The best solutions for making a pipe box in the bathroom. Plasterboard pipe box installation Detachable pipe boxes with magnets

03.11.2019 Radiators

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Pipes left in plain sight are not the best addition to the bathroom interior. In order for the room to have a neat and complete look, communications must be hidden. Moreover, it is desirable to do this in such a way as to have access to pipe connections, valves, meters and filters. The best solution to this problem would be the manufacture of a box. Consider how to make a pipe box in the bathroom from plastic panels.

Advantages of a plastic box

The design for masking pipes can be made of plastic or. Each of these options is good in its own way, but in terms of practicality, the plastic box is in the lead. It has many undeniable advantages:

  • Possibility of quick disassembly without damaging the material. This property of plastic construction is especially relevant for pipes joined with fittings and threaded connections, which are not immune from leaks. After the liquidation of a breakdown or scheduled maintenance of the pipes, the box is easily assembled back.
  • No need for further finishing. Plastic panels themselves are already a finishing decorative material, unlike drywall, which requires final processing.
  • Deformation resistance and ease of repair. The plastic used to make the panels is strong and flexible, so it's less likely to break than tiles that can be accidentally broken. Even if one panel is damaged, it is easy to replace it with a new one without damaging the entire structure.
  • Moisture resistance. PVC is not afraid of water, does not rot, nothing will happen to the box, even if it is installed close to the bathtub or gets wet due to condensate that forms on the pipes.
  • Ease of installation. Installation of the box will take only a few hours and will not require the use of expensive or specific tools.
  • Affordable price. Plastic panels for bathrooms are one of the most inexpensive finishing materials.
  • Spaciousness and compactness. Due to the small thickness of the panels, the plastic construction is very roomy and does not take up much extra space in the bathroom, which is especially important for a small room.

The plastic box is very practical: it can be disassembled and reassembled as many times as necessary.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with the assembly of the box, you need to carry out several preliminary activities.

  • Examine all the pipes that will be hidden. Eliminate defects while communications are in sight. If a new pipeline is being installed along the way, try to keep the number of connections to a minimum.
  • Decide what kind of box in the bathroom will have. It can hide only a small area where the pipes pass, or take up a fairly large area. The advantage of the first option is to save material and no need to sacrifice free space. When choosing a more voluminous modification, additional space inside the structure can be adapted for storing things.
  • silicone sealant;
  • plinths made of PVC for masking joints;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • sharp construction knife.

Making a box frame

Follow the instructions below when installing the frame structure.

  • On the walls adjacent to the corner, install guides (UD profiles) that will set the dimensions of the box. Don't forget to use the level. To fasten the supporting profiles to the wall, use euro screws and dowels. If the surface is tiled, you can take metal screws 2.5 centimeters long and 3.5 millimeters in diameter. They are twisted into the seams between the tiles.

Tip: To save space in the bathroom, install the profiles closer to the pipes. The minimum distance is 3 centimeters.

  • If the pipes run horizontally, place the profile parallel to the floor and fix it on it.
  • Start forming the outer corner. From two UD profiles, twist the corner post. Direct their shelves in different directions at a right angle and connect them with small screws - “fleas”.
  • Cut the carrier profile CD into pieces, the length of which will correspond to the dimensions of the structure. Fasten the corner stiffener to the wall. Insert the finished pieces of the profile with one end into the guide installed at the first stage, with the other into the stiffener. Thus, both parts of the corner are connected to the profile.
  • Every 50 centimeters, add jumpers, which are necessary for the subsequent fastening of PVC panels.
  • The second corner profile is attached in a similar way to another wall.

We sheathe the frame with PVC panels

After the supporting structure is ready, you can proceed to its sheathing. You need to do this in the following sequence:

  • Install the start profile. Carefully, avoiding deformation, fix it with the help of "fleas" on the installed rail.
  • Measure a strip of plastic panel to the desired length, cut it with a sharp knife.
  • Fix one panel in the starting profile, attach the second to the corner profile and install it to the other plane of the box. To connect, use all the same "fleas", or "bugs".
  • Assemble the other side of the box in the same way. Fix the starting profile on the last plastic panel, then fix it. If you do this with silicone, you can ensure that you can easily dismantle it in the future in case of an emergency.
  • Cut inspection holes in those places where you need unhindered access to important pipeline elements: taps, meters and joints. Using silicone sealant, fix special hatches in the holes.

The box in the bathroom allows you to hide pipes, taps, water meters and other communication plumbing equipment. It is easier to assemble the box from a metal profile, and use PVC panels or a drywall sheet as a sheathing.

Preparatory work before installation of the box

Before you start making a box in the bathroom with your own hands, you need to decide on the purpose and size. For decorative concealment of pipes, it is enough to create a light frame around them, sheathed with a moisture-repellent coating. If there are children in the house or it is planned to place something on the created surface (basins, buckets, household chemicals), then you will have to strengthen the base with power bars. The creation of a lined false wall from floor to ceiling will help to solve the issue of visual finishing of the resulting corners.

Before you make a box in the bathroom, you will need to create a drawing of the planned design on paper. It must include the installation sites for future hatches located opposite the stopcocks, water meters and flexible connection points. If a natural or forced exhaust is placed in place of the future frame, then you will have to create a ventilation duct in the bathroom. Assembled from building materials, it must provide sufficient air flow. The easiest way is to overlay a decorative lattice opposite the existing one.

Box frame assembly

You can assemble the box in the bathroom with your own hands using the following tools:

  • drill or perforator;
  • metal scissors;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • hammer, screwdriver, tape measure.

It is advisable to assemble a pipe box in the bathroom from waterproof materials. It is better to make a frame from a metal profile, and not from a bar. The use of the latter is permissible only if a closed shower cabin is placed in the bathroom and there is a solid exhaust hood. The bath bowl filled with hot water creates excess moisture that is destructive to the timber. At the same time, its advantages include simple installation of the box in the bathroom and high mechanical strength of the entire structure. To protect the timber from moisture, it is better to use oil paint, varnish or drying oil.

A rectangular box above the pipes is also assembled from a metal profile. To do this, at least three centimeters into the floor and into the wall (above the upper level of the pipes when they are placed horizontally or on the side when they are vertical), guides for the profile are screwed with self-tapping screws. The profile itself is measured in size: the height of the box plus its depth. Two parallel rectangular cuts are made in the profile with metal scissors to bend it at an angle of 90 °, after which it is inserted into the guides. Further installation of the box in the bathroom consists of installing similar profiles with a distance of 40–50 cm between them.

The frame is assembled from a bar in the same way. It is possible to strengthen the horizontal plane of the future structure by placing the bar against the floor - both when assembling from this material, and in the recess of the metal profile. A full-sized wall-mounted vertical ventilation duct in the bathroom can be assembled from a thinner beam (40x50 mm) or from a metal profile with a large spacing between the stiffeners.
Video: how to assemble a frame for a bathroom box:

Options for finishing the box in the bathroom

It is worth assembling a drywall box in a bathroom or toilet if it is expected to have high mechanical strength. You will also have to use this material when finishing the bathroom box with ceramic tiles. The advantages of drywall include a noticeable reinforcement of the frame. The place of the rectangular connection of the sheets in the box must be strengthened with a profile corner. The drywall itself is attached to the profile or beam with countersunk screws.

A box of panels similar in installation in the bathroom is less resistant to dynamic loads. Such a sheathing is beneficial as a decorative one, without mechanical influence from the outside. It is easily erected (screws or glue to the profile), moisture resistant and does not require finishing. The drywall box in the bathroom will have to be pasted over with a film, tile or painted. The joints of panels or sheets with a wall (floor) are sealed with sealant and skirting boards.

Do-it-yourself installation of the box in the bathroom - video:

Installation of hatches in the box

Attaching a plastic hatch to drywall or a box of panels in the bathroom is exactly the same: just cut the perimeter of the hatch frame with a clerical knife or jigsaw and glue it. Designing a fully opening box wall is technically quite difficult, especially when tiling it. Therefore, it is necessary to provide access to the pipe box in the bathroom to all places of threaded or other connections using hatches.

When deciding how to make a box in the bathroom, you need to proceed from the weight, dynamic load on its walls. It is not advisable to use plywood, hardboard (fiberboard sheets) for finishing because of their low moisture resistance and strength. The frame of the box from a metal profile will give rigidity, and its vertical load-bearing beams from a bar or the same profile will strengthen it. For service work, it will be necessary to install plastic doors with glue at the junctions of pipes or flexible piping for plumbing.

Very often, repairs in the bathroom and toilet are carried out in order to make the image of the room more attractive. The presence of communications sometimes spoils even the most fashionable and stylish repair. To hide unsightly communications will wash a box made of drywall. A box in a drywall bathroom with and without doors can be made by hand. To do this, you must first study the instructions, after which you can proceed with the repair work. For the manufacture of the box, moisture-resistant drywall is best suited.

A drywall box will help not only hide communications, but also provide them with reliable protection from unforeseen mechanical premises. This material allows you to make a convenient design that will provide free access to the pipes at the right time. In order for the repair work to be successful, it is necessary to carefully prepare for them.

Properly selected tools are the key to successful repairs. For work you will need: hammer, tape measure, pencil, level, plumb line, knife.

First of all, the master should draw a markup that will allow you to determine the size of the frame. It is important to note that the profile should not come into contact with the pipes. Allowances should be made for patching drywall sheets.

How to markup:

  • Determine the top marking point, given the floor drawing.
  • Run a straight line from the top mark to the bottom.

The success of the entire construction depends on the correct markup. In order to markup clearly and evenly, it is necessary to use a plumb line and a level. After completing the preparatory work, you can proceed to the assembly and installation of the frame.

How to make drywall boxes in the bathroom: frame installation

Before assembling the frame, you must select the material for the profile. It is best to use aluminum. This material is ideally combined with drywall, and also has anti-corrosion qualities.

The use of wooden beams when installing the frame will make the work silent and allow you to create additional fasteners.

It is important to use a sufficient number of bars, which is determined depending on the height of the profiles. The bars prevent the profile from deforming under the weight of the drywall sheets. It is important to pay special attention to the process of cutting drywall sheets.

Stages of work:

  • Cut out two sides.
  • Install side panels.
  • Cut out the third panel.
  • Lay the last panel on top of the side sheets.

When fixing self-tapping screws, it is important to pay attention to the fact that they need to be cut into the profile. In this case, do not touch the end sidewalls. Do not forget that you need to cut holes in the box that will provide access to communications.

Sheathing with sheets and how to make drywall boxes in the bathroom:

Elements for sheathing the frame must be solid. The edges of the side parts must match the profiles of the frame. The last part serves to close the sidebars.

When fixing the elements, it is important to take measurements correctly and take into account the indents between the screws, which should not exceed 2.5 cm.

Places for monitoring the health of the pipeline are also made from drywall sheets. To fix them, special magnets are used. The box can be made completely collapsible.

Decorative finish options:

  • Ceramic tile;
  • Dye;
  • Decorative plaster.

After installing the box, the bathroom will look much more attractive. The noise level from the pipes will be greatly reduced. It is important to make sure that the box does not interfere with pipe maintenance.

Technological holes: how to close the pipes in the bathroom with drywall:

When forming the box, it is important to leave meters, valves, valves, gearboxes and compensators available. Holes in the material must be cut larger than the size of the doors themselves. The door is fixed after the frame is installed.

In order to monitor the sewer runoff, the hole must be located in front of the box.

The door can be placed on the side if it will serve to regulate the condition of valves and pipes. Holes for pipes in the box should be made a little larger. The space between them is filled with polyethylene foam or tow.

Door components:

  • Frame;
  • GKLV;
  • Push lock;
  • seal;
  • Door.

For the manufacture of doors and the box itself, moisture-resistant drywall is used. It is treated with a special impregnation that is resistant to moist air. GKLV prevents the appearance of fungus and mold. After installation, it is better to veneer the box with ceramic tiles. Then the bathroom will look stylish, the pipes will be protected from mechanical influences, and the box - from moisture. The bathroom needs a special finish that will not deteriorate from exposure to moisture and temperature changes.

We make a box in the drywall bathroom (video)

The bathroom is filled with pipes that negatively affect the appearance of the room. That is why we close them with a box. It can be made from various types of materials. One such material is drywall. It is better if it is moisture resistant. You can make the box yourself, having previously studied the instructions and made the markup. It is important not to forget to leave the inspection doors in the box in order to have the possibility of constant access to communications in case of breakage.

When designing the interior of a bathroom, it is necessary to choose the right finishing materials for walls and floors, to choose the necessary plumbing fixtures. The design of the premises is often spoiled by various engineering communications, water supply and sewerage. A pipe box in the bathroom will help to hide elements from prying eyes.

Materials for creating a structure

When constructing a box, there is no need to resort to the help of a specialist, you can do it yourself. At the initial stage of work, a frame is made, which will serve as the basis for fixing the finishing material. The element is made of galvanized metal profile. The guides are placed vertically or horizontally, then fastened with jumpers.

A wide variety of materials can be used as a finish. They must have the following properties:

  • high levels of moisture resistance (in the bathroom, the humidity of the air is constantly changing, which can lead to the formation of fungus and mold on surfaces);
  • the minimum weight of the finish and a small thickness (due to such qualities, the installation of structural elements is simplified);
  • environmental safety of the products used;
  • attractive finish.

Several materials meet these requirements.


Panels made of polyvinyl chloride have an attractive appearance. Products are present on the construction market in a wide range. A person can choose a finish according to personal preferences, in any case, the panels must fit into the existing interior of the room.

The box in the toilet made of PVC panels has the following advantages:

  • excellent indicators of moisture resistance;
  • strength and durability;
  • minimum weight of panels;
  • ease of installation without the presence of a special construction tool;
  • easy to clean, just wipe the surface with a damp cloth;
  • low cost of the material;
  • the possibility of repair work: damaged panels are removed from the frame and replaced with new elements;
  • compactness.

The plastic box for pipes in the bathroom is ideal for small rooms, because the panels have a small thickness. An alternative to this material can be considered drywall panels.

Moisture resistant drywall

In stores you can find several options for products. Standard drywall is used in ordinary living spaces, but it is not suitable for a bathroom where high humidity is constantly present. The way out of the situation will be the use of sheets of moisture-resistant drywall. Products are suitable for the device of standard rectangular structures or parts with convex surfaces, but this will require special skills in working with the material.

Moisture resistant sheets can be identified by the green surface. Plates are treated with antiseptic solutions that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold. Installation of a drywall box in bathrooms has the following features:

  • installation of elements is much more difficult than fixing plastic panels;
  • it will not be possible to obtain a collapsible structure, therefore it is necessary to provide a small door or hatch in the box, which will provide unhindered access to the valves;
  • drywall boards are considered the basis; ceramic tiles or moisture-resistant paint can be used as a finishing material.

Important! To improve performance, the surface of drywall is coated with special impregnations, which additionally protect the material from the harmful effects of moisture.

waterproof plywood

Products differ from sheets of ordinary plywood in a special composition. Natural wood veneer is securely glued together with a special glue that increases the strength and moisture resistance of the material. A person can choose the required thickness of the sheets, this parameter ranges from 6 to 40 mm. The main disadvantage of the finish is the high cost, its surface must be additionally coated with waterproof compounds.


Some craftsmen recommend assembling a box from MDF panels. In fact, it is not advisable to use this material in the bathroom, because fiberboards absorb moisture well, which will further lead to their destruction.

Pipes can be closed using HDV plates. Products differ from the previous version in increased density, they better resist moisture. HDV will serve in the bathroom for at least 10 years without losing the initial technical characteristics.


Oriented strand board (OSB) is the ideal option for finishing the box. They contain synthetic resins and other components that prevent wood from rotting. Several types of plates can be found on the construction market, but panels with additional impregnation, OSB-3 or OSB-4 markings are best suited for the bathroom.

Design choice

Engineering communications can be masked in several different ways. The most popular box designs:

  • the cabinet is installed above vertical pipes, it can be equipped with shelves for various small utensils and household items;
  • partition box - a fairly large structure that is installed along the entire length or height of the room. This option well hides all engineering systems, including sewer pipes, ideal for large areas. The box can be used when installing various elements of plumbing, it well hides the installation of the toilet bowl or the inlet pipes from the sink coming from the faucet. Behind the partition, shelves are mounted for storing household chemicals;
  • compact horizontal or vertical boxes are used in small bathrooms. Designs occupy a minimum amount of usable space.

Important! Before choosing a specific option, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the structure, make appropriate notes on the wall.

Required Tools

To make a removable box for pipes in the toilet, you will need:

  • galvanized metal profile for the frame device;
  • dowel-nails for fixing guides on the surface of the walls;
  • a laser or conventional building level is used for marking work;
  • sickle or reinforcing tape is used for reliable connection of drywall sheets;
  • stationery knife;
  • a screwdriver and screws or self-tapping screws for fixing finishing materials on the frame;
  • perforator;
  • putty and spatula;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • metal shears or a grinder with an abrasive disc are used to cut the guides.

You will need putty and a spatula, a primer for treating drywall surfaces before finishing.

In addition to the specified tool, other devices can be used, it depends on the specific finishing material.

Making a drywall box

To create a decorative box from sheets of moisture-resistant drywall, you must follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. At the preparatory stage of the work, measurements are taken on the walls at the locations of the pipes, the distances are transferred to paper, a detailed plan for the structure is drawn up (opposite the meters and valves, a hole is provided for the hatch device).
  2. Marking lines are applied in the bathroom on the surface of the walls and ceiling, if necessary (the minimum distance between the extreme part of the engineering communication and the inner surface of the box is 3 cm).
  3. They proceed to the device of a frame made of a galvanized profile (dowel-nails are used to fix the guides, screws or self-tapping screws are used for fastening on wooden structures).
  4. In the case of a box for masking vertical pipes of engineering systems, a metal profile is first installed along the walls, then on the ceiling. To ensure the rigidity of the structure, jumpers are installed. The box should have a minimum number of bends, this will greatly simplify the installation work.
  5. Sheets of moisture-resistant drywall are cut in such a way that the minimum number of joints is obtained.
  6. The sheets of material are fixed with self-tapping screws to the previously installed frame.
  7. A sickle (reinforcing mesh) is laid and putty is applied at the corners of the structure and at the joints of the sheets.
  8. Insert doors or inspection hatch.

At the final stage of work, the box is covered with a primer and proceed to the finishing work. The design can be painted or tiled to match the color of the walls in the bathroom.

Demountable design

If necessary, you can make a collapsible box, which will simplify the repair of utilities. In this case, drywall sheets are fixed with screws on the edge of the frame. The finishing material in the end part is not putty, in the future it will be closed with a metal corner. To disassemble the structure, it is enough to remove the corners and unscrew the screws.


To mask engineering communications, ceramic tiles must be selected according to the color and pattern of the existing finishing material. At the initial stage of work, drywall is coated with a primer, which will contribute to better adhesion of the base surface. They make a preliminary layout of the tiles and determine the most advantageous placement of elements.

Now you need to prepare the glue. The solution is mixed with water according to the manufacturer's instructions. The mixture is applied to the surface with a notched trowel, after which the tiles are laid. To maintain the same gaps between adjacent elements, plastic crosses are used. The position of ceramic tiles is adjusted with a rubber mallet and a building level.

For cutting tiles, a tile cutter or a grinder with an abrasive disc is used. During the work, it is necessary to take into account the size of the gap between the tiles. When the glue dries, the joints are filled with grout of the selected color using a rubber spatula and the surface is cleaned of dirt.

Making a box from plastic panels

The device of the box of plastic panels is carried out according to the same technology. First, marking lines are applied on the walls of the room. After that, proceed to the installation of the U-shaped and angular profile. When the frame is installed, they take measurements and cut the plastic, insert the panels into the frame. Plastic products do not need additional processing, they perfectly resist moisture.

Access to communications

For unhindered access to engineering communications, a water meter and shutoff valves, a door or inspection hatch is provided. Products are made from the same material as the box trim. For ease of use, a furniture handle is attached to the doors. To prevent spontaneous opening, the product is equipped with magnets.

  • when constructing a vertical structure, marking lines are applied in the direction from the floor to the ceiling;
  • it is necessary to treat the inner surface of the finishing material with an antifungal agent, an antiseptic;
  • it is important to provide revision holes in the design for the use of shut-off valves or control over the amount of water used;
  • it is necessary to use a metal profile for the installation of a frame for drywall;
  • it is better to fix the sheets with self-tapping screws every 30 cm.

And the last, but very important requirement: if the pipes are in close proximity, it is worth placing them in one box. The minimum distance from the inner surface of the structure to utilities is 3 cm.

A modern bathroom cannot be imagined without communications. But sewer and water pipes will not make the room attractive. Therefore, in the process of repair, the owners of apartments and houses hide these systems under the boxes. It is quite possible to perform such designs on your own, without the involvement of professionals. Just to get started, you need to select the material. To implement the described task, you can use one of several methods and perform the installation:

  • boxes;
  • furniture;
  • roller blinds;
  • pipes in the wall.

When choosing an option, it is worth considering the possibility of pipe maintenance. If they break, the decor of the room should not suffer. Once the box can be installed, you can mount a collapsible structure or make access doors.

A pipe box in the bathroom can be installed depending on the location of the lines. You can close only the pipes or the entire wall completely. The first option involves decorating individual sections, so it is possible to save on materials.

If you sew up the entire plane, then the room will look more attractive, but this design will reduce the usable area. You can use the space partially occupied by pipes by storing various things there.

Preparation of tools and materials

Like all other rooms in your home, the bathroom should look attractive. The pipe box in the room can be made of different materials - it can be drywall, plastic or wood. However, before starting work, you should take care of the availability of some tools, among them:

  • roulette;
  • hammer drill;
  • construction knife;
  • plumb;
  • building corner;
  • hammer;
  • bubble level.

To make the boxes, a standard sheet of drywall with dimensions of 2500x1200 mm will be quite enough. Thickness can range from 9 to 12.5 mm. It is better to purchase a moisture-resistant material, because the sewer riser and water pipes are covered with perspiration, so the humidity will be significant.

The frame can be made of square wooden bars with a side of 40 or 50 mm. An alternative solution is a galvanized profile designed to work with drywall. The latter option is more practical, because the profile does not require special training, and it is much easier to install it.

Material selection

Before you make a box for pipes in the bathroom, you should choose the material. It must be moisture resistant, have a small thickness and weight, and also be based on environmentally friendly ingredients that do not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. According to these requirements, you can choose plywood, plastic, MDF or moisture-resistant drywall.

Conducting training

Before you install a piping box in your bathroom, you need to think about where problems will most often occur. Problems with the plumbing or sewerage system happen at the junctions. If you plan to install the box after laying the pipes, then you should make sure that the line has fewer connections.

If the replacement of the pipeline is not planned, then before hiding the pipes, it is necessary to inspect them. Without fear of leaks, you can close welded or soldered joints. As for the fittings, they should be freely accessible. They should be checked periodically. This indicates that threaded connections cannot be walled up. Access must also be guaranteed to valves, filters and meters.

Box making: sizing

The pipe box in the bathroom should be made only after its future dimensions have been determined. The distance from the walls of the box to the pipes should not be less than 3 cm. As soon as the markings on the floor have been made, using a plumb line, the contours of the future box can be transferred to the ceiling and walls.

Frame installation

Before backfilling the communication system, a frame should be installed. It is better to make it from a galvanized profile, because the air in the room will be constantly humid, so wood is not suitable. If the latter option is still preferable for you, then you should choose bars made from rocks that are resistant to decay. Before use, the elements are treated with an antiseptic.

The components of the frame are fastened together with self-tapping screws or cutters. To fix the profile to the wall, you can stock up on euro screws or dowels. The box covering the bathroom pipes must first be mounted on the walls. At the next stage, the racks are mounted, which will form the front face. Next, guides are installed on the floor and ceiling.

With racks longer than 1.5 m, jumpers should be made between them. They are required for a frame with a width of more than 0.25 m. A distance of no more than a meter must be left between the jumpers. How to make a pipe box in the bathroom so that it serves for many years? You must sand the cut with mastic if you are using wood. This will not only protect the material from damage, but also eliminate its deformation.

Frame sheathing

When preparing parts for the box, it is necessary to form whole elements. First, cut the side walls. They are cut so that the edges do not extend beyond the frame profile. Then the front part of the box is cut out, which should close the sidewalls. After cutting, the material is mounted to the racks. To do this, use 3.5 cm self-tapping screws. The step between them should be 2.5 cm. This will provide the frame with strength, so there is no need to fix the material to the jumpers.

For the manufacture of doors, you can use elements that will be fixed on magnets. Sometimes the box for pipes in the bathroom is completely collapsible. To do this, sheets of material are fastened with self-tapping screws at the very edge. The final finish does not involve decorating them, this is necessary if ceramic tiles are used at the final stage. In order to make the box complete, you can use a plinth or If it is necessary to dismantle the box, the plinth is removed, the screws are unscrewed, the finishing material is removed.

A pipe box in a drywall bathroom is the most common solution for decorating communications. For sheathing the frame, drywall should be prepared, the thickness of which will be 9.5 mm. The joints should be puttied, and then the surface is painted or lined with other material as desired.

Making a plastic box

The first thing to do before going to the bathroom is to close the pipes with a frame. This was discussed above. However, if you want to use polystyrene panels as the lining of the box, then the lining will be done a little differently. The advantage of this solution is the possibility of height adjustment of the structure.

The panels have legs, which allows you to level the unevenness of the floor. With the help of these legs, you can close irregularities up to 10 cm. The installation of the panels will look like this. An end support is mounted on the wall. The top and side edges must be smeared with glue and put in place. A wrench will allow you to tighten the legs of the panels. The plastic box for pipes in the bathroom is not only easy to install, but also durable and reliable.

Recommendations of a specialist for sheathing the frame of the box with PVC panels

After installing the starting profile, in order to avoid deformation, it is necessary to fix it with fleas on the guide profile. On the plastic panel, you need to measure the desired size, then cut it off with a sharp knife. In the start profile, the first panel is fixed, while the other is attached to the corner profile.

For connection it is necessary to use bugs or fleas. The second side of the box is assembled according to the same principle. On the last panel, you need to fix the start profile. Using silicone, you will ensure ease of dismantling when an emergency arises. In those places where it is necessary to provide unhindered access to the elements of the pipeline, it is necessary to cut revision holes. Special hatches are installed using silicone sealant.


Before making the box, you need to think about what material the frame will be made of. If you plan to use a profile, then you should purchase UD and CD guides. If you prefer wood, then to connect elements from it, it is better to purchase hardened self-tapping screws, the length of which will be twice the size of the timber used.

In each of these cases, to fix drywall sheets, it is better to stock up on hardened self-tapping screws, the dimensions of which are 35-45 mm. It is important to choose fasteners that have a piercing tip. It will be easier to work with it, and it will not damage the material.