Wood saw: saw selection criteria and good models. How to choose the right hacksaw: looking for the best hand saw for wood Universal wood saw for quick sawing

20.06.2020 Heaters

It is extremely difficult to overestimate the need for a hacksaw for wood. This simple tool is a reliable and faithful assistant in the repair of an apartment or the construction of a country house, it can be useful when ennobling a summer cottage or complex garden care. However, before you go to the store, it would be useful to find out its technical and operational characteristics. Read more about how to avoid mistakes when choosing a hacksaw for wood, later in our article.

How to choose a hacksaw for wood

The choice of a saw, whether for garden work or for repair and construction purposes, should be approached responsibly. Indeed, when buying the wrong tool, at best, there will be difficulties in work, it will be difficult to achieve the desired result, and at worst, there is a risk of injury.

Experienced carpenters are advised to pay attention to the working surface of the hacksaw - the canvas. Before buying, be sure to find out what steel is used in the saw. A well-hardened panel with properly sharpened teeth will be much more efficient to use than a tool with a poor working base.

Hand saw - without a doubt, a necessary tool in the household

There are various types of hacksaws for woodworking, which differ in many ways. For example, the convenience of sawing and the service life of a hacksaw depend on the blade. In total, when buying a hacksaw for wood, you should pay attention to three components:

  1. Canvas (steel grade, length);
  2. Teeth (their size, shape, distance between them);
  3. handle model.

The length and size of the canvas

You need to choose a hacksaw for wood based on your needs: a 300 mm hacksaw is enough for cutting small building materials. If the purpose of the purchase is repair, use in the country, or, even more so, construction, it is advisable to choose a saw with a base of 450 - 500 mm. Also, one should not forget about the “golden rule” for choosing a hacksaw: the length of the tool must be at least twice as long as the workpiece to be sawn.

The most common hacksaws - with a blade length of 350 to 600 mm - are medium sizes. It is believed that up to thirty-five centimeters these are mini-saws, and over 60 cm they are large. The success of working with wood depends on the correct choice of the length of the canvas.

If you take a tool shorter than optimal, you will have to exert more effort during the cut. If you choose a blade that is too long, the saw will spring back and also create additional difficulties.

Tooth size and shape

This property of the saw affects the main factor of the tool - its purpose. It is easy to choose the right size using the TPI coefficient. This is a special scale that shows the number of teeth per inch of the working length of the blade. Often this coefficient is indicated directly on the working surface of the tool.

Advice! Hacksaws with a large tooth are well suited for roughing, initial work at construction sites, sawing trunks. Working with small cutters will take more time and effort, but the quality will be higher.

Differences in incisors in appearance

The triangular tooth configuration is considered standard. Variations are allowed: an acute or isosceles triangle. The advantage of these teeth is that they are easy to sharpen. The saw cut is quite accurate without coarse notches.

It is best to use a hacksaw with triangular cutters for cross or longitudinal cuts.

Another important point that you should pay attention to before buying a saw is the teeth of the blade. Cheaper models use conventional cutters, while more expensive ones use better hardened teeth. This characteristic will affect the speed and accuracy of the cut.

The option with a hardened cutter is good for its energy intensity - you don’t have to sharpen anything yourself, because the saw will be as sharp as possible. However, an unhardened cutter can always be sharpened “for itself” (or when it becomes dull), which cannot be done with hardened teeth.

With small incisors, the cut will be more accurate, but the work will take longer, with large ones, on the contrary, you can saw off faster, but a rough cut will come out.

Sharpening saw teeth is a difficult task, so if you do not have enough experience, it is better to entrust this matter to a professional.

Handle design

The device of the handle is an important characteristic affecting the quality and safety of work. Handles come in different shapes, depending on the purpose of the hacksaw. They can be made of different materials: wood, plastic, metal or be rubberized.

There are 2 types of handles:

  • flip (with the ability to easily change the canvas)
  • classical.

Important! An awkwardly held hacksaw will slip in your hands, bend and go poorly on the source material, which can lead to injury.

material requirements

In order for the hacksaw to serve you for a long time, you should choose a model whose blade and handle are made of high quality materials. Of course, such a hand saw will cost more, but you are unlikely to achieve a quick and high-quality cut with a cheap option.

Technical characteristics of hacksaws

According to GOST, hacksaws for wood intended for carpentry and joinery (manual sawing of wood) must meet certain technical specifications.

The state standard specifies what materials the canvas, handles can be made of, what should be the connection of the working surface with the handle. The permitted dimensions of the tool and its individual parts are also indicated. There are requirements for sharpening and breeding cutters, the minimum allowable sharpening index to the front and back edges of the tool.

Types of hacksaws for wood

Having wondered how to choose a hacksaw for wood, first of all you need to start from what it is being purchased for.

  1. If you need a hacksaw for plywood, then just choose the classics - an inexpensive option, where there are always variations with a base and cutters.
  2. If the tool is planned to be used for various types of work (repairs in the country or in the apartment), then the inclusion in the set of interchangeable cloths will be an advantage. Changing the working base depending on the goals, it will be possible to perform straight, transverse, figured cuts with one saw, cut trees, shrubs.

When choosing a hacksaw, it is important to pay attention to all its components, because its operational properties will depend on this. It is better to buy a tool made of stainless steel - the price is more expensive, but the service life will be longer.


The most popular hacksaw for wood, based on a wide blade. The length of the saw can vary, as can the number of teeth. Universal in application.

The kit may contain interchangeable blades, special miter boxes for sawing wood at different angles. This type of saw is suitable for cutting chipboard, working with wood or plywood, for laminate.


The circular hacksaw has a narrow blade and closely spaced teeth. For certain types of work, there is a model with a double-sided arrangement of cutting elements.

This type of saw is well suited for accurate sawing along pre-marked contours. If necessary, a circular saw is used for cutting holes (round, square, etc.). When working, you need to be careful - sometimes it can slip out of your hands.

With an award

Two-handed hacksaw with handles on both sides. The size of the working surface is 12-15 cm, the width is 8-10 cm. Externally, the saw is similar to a planer.

The main application can be attributed to cutting a spike and groove. At the same time, the saw is suitable for any type of wood, even the hardest.


Carpenter's hand saw for finer and more precise cuts. The main advantage is the presence of a metal or brass butt that protects the instrument. Thanks to additional protection (butt), you can work with hard materials, while getting accurate saw cuts - after all, the hacksaw itself has small hardened teeth.

For sawing eyes, it is most convenient to use exactly backing hacksaw. The only disadvantage of this model is that the butt prevents you from making a cut deeper than the width of the working surface.


For ease of use, garden saws are often made with a curved blade. This is a great option for outdoor work. All thanks to a special design - a narrowed end with widely placed incisors, which are divorced in a special way, for a comfortable cut of branches and knots.

The material from which it is made garden saw- this is a strong chromium steel of special hardening, for an even cut, so as not to damage the bark.


This name was due to the similarity with a small bow. Great for removing small branches and branches, although it can also handle harder material. A distinctive feature of the bow hacksaw is a thin canvas fixed in a single frame on both sides. Sizes vary from 300 to 910 mm in length.

Good to know! All bow saws are tools with a stretched blade. It is also worth noting that the main tools of labor for cabinet makers are archery hacksaws.

  • The saw is considered quite fragile, but there is no need to worry: it is easily restored by replacing the blade with a new one. So, the disadvantage in the form of fragility is transformed into dignity - easy repair and durability.

Important! Care must be taken when working with this type of saw, the frame located at an acute angle touches the palm of your hand, which can lead to injury.

wide hacksaw

Excellent for sawing large woods, most effective when sawing across the grain. This type of hacksaw can also be divided for longitudinal or cross cutting.

Teeth of a triangular configuration (may contain an inclination "oblique sharpening") with a taper angle from 40° to 50° degrees. Separately, they are equipped with various canvases for comfortable carpentry or locksmith work.

A hacksaw with a fine tooth of a small size, which consists of a handle and a straight flat panel. It is used when sawing thin boards, chipboard, when sawing out curved elements and for smooth cutting.

The negative characteristic should include noticeable deviations during operation. Therefore, in order to get an even cut along the intended line, you will have to work more carefully and more slowly than with a wide hacksaw.


Lopper is the main tool for complex work in the suburban area. Pruning trees, hard-to-reach shoots in large bushes - these tasks are easier to perform with a lopper than with a conventional hacksaw, thanks to the tool's elongated handles.

Lopper variety:

  1. They work on the principle of cutting branches and branches;
  2. Remove branches and thin knots by biting them off.

Of the significant advantages of loppers, we can distinguish:

  • sharply sharpened blades so as not to damage the bark of plants during cutting shrubs and trees;
  • Loppers are already traditionally made of indestructible metal. This is done so that during the cutting of branches, the juice released does not spoil the hacksaw with corrosion;
  • lightness and compactness of the tool. This type of garden saw does not exceed 0.5 kilograms, it is convenient to work with it on stairs and other hills.

Many models of this inventory look more like scissors than a regular saw. Some pruners consist of a single pointed blade with a straight or curved edge, a model that tends to cut through the wood rather than cut it.

Cross two-handed

A two-handed cross saw, which is popularly called "Friendship 2", is used to work with round, massive timber. It differs in the configuration of cutters having the shape of an isosceles triangle, which contributes to the unhindered ejection of wood particles from the cut. Saw sizes vary from 100 to 175 cm, width from 14 to 16 cm.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out the fact that two people are needed to work with this saw. However, the performance of a crosscut saw when sawing wood is significantly higher than that of a single-handled saw.

Popular models of hacksaws in Russia

  • Hacksaw "Kremlin" - refers to a universal tool, the main purpose of which is still sawing wooden blanks. In total, the Kremlevka lineup includes more than 10 models, with various shapes of teeth, handles and different lengths.

Interesting to know! The first models of the Kremlevka were considered country saws, but now you can find specimens suitable for large boards and logs.

The main feature of the saw is the shape of the tooth (special symmetry, which excludes idling during reciprocating motion) that provides a soft movement of the unit, which allows you to effectively move both in length and across the wood fiber. There are models with a cast base and a handle, two-handed saws for round wood and timber are popular.

"Kremlevka" is a time-tested reliability

  • Delta hacksaw line are presented in three main groups: "ordinary" intended primarily for the garden, "standard" - medium-sized, and "premium" - with the expectation of large-sized wood.

Most saws have an ultra-resistant polymer coating, high carbon hardened steel. When buying a hand saw for the first time, it is better to give preference to popular models and well-established manufacturers.

For comfortable work, all Delta saws are equipped with a comfortable handle that fits well in the hand.

  • Tourist folding hacksaws are becoming more and more popular. Indeed, with the help of a compact but well-sharpened saw, it is faster and more convenient to get rid of interfering knots than with an ax.

An important role is played by the weight of the tool - tourist models usually do not exceed 200 grams. A hacksaw cover is relevant in many cases. Often people take a saw for a picnic - sawing a log, getting rid of interfering knots.

Important! The cover for folding hand saws should fit snugly and not dangle. It should also be easy to remove and put back on, while completely covering the working surface of the saw.

There are a variety of hand saw cases available on the market, each with its own advantage. The scabbard covers are distinguished by a high degree of protection and durability. In any case, additional protection will not be superfluous when storing the instrument in a room with high humidity.

Most Russian families in the closet in the corridor, in the shed in the country or in the garage will definitely have a traditional model of a hacksaw. Her appearance is familiar to absolutely everyone, from young to old. But did you know that there are several modifications of this wonderful tool? We offer a closer look at the classification of the heroine of our review.

Traditional hacksaw for wood - a versatile option

It is this type of instrument that we so often mentioned in the introduction. Of course, you have seen it more than once - a wide handle made of plastic, metal or other materials and a steel blade with teeth of various shapes and directions. The length of the cutting part for different models may vary, and sometimes a set of additional blades is included for different purposes.

With the help of such a device, you can perform various actions - from simple sawing of branches and branches in the garden to specific carpentry operations. The only drawback is that such a hacksaw is difficult to use when working with various types of furniture.

Folding hacksaw for wood - "pocket" assistant

It is not always possible to have a full-fledged version of the saw at hand, and sometimes such performance is not needed at all by the homeowner or craftsman. In such a situation, a folding hacksaw would be the best way out. In addition to compact dimensions, this type of product is characterized by a short cutting blade and small, often spaced teeth.

Due to the dimensions, folding models are very popular among summer residents, foresters and lovers of outdoor recreation. But it is worth noting that residents of close “odnushki” in large cities will find this solution very profitable.

Narrow (circular) hacksaw for wood - a choice for connoisseurs of aesthetics

If you often create various decorative elements from wood, finish wooden rooms, or just like neat and even cuts, then you should take a closer look at circular hand saws. Due to the narrow cutting part, comfortable and ergonomic handle, as well as a special combination of teeth, this hacksaw lends itself to complex curly cutting. It is especially worth highlighting that the quality of the cut will be at a very high level - no notches or burrs.

Despite the many advantages, hacksaws are a narrowly focused type of tool, which will not allow it to be used for many everyday purposes or large amounts of work.

Bow saw for wood - an option for real men

This model got its name because of its unusual shape: outwardly, it looks like a bow for shooting. This device is ideal for cutting massive branches and branches, as well as longitudinal and transverse sawing of boards and other bulky materials.

With all its significant advantages, it is necessary to highlight one notable drawback - this requires a certain physical preparation for effective work. In this regard, the choice of a bow hacksaw for wood should always be compared with your capabilities.

By themselves, archery hacksaws for wood also have an internal classification. To date, there are:

  1. crosscut saw- for sawing wood in the transverse direction.
  2. swing saw– for cuts in the longitudinal direction.
  3. spiked hacksaw- to create end-to-end geometric shapes in the bars.

Edge hacksaw for wood - "hard nut"

Outwardly, this one is very similar to the classic model. But this option has one important feature - the so-called butt has been added to its design (in fact, a regular stiffener). With its help, in the process of working with wood, the canvas does not change its shape and does not bend, which allows you to make the process as convenient and fast as possible.

Alas, the butt itself is the main drawback of this modification: it does not allow cutting to a depth exceeding the width of the working blade.

Reward - an unusual two-handed saw for wood

This representative of its class is not a very common type of instrument with a specific appearance and characteristics. According to its functionality, it can be considered a planer in the world of hand saws. The main task of this hacksaw is the creation of convex or recessed volumetric figures of varying degrees of complexity in wood.

It is difficult to single out the strengths and weaknesses of the award, since it is mainly present in the arsenal of craftsmen who make carvings or decorate the facades of wooden houses with intricate patterns.

Electric wood saw - purpose and benefits

Although hand saws are considered more reliable and durable, they are increasingly competing with a powerful, productive, convenient electric variation of the tool in all respects.

In a professional environment, she received the name of a saber electric cutter. As in the case of the bow saw, this is due to the appearance of the device: it resembles a saber. Unlike stand-alone tools, this option allows the movement of the cutting blade, both reciprocating and pendulum. This allows not only to increase the sawing speed, but also to prevent deformation of the working part of the hacksaw.

Despite the high productivity and the ability to work with various materials (metals, concrete), it is not always possible to recommend buying a similar wood saw. The need for a source of electric current or constant recharging, the high cost of products, as well as a certain risk of mechanical failure - all these features tip the scales towards standard hand saws.

How to choose a manual or electric hacksaw for wood according to its characteristics

Having decided on the main types of heroines of our review, we invite our readers to study the most important parameters responsible for the quality and efficiency of using a hacksaw under any circumstances. It is not recommended to ignore this section - the risk of acquiring an unfinished pacifier will be too high.

Materials used in the manufacture of the handle and working part

Traditionally, manufacturers use wood, plastic or steel alloy to create a handle. The first option suggests a more pleasant tactile sensation, but is not as durable. The plastic handle is the "golden mean", but in some situations it is also prone to damage. The steel version has a long service life, but you need to get used to it.

The working canvas is always made of metal. It is desirable that chromium is included in its composition - it prevents the formation of corrosion. Also an important factor is the processing of cloves - they can be ordinary or hardened. Although the second version shows increased strength, its effective life is short, and after wear, the teeth cannot be re-sharpened.

Hacksaws for wood with a small or large tooth, the shape of the teeth

These characteristics are among the most important: the nature of the work performed in the future depends on them. To date, there are three types of teeth:

The shape of the tooth allows it to perform a certain type of operation and also has a certain classification:

Among modern proposals there are models with combined teeth - theoretically, such a saw can perform any type of wood cutting. In practice, it all depends on the skill and ability of the owner of the hacksaw.


When choosing the size of the teeth, it is worth knowing that all over the world there is a single standard for designating this parameter. It is called TPI (in some editions - PPI). It is calculated based on the number of teeth per inch. Accordingly, a saw with a TPI value of 8 will have a finer tooth than a hacksaw with a TPI of 4.

Working cloth dimensions

The length of the working area of ​​the tool directly depends on the previous characteristics. If we analyze this dependence, we can get the following options:

It is necessary to balance your needs with the possibilities of adaptation. For large volumes of work, it is better to buy a wood saw with a large tooth, and for fine operations - with a small one.

Handle shape

As you might guess, the usability depends on this parameter. Before buying, you must definitely hold the tool in your hands, since the ergonomics of each product is individual. It is also worth giving preference to models with rubber inserts or just a non-smooth surface.

Additional options for electric saws

In the case of choosing an electrical modification, in addition to materials, the shape of the teeth, the size of the blade and ergonomics, it is worth considering the power of the device - the higher it is, the better results you can achieve in a short time. It is also important to have built-in protective mechanisms that protect the device from overheating and premature failure.

How to sharpen a hacksaw for wood: we understand the intricacies of the procedure

In the process of performing various operations, the saw teeth tend to wear out and lose their former sharpness. If the cloves are hardened, you can send the product to the scrap, if standard, you can try to sharpen them. In words, everything is simple, but what you need to know in order to do everything right, quickly and efficiently? Let's figure it out.

Sharpening accessories

The minimum set to perform the necessary actions is a file (or several types of such a tool) and a vice. But this kit will only allow you to make a rough preparation. For full-fledged cleaning, sharpening and wiring, you need a consumable abrasive material - an emery cloth or a special emery bar.

Sharpening a hacksaw for wood with your own hands

In order to fully understand how to properly sharpen a hacksaw on wood with a file, our editors have selected for you an interesting video from the vastness of the Web. Agree, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times! We highly recommend viewing:

Interesting models of manual and electric wood saws - prices, specifications and customer reviews

It's time to consider several profitable and effective representatives of their class, presented on the Russian market. Each of them is good in its own way, but the final choice, of course, is yours.

Encore "Fox" 400 mm.

Comfortable model with a rubberized handle, hardened teeth - at a very attractive price. We recommend to all owners of private buildings and just builders.

Site editorial evaluation: 9,5/10

Feedback on the model Enkor "Fox" 400 mm.:

Read more on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2346437.html

Encore "Fox" 400 mm


An excellent folding option with an affordable price tag and excellent features. Travelers and summer residents will definitely be delighted!

Site editorial evaluation: 9,6/10


Irwin 300mm 14TPI

A Japanese hacksaw from Irwin breaks into our review! An excellent offer for carpenters and craftsmen who create true masterpieces from wooden blanks.

Site editorial evaluation: 9,8/10

Irwin 300mm 14TPI

STANLEY HAND TOOLS arched 300 mm.

A universal offer that allows you to work with both wood and metal (two sheets included). Suitable for lovers of versatile solutions and excellent performance.

Site editorial evaluation: 9,7/10


Brigadier JETSHARK Lite 63220

Modestly priced, but superb in performance, hardened tooth tools are nothing to say, you must try it at least once!

Site editorial evaluation: 9,6/10

Brigadier JETSHARK Lite 63220


Despite the fact that German or Swedish saber-type hand saws are very popular, we want to highlight the product from a domestic manufacturer. The excellent combination of price and quality simply could not leave us indifferent - the characteristics speak for themselves!

Site editorial evaluation: 9,8/10

Feedback on the STAVR PS-850 model:

Read more on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_3968488.html


Summing up: which hacksaw is best for a modern buyer

So our excursion into such a vast world of hand saws is coming to an end. Today you learned that there are several types of this handy tool; understood how to sharpen a hacksaw for wood; studied many interesting subtleties of product selection. With this information, it will be very easy for you to buy the perfect model. In the meantime, we wish you good luck in your search and we can say with confidence that there is no ideal model, it all depends on the category of work you need.

Suppose we need to fit a wooden baseboard or trim the garden. It would seem that we take a hacksaw and saw. What kind of wood saw do you use? No, the question is not at all idle. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to go to any building supermarket or an online store that sells tools. Dozens of models are presented to our attention. And they differ not only in logos and price.

It seems to be a simple tool, but no, with the wrong choice, at best, we will not get the expected pleasure from work. At worst, since the author of the comment on the forum: “It seemed to me that saws were sold ready for use, i.e. already imprisoned and divorced. So how to choose a hacksaw for wood? What to look for: brand, length or price? We will try to answer this question in this article.

Main characteristics

The canvas is of paramount importance in this tool. The ease of use of the product and its service life will depend on the steel grade, the correct hardening procedure and successful sharpening. The choice of a hacksaw for wood is based on four basic characteristics:

  • canvas length;
  • tooth size;
  • steel type;
  • handle type.

The first criterion is the length of the canvas. It depends on the needs of the buyer, so for small bars, boards, etc. a 280 - 300 mm hacksaw is enough. For construction or summer cottages, a canvas of 450 - 500 mm is more appropriate. There are more. When choosing a model, you must clearly know what size wood you are going to cut. The rule is as follows: the length of the hacksaw should be twice the largest workpiece for which it is intended. You can do less, but the usability will be lost. This is due to several reasons:

  • this ratio allows all the teeth of the hacksaw to completely exit the log during cutting, and this is an effective removal of sawdust (it will not clog);
  • it is easier for the hands, with more sweeping movements, the hand does not get so tired.

Teeth size and sharpening. From this characteristic will depend on the accuracy of the cut and its speed. The pattern is as follows: a small tooth - a clean and accurate cut, but less speed; larger - a rough cut with significantly higher speed and less fatigue. This characteristic on hacksaws is referred to as "TPI", which means the number of teeth per inch (almost 30 mm). The larger the TPI value, the more “delicate” the cut will be. For example, for work with chipboard and fiberboard, this value should be at least 7 - 9. The cut surface will be smoother without a “torn” edge.

For work in the garden, the cleanliness of the cut is not so critical, especially for trimming or sawing logs. A more important characteristic in such work is the speed of sawing and the effort to be expended. To do this, we need a hacksaw with a TPI value of 3-6, the distance between the teeth is from 4 to 8 mm.

The classic shape of a tooth is a triangle. As a rule, such saws are of the sharpened type. The latest generation of hacksaws with hardened teeth are trapezoidal in shape. They are initially designed with increased strength and wear resistance. When it gets dull, we go, buy a new hacksaw or change the blade. With all the desire to sharpen it will not work: it is extremely difficult to repeat the sharpening angles, and even such steel cannot be filed. Provided that the production technology is observed.

Steel type. The standard metal hardness for a wood saw is 45 HRC. For teeth, steel with a hardness of 55 - 60 HRC is used. This type of hacksaw combines the flexibility of the blade with high wear resistance of the teeth. They are easy to recognize by their characteristic appearance - the teeth have a darker shade than the rest of the blade surface. These hacksaws are of the non-sharpened type. If the teeth are not hardened, they can be straightened and sharpened.

Lever. The number of calluses on the hands depends on its ergonomics. There are two options for the handle: flip or classic. The first option allows you to change blades, for example, in the Bahco Superior EX-19-XT9-C hacksaw model.

How to choose?

First of all, it is necessary to determine what type of tool is needed: carpentry or carpentry. The carpentry has a more accurate and clean cut, it is used mainly for dry wood. The cutting speed for this type of tool is not the main characteristic.

When choosing a length, be guided by your needs, i.e. what size timber or log are you going to cut. If the tool will be used infrequently, for example, in a summer cottage, choose with hardened teeth. The resource of operation of such a saw is large. In addition, sharpening and setting teeth correctly is a science of its own, and it may not be advisable to master it for seasonal work in the garden.

The quality of the canvas can be checked upon purchase. To do this, take a hacksaw and see how smooth the canvas is. Next, bend the canvas to tangible resistance and release. The zeal of the fold should be slight, do not break. After that, look at the evenness of the blade at the bend, if the deviation is more than 2 mm - the steel is not of very high quality.

The teeth of a hacksaw have a dual role:

  • cut wood;
  • remove sawdust.

The lower the number of teeth per inch, the greater the cutting speed and the less clogged with sawdust. Hacksaws with up to 7 teeth provide high performance with little user effort. True, accuracy will suffer from this. But even here it is necessary to look for a golden mean, because. the greater the distance between the teeth, the smaller the cutting surface. As a result, performance will drop. The best option would be the following rule: the minimum thickness of the bar should be more than a step of three teeth. Otherwise, it will be flour, not cut.

Hacksaws can be with a longitudinal and transverse cutting method. Longitudinal blades are easy to recognize by the angle of inclination of the teeth; such saws cut only from themselves. Usually their length does not exceed 50 cm, they have an acute cutting angle - 75 - 800. Most of the models presented in stores can be attributed to hacksaws with a cross cut. They have sharpening on both sides of the tooth. That allows you to cut both when moving forward and backward.

One of the determining criteria for choosing a hacksaw for wood is the price. As with everything else, quality products from leading brands will cost more than Chinese brands. This overpayment, in fact, is a guarantee of durability and wear resistance of such a tool. And with hardened teeth, this is very important, the overall service life of such a tool will depend on this. It does not lend itself to sharpening. Leading manufacturers exercise tighter control over the choice of steel grade and hardening technology. And as we discussed above, even the shape and pitch of the teeth of such a tool will affect a lot. Starting with the convenience and effort expended, ending with the accuracy and evenness of the cut.

Models to look out for

The models below have earned very good reviews both in the results of specialized tests of the tool and in the opinion of the users themselves. For convenience, all models will go according to an increasing price category, from budget to professional wood saws.

Hacksaw for wood Zubr Expert It has a very comfortable plastic handle. The teeth are hardened, triangular in shape with two cutting edges. Suitable for both longitudinal and transverse sawing. The length of the blade, as well as the number of teeth per inch, the user selects independently, the variations of this model are different. It cuts well on any type of wood. This tool is suitable for carpentry work, because. controllability and cutting accuracy at height. For the garden, you can choose a model with a lower TPI value. The cost is from 12 to 15 USD.

Hacksaw Gross Piranha also available in several versions. Blades Available in different lengths (from 400 to 550 mm) and different numbers of teeth. The saw is made of hard steel 52 HRc, teeth, hardened 66 HRc with triangular laser sharpening. Cuts straight and clean. The Piranha hacksaw has a Teflon coating, which significantly improves the sliding of the blade and allows you to get clean cut edges. The cost of this tool is 12 - 15 USD.

Hacksaw Stanley General Purpose. This tool is produced by a French company, has good quality and not a high price (about $12). Designed for both longitudinal and transverse sawing. Length 500 mm with TPI 8. Hardened teeth. The cut is easy, without additional effort. An excellent purchase for a summer cottage.

Hacksaw Irwin Xpert. A very good tool for a reasonable price, from $20. Washed down easy, the cut is even and smooth. When sawing hardwood, the force on the hand does not increase significantly. Good handle ergonomics. Length 500 mm, teeth, hardened with proprietary geometry, TPI 8.

Hacksaws Sandvik(in the past), and now it is a well-known tool under the Bahco brand. Bahco saws with proprietary XT geometry are practically unrivaled, this is already a category of professional tools. Noteworthy is the Bahco ProfCut PC-19-File-U7 model. This is one of the few saws that can be sharpened. Convenient, 475 mm long hacksaw. Cuts smoothly and easily. Cost from 20 c.u.

By the way, you can get the quality of the Bahco company, and at the same time save money, when buying a hacksaw under the brand name "Tescha". This instrument comes to Russia from two countries. If you purchase with the mark "made in Sweden" - you will have in your hands a tool from the Bahco factory, with its level of quality.

  1. How to choose a saw?
  2. Tooth size
  3. Steel selection
  4. Blade length
  5. Handle shape
  6. Varieties
  7. Type 1: Classic
  8. Type 2: Narrow
  9. Type 3: With collar
  10. Type 4: Archery
  11. Type 5: Reward
  12. Type 6: Folding tool
  13. Choice by purpose
  14. How to decide

Without a hand saw, it is difficult to imagine the arsenal of tools for a home craftsman or locksmith. Its other name is a hacksaw. With this tool, you can file branches in the garden, shorten picket fences and do a lot of work where you need to change the length of a wooden product: laminate, boards for the household, etc.

Perhaps you have not thought about it, but the right choice of a hacksaw determines not only its service life, but also the convenience of work, the quality of the cut. Consider the main parameters of the correct choice of this tool, which is necessary in the household and carpentry activities.

How to choose a saw?

A hacksaw for wood is presented on the market in different versions. How products may differ:

  • The shape and size of the tooth;
  • canvas size;
  • The steel grade from which the working part (sheet) is made;
  • Handle shape.

A hacksaw with a change in one of these parameters can radically change its characteristics. Also, sitting comfortably in the hand of one master, it will not fit another at all. These factors must be taken into account when choosing a tool for different purposes.

Tooth size

This parameter affects the quality and speed of work. For the convenience of determining the size and number of teeth, the designation TPI was introduced, indicating the number of teeth in one inch. This parameter can be seen in the description of a hand saw for wood, often the value is applied to the blade.

The carpenter's saw is selected, first of all, according to the size of the tooth. So, for an ordinary tree, small and large ones are suitable, and for “delicate” materials such as fiberboard, a fine-toothed saw is needed. In stores, you can now find similar designations: “for wood”, “for drywall”, etc. Their main difference is the size of the teeth, which is optimal for sawing each of the materials indicated on the label.

The teeth are distinguished by shape, depending on this, the tool acquires a different purpose:

Steel selection

In order for the tool to last longer, you should choose high grades of steel for the production of blades. Better if it is stainless.

Teeth can be hardened or regular. Ordinary ones can be sharpened at home, saws with hardened teeth are disposable, after wear, nothing can be done with them. They are easy to recognize by the dark color as in the photo.

Blade length

This parameter is determined by the size and pitch of the saw tooth.

  • The mini-hacksaw is always equipped with small frequent teeth, the length of its blade does not exceed 350 mm;
  • The universal hacksaw has an average tooth size and a length of not more than 550 mm;
  • The wide hacksaw is equipped with large teeth with an increased pitch, the length of its blade is over 600 mm.

In addition to length, the canvas may vary in shape. A traditional saw has the shape of a rectangle narrowed on one side. This is a universal type of tool that can cut anything.

The rounded blade is adapted for working with branches and other objects from a distance: it is light, easily glides over the wood without much effort.

Handle shape

This part of the saw determines the convenience of work. The tool should fit perfectly with the hand and be comfortable. For the manufacture of handles, various plastics are used that are pleasant to the body. An important note - the material should not slip if the hand suddenly becomes sweaty. To do this, recesses and grooves, a rubberized lining are provided in the handle body.


By combining the above factors, manufacturers have developed and today produce standard products with different canvases, the shape of the handle and tooth. To understand how to choose a hacksaw for wood, you first need to familiarize yourself with the existing types of saws.

Type 1: Classic

The main type of saw that almost every man has, even far from construction and carpentry. This hacksaw can have a blade of any length with a different number of teeth, often the tool is equipped with interchangeable blades that come with the purchase.

Type 2: Narrow

Its other name is a hacksaw. It takes its name from the main application - it cuts out lines of various shapes, moreover, it does it neatly and clearly. It is also used for cutting through round, square holes. The saw blade is narrow, the teeth are frequent, they can be located both on one working plane and on both.

When working with a saw, you should be careful: with an uncertain movement, the blade will turn in the other direction, so the choice of a hacksaw for wood with a narrow blade should be stopped on a product made of high-quality hard steel, which will not bend during the sawing process.

Type 3: With collar

A hacksaw with a backing is equipped with a stiffening rib (the same backing), which prevents the blade from bending during operation. Thus, the tool is not able to make a cut lower than the width of the working part of the saw.

The edge hacksaw is always equipped with a comfortable handle at an angle of 45 0 to the blade for easy work.

Type 4: Archery

For plumbing, a bow saw is indispensable: it is used for sawing off the rough parts of the trunk, knots, for sawing figures out of plywood and other wood materials, cutting wood along and across the fibers. The use of the bow saw is so widespread that it alone can replace a small woodworking machine.

A wide range of work carried out slightly obscure the main disadvantages:

  1. Bulky. A bow saw is a complex structure, its bearing part is made in the form of a large curved arc, to which is attached a blade as narrow as a thread with teeth.
  2. Fragility. You need to work with the tool very carefully: the blade can fly off the mounts and tear during work, and it needs to be replaced frequently.

Type 5: Reward

An award-winning saw takes a lot of effort to master. It is a tool that resembles a planer. It is equipped with two handles. Its main application is the cutting of grooves and spikes, the depth of holes and recesses can be of different sizes, moreover, on rocks of any hardness.

Type 6: Folding tool

A mechanical hacksaw that you can take with you on a hike or vacation. It is compact, lightweight, and folds completely safe. Folding hacksaw has fine teeth, short pointed blade.

Choice by purpose

In addition to taking into account the main types of saws, the choice of a hacksaw for wood should be carried out on request for a certain type of work:

  1. Swing for longitudinal sawing;
  2. The transverse one copes well with wood across the location of the fibers;
  3. Spike for cutting grooves, spikes and technological recesses in products;
  4. Vyruzhnaya for cutting holes of various shapes;
  5. Folding wood saw

These types of wood saws generalize the above tool models. The choice should be made according to the main purpose, for which the selected type of tool is acquired. For a household, it is advisable to purchase a saw with interchangeable blades or have several different types of hacksaws in the arsenal.

How to decide

This amount of new information is not easy to put into practice, so we will give you some tips on how to consistently choose the right saw.

  1. The first factor to consider is what kind of material will be cut and what is the desired cut quality. Carpenters working with small wood products choose small saws with a short blade. For a carpenter, it is better to use large teeth and a blade - this master does not need high work accuracy, speed is a priority. A folding garden hacksaw is ideal for summer residents who will only cut through trees and shrubs.
  2. Application frequency. Determine how often you will need to work with the tool. If the need is rare, take a saw with hardened teeth, if often there will be a need for sharpening - from ordinary steel.
  3. The quality of steel must be high for a tool with any frequency of use. The higher the class of metal, the better the product. Before buying, take the tool in hand and gently bend the canvas to 45 0. Good metal is resilient and when the end of the saw is released, it will restore its shape without shifting the central axis. Noticed a deviation - return the hacksaw to the seller.
  4. The price in this case is the guarantor of quality. Of course, provided that the seller is honest and does not offer you a fake. A good product cannot be cheap. Choose in the middle price range, if your wallet allows - do not skimp on an expensive saw. Choose a manufacturer by trust rating and give preference to their products in the store. In most cases, this tactic allows you to avoid buying incomprehensibly what instead of a good tool.
  5. Take a hacksaw tool in your hand. You should be comfortable holding it. The material of manufacture can be solid plastic with a rubberized handle.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can easily choose the right hacksaw for your needs.

What is the difference between a good and bad hacksaw? Poor quality can be seen by poorly sharpened teeth. Sometimes manufacturers cheat and make the teeth look sharp, but after a few works they become dull. A good hacksaw, on the contrary, is made of steel that will hold its sharpness for a long time. The review compiled a rating of the best hacksaws for woodworking, indicating the features of choice and function.

Category Name price, rub. Short description
900 The model is equipped with a fixed handle. Features hardened teeth and Teflon coating.
600 Equipped with a fixed handle. Only wood is processed with a 500 mm long blade.
1000 Fine teeth allow for precise cuts.
450 Can process laminate, wood and plastic.
450 Suitable for smooth and precise operation. Designed for woodworking only.
950 Belongs to the category of novelties. Cutting direction: longitudinal-transverse.
720 Carries out a cut of a tree, plastic and a laminate. There is also a 3D sharpening function.
600 The fixed handle with a rubberized insert promotes comfortable work.
1100 Works on wood, plastic and laminate. The set includes one canvas.
1200 A miniature hacksaw will be indispensable in tourism and farming. The length of the entire tool is 302 mm.
1500 Friction during operation reduces the low friction coating. Such a protective layer reduces the degree of heating of the web, and also protects against corrosion.


The main purpose of a hacksaw is to cut wood materials. The cloth, teeth, the handle are included in the package. The canvas is the working part of the tool. Sawing wood is divided into several types. The first is the division into parts of dry materials, that is, boards, logs, plywood and other rubbish. The second type is pruning the garden, ennobling other trees. The following materials are also processed:

  • bars;
  • laminate;
  • plywood;
  • polystyrene;
  • aerated concrete;
  • foam concrete.

Criteria for choosing a hacksaw for wood

When choosing, you should be guided by the following criteria:

  • the size and shape of the teeth, as well as the length of their pitch;
  • handle configuration;
  • what material can be cut (oak, cherry, brushwood);
  • canvas length.

The shape of the handle will affect the comfort of work. This parameter is the main one for intensive training. Use gloves to avoid blisters.

The length and size of the canvas

The average length of the canvas is from 350 to 600 millimeters. The choice depends on the thickness of the tree itself, which you plan to cut. Try to choose an average length. For example, if you cut with too short a blade, you will spend more time cutting, and if you saw too long, then it will begin to spring back after half the distance traveled.

The length should be 2 times the diameter of the blanks. In this case, the minimum thickness of the workpiece should be a step of three teeth.

Tooth size and shape

The whole process depends on this parameter. There are hardened / non-hardened teeth. Unhardened teeth can always be sharpened if the owner has certain skills. Hardened teeth are more reliable. Once worn, they cannot be sharpened.

The teeth are divided into small, medium, large. Cutting speed / accuracy - this parameter determines the degree of efficiency of cutting wood. High precision of work is provided by a small tooth. To quickly cut materials, a large tooth is perfect, but accuracy and quality will suffer.

For products of the smallest sizes, teeth ranging in size from 2 to 2.5 mm are used. They provide high cutting accuracy.

Teeth of medium size received sizes from 3 to 3.5 mm. Large teeth can cut logs. Their length is from 4 to 6 mm.

Differences in incisors in appearance

There are several types of wood saws. They are determined by the appearance of the teeth:

  • Performs the functions of longitudinal sawing. Such teeth cut trees along the fibers. The teeth will be in the shape of an oblique triangle.
  • For dry wood, use a crosscut saw.
  • Triangular teeth are suitable for occasional use. These teeth are regularly replaced with semi-circular ones. Suitable for mixed wood sawing.
  • For high speed work, it is recommended to purchase a saw with teeth in the shape of a trapezoid. Its owner will cut quickly and not get tired.


The design comes in a variety of configurations and sizes. So, there are such constructions:

  • Narrow - sawing small workpieces that have a thickness of no more than 10 mm. They also saw out curvilinear parts and branches in the garden. A blade with narrow triangular teeth is installed here.
  • Standard hacksaw. Any teeth can be installed. They are equipped with interchangeable sets of canvases. This is useful for carpentry work.
  • Hacksaws equipped with a butt are protected from strong bending.
  • The award hacksaw has two handles. A bit like a planer. Designed for cutting grooves in wood.
  • The canvas in the form of an arc is presented on a bow-type hacksaw. Great for making difficult cuts.
  • Folding hacksaws with small teeth are suitable for outdoor enthusiasts. They are positively evaluated by lovers of tourism / fishing. They differ from other types in lightness / compactness. It looks like a folding knife.

Other types:

  • Garden hand saw.
  • Two-handed file for two people (cross).
  • Chain hand saw for hiking.
  • Electric saw.

Handle type

This parameter determines the convenience of working with the tool. If the handle is made of two parts, then the use will be less comfortable, because it does not have a sufficient level of rigidity.

Universal or hand saws are equipped with toggle handles, where a blade change is required during operation. Next, consider which hacksaw for wood will be better.

Popular Models

The best new models of hacksaws for wood are presented below.

Gross Piranha 24106 450 mm

Quality hacksaw at an affordable price. It can be purchased for 900 rubles. The model is equipped with a fixed handle. Features hardened teeth and Teflon coating.

Has the following benefits:

  • 3 D sharpening.
  • Handles wood, laminate and styrofoam.
  • Rubberized handle.

The length of the canvas is 450 mm, and the pitch is 11-12.

Gross Piranha 24106 450 mm

BLACK+DECKER BDHT0-20169 500 mm

One of the cheapest wood saws. Its cost is about 600 rubles. The teeth are hardened and their pitch is 11. Equipped with a fixed handle. Only wood is processed with a 500 mm long blade. The saw with hardened teeth received a longitudinal-transverse direction. There is also a 3D sharpening function.

BLACK+DECKER BDHT0-20169 500 mm

STANLEY JETCUT 2-15-595 450 mm

Fine teeth allow for precise cuts. Also handles wood. Tooth pitch 11 points. Hardened teeth received a longitudinal-transverse direction. The fixed handle adds reliability during operation. Blade length 450 mm. The price is within 1000 rubles.

STANLEY JETCUT 2-15-595 450 mm

BISON Professional 15154-250 250 mm

Great option for hiking. Blade length 250 mm. This is ideal for small jobs. Can process laminate, wood and plastic. It will cost only 450 rubles. Ideal option for tourists.

BISON Professional 15154-250 250 mm

Vira 800240 400 mm

The fixed handle and the 3D sharpening function are typical features of modern hacksaws. Suitable for smooth and precise operation. Designed for woodworking only. A 400 mm long blade is suitable for small and medium-sized jobs. The direction is transverse. The price is 450 rubles.

Vira 800240 400 mm

STANLEY JETCUT 2-15-281 380 mm

Belongs to the category of novelties. Cutting direction: longitudinal-transverse. Hardened teeth work wood. Blade length 380 mm. The price is within 950 rubles. Tooth pitch 7 points.

STANLEY JETCUT 2-15-281 380 mm

Kraftool Katran Precision Cut 1-15194-18-22 185 mm

Carries out a cut of a tree, plastic and a laminate. There is also a 3D sharpening function. Blade length 185 mm. The price starts from 720 rubles. The direction of the saw is longitudinal-transverse. Suitable for hiking or trimming small branches in the garden.

Kraftool Katran Precision Cut 1-15194-18-22 185 mm

JCB JSW002 550mm

This model is equipped with the longest canvas of the presented models in the ranking. Its length is 550 mm. The fixed handle with a rubberized insert promotes comfortable work. Can process materials of sufficiently large diameter and thickness. Tool steel preventing possible spring action. Such a tool will cost 600 rubles.

JCB JSW002 550mm

Gross Piranha 24100 450 mm

Works on wood, plastic and laminate. The set includes one canvas. Its length is 450 mm. The longitudinal direction of the saw is provided by hardened teeth. The fixed handle and the possibility of 3D sharpening play an important role. The pitch of the teeth is 7-8 points. The cost of a copy is 1100 rubles.

Gross Piranha 24100 450 mm

STANLEY Fatmax 0-20-556

A miniature hacksaw will be indispensable in tourism and farming. The length of the entire tool is 302 mm. Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary knife, but differs in the presence of teeth. The durable rubber grip prevents slipping in your hand. Best for cutting drywall or thin plywood. The price is in the middle range for such an instrument. It will cost 1200 rubles.

Bahco 2600-16-XT11-HP

Universal model for cross cutting. This is one of the best rating models. Many are amazed at the long-lasting sharpness of the teeth. Friction during operation reduces the low friction coating. Such a protective layer reduces the degree of heating of the web, and also protects against corrosion. Unfortunately, the cut quickly begins to blacken. This model costs 1500 rubles.