Spring in the country where to start. March in the country: work in the garden and in the garden - do not be late! Works in the country house

03.03.2020 Heating

Many people associate the arrival of spring with warmth, lengthening daylight hours and the desire to relax in the bosom of nature, breathing fresh air. However, if you own a garden or summer cottage, you associate spring with the start of land work. Successful spring work in the country is the key to a rich harvest and a beautiful garden. Therefore, during the period when the earth is getting rid of the annoying ice shackles, you should not waste your time, because right now you need to start preparing the site for the next harvest season. And the "Dream House" will tell you what works are the most important in the spring.

Spring work in the country

Spring starts with cleaning

Even the most well-groomed garden at the beginning of spring looks depressing: the covering material that protects the soil squinted under the weight of snow and moisture, last year's foliage turned into a pile of garbage and began to rot, and fallen branches and fallen branches accumulated under the trees. Not only does the garbage collected during the winter look extremely unaesthetic, it also negatively affects the condition of the soil. Therefore, the very first work in the country in the spring should begin with a general cleaning.

As soon as the first snow melts and the temperature stabilizes a little, collect the covering material, clean it and hide it until the next frost. Please note that if spring has not yet fully come into its own and the tree branches are covered with a snow or ice crust, it should be removed, otherwise the branches may break due to excess weight.

Work in the country in the spring

Spring cleaning of the garden

Spring work at the dacha

Spring cleaning of the garden, garden and cottages consists in the complete cleaning of the territory from debris, last year's leaves and grass. The easiest way to do this is with a rake and garden brush. However, you should not burn last year's foliage, because this can harm your health and the health of others. Experienced gardeners use winter debris to create compost by pouring leftover foliage into a special container or pit.

With the advent of spring, the first weeds wake up. If seedlings of horticultural enemies have already appeared through the soil, remove them right now, otherwise the grass will grow significantly in a week. In addition, in warm and humid places, such as under stones, containers, etc., moss often forms, which also has a detrimental effect on plants. It is convenient to remove the growth with a brush or a strong jet of water.

The most important work in the spring in the country

Spring cleaning in the country

Spring at their summer cottage: preparing the soil

One of the most important stages of spring work on a personal plot is tillage. As soon as the snow has completely melted and the earth stops sticking to the shovel, the soil must be dug up to remove weed roots and pest larvae from the soil.

Also, it is in the spring that the soil should be fertilized to ensure a good harvest. As a top dressing, it is recommended to use universal fertilizers, which contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Since there are sharp fluctuations in temperature in the spring, the soil around, trees and perennials should be mulched. This will protect the root systems of plants from the cold and hide them from the scorching sun. To create mulch, it is better to use fresh humus or compost.

Also, pay attention to the strength of the soil. In too heavy soil, water will stagnate at the roots of plants. To improve the quality of the land, in this case it is recommended to add coarse gravel or fine sand to it. If the soil is too loose, add clay or clay soil to it along with fertilizers, otherwise nutrients and moisture will seep deep into the soil.

Having prepared the soil, pay attention to spring work on the lawn. With the first thaw, remove the remnants of snow and ice from, providing air access to. Due to seemingly harmless remnants of ice crusts, after a while, ugly bald spots form on the lawn.

Spring work in the garden

Taking care of trees and shrubs in spring

If the air temperature stays at 3-4 degrees above zero for several days in a row, it's time to start pruning fruit trees and shrubs. Pruning should begin with the largest branches, gradually going down, so that as a result the crown of the tree takes on a cup-shaped shape. However, any pruning work should be carried out before the start of the growing season.

If you plan to plant young seedlings, you need to do this immediately after the snow melts. But keep in mind that planting must be done before the buds form on the seedlings.

In addition, when caring for trees and shrubs, pay attention to fastened dry leaves. Often these leaves are nests of dangerous pests. To protect plant health, collect dry leaves and burn them.

Work in the country in early spring

We prepare seedlings

As a rule, before planting, seedlings are grown indoors or in greenhouses, but if the weather is calm outside, in March, young plants can be taken out for several hours to acclimatize. It is possible to leave seedlings overnight in the garden only if frosts are not expected, however, insulate containers with young plants until the temperature is completely stabilized. If you grow seedlings in spring, increase ventilation to harden plants. Depending on the variety of plants, hardening is carried out for 7-10 days before planting in the ground.

Spring work in the garden

Now winter is living out its last days and comes into its own, such a long-awaited for every gardener, spring.

Very soon the garden will recover from the heavy frosty everyday life and will breathe deeply.

During this period, active spring work begins in the garden and garden. It is necessary to prepare for the hot period of planting, watering and harvesting.

The main concerns of the summer resident in March

The first half of March is marked by harvesting and soil preparation.. The last snow crust that has formed around the trees must be removed with a garden fork. This procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage those parts of the plants that are under the snow.

Trees must be whitewashed by the middle of the month. Young trees are covered with a mixture of mullein and clay to recharge after a long winter. As a pest control, blackcurrant bushes are doused with hot water, and a film is laid under the bush itself so that pests cannot get out of the soil.

When the air temperature crosses the mark of +5 degrees, the first spraying is carried out in the garden. All branches damaged by pests are removed and burned.

Be sure to check whether the plants survived the winter well. To do this, it is necessary to make a small incision along the base on the damaged-looking tissues. If there is no blackness on the cut and it is a light green hue, then the plant is not damaged. At the end of March, spraying from pests with copper sulphate is carried out.

When active snow melting begins, it is necessary to properly dispose of the melt water. If your site has large slopes, then here it is necessary to make small grooves across so that the fertile soil layer has not been carried away by water.

If your garden is located in a lowland, then the water should be diverted into deep ditches or pits so that the roots do not rot from lack of air. On flat sandy and light clay surfaces, melt water does no harm.

Work in the country in the spring is not complete without preparation for planting various crops. In March days, seeds are sown for seedlings of cauliflower and white cabbage, beets, tomatoes and onions. The soil for sowing is selected loose, fertile and not acidic. It must be prepared by mixing peat, fertile soil, humus, as well as tree resin and mineral fertilizers.

April preparations at their summer cottage

In April, the cleaning of the upper layers of the soil continues, removal of the bark near the kidneys. All garbage after complete drying of the soil is collected and burned. If the garden in past seasons was invaded by ticks, aphids, psyllids or suckers, then trees and shrubs should be sprayed with nitrofen. This must be done before the buds begin to open.

The circles around the trees must be dug up and loosened, being careful not to damage the roots. This is necessary not only to improve the quality of the soil, but also to destroy infections and pests. For some time, the trunk circles are covered with a film so that pests cannot get from winter shelters to trees. The film can be removed when the moths stop flying.

Also in April, they dig up the soil with the introduction of ash and mineral fertilizers. After the digging is completed, the earth is leveled with a rake. In heavy soils make ridges. In warm years, early crops can be sown at the end of April.

Dacha in May

The main spring work in the country begins in May. This month is considered the most crucial period for every gardener. The success of the entire summer season depends on the correctness of all events at this time.

To begin with, a thorough cleaning is carried out in the garden, props and films are removed, and the remains of last year's plants are also disposed of. It is necessary to wash greenhouses and greenhouses, to clean water drains. Don't forget to check your garden tools, as the period of its active use begins.

The soil must be periodically loosened and weeds removed. Do not forget about the mulching of trees and shrubs. It can be done with humus or fresh compost.

May is the time for planting a variety of ornamental and vegetable crops. At this time, carrots and potatoes, cucumbers, watermelons, melons are sown in already prepared holes.

Frosts often occur in May, which is why experienced gardeners carefully monitor temperature changes. In extreme cases, on frosty days, special smoke fires are lit on the site in order to prevent the flowers of fruit trees from freezing. On cold evenings, seedlings are covered with thick paper.

Carrying out work in the garden in the spring, it is necessary to approach each event with special care. During this crucial period, you are preparing for a successful summer season, so you can not miss anything. A garden and a garden require a lot of attention, effort and time. But it's worth it!

If snow does not melt on the soil for a long period of time, and work on the summer cottage is urgent, then we speed up the process - we pour a thin layer of peat on the snow. If time permits, we wait. The soil on which the snow has melted is perfectly moistened. If you leave a snow cover next to the trees, the process of gradual wetting is extended.. So you can keep a significant amount of moisture for a fairly long time.

With the snow melting, garden work in the spring can be read from cleaning last year's foliage (if this was not done in the fall). It can be burned or composted. Then we remove the insulating film from the grapes, ornamental plants, open the strawberries. We pay special attention to the soil of the site: if necessary, then we remove excess moisture and loosen it.

After that, the top layer of soil should be mulched, that is, sprinkled with organic or inorganic material. The first is hay, nutshells, sawdust, humus, needles. The second - gravel, pebbles, various covering materials. Mulching helps retain water and soil looseness, prevents soil erosion, reduces the number of weed plants and promotes the formation of adventitious roots.

Spraying and whitewashing - do not forget about the trees

All work in the garden must be done before the buds begin to swell. First of all, this applies to pruning shrubs, fruit trees and grapes. Early pruning reduces the negative effects possible from shortening. It is also important to get rid of dry and frost-affected or diseased branches and cut out excess growth.

If you decide to carry out, remove no more than a third of the branches in one year.

If the autumn whitewashing of trees for any reason was not done, then this must be done. Whitewash, which includes chalk and lime, protects the tree well from flightless pests that hibernate in the bark or fallen leaves. Be sure to do the first spraying of trees and grapes before bud break - many insects lay their eggs in buds or buds.

Spring work in the garden - March-May

In late April - early March, all fruit trees must be opened and the soil dug in a circle, only carefully so as not to damage their roots. This is done both to destroy possible pests and infections, and to improve the quality of the soil. Also during this period, it is advisable to dig the soil throughout the site and add mineral fertilizers or ash to it. Then use a rake to level the ground. When the weather is warm and sunny, early crops can be sown.

The beginning of May is a time when spring work in the garden requires special attention and patience from the summer resident. During this period, a variety of ornamental and vegetable crops are planted. For example, potatoes, cucumbers, melons and others. Due to the fact that frosts sometimes occur in May, both on the ground and in the air, it is necessary to carefully monitor changes in atmospheric temperatures. On frosty days, in extreme cases, smoke fires can be lit in the summer cottage so that the flowers of fruit trees do not freeze. On cool nights, seedlings should be covered with polyethylene or thick paper.

A real summer resident knows: winter ends when it is already possible to go to the dacha. And that moment comes in March. Despite the fact that the gardener will still face snow, frost, and other manifestations of bad weather, these are no longer winter colds. This is just a winter retreating before spring, which does not always give up without a fight. However, the March sun is getting brighter, the days are longer, which means that spring is coming into its own. Gardeners and gardeners go to the country, inspect their possessions and prepare to start work in the garden and in the garden.

The main March work in the garden

First of all, the gardener draws up a plan of action. What garden work should be done in the first month of spring?

When making a plan, it is better not to set specific days: winter can still bring an unpleasant surprise, and sudden snowfall may well erase the previous cleaning work of the summer cottage.

However, gardening does not wait and already requires the application of hands.

First of all, you need to get rid of most of the snow. You should take a good look at your possessions. If there are still wet white flakes on the branches, be sure to shake them off. A small amount of snow on the ground will melt faster than on the branches, and it is more pleasant for the eye to see spring trees than winter ones.

Melt waters on earth should not be overlooked either. Be sure to clean the drainage grooves. If possible, containers should be filled with melted snow. This is a great way to keep clean water!

Paths and aisles also deserve to be cleaned. But the main thing is greenhouses. To protect them, it would be good to make grooves with which melt water can easily leave dangerous places. The same should be done with greenhouses, cellars and other important places in the country.

Ice near bushes can be sprinkled with humus, peat or ash. This will speed up the melting of frozen water.

But it is not necessary to clean all the snow and completely remove the ice. After all, winter can still remind of itself and give the site a real snowfall. The main thing is to remove most of the snow and protect the plants. The remnants of evidence of the past winter will be removed by spring on its own, when it fully comes into its own.

Garden and vegetable garden: what needs to be done in March

Work in the garden and in the garden in March should not be carried out in disorder, but according to plan. First of all, you need:

  • Protect fruit trees from too bright sun. To do this, whitewash the trees on the first bright day. It is best to use water-based paint or lime milk. If the trees are whitewashed beforehand, be sure to check if the paint has peeled off. If this happens, correct the situation.

  • Protect buds of fruit trees. To do this, again you need lime. More precisely - a solution of lime (1 kg per ten liters of water). Using a sprayer, apply the solution to the crowns of trees. Be careful and don't overdo it!
  • Clean up fruit tree wounds with a garden knife. It is best to inspect the plants after the cold is completely over. If March is cold and snowy, you can postpone this work until the end of the month or even the beginning of April.
  • crop trees and shrubs. It is necessary to remove old dried branches. This work is also best done in the second half of the month.
  • Protect trees from insects that crawl out after the end of cold weather. This will help the trapping belts imposed on the trees.
  • Attract birds . What is a garden without songbirds that can protect it from voracious midges? They must be attracted by houses located on the branches. It is best to do this before the snow melts, so that the feathered friends have time to notice the nest prepared for them and do not settle somewhere else.

  • Prepare greenhouses and greenhouses. It is desirable to disinfect the soil there.
  • Pour hot water gooseberries and currants. This is necessary to protect plants from pests. But be careful! You can water with hot water only until the buds open.
  • Vernalize potatoes . It is necessary to scatter potatoes in a bright and warm room for about a month and a half.

Works in the flower garden

The flower garden in March also needs care from the summer resident, who is both a gardener, a gardener, and a florist. There you have to do the following:

  • ventilate roses, hydrangeas and other flowers that have been covered since autumn. The cover should be removed slowly and carefully. It is recommended to do this only in sunny weather.
  • break the crust to protect plants from decay.
  • Verify roots of perennials. If you notice underheating, be sure to transplant. Also make sure that there is snow over them, since March is a transitional month, in which spring weather may well be replaced by frosts.
  • feed plants. To begin with, it is enough to scatter mineral fertilizers on the snow.

However, the most important place for applying the work of a summer resident in March is the seedlings that we told you about. She needs to be monitored and transplanted in time.

March is an important month. It is in March that conditions are laid for the future result - a large harvest, which will be grown independently by the caring hands of the summer resident. That is why you should pay special attention to those works in the garden and in the garden, which must be done during these March days.

Inveterate summer residents are looking forward to spring thaws to take care of their plots. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing to do in early spring, since the earth has not yet warmed up, and in some places there is still snow. Spring dacha work includes a whole range of activities to improve the territory and prepare it for the next season.

Essential gardening work in March

First of all, in March or April, you need to remove all covering materials that served as good protection for plants in severe frosts. All structures will have to be thoroughly washed and dried so that when the next winter season comes, you can use them at the right time.

With the first rays of the sun, not only the juicy green of the flowers appears, but weeds also begin to actively break through. Pull them up by their roots from the wet ground. Young moss is well removed with a brush and water pressure from a hose. If you use water to restore order in March, remember that you need to work at positive temperatures, otherwise you yourself will freeze, and the site will turn into an ice rink.

An important stage of work in early spring is soil mulching. On prepared soil, many plants are less susceptible to decay, so you can harvest a good crop of strawberries, cucumbers or pumpkins.

Mulch performs a decorative function, and also protects plants from the scorching rays of the sun and the March cold. For the manufacture of the mulching mixture, sawdust, straw, compost or rotten leaves are most often used.

With the first rays of the sun, gardeners start planting tree seedlings. As long as the tree is dormant, it will do best in the new ground. Spring is also considered the best time for grafting shrubs and trees.

In early spring, there is a lot of work at the dacha, so the owners of even small plots are looking forward to when the snow melts and at least a little warmer. From spring garden work the amount of harvest in the future, as well as the beauty of your favorite site, directly depends.