Production of oil wax for wood processing. How to properly apply wax to a tree so that the tree does not rot and lose its attractiveness? Homastic wood wax review

04.03.2020 Heating

If, in addition to beekeeping, you are fond of woodworking, or just buy furniture, for example, from Ikea or other natural wood products, then this article is for you.

Today we will tell you how to make your own polishing wax or wax paste.

Wax has a wide and versatile application: for the production of foundation, in cosmetics (lipstick and face creams), for the production of candles, as a waterproof agent, as a base for polishing pastes and mixtures.
During World War II, wax was used in an unusual way: hundreds of thousands of kilograms of wax were used to coat metal parts of aircraft, shells, protect ignition devices and canvas tents from water. But traditionally, wax is used in the production of wood polishing wax (wax paste).

Especially old antique furniture needs waxing. Natural wood needs real nutrition and nothing better than beeswax brings wood back to life.
The composition of beeswax includes three main groups of substances: esters (70 - 75%), free fatty acids (12 - 15%), hydrocarbons (11 - 17%). The oxidation of wax is so slow that it can be neglected - pieces of wax found in excavations of burials in Egypt still retain their flexibility. Wax, washed away by water from coastal rocks and buried for a long time on the seashore, can be easily restored and is suitable for use. The specific gravity of beeswax is 0.960-0.972 at 15°C and the boiling point is 62-66°C. Due to its viscosity, the boiling point of beeswax is greater than that of any other type of wax. Beeswax is an amorphous wax, it is not susceptible to moisture. It interacts well with the solvent and thus beeswax is the best emulsion wax. It gives the wood a silky, soft sheen.

Wax is a great alternative to varnishes. Varnishes containing harmful chemicals continue to be the most used finish for wooden furniture. The chemicals that make up the varnishes have a persistent odor that pollutes indoor air long after the varnish has dried. The use of a mixture based on natural beeswax is completely environmentally friendly.

There are several recipes for polishing mixtures, where the main element is beeswax. The final product may be liquid, pasty or solid depending on the proportions of the constituent ingredients. The proportions can be changed with the help of a solvent: the more it is, the more liquid the mixture is.
One of the oldest traditional recipes is a mixture of wax and turpentine.
traditional recipe
1) Beeswax. You can buy wax in a store, or it is better to do it from a beekeeper in your area, which you can easily find in our groups on social networks.
2) Turpentine.
The traditional mixture uses equal parts of wax and turpentine, i.e. 1 to 1.
Crumble the wax

Then melt the wax either in a water bath

or in the microwave.

Be careful when using turpentine. Fire hazard! It is recommended to do everything in a well-ventilated area.

Slowly pour the turpentine into the hot wax, stirring constantly.

Pour the finished mixture into a container, such as a jar of shoe polish, and leave to cool.
Currently, it is increasingly recommended to replace turpentine with another solvent. Despite the fact that turpentine is obtained from trees, it is a rather dangerous chemical agent that causes eye and skin irritation, damage to the lungs and central nervous system when inhaled.

Instead of turpentine, other solvents can be used - various oils (jojoba oil, olive, coconut, nut, citrus oil). Choose an oil based on your accommodation and availability.

Olive oil recipe:

The easiest way to make polishing wax is to use just 2 ingredients: olive oil and wax. The resulting mixture can be used to cover any type of wood. To prepare the mixture you need:

2 tablespoons of wax
6-8 tablespoons olive oil

Crumble the wax.

Add 6-8 tablespoons of olive oil to the container

Melt the wax and oil in a water bath or in the microwave. After mixing the wax and oil, you can add additional various extracts. It remains only to pack.

Recipe with jojoba oil.

This mixture is perfect for polishing children's wooden toys, in addition, it is absolutely safe even for the smallest children.

Beeswax (50 mg)
Jojoba oil (150 ml)
Optional: extracts + vitamin E

The ratio of wax to jojoba oil is 1:3

Crumble the wax. Melt it in a water bath and add oils.

As you can see in the photo, the wax can coagulate when cooling, so it is important to stir the finished mixture until it is completely dissolved.

Depending on what consistency you want to get: more liquid or more solid, you can change the ratio of wax to oil. The more wax, the harder the mixture.
The mixture is ready to use already in a warm state. Pack it in separate jars

or use right now.
The mixture in olive oil can be stored for 1 year in a closed container in a cool place and out of direct sunlight. The mixture on Jojoba oil is stored for up to 2 years. A warm mixture is best used for insulating purposes, a cold mixture is better for polishing wood.
Depending on the consistency, the polishing wax can be applied with a brush,

But more often it is done with the help of fabric.

Wax restores the color of old products, removes scuffs, gives new ones a darker and more saturated color. Below are examples of the use of polishing wax from the series BEFORE and AFTER

It is important to emphasize the texture of wood with an appropriate finish. Of course, now there are a lot of chemical stains and varnishes on a different basis. They have their advantages, but there are also significant drawbacks, the main of which is unnaturalness and toxicity. There are situations when varnishes and stains are generally unacceptable. For example, in the manufacture of wooden spoons or dishes.

Natural beeswax or vegetable wax 1) is harmless to health, 2) emphasizes the beauty and shows the texture of the wood, it becomes brighter, more expressive, slightly darkens and acquires a noble golden hue, 3) the surface of the wood treated with wax becomes water-repellent and scratch-resistant, moreover it breathes, unlike varnishing, 4) the tree acquires a noble matte sheen that does not hurt the eyes, 5) it has an excellent smell.

Before waxing, the tree must be treated impregnation. The simplest impregnation is vegetable oil, better of course linseed. They process the product in several stages. After each impregnation, the product is allowed to dry, then polished.

On the basis of linseed oil, impregnating compositions on herbs and roots (angelica root, burdock, elecampane, galangal) are often prepared. The tannins contained in the plants pass into the oil and, when processed, strengthen its surface layers.

Here is a recipe for peppermint oil, which has a very pleasant light aroma:

100 g of dried crushed mint leaves are poured into a glass container, poured into 0.5 liters of vegetable oil, shaken and sent for 2 weeks in a dark place. Then it is filtered and used.

After the tree is treated with wax mastic. Protozoa wax mastic prepared from wax and turpentine in a ratio of 2:1 or oil and wax in a ratio of 2:1 (this is for food products). Here is another recipe for how to make wax mastic:
We take 100 g of wax, 25 g of crushed rosin and 50 g of purified turpentine.

In a water bath, melt the wax in an enameled container, add rosin. After the wax dissolves, gradually add turpentine. I add a little more propolis, it strengthens the wood and gives extra flavor. Remove everything from the heat, pour into a tin jar and let the composition cool. The mastic becomes thick and pasty:

She rubs the product and rubs it with a piece of cloth or wool until the fabric stops sticking and shine appears.

Sometimes resin or cherry gum is added to the mastic.

In addition to beeswax, it is often used, which is obtained from the leaves of the Brazilian palm tree. In hot weather, it releases a wax that coats the surface of the leaf and protects against moisture loss.

Carnauba wax has a higher melting point and is therefore more stable than bees. But also 3 times more expensive.

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The tree is used in the design of interiors, as a facing material for floors, stairs, walls, during construction work. In order for it to remain beautiful, textured and retain its natural shade, it is important to process lumber in time using special tools, such as wax.

Waxing has been known to mankind as one of the ways to protect wood for over 1000 years. In modern commercial wax impregnations and similar products, there are additional components that significantly improve the primary properties of the wax as a protective agent.

Wax for wood impregnation is suitable for various varieties, it interacts especially well with conifers, ideally preserving their amazing aroma and special texture.

Top 6 reasons to wax before or after tiling:

  1. The thinnest protective film is formed on the surface, which will protect the material from the influence of moisture. Due to this, wired lining and other lumber can be used in kitchens, in corridors.
  2. The agent penetrates as deeply as possible into the fibers, strengthening them, making them stronger. But at the same time, the wax does not clog the pores and leaves the tree the opportunity to "breathe". High-quality air exchange allows you to avoid the processes of decay and various deformations.
  3. Applying wax to wood makes it possible to significantly improve visual characteristics: emphasize the natural texture, enhance the natural shade, give a charming matte sheen, for which this finishing material is so loved by builders and designers. If you use wax with coloring components, then you can additionally correct the color scheme of the source material.
  4. Effectively protects the coating from mechanical impact and excessively active loads. Due to the dense layer of wax, it is almost impossible to make scratches.
  5. Natural product, which includes only beeswax. Can be used on surfaces that come into direct contact with food, such as countertops.
  6. Amazingly high quality masks a variety of scratches and cracks on the tree.

Photo 1. Hard wax for wooden surfaces

Varieties of wax

There are three main types of wax impregnations on the market today, each of which has its own advantages and is suitable for different types of work.

  • soft wax- used as a caring coating, gives an extra matte shine, minimizes the presence of dust and stains, has a high degree of moisture resistance.
  • liquid wax- an effective tool for deep and total impregnation of the facing material. Due to its fluid texture, it perfectly impregnates all joints and chamfers, creating a flat surface protected from mechanical influences. With this type of wax coating, you can achieve a spectacular shine, as well as repair shallow cracks and faults.
  • Wood processing hard wax allows you to cope with very deep damage: large dents, significant cracks. It is simple and easy to use, ideally masks defects, leaving no traces of interference at all.

Photo 2. Products from Teknos

How to impregnate a tree with wax: a brief instruction:

  1. Before starting waxing, the lumber is carefully prepared: the surfaces are polished on a machine to a perfectly even state, large defects are closed with special tools like plaster. Then re-grinding is performed using fine-grained abrasives to eliminate even the smallest defects and shortcomings. Remove excess dust and dirt with a dry felt cloth.
  2. If your cladding is already covered with any compound - varnish, enamel or paint - it should be completely removed before starting waxing. Wax is applied exclusively to the bare wood structure.
  3. Before starting waxing, you can pre-impregnate with special oils, which significantly enhance the quality characteristics of the wax.
  4. To impregnate wood with wax, use a lint-free fabric swab, for a soft type, a foam rubber sponge or a wide brush is suitable, but for hard wax, you need a special brush with synthetic bristles, which will allow you to evenly distribute the composition over the surface of the wood. End connections, as well as figured threads, are best handled carefully with a small brush.
  5. How to wax wood? The first layer must be applied with neat, narrow, circular motions. After that, non-paintings may be visible on the surface, which are eliminated by the next layer and polishing. After a period of time specified in the instructions for the wax, the wax paste is re-applied to the tree, followed by grouting.
  6. How to apply wax on a tree in the future? Depending on the desired result - improving the aesthetics of the view, minimizing the visibility of scratches or cracks, hiding deep defects - the imposition of layers is repeated several more times. Then the treated boards are left to dry completely.
  7. To obtain a rich satin sheen, polish the surface with a soft cloth for no more than 5 minutes. To achieve a mirror-like smoothness, it will take a little more time for thorough polishing.

Photo 3. Gnature - azure with beeswax

  • Avoid contact of waxed lumber with high temperatures. The natural texture of wax can simply melt and run.
  • Also, treated boards negatively perceive alcohol in any of its manifestations.
  • Do not try to cover up cracks, which each time will be more and more difficult to hide, because the total thickness of the coating will increase.

It should be remembered that the imposition of several layers of wax significantly changes the color and texture of the product. This is especially true for colored wax mixtures, designed to slightly shade the natural colors of lumber. But the abuse of these products and their inaccurate application can lead to the appearance of unaesthetic stains and streaks, which will be almost impossible to “align” in color.

Photo 4. Gnature natural waxes

To avoid such situations, it is necessary to carry out gradual waxing in thin layers with a mandatory drying time. Only in this way will you be able to objectively evaluate the final shade and decide on the need for one or more layers of wax.

Careful coating of wood with wax according to the relevant rules and methods allows not only to preserve the aesthetics as much as possible, but also to avoid the processes of decay and deformation. Wall and floor cladding, as well as parts of wood decor, will look spectacular for several decades, requiring only a cosmetic update.

Wood is the best building material, but it requires care, otherwise it loses its properties. Many may have heard of such a process as wood waxing. But what is it? This is protection from any external influences and maintaining the original state of the material.

A variety of components can be used in the process. One such option is wax or oil. The first brings more effect, because its properties are the most suitable for creating a protective barrier. Is it possible to do this process with your own hands? If you understand this issue, then everyone will be able to cope with the task.

What do you need to know?

Wax is used today in many areas - medicine, cosmetology and even industry. Its composition is varied and rich, which makes its qualities irreplaceable. Although under some influences, the properties begin to tolerate changes, but not too strong. What made it so popular:

  • Fire resistance.
  • Improving the quality of wood waxing.
  • Barrier to water.
  • Gives shine. The material changes its appearance to a more prestigious one.

At the same time, everyone can prepare a composition for waxing wood with their own hands, but it is easier to purchase a finished product. For many years, such compounds have been used in industry, and turpentine has been used as an additive. Today it is not relevant due to the strong smell. Waxing wood allows you not only to change the appearance, but also to remove small scratches and minor cracks, adding shine.

What is the advantage of such compositions? Masters say that after this treatment, rotting and the formation of fungus do not occur. Sometimes wood is used in places where there are chemical exposures, but the wax helps keep it from breaking down. It is wood waxing that helps to fully protect the original characteristics. In addition, the surface becomes smoother and more delicate to the touch.

What do you need to work?

It is now known that waxing wood with wax is the creation of a reliable protection for the tree. Also, this option is budgetary, and if desired, you can change the shade of the design. Masters believe that any tree is subjected to such processing, which brings him only benefit. In order for waxing wood with wax to turn out to be of high quality, you need to purchase:

  • Grout paper.
  • Wax itself.
  • Sharp knife.
  • Cleaner (solvent is fine).
  • brush.
  • Cloth.
  • Brush.

The tree is fibrous, so over time it shrinks, and when exposed to moisture, on the contrary, it swells. The main task of protective equipment is to protect the surface from these phenomena.

How is it applied?

You need to start waxing wood with your own hands only after you have detailed instructions on hand. The operation takes place in several steps:

  • If the surface has been treated with something, then it must be removed using a solvent. After it is washed with water. If this does not help much, sandpaper and a knife are used. After such work, the old coating may fill in the cracks. You need to take a brush and clean it. Only then waxing wood with beeswax can begin.
  • Then you have to wait until the surface is completely dry, otherwise it will not be possible to complete the application. In the process of work, you will need to take a special cloth. Then there are those places where there are cracks and corners, after already over the entire area. To speed up the work, you need to use a brush. You should walk along the grain of the tree.
  • Now it takes time to dry. Wax should be completely absorbed, if something remains, then wipe it with a rag. Particular attention is paid to the cracks, otherwise the surface will be unevenly processed. This is the only way to achieve reliability and durability. To make it beautiful, it is better to perform this procedure twice. Sometimes a film begins to form, but this should not be allowed. You have to go through the brush.

The whole process is carried out carefully so as not to cause damage. There is nothing special about these steps, but if you make mistakes, you will not be able to achieve the desired result. Damage to furniture by performing such a process is difficult. After such a procedure, the impact of external factors on the treated surface becomes minimal. Sometimes they make additives of different means, but extremely rarely.

What other means are there?

In addition to simple wax, mastic can be found on sale. Its range of applications is extensive. There are several options for impregnation:

  • In the form of a paste.
  • Like cream.
  • Oily.

Not every wooden furniture fully absorbs wax. To avoid misfires, you will have to fully prepare the surface. Preparation is considered an important element. Cracks are cleaned, cracks are cleaned. If the grinding process is applied, the surface becomes more suitable.

If there are stains or any stains on the surface, then it will not be possible to remove them with mastic. On sale there are special tools that can remove these "misunderstandings" before starting work. As a result, the composition for waxing wood can be very diverse, a lot depends on the manufacturer. To cope with the work, you need to have a brush on hand. And if the composition is not too liquid, then you can’t do without cloth. If the wax mass is too thick, then it is diluted with water. An interesting option is the colored mass.

Useful information

To apply materials such as wax, you need to know that it is quite suitable for exterior and interior decoration. The only exception is the prohibition of location in those places where there is an open fire. To make the tree fully processed, you need to prepare:

  • Wax itself.
  • Liquid and white composition.
  • Paraffin.
  • Oil-wax.
  • Turpentine.
  • Paints.

Even scratches will not appear on the surface of furniture with such a protective layer. The effect of this is great, so this treatment has been used for more than one year.

Are there recipes?

Everyone is trying to extend the life of their furniture, so there are many recipes. It is not always necessary to purchase ready-made compositions - you can make them yourself. The quality of the impregnation will not change from this, so you can start cooking yourself. The recipe for waxing wood with beeswax is simple:

  • Wax (simple bees), drying oil and turpentine. But you need to have certain proportions. These are four, three and six parts. Thanks to these indicators, it will be possible to achieve the desired consistency.
  • If the wax is not melted, then it is not so easy to mix everything. But it is difficult to heat it on an open fire - it loses its qualities. The most suitable option is to create a water bath. So, pour water into any container, and wax into a smaller one. They put a container of water on the fire, and already with the main material on it. It turns out heating for a couple.
  • After that, you need to mix the whole composition thoroughly. Do not waste time, otherwise the mass will begin to harden. When everything is done, the resulting components are left to solidify.

Where can it be applied?

The resulting mass is suitable for parquet, solid wood furniture. It helps to give gloss and protect the surface from all sorts of influences. There are many methods for applying wax to different surfaces, but it is worth taking the main one as a basis and using it.


Of course, wax is considered a protective compound, but sometimes it is easy to remove scratches and minor cracks with it. Often white or yellow wax is used so as not to change the shade of the tree, but simply to emphasize and highlight its naturalness. When the furniture is already old, you need to slightly change its color, then wax in color comes to the rescue.

But in order to create the desired color scheme, it is worth understanding what types of wood are suitable for this. For oak, there are some requirements, for pine - others. But there is one feature: you can not use such compositions for chairs, so as not to get dirty. There are no more restrictions during the operation of waxed furniture.


So, we found out how wood is protected with wax. Today it is one of the available materials. Waxing is a simple process, but it must be carried out over the entire surface. This is the only way to protect the material efficiently and effectively from the negative effects of moisture, etc.

The most popular building material is still wood. The scope of wood is very wide: from the construction of houses, gazebos, baths, to the production of various furniture, household items. To extend the life of wood and preserve its natural unique properties, special, a wide variety of wood impregnations help. A special place among them is occupied by natural wax impregnation.

Liquid wax dries quickly, impregnates wood well, but does not clog pores.

The concept of wood waxing, its advantages

When wood is treated with wax, a thin film is formed on its surface, which performs protective functions.

At the same time, it penetrates deep into the pores of the tree, fills them, but does not clog, but allows you to breathe.

On an unprotected tree, a fungus forms, which spoils the structure of the tree and its appearance.

The main advantages of wax impregnation for wood should be listed:

  1. Environmental friendliness.
  2. Water repellent properties.
  3. Contamination protection.
  4. Scratch resistant.
  5. aesthetic effect.
  6. The appearance of wood texture.
  7. Durability.
  8. Natural smell.

The composition of wax for wood finishing may include the following varieties: bee, natural Portuguese, carnauba and other components. For the convenience of surface treatment, turpentine is added as a softener to the wax mixture. Perhaps a combination of wax with vegetable oils, a new tool for wood processing is obtained - oil wax. By adding various pigments and color additives, a product with additional desired properties can be obtained.

Wax impregnation for wood can be prepared at home and applied independently. One of the simplest recipes is as follows: you need to take 100 gr. wax, 25 gr. rosin, 50 gr. turpentine. Melt the wax in a water bath in an enameled container. Without removing it from the fire, add rosin. Then gradually pour in the turpentine. To improve the properties of the product, you can add a little propolis. Gently mix the mixture, remove from heat and pour into a prepared tin container. When cooled, a paste-like impregnation for wood will be obtained.

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Wood waxing technology with hard wax

Hard wax color palette for wood.

Due to the fact that there are 3 types of wax: solid, liquid and water, there are different approaches when applying them to the wood surface. Each method of waxing should be considered separately.

The most common is the wax impregnation of a solid form. Waxing wood with such impregnation is a holistic process consisting of several stages:

  1. Material preparation.
  2. Surface preparation.
  3. Wood surface treatment with wax.
  4. Drying and getting rid of excess impregnation.
  5. Grinding.

Optimal tree protection scheme.

Start waxing a tree with the preparation of the necessary tools and materials. You need to prepare in advance:

  1. Grinding machine.
  2. Impregnation - vegetable linseed oil.
  3. Wax.
  4. A clean cloth of wool or cloth.
  5. Brush.
  6. Tin container.

After that, the required wooden surface is prepared. With the help of a grinder, all irregularities, small knots are removed from it and it is thoroughly cleaned from dirt and dust. The result should be a smooth and clean wooden surface.

Using a brush or a soft cloth, vegetable impregnation - linseed oil - is applied to the entire area. Then the treated wood is left to dry for a while, then it is polished. It is best to do several of these approaches.

Schemes of hand movement for waxing wood.

The surface of the wood is now ready for waxing. Hard wax must first be melted and placed in a tin container. Its application is made with a soft clean cloth or wool by rubbing in the direction of the wood fibers. Waxed wood is left alone for 2-3 hours to dry.

After that, to remove excess wax, the entire surface of the tree is again wiped with a rag. Otherwise, greasy spots may form in the future. It should be noted that wax can be repeatedly applied to the surface in this way to provide a more pronounced effect of color depth and gloss. The final stage of waxing is grinding, which is carried out using a grinding machine.