Hardboard shelves. Shelves in the apartment: wall and floor - types, designs, design. Decorating rooms with decorative shelves

26.06.2020 Radiators

Do-it-yourself bookshelves on the wall are assembled classic, from chipboard, and unusual, for which they use the material at hand. They turn out no worse than factory products, and sometimes surpass them in design. To build a beautiful shelf, you need an idea, suitable material and tools.

What you need to make a DIY wall book shelf

There may be many ideas, but not all will be realized. It depends on the material available. Most often, bookcases and shelves are assembled from the following raw materials:

Cardboard can be added to the list of commonly used materials. There are interesting ideas for DIY bookshelves based on the use of packaging boxes. When using separate sheets of cardboard, voluminous coasters are glued together that can withstand massive books.

Bookshelf drawings with dimensions

When creating an exclusive design model, the drawing will have to be developed individually. If the goal is to assemble an ordinary book stand or a hanging shelf, then you can use ready-made diagrams from the Internet.

However, it is important to consider that the assembly of the shelf is often not started for the sake of interest. It is easier to buy a finished structure in a store, but it does not always fit in size or configuration. If the goal is to place a bookshelf in a limited space, in a corner or other difficult area, the drawing will have to be developed independently.

A capacious bookshelf, divided in the center by a pencil case, will fit into a student's room
A stepped bookshelf would look good on a flight of stairs.
On such a shelf you can install books, a TV, put a DVD player

Types of shelves for books do it yourself

There is a wide variety of shelves. They differ in shape, size, installation method. There are huge wall-mounted bookcases and small stands for several books.

DIY hanging bookshelf

The classic version of the design is designed for hanging on the wall. Usually such shelves are not multi-tiered. More often there are models with 1-3 tiers. A distinctive feature is the presence of strong loops, which hang the shelf on the brackets.

The bookshelf has loops on the back for hanging.

When assembling a hanging book shelf with your own hands, the hinges are located no further than 1 m from each other. They are fixed not only to the upper horizontal, but also to the side vertical panel. Otherwise, under the book mass, the horizontal chipboard panel will delaminate and the shelf will break.

DIY desktop shelf for books

The design is more like a book stand. Install it on your desktop to have quick access to important documents at hand. The shelf should occupy the unused area of ​​​​the countertop, otherwise it will simply get in the way.

The book stand is perfect for an office or student's room.

Do-it-yourself floor shelf for books

Floor models are more correctly called bookcases. Shelves are usually multi-tiered, high. The width can be the entire wall or narrow in the form of a column. The bookcase is installed on the legs or simply without them on the floor. The shelf is usually not attached to the wall, but if the situation requires it, it is fixed with brackets to protect it from tipping over.

Bookshelves don't always mount to the wall

Do-it-yourself corner bookcase

According to the installation method, the book corner shelf is hinged and floor. Its main difference is the form. The bookshelf is placed in the corner, not only inside, but also on the outside. Book hinged models are attached with hinges and brackets to both adjacent walls.

Bookshelf corner placed in the inner and outer corner

Corner bookshelf saves space. An empty corner is filled with a piece of furniture, where the installation of another attribute is inappropriate.

How to make a bookshelf with your own hands

Before starting the manufacture of the shelf, you need to see what material is available. After that, they already begin to develop a project, look for an idea. Immediately determined with the location, since the size and shape of the future structure will depend on this. When all the nuances are clarified, they begin to bring the idea to life.

DIY book shelf made of wood

To assemble the shelf, you will need a cut sanded board 15-20 mm thick. It is better not to use pine and wood of other coniferous species. Over time, these boards will begin to release glue. In addition to the obscene appearance of the shelf itself, the book collection will be damaged.

The classic scheme is based on the assembly of a conventional rectangular shelf

It is easier to assemble a classic rectangular design from wood. The process consists of the following steps:

  1. To assemble the case, 4 blanks are first sawn off. You should get paired elements. In the diagram, they are marked with the letters "A", "B". A rectangle is assembled from the boards. Self-tapping screws are used for connection, but it is better to take furniture screws - confirmations. With such fasteners, the finished product looks better. A hole is drilled under each screw, otherwise the workpiece will crack.
  2. When the case is assembled, it needs to be given an exact rectangular shape, fix it so that it does not skew during operation. There are 2 options here. If the back side is closed, then it is sewn up with a fiberboard sheet. In the diagram, the element is indicated by the letter "C". When it is intended to create an open bookshelf, the back side is not sewn up. To prevent the body from warping, metal flat corners are fixed with self-tapping screws on the back of each corner along the end of adjacent boards. These elements are used on wooden window frames.
  3. When the case is ready, from the inside on the side racks mark the location of the shelves. In the diagram, they are marked with the letters "D", "H". The distance between them, as well as their number, is determined individually. It is not necessary to use a schema here.
  4. Shelves can be made removable or fixed. In the first version, non-through holes are drilled from the inside on the side posts, chips are inserted, and a board is laid on them. In the second option, holes are drilled through. The shelf to the side racks is fixed with self-tapping screws or furniture screws.

The wooden structure is subjected to finishing polishing. Decorate wood with varnish, stain, acrylic paints.

DIY plywood bookshelf

The advantage of plywood is that the sheets are wide compared to the board. There is room for fantasy here. However, plywood tends to delaminate. Each node will have to be reinforced with overhead metal corners and plates.

For a plywood book shelf, small cell sizes are acceptable, as the material tends to sag and delaminate under load

From plywood, you can assemble a shelf for books in the children's room with your own hands. To do this, you first need to build a pattern on paper. Each element is cut out, transferred to a plywood sheet. After marking, the fragments are cut out with a jigsaw. The ends are carefully polished, as after sawing there will be a lot of burrs.

The easiest way is to cut the elements for a classic rectangular plywood bookshelf.

The cut elements are connected using the provided grooves according to the designer's method. On the back side, the nodes at the connection points are reinforced with metal corners or plates. If a back wall is provided, then just a piece of fiberboard is nailed with small carnations. Decorate plywood with paintwork materials or glue it with a colored self-adhesive film.

Homemade glass book shelf

For glass shelves, it is optimal to use material with a thickness of 5 mm or more. Cutting thick glass is difficult, experience is required. First, markup is applied to the sheet with a marker. Glass is laid on a perfectly flat surface. The glass cutter is strongly pressed against the sheet, one line is drawn. It is not recommended to repeat the action. If you get a few scratches, the edge will crumble or the crack will go all over the glass.

Glass cutting begins with marking

The glass is shifted so that the scratch cut by the glass cutter is on the edge of the table. From under the bottom, the sheet is first tapped with the handle of the glass cutter. A crack should go along the scratch. When it spreads to its entire length, with a sharp pressure, the hands try to break the glass. If it fails, the tapping procedure is repeated.

When the element is cut off, the glass edge is rounded off with a grinder. The next step is to create a fastener. Special brackets are bought in the store. They are attached to the wall with dowels. The glass sheet is fixed directly on the brackets themselves.

To fix the glass bookshelf, special brackets are used.

Do-it-yourself book shelf made of cardboard

Craftsmen create voluminous shelves of complex shape from thick sheets of cardboard. For their manufacture, patterns are used, which are often built independently. To follow the easy path, you will need several cardboard boxes. A bookcase is assembled from them in a couple of hours.

Important! Drawers are sized to fit a book inside.

The boxes are connected to each other with metal clamps.

The process of assembling a bookcase is simple. Opening shelves are cut off at the drawers, acting as a lid. Install them on top of each other in a pyramid. Each box is a separate cell of the bookcase. The boxes are fastened together with metal clamps. The finished bookcase is painted with acrylic paint. For decoration, you can paste over with a cloth, self-adhesive film, wallpaper. The structure is placed on the floor. You can’t hang it, otherwise such a shelf will break under the weight of books.

Do-it-yourself book shelf made of chipboard

The technology for assembling a bookshelf is exactly the same as in the version with a board. The difference is the material. Chipboard is desirable to use with a laminated surface. Fragments can be cut from an old disassembled cabinet.

The best material is laminated chipboard

After sawing chipboard, an ugly edge remains that needs to be decorated. First, the end of the plate is ground. The next step is gluing a special edge tape. To do this, heat the iron by setting the temperature control to the middle position. First, they try to glue a piece of the edge onto an unnecessary piece of chipboard. The tape is laid on the workpiece, covered with a cotton cloth, ironed. If the edge is not melted, firmly stuck - the temperature is chosen correctly.

The tape is glued to all the front ends of the bookshelf. The protruding edges on both sides are carefully trimmed with a sharp knife. If a visible white streak remains, it is rubbed with fine-grained sandpaper. After gluing all the blanks, the shelf is assembled, according to the drawing.

Do-it-yourself invisible book shelf

The option of an invisible book shelf is an interesting element of decor. Visually, it seems that the books near the wall are hanging in the air. To work from materials, you only need a metal corner and dowels.

Important! One of the sides of the metal corner should be long so that it can hold books.

Corners are fixed at the same level

There are two design options. In the first case, two corners are fixed with dowels to the wall at the same level. The distance between them is a couple of centimeters less than the width of the books. The long sides of the corners protrude forward. Books are placed on them. The disadvantage of the design is the fact that the shelf is not completely invisible. From below, the protruding planes of the corners are noticeable.

The corner becomes invisible if it is embedded inside the book.

The second option allows you to create a completely invisible shelf, but this will require an unnecessary book. The protruding plate of the corner is hidden under the cover. To prevent the book from moving out, self-tapping screws are driven right into it to the full thickness. A stack of the desired books is placed on a fixed book stand.

DIY creative bookshelf

In the nursery or on the veranda, you can create a creative hanging shelf, just hang it not in the usual way, but with ropes. For the manufacture will need two boards. You can use chipboard, plywood. Cut out two identical rectangles. The parts are stacked on top of each other, holes are drilled in the corners.

To ensure that the holes on the two workpieces match, the parts are stacked before drilling, clamped with a clamp

The rope is threaded into each hole of the workpiece, restrictive knots are tied. They will hold the shelves at a certain height. The free ends of the rope are connected into one rope, tied into a large knot. This part hangs the shelf on a bracket fixed to the ceiling.

To hang a creative shelf, a bracket is screwed into the ceiling

Do-it-yourself bookshelf from improvised materials

A beautiful shelf will turn out from the laminate sheets remaining after the repair. However, due to the weak strength of the material, the design is made for floor or desktop installation. Do not drill into the laminate, as it will crumble. The same goes for self-tapping screws. There is only one way out - to glue with a hot gun.

Laminate elements are glued with a hot gun

An electric jigsaw cuts blanks of the desired length. Since the laminate is thin, so that the shelves do not sag, spacers are placed in the form of vertical partitions. On the back side, it is also desirable to fix at least one sheet vertically for rigidity. In addition, it will prevent the structure from warping, otherwise it may fold like a house of cards.

Homemade bookshelf decor

Decorating the design allows you to give it a complete look, to fit it into the environment in an original way. Ideas can still be taken from photo bookshelves, with your own hands. decorated by professional designers and simple amateurs.

A flower, a lamp, and other items that give originality are placed next to the books.
An unusual shelf in the form of a ribbon is illuminated by a directed beam of light from small spotlights. A mirror will fit beautifully between a group of shelves


You can assemble bookshelves on the wall with your own hands in a couple of hours. More time to spend on decoration. If this step is ignored, the design will stand out as an ugly spot among the decor.

In order for the interior to “heal”, it is necessary to fill it not only with furniture and textiles, but also with all kinds of accessories.

Books, souvenirs brought from travels, flowers, favorite photos in frames, various objects dear to the heart should take their places in the interior.

Various shelves, niches, racks come to the rescue, which are just designed to store such items.

Today we’ll talk about various options for placing shelves, which you can do yourself or purchase in a distribution network.

Types of shelves

A shelf is a piece of furniture made from different types of materials, without a front wall, designed to store various interior items.

According to the location in the interior, the shelves can be wall-mounted, hanging and corner.

  • The wall shelf is attached to the wall, often located above any piece of furniture (above a table, sofa, bed).
  • The hanging shelf is attached to the ceiling with cables, belts, chains and other devices.
  • The corner shelf is located between two adjacent walls, attached to both the walls and the ceiling.

According to the materials from which the shelves are made, they can be divided into:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • glass;
  • shelves made of MDF, chipboard;
  • shelves from GVL sheets;
  • combined (combining two or more materials).

By design, the shelves can be cantilevered, with and without side walls, with a back wall, vertical, horizontal, with a shift, multi-tiered, with right angles, inclined, rounded.

The options can be listed for a long time, because for each interior with its own design, its own type of shelves is selected, which becomes not only a place of storage, but also a kind of accent that stands out against the background of the walls in color, texture, complemented by various lighting.

Wall shelves in the premises of a house or apartment

In almost every children's room you can find a wall shelf, especially if the child living in this room is of school age. On the shelf, as a rule, textbooks, notebooks, various school supplies and toys are placed. Often the shelves are made of the same material as the furniture.

You can fix the shelf on the corners, brackets (open and hidden), hinges. The mounting option for wall shelves depends on the chosen interior style.

Mounting on a bracket with a pin. The shelf fits tightly on the pin. The thickness of such a shelf exceeds 25 mm. The design looks concise, no frills, often used in the interior in the style of minimalism.

Wall shelves on brackets that are attached to the wall. The shelf itself is mounted on top of the brackets.

Often, brackets carry not only a structural load, but are also decorative elements. Such shelves look good in a country-style interior.

An excellent solution for wall shelves for a nursery. Designs are made in the form of letters. Bright color accents not only create a mood, but also contribute to the development of the child.

I want to make a children's room for kids brighter than other rooms. Fill it with unusual details typical of childhood, create a cozy fairy-tale atmosphere for your kids. Shelves of an unusual shape in the form of a cloud, a tree or a flower are a godsend for loving parents.

You can make them from plywood by cutting blanks with a jigsaw according to a pre-made pattern, assemble the structure and paint it in the desired color.

Recently, it is no longer fashionable to clutter up the living room with an abundance of cabinet furniture. "Walls", which could be found in almost any apartment of the Soviet period, are a thing of the past. Modern living rooms, in addition to upholstered furniture, are filled with various racks and shelves, adding spectacular lighting.

Wall shelves are made of various materials. Drywall designs are popular, which are not difficult to do with your own hands. The future design is marked on the wall, to which metal or wooden rails are then mounted and sheathed with GVL sheets. The surface of the shelves is puttied and painted.

A plasterboard shelf in the form of a console in the color of the wall to which it is attached looks very light, does not clutter up the room.

You can beat the corners of the premises with corner shelves. The construction will perfectly fit both into the inner corner of two adjacent walls, and at the junction of the walls from the outside. An openwork metal corner shelf is an interior decoration.

Interior and furniture designers offer a large number of original wall shelves that can become a bright accent in the living room interior. We hope that the presented photo gallery will inspire you to make a wall shelf with your own hands. You can draw ready-made ideas or create your own design to your taste.

An unusual decorative shelf in the form of a tree branch against a monochrome wall.

Shelves-frames carry not so much a functional load as they are a decoration of the wall. However, this design can accommodate several interior items.

A shelf of curved wooden blocks, as if bent under the weight of books.

And this shelf, like the bright sun, will always warm you with its warmth, even in dull rainy weather.

Original round shelves can be made of plastic pipes of various diameters.

A shelf made of metal pipes is appropriate in a loft-style interior.

The budget version of the suspended structure combines wooden shelves strung on ropes. The shelf can be mounted both to the ceiling and to the wall on the bracket.

On a glass shelf, you can place a collection of souvenirs brought from trips to different countries. Such a design will not focus on itself, the objects placed on it will be presented to the eye.

The original combined wall shelf made of metal and wood for flowers in the form of a ladder will decorate any room.

Wall shelves find their place not only in living rooms. In the kitchen, the design can become a place to store kitchen utensils, books with cooking recipes, or simply decorate the wall.

A wooden wall shelf from a drawer is appropriate in the interior of a country-style kitchen.

Metal wall shelves are often used in bathrooms. They are made of stainless steel, so they are not subject to corrosion. On sale you can find a wide variety of them. In many models, metal is combined with glass.

The corner glass shelf for the bathroom is attached using a special bracket, which consists of two parts: a base and a movable console. The glass is clamped between the parts of the bracket by tightening the screw located at the bottom of the mount. The bracket is pre-attached to the wall, and only then the glass shelf is strung.

Arrangement of a wardrobe design of shelves on brackets and metal racks. Racks are fixed to the walls, floor and ceiling.

The shelves, hung with brackets on perforated rails, can be easily removed and set to the desired height.

It is perhaps difficult to find a house where there would not be at least one wall shelf. Today, this piece of furniture combines convenience, beauty, and functionality. Look for your solution, equip the interior, enjoy the work done.

Bulky, cabinet furniture is gradually losing its popularity. She is being replaced by light and elegant shelves on the wall, made by hand from improvised materials or ready-made blocks. An interesting and original design of wall shelves allows them to successfully compete with many interior and decor items made in country, hi-tech or modern style.

A wide choice of materials and ideas for the manufacture of such products makes it possible to use them in almost any utility, utility and residential premises.

We invite you to adopt the most interesting sketches in order to free up space from things scattered everywhere and old furniture and make your home more cozy and comfortable.

Features of wall shelves

A do-it-yourself wall shelf will be appropriate in absolutely any interior:

The main types of wall shelves

The method of fastening, the material for manufacture and the items that will be stored on the shelf determine the working load on the entire structure and on the wall on which it is fastened. It is quite natural that the method for attaching it to a vertical surface largely depends on the type of product.

A variety of shelves on the wall of the photo, which are presented below, can be used to place pots, flowerpots and planters with.
In this case, you should take care of the safety of family members, because due to the land that is filled, the structure is subjected to increased loads.
For this reason, a reliable fastening should be used to place such shelves.

Given the design features of wall shelves, they can conditionally be divided into the following groups:

  • closed and open (with or without doors);
  • straight and angular;
  • console type;
  • with and without side restraints;
  • through or closed back wall;
  • in the form of one plane or rectangular;
  • single-tier and multi-tier;
  • fantasy shape - diamond-shaped, inclined.

Among the most popular types of wall shelves are:

In order to make transparent shelves on the wall with your own hands, you need to order a set of glasses of the same shape in a special workshop. For safe use, the ends of the glass are plastered, after which the blanks are fixed in a free corner using brackets.

Glass shelves are suitable for storing books, souvenirs, cosmetics, shampoos and personal hygiene items.

Materials for wall shelves

Everyone who thinks about how to make a shelf on the wall with their own hands knows that a variety of materials can be used to make this piece of furniture. Of course, the simplest and most affordable option is a regular wooden board nailed to the wall. That's just to create a modern and original design of the room, this will not be enough. The choice of materials even for such simple products is very wide.


Do-it-yourself wooden shelves are a good old classic. You can diversify a wooden structure with the help of complex shapes and non-standard fastenings. For interiors in the loft style and minimalism, a beautiful and unusual wooden shelf will be an appropriate solution. For classic design projects, the product can be decorated with carvings, while all structural elements must be carefully processed.

For those who want to save on the source material, we recommend using chipboard, MDF or plywood, which can be purchased at any hardware store for quite affordable money.


Do-it-yourself metal shelves, the photo options that you will find below, can perfectly complement the interiors of rooms in the style of minimalism, hi-tech and fusion. Installation of such products is impossible without special skills and tools. Among the advantages of metal structures are their strength, reliability and durability. Special surface treatment will protect the finished shelf from corrosion and give it additional appeal.


Currently, plastic is considered an ideal material for the production of various interior and decor items. Practical, light, cheap, it can look simple and luxurious, imitating the appearance of natural materials and at the same time eliminating their shortcomings. For rooms with high humidity, a plastic shelf can be an ideal option.

Glass or mirror

A glass or mirror shelf is a real decoration of any room. Elegant and glamorous designs made of glass and mirrors can give the room elegance and lightness. However, such products have one serious disadvantage - increased fragility. An accidentally dropped object or a sharp blow can lead to very sad consequences.

Shelf fixing types

When choosing one or another method of fastening for a future wall shelf, you should remember that the mobility and reliability of the entire structure largely depends on your decision. Experts distinguish the following methods of fastening for shelves and shelves:

Hanging shelves that are hung from the walls or ceiling look interesting and unusual. As a flexible basis can be used:

  • braided harnesses;
  • belts made of natural or artificial leather;
  • twisted weaving from macrame;
  • decorative ropes, etc.

With the right approach, the mount can perform not only a utilitarian function, but also become an interesting and unusual decoration. So, for example, forged sidewalls can be used as reinforced fasteners for wooden or metal structures and at the same time will become a harmonious addition to a room in Provence or country style.

Wall Shelf Design Ideas - Video

When choosing a shelf on the wall, the following nuances should be considered:

Having trouble choosing a shelf? If possible, we recommend that you contact professional designers with this question, who will help you choose the perfect piece of furniture in every respect.

How to make shelves on the wall with your own hands?

The algorithm for building a wall shelf with your own hands is extremely simple and straightforward.

  • decide on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba future wall shelf;
  • make a pencil sketch and decide on the size and dimensions of the future product;
  • make a design sketch with reference to a specific place in the room;
  • depending on the idea being embodied, choose the material and type of fastening.
  • to assess the working load on the wall and structure., depending on the load, decide on the use of reinforced or conventional fastening;
  • on the wall, at the installation site of the structure, make markings;
  • to cut blanks;
  • assemble individual elements into a finished structure;
  • tint brackets or hinged hinges;
  • in order for the shelf to look beautiful and neat, its surface can be covered with a special coating, the ends and joints can be processed by grinding or trimming;
  • hang the shelf on the prepared fasteners, check their reliability and safety;
  • adjust the horizontal of the product;
  • arrange decor items, books and other things that will be stored on the shelf.

If you like everything interesting and unusual and at the same time decorate your home interior on your own, we recommend that you pay attention to any materials at hand. Sometimes even the most unexpected things can be used for these purposes.

Went for a walk in the park? Pay attention to unusual branches, rhizomes and stumps - with the right approach, in skillful hands, they can serve as the basis for an exclusive shelf structure design.

It is endless to talk about the advantages of using wall shelves in modern interiors of apartments and country houses. However, we recommend that you do not waste time and pick up some interesting items for yourself that will allow you to transform the interior of your home and at the same time add practicality and functionality to the room. With this simple technique, you can effectively expand the internal area. Use corner options, asymmetric, single-tiered and multi-tiered shelves of various sizes, thereby hiding the flaws of the interior, and emphasizing its advantages.

We make a shelf with our own hands - video

Shelf for the kitchen - video

Finding storage space is one of the biggest challenges people face when thinking about a design, and after that too. Sometimes, even in a large room, another bulky closet will look out of place, but what if you need to place a collection of figurines or a dozen books? Salvation in such a situation is wall shelves, which will be discussed today.

Types of shelves

Wall shelves, although they are a variety in themselves, also differ in location. Conventionally, they are divided into the following types:

The lightest and most common option, which is attached to a flat wall. But precisely because of their simplicity, they provide a wide field for imagination: shelves of different geometric shapes, sizes, arranged in the form of honeycombs or creating complex compositions.

Such structures can be a single plank nailed to a wall, or they can form a silhouette of a tree with each "branch" serving as a storage space. Bookshelves are slanted or asymmetrical. In the ocean of interesting ideas, there are even round ones, only in the case of unusual figures, it is necessary to think over every moment in advance: location, content, fulcrum.

This place is usually empty due to its impracticality, however, corner shelves not only rehabilitate the space, but also help transform the interior. Fastening is carried out on two adjoining adjacent walls. In this case, not only the inner, but also the outer corner can be involved.

The variability in the design of corner wall shelves depends more on materials and decor, but even in itself this solution looks unusual. More often, shelves are used for books or household items in the bathroom, as well as in storage rooms.

As the name implies, these shelves are not attached directly to the wall, but are suspended on ropes - from the ceiling or beam. This design is not very stable, so it is used to store books, not crystal vases. But it is ideal for creating original accents in the room.

It can be installed as one shelf, or several. The first option is often created in the form of a triangle or fit a shelf into a circle. The main thing is to make sure the storage is reliable.

Materials for wall shelves

A wooden plank nailed to the wall is the easiest shelf option that immediately comes to mind. But for modern design this is not enough. The choice of material, even for such a simple product, is quite wide - as are their capabilities.

Wood and derivatives

Even if this is an obvious basis, it should not be immediately discarded. Complex shapes and fastening will help to diversify a wooden wall shelf. For minimalism or a loft, such a solution would be very appropriate. And if you want to fit an element into a classic interior, it is recommended to pre-process the details, and maybe even decorate with carvings.

To save on material, you can use MDF, chipboard or plywood - beautiful, simple, practical.


But metal wall shelves will definitely attract attention and harmoniously fit into the interior, especially if it is high-tech, fusion or, alternatively, minimalism. Only for their installation will need special skills.

Such a base has high characteristics - durability, reliability, strength. And pre-treatment will save you from corrosion.


A cheap, pliable, versatile material that can look simple or luxurious, mimicking natural options but leveling out their imperfections. Especially if such a shelf on the wall is full of objects, so guests will not have the opportunity to get to know its details better. For the bathroom - a very good solution!

Glass or mirror

Such a basis has a significant drawback - fragility. A sharp push or impact can damage the shelf, but this will not happen when storing light items. Is it worth mentioning how elegant the glass looks, and how glamorous the mirror surface is? This will give the interior a feeling of weightlessness.

What are the types of fasteners?

You will also have to choose the method of attaching the shelf to the wall on your own - from three options. The reliability and mobility of the structure depends on your decision.

Installation is done with dowels or anchors to the wall. This provides a strong fixation of the entire product, increasing its load capacity and strength. If the shelves are supposed to store heavy items, then this type is perfect. But there is a big minus - it is very difficult to dismantle it without consequences for the wall or structure.

Moderately rigid fastening with brackets and mounting hooks, which is easy to implement at home, unlike the first type. If necessary, they can be dismantled without damaging the shelf, after which a new one can be installed.

Fully in line with modern trends in functionality and mobility, such wall shelves are installed according to the principle of building up: the lower tiers become a support for the upper ones. A variety of combinations of shades or shapes that complement each other look appropriate.

We select shelves for the style of the interior

With high-quality work, the shelves turn into full-fledged furniture, which, like any other item, must be harmoniously entered into the style of the room.

Modern style

Everything here is simple and at the same time diverse: both laconic products from different materials and entire ensembles of various geometric shapes are suitable. Instead of empty embellishment - conceptual aesthetics. The priority is modular or mobile types of wall shelves.

It is necessary to focus on wall decoration: in the case of a neutral coating, you can enter bright designs, and on the side with a bright finish, it is better to do without shelves.

Classic style

Turning around in the classic style is not particularly successful. Wooden shelves on a flat wall, in extreme cases - corner. Brackets can be brought to the fore if they are used and fit the design.


Provence makes similar demands. Only the processing of the base needs to be approached more carefully. First, use a tree or its derivatives. Secondly, cover them with white paint and, if possible, create the effect of antique furniture. Some carelessness in installation will add charm to the design, but we must not forget about its strength.


To begin with, we note that with this style it is unlikely that it will be possible to put a lot of any “small things” on open shelves - that’s why it is minimalism. To fit a lot of items, it is recommended to provide shelves with doors, thereby hiding disharmony from the eyes. Glass or wooden surfaces look good - even, smooth, directed strictly horizontally.


The freedom-loving loft offers us the greatest variety. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to fanatically grind the boards to perfection - slight negligence is quite organically combined with the brick walls characteristic of this style.

An excellent option is shelves suspended on a thick rope or an angular structure based on a pipe brought to the fore. In general, the loft allows you to turn the disadvantages of space into advantages, and technical elements into decorative and aesthetic ones.

Shelf decor

Besides the fact that you can choose wall shelves with an interesting design, they can also be additionally decorated for greater effect. To avoid the effect of clutter, make sure that the practical content of the products does not conflict with the details.

The easiest option that is suitable for standard wooden shelves is surface decoration. Here you can use all available tools: stencils, decoupage, decorative tape and so on. This solution will look good on neutral walls, for example, painted white.

The Provence-style interior is characterized by the use of textile elements, so why not decorate the shelves with them by laying a few beautifully hanging scarves with patterns? Cozy and practical.

A romantic mood will be given by candles arranged singly or in groups. However, you can experiment with light sources by incorporating some modern trends. For example, wall shelves with backlights look unusual - mounted lamps that gently illuminate the details located on them.

Tubular fasteners on the shelves can be used as a kind of "hanger": for example, for a lamp, towels or a garland. With little effort, a simple storage space turns into an elegant element of the interior.

It would seem that such a simple product, but so many options! But not all of them are easy to implement on your own and, let's face it, even a simple look requires certain skills. Before moving on to creating a shelf with your own hands, check out the basic recommendations that will help beginners in furniture business or experienced craftsmen.

So, before the main process, it is necessary to think over the design in detail and make a sketch. Determine for yourself the purpose of installing the shelf, the intended things that will be stored on it, the location, shape and size.

After evaluating the load, select the material and method of fastening. After that, marking is carried out on the surface of the base, and the material is also cut.

The resulting modules are assembled, a re-measurement is made, which is compared with the markup for fasteners. Next, the finishing of the elements is carried out, namely, grinding, tightening and painting, if necessary.

Fasteners are installed on the surface of the wall and on the shelf, after which the parts are fixed, as well as leveling with finishing fixing.

In addition to the options listed, we present you with 30 more photos with ideas for wall shelves that will help you decide on an interesting solution. Inspiration and beautiful interiors!

Wooden shelves are the best way to take up space in a house, apartment and decorate their decoration. They differ in convenience, functionality, original forms. Wooden shelves, racks help to make the room cozy. In addition to wood, unusual shelves can be made independently from plywood, tin, glass, fiberboard. But wooden shelves, made by hand, are the most popular, because wood is convenient, it is easy to process.

Choice of wood and necessary tools

A good craftsman knows how to make wooden shelves of various bizarre and simple shapes: closed, open, horizontal, vertical, corner. A reference version is taken as a sample of any such product, which is complemented by other parts and takes on a fantastic look. Every craftsman wants his product to last as long as possible. The choice of wood in this case plays a significant role. For work, even dry boards are selected that do not have cracks, mold, voids. For wood processing you will need the following devices:

  • The first assistant is a hacksaw.
  • You can't do without a drill.
  • For accuracy, you need a building level.
  • Boards 16 mm thick are considered ideal for work.
  • The smoothness of the wood will give a grinder.
  • You can fasten the boards with screws, dowels, brackets.
  • An electric jigsaw will help to give originality to the shelf.
  • The final touch will help to apply stain, wood varnish.

Types of wooden shelves

The most popular are wall shelves. Mounted products are not inferior to them in operation, especially those made in the Art Nouveau style. For children's rooms or for shoes, floor shelves are used. It is very convenient for kids to place their toys on them. In small rooms, wooden shelves under the ceiling are sometimes used. They often contain books. Hanging models are very convenient for indoor flowers. The easiest way to make a shelf will be invisible. Quite a lot of things can accommodate whatnots, racks. A hidden shelf is a great space saver.

What are the shelves attached to?

Shelf holders for wooden shelves can be different. Wall products are often fastened with pins, ropes, perforated guides. Secret cabinets or doors are fixed on hinges or hinged spiers. An inverted bookshelf can be mounted on brackets. Wooden shelves on the wall for books or flowers can be fastened to belts, strong threads, clips.

For floor shelves, a very original method of fastening using ordinary glass bottles is just right. In libraries, sometimes wooden shelves are placed on posts made of decorative bricks. Very often, metal parts, such as pipes, are inserted into the design of wooden shelves.

An example of a simple rectangular shelf

A novice craftsman should first learn how to make an ordinary rectangular product. How to make a wooden shelf that looks like a box? First you need to make a drawing. To do this, take into account the height of the side walls, the thickness of the boards. After accurate markings, you should start sawing the boards. The jigsaw does it jewelry and evenly. For such a creation, you will need 4 blanks: 2 short and 2 long.

Before assembling the craft, each part is sanded, then covered with stain and varnish. If the master decided to paint his masterpiece, then the workpiece must first be coated with an antiseptic primer. Such a product will last longer and the paint will lie evenly.

Assembling a simple shelf

You need to start assembling from the bottom board. To begin with, it is laid on a flat surface. At the ends of this blank, a few centimeters recede on each side and draw a parallel line. Then, on these two strips, 2 points are marked for self-tapping screws for attaching side blanks. Do the same with the top board. Holes for self-tapping screws are drilled at the marked places.

When the holes are made, the side parts are placed on the lower workpiece and fastened with self-tapping screws. Then the top board is fixed to the side walls. Brackets are attached to the walls from the end. If there is a desire, then the back shelf can be closed with plywood, and glass can be inserted in front.

It remains only to hang this craft. To do this, holes are drilled under the dowels in the wall. Self-tapping screws from dowels should protrude 5 mm. Everything is ready, it remains only to attach the brackets.

Extraordinary solution

Such a shelf can be given a more original look if one of the sides is replaced with a stump of a branch (you can birch along with the bark). The log should be 8-10 cm in diameter. You just need to measure the chock of the desired length, cut it off, prime it, dry it and varnish it. When the workpiece dries, it is inserted between two boards and screwed with self-tapping screws.

Original shelves for books of non-standard shapes

Do-it-yourself wooden shelves can be of non-standard shapes. Such models are in great demand. An example is a bookshelf in the form of a labyrinth. To make such a shelf, you need to prepare the following material: edged board, miter box, hacksaw, grinding machine, level. Also, when assembling such a product, you will need carpentry glue, self-tapping screws, screws for furniture, special shelf holders.

First you need to make markings on the board of the right size for the cuts. The blanks for the butt must be cut at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. In this case, it is better to use a chair. After the ends are cut at an angle, it is necessary to smear them with glue, squeeze and fix them with furniture screws (1-2 pieces). Using a level on the wall, mark the points where the shelf will be attached. After the brackets are screwed to it, it can be safely hung on the wall. Excellent shelf holders are the "pelican" designs.

Such a non-standard, but easy-to-use shelf can serve not only for storing books. On it you can beautifully arrange photos in frames, caskets, disks and other decor items.

Wooden shelves for shoes

In a furniture store, shoe racks are not cheap. In order to save your budget, wooden shoe racks can be made at home. Special carpentry skills are not required for this. It's never too late to take on your hallway and build an original shoe rack. For such work, the master uses the following devices: a chisel, an electric drill, a hacksaw for wood, a grinder, a screwdriver. To make a drawing or marks on wood, you will need a ruler and a pencil.

Before starting work, you need to take into account the design of the future craft, its dimensions and functionality. Corner and round designs are the most popular. Most often, ready-made elements purchased in the store are used, the "raw" tree is used less and less. In addition to the above tools, you will also need wood glue, metal corners, sandpaper, varnish or paint, self-tapping screws.

First, the side walls of the desired height are cut out of the boards, for verticals. Then prepare bars for supports and transverse blanks. Immediately cut out four shoe shelves (elements). With the help of sandpaper, all workpieces are processed. Bars are attached to the side walls with self-tapping screws. Metal corners are attached to the end of the product. In turn, each shelf is applied to these bars. When the product is assembled, it is coated with varnish or paint of the desired color.

A wooden shoe rack can also serve as a comfortable ottoman. To do this, the upper part of the shelf is covered with a layer of foam rubber, which is fixed with a dense fabric or leatherette.

Racks for every taste

Wooden rack suitable for garage, shop, home. You can put books, flowers, unnecessary things, decor items on it. For the interior of any room, a shelving unit with light, clean lines and a modern design is suitable. Such a useful cabinet is the creed of many prominent architects, as it has a beautiful shape and excellent functionality.

To properly secure the shelves of such a product, you need strong racks. Special decorations for the racks are not required, but, if desired, you can close the back. The design of shelving racks is quite simple, so do not be afraid to start such work.

For strength, the racks are tied inside with long threaded rods. The convenience of making such a product is that you do not need to cut any corners or grooves. Each detail is best processed before assembly. For the manufacture of racks, both solid wood and laminated plywood are suitable.

For work you will need: planer, jointer, drill, drilling machine. Each master himself sets the dimensions of the rack. All work begins with measurements and a drawing. This design can be done on the entire wall. Some manage to make a rack even around the window to put the entire library there. Shelves of any size are suitable for such a cabinet. It can be small, medium and very large. There are a lot of drawings according to which you can assemble a structure of any size.

We store spices beautifully

Shelf for spices (wooden) will greatly decorate the interior of the kitchen. So that various jars, cups, cones do not spoil the beauty and neatness of the kitchen, their storage must be given an orderly appearance. The most convenient and functional option is a special shelf. To securely fix it on the wall, there are special limiters.

A wooden shelf for spices will radiate a special energy in the kitchen and create coziness and tranquility. In addition to wood, you can use chipboard or drywall. A wonderful neat shelf for jars can be made from narrow boards. For the back wall, use a piece of plywood. To give this product an aesthetic appearance, you can paint it in the desired color and label this or that seasoning on the jars with neat labels.

Making wooden shelves on the wall (for spices) is very easy. First you need to decide on the location of the future product. Then the master makes a drawing. For an open shelf, you need to take into account the presence of a small border so that the containers do not fall out. After measurements, the elements of the craft are cut out with a jigsaw and their ends are polished. It is advisable to use a furniture edge for gluing the cuts. For fasteners on the wall, the necessary markings are made. It remains only to fix the structure.

Corner products

To save space, corner shelves are sometimes used in the room. They can be fixed to both internal and external corners. Corner shelf (wall, wooden) is as follows. After measuring and cutting the boards of the desired length, the ends of the upper workpiece are smeared with glue and clamped with clamps. Do the same with the bottom board.

After the glue dries, the halves must be primed and covered with stain. Attachment points are marked on the bottom and top board and holes are drilled. Next, the sidewalls are inserted, which are fixed with self-tapping screws. Now the brackets are screwed to the adjacent walls, on which the shelf is fixed.

Hinged design on belts

Shelf holders for wooden shelves can be different. Small items can be placed on a decorative shelf. It fastens with straps. The easiest option is a regular board suspended on straps. To make this design, you will need 2 small boards, 4 belts of the desired length, 4 dowels and self-tapping screws, a drill.

First, the belts are prepared: they are folded in half and, stepping back from the edge of 2-3 cm, a hole is drilled in them, on which the shelf will be attached. The straps, folded in half, are fixed to the wall with screws. So four large loops should hang on the wall: two on top, two below them below. Sanded boards are pushed into these loops and leveled horizontally.

On such a shelf you can put a vase with flowers, a houseplant, a jewelry box, or fold disks for a computer. Simple and fast!

Each housewife tries to transform her room with the help of bright violets, geraniums or begonias. This gives an aesthetic and fresh look. It is best to place pots on spectacular shelves. Shelves can be made of wood in several tiers. They can be both floor and wall. Wooden parts for shelves can be painted, varnished or pasted over with a special film. You can turn on your imagination and make the products multi-colored or round the corners.