How to close the pipes in the bathroom toilet. Water in a box or how to hide pipes in the bathroom. Elements of the sewer system

26.06.2020 Heating

The open placement of water and waste lines is most often perceived as a violation of the overall design of the toilet room, which is usually eliminated by masking the pipes located in it. With particular acuteness, the issue of insulating openly laid pipe lines arises when a common sewer riser is located in the toilet.

In connection with the need to solve this problem, we decided to acquaint all interested parties with how to sew up pipes in the toilet, safely hiding them from the eyes of visitors. In the process of studying information on this topic, it turned out that a variety of building materials can be used to close pipes.

Material selection

  • environmental safety (no harmful emissions at high humidity and ambient temperature);
  • resistance to corrosion, as well as to its spread to neighboring objects;
  • the possibility of arranging a fairly light design that does not clutter up a small room.

When deciding on materials suitable for closing pipes in a toilet, the contractor is usually offered the following options:

  • plastic panels,
  • mdf panels,
  • waterproof plywood,
  • drywall (in moisture resistant design).

In addition to the characteristics of the material used, when choosing, its decorative properties should also be taken into account, ensuring a harmonious combination of the skin with the interior of the room itself.

Preparation of the supporting frame and its marking

Installation of the supporting frame structure should begin with measuring the niche in which water and sewer pipes are traditionally placed in communal apartments. To do this, you will have to arm yourself with a tape measure and make accurate measurements of the area where all the highways available in this place are located.

Small doors should be provided in the casing to provide access to water meters and valves.

Upon completion of the measurements, you will be able to draw up a small sketch containing precise instructions for the attachment points of the frame elements, as well as regarding the main dimensions of the future sheathing structure.

Covering with plastic panels

As an example of closing pipes placed in a toilet niche, consider lining it with plastic panels. The indisputable advantages of using plastic materials include the following:

  • simplicity and ease of installation, which does not require a lot of time;
  • low weight of the structure and the ability to quickly dismantle it;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • attractive appearance;
  • long periods of operation.

Before starting installation work, you should prepare all the materials and tools necessary for this:

  • the plastic panels themselves;
  • aluminum profiles (guides) necessary for arranging the frame;
  • fastening elements of the prefabricated structure (self-tapping screws, screws, dowels or nails);
  • perforator;
  • mounting knife;
  • building level, screwdriver and screwdriver.

Work order

There are two options for mounting panels installed in the toilet:

  1. Complete or “deaf” hiding of a niche with pipes by aligning the installation plane of the panels with the wall surface. This finishing method leaves no traces of pipes (with the exception of the doors), which significantly improves the design of the toilet room. But at the same time, its usable area is somewhat reduced.
  2. Partial closure of a niche, in which only one pipe is closed with the help of boxes. The advantages of this method include saving the finishing material and reducing the space occupied by the sheathing.

Having decided on the choice of a suitable way to close the niche, you can proceed to marking the places for attaching aluminum guides (profiles). For the subsequent installation of the guides, you should use the previously prepared sketch; at the same time, the fitting of profile blanks along the length is carried out using a hacksaw for metal. The direct fastening of the guides to the walls is carried out with the help of dowel-nails, driven in in increments of 30-40 cm. The sheathing panels themselves are attached to the guides by means of self-tapping screws.

It makes no sense to tightly close a niche with highways that have pronounced defects. This is explained by the fact that at some point in time you still have to completely dismantle the casing and frame for a major overhaul of the pipes.


We offer you to watch a series of videos about the installation of a drywall box in the toilet:

People who decide to carry out a major overhaul in their apartment on their own will definitely ask themselves the following question: how to properly close the pipes in the toilet?

And this is indeed a logical question. After all, who will like it if there are various meters, valves and, in the end, sewer pipes everywhere in their bathroom or toilet.

To do this work, you need to know some basics that will help you do it as efficiently as possible.

Before answering the question of how to hide the pipes in the toilet, it is worth mentioning that this problem can be solved in several ways.

You can use blinds, mask sewer pipes with drywall or plastic moisture-proof panels that are popular in our time.

In this article, you will learn about the most requested methods that will help you understand how to close the pipes in the toilet and do it yourself.

Beginning of work

Remember that with a strong desire, you can disguise anything on your own, but in your case, this must be done so that later you can have access to certain valves or pipes.

If you wanted to do everything with your own hands, but it didn’t work out well enough, then you will have to break the wall that you painstakingly erected.

There are a number of precautions you should be aware of before you start building your own.

So, in order to hide the various plumbing details of the water supply in the toilet with your own hands, you must first check all the sewer pipes.

It is possible that they may have various defects.

You can, of course, not perform this check, but then there is a huge risk that suddenly their malfunction can lead to flooding.

It is best, of course, to carry out a thorough check of the various pipe connections with your own hands. It is necessary that before carrying out the intended work they were free from defects.

For example, if the pipes are plastic, it is necessary that other elements related to water supply be from the same material.

So, from the streams of hot water, the heating elements will be deformed in the same way.

If, during the inspection, you or the hands of specialists found any shortcomings, then the best solution to this problem would be to replace the damaged parts.

Water supply is not something worth saving on.

The most common ways to mask pipes

Today, there are a large number of ways to hide the numerous pipes in the toilet.

However, it is best to opt for the method that is most popular.

The most famous ways are:

  • hiding pipes behind plastic boxes;
  • use of blinds;
  • decoration of pipes with decorative panels.

You can also install a convenient utility box, behind which you can hide the pipes. It can also store the necessary accessories.

Approximately, just like the installed utility box, you can use a box made of decorative materials.

In fact, you have the opportunity to create an incredibly beautiful interior of a bathroom or toilet with your own hands.

But do not forget that you should not get too carried away with design.

Safety should come first - in unforeseen situations, you should have quick access to pipes and other plumbing elements.

Before closing the pipes in the toilet with blinds or panels, you need to consider that for safety, all plumbing parts must be made of identical materials.

It does not matter whether you choose blinds, mask the pipes with drywall or do-it-yourself decorative panels. The most important thing is that you have quick access to the pipes.

Thanks to the installed door, you will not need to deal with the demolition of the wall on which the money was spent and which you built on your own.

What to choose - a box made of plastic or drywall?

Even if you do not have enough knowledge regarding pipe masking, you can easily make a special masking box with your own hands.

Most often, such a procedure is carried out using metal sheets, and as a result, the structure is brought into proper shape using plastic or plasterboard.

By the way, if you are masking pipes with your own hands, then you can easily choose wooden bars instead of metal.

If you prefer the method of plasterboard sheathing, then it is best to glue the plasterboard construction with tiles upon completion of the process.

Despite the rather common way of using blinds, the manufacture and subsequent work with plastic decorative panels is considered the most simple and convenient.

So, how to hide the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels?

First you need to get wooden bars or a profile made of metal.

Do not forget to make markup that will help you in future work. After that, you will need to fix the profile or wooden bars.

After you have done everything that is described above, you can proceed to install the most important thing - the frame.

In the end, it is necessary to sheathe the entire structure with decorative plastic panels that will look best in the interior of a bathroom or toilet.

By the way, it should be said that the installation of blinds does not require so much effort, and if you need to complete the work in a short time, it is best to use blinds.

Some professionals use different methods when carrying out plumbing work.

It is rare to find two specialists whose methods of work will coincide identically. You can do exactly the same.

It is you who chooses the method of masking water pipes and other elements of the bathroom and toilet that suits and likes you perfectly.

But, as mentioned above, you should not pay too much attention to the design and aesthetics of the disguise itself. Still, it is better to pay more attention to security.

From the article, you learned how you can mask the water pipes in the toilet with blinds, drywall or do-it-yourself decorative panels.

On a relatively modest area of ​​​​the toilet, there are always many sewer interchanges. Any technical components do not look aesthetically pleasing and give the impression of an unfinished repair. Therefore, the question often arises of how to hide the pipes in the toilet and give the interior an attractive look.

Where to begin?

Before hiding the pipes in the toilet, you need to carefully inspect the riser and other communications for damage, repair them if necessary. It is necessary to start preparing drawings and calculating the material for the future design after all technical issues have been resolved. For an accurate calculation of raw materials, it is necessary to carefully make all measurements of the area on which the work will be carried out.

Hardware stores offer a wide range of finishes, but whatever you have to work with, you will need the following tools:

  • screwdrivers;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • building level and tape measure;
  • a saw for plastic or a knife for cutting drywall;
  • scissors to cut a metal profile;
  • self-tapping screws and fasteners for the profile.

Material selection

If you need to hide communications quickly, PVC panels will be the best choice. This is a cheap and versatile finishing option. The main thing is to choose a color and pattern that will harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the interior.

Plastic panels have several advantages:

  • safe for health and the environment;
  • installation of panels is not difficult;
  • installation is possible in the shortest possible time;
  • acceptable price;
  • the ability to install a hatch for access to meters or places where a leak may appear;
  • the possibility of creating a structure consisting of separate parts;
  • no additional finishing required.

And also quickly and inexpensively, you can close the riser with drywall. The toilet does not have as high humidity as the bathroom, but it is better to use a moisture-resistant type of material.

Drywall has all the advantages of panels. Unlike them, this material requires additional finishing. But such a disadvantage can be regarded as a virtue: drywall without finishing can be used for tiles or any other decorative finish. Thus, the wall behind which the pipes are located will be indistinguishable from other walls in the toilet.

Design options

The design that will hide communications is selected depending on several factors:

  • the size and nature of the direction of the pipes;
  • the location of the pipes relative to each other;
  • the presence of auxiliary devices and cranes;
  • general environment in the room.

After analyzing these features, it will not be difficult to determine the type of future design. The most common are several popular types.


It is a simple design that even a beginner can handle. The frame is created from a metal profile or wooden slats. Next, the base is sheathed with the material that was chosen. Full or partial sheathing is possible, depending on the availability of metering devices or taps near the riser. In this case, you must leave the window so that you can access them.

The frame of the box can be sheathed with PVC panels, moisture-resistant plywood or drywall. Drywall is usually decorated with the same materials as the main walls. There are ready-made options for the box. But this option may be more expensive. Making the box yourself, it is possible to immediately take into account all the nuances. While the finished box will have to be customized to the desired parameters.

The design of the box is represented by several configurations.

  • false wall. A good solution to hide several pipes located nearby at once. It looks aesthetically pleasing, but takes up a lot of space.
  • Square. It can be placed both vertically and horizontally, hiding the fan pipe. Suitable for rooms in which pipes are located in the corner.
  • Oblique false wall. The middle option between the previous ones. The design is attached at an acute angle to the side or rear wall. Just like a false wall, it allows you to hide several pipes, but saves a lot of space.
  • Multilevel. It is installed in the case of a chaotic arrangement of pipes in the toilet. To save space, boxes are created in places where communications are located.

Built-in sanitary cabinet

The design with doors on the wall behind the toilet is called a sanitary cabinet.

Using this method of masking, several problems are solved at once.

  • An additional niche for shelves appears, on which cleaning products and accessories can be stored.
  • The presence of doors does not impede access to meters, filters, manifolds and pipelines.
  • In the event of a pipe break, the cabinet will not impede access to the accident site. Replacing metering devices in a toilet with a sanitary cabinet will not be inconvenient.

The choice of material for the manufacture of doors is quite large. Plywood, PVC panels, chipboard, metal, wooden or glass doors are especially popular. You need to choose a material that fits into the overall style of the interior. For example, in a toilet decorated with plastic, plastic doors would be appropriate. And for a country wooden house, wooden doors are suitable.

Do not forget about the convenience of the location of the doors in the locker. They must be located at a suitable height so as not to obstruct access to the desired junctions. Handles on the doors should also be suitable.

The installation of swing doors in a sanitary cabinet takes place, like any other doors, they are fixed on hinges to the base. Ordinary doors are suitable for a spacious toilet. Closer rooms are best equipped with compact accordion doors, sliding models or curtains.

Concealed installation - chasing

Chasing is an alternative to decorative types of pipe masking. With hidden wiring, it is supposed to sew parts in specially punched ditches, which are called strobes. Such technological holes are made using a wall chaser or puncher. Pipes hidden in the floor screed also belong to the hidden laying. In this case, the wiring is poured with a concrete solution.

The main advantage of this type of disguise is aesthetics. Communications are completely hidden in the wall. With the exception of the riser, the diameter of which is too large and cannot be embedded in the wall. The advantages include the complete safety of pipes, their damage during hidden installation is impossible. Significant space savings is also a plus.

The weak side of the method is the laboriousness, cost and inaccessibility of pipes. You can sew up the pipes yourself, but you will have to study a lot of literature in order to get it right. The use of hidden installation is not possible everywhere. The method will be good in private houses built of brick or solid blocks, as well as in multi-storey buildings with walls of increased thickness. In other places, this method will run counter to SNIPs. Gates significantly weaken the load-bearing walls, which are already heavily loaded.

Some requirements can significantly complicate the installation:

  • only one-piece pipes can be sewn up, others need free access;
  • in the wall on which the work will be carried out, electrical wires should not pass;
  • it is necessary to take into account the linear expansion of the pipe material;
  • you have to use clamps in order to have good sound insulation.

We hide beautifully

It is not always convenient to close pipes with auxiliary materials. In some cases, there is not enough space for complex structures, or the time for repairs in the toilet may be limited. Sometimes pipes are easy enough to decorate when we close communications with a partition, access to them is difficult, and this can be inconvenient.

Outdoor placement of communications

Pipes can be left in plain sight and not decorated, if they look beautiful on their own. For example, metal communications in combination with sanitary ware from the same material are perfectly combined and fit into the interior of a loft, techno or high-tech style restroom. In a toilet with such an environment, they will become a source of pride. But such pipes are expensive, in addition, there is a chance of getting burned.

Therefore, you can beautifully beat ordinary communications:

  • cover with paint that matches the overall color scheme of the toilet;
  • decorate with unusual patterns, while you can use special stencils;
  • sheathe with beautiful pebbles, braid, glass;
  • disguise with artificial plants or make the pipes themselves in the form of trees: the toilet will resemble an impenetrable jungle or dense forest;
  • glue the pipes with various stickers or stickers;
  • if you show imagination, you can use a material that is usually recycled, for example, metal caps from carbonated drinks, and in addition to the unusual design of pipes, it would be appropriate to make a small panel of the same material.

Decorating pipes is a convenient way to hide communications. All parts of communications are in plain sight, you can always check their condition and, if necessary, repair or replace.


Disguise thus resembles a false wall. But not a wall is created, but a curtain. It can be rolled up if necessary.

Blinds Benefits:

  • closing pipes in this way saves a lot of time;
  • during installation, a lot of garbage is not created;
  • long service life of blinds;
  • the price is small;
  • the niche formed behind the blinds is convenient to use for storage;

  • the design is compact both in open and closed form, it will not interfere, however, open blinds provide full access to counters and taps;
  • the choice of material is very large: from inexpensive and versatile plastic to expensive and specific wood and metal, but due to high humidity, fabric options are not recommended for use in the toilet;
  • the assortment is replete with a variety of colors and patterns, it will not be difficult to choose the right ones;
  • in case of damage or loss of appearance, there is no need to replace the entire structure, it will be enough to replace the damaged lamellas;
  • they can replace the screen under the bathtub or become a partition covering the washing machine if it is located in a niche.
August 4, 2016
Specialization: master of interior and exterior decoration (plaster, putty, tile, drywall, wall paneling, laminate, and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, repairs in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all the necessary types of work.

Probably, most residents of apartment buildings are faced with the question of how to close the sewer riser in the toilet or bathroom if the bathroom is combined. But in addition to the decoration, there is still the pipe itself, which often needs to be replaced, so these concepts are sometimes inseparable from each other. I want to talk more about this and also suggest a video in this article.

sewer risers

Method 1 - decoupage

As I said, there are at least four ways to decorate pipes. I want to list them, in general, and describe the decoration technique.

Perhaps decoupage can be called one of the easiest ways:

  • the word is taken from French, where it sounds like "découper" and literally translates as "cut";
  • the essence of the process here is as follows - you cut out a drawing with your own hands or select an object, and then stick it on a rough base, in our case, on a riser;
  • there can be an endless number of options here, since such pipes are always cold, so you can choose any materials for the ornament;
  • in addition, for such a finish, you can use paints and varnishes and create the most fantastic images;
  • This type of decoupage is also widely used as decoration with artificial climbing plants.


I want to say in advance that the frame methods include decorating with a box, which can be covered with putty plasterboard, ceramic tiles or plastic panels.

There are several installation methods and the instruction does not give any instructions on this matter, since this is simply not provided for in civil and industrial construction.

Frame for the formation of a false wall: 1 - wooden slats; 2 - water pipes; 3 - sewer riser; 4 - water meter

In separate bathrooms, the riser passes through the toilet, where there is also a water supply with a water meter, and since the width of such a room is about 75-80 cm, it makes no sense to make a separate box. It is much more practical in such situations to build a false wall.

For lathing, both 50 × 50 mm wooden slats and CW and UW metal profiles, which are usually used for mounting plasterboard structures, are suitable here. Personally, in such cases, I usually use the rail, since this most often has to be done on uneven walls where there was no finish, and the metal profile will lose power if it does not fit snugly.

The situation is exactly the same when installing the lathing in niches, only here the process is complicated by the fact that you will need to get drywall flush with the plaster, and measuring all this with a plumb or level is extremely inconvenient and long. Therefore, I change the situation a little - first I do lighthouse plaster, and then I close the niche. You yourself understand that leaving 12 mm on the GKLV or GKLS from the rail to the wall surface is not difficult at all.

But, as you understand, apartment projects are different, so in some cases the riser can be located on the wall separately from the water supply or next to it. As a rule, this most often happens in combined bathrooms.

Therefore, in such cases, it is better to use CW and UW profiles for the frame, as shown in the top photo - although their price is somewhat more than a tree, they are much more reliable. Whether or not to leave an inspection hatch for the water meter and main cranes depends entirely on their availability.

Method 2 and 3 - GKL putty and ceramic tiles

When the frame is ready, whether it is a box or a false wall, installing drywall on them is quite simple - just screw it on with self-tapping screws. I most often cut the sheet after it is partially fixed - it's much more convenient and more accurate - you can never go wrong.

When installing drywall, it is very important to follow one rule that will ensure its further good finish - this is the correct wrapping of a self-tapping screw into a profile or rail.

The head above the surface in such cases should be immersed by 0.5-1 mm - no more than that, since when protruding it interferes with the lining, and when immersed deeper, it breaks through the cardboard. In order not to be mistaken, it is best to use a special nozzle with a limiter skirt - even old masters use it, including myself, if, of course, it is at hand.

It is very important to correctly calculate the hatch (if needed) even at the time when we are making the frame - you must have free access to the valves and meters. But if this is putty, then the question is greatly simplified, but the tiles should be calculated so that there is a whole copy per hatch - then you do not have to mount bulky and ugly doors for the plumbing cabinet.

The highest class here will still be such a situation, if a whole row is also under the ceiling, and near the floor there are trimmings (this must be calculated even when unsoldering the plumbing). But be that as it may, even if you make a little mistake, the sound insulation with the box increases significantly.

Magnets are placed between drywall and tiles, as shown in the top photo (they are held on by the same tile adhesive). And in exactly the same places, perforated metal plates are glued with silicone to the back of the removable tile, so that the adhesive composition better fixes the metal (almost all building materials stores have such magnets).

If you wish, you can attach a furniture handle to the removable tile, but it can be removed very simply without it - there is a gap at the seam.

Method 4 - plastic panels

But the situation with PVC panels is even simpler than with putty - in any case, all the work here is of a dry type, so installation is much faster. Some people think that the frame for a box or a false wall here should only be wooden, but I don’t share this point of view at all. The fact is that wood is only important if the panels are installed with a stapler, but I think that self-tapping screws would be much more appropriate here.

Plastic inspection door 200×300 mm

It is not at all necessary to make an inspection door for a water meter and shutoff valves on your own - it can be purchased in building materials, and of different sizes, in the form of a blind sash or blinds. Installing it is also very simple - a hole is cut out along the perimeter of the door frame fasteners and the entire structure is planted on “liquid nails”.

Riser replacement

Well, we kind of figured out the decoration, but what if the riser is old or even already leaking? Of course, there is only one way out - to change. And I advise you to do it as deep and as high as possible, and if the neighbors agree, then on all floors (or several) at the same time!

Of course, the best way to change the sewer riser is to contact the organization that maintains your home and do this in all apartments. But here a problem of this type may arise - the neighbor has already been repaired, his pipe is not flowing, and he will fight off the replacement in every possible way so that the plumbers do not damage his finish.

But the fact is that in most cases this is exactly what happens, so you have to make a replacement in a single apartment or guarantee it, you yourself or your master is responsible for the integrity of the lining of his bathroom.

Dismantling the riser (1-fan fitting; 2 - revision)

That is why we will consider only the second method:

  • to replace a cast-iron pipe, you should first cut it off with a grinder under the ceiling, leaving no more than 100 mm of the process from the neighbors. Make two cuts 5-6 cm apart and remove this insert;
  • now cut off all horizontal outlets from it to the rest of the bathrooms;
  • gently swinging the riser, pull it out of the fan tee, and even better - together with it, since it will still have to be removed, only so as not to damage the socket of the riser from the neighbors below;
  • when the dismantling is completed, put a rubber reduction at the bottom to go to the 110th pipe and insert a tee, adapter or cross into it (depending on what is required for your sewer wiring);
  • raise the riser by a meter and a half with a pipe and insert a revision into it;

  • put an adapter on top of the neighbor's pipe, putting it on silicone, and pull it on it;
  • after that, insert the missing piece of pipe and lower half of the coupling onto it;
  • if desired, under the o-rings of the coupling can be smeared with silicone to guarantee- that's it - the replacement is ready!


I would like to warn you that condensation on the cold water riser is inevitable during the installation of the box, especially at first, until the tile adhesive dries. Well, if you have questions or suggestions - write about it in the comments, we will discuss.

So, for sure your toilet is no exception, and in it, like in most rooms of this type, there are plumbing communications. Do they need to be closed? Only the landlord can answer this question, based on the general style of the apartment and his own aesthetic ideas. It can only be stated with certainty that closed pipes are:

  • aesthetic;
  • convenient (easy to clean);
  • functionally.

There is an opinion that for a start you will have to replace the old iron pipes with modern plastic ones, and only then mask them. In part, it is: it is more convenient, safer and more practical. However, if the replacement of the plumbing is not planned or postponed, the pipes in the toilet will spoil the overall look.

Important: choose materials and finishes that will allow you to easily repair and dismantle pipes in the future.

Material selection

Before you start masking pipes, you should understand which of the materials is most suitable for your bathroom. As a rule, the pipes in the toilet are the sewer riser and plumbing communications that run vertically through the floor and ceiling, as well as water meters. With this in mind, the overlapping of pipes will also be carried out vertically from the floor to the ceiling.

This fact significantly affects the choice of material: the specifics of the room is such that it simply will not allow you to perform a volumetric finish of brick or gas silicate blocks. Accordingly, you will need thin-walled material that can be fixed throughout the entire communication zone. Thus, the finishing of communications in the toilet should be:

  • durable;
  • beautiful;
  • moisture resistant.

Attention: moisture resistance is an important property, because in any bathroom the humidity is increased. If the material is afraid of moisture, then it will not last long.

Prices for water pipes

Water pipes

Finishing materials for pipes in the toilet: options

Among the finishing materials, several of the most convenient and practical are distinguished, any of them, to one degree or another, meets the requirements and has its advantages. Let's consider each in more detail.

Table. Characteristics of options for finishing materials

Finish material nameFinish material nameCharacteristic / properties
Drywall. The most common option
prosEase of installation. For installation or dismantling of drywall trim, conventional tools (not highly specialized) will be required. Also, in the profile of this material, it will be quite simple to make inserts and inserts (hatches).
Environmental friendliness. Drywall is an environmentally friendly substance. Flammability - minimal
Moisture resistance. There are types of material that do not respond to high humidity.
Availability. The material is inexpensive and will not harm the budget
Finishing. Someone considers this a minus, but many people like the opportunity to decorate a plasterboard wall in the way that the general style of the bathroom dictates.
MinusesIf repairs are necessary, the box will have to be dismantled. This is easy to do, but you will need to create another from new drywall
Plastic panel (PVC). Very popular
prosCheap. This is the most budget option.
Easily installed. To carry out the installation of PVC panels, you will need a metal or wooden frame made of bars
Lungs. The weight of this material is small, but sufficient to withstand the installation of hatches
Moisture resistant. Fungus and mold do not form on PVC panels, they are easy to clean
Beautiful. A variety of shades and patterns allows you to choose the material for any interior
FlawsBrittle, easy enough to damage the PVC panel
Aluminum blinds. The option is not too common, suitable for small toilet rooms
prossmall price
Functionality. The space behind the blinds can be placed shelves that will be hidden from prying eyes
Durability. Aluminum blinds can last for many years
Moisture resistance. They are not afraid of dampness, they are easy to care for
Ease of installation. To install blinds, you only need to strengthen them from above, you do not need to touch the side walls for this
MinusesLow noise isolation
Cracks between walls
Additional difficulties (a pipe extending from the toilet will prevent the blinds from being completely lowered, you will have to make a separate plastic box for the bottom)
May change color over time (turn yellow, darken)
Laminated MDF (sanitary cabinet). Often used in Khrushchev. As a rule, doors are made of this material, which are attached to the side walls with the help of timber and hinges. It turns out the design of the type of utility locker
prosSpace saving. In the niche of the cabinet you can put various household items
Convenience. Always have access to communications
Aesthetics. Doors can be made in the general style or become an advantageous accent in the room.
MinusesCost (if the doors are made to order)
Fragility (MDF does not always endure moisture)
Roller shutters. One of the most modern finishes
prosStyle and beauty. Even photo printing is possible on the surface of this finishing material (on request)
Professional installation. Installation is carried out by specialists, which will eliminate errors and unnecessary hassle.
Ease of use. Roller shutters do not interfere with access to communications
FlawsHigh price
Difficulties in placement (ventilation from above and toilet pipes from below will bring additional difficulties)

Note: in some cases, gypsum fiber boards, hinged plastic doors, waterproof plywood can also be used to close the pipes in the toilet. A good and economical option is a former countertop, cabinet door.

Types of mounting structures

As already noted, when it comes to the toilet, we are talking mainly about the vertical arrangement of communications. Horizontal distribution pipes are also subject to closure. Based on this, there are several types of structures for masking water pipes:

  1. Mounted. This is an option suitable for installing blinds; roller shutters also have a hinged structure.
  2. Frame. PVC panels, drywall are suitable for sheathing the frame.
  3. Combined. As the name implies, this is a symbiosis of the first two options - frame and hinged.

  1. Ready array. As a rule, this is a one-piece structure, which is mounted as an assembly. For example, a frame made of metal-plastic, in which a door is mounted for access to the water supply.

Required Tools

To be fully equipped, before you start landscaping the toilet, it will not be superfluous to prepare the necessary tools. Here is an approximate list of devices for installation work:

  • electric drill / perforator;
  • dowel;
  • screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw;
  • level;
  • paint knife;
  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • Bulgarian;
  • centimeter.

For efficient operation and convenience, it is better to ensure that the listed tools are available.

Prices for angle grinders (grinders)

Angle grinders (grinders)

Preparation for work

To make the process of creating a closing structure as simple as possible and not cause you any trouble, you need to not only choose the material, acquire it, prepare the tools necessary for work and think over the configuration of the structure. Before starting installation, it is very important:

  • check the pipes for the presence / absence of damage and defects;
  • if any are found, eliminate;
  • check the strength and serviceability of tees, couplings, angles and other transitional elements to reduce the risk of accidents in the future.

Ways to close the pipes in the toilet

The question of how to close the pipes in the toilet can be quite controversial. The following factors influence the decision:

  • pipe dimensions;
  • their location;
  • presence/absence of water meters;
  • interior design, room style.

Note: if the interior of the room is classic, then blinds will not work as a finishing option, but for a minimalist style - just right.

Which way to choose is up to you. Below we will talk about several of the most common and simple options for closing communications.

Find out what ideas and design options exist for in a special article on our portal.

Complete wall closure

This method is very popular and is used to mask the pipeline quite often. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the space behind the toilet (where the pipes pass) is closed with a false wall. It is created from plasterboard sheets, PVC panels, suspended structures, or a combination of frame and suspended arrays (blinds). Any option will do. To fix the material, a metal profile frame and crate are made.

Important: do not forget about hatches for access to meters and valves!

This design looks neat, simple, economical. It can be decorated in the same way as the rest of the walls in the toilet, which will create the effect of the absence of pipes. In addition, the free space inside can be used to store various household appliances if shelves are installed there. However, there is a minus: a false wall will make it much more difficult to access the pipes.

Oblique false wall: step by step instructions

The design is similar to the previous one, however, in this case, not the entire wall is closed, but that part of it in which the pipes pass (if they are located in the corner). It is impossible to equip niches for storing household chemicals inside an oblique false wall, however, this design helps to significantly save space in a small room. To equip a slanting false wall:

  1. Fix the metal profile along the perimeter of the pipeline (walls, floor, ceiling).

  1. Sheathe the structure with drywall.

  1. Cover the false wall with tiles or other material chosen for sheathing.

Note: regardless of the chosen type of construction, leave 3-4 cm between the installed wall and the pipeline!

square box

Such a design would be appropriate in the case when the pipes do not pass over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire wall, but occupy only the corner of the bathroom. This option is great if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is small, because it does not take up much space. To create a square box, you will need a metal profile (attached to the floor and walls), guides, sheathing / cladding material. Do not forget about the door, which is positioned so as to provide access to water meters and valves. The advantages of this design are obvious:

  • ease of installation;
  • profitability;
  • the possibility of dismantling.

The only thing: in the event of an accident, the box is not entirely convenient, since its dismantling can take considerable time.

If communications have an angular vertical arrangement, then the box will look like a column. If the position of the pipes is horizontal, then you get something like a small step that can be used as a stand for freshener, paper or something else.

Video - Creating a box frame

The design in composition is a little more complicated than the previous one, therefore, more efforts will have to be made for its installation. In fact, this is the creation of two or more successively arranged boxes from, fixed on a metal profile crate. These designs will perfectly hide the pipeline located horizontally below.

The option is good, it allows you to improve the design, it is more interesting to beat it. In addition, multi-level boxes are a great way to create niches not only in the walls, but also on the ceilings. This option is good for those who want to install multi-level spot lighting.

This design option is used quite often, but not everyone likes it, and here's why:

  • complex installation (it is better to entrust it to specialists);
  • high price;
  • not suitable for every interior.

Despite the listed disadvantages, the design is good because it will give full free access to communications. This greatly simplifies their repair in case of an accident. You can also install shelves and store a lot of necessary little things there.

Built-in locker

A convenient, functional and attractive way to mask pipes in a toilet. This design looks stylish, it will easily fit into the interior, if you choose the right color for the doors. Access to the water supply will always be free. In this case, the lower part of the communications can be closed with plastic, matched to the color of wooden chipboard or plywood doors. The downside of this option is its cost. Good materials are not always cheap, and installing such a cabinet is not an easy task. Usually owners who are not constrained by means choose this method: in this case, the markup, construction and installation is carried out by a specialist.

Original decor

If you are a fan of originality and know how to create interesting things with your own hands, then this method is just for you. Having shown imagination and making a little effort, you can design pipes in an individual style. It will turn out extraordinary and fresh. To decorate communications, any material will be used: rhinestones, mosaics, glass, paints, shells and more. The main thing is that they match the general style of the room.

Prices for bathroom and toilet tiles


A little about the plumbing hatch

Structures that mask communications must certainly be equipped with hatches, in other words, small doors for access to pipes, meters and valves. If you use options such as roller shutters, blinds, a plumbing cabinet, then there will be no problems with this. However, in structures made of drywall or PVC panels, you will have to think in advance about the presence of a special viewing hole. In the case of plastic, everything is quite simple: it is easy to install a plastic door in the right place. In the range of stores a large selection of models of any size. The variant of the drywall construction is a little more complicated, because it is usually lined with tiles. In such cases, you can choose one of several options:

  1. Install a simple metal or plastic hatch, the doors of which will swing open outwards. Such an opening will be visible, but will not stand out too much from the overall picture.

  1. Purchase a special hatch that can be hidden. The surface of the door of such a hatch will look like part of a false wall. This option is not the cheapest.

Learn how to make, and also check out interesting ideas (photos) and instructions.

Step-by-step instructions for closing pipes with drywall

Material such as drywall is attached to the metal profile. To mount the box, you need the following:

  1. Measure the desired length of the profile and cut it. With a pencil on the floor, mark up (3-4 cm from the pipes) and screw (with dowels) the profile according to the marking. Do the same on the ceiling and walls.
  2. Cut out racks from the profile (the length is up to the ceiling), install them in the corners and near the walls and screw them on from below and from above with special profile screws (“bugs”).

  1. Cut the rack profile with a hacksaw and mount a crate from them horizontally. For fastening you will need the same "bugs".

  1. Mount a window for the hatch from the profile sections. To do this, place the profile segments vertically and horizontally (in the form of an opening) in the selected location.
  2. Cut drywall with a paint knife into sheets of the required size.

Attention: when attaching drywall, make sure that the screw cap sinks flush, but does not break through its surface.

Prices for drywall and sheet materials

Drywall and sheet materials

Video - Create a drywall box

Step-by-step instructions for closing pipes with PVC panels

Installation of PVC panels is considered quite easy and fast. To implement it, follow several steps:

  1. Make a crate of bars or a metal profile: attach the guides to the floor and walls with a perforator using dowels and screws. Attach the vertical posts to the rails with long screws.

  1. The hatch window is an important detail. If the hatch door is plastic, the PVC panels will withstand it. If it is large metal, make a window of the right size out of the timber.
  2. Attach the plastic panels to the crate. This is done with staples, small screws, nails - whichever is more convenient for you.

Note: as a rule, the arrangement of PVC panels is vertical.

Video - Box made of PVC panels: beautiful, fast, easy

There are many ways to close the pipes in the toilet, each of them is good in its own way and is possible in almost any room. The final choice always remains with the owner of the bathroom: based on the overall design, budget and your own wishes, you can give preference to the most suitable finishing option for you personally.