-known story about cheating with things. I nodded. I know this place.

I had to obey. Almira lived in a brand new house, in a multi-room apartment filled with expensive furniture. I opened. There was a mouth, but here the sharp ringing of the phone made me flinch. Almira grabbed the phone. Then she looked at. Suddenly I was offended. But Almira is an extremely nasty person. I silently walked to the door. I quickly ran to the door. And, before Almira had time to get up from the sofa, she pulled the handle, jumped into the elevator and after a few minutes she was in the six.

My phone rang in my pocket, I hurriedly left Krestova to deal with the numb Zhanna. She looked at the screen of the tube and said quickly. A male voice came from the cell phone. Tenacity hired by Max. The actor admired. Another would have long realized that he played his role poorly, he was seen through. It's time to stop fiddling. But no, the fool keeps talking about the chest and the chicken. Well, at the moment he will get it from me ... Silence hung in the receiver. A lady's voice cut through, chattering in English. I turned around, saw an attractive lady in a blue dress and asked. For a few moments the woman chattered at machine-gun speed, then fell silent, paused and looked at.