Why dream of alcohol. Why dream of alcohol: interpretation of dreams about alcoholic beverages by different dream books

17.10.2019 Warm floor

For some, alcohol is a pleasure, for others it is a way to relax, while for others it often brings a lot of trouble. What does it mean to drink alcohol in a dream? What do such night dreams portend?

Bottled alcohol usually dreams of an expensive purchase. And if it was elite alcohol, then you can buy what you have long dreamed of. But before you do this, realistically assess your financial capabilities.

Alcohol in barrels can be seen before a rich feast. It is possible that friends or good acquaintances will invite you to the holiday. Dream Interpretation recommends carefully monitoring the amount of food consumed.

A dream in which alcohol turned your head and you became very drunk suggests that you are easily influenced by others. If you do not learn to defend your beliefs, difficulties in life are possible in the future.

To get drunk in a dream and do whatever is horrible means to consider yourself not free enough. Perhaps you are weighed down by the control of a loved one. Talk to your "soulmate" and explain that her actions depress you.

  • Drinking - to communicate with a stranger.
  • Wine - you will find yourself in an interesting company.
  • - to friendly gatherings.
  • Moonshine - you are content with little.
  • Elite alcohol - you have big requests.

According to the dream book, the alcohol that your friend drinks is dreaming of revelations on his part. Try to listen carefully to your friend. Do your best to capture all of his feelings.

And when your friend got drunk in a night vision, it means that soon she will drag you into an adventure. It is possible that this will be a funny story that you will remember for a long time.

If in a dream completely unfamiliar people drink alcohol, then soon you will meet a cheerful, carefree person. Most likely, it will be an innocent acquaintance in a large company of old friends.

And why dream of strong alcohol, which is on the festive table? Usually such dreams portend a noisy party. And if the alcoholic drink has a low degree, then a boring, uninteresting conversation awaits you.

Among a huge number of dreams, we often dream of something that is difficult to imagine in real life. For example, to see your pet drinking. The dream interpretation explains such night dreams very simply: you are worried about the health of your pet.

Also, the question often arises: “What if I see how I got poisoned by alcohol?” Such dreams should not be taken literally. They, on the contrary, promise the dreamer good health and longevity.

By correctly determining what alcohol is dreaming of in a dream, you can not only calculate your actions in advance, but also better understand your feelings. The main thing is to take into account all the details of your vision when interpreting a dream. Author: Vera Fractional

Drinking alcohol in a dream is not as harmful as it is in reality. However, one should not think that such stories are dreamed only on the eve or after real fun. Explaining why such a plot is dreamed of, dream books offer several interpretations, both positive and not so. It all depends on who you were drinking with and what.

Miller's dream book

If in a dream you feel pretty tipsy after drinking alcohol, this means that a strong feeling will “cover” you soon.

Do you dream that you are in a wine cellar and pour yourself brandy directly from the barrels? Prosperity awaits you. And if a young girl dreamed that she was drinking alcohol, then this means that she will soon marry a worthy person.

What did they drink in a dream

The interpretation of the dream in which you drink alcohol directly depends on what exactly you were drinking. Here are the explanations given by dream books:

  • beer - for a pleasant pastime: light beer - during the day, dark - in the evening;
  • wine or liquor - to a quarrel with a lover;
  • vodka - for testing;
  • rum - to trouble;
  • cognac - to success in business;
  • low-alcohol cocktails - do a frivolous act.

Festive libation as a symbol of good luck

Did you dream that you were drinking an alcoholic drink while sitting at the festive table? This suggests that soon you will be able to realize everything that you have been planning for a long time, the dream book of the White Magician pleases.

Drinking alcoholic beverages for the repose of the soul of a loved one prophesies the establishment of relations with those with whom they could not come to an agreement for a long time.

But if at night you dreamed of a romantic dinner with drinking alcoholic beverages, then in the morning you should look through Pastor Loff's interpreter. This is what he predicts: do not enter into disputes with your beloved in the coming days, otherwise you will seriously quarrel.

Solitary drinking is a sign of difficulty

Drinking alcohol alone is considered a sign of alcoholism. But this is in reality, but, as the dream books explain, why a “single” libation is dreamed of.

Dream Interpretation of Medea calls on the dreamer, who saw in a dream that he was "lashing" vodka straight from the neck, to gather his strength. Most likely, you are now experiencing a crisis associated with disappointment in ideals.

Had a dream that you got drunk alone? The Eastern interpreter prophesies a deterioration in relations in the team. And if the reason that you got drunk without company was the problem with whom to share the evening, then soon you will face a choice between spiritual wealth and material wealth.

Tasting: From perfectionism to mistrust

Did you dream of a lot of bottles with various alcohol? Do not worry, this is not a reason to consider yourself an alcoholic. This is what the dream is about, in which you see yourself as a taster.

Drinking alcohol in a dream in small sips is a symbol of a demanding attitude towards yourself and others. You are a perfectionist in some way, and you expect the same from others, explains Lunar Dream Book.

Pouring whiskey from a bottle into a glass in a dream and offering a tasting to a friend is a sign of a trusting relationship. And if you do not try, but sniff it right in the bottle, then this is a manifestation of distrust, moreover, even to "soul mates".

Source http://sonnik-enigma.ru/sonnik/pit-alkogol

For some, alcohol is a pleasure, for others it is a way to relax, while for others it often brings a lot of trouble. What does it mean to drink alcohol in a dream? What do such night dreams portend?

Bottled alcohol usually dreams of an expensive purchase. And if it was elite alcohol, then you can buy what you have long dreamed of. But before you do this, realistically assess your financial capabilities.

Alcohol in barrels can be seen before a rich feast. It is possible that friends or good acquaintances will invite you to the holiday. Dream Interpretation recommends carefully monitoring the amount of food consumed.

If you dreamed of alcohol in a glass, then you are considered a sophisticated person. And to see it in a glass means to attract people with its simplicity and openness. Moreover, the stronger the drink, the easier it is for others to communicate with you.

An alcoholic drink in an ordinary cup indicates your relationship with friends. If the vessel is full, then nothing threatens your friendship. And to see the liquid at the bottom - according to the dream book, means to enter into an argument with a friend.

If you see spilled alcohol, then your health will improve soon. For those who are sick, the dream promises a speedy recovery. And those who were not worried about feeling unwell can expect a surge of strength and energy.

Drunkenness - fight

According to the dream book, seeing the alcohol you drink in a dream is a pleasure. But it will most likely be short-lived. Therefore, before indulging in fun, think carefully about the possible consequences.

To drink, but not to get drunk from alcohol, means to stand firm in your opinion, not listening to the arguments of others. Experts still recommend listening to what they are trying to convey to you. You can learn many useful things.

Drinking alcohol throughout sleep - according to the dream book, means relaxing. It is possible that you have been working hard lately, and now you have allowed yourself to rest. Usually, after such dreams, a person has a desire to be alone with himself.

A dream in which alcohol turned your head and you became very drunk suggests that you are easily influenced by others. If you do not learn to defend your beliefs, difficulties in life are possible in the future.

To get drunk in a dream and do whatever is horrible means to consider yourself not free enough. Perhaps you are weighed down by the control of a loved one. Talk to your "soulmate" and explain that her actions depress you.

  • Drinking vodka - to communicate with a stranger.
  • Wine - you will find yourself in an interesting company.
  • Beer - for friendly gatherings.
  • Moonshine - you are content with little.
  • Elite alcohol - you have big requests.

According to the dream book, the alcohol that your friend drinks is dreaming of revelations on his part. Try to listen carefully to your friend. Do your best to capture all of his feelings.

And when your friend got drunk in a night vision, it means that soon she will drag you into an adventure. It is possible that this will be a funny story that you will remember for a long time.

If in a dream completely unfamiliar people drink alcohol, then soon you will meet a cheerful, carefree person. Most likely, it will be an innocent acquaintance in a large company of old friends.

And why dream of strong alcohol, which is on the festive table? Usually such dreams portend a noisy party. And if the alcoholic drink has a low degree, then a boring, uninteresting conversation awaits you.

Among a huge number of dreams, we often dream of something that is difficult to imagine in real life. For example, to see your pet drinking. The dream interpretation explains such night dreams very simply: you are worried about the health of your pet.

Also, the question often arises: “What if I see how I got poisoned by alcohol?” Such dreams should not be taken literally. They, on the contrary, promise the dreamer good health and longevity.

By correctly determining what alcohol is dreaming of in a dream, you can not only calculate your actions in advance, but also better understand your feelings. The main thing is to take into account all the details of your vision when interpreting a dream.

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Source http://www.grc-eka.ru/sonnik/k-chemu-snitsya-alkogol.html

We suggest that you read our article to find out why you dream of drinking alcohol in a dream. Here, dreams with alcohol will be analyzed and interpretations will be given depending on the details of the dream.

Sleep and alcohol | Your actions with alcohol in a dream | Were you drunk in your dream? | Was there a company around you while drinking alcohol in a dream? | Other interpretations of dreams with alcohol

Your actions with alcohol in a dream

Were you drunk in your dream?

  • If you felt that you were drunk in a dream, then in reality you will not be able to resist and succumb to the temptation to try the forbidden fruit. Be careful with your desires, because they can bring discord in your personal life.
  • If in a dream you happened to drink alcohol directly from the bottle and not get drunk at the same time, then from your efforts in real life you will soon receive material and spiritual satisfaction. It doesn’t matter here whether you drank with friends or alone, the interpretation of sleep in this case will be the same.

Was there a company around you while drinking alcohol in a dream?

  • If you happened to drink alcohol yourself in a dream, and all alone, then in reality you will be entrusted with an important task that you unfortunately cannot handle.
  • If you drank with friends or with girlfriends, then this dream is to successfully establish relationships with former enemies.

Other interpretations of dreams with alcohol

  • If you had to sell alcoholic beverages in your dream, then in life you have to do something that you don’t expect from yourself yet.
  • If in a dream you treated someone to alcohol, then this means that you have the makings of an organizer and a mass entertainer. In the next month, once again, you will be able to realize your potential. So don't miss the chance!
  • If you bought alcohol in a dream, then in reality you will be acquiring an expensive item.
  • If in a dream you happened to observe many different alcoholic drinks at some kind of celebration or banquet, then in life you will soon have good benefits, as well as great respect from colleagues and friends.

We hope that from now on it has become something for you to dream of drinking alcohol in a dream.

Drinking alcohol of dubious quality is a bad dream, which means that with your unreasonable actions you can bring illness on yourself or make loved ones pretty worried about your misconduct.

Dream of buying and drinking a lot of bottled alcohol

A dream in which the dreamer acquires and immediately empties bottles of strong drinks is a sign that in real life he will take on overwhelming duties or will be forced to do unpleasant and meaningless things.

I dreamed of drinking alcohol and after disturbing sleep

Dreams about alcohol reflect the inner state of a person, his spiritual and physical beginning. The insomnia caused by a dream is associated with the need to think about and resolve in real life the problem that worries on a subconscious level. A hot drink in this case can symbolize the haste of conclusions and the ability to reverse the situation.

Why do I dream that I drink and have alcohol intoxication after which it makes me sleepy

The dream of taking alcoholic beverages and the onset of a stupefied state is interpreted as the dreamer's subconscious desire to experience illicit pleasures. A fleeting whim can cost emotional distress and insomnia.

Drink in a dream with a dead person to get drunk faster and forget

Drinking in company with a once dead person is a dream predicting a change in the weather. In a modern interpretation, this plot means the completion of a once begun business and disappointment from the result.

What does it mean to refuse to drink alcoholic beverages in the company of friends

Refusing to drink at friendly gatherings is a dream of loneliness or open opposition to one's views, which run counter to the general opinion. You are on the right track, as you look at things more soberly.

I dreamed that I was drinking with a stranger and the smell of alcohol does not disappear in the morning

Drinking strong drinks with a stranger dreams of deceiving expectations. In order not to get into an absurd position in the coming week, you should rely only on yourself and not rely on others, no matter what they promise, as their words will remain ephemeral.

Seeing bottles of alcohol in a store in a dream and not buying anything

A dream about counters bursting with alcohol indicates a difficult choice to be made in the near future. If none of the alcohol was purchased, you will be able to soberly assess the situation and make the right decision.

Dream Interpretation for a woman to drink alcohol and get very intoxicated

A dream in which you have to drink alcohol and feel intoxicated is a sign of illness or trouble that can pretty much ruin your reputation.

If this is a dream in which one of the drinking companions becomes ill or expensive and the beloved man has described himself, in reality you can get a reprimand at work.

Seeing empty or broken alcohol bottles in front of you and hearing screams indicating obvious alcoholism - one of these days you will make a mistake, the consequences of which will be very sad.

If in a dream you are drawn to choose alcohol, which is banned, you will be betrayed by your spouse or spouse.

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Alcohol for some people, not in a dream, but in reality, serves as an antidepressant, for some it is a “pill” for relaxation and fun, and for some it becomes an endless source of trouble. In this regard, it is especially curious to know what an alcoholic drink is dreaming of. Consider the interpretation given by several dream books at once.

Consume alcoholic beverages

The 21st century dream book says that drinking any alcoholic beverages in a dream means experiencing a sharp, but rather short-term pleasure in reality. Before experiencing it, think about the fact that perhaps the consequences will be sad and irreversible.

Seeing in a dream how you drink an alcoholic balm on alcohol is a big trouble. If instead of alcohol there was brandy in the glass, then it will be possible to achieve a good position in society. Of course, dreaming of alcohol is not a guarantee of easy success. We'll have to work hard enough to improve the social. status.

The culinary dream book suggests that drinking alcohol in night dreams is a desire to experience forbidden pleasures. If you are not afraid of the consequences - act! Chances are good that thanks to a decisive act, your life will change.

Seeing in a dream how you drink moonshine from a bottle is a bad sign. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation warns that in reality there is a person who wishes you only harm. If you had a similar dream, do not hesitate, and think about who could be this unkind "black horse". You can protect yourself from the intrigues of the enemy only by completely limiting all possible contacts with him.

see yourself drunk

Feeling intoxicated in a dream means being awake in a difficult situation that requires an important decision to be made. A similar plot can be dreamed of before a divorce, going to college, getting a new job. If you yourself do not get to understand how it would be most correct to act, consult with a more experienced person in this matter.

The Ukrainian interpreter believes that seeing your own intoxication in a dream due to alcohol is an extremely bad sign. It will not be possible to understand which of the surrounding people are telling the truth, and which are simply deceiving in the most brazen way. Especially if you dream that you are experiencing severe dizziness and nausea.

Miller's dream book also gives an interpretation of this dream. Miller's dream book is convinced that intoxication is a harbinger of a strong feeling. Feeling sincere love not in a dream, but in reality, you will not be able to think soberly, in cold blood, and will begin to make big mistakes. Think about it, is a new love really worth the risk?

For some reason, the search engine, when you ask him to find the meaning of drinking: "with the dead in a dream," continues the request. Is it really most often in dreams that guests from the other world connect to the feast and dreams are so typical? Such a frequent request can be explained by the fact that such a dream is frightening. And I want to know what the dream is about.

What if you dream of drinking in a dream?

If you dreamed of drinking in a dream, what does this dream warn about? Until you remember what you drank, you will not interpret the dream.

Drinking milk in a dream - there will be peace and harmony in the family. For those who are going on a journey, this dream promises good luck on the road. The milk turned out to be sour - one of the friends will need real help. Hot milk burned the tongue - you will have to fight for your place under the sun. Trying to swallow milk, but it doesn’t work out - a very necessary person will soon turn away.

Why dream of drinking clean water in a dream? Water in a dream already predicts that you will face something unknown, frightening, but at the same time this unknown factor will not harm your health. After all, water is life, everything in the world originated from water.

Drink clean water - everything will be fine in the near future. Troubles can not be expected, pitfalls are not expected, friends will not give. If muddy water is drunk, then health troubles cannot be avoided. Another such dream warns of possible mistakes in actions. By the way, when people drink muddy water in real life, their health is likely to suffer. And you can go to the hospital.

How does the action decipher the dream book: drink alcohol in a dream? The meanings of dreams with alcohol depend not only on who was at the table with, but also on the amount of alcohol consumed.

Different dream books give different meanings to the plot, in which he literally drank a sip alone. The latest dream book believes that the one who saw such a dream was jinxed. And the dream book for men believes that this is just a warning that nothing is foreseen in the near future. The desired will not be fulfilled, the action will not be crowned with victory. It remains only to indulge in dreams. If you drink half a liter of vodka alone, you will be ashamed of some kind of action. Drinking vodka from a pile in a dream - a hangover awaits in reality.

But in general, the symbol of alcohol in a dream is life's failures, disappointments in friends, resentment against superiors. Alcoholic dreams are dreamed of by those who are at a crossroads. Initially, alcohol is an unfavorable circumstance, a negative factor that will rise soon. The stronger the drink that is drunk in a dream, the more difficult it will be to pull yourself together in reality. To interpret the dream, you also need to remember who they drank with.

What portends?

Internet requests are very often asked to explain what it means to drink with a dead person in a dream? The dead often disturb the living. Despite the fact that dreaming dead people are always frightening, dreams with them are not unfavorable. Most often, the dead dream of changing weather conditions.

In one of the new dream books, drinking with someone who has gone to another world means that a former acquaintance or relative reminds of himself. It is imperative to remember him, go to the cemetery, put flowers on the grave, distribute sweets in the yard to children, and pies to old people. And he won't worry anymore.

If you look into the women's dream book, drinking in a dream is a quarrel. Drinking with a stranger for a woman is in trouble, with her own husband - you will have to spend a lot of money on restoring health.

Drinking juice with a man is a health hazard. Drinking a bitter drink is an unexpected monetary reward. Drinking champagne in the company - to become successful in the near future. Grog in mugs to be drunk - for a romantic meeting, for a happy marriage. Drinking a sweet drink from golden dishes is fortunate.

Various dream books explain drinking juice in a dream in different ways.

In some, sleep with juice is in any case favorable. It portends good luck and a surge of energy. In other dream books, the meaning of sleep depends on which fruit or berry this juice is squeezed out of.

If you dreamed of drinking in a dream, and you wonder what the dream means, then it is very important to remember the plot. In the case when it is not possible to remember what was drunk or from which dishes, the correct interpretation of the dream will not be possible. If a dream is not annoying, isn't it better to forget it?