Why see lipstick in a dream? Why dream of lipstick? Buy lipstick. Paint lips in a dream

15.10.2019 Heating

If in a dream you dreamed of red lipstick, you probably wonder what she dreamed about. Red lipstick can dream of a new relationship, an increase in passion with a partner. She can also talk about self-doubt and the emergence of a strong rival.

What if you dream of red lipstick?

If you dreamed that your lips were just made up with red lipstick, then this symbolizes the beginning of a new relationship. After this dream, it is quite possible to wait for the appearance of a new boyfriend. If you dreamed of red lipstick that you didn’t buy in the store, then this may portend a break in relations and you need to try as hard as possible to devote more time to your partner so that this does not happen. Many are interested in what red lipstick is dreaming of, it may be a dream because of lack of self-confidence. In this case, you need to pull yourself together and overcome the complexes, perhaps even buy a new lipstick.

Most often, red lipstick symbolizes confidence and authority. Sometimes such a dream shows a hidden nature. So, having seen such a dream, you need to start acting decisively and try to feel at your best, then all things in your personal life will go uphill.

If in a dream a woman didn’t like red lipstick on her lips, then this symbolizes not self-confidence, but also the fact that there is still no readiness to wear such a bright attribute and if you put it on right now, then colleagues or even a loved one can be ridiculed for such an act and hurt a lot. In order to prevent this from happening, it is better to wait a little with such a shade of lipstick and take care of the rest of the areas of appearance, and return to red lipstick later, then it will definitely bring happiness. In no case should you be afraid to use red lipstick, just sometimes you need to wait a little with it in order to produce an even greater effect over time.

What portends?

If red lipstick is present in a dream, then this may portend the beginning of a new relationship. If another woman chose red lipstick, then this may symbolize the appearance of a rival at the front or lack of self-confidence. If an expensive lipstick is bought in a store, then this is a dream for the beginning of a new passion in a relationship. Buying cheap lipstick indicates that in life a person pretends not to be who he really is. Red lipstick can also symbolize the bad part of a relationship. It may indicate a break if the lipstick was not bought in the store.

If in a dream a woman dreamed of painting her lips with lipstick, you need to remember that this may portend the appearance of a rival. But it can also mean nothing more than unconfirmed jealousy for a partner. In this case, in order to avoid problems from jealousy, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible, or a crack may appear in the relationship.

Any dream can be interpreted in different ways, a lot depends on the very perception of the person, as well as on what impressions were received during the day. A dream about red lipstick does not bode well, but it warns of psychological insecurity, having seen such a dream, you should try to understand yourself.

To paint lips with lipstick in a dream means that a man who is unsympathetic to you will incline you to intimacy, but he can do a lot for your career and well-being. Bright scarlet lipstick portends sexual problems for family members, and for unmarried women indicates the correctness of their decision, portending love and respect from the future husband.

Mother-of-pearl, glittery lipstick suggests that you will soon have to repent of your own indiscretion, which will cause an accident. Pale, calm tones lipstick portends disappointment from a gift that is not at all your taste.

Buying lipstick in a dream - in reality you will be flattered, but you will be able to discern insincerity and envy behind your external disposition. The dream in which you are given lipstick means that soon you will be invited to a new society, where you will meet an interesting person who will immediately show you his love, and you will reciprocate.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Lipstick according to the dream book of the esoteric E. Tsvetkov

Lipstick - Apply, smear - a strong surprise. Lipstick - Apply, smear blush - a strong surprise. Lipstick - Choose to get ready to seduce someone. Smear lips self-affirmation. Your actions are controlled by an “inferiority complex”. To paint lips with lipstick - Seduction, induce beauty, attractiveness.

Different lipsticks in a dream - For secret kisses. Lipstick - If a woman dreamed that she had lost her lipstick, then in reality she would have to endure disappointment and loneliness - and her own complexes and whims would be to blame.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about Cosmetics (according to the World Dream Book)

Seeing lipstick is a symbol of some mystery. For example, if a woman dreamed about the lipstick with which she paints her lips, then in reality she never opens up to the end, even in front of her loved ones, realizing that there must always be some kind of mystery in a woman, and forgetting that only sincerity can really attract. If in a dream the lipstick is bright red, then this woman is not confident in herself and is trying to divert attention from her own complexes with not quite suitable means.

Lipstick - To dream that you are buying cheap lipstick on the market, then in reality the people around you often catch you in a lie - you are always trying to seem like who you are not really. If a man dreams that he is buying lipstick as a gift, then he expects that the relationship with his lover will soon move to a new stage (for example, he is preparing to propose to her).

Interpretation by psychologist A.Mindell

Lipstick - To dream that you can’t choose the right shade of lipstick in the store - this is indecision in love affairs, you are not a risky woman. Lipstick - your attraction to a human being that you want to hide. To see lips painted in a dream - someone will want to seduce you. Lipstick - buy lipstick - they will want to seduce you with deceitful words. They give you lipstick - someone new will appear in your company, whom you will be interested in.

Dreamed of Lipstick - A young woman dreams that she has a wide variety of lipstick in front of her and it is difficult to choose the most suitable one - a dream promises this woman the widest opportunities in life; there will be many tempting prospects, from which you still have to choose one. A woman dreams that her lipstick has dried up - due to inattention and forgetfulness, this woman will soon find herself in an awkward position.

What does sleep with Lipstick mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why dream in a dream about buying lipstick in a store - to get to know a young man.

If in the summer in a dream you dreamed that in a dream you couldn’t find the right shade of lipstick for yourself - be picky in relation to young people.

In the fall, why did lipstick dream - for a date.

In winter, why dream of painting lips with lipstick in a dream - a disease.

This dream has several interpretations. Usually, the scarlet color on the lips, as well as fashionable berry shades, has been associated for centuries with female nature, sexuality, and later, when makeup was completely banned, with women of easy virtue who used scarlet shades of lipstick to attract male attention.

Therefore, in the subconscious, genetic memory, the color of blood on the lips has always been perceived as a sign of emancipation, the need for male attention, sex, or bitchy behavior, but different people may have different attitudes to these facts. It all depends on your age, aspirations and desires, as well as your attitude towards sexual provocations and defiant behavior.

The dream interpretation does not interpret dreams that are dreaming during the period when you are thinking whether to purchase strawberry-colored lipstick or a pencil or not. As a rule, in such stories, you just try on a fashionable look and want to look different than at the moment.

Sometimes the dream book writes that subconsciously a woman strives for maturity or more relaxed behavior than at the moment. However, modern books on the interpretation of dreams do not interpret night scenes in which you simply try on a new image or see yourself in the role of a model.

Much more information about the future is carried by an incident in a dream, when red lipstick is dreamed of unexpectedly. Or you see it on acquaintances, girlfriends or relatives. Here the dream book gives a lot of different interpretations. This is what red lipstick dreams of most often for various people and under different circumstances.

On yourself, in your own home or cosmetic bag

Why does a girl dream of seeing herself in a dream with bright red lips? If she is still innocent, then such a dream means that soon she will decide to try on the role of a seductress, a stripper from a nearby bar, or just a bright and relaxed person.

This is a subconscious desire for maturity, the development of true sexuality, or the fear of appearing too inexperienced in matters of love and naive. The dream interpretation writes that the upcoming events depend on the shade of lipstick.

Red, bright, close to a tomato or coral hue, the color of the lips means pronounced experiences, loss and pain. This shade is more characteristic of already mature women over 40.

If a young girl tries on such a lip color, then the dream book writes that she may regret what she said. In some situations, sleep predicts you an illness, an inflammatory disease with a high temperature.

Cl Assic red color in a dream means a desire for sexuality, openness of desires, a challenge. especially if lipstick in a dream with a noble texture, fashionable this season.

Noble ruby ​​shades with a chilly blue undertone dream as a sign that you will soon fall in love or show your acting or artistic talents. This is most often the favorite color of artists, as it looks advantageous on stage.

Seeing him on another girl, a girlfriend, is a sign that she has a subtle charm and it will be very difficult to compete with her in order to please her beloved man. Most likely, she knows many secrets of seduction, which you should also learn.

Lipstick class An iconic red hue on a modest person means that soon you will learn a lot of interesting things about the secrets of her personal life or she will be at the center of some kind of scandal. Sometimes such a dream means that you will hear something harsh from her.
and very hurtful.

Dark, rich wine shades of lips dream in a dream as a sign of maturity and the desire for warmth, comfort, looseness in love. Usually they are chosen by mature persons who have gone through a lot and have already decided on their desires.

To see them in a dream on the lips of a friend or girlfriend, why dream? This woman is experiencing unhappy love or disappointment and cannot find what she needs in her life. On itself, such a shade of lips is interpreted by the dream book as a way out of depression, worries and the acquisition of wisdom.

But if lips in a dream scared you and looked like blood, then modern books write that you are in danger, injury or trouble. Try to be careful.

The same means a dream in which you see such lips on another person. Very often, such a plot means that you will have to pay dearly for your own rash words.

What does it mean Is there a dream in which you found someone else's lipstick in a dream with your husband or chosen one? The dream interpretation writes that such a dream means a scandal due to jealousy. Or proof of infidelity, if lipstick was on his clothes or on his body were traces of painted lips.

If your husband or lover found red lipstick at your place and makes a scene of jealousy, it will be so in reality. Try to build relationships or hide things that could destroy them.

Lipstick is the most important element of a woman's seductive arsenal, according to all trendsetters. The presence of lipstick completely changes the image of a woman, makes it interesting and attractive.

In a dream, lipstick often dreams of a pleasant acquaintance and means easy communication, easy flirting, sexual attraction. Consider the main meanings of what lipstick dreams about in dream books.

Basic values

It matters if you use lipstick in your daily life. If this is part of your everyday toilet and in a dream you look like in reality, you should not attach much additional importance to your appearance.

Pay attention to unusual details, color changes. For example, if you usually buy cosmetics in a boutique, and in a dream you buy a tube of orange paint in the passage, this may mean a ridiculous flirtation with a courier, security guard or a water peddler in reality.

If in a dream you extract glitter from a jar with your finger right in a restaurant and run your finger over your lips, although you know very well that this is somewhat beyond the bounds of the permissible, get ready for the role of an insidious seductress and violator of the foundations.

  • To wash cosmetics with a napkin - to show off the accepted rules, to play your own game.
  • You buy in a boutique, choose - to get acquainted, willingness to flirt. The environment where you buy lipstick is important - at a giveaway, in a supermarket, in a specialty store or in an expensive company store. The environment shows how you feel about yourself, how ready you are to save on beauty and your needs. If you choose cheap cosmetics of any shade, pick up a whole mountain of different colors - you are extremely undemanding and do not know how to value yourself, you only try your hand at the field of flirting and coquetry. By and large, you have not yet decided on the choice of a gentleman and are happy with any sign of attention.
  • If a man dreams that he is buying lipstick, this means either a masquerade, or a complete inability to care for women, a desire for dictatorship and control, greed.
  • Hygienic lipstick without color - boundless self-confidence. You are not ready to consider yourself as a woman and require a serious attitude towards yourself as a man. With all due respect to such a position, it is worth noting that it will not work to attract a man in this way. Only one who himself sympathizes with strong men or is looking for a reliable patroness for himself.
  • To paint lips is a pretense. You enjoy playing various roles in your own theatre. Perhaps it makes sense to revise the repertoire and look for new interesting roles. Acting and makeup courses will come in handy in real life.
  • Losing your favorite cosmetic bag or lipstick is a disappointment in the little things. Perhaps you will learn something unpleasant about the object of sighs and you may not attach importance to these facts, but in vain. Little things often characterize a person better than the hottest words and ardent outpourings.
  • Break, break off the coloring column - to disappointment in the best hopes.
  • An open tube - perhaps you have a lucky rival. Do not trust the man too much, he is disingenuous.
  • The pleasant smell of lip balm means good luck. If the cosmetics are rancid, smell unpleasant - there is a danger of embarrassing yourself on a date.
  • The color of lipstick in a dream matters. Classic red - you value yourself highly, consider all options and select the most worthy. Scarlet, bright - you dream of running away to the most important date of your life as soon as possible. Looks like you're ready to make the main bet. It is quite possible that you are set on an equal relationship and will be disappointed. Orange - love to fool young people, flirt without serious intentions. Burgundy, brown - a serious mood. You are ready to take the initiative in your own hands. Pink - prudence. Nodal, natural - like to pretend and act, not self-confident. Aggressive colors - green, purple, black - a tendency to outrageous. You love testing people.
  • Bright, juicy colors mean a decisive attitude, readiness for a serious relationship without halftones. Mother-of-pearl, sparkles give out indecision and doubts.

Interpretations of authorities

Freud's dream book did not ignore the phallic shape of lipstick and the fact that bright lips on a woman's face evoke quite definite associations with an excited female genital organ. To paint lips with lipstick in a dream means oral sex and the most unambiguous hint. To paint lips in a restaurant is a readiness to continue the evening, violent sex.

The female dream book believes that lipstick in a dream means a secret. Perhaps you will have a married lover with high demands on female beauty. Classic tube - to flirt. A jar - to the disease. Glitter in a bottle is a bad date. To paint lips with a brush - to deception, a draw.

Dream Interpretation of Winter considers painted lips in a dream as a sign of deception.


Lipstick in a dream acts as a bright tool of seduction. Seeing lipstick in a dream means you are ready for new adventures. Colorless lipstick means something like a vegetarian hunt - you portray flirting, but you are not ready to seriously get to know each other and build relationships. The acquisition of lipstick means readiness for new victories.

On the other hand, victories in the love field can also be seen as a defeat. Beware of relationships in which exorbitant demands are made of you, relationships with married men. What you consider as an exciting game at first can seriously change your life.