How many years does a solar eclipse happen? What is a solar eclipse

09.10.2019 Radiators

The period from 2018 to 2033 was chosen because it is quite interesting in relation to solar eclipses visible from the territory of Russia and the CIS countries. During these years, 14 solar eclipses will be observed from the territory of our country, which include two total eclipses, two annular eclipses and 10 partial eclipses. Of particular interest will be the annular solar eclipse on June 1, 2030, the annular phase band of which will pass through the entire country from west to east from Crimea to Primorye!

It is worth noting that, for example, in the period from 2034 to 2060 (twice as long), only two total and three annular solar eclipses will be observed in our country! The difference is obvious, so we can say that Russians and residents of the CIS are lucky with solar eclipses in the next fifteen years.

How do solar eclipses happen? Solar eclipses are caused by our celestial neighbor, the Moon. The apparent diameters of the Sun and Moon, observed from the Earth, are approximately the same. This means that the Moon, moving along its orbit, at some point can completely (total eclipse) or partially (partial eclipse) cover the Sun (during the new moon phase).

A total solar eclipse is the most spectacular and spectacular astronomical event! If night falls in the middle of the day and stars become visible in the sky - this is very impressive! Unfortunately, the visibility of such a phenomenon extends only to a small area where the lunar shadow falls. But during the movement of the lunar shadow, it forms a narrow strip on the surface of the Earth (an average width of about 200 kilometers). The length of such a strip is several thousand kilometers, but this is still not enough for the total eclipse of the Sun to be seen by all the inhabitants of the hemisphere of the Earth facing the daytime star. Total solar eclipses can occur every six months, but due to the peculiarities of the movement of the Moon in its orbit, they occur most often only once a year.

You can learn more about the possibility of solar eclipses, for example, from the book "Total solar eclipse of March 29, 2006 and its observation" (link at the end of the article).

It is possible to observe total solar eclipses from the same settlement on average only once every 300 years. This makes it necessary to travel into the visibility band of the eclipse. A total solar eclipse is accompanied by a partial solar eclipse, which is visible on both sides of the total eclipse band, where the lunar penumbra falls. The farther from the central line of the eclipse, the less the disk of the Sun will be covered by the Moon. But the bandwidth of a partial eclipse of the Sun is much larger than that of a total eclipse, so it is possible to observe partial eclipses from the same observation point much more often. Due to the large territory of our country, we can observe solar eclipses more often than residents of countries with a small territory.

There are only partial eclipses, when the shadow of the Moon passes above or below the polar regions of the Earth, and only the lunar penumbra falls on our planet, showing the appearance of the defective Sun. An annular eclipse is different in that the Moon completely sets on the disk of the Sun, but cannot completely close it due to its smaller apparent diameter (when the Moon is near the apogee, i.e., the point of its orbit that is farthest from the Earth). As a result, the solar ring around the dark disk of the Moon is visible from the Earth.

It should be noted that a total eclipse in the European part of Russia can only be observed in 2061. If you look at the map of the bands of total and annular eclipses for 20 years, then you can see how rare total solar eclipses are even for such big country like ours.

The next total solar eclipses in 2019 and 2020 will be observed in Chile and Argentina. Therefore, those who want to see this wonderful phenomenon as soon as possible need to prepare for a transatlantic flight!

But let's get back to the eclipses of the period 2018-2033 described here, and consider them in more detail.

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Solar eclipses in Russia and the CIS in 2018 - 2033

(universal time)

The 2018 solar eclipse will be partial. It will occur at the new moon on August 11, and the eclipse band will cover the northeastern part of our country with a maximum phase of 0.736 in Chukotka. Private phases will also be seen by residents of North America, Scandinavia and China. The duration of the eclipse will be a little less than 3.5 hours. The eclipse will take place in the constellation Leo.

Another solar eclipse in 2019 will be an annular. It will occur at the new moon on December 26, and the band of the annular phase will pass through the waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans, crossing Arabia, southern India and Indonesia from west to east. The maximum duration of the annular phase will reach 3 minutes 40 seconds at a phase of 0.97. Residents of the southern regions of our country, countries of Africa, Asia and Australia will see private phases. The eclipse will take place in the constellation Sagittarius.

The solar eclipse of 2020 will be an annular. It will occur at the new moon on June 21, and the band of the annular phase will pass through the territory of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the Asian continent. The duration of the annular phase at the maximum of the phenomenon will reach only 38 seconds at a phase of 0.994. In this case, the thinnest ring of this eclipse will be observed. On the territory of Russia and the CIS, the eclipse band will cover the entire southern half of the country. The maximum phase of about 0.7 can be observed in the Central Asian countries of the CIS. The eclipse will take place in the constellation Taurus.

The solar eclipse of 2022 will be partial. It will occur at the new moon on October 25, and the eclipse band will cover the western half of Russia. The maximum phase of the eclipse 0.861 will be available for observation from the territory of our country in Siberia. The eclipse will take place in the constellation Virgo.

The solar eclipse of 2026 will be total. It will occur at the new moon on August 12, and the total eclipse will pass through the waters of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans, Western Europe and Russia. A total eclipse will be observed in Taimyr (the duration of the total phase is 2 minutes), and a partial eclipse will cover the Far North of the country. The eclipse will take place in the constellation Leo.

The solar eclipse of 2029 will be partial. It will occur at the new moon on June 12, and the eclipse band will pass through the waters of the Arctic Ocean, as well as along North America and the Far North of our country. The maximum eclipse phase of 0.458 will be available for observations from North America. In Russia, the smallest phases of the eclipse will be visible (about 0.2 or less). The eclipse will take place in the constellation Taurus.

The solar eclipse of 2031 will be annular. It will occur at the new moon on May 21, and the band of the annular eclipse with a maximum phase of 0.959 will pass through the Indian Ocean, as well as Africa, India and Indonesia. On the territory of our country, the eclipse will be observed in its southern part with small phases (Central Asian countries of the CIS). The eclipse will take place in the constellation Taurus.

» Reports for elementary grades » When does a solar eclipse occur?

Solar eclipse can only happen on a new moon, i.e. when the moon is not visible at all. At this time, the side of the Moon that faces the Earth is not illuminated by the Sun. Therefore, one gets the impression that during the eclipse some black spot covers the sun.

How often do solar eclipses occur?

Since there is a new moon every 29.5 days, you might think that solar eclipses also happen once a month. However, this is not at all the case! If the Moon and the Earth revolved in the same orbit, then solar eclipses could indeed be observed monthly. But the periods of rotation of the Earth around the Sun and the Moon around our planet do not coincide. That is why solar eclipses do not happen so often. This is especially true of total eclipses, which can be observed from the same point on Earth only once every 200-300 years.

What are solar eclipses?

Solar eclipses happen complete and private. A solar eclipse in which the Moon completely covers the Sun is considered total. During it around the solar disk you can see the so-called solar corona, which is not visible under other circumstances. You can observe a total solar eclipse within 6-8 minutes. It cannot be said that for this time everything is plunged into darkness, but it becomes much darker. Moreover, the temperature may drop by several degrees.

It is unlikely that any of the eyewitnesses will remain indifferent to such a remarkable phenomenon associated with the Moon as a total solar eclipse. For millennia, the black circle engulfing the Sun in broad daylight inspired people with superstitious fear and awe. To understand the cause of solar eclipses, ancient skywatchers painstakingly counted all eclipses for centuries, trying to find a pattern and determine the sequence of eclipses. In the end, it turned out that solar eclipses are possible only at the moments of the onset of new moons, when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun.

The moon illuminated by the Sun blocks the way sunbeams and throws into space a converging cone of shadow and a divergent penumbra surrounding it, which, under certain circumstances, fall on small areas the surface of the Earth, where observers at that moment see how the Sun is covered by a black disk.

The geometry of the onset of a solar eclipse

In the earthly sky, the diameters of the Moon and the Sun are almost the same, which allows the Moon to completely outshine our daytime luminary in the sky. This is despite the fact that the diameter of the Sun is almost 400 times the diameter of the Moon. And all because the Sun is about 400 times farther from the Earth than the Moon. This exceptional coincidence, not repeated on any other planet, allows us to observe solar eclipses.

Solar eclipses do not occur with all new moons. The reason for this is that the path of the Moon in the sky is inclined by about 5° to the solar path - the ecliptic. Therefore, eclipses occur only near the points of intersection ("nodes") of their trajectories, where the luminaries come close enough. Depending on the distance to the Moon and the Sun, the size of this zone changes. For solar eclipses, its boundaries are 16°-18° away from the node in each direction. The closer to the node the eclipse occurs, the longer it lasts. The longest central eclipses occur at the nodes themselves, in which case the main phase band passes through the tropical latitudes of the Earth.

Nodes of the lunar orbit and eclipse zones

With new moons occurring far from the lunar nodes, solar eclipses are impossible - the Moon in the sky passes above or below the Sun. Eclipses are possible only at new moons near the lunar nodes.

Gliding over the earth's surface, the end of the moon's shadow draws on it " solar eclipse visibility band". The diameter of the lunar shadow on the earth's surface during a total solar eclipse does not exceed 270 km (most often from 40 to 100 km), and the diameter of the lunar penumbra is close to 6750 km (with an annular eclipse, the width of the central band can reach 380 km, and the diameter lunar penumbra - 7340 km). In this case, the lunar shadow and penumbra on the earth's surface have the form of oval spots, the shape of which depends on the position of the Sun and the Moon above the horizon. The lower their height, the more gently the axis of both cones is directed to the earth's surface, and the more elongated spots of shade and penumbra.

The path of the moon's shadow on the earth's surface in 2017

The moon's shadow runs over the Earth from 6,000 to 12,000 km. A solar eclipse begins in the western regions at sunrise and ends in the east at sunset. The total duration of all phases of a solar eclipse on Earth can be up to six hours.


The eclipse may be complete, annular and private. The degree of coverage of the Sun by the Moon is called the phase of the eclipse. It is defined as the ratio of the closed part of the diameter of the solar disk to its entire diameter.

Phase (magnitude) of solar eclipses

Since the orbit of the Moon is not round, but elliptical, at times favorable for the onset of eclipses, the lunar disk may be slightly larger or smaller than the solar disk. The first is a total eclipse. In the second case, an annular eclipse occurs: a shining ring of the Sun's surface is visible around the dark disk of the Moon.

total solar eclipse - the phenomenon when the Moon completely covers the Sun in the sky of the Earth. If the observer is in the central band of the shadow, he sees a total solar eclipse, in which the Moon completely hides the Sun, the view of the solar corona (the outer layers of the Sun's atmosphere that are not visible in normal light from the Sun) opens, the sky darkens, and planets and bright stars. For example, Venus and Jupiter will be the easiest to spot due to their brightness.

Diagram of a total solar eclipse

Change in the appearance of the sky during a total solar eclipse

Observers on either side of the central band of a total eclipse can only see a partial solar eclipse. The moon passes through the disk of the sun not exactly in the center, hiding only part of it. At the same time, the sky does not darken, the stars do not appear.

At annular eclipse The moon passes over the disk of the sun, but it turns out to be smaller than the sun in diameter, and cannot completely hide it. This happens because the distance of the Moon from the Earth varies from 405 thousand km (apogee) to 363 thousand km (perigee), and the length of the full shadow cone from the Moon is 374 thousand km, so the top of the lunar shadow cone sometimes does not reach the earth's surface . In this case, for an observer under the top of the axis of the cone of the lunar shadow, the solar eclipse will be an annular.

Diagram of an annular solar eclipse

Partial solar eclipse It is an eclipse in which only the lunar penumbra crosses the earth's surface. This happens when the moon's shadow passes above or below the Earth's polar regions, and only the lunar penumbra hits our planet.

Schematic of a partial solar eclipse (without central eclipse band)

With partial eclipses, the attenuation of sunlight is not noticeable (with the exception of eclipses with a large phase), and therefore the phases of the eclipse can only be observed through a dark filter.

On the use of protective light filters when observing solar eclipses in the material:


The maximum duration of a total solar eclipse is 7.5 minutes. This is possible from the end of June to mid-July, when the diameter of the solar disk in the sky is minimal (the Sun passes the aphelion of the orbit), and the Moon is at the smallest distance from the Earth (perihelion). The previous long solar eclipse lasted 7 minutes and 7 seconds (Southeast Asia, June 20, 1955). And the shortest solar eclipse (1 second) occurred on October 3, 1986 (North Atlantic Ocean). The next eclipse of 7 minutes 29 seconds will occur on July 16, 2186.

The longest duration of the annular phase cannot exceed 12.3 minutes, while the duration of a partial eclipse can reach approximately 3.5 hours. The vast majority of eclipses last up to 2.5 hours (partial phases), and their total or annular phase usually does not exceed 2-3 minutes.

Every year there are two epochs of eclipses, the interval between which is 177 - 178 days. One eclipse zone occupies about 34°, the Sun spends about 34 days in each zone. And the period between new moons is 29.5 days (a synodic month), which means that the Moon must necessarily pass through the eclipse zone while the Sun is there, and it can visit it twice during this period. Therefore, with each passage of the Sun through the eclipse zone (once every six months), one eclipse should occur, but two can happen. Thus, from 2 to 5 solar eclipses can occur on Earth per year. For half a year (about 183 days), the epochs of eclipses shift five days ahead, to earlier calendar dates and gradually move to different seasons of the year - from summer and winter to spring and autumn, again to winter and summer, etc.

Five solar eclipses a year are possible, if the first pair of partial solar eclipses in one zone occurs in early January and February, then the next pair of partial eclipses in another zone may occur at the very beginning of July and August, and only one of the next probable pair of partial eclipses is possible at the very end of December, and the second will be in January of the next calendar year. Thus, the largest number of solar eclipses in one calendar year does not exceed five, and all of them are necessarily private with small phases.

Central bands of visibility of total and annular eclipses from 1981 to 2100

Most often, there are 2-3 solar eclipses every year, and one of them is often total or annular. The last four partial eclipses were in 2000 and 2011. Next years when four partial eclipses are expected - 2029 and 2047. Five partial solar eclipses (all of them are necessarily partial with small phases) in one calendar year the last time was in 1935. The next time such a phenomenon is expected in 2206.

The pattern of repetition of solar eclipses is very complex. Each solar eclipse repeats after a period of 6585.3 days or 18 years 11.3 days (or 10.3 days if this period contains five leap years), called the saros. During the Saros, an average of 42-43 solar eclipses occur, of which 14 are total, 13-14 are annular and 15 are partial. However, after the expiration of the saros, each eclipse is repeated under different conditions, since the saros does not contain an integer number of days, and for an excess of about 0.3 days (over 6585 days) the Earth will turn around the axis by about 120 ° and therefore the lunar shadow will run across the earth's surface the same 120° westward than 18 years ago, and the Sun and Moon will be at slightly different distances from the lunar node. On average, 237 solar eclipses occur on Earth in a hundred years, of which 160 are partial, 63 are total, and 14 are annular.

In one locality, total solar eclipses occur on average once every 360 years, and there are rare exceptions. Partial solar eclipses occur in each locality much more often - on average every 2-3 years, but since sunlight almost does not weaken during solar eclipses with a small phase, they are not of great interest and usually go unnoticed.

Materials used in preparing the article:

A partial solar eclipse in the zodiac sign Aquarius will take place on Thursday 15 February 2018. In the astrology of the eclipse of our sun in February 2018, the focus is on ideas and communication, since it is closely associated with the planet Mercury. Also, two asteroids named Juno and Hygiea will join the new moon, a solar eclipse. This means love and fellowship, and health and medicine will be the topics of discussion that come from this eclipse.

The solar eclipse in February also makes a positive aspect to the planet Uranus. This means you can make positive changes to improve your life. This is a time of freedom and choice, with exciting new ideas and technologies to give you a happier, healthier and more enjoyable life.

Along with the January lunar eclipse, the eclipse of the Sun on February 15th signals a new awareness and a change of time for women in forced marriages, a plight. The eclipse stage will be good for protecting the rights, health, welfare and education of women in general and mothers in particular.

Meaning of a solar eclipse

An eclipse of the Sun is similar to a regular new moon, where the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. However, this eclipse is more powerful because the Moon darkens the Sun. The February eclipse is a partial eclipse, so most of the Sun will still be visible. The new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. Influence new moon lasts 4 weeks, but the effect of a solar eclipse lasts about 6 months.

The strongest and important aspect in astrology is the Sun conjunct the Moon. This means that all possibilities are in front of you, and you can rightfully place yourself at the head of new plans for the future. It's time to question your old habits and behaviors if you're looking for new and inventive ways to make progress. This is the perfect time to start new life so write down your new goals on a piece of paper. The February eclipse of the Sun will complement the themes started with the Lunar eclipse on January 31st. Together they make up the eclipse phase that lasts until the solar eclipse on July 12, 2018.

Solar eclipse February 2018. Astrology

The eclipse of the Sun on February 15th at 27°07' Aquarius is very close to the planet Mercury. This means that deals, ideas, communications, education and transportation will be the main topics of the solar eclipse in February 2018. There are two more planetary aspects that directly add to the communication and transportation problems that will arise over the next six months.

This eclipse falls into the dark region of the night, spanning 24° Aquarius to 03° Pisces. Although there are no large fixed stars in this region, there are two asteroids in the immediate vicinity of the February 2018 solar eclipse. The astrological chart for the eclipse shows how close the asteroids Juno and Hygiea are to the Sun and Moon of the eclipse and to the planet Mercury. Now I will tell you how

The relationship of a solar eclipse with the planets

The relationship of the Solar Eclipse to Mercury means that the main focus of this eclipse depends on your thinking and communication. Mercury also governs rationality and reasoning, elementary and secondary education, your neighborhood, siblings and cousins and sisters, including short trips, news and information.

Mercury is fast, lively, adaptable, variable, unemotional and curious. An increase in mental activity will also come from a general exchange of ideas and opinions. You will want to talk about topics that interest you, as well as the news of the day, discussions, talks, meetings, and debates. This eclipse signals the right time to start a web blog or write a book. It is also the time to make plans and start business deals, bargaining, buying and selling.

The connection of the Solar Eclipse with Juno means that marriage and labor unions will be the main topic of discussion in Mercury. Juno was originally the goddess of the moon. In fact, the ancient Romans called her Juno Covella, goddess of the new moon. The word "Covella" comes from the Latin word for void (describing the thin crescent of the new moon). The ancient Roman calendar was lunar, and every month began with a new moon. Ceremonies in honor of Juno were held on the first day of every month.

From the 28-day cycle of the new moon, Juno is associated with the female reproductive cycle. Juno is the lunar goddess who controls women of childbearing age, from puberty to childbirth and marriage. Juno also governs soul mates, true love and commitment.

On a deeper level, I suggest that the asteroid Juno symbolizes mystical union, or the state of spiritual consciousness that you can achieve when you overcome your ego. Overcoming through union and becoming one with the Universe.

Juno symbolizes the desire for a complete mystical union that connects emotionally, sexually and psychologically. In the horoscope, Juno represents the emotional and psychological needs that motivate us to get married.

The connection of the Solar Eclipse with Hygeia will add health and medical topics to discussions about marriage and labor unions. As with health, the asteroid Hygeia is associated with hygiene, tradition and natural medicine, doctors and healers, diseases, toxins, fear of poison, fear of doctors, fear of medical results, hypochondria, indecision to get examined, surgeries, misdiagnosis , drug abuse, diets, health concerns for family and friends.

Aspects of a solar eclipse

There are two other planets directly influencing the eclipse of the Sun, as well as some other significant aspects in the eclipse horoscope. They are listed below in order of strength.

The sextile of the solar eclipse and Uranus means that discussions and ideas related to the solar eclipse about marriage, commitment and women's health issues will be surprisingly frank, open and insightful. Modern, unusual and controversial family structures will be discussed.

Scientific and technological breakthroughs affecting fertilization and pregnancy will certainly be controversial and will lead to ethical debate. The consequences of the vaccine against cancer and others medical discoveries will become increasingly important topics of debate, especially in religiously conservative communities. Uranus makes this eclipse a time of positive change, greater personal freedom and choice.

This expressive aspect of Uranus will give confidence to millions of people who were too afraid or shy to "come out" and talk about the peculiarities of their lifestyle. It will shed light mainly on marginalized people, single parents and same-sex parents. People in general will feel less inhibited to choose their own independent path in terms of non-traditional relationships and family structures. The February 2018 solar eclipse should reveal the limitations of arranged marriages and the sexual abuse often associated with them. it positive influence Uranus should reveal a lot of unpleasant details of the lives of many people, crimes, etc.

Uranus sextile Mercury and the asteroid Hygiea should lead to increased awareness of mental health issues. New drugs and more internet access should make it easier to find help and get the right treatment. Because of the asteroid Juno Special attention will focus on birth control and women's health issues such as postpartum depression and iron deficiency.

A solar eclipse squared with Jupiter signifies that the positive changes and freedoms brought by Uranus will lead to personal growth and happiness. However, this also means that you need to show respect, moderation, and discipline. This is to ensure that changes in your life do not become too extreme and upset other areas of your life.

Try not to make too many changes as this will end up wasting your energy and going nowhere. Focus your energy on one or more positive changes. The solar eclipse in February 2018 will also raise ethical questions about lifestyle choices, parenting styles and medicine. Bring some moderation to changes you already know will be controversial. This will save you embarrassment and problems.

The aspect of Venus and Saturn increases your need for communication. You will want to feel loved and appreciated by someone, but only serious and true love will be truly appreciated. With an existing partner, you will be looking for certainty or more commitment. This is the ideal aspect associated with the solar eclipse conjunct the asteroid Juno. This means that this eclipse phase is ideal for dealing with relationships and getting married.

New relationships are possible for one night, you are probably not interested in this. You most likely want to attract a serious type of partner or someone who is interested in a long-term commitment. Relationships between people with a large age difference are possible, the risk of meeting someone much older or younger.

Mercury makes this eclipse a great time for dating, especially online dating due to Uranus. Asteroid Juno is a good omen to meet your soul mate and find true love.

The square of Mars and Neptune means that you must be careful in relationships to avoid suspicion, deceit, lies and scandal. This applies especially to sexual relations because you can feel so attractive to someone that you become blind to their shortcomings.

This aspect also increases the risk of infection and disease. Juno with an eclipse means that you must protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases. Because of Mercury, remember that your fears and imagination can affect your mental health. Asteroid Hygiea with an eclipse means that all kinds of hypochondria are possible.

Jupiter sextile Pluto will bring success due to positive changes. You won't have to force change or act quickly on unexpected changes. This will be presented as a natural course of events in your life, associated with the strengthening of influence and power, spiritual and personal growth, the growth of wealth and promotion. Desire reforming something in your life will coincide with being able to do just that now. Go with the flow and take full advantage of the opportunities that are in front of you.

Solar eclipse February 2018. Summing up

There are endless opportunities to make positive changes in your life after this partial solar eclipse. The February 2018 Solar Eclipse will fill your head with ideas on how to improve your life through education and positive changes. Some of your thoughts will turn towards communication and love. Health and medicine are other topics of discussion that emerge from this eclipse, especially mental health issues and women's health issues.

The February eclipse of the Sun will help you feel free, calmly show who you really are, with all your unique and unusual character traits.

The solar eclipse on February 15th is a companion to the lunar eclipse on January 31st. Together they make up the eclipse phase, which lasts until July 12, 2018. Topics for the January 2018 lunar eclipse include single and working mothers, and women's rights and freedoms in general. Other lunar eclipse issues include parenting styles, custody rights, maternity leave, childcare, and equal pay.

The February eclipse also focuses on women, but more on their role in marriage and other relationships. It will encourage you to talk about your relationship problems and share responsibilities. This will help you make the changes necessary to find the right balance between your needs and your partner's interests.

If you're lonely it's bright astronomical event should provide an opportunity to meet and talk with new and interesting people. You may find true love and commitment, or you may seek spiritual love for oneness with the universe instead. This eclipse of our luminary brings more freedom to make your own choices.

If you do not delve into the essence of the phenomenon, then we can say that an eclipse is a temporary disappearance of the Sun or Moon from the sky. How does this happen?

Solar and Lunar eclipse

Here, for example, the Moon, passing between the Earth and the Sun, completely or partially blocks the Sun from the earthly observer. This is a solar eclipse. Or the Moon, making its way around the Earth, gets into such a position that the Earth is on a straight line connecting the Moon and the Sun.

The Earth's shadow falls on the Moon, and it disappears from the sky. it moon eclipse. Eclipses happen because celestial bodies constantly changing location. The earth revolves around the sun, and the moon revolves around the earth. Both of these processes take place simultaneously. If for a few minutes the Moon, Earth and Sun are in the same line, an eclipse begins. A total solar eclipse is a very rare and dramatic event.

During a total solar eclipse, it seems that some huge monster devours the Sun piece by piece. When the Sun disappears, the firmament darkens and stars are visible in the sky. The air is rapidly cooling. Soon there is nothing left of the Sun but a thin luminous ring, as if hanging in the sky, we see part of the flaming solar corona.

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Interesting fact : During a total solar eclipse, the air temperature drops, the sky darkens and stars appear on it.

What happens during a solar eclipse

Ancient Chinese artists depicted a solar eclipse as a dragon devouring the Sun. In fact, after a few minutes, the Sun comes out of "shelter", and the night turns into a clear day again. This dragon turns out to be the Moon, which passed between the Earth and the Sun. To finally understand what happens during an eclipse, conduct a simple experiment. Turn on table lamp and look at her.

Now take a piece of cardboard and move it slowly in front of your eyes so that at the end of the movement the cardboard is between your eyes and the lamp. The moment when the cardboard closes the lamp from your eyes corresponds to the moment the solar eclipse begins. The cardboard is far from the lamp, but once in front of your eyes, it blocks the light of the lamp from you. If you lead the cardboard further, then the lamp will open again to your gaze.

Total and partial solar eclipse

The same can be said about the Moon. You see a solar eclipse when the Moon, crossing the daytime sky, is between the Sun and the illuminated face of the Earth, blocking the light of the Sun from it. If the Moon blocks only part of the Sun, then a partial solar eclipse occurs.