Brick oven for home dimensions. Do-it-yourself brick ovens drawings. Projects of simple brick ovens

08.03.2020 Water heaters

Most brick ovens used for the home have basically the same design and manufacturing technology. Therefore, no matter what type of brick you choose, you must adhere to certain rules and requirements for its manufacture. This applies to the place of its installation, and to the material used during installation, but, most importantly, to the technology of laying bricks.

Choosing a place where the oven will stand

First of all, you need to decide on a place for the oven. It must be installed in such a position that not only heat the maximum possible area, but also the safety rules must be observed.

A gap of at least 15 cm must be observed between the rafters and the chimney. In addition, the highly heated parts of the stove must also be removed from walls, ceilings and other fire hazardous elements.

There are several basic schemes for small rooms, how you can place different types of stoves. As a rule, a brick oven for a house, the projects of which provide for the location in such a way as to heat as many rooms as possible, is placed at the junction of two or three rooms, with one of them being a kitchen. The only exception is the fireplace stove, which is usually installed in the largest room, on the wall opposite the entrance.

Safety requirements for the installation site

Due to the fact that the brick oven for the house is installed on a foundation specially poured for it, it is necessary to choose a place in such a way that you do not have to cut the ceiling and underground logs. A separate base, not connected to the foundation of the house, is required in almost all cases, even if the stove was designed with the house.

An exception can be made only for certain types of furnaces that have a small structural weight. So, for example, a low and wide brick cooking oven for the house, the projects of which involve the use of a minimum amount of material, is installed only on thermal insulation.

If the floor is on logs, it is a good idea to strengthen the flooring with additional jumpers before installing the stove. If a monolithic foundation is laid under the house, then an additional foundation is not necessary, it is enough to lay a litter and you can lay out a brick.

The pipe must be at least 1.5 m from the roof ridge and be 0.5 m higher than it.

Once the site is determined, a brick perimeter can be laid out on the floor to give a better idea of ​​what it will look like in the future.


As a rule, a do-it-yourself brick oven for a house is used in wooden houses installed on tape or tape.

After the place on which the stove for the brick house will stand is determined, it is necessary to complete the foundation. The reliability and uniformity of the masonry, as well as the appearance of the future furnace, depend on how well it will be filled. Therefore, the pouring of the base should be approached with due attention.

The base is poured 5 cm wider on all sides than the future furnace, according to the general technology for making foundations. If modern materials are used, for example, Izospan D, it is enough to lay two layers of waterproofing: on a sand cushion under the base and on top of the foundation itself. Another way to perform waterproofing: sheets of asbestos 4-6 cm high are laid on top of the top layer of roofing material. Then, as the last layer, felt soaked in a very liquid masonry composition. After the felt has dried, bricks can be laid.

Basic rules for laying a brick oven

If you want to fold the stove so that it lasts as long as possible without requiring repair, and even more so re-laying, you must follow some requirements for the materials used and the laying technology.

A brick oven for the house, built with your own hands, heats up quite unevenly throughout the body. Particularly high temperatures in the area of ​​​​the firebox, which is due to the use of various masonry materials. Firstly, this will significantly save on raw materials, since cheaper material can be used for some parts of the furnace. Secondly, the use of a clay-sand mixture throughout the body of the furnace is unreasonable. Such a solution has the peculiarity of strongly absorbing moisture, which leads to the destruction of the masonry in places that are not subject to heating and drying.

Requirements for laying bricks

When choosing a brick, pay attention to its quality, which can be determined even visually. A good, high-quality brick is distinguished by a pinkish tint and a clear sonorous sound. You should not choose a brick oven for laying a brick house (photo below), the orange-red material is unburned raw material, but the purple hue indicates burnt brick.

The first rows of the underfloor part are laid from ordinary red brick with a cement-based mortar.

The firebox and part of the convector in the places of greatest heating is made of mixed masonry of the usual stove and clay-sand mortar is used.

The part of the furnace, which is also heated, but not higher than 200 degrees, will be made, albeit with the use of ceramic bricks, but already on a cement mixture.

In the upper part of the chimney, where the heating temperature does not exceed 80 degrees, ordinary red brick is again used.

Varieties of brick ovens

There are several main types of ovens:

  • heating, designed exclusively for space heating, therefore, it occupies a minimum of usable area;
  • cooking, intended only for heating the stove, such an oven can be used even in the summer, since it does not heat the surrounding air much;
  • Heating and cooking, combining the characteristics of the two previous types. The most common option in the manufacture of a stove for a brick house (photo below);
  • a fireplace stove, which is used not only for space heating, but also as a decorative element for the interior of a room.

Heating or Dutch oven

The execution of a brick house stove, the drawings for which are given below, is the simplest, due to the minimum of structural elements in its manufacture. In addition, such a furnace involves the lowest fuel consumption.

One of the main advantages is the ability to fit it into almost any room. At the same time, such a brick oven for the house warms up quickly enough, in just 1.5-2 hours, however, it cools down quite quickly in comparison with other types of ovens.

Among the shortcomings, one can note a rather low efficiency - less than 40%. In addition, to build a water heater into it, you will have to thoroughly break your head. The problem is that the flow of hot air that moves in the oven cannot be disturbed by the inclusion of additional elements. This leads, firstly, to a large decrease in efficiency, and secondly, to the appearance of a large amount of soot.

Cooking ovens

"Cooking" does not mean at all that this stove is not capable of heating housing, with a room of up to 50 square meters. m she can handle it. However, its main function is still cooking, so the main heat is spent on heating a thick cast-iron stove with two burners. Cast iron is used to increase heat transfer.

The main advantage of such an oven is the possibility of cooking in an area where there are frequent power outages, besides, any food turns out to be much tastier on a live fire. It is beneficial to install a similar brick oven for the home, on wood, and for preparing feed for livestock and poultry, steaming cereals and drying dried fruits. In addition, the design of the stove involves its use in the summer, when excessive heat in the house is completely unnecessary.

The disadvantage of the cooking stove is that it is unrealistic to use it for full heating in the winter. Even if you increase the overall dimensions of the device, this will not increase its effectiveness. Therefore, as an alternative, a generally accepted option is used, which combines the advantages of both types, while successfully compensating for their shortcomings.

Heating and cooking stoves

The most preferred option for permanent housing are heating and cooking stoves for a brick house, combining all the functions of these devices. In addition, such stoves can be easily oriented in the room to obtain the most efficient heating of the home, and the standard set of basic features can be supplemented with an oven, a drying niche, a sun lounger and a water tank. It all depends on the design of the heating and cooking stove that you choose.

For heating in such furnaces, a channel or bell design is used, each of which has its own advantages. A duct stove made of bricks for the house, on wood, warms up the room faster, while a bell-type stove allows you to maintain the optimum temperature for a long time. Therefore, for a residential building, it is better to use an option that combines these two structures.

Traditional Russian oven

The most common is the Russian stove, which can be used in two different modes. In the summer, it is used exclusively for the cooking process, due to the fact that the heating channels are closed with an additional damper and hot gas goes directly into the chimney. In winter, the damper is opened, which provides heating of the room. As a rule, an oven is built into the Russian stove, which is a kind of additional heat accumulator.

Often, a heated lounger is additionally attached to the oven for a brick house due to the use of caps, which are performed without losing the efficiency of the entire device.

The disadvantage of the Russian stove is mainly its rather impressive size due to the removal of the hob separately from the body.

Swede oven

Another option is a more compact device in which the hob is hidden in a recess. In addition, additionally above the stove there is a special niche for drying various herbs, berries and other products.

What is another name for such stoves for a brick house - "Swede". Such a device has a lot of advantages in comparison with other stoves. Due to its design, the device has the highest efficiency - more than 60%, since the heating channels go to the entire brick oven for the house.

There are a large number of different stoves that can serve both for heating and for heating the house and cooking. Some are quite voluminous and massive, others are compact, and for a particular room, the desired option is selected that will be most effective for a given area. In addition, any of the furnaces must be installed with the obligatory consideration of the requirements developed by specialists in accordance with SNiP 41-01-2003.

In the conditions of the modern information space, brick ovens for the home, drawings with orders can always be found on the Internet. However, it must be remembered that building this structure on your own is quite difficult, since each stove-maker has his own experience and professional secrets, which are acquired only with work experience.

Criteria for choosing a brick oven

If, nevertheless, it is decided to do such work on your own, then you need to decide on the model - with knowledge of the matter, paying attention not only to the appearance and design of the furnace, but also to its heating abilities in relation to the room that it will have to heat.

When choosing a furnace by size, it must be taken into account that its side walls give off more heat than the front and back. This factor must be taken into account when planning the installation of the stove in one place or another.

Furnaces are divided not only by functionality, but also by its form. They can be rectangular, T-shaped, with a ledge in the form of a stove bench or stove, and others.

Stoves can only be used for heating living rooms and can be installed, for example, between the living room and the bedroom, perform several functions and serve as a dividing wall between the living rooms and the kitchen.

For rooms with a small area, you should not choose too massive buildings. Although many of them are multifunctional, they will take up too much useful space that can be used for other needs.

Naturally, the location of the heated room in the house, as well as the degree of insulation of the entire building, also plays a big role.

Stove selection table depending on the heated area and the location of the rooms:

Room area, m²Furnace surface, m²
Not a corner room, inside the houseRoom with one outside cornerRoom with two outside cornersHallway
8 1.25 1.95 2.1 3.4
10 1.5 2.4 2.6 4.5
15 2.3 3.4 3.9 6
20 3.2 4.2 4.6 -
25 4.6 6.9 7.8 -

All these criteria must be predetermined, and based on them, a choice should be made in favor of one or the other model.

Types of brick ovens

As mentioned above, the design of furnaces can be different - both very difficult to build, and quite simple. The most famous of the models are "Dutch", "Swede", "Russian". Modifications named after their designers are widely popular. So, the furnaces of Bykov, Podgorodnikov, Kuznetsov and other masters are very common.

  • There are heating stoves that do not have a hob and other elements, but consist only of walls in which flue ducts, furnaces, blowers and cleaning chambers pass.

  • Heating and cooking stoves have in their design a stove for cooking, sometimes an oven, a hot water tank and a drying chamber.

  • Another type of heating structure is a fireplace stove, which has two fireboxes in its design - a fireplace and a stove. This model can be used by heating only one of the fireboxes or both at the same time.

  • There are also stoves that include the entire complex necessary for human life both in summer and in winter. Often they are equipped with a heated bed, which may well serve as the basis for the bed.

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Prices for finished heating stoves

heating furnaces

Choosing a place to install the oven

It is also important to provide for the correct installation location of the furnace. The best place is the crosshairs of the walls of the house. If it does not have a large area, then such a stove can heat all rooms at the same time. It is desirable that the structure is located near the entrance to the building, since the heat emanating from it will create a barrier to the cold air coming from the front door. In addition, if the firebox door opens into the hallway, it is easier to deliver fuel to it without carrying it through the whole house.

When choosing a place, you need to take into account several more factors that are important for the operation of the furnace:

  • The building must be installed in such a way that there is free access to any of its walls - this must be taken into account for unhindered control of the integrity of the walls and for cleaning the chambers.
  • When erecting a furnace, it is necessary to provide for a separate foundation for it, not connected to the base of the house.
  • The chimney must pass between the attic floor beams and not stumble upon them when it is raised - this is provided for when building a house, and if the stove is being built in a finished building, then before laying the foundation for it.
  • For fire safety purposes, a heat-resistant flooring made of metal sheet or ceramic tiles must be placed on the floor in front of the furnace door.

Basic design of a brick oven

To know how each of the elements of the furnace works, and what it is intended for, you need to consider the basic design of the heating structure:

  • The fuel chamber is designed for laying and burning fuel. It is separated from the blower chamber by a grate and connected to internal channels, through which smoke and hot gases follow through the entire furnace, redirecting to the chimney pipe.
  • The blower chamber provides an adjustable air supply to the furnace and is a collector of ash from burnt fuel, therefore it requires periodic cleaning.
  • An oven, a hob and a tank for heating water - these elements are built into heating and cooking stoves.
  • Cleaning chambers are necessary, as soot collects in them, which crumbles from the walls of the chimney channels passing inside the furnace. With the help of them, periodic cleaning of the furnace is carried out to maintain normal traction.

  • The chimney channels passing inside the furnace may have a different configuration in different models. Hot gaseous products of combustion, passing through them, heat the walls of the furnace, which give off heat to the room.
  • Channels direct smoke with combustion products into a chimney located at the very top of the furnace and then going outside the building.

One of the most important conditions for the efficient operation of the furnace is good traction, which is achieved by high-quality masonry in compliance with the ordering scheme and periodic cleaning of the structure during operation. In addition, it is necessary to observe the required height of the chimney and its correct location on the roof.

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Materials for building a furnace

An important issue for the long-term functioning of the furnace is the choice of high-quality materials for its masonry, so you should not save on them. To build a building you will need:

  • Red refractory brick, the quantity of which is determined by the selected model. It must be remembered that this material is quite fragile, so its transportation and unloading must be carried out very carefully.
  • Fireclay bricks are used for laying a combustion chamber in direct contact with fire. It will take from 40 to 200 pieces, but the exact amount can be found in the diagram of the selected model. This type of brick is able to withstand temperatures of 1450-1500 °, it keeps heat for a long time, gradually giving it to the walls of the furnace.
  • You can’t do without raising the oven without mortar for laying bricks, which is made on the basis of clay. The stove-makers are advised to use the Borovichevsky composition of the solution - it is quite plastic during the laying process and refractory during operation.
  • Cast iron elements are doors for the firebox, blower and cleaning chambers, valves and a grate. If the heating and cooking stove is raised, then one or more two-burner stove, oven and water heating tank provided by the design.

  • Steel wire for fixing cast iron elements in masonry.
  • Asbestos cord or sheet - for laying between brick and metal parts.

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Now, having become acquainted with some of the nuances of building a furnace, we can consider several models that should be available for masonry even for beginners.

Heating stove by V. Bykov

This oven is for heating purposes only as it does not include a stovetop or oven. However, despite this, it is quite popular for houses with a small area, as it is compact - it takes up little space, but at the same time it is able to heat even three rooms.

The size of the building is 510 × 1400 mm, while its height without a chimney is 2150 mm. If we take the size in bricks, then it is 2 × 5½ bricks.

The stove is quite simple in laying, as it does not have complex internal configurations. In appearance, it generally resembles a thick wall, so the designer himself called it a "thick warm wall." Heat transfer from the entire structure is 2400 kcal/h, but at the same time, 920 kcal/h fall on the side walls, and only 280 kcal/h on its front and back parts. The cross section of the flue duct is 130 × 260 mm.

Due to its small width, the stove fits perfectly between two rooms, opening into a third room, for example, into a hallway, and is not only a separator for two rooms, but also a source of heat for them.

The whole design of this model is conditionally divided into two compartments - this is the upper gas outlet and the lower one is the furnace. In the lower part there are two channels - ascending and descending. They help heat the furnace part of the furnace and equalize the temperature throughout the building, preventing it from overheating.

The upper part of the furnace is made in the form of a cap, divided into five vertical, descending and ascending channels, which are overlapped by ⅔ of bricks laid horizontally in the masonry. They create a kind of sieve that delays the release of heat directly into the pipe. The walls of the channels not only direct the heated air in the right direction, but also significantly increase the internal surface area of ​​​​the furnace. These factors increase the efficiency of the heating structure, which leads to greater heat transfer. It is also facilitated by a valve installed in the upper part of the building, which regulates the exit of warm air into the pipe.

For this oven model you will need the following materials:

  • Red refractory brick - 407 pcs.
  • White fireclay brick SHA-8 197 pcs.
  • Furnace door 210×250 mm - 1 pc.
  • Cleaning doors 140×140 mm - 2 pcs.
  • Grate 250×252 mm -1 pc.
  • Chimney damper 130×250 mm -1 pc.
  • Metal sheet for flooring in front of the firebox, size 500 × 700 mm - 1 pc., ceramic tiles can be laid instead of the sheet.

Prices for ready-made furnaces for brick ovens

Firebox for brick ovens

Bykov furnace ordering

The laying of the furnace takes place on the foundation prepared for it, which should have a size larger than the base of the furnace by 100 ÷ 120 mm in each direction. The height of the foundation must be two rows of masonry below the finished floor. Before laying, it is laid with a layer of waterproofing - roofing material.

orderingDescription of works
According to this scheme, two zero rows are presented, which are below the level of the finished floor.
Each row will require 22 red bricks.
Masonry, located on the same level with the finishing floor, as well as a metal sheet mounted in front of the firebox.
The floor surface around the stove is lined with heat-resistant ceramic tiles.
1 row - a blower chamber is formed. At the entrance to it, a hewn brick is installed, which facilitates the selection of combustion waste.
For laying this row, 21 bricks are needed.
2nd row - when laying it, the blower door is installed and the chamber itself continues to form.
For laying this row, 20 bricks are required.
3rd row - the blower chamber continues to form.
The wire attached to the ears of the door is embedded in the seams of the masonry.
For a row, you will need 19 whole bricks and 2 ⅓ bricks, which are stacked near the installed door.
4 row - the front part of the blower chamber is blocked with bricks together with the installed door. At the rear of the structure, the base of the swivel well begins to form.
This row will take 12 whole, 6 in ¾ and 2 in ½ bricks.
5th row - the base of the fuel chamber is formed from fireclay bricks above the blower chamber. Hewn bricks are laid in the front and rear parts of the base, along which the combustion waste will slide into the ash-blowing chamber through the grate installed on the same row.
A gap of 5 mm must be left between it and the bricks.
The fuel chamber door is mounted on the same row.
It will take 17 whole and two ⅓ bricks.
6 row - the walls of the fuel chamber begin to form, the chimney well continues to lay out.
11 pieces of fireclay bricks are used.
7 row - the chimney well is divided in two by two bricks. The bricks above the well must be hewn.
As a result of masonry, the base of two vertical channels is formed - ascending and descending.
In this row, 11 whole, 2 in ½ and 4 fireclay bricks cut obliquely across the entire width were used.
8 row is laid according to the scheme, repeating the previous one, the only difference is the direction of the brick.
A row will take 15 bricks.
9th row - the door of the fuel chamber is blocked with two bricks.
This row will require 16 fireclay bricks.
The back of the oven is placed according to the scheme.
10 row - bricks are laid according to the scheme in compliance with their direction.
This row needs 16 bricks.
11 row - a brick on the back wall of the furnace and at the entrance to the drop-down channel must be hewn from above, otherwise the work is carried out according to the scheme.
A row will require 12 whole, 2 in ½ and 4 in ¾ fireclay bricks.
12 row - there is a combination of a falling chimney channel and a fuel chamber.
For a row, you need 13 whole and 2 in ½ fireclay bricks.
The 13th row is laid, according to the presented scheme, and it uses 10 whole, 2 in ½ and 4 in ¾ fireclay bricks.
The 14th row also fits according to the scheme, it will take 10 whole and 6 in ¾ bricks.
15 row - using prepared bricks, ¾ in size, a narrowing of the fuel chamber, combined with a descending channel, is arranged.
The total number of bricks used is 7 whole and 14 pieces in ¾.
16 row - the combined descending channel and the fuel chamber are completely blocked with bricks.
This and the next row divide the structure into two parts - the upper gas-air and the lower fuel.
For a row, 17 whole, 4 in ¾ and 2 in ½ bricks are used.
17th row is laid out of red brick.
An opening of the ascending channel is left in it, along its edges hewn obliquely bricks are mounted.
Used 14 whole, 6 in ¾ and 2 in ½ bricks.
18 row - a horizontal channel of the furnace is formed, it is the basis for mounting five channels that will go vertically.
The cleaning chamber door is installed on the same row.
For a row, you need 8 whole, 2 - ½, 2 - ¼ and 4 in ¾ bricks.
19 row - the formation of the first vertical channel, the upper part of the building, is underway. It will be a continuation of the ascending channel of the lower furnace part of the furnace.
The bricks that form this channel must be cut obliquely from below.
Used 11 whole and 4 in ¾ bricks.
20 row - the second vertical channel begins to form in the same way as the first.
Half a brick is mounted between the first and second channels. This part in this row and in the subsequent ones has a dual purpose - it is the basis for the next row and forms windows in the masonry for heat exchange with the walls and maintaining normal traction.
In a row, 7 whole, 3 in ½ and 8 in ¾ bricks are used.
21 row - the third, fourth and fifth channels are formed in it. Bricks placed at the base of the walls dividing the channels are pressed together from below, as in previous cases.
For a row, you need 11 whole, 5 in ½ and 4 in ¾ bricks.
The 22nd row is placed according to the scheme in compliance with the formation of channels.
For a row, you need 11 whole and 4 pieces of ½ and ¾ bricks, for a total of 17 pieces.
The 23rd row is also laid according to the scheme and for it you need to prepare 12 whole, 4 in ½ and 4 in ¾ bricks.
24 row - on this row, the laying of the wall between the second and first vertical channels is completed. The upper brick in the wall is hemmed from the two upper sides obliquely.
For a row, you need 9 whole, 3 in ½ and 8 in ¾ bricks.
A total of 18 bricks need to be used, some of which split in two.
25th row - it completes the laying of the walls between the second and third vertical channels. The upper brick in the wall from above is pressed together on both sides.
For masonry, you need 10 whole, 4 in ¾ and 5 in ½ bricks.
26th row - completion of the wall masonry between the third and fourth vertical channels. The upper brick of the wall is also pressed on both sides.
You need to prepare 10 whole, 4 in ¾ and 4 in ½ bricks.
27th row - work is proceeding according to the scheme, and it requires 9 whole, 4 in ¾ and 4 in ½ bricks.
28 row - it uses bricks made in ¾ of a solid brick - they form a horizontal channel for flue gases, which is called a cap.
For a row, 4 whole ones are used, 14 pieces - ¾, 4 hewn obliquely over the entire thickness.
29 row - in it, the channel formed in the previous row is completely blocked, with the exception of the opening left for the chimney pipe.
For its masonry, 17 whole, 4 - ¾ and 2- ½ bricks will be required.
30 row is also laid out solid, according to the scheme, except for the opening for the chimney.
It uses 6 whole and 20 in ¾ bricks.
31 rows are laid out according to the scheme and 17 whole, 4 in ¾ and 2 in ½ bricks are prepared for it.
32 row - the first row of the chimney begins to be laid out, for it you will need 5 whole bricks.

Stove-fireplace "Swede" A. Ryazankin

Quite popular, due to its efficiency, the heating and cooking stove of the "Swede" type. Its design contributes to the rapid heating of the premises and allows not only to heat the house, but also to cook dinner.

The appearance of the "Swede" Ryazankin

Such a stove is usually installed between the kitchen and the living area of ​​the house, positioning it so that the hob and oven are turned towards the kitchen. In some Swede designs, a fireplace is provided on the side intended for heating the living room or bedroom. It is this option that is worth considering, since it is perfect for both a spacious and a small building, and, as you know, many owners of private houses dream of a fireplace in one of their living rooms.

This stove model is heated with wood, has a size of 1020 × 890 mm around the perimeter and 2170 mm in height, excluding the pipe. At the same time, it is necessary to provide for the fact that the fireplace portal will protrude 130 mm beyond the building. The foundation must be larger than the size of the base of the furnace and be 1040 × 1020. The power of the Swede reaches 3000 kcal / h.

For the construction of this model of the furnace, the following materials will be required:

  • Red brick, excluding pipe laying - 714 pcs.
  • Blower door 140×140 mm - 1 pc.
  • Door for combustion chamber 210×250 mm — 1 pc.
  • Door for cleaning chambers 140×140 mm — 8 pcs.
  • Oven 450×360×300 mm - 1 pc.
  • Two-burner cast-iron stove 410 × 710 mm - 1 pc.
  • Grate 200×300 mm - 1 pc.
  • Chimney damper 130×250 mm - 3 pcs.
  • Steel corner 50×50×5×1020 mm - 2 pcs.
  • Steel strip 50×5×920 mm - 3 pcs.
  • Steel strip 50×5×530 mm - 2 pcs.
  • Steel strip 50×5×480 mm - 2 pcs.
  • Fireplace grate, you can make it yourself from reinforcing bars.
  • Metal sheet for flooring in front of the firebox 500 × 700 mm - 1 pc.
  • Asbestos sheet or cord for laying between metal elements and masonry bricks.

Furnace masonry

The presented diagrams show in detail the location of all the cast-iron elements of the fireplace stove, and the description of the masonry will help to avoid mistakes at some rather complex stages of work.

Experienced master masons recommend laying the entire oven dry to begin with, that is, without mortar, adhering to the scheme and understanding the configuration of each of the rows. This process is especially important for beginners who are barely familiar with the work of the stove.

Another trick of experienced craftsmen is the preliminary adjustment and laying of each of the rows without mortar during work. Any row is first laid out, and, if necessary, individual bricks are cut or hemmed, and then they are laid on the mortar.

This approach will slow down the work somewhat, but will allow it to be done much better, without errors that could negatively affect the creation of normal traction.

When performing masonry, you need to keep at hand not only the diagram of each of the rows, but also a sectional drawing of the furnace. It will also help - it will allow you to present all the channels passing inside and the design of the furnaces.

So, the laying is done as follows:

Ordering - from 1 to 6 row

  • The first, continuous row of the furnace, is laid on onlaid on ready ruberoid foundation. It is very important to lay out the row perfectly evenly and correctly, since the quality of the masonry of the entire structure will depend on it. Therefore, first it is worth marking the roofing material with a ruler, square and chalk, drawing on it the shape of the base of the furnace, observing the dimensions. Then, relying on the scheme and observing the brick laying configuration, the first row is assembled dry, and then - laying on the mortar.
  • 2 row. Metal elements are laid in it, consisting of pieces of reinforcement, on which a fireplace grate will later be fixed by welding, or this decorative element is completely leveled. The rest of the laying is carried out according to the scheme.
  • 3 row. At this stage, the doors of the first cleaning and blowing chamber are mounted, previously wrapped with asbestos rope or lined with pieces of asbestos. To fix the doors in place, a wire is used, which is threaded into special eyelets of a cast-iron frame. Further, the wire is placed in the seams of the masonry, where it is fixed with mortar and pressed against the top row of bricks. Temporarily, until the final fixing, the doors are supported on both sides with bricks.

  • 4 row. The work is proceeding according to the scheme, but the series is notable for the fact that the doors on both sides are fixed with masonry, which must be brought out perfectly evenly. The seams in this area can be two to three millimeters wider due to the wire embedded in them.
  • It is recommended to lay out the 5th row using fireclay fire-resistant bricks, as well as all the walls of the combustion chamber. On the same row, a grate and an oven box are mounted, which are wrapped or lined with asbestos, in order to avoid its premature burnout.

  • 6 row. On this row, a furnace door is installed, wrapped with an asbestos cord, and with pieces of wire fixed in it.

  • 7 row. The masonry is carried out according to the scheme, a steel strip is mounted above the laid out walls of the fireplace, which will serve as a support for the next row of masonry. It is laid flat or in the form of a semi-arch, giving it the desired shape in advance.
  • 8 and 9 rows are laid out according to the presented scheme.
  • 10 row. The front wall of the furnace is being strengthened, since a cast-iron hob will be mounted in this part of the building. A steel corner is fixed to the wall with the help of two wire hooks, then pieces of asbestos sheet are laid on the place of installation of the plate, and the plate itself is installed. In the same row, the door of another cleaning chamber is fixed.
  • 11 and 12 rows are laid out according to the scheme without installing metal elements. On the twelfth row there is an overlap of the cleaning chamber door.

Ordering - from 13 to 24 row

  • From 13 to 15 rows are laid according to the developed scheme, strictly adhering to the brick laying configuration.
  • 16 row. The device of the walls of the chamber is being completed, located above the hob, which is covered with metal strips. They will serve as the basis for laying bricks for the next row.
  • 17 and 18 rows are stacked according to the scheme.
  • 19 row. At this stage, two more cleaning chambers are mounted, which are fixed in the same way as the previous ones.
  • 20, as well as 21 rows are placed according to the scheme.
  • 22 row. Two more doors of the cleaning chambers are being installed.
  • 23 row. The laying goes according to the scheme.
  • 24 row. A chimney valve is being installed, the frame of which is installed on the mortar.

  • 25 row. Next to the first, on the adjacent chimney channel, a second chimney valve is mounted.
  • 26 row. The cleaning chamber door is being installed.
  • From 27 to 30 rows are laid out according to the scheme.
  • 31 row. At this stage, the third, last chimney valve is installed.
  • 32-33 rows. In this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe design, there is a transition to laying out a pipe that rises to the ceiling.

When laying a pipe through an attic floor, it is necessary to isolate combustible materials of construction from it. To do this, a metal box is arranged around the chimney with sides 100 ÷ 120 mm higher than the thickness of the ceiling. This "difference" remains in the attic.

If the walls of the furnace are not covered with decorative material, then when laying bricks, the still wet mortar in the seams is embroidered with a special tool, that is, it is given a neat convex or concave shape.

The oven - "Swede" can be supplemented with a warm stove bench. This interesting project is presented in the video.

Video: brick "Swede" with a stove bench

And at the end of the article - one more good advice. Before deciding on an independent construction of the furnace, without having sufficient experience in this work, it is recommended that you first practice in the usual laying of bricks on the mortar. Believe me, this process is not as simple as it seems at first glance. you can find out from the link.

Evgeny AfanasievChief Editor

Publication author 27.08.2015

Brick stoves for the home are often the only way to equip the heating of the house, in the country or in the cottage. In brick heating stoves, the maximum efficiency reaches 85%: this is a consequence of the fact that their design does not include "heat consumers" that take a lot of heat energy.

  • Brick ovens for the home

Brick heating stoves are quite simply manufactured and operated. The reason for these qualities is a narrow scope - for space heating (they are not intended for cooking, etc.).

Brick ovens for the home are also sometimes called "Dutch".

Brick ovens for the home

In houses and cottages, "Dutch women" are most often used, in which the thickness of the walls is equal to half a brick. If you heat such stoves from one to two times during the day, you can easily provide comfortable temperature conditions in a medium-sized room.

Taking into account the dimensions of heating furnaces, they use two main methods of smoke circulation:

  • in the "Dutch" of small size, where the firebox and the furnace itself have common walls, the location of the bell-type smoke channels is at the top;
  • for large furnaces, a combined smoke circulation system is used, in which the location of the smoke channels is carried out from the sides of the firebox and on top of it.

Dutch stove for a corner house

Another type of heating stoves - "Dutch" corner type. Since they have an angular shape, these stoves are characterized by the fact that they take up less space, which allows you to significantly increase the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by installing the stove in a corner.

Corner brick ovens are often installed because it is not possible to make a rectangular foundation.
To heat a 2-storey house or cottage, they use two-tier brick heating stoves. On each floor, an autonomous stove is installed, which has its own firebox.

The structure of modern heating furnaces includes a grate. With the help of this solution, it became possible to deliver oxygen to the place of combustion of firewood, in the volumes that are necessary to ensure combustion. This is the reason that the combustion of fuel occurs at an intense pace, and with more uniformity. New smoke exhaust systems provide an opportunity to reduce the length of smoke channels. The smoke enters the stove chimney before being cooled down by the excess air.

The above has made it possible to make modern heating stoves more compact, reduce the time spent on the furnace, and also improve efficiency.

The scheme of laying a stove for a house is the first thing a person who decides to equip heating with a stove in his home will need. In this material, we will consider what schemes for laying home brick ovens exist, what are their features and differences.

Laying a stone stove can be done in the following ways:

  • 1. undercut;
  • 2. with empty seams;

When arranging the stove according to the first method, plastering the stove is not required, since all joints are filled with mortar. The wall thickness of the kiln determines the way the bricks are laid. The walls are laid out with a thickness of one brick, and half a brick. Sometimes, you can find masonry in 3.4 bricks.
For work on the arrangement of the furnace, it is imperative to use oven bricks. It is also called "red brick", full-bodied. Under no circumstances use bricks that were taken from any dismantled building, expanded clay blocks or slotted bricks.

Laying the first row is done simply with a brick, without using a mortar. The brick is leveled, the front wall is determined, the places where all the doors will be located. These operations can be called the last "estimate". When these actions are performed, the bricks lie down with the mortar.

After that, begin to lay the corners. The next stage, according to the advice of experts, is the arrangement of the contour of the entire stove. Using plumb lines, a twine is stretched from the ceiling to the corners of the stove. With the help of these vertical lines, you can easily navigate during the work.

Given the model of the stove you have chosen, you should determine the areas in which they will be located: a blower, a combustion chamber, an ash pan. The door under the blower is installed when the third row of bricks is laid out, after one row an ash pan is laid out.

After that, there is an arrangement of the firebox. Each door is attached with burnt wire. When you get to laying out the vault, you will need to cut the bricks. A calculation will be required to ensure a good docking of the bricks with each other. The laying of the vault begins after the second row of bricks is laid after the firebox door.

For lining the combustion chamber, special refractory bricks are used. Since the facing brick and masonry brick have different temperature characteristics, the installation of the lining to the furnace itself should not be rigid. During the installation of the chimney pipe, care should be taken to equip a special valve, the adjustment of which should be carried out smoothly and without difficulty.

Brick ovens for home - video instruction

Stoves are quite often found in various houses and buildings, since they are a traditional method of heating, and can also be used even for preparing various dishes. Often, the owners of the structures are independently involved in the creation of this design, but it is first important to decide which type of oven will be created, since it is possible identify some of its types. Each variety is suitable as, so it is important to resolve this issue in advance.

Why brick construction

Initially, it is important to highlight that brick structures are the most optimal and suitable, and this is due to their parameters and characteristics. The positive properties of brick stoves include:

  • Brick is a material that perfectly transfers heat into the room with the help of heated walls, which allows optimal and high-quality heating of rooms.
  • Furnaces made of this material are capable of accumulating heat, and also, even after the termination of the design, they will heat the premises for quite a long time.
  • If you wish, you can build this structure using high-quality and suitable bricks on your own, since here it is only important to have the optimal and correct order available, as well as to know how to lay the material, what kind of furnaces and stoves themselves will be chosen, and what will be used for masonry.
  • Brick is a material that is resistant to mechanical and other types of impact, and is also safe and durable, as a result of which the resulting structures have a long service life and excellent reliability.

The disadvantages of a brick stove for a home include the fact that it heats up for a long time, therefore, it will be possible to heat a completely cold room after a rather long time after the start of heating the structure.

How to choose a brick building

Since the types of stoves are numerous, and also have many significant differences, it is necessary to make the right choice. To do this, you need not only to know what types are on the market, but also take into account the characteristics of the premises and the house where the product will be used.

Read also: Why the oven smokes and how to fix it

During the selection, one should take into account what are the dimensions of the building itself, since the power and parameters of the furnace must correspond to these features.

In addition, it takes into account whether the stove will be intended for a house in which people live all year round or only a few seasons or even weeks.

For each option, the best design must be selected that meets all requirements, as well as easy to use.

If a stove is chosen for a private house in which people live permanently, then it must be reliable, capital, high-quality and efficient.

For a dacha or other structure, which in most cases is used in summer, as well as for several days in winter, a small stove is suitable, which will not take up much space, and the process of its creation will be simple.

The main types of structures

The types of stoves are numerous, so before purchasing directly, you should study all the options and choose the most suitable one. At the same time, it is important to take into account the direct purpose of the structure, since it stands out here 4 main types:

  • heating stove. This option is intended exclusively as a complete and basic heating system for a private house or cottage. They are large or small, and the choice depends on the size of the building itself. The difference and variety of fireboxes is also an important parameter when choosing. The design of such a building designed for efficient and fast heating of rooms, so the walls of the stoves heat up quickly and strongly. As a rule, such designs do not have an attractive appearance and a wide variety of fireboxes, and when they are used for their intended purpose, a lot of fuel is spent, which is usually used as high-quality and properly dried firewood.

  • Heating and cooking products for the home. They have become more and more popular lately. They are are designed not only for heating the building, but also for cooking various dishes. Units are equipped with various additional elements, which include heating shield or oven, grill or other structures. A variety of fireboxes for such furnaces made of bricks is considered significant, so you can choose the most suitable option. Dishes on this stove are very tasty and fragrant, so often people prefer to cook only with its help. Also, such stoves are efficient in terms of space heating. They can be intended not only for the house, but also for giving. For a long service life of the product, it is important that it is made of high quality and refractory bricks.

  • cooking oven. It is used exclusively. These products are completely different, and they are equipped with different types of fireboxes. Usually, units are supplied with a kitchen hearth or grill, or other elements. They have many different functions that are used in the cooking process, simplifying and speeding it up. To create such a product, quite a few building materials are required, and the entire process of forming the element can be done on its own. When installing the hob in a small room, it will perfectly cope not only with cooking, but also with heating the room.
  • Narrowly targeted types of stoves. This includes structures designed for installation in a bathhouse, garage, or in other specific facilities requiring heating. They are also created from high-quality bricks, but usually they are small in size. Their efficiency is at a high level, in addition, they are safer than other varieties.

Read also: Butakov furnace: overview and installation methods

Other classifications of structures

In addition to their purpose, stoves differ from each other in other ways. What are the types according to the form? These include the following ovens:

  • rectangular, which are considered quite simple to form;
  • square, characterized by compact dimensions;
  • corner, suitable for small spaces, as well as taking up space in a room that is usually completely empty;
  • round, are considered exotic and very beautiful;
  • T-shaped considered traditional.

Which options will be chosen by future users depends on the size of the room where the equipment is supposed to be installed, as well as on the tastes and wishes of the owners themselves.

According to the design of the fireboxes, various stoves are also distinguished. Additionally, it is important to consider that the efficiency depends on the thickness of their walls. Therefore stand out the following devices:

  • thick-walled, considered the most effective;
  • thin-walled, usually used only for the cooking process;
  • combined, which are usually represented by heating and cooking models.

It should be noted that usually for the protection of already created brick structures, as well as for their attractive appearance, various types of finishes

In accordance with this, the following stoves are distinguished:

  • plastered;
  • made using special decorative bricks;
  • tied or stove tiles;
  • enclosed in a metal case.

Each option is considered attractive and interesting. Some people, when creating a brick structure on their own, do not decorate it with any additional materials at all.

When choosing a design should additionally take into account what is the structure and features of its chimney. In this case, stoves with the following chimneys stand out:

  • direct-flow;
  • countercurrent;
  • with channels arranged vertically or horizontally;
  • single-turn or multi-turn;
  • with a complete lack of channels;
  • with bottom heat.

The choice of the location of the structure

A brick stove must not only be correctly selected, but also correctly installed in the building. Wherein takes into account what total building area and the room in which the stove will be located. In addition, it is important to remember the purpose of the structure, the safety of its installation and the number of rooms that should be heated using this equipment.

How to make a brick oven with your own hands - an introduction to the topic of stoves for the home, as well as detailed instructions with drawings and step-by-step descriptions, useful tips.

Classification by intended use

  1. Heating. Such furnaces are used only for space heating as the only or additional heater. Heating stoves circulate and heat the air.
  2. Heating and cooking. Such stoves can be used both for heating the room and for cooking instead of a stove.

Classification depending on the design


The principle of operation of such furnaces is as follows: air moves into the blower, goes up and, bypassing the grate, exits through the pipe.

Cons of once-through furnaces:

  • Low efficiency, due to the fact that along with cold air, warm air leaves the furnace, which could still be used to heat the room.


  • Due to the fact that such stoves are made of brick, which holds heat well, the room warms up evenly and retains heat.


This type of furnace is an advanced direct-flow furnace. That is, due to the many channels, warm air does not immediately go into the pipe, but, following them, warms up the room. When installing channel furnaces, one should take into account the linear dependence of the efficiency on the length and number of channels.


Such stoves are used to retain heat in the room. Warm air, in accordance with the laws of physics, tends to rise up, where it is held by the cap. Cooling down, the air currents become heavier and fall down. And, since the cold air is no longer needed, it exits through the hood.

Advantages of bell-type furnaces:

  • They provide uniform heating of the room due to their design.
  • Soot can be easily removed, as it accumulates in one place - under the hood.

Classification according to material



  • Autonomy. That is, once "refueling" the oven, you can not worry about it for a long time.
  • Heat retention. Brick buildings do not conduct heat well, so it stays in them for a long time.


  • They warm up for a long time.

Cast iron


  • Easy to install, no foundation required.
  • Not fire hazardous.
  • Compact.
  • Heat up quickly.
  • Huge selection of stoves according to external data.
  • No additional cladding required.
  • There are automatic cast iron ovens that independently regulate the temperature.
  • High efficiency.
  • Performance is relatively less dependent on the amount of fuel.
  • Low price.


  • They cool quite quickly and require additional heating.

Preparatory work, necessary materials and tools for work

How to build a stove with your own hands? Consider preparation:

  • Foundation. If the furnace is calculated large (more than 500 bricks), then you need to build an additional foundation for it. If the oven is small, then this is not necessary.
  • Thermal insulation is mandatory for all types of stoves: both large and small.
  • Chimney. In no case should the chimney be adjacent to the beams on the ceiling. Also, the distance between it and all beams should be approximately the same.
  • Pipe. The protrusion of the pipe must necessarily be half a meter above the roof, but no further than one and a half.
  • Furnace location. The place should be chosen in accordance with the data on the pipe and chimney, that is, take into account what will be above the stove.

If these points are taken into account, then there are a few more tips:

  • It is better to position the stove so that it heats as many rooms as possible. For example, if the house has several adjacent rooms, it is better to place the stove not in one of them, but between them so that it heats everything.
  • If you need to heat one room, then it is better to place the stove closer to the wall, but not back to back.

Tools and materials


  • Clay (for making masonry mortar).
  • Sand.
  • Brick. Red fireproof. Fireclay.
  • Pipe.
  • Gravel.
  • Wood.
  • Cement.
  • Ruberoid.
  • Grate grate.
  • Angle steel.
  • Roofing steel.
  • Wire.
  • Nails.
  • Steam valve.
  • Oven.
  • Doors (for the cooking chamber, blower, furnace).
  • Cast iron tiles.


  • Furnace hammer.
  • Ruler.
  • Master OK.
  • Pick.
  • Square.
  • Plumb.
  • Level.

Design and drawings.

How to build a stove with your own hands? There are main types of structures:


  • Efficiency can reach 80 percent.
  • It keeps heat for a very long time, in some cases - two days.
  • The firebox surrounds the fire from all sides and reduces the fire hazard level of the structure.


  • Big size.
  • Weighs a lot.
  • Long warm up.
  • After the break, a daily heating is required.
  • It has the most complex design of all possible types of furnaces.

The Russian stove is suitable as a permanent source of heat, it will completely replace and even surpass the stove, it can even serve as a bed, but such a stove has huge dimensions, and its installation should be justified.

The oven is Dutch.

Belongs to the channel type.


  • simple masonry
  • It takes up relatively little space, as it has an elongated shape.
  • Heats up quickly.
  • Weighs relatively little.
  • Allows cooking.
  • It does not need to be heated regularly to maintain performance.


  • Cools down quickly.
  • Low efficiency.

It turns out that the “Dutch” stove is not suitable as the main source of heat and will not be able to heat a large room. But such a stove is convenient for small rooms and occasional use.

Plain rectangular.


  • Doesn't take up much space.
  • Simple construction.
  • Low prices for material and fuel.


  • Average efficiency.
  • Doesn't keep warm for very long.

A conventional rectangular oven is an average option that is suitable for standard heating of a not very large room.

The oven is Swedish.

Belongs to the heating and cooking type.


  • Allows cooking.
  • High efficiency.
  • Quick warm up.
  • Saves fuel.
  • Relatively small size.
  • There are modern options with an oven, hob, a place to dry clothes.


  • A booster is required.
  • It has a difficult masonry for a beginner.

The Swede stove is suitable as the main source of heat in the room, can completely replace the stove and has many design options, but it is difficult to assemble.


  • Very low fire hazard.
  • Aesthetic.
  • High efficiency.
  • Heat the room evenly.

A stove with a fireplace is suitable both for decorating a house and for targeted use as a heater.


How to build a stove with your own hands? Let's draw the drawings first. In order to draw up drawings, you need to know what must be included in the composition of the furnace.

  • Foundation.
  • Frame.
  • Chimney.

The furnace consists of the following levels:

  1. Foundation
  2. Butovaya masonry.
  3. Bookmark depth.
  4. Waterproofing.
  5. Furnace array.

Array Composition:

  • Six.
  • Undercoat.
  • Underbay.
  • Dushnik.
  • Cover.
  • Gate valve.
  • Half door.

Pipe Composition:

  • Overlap.
  • Cutting.
  • Insulation.
  • Otter.
  • head.
  • Metal cap.
  • Pipe stand.
  • A metal sheet.
  • Pipe neck.

Orders - a detailed scheme for laying a brick oven.

How to build a stove with your own hands? Let's consider how to implement it using the example of a Russian stove.
Row number..

  1. Designed for foundation waterproofing. Lay beveled bricks and ¾. During laying, use a cement-sand mortar.
  2. The second row is the basis for the walls of the care zone.
  3. The third row is the walls of the guardianship (3/4 brick).
  4. The fourth row is a support support.
  5. The fifth row is located at the corners in order to create an arch support. Also use this row for laying out the oven.
  6. The sixth row is laid out according to a wooden template, which will be a temporary vault of guardianship.
  7. A row for the arch begins to be laid from the edges to the middle. The central brick is driven in with a mallet to ensure strength. Also, bricks should be laid as close to each other as possible, and brick fragments should be placed in the openings between them.
  8. The walls of the mantle are made of bricks from this row.
  9. The walls of the stove and the walls of the cold stove are laid out in this row.
  10. The final row for guardianship. Between the bricks fill the gaps with sand, for the sake of insulation.
  11. Strengthening the overlap of the guardianship with the addition of beveled bricks.
  12. The use of clay-sand cement begins. Shet's masonry. The brick should lie flat, but then you still need to sand it.
  13. The bricks of this row will become the hearth and the cooking chamber. Additional installation of the mouth arc.
  14. The walls of the hearth and the crucible.
  15. The walls of the hearth and the crucible.
  16. The walls of the hearth and the crucible.
  17. Fold up the supports for the arch of the cooking chamber.
  18. It is made up of refractory bricks with a vault.
  19. Six walls.
  20. Six walls. Fill gaps with sand.
  21. Masonry furnace, the beginning of the samovar.
  22. Cover end. Installing a showerhead.
  23. Channels of the samovar and overtubes.
  24. The same channels.
  25. Additional channel for the view.
  26. The same channels.
  27. Half door installation.
  28. Ligation of sutures and the same channels.
  29. Ligation of sutures and the same channels.
  30. Connection of a pipe and a ventilator.
  31. Valve installation.
  32. Pipe laying.

33+ pipe laying.

How to build a do-it-yourself oven: a description of the process.

  1. Lay the foundation of.
  2. Lay the first row (along the cord).
  3. Lay the next rows with a level.
  4. Control the corners with body kits.
  5. From rows 1 to 11, use a cement-sand mortar, then a clay-sand mortar.
  6. The output of the pipe is carried out at the end of all work.

How to build a do-it-yourself brick oven video:

  • Follow the instructions carefully during installation.
  • Choose a drawing that suits you.
  • Place the stove not close to the walls, but not in the center of the room (unless, of course, it is traditional Russian).
  • When transporting refractory bricks, be careful as they are very fragile.
  • The side walls of the oven are the warmest, so place them closer to the places that need to be thoroughly heated.
  • Do not forget about automated ovens that will control the temperature.

The laying of any of the stoves discussed above will not cause difficulties with careful planning and perseverance. Good luck!