When is it prohibited to transport dangerous goods? Transportation of dangerous goods: how and how much to transport gasoline and other dangerous goods in a car? The route of transportation - how is selected and agreed upon

03.03.2020 Water heaters

Dangerous goods are those substances that are potentially harmful to human health or nature, destroy organic matter when in contact with them. The transportation of dangerous goods is strictly regulated by laws, since such accidents bring enormous harm to the surrounding world.

There are various dangerous compounds, which are divided into types: poisonous, radioactive, oxidizing, etc. Each species is divided into categories of danger, in total there are 9 classes, divided by the level of danger.

Types of dangerous goods

The following types of dangerous goods are prescribed in the state standard:

  • Gases that have been compressed, liquefied or dissolved;
  • Compounds of a caustic or corrosive type;
  • Explosive elements;
  • radioactive substances;
  • Easily flammable liquids;
  • Substances that have a toxic or infectious effect;
  • Self-igniting compounds;
  • Peroxides.

Classes of dangerous goods and their corresponding labeling

Each type of dangerous goods has regulated norms for the transportation and storage of substances. The standards are prescribed in GOST and the international agreement ADR. The requirements do not apply only to cases where transportation takes place within the enterprise that produces hazardous compounds. It is only necessary to comply with the technological scheme. Also, transportation by the security authorities does not require the implementation of all the provisions described.

Increased safety requirements are provided for vehicles that transport dangerous goods (DG). It is necessary to comply with multiple rules, which are the basis for obtaining ADR for the transport of exhaust gases. Transport must comply with the rules:

  1. Dangerous goods must be transported only on vehicles that are specially equipped for this. Each type of exhaust gas is subject to different GOST requirements for tanks and vehicles. This item must be accompanied by technical documentation;
  2. Vehicles that are constantly involved in the transport of exhaust gases must be equipped with an exhaust pipe placed to the side in front of the radiator. If the conversion is not available for technical reasons, then the pipe can be installed on the right, only outside the fuel connection area. It is necessary that the tank does not come into contact with sources of heat or electricity. Simple tank insulation is acceptable;
  3. Cars are painted in special colors, and on the sides, images indicating danger. Flammable compounds are painted orange, spontaneously combustible elements must be transported in vehicles that are white on top and red on the bottom. Substances of the gas type or those that turn into gases on contact with water, the vehicle must be blue;
  4. Special requirements for the electrical network of the car also take place:
    • Voltage within 24 W;
    • The wire sheath is made on the basis of seamless technology and is not exposed to external factors;
    • Requires proper fuses;
    • The electrical wiring is firmly fixed, protected from mechanical influences, heating;
    • The battery must be located in a ventilated compartment. Additionally, a switch must be added to the electrical circuit, which is located near the battery, may have a mechanical or remote principle of operation;
    • Lamps inside the body are protected by a grill, external wires must be absent. It is forbidden to use lamps where threaded sockets are used.
    • Vehicles must be grounded with a static-absorbing chain;
    • A van-type vehicle must have a solid, completely enclosed body, and have separate ventilation. The upholstery materials are not flammable materials. When transporting exhaust gas in open bodies, it is necessary to use a tarpaulin made of refractory materials;
    • It is important to protect equipment on tanks even in the event of a tip over. All pipelines must be reinforced with reinforcing rings, caps or other elements;
    • When transporting exhaust gases, the entire set of auxiliary tools must be present in the car;
    • Vehicles are equipped with yellow lights, which have an independent power source. Notifications about the transportation of exhaust gas along the perimeter of the vehicle are applied;
    • It is forbidden to use more than 1 trailer or semi-trailer.

Why such "hard" requirements?

The transportation of dangerous goods by road requires an increased level of security, therefore, the requirements put forward to it are also increasing. The norms are regulated thanks to the European agreement and the national standard. Checking compliance with safety standards takes place in the traffic police, where the suitability of the car for transportation is confirmed or denied.

Requirements for the equipment of the vehicle that transports dangerous goods


Transport companies need to designate vehicles that transport exhaust gases. To designate the vehicle, special colors, signs and inscriptions are used.

Transportation of caustic compounds is carried out in tanks that have a yellow color. On both sides you need to draw longitudinal stripes of black. Inside should be the message "Corrosive material". A separate case is the transportation of ammonia, there is no need to paint the body, but the inscription “Flammable. Ammonia water” remains mandatory. Transportation of methanol is accompanied by the notice "Poison - methanol".

It is conditionally possible to divide the danger sign into 2 triangles. The top one contains the symbol corresponding to the substance class. The lower element will include additional information, such as a compatibility feature or an exhaust gas number, which is affixed according to UN standards.

Font sizes

The height of the font on the vehicle must be 15 cm so that the visibility of the message is sufficient for visibility from various distances and positions. The inscription must be accompanied by signs of a new type. They are in the form of a square, each side must be at least 10 cm long for overpacks, and container shipments are accompanied by signs of at least 25 cm.

Image Standards

Transportation of exhaust gases must be accompanied by images inside the sign:

  1. When transporting explosive substances, an image of a dark-colored bomb is indicated;
  2. Non-flammable gas is symbolically characterized by a white or black gas cylinder;
  3. Easily flammable gaseous and liquid substances are displayed with a black or white flame;
  4. Poisonous compounds - the skull, and under it are 2 crossbones.

If the vehicle contains a flame in a black circle, this indicates the carriage of exhaust gases, namely oxidizers and organic peroxides. Substances of an infectious type are indicated by three sickle-shaped symbols. The black shamrock, which is made schematically, means the presence of radioactive substances. Corrosive and caustic substances are indicated in the form of a test tube, drops flow out of it. Depending on the type of hazard on the sign, liquid may leak onto a hand or sheet of metal.

Marking of a vehicle carrying dangerous goods

All of these signs are applied on both longitudinal sides and at the rear of the vehicle. The tanks are displayed on the ends, if they have several compartments, then each is indicated by a sign.

Transportation of dangerous goods driver training, escort

As a rule, a permit for the transport of dangerous goods by road is issued by the person responsible for safety. Infrequently, everything falls on the shoulders of the driver alone, escort is necessary, especially if a column of cars is moving. The escort must:

  • Conduct driver training;
  • Carries out control over the acceptance and shipment of goods, fixes everything documented;
  • Organizes the proper level of safety of vehicles and personnel;

Each vehicle involved in the transport of exhaust gas must be accompanied by a safety data sheet. It is issued depending on the substance in the car, usually has 4 copies. On the basis of the document, loading and unloading of substances takes place.

The driver must also complete a special training course that deals with the rules for transporting dangerous goods. In addition to special training programs, the experience of the driver must be significant. The course of study includes:

  • Characteristics of hazardous substances;
  • Special designations, markings, signs that are applied to containers and vehicles;
  • First aid in case of an accident and contact with substances;
  • Basic rules of conduct with OG in emergency situations;
  • Compilation of reports and their transmission on incidents in transit.

Obtaining ADR

Before you get ADR, more precisely to enroll in training, the driver must have a driving experience of more than 3 years. The document provides an opportunity to transport exhaust gas not only within the country, but also to the European Union. ADR courses differ significantly depending on the substances that the driver will be transporting.

ADR - European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road

During the transportation of exhaust gas, the driver is prohibited from the presence of third parties. Also, any goods not previously entered on the invoice are prohibited. In the event of a breakdown in the car, you must promptly inform the company and the traffic police about this, indicating the place of stop. Immediately call a special transport for technical security. It is necessary to allocate a place for an emergency stop using red flashing lights or appropriate emergency parking signs.

When transporting exhaust gas by road, it is prohibited:

  • It is not allowed to overtake and overtake vehicles with a speed above 30 km/h;
  • Following the agreement, ADR is prohibited from refueling at conventional gas stations;
  • A sharp start of movement provokes unwanted shocks for the load;
  • Smoking in the cabin or near the car is prohibited;
  • The vehicle must always be supervised;
  • When driving downhill, the engine and clutch must not be turned off.

In the event of an accident, the driver is responsible for promptly calling an ambulance and first responding to the consequences.

Transportation route

You must first obtain permission to transport dangerous goods, and then the route is coordinated. Most often, the transportation of dangerous goods requires the transfer and verification of the route to the traffic police. It is necessary to obtain an ADR for the transport of dangerous goods if:

  • Transportation takes place in a convoy of 3 or more vehicles;
  • Transportation of especially dangerous goods;
  • Movement in areas of poor cross-country ability or bad weather conditions.

Authorities are trying to minimize the routes through cities. It is better to use detours. As a last resort, the route should exclude places with large crowds of people.

How to get permission to move a vehicle with exhaust gas in the traffic police? - The following documents must be submitted:

  1. A document confirming compliance with the requirements for the vehicle;
  2. Pre-configured route. Inspections can make changes;
  3. When transporting highly hazardous substances, an additional permit is required.

Drawing up a route is necessary for any transportation of exhaust gases, but it is not always necessary to notify the inspection about this. It is important to follow the basic rules for route formation:

  • Traffic should not run through places of public recreation, natural customers. It is forbidden to move up to objects of cultural value;
  • It is forbidden to drive close to large factories, especially those that produce such hazardous substances;
  • The route must contain information about stopping places, refueling, parking, etc.

It is necessary to have 3 copies of the route, which are kept by the driver (or accompanying person), by the company and in the traffic police archive. It is also possible to adjust the movement plan due to some circumstances. Changes must be included in all documents.

Required documents for the transport of dangerous goods

For international road transport, basic rules and a list of documents that a freight forwarder or accompanying person must have have been developed. Some have already been discussed previously. The list of required documents includes:

  • Route sheet, one copy must be kept by the forwarder. In the corner of the document there is a number in red font that characterizes the dangerous substance according to the UN classification;
  • Vehicle license for transportation of exhaust gas;
  • emergency card;
  • Consignment note for cargo;
  • A document certifying that the driver can drive a vehicle with exhaust gas;
  • Information for contacting the company;
  • Address of the recipient.

When transporting exhaust gas, the designation OKVED 49.20.1 is used. The OKVED code indicates that the transport transports goods that are dangerous to the environment or humans. Obtaining a transportation permit is possible for one trip for a car or for a convoy. Carriers that carry out transportation of DGs can permanently obtain permits lasting for six months.

Many rules for the transport of dangerous goods by road, of course, are confusing, but all points have their justification, since substances carry an increased danger to the environment.

Precautionary measures

Transportation in a convoy requires special care, so the following rules for the transport of dangerous goods should be observed:

  • The distance between all vehicles in the convoy must be more than 50 m;
  • Routes that contain sections of the road with poor passability, for example, mountainous terrain, must be subject to special control by the attendant, and the distance between vehicles is more than 300 m;
  • In conditions of limited visibility (when the view is less than 300 m), traffic can be stopped. Detailed instructions are contained in the accompanying documentation and depend on the type of cargo and its classification;
  • The forwarder must be in the cabin;
  • In the column, a senior is selected who is responsible for compliance with the standards;
  • The content of especially dangerous goods imposes a restriction on the ability to stop within the city;
  • When sending cargo, it is necessary to check that each vehicle of the convoy has a fuel reserve of more than 500 km of the route;
  • In some cases, it is necessary to escort the convoy from the side of the traffic police, the car moves in front with flashing beacons turned on.

Requirements for ships transporting dangerous goods

Transportation of exhaust gas by sea is regulated by another document - MOPOG, it also has a division into hazard classes of substances, puts forward requirements for ships and personnel. Hazard classification complies with road transport standards.

The requirements for ships are somewhat different, so in order to carry out transportation, it is necessary to have an entry in the classified register certificate. The record contains information about the classes of substances available for transportation. In the absence of the necessary equipment on the ship, transportation is prohibited, but additional equipment of transport is possible.

Gas carrier - a type of sea vessel designed to transport gas

The ship administration, before making an entry in the register, must assess the readiness of the ship for transportation and designate the classes of substances. Then you need to prepare the ship for transportation. The preparatory stage includes:

  • It is necessary to clean, wash and dry the cargo spaces;
  • Check the condition of all components. The presence and serviceability of fire extinguishing and signaling equipment, lighting gas analyzers, ventilation and drainage systems are checked;
  • The entire crew is instructed about the features of the exhaust gas and its transportation, the main types of hazards from cargo, methods of packaging, designating signs. The briefing also includes laying rules, increased precautions and first aid in case of poisoning and other exposure to harmful substances. Additionally, exercises are conducted to localize fires, emergency deformations of cargo.

With all the problems of the carrying ships and the integrity of the cargo, the captain is fully responsible.

Requirements for containers for sea transportation

Prevention of severe burns, poisoning and other consequences of transportation or accidents mainly depends on the strength and tightness of the container. Each type of cargo has its own packaging requirements, which are described in RID. It is important that the packaging be able to withstand the normal motion sickness associated with shipping and the stresses of an accident.

RID stipulates the following types of container closures:

  • Hermetic sealing - vapor-tight packaging, usually used when transporting vaporous substances;
  • Efficient closure - the closure is able to contain the penetration of liquid in both directions;
  • Reliable sealing - able to protect against rash, spillage and other effects of dry substances.

Materials used for packaging of goods must be inert with respect to exhaust gas. Also, the outer coating should not enter into a destructive relationship with the external environment.

Each ship must have special cargo plans on board. They indicate the place where the exhaust gas is located, divided by sectors, the classification of the cargo, the type of container, the number of seats occupied and the mass of the exhaust gas. Depending on the type of danger of the cargo, it is necessary to coordinate with the relevant services, which will determine the proper type of packaging and other transportation parameters.

Packaging for the transport of dangerous goods

The contents of the vessel must be tightly packed to enhance its stability. An important condition is the presence of the proper level of ventilation of the cargo in general or each individual element. The stacking height is determined based on the strength of the package and is also included in the cargo plan.

Liability for violation

The safety requirements for the transportation of personnel are categorical and their non-compliance is responsible. Since the goods have a dangerous type of substances, the damage caused significantly exceeds the level of the usual type of accident, and, accordingly, the level of fines is higher.

Failure to comply with the rules described above is fraught with fines:

  • The driver is charged from 1000 - 1500 rubles;
  • The responsible person pays 5,000 - 10,000 rubles;
  • Carrier 150,000 - 250,000 rubles.

These fines are imposed in case of non-compliance with the technical conditions of transportation.

Carriage of dangerous goods without a permit issued in the relevant place carries a more severe penalty. Liability arises if:

  • There is no ADR certificate for the driver;
  • No ADR certificate for the car;
  • Lack of permission to travel with OG;
  • The emergency information card is not available;
  • The car does not have the necessary emergency equipment or it is out of order;
  • Non-compliance with the conditions of transportation of dangerous goods.

Penalties are imposed for such violations in the amount of:

  • Driver from 2000 to 2500 rubles;
  • Responsible from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles;
  • Legal entity from 400,000 to 500,000 rubles.

Fines have been significantly increased, as non-compliance with the conditions of transportation entails an increased risk to the surrounding people and the environment.

Transporting dangerous goods is quite a painstaking task, and for good reason. This issue requires strict control and increased security measures, which is regulated by law. Compliance with safety standards helps prevent accidents and save human lives and the integrity of the environment.

The category of dangerous goods includes such goods that, due to their physical and chemical properties, can pose a danger to human life and health, cause serious environmental damage to the natural environment, and also cause damage or destruction of material assets.

It is no coincidence that such goods are called dangerous, therefore, all manipulations with them, in particular their transportation, are regulated by the relevant regulatory legal acts.

Legal framework for road transport of dangerous goods

To regulate the transportation of dangerous goods by road on the territory of the Russian Federation, there are rules for the transport of dangerous goods by road(POGAT rules), approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia on August 8, 1995 No. 73 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 18, 1995 No. 997.

In addition, there is another important document - European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, abbreviated as ADR (Road Transportation of Dangerous Goods) or ADR (Accord Dangereuses Route). This agreement was developed by the UN Economic Commission back in 1957 in Geneva in order to create common rules for the road transport of dangerous goods. Russia is among the countries that signed this document, therefore all requirements are valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

There are also a number of regulatory legal acts affecting certain aspects of the transportation of dangerous types of cargo. However, their description is not specifically given here, so as not to make a bias in the legal direction.

Classification of dangerous goods

In accordance with the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods (hereinafter referred to as the POGAT rules), goods are divided into 9 classes according to the type of danger (according to the requirements of GOST 19433-88):

  • 1 class: explosive materials (EM);
  • Grade 2- gases compressed, liquefied and dissolved under pressure;
  • 3rd grade- flammable liquids (flammable liquids);
  • 4th grade- flammable solids (LVS), spontaneously combustible substances (SV); substances that emit flammable gases when interacting with water;
  • 5th grade- oxidizing agents (OC) and organic peroxides (OP);
  • 6th grade- toxic substances (NS) and infectious substances (IV);
  • 7th grade- radioactive materials (RM);
  • 8th grade- caustic and (or) corrosive substances (EC);
  • Grade 9- other dangerous substances.

In addition, each class is divided into separate subclasses, categories and groups. During transportation, the class and subclass of hazard are indicated in the documents for the cargo: first the class number, then after the dot - the subclass number. Also, in accordance with ADR, each type of dangerous goods is assigned a four-digit number from list of UN numbers. Using this list, you can determine which hazard group number the transported substance has, its class and classification code, as well as the packaging group required for transportation and reflecting the degree of danger.

Classification code indicates the type of hazard, as well as the physical and chemical properties of the cargo being transported. The classification code may consist of letters and numbers that indicate the group of dangerous properties of the substance. Each class has its own designations.

For example, a common explosive gas - propane - belongs to the second class and the third hazard subclass, which is written as "2.3". Its number from the UN list is 1978 (UN1978), the classification code is 2F (group 2, F - flammable).

Particularly dangerous goods

Not all dangerous goods are equally dangerous: some are more dangerous, some are less. Obviously, according to the degree of danger, radioactive substances pose an increased danger compared, for example, with certain types of pesticides.

Based on this, dangerous goods that pose an increased danger are classified as "specially dangerous goods". A list of especially dangerous goods is given in Appendix 7.2 of the ADDR. Such types of goods are subject to special requirements for transportation, as well as a special procedure for issuing road documentation.

What applies to dangerous goods or when dangerous goods are considered non-dangerous

In order to find out if the substance being transported is a dangerous goods, you need to look at the UN list. It describes in detail which class and degree of danger the substance belongs to.

For example, propane is on this list, which means that it is a dangerous goods and, therefore, it must be transported under the rules for the transport of dangerous goods. However, in life there are situations when a person needs to transport a gas cylinder to his dacha in his car - is it really necessary to obtain a special permit, equip the car with the appropriate identification marks, etc.?

The rules of POGAT say that transportation limited quantity hazardous substances on one vehicle can be considered as transportation NON-HAZARDOUS cargo, i.e. POGAT rules do not apply in this case.

Under the term limited quantity means the amount of a substance that does not actually carry a great danger and does not fall under the rules for the transport of dangerous goods. This is spelled out in ADR, and for each type of substance its own quantity standards are defined, and for some they are not defined at all. This suggests that the substance is dangerous in any quantity (for example, radioactive uranium).

For example, for propane, the maximum amount of cargo that can be transported on one transport unit (one car with or without a trailer) without falling under the rules is 333 kg. This means that if the mass of propane is less than the specified norm, then the driver is not required to have an ADR (ADR) permit for transportation.

However, it should not be forgotten that despite the fact that this amount of dangerous goods is not subject to the GOAT, it should not be transported properly. There are many regulations and rules that specify how and what should be transported correctly. For example, when transporting gas cylinders, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the safety rules described by the relevant regulations.

Procedure for the transport of dangerous goods

Issuance of permits for the transport of dangerous goods by road

Transportation of goods is carried out on the basis of special permits for the transport of dangerous goods. Such permits are called ADR or ADR permits. Permits are issued either by the territorial authority RosTransNadzora- if the route passes through roads of federal significance or through more than one subject of the Russian Federation, or by other bodies (an executive authority of a subject of the Russian Federation or a local government body) in other cases.

To obtain an ADR permit, the carrier fills out an application in the prescribed form, and also attaches a number of documents to it, including:

  • certificate of approval of the vehicle for the carriage of dangerous goods;
  • certificate of the driver's admission to the transportation of dangerous goods;
  • emergency and information cards of the hazard communication system;
  • transportation route.

AT emergency and informational the cards indicate the detailed dangerous properties of the transported cargo, as well as a list of measures necessary to eliminate the consequences in the event of an emergency.

The statement also indicates the persons responsible for the transportation and safety of the cargo.

Dangerous goods route

The ADR and the POGAT rules clearly state that the route for the transportation of dangerous goods must pass outside densely populated areas, as well as outside objects of any value to humanity (reserves, historical sites, etc.) in order to avoid a large number of victims and property damage. If it is impossible to avoid passing through such places, then the route is chosen according to the principle of minimizing danger - it should run where a large crowd of people is not planned.

Also, the route indicates the time at which vehicles with dangerous goods can move, stopping places, speed limits on certain sections of the road, etc. An important role is also played by the weather conditions that will be at the time at which the transportation is planned.

If the transported cargo is especially dangerous, then in this case the route is coordinated with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, you can’t do without contacting the Ministry of Internal Affairs if the cargo is transported in difficult road conditions (mountain road, conditions of poor visibility, snowfall), and the cargo is transported in a convoy of more than three vehicles.

Route movement

Transportation of dangerous goods must be carried out according to the developed route - the speed limit, designated stops, etc. must be strictly observed.

In a vehicle carrying dangerous goods, there must be a person responsible for transportation (the person accompanying and responsible for the cargo), who knows the features and properties of the substance being transported and how to handle it in the event of an emergency.

When transporting especially dangerous goods, as well as cargo in a convoy of vehicles of more than 3 units, an escort vehicle equipped with an orange or yellow beacon must be in front of the vehicle. If necessary, a patrol car of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be allocated as an escort.

Requirements for vehicles carrying dangerous goods

A vehicle that is planned for the transport of dangerous goods must be appropriately equipped, otherwise it will not be possible to obtain a certificate of admission to the transport of dangerous goods.

Measures for the installation of special equipment include the installation of a yellow flashing beacon on the car, a reinforced fuel tank, a wheel chock, fire extinguishing systems, means of informing others about potential danger, etc. This allows you to protect this car and others from the risk of an emergency as much as possible, as well as prevent or reduce negative consequences if it does happen.

In order to tighten control to minimize the risk of accidents during the transportation of dangerous goods, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation issued Order No. 285 from 31.07.2012, which refers to the mandatory installation of satellite navigation systems on vehicles carrying dangerous goods GLONASS or GPS to control traffic along the established route. In addition to all this, the machines must be equipped tachographs- devices that "monitor" the observance of the time spent by the driver behind the wheel, as well as the system ABS (Antilock Brake System - anti-lock braking system) responsible for the behavior of the car during emergency braking.



3001. This class includes liquids, mixtures of liquids, solutions of flammable gases in liquids, liquids containing solids in solution, or suspensions, which emit flammable vapors having a flash point of plus 61 ° C and below in a closed vessel (3. C. ) or plus 65 ° C in an open vessel (OS) and not classified by their dangerous properties to other classes.

3002. Substances of this class are flammable liquids (flammable liquids), the main hazardous property of which is the easy flammability of their vapors from any external ignition source (open flame, spark, electric discharge, etc.). Vapors of many flammable liquids can form explosive mixtures that can explode with great force

3003. Many substances of this class have a high saturated vapor pressure, as a result of which, when the temperature rises within the operating limits (up to plus 50-60 ° C), the pressure increases in the container into which they are filled.

Some substances of this class have a boiling point at atmospheric pressure below plus 15-20 ° C, as a result of which, under certain operating conditions, they will take on a gaseous state.

When the aircraft climbs, the excess pressure in the container will increase in proportion to the decrease in atmospheric pressure. With insufficient tightness of the container, this leads to the release of vapors, and with insufficient strength of the container, its destruction may occur.

3004 Vapors given off by all Class 3 substances have a more or less narcotic effect and prolonged inhalation of these vapors may result in loss of consciousness Deep and prolonged anesthesia may result in death

Some flammable liquids have highly toxic properties.

3005. Some flammable liquids are capable of polymerizing with the release of heat and gases, as a result of which the container may burst. These substances include:

  • polymerizable hydrocarbons (groups 3141, 3161);
  • polymerizable esters (groups 3232, 3242);

Polymerizing substances (group 3336).

Transportation of such flammable liquids in their pure form by air is prohibited. They may only be accepted for carriage in an inhibited state.

3006. Substances of this class that have an initial boiling point below plus 40 ° C, highly toxic properties (maximum concentration limit less than 50 mg / m3), as well as substances that can polymerize, are classified as especially dangerous goods (see List No. 2, Ch. X ).

3007. Medicinal preparations, cosmetic and perfumery products and mixtures for other purposes, containing flammable liquids and assigned to this class by their properties, are classified as dangerous goods.

Perfume and cologne in bottles with a capacity of 200 cm3 or less each, packed in boxes, do not belong to dangerous goods.


3008. The packaging used for the transportation of flammable liquids by air must fully comply with the requirements of the relevant GOST or TU. It must be airtight, clean and marked (gross weight, net weight, type of flammable liquid) with a shipping label.

The packaging must not have dents, scratches, cracks or any other damage. Even with minor leaks or sweating of flammable liquids, containers for loading into aircraft are not allowed. Plugs (lids) must be tightly closed (screwed) and locked (locked, tied) to prevent spontaneous depressurization during the flight.

Barrels, cans, cylinders with a capacity of up to 276 liters after filling with flammable liquids must be checked for leaks by installing them with the plugs down.

Flammable liquid containers should be filled at least 2-3 hours before loading into the aircraft.

3009. Packaging for the transportation of flammable liquids must be manufactured and sealed so that, under the conditions of transportation by air, it completely protects the contents from external sources of spontaneous ignition.

3010. Glass and other small consumer containers for transportation of samples of fuel and lubricants, as well as for transportation of flammable liquids in small quantities (up to 1-2 liters) must be placed with absorbent cushioning material in a hermetically sealed metal transport package.

The metal packaging must be packed with cushioning material in wooden boxes.

3011. Bottles or large bottles recommended as containers may be replaced by porcelain containers. The latter are recommended in cases where only this material will provide the necessary strength of the container and its resistance against interaction with the substance placed in it.

3012. The container must be strong and exclude the possibility of depressurization due to erosion of gaskets under plugs (lids), vacuum and vibrations that occur during transportation in an aircraft, as well as due to the vapor pressure of flammable liquids at operating temperatures (up to plus 50-60 ° C) . Containers for the transportation of flammable liquids of subclasses 31-33 with a flash point not higher than plus 60 ° C and a boiling point within 50 ° C must withstand an excess liquid vapor pressure at a temperature of plus 60 ° C of at least 1 kgf / cm2.

3013. Containers for the transportation of flammable liquids of this class, boiling at atmospheric pressure at a temperature below plus 15-20°C, must withstand the excess pressure of the vapors of these liquids at a temperature of plus 50-60°C of at least 2 kgf/cm2.

3014. The material of the container must be inert with respect to the substances transported in them, impervious to flammable liquids, must not react with the contents, form dangerous compounds with it. It must not soften, weaken, become brittle or otherwise change when in contact with flammable liquids, as well as at extreme temperatures or as a result of aging.

Only new gaskets should be used under the screw plugs.

3015. Combustibles and lubricants, as well as some other substances of this class are allowed for transportation by air in steel cans (GOST 5105-66), barrels with a capacity of up to 275 liters (GOST 17366-71 and GOST 6247-72) and in tanks RA- 2M.

3016. Flammable liquids with other hazardous properties (poisonous, aggressive towards structural materials) are transported in aircraft cargo compartments in double hermetic containers, as well as in barrels with a capacity of 100-250 liters (type L-100-4 and L-250 -4, TU MHP No. 3979-53), 220 l (type L-220, VTU MHP No. 3978-53), 275 l (GOST 17366-71). In other standard barrels (GOST 6247-72) with a capacity of 275 liters of the containers listed above, as well as in tanks, special containers and containers, flammable liquids can be transported on an aircraft external sling, including on the suspended platform of a V-10 helicopter, and in the presence of special sealed containers designed to accommodate 275-liter drums (GOST 6247-72), flammable liquids can also be transported in aircraft cargo cabins.


temperature during their transportation by air, it is necessary to fill the container no more than 90% of its full

For the transportation of flammable liquids with a boiling point below plus 50 ° C, the container is filled to no more than 80% of its full

In the case of heating of flammable liquids during their transportation by air, the underfilling of the container increases by 1.5-2% with an increase in temperature for every 10-15°.

3018 Wooden crates, barrels and crates used for packaging must be strong.

To eliminate the risk of damage to the container, the wooden crate must have closely spaced planks.

3019. Depending on their physical and chemical properties, the following types of packaging may be used for the carriage by air of substances of this class:

1) hermetically sealed bottles, cans with a capacity of 0.5-2.5 l, packed with absorbent cushioning material in hermetically sealed metal cans;

2) hermetically sealed polymer flasks, cans with a capacity of up to 20 liters, packed in wooden boxes or wooden drums with the use of cushioning material;

3) hermetically sealed (soldered) metal canisters, flasks with a capacity of up to 20 liters, packed in wooden boxes, drums with the use of cushioning material;

4) hermetically sealed (soldered) cans, stamped steel, welded, with a capacity of 10 and 20 liters, GOST 5105-66, packed in wooden crates;

5) steel, welded, thick-walled barrels with a capacity of 110 and 275 liters, GOST 17366-71;

6) aluminum barrels with a capacity of 100 liters according to TU 002-71;

7) stainless steel barrels with a capacity of 150 liters according to MRTU 27-07-423-68 (Logistics of the Armed Forces of the USSR);

8) steel barrels, welded with a capacity of 100, 200 and 275 l GOST 6247-72;

9) aluminum tanks RA-2M with a capacity of 2000 liters, TU 44-219-72 (Logistics of the Armed Forces of the USSR);

10) cylinders; -

11) steel welded drums with a capacity of 100 and 250 l (L-100-4 and L-250-4 TU MHP No. 3979-53), 220 l (L-220 VTU MHP No. 3978-53).


3020. Barrels, cans and places with small containers are stacked in one row with their necks (plugs) up.

Containers with flammable liquids must be stowed in such a way that it is possible to observe the cargo in flight. In addition, it must be securely moored to prevent its movement during the flight.

3021. After loading the flammable liquid into the aircraft, it is necessary to ventilate the cargo compartment and carefully check the integrity of the container, the reliability of its mooring and whether there is any leakage of the flammable liquid. Re-inspect the cargo at the beginning of the flight at altitudes up to 4000 m.

3022. Transportation of flammable liquids related to especially dangerous goods (see list No. 2) on passenger aircraft is prohibited.


3023. Appendix 1 contains data on the joint transportation of class 3 flammable liquids with cargo of other classes. This table must be followed when loading an aircraft with cargo of various classes.

3024. Flammable liquids of this class of different subclasses, categories and groups may be transported together in one aircraft.

3025. Food products, especially animal oils and fats, are not allowed to be transported together with poisonous and strongly smelling flammable liquids due to possible spoilage of food products.


3026. Loading of flammable liquids into aircraft should be carried out, as a rule, in the daytime. In the evening and at night, loading of flammable liquids is allowed only on well-lit areas, eliminating the need for additional portable lighting equipment when inspecting the cargo and during loading.

Before loading and in the process of loading cargo, strict control over the type of cargo is carried out in order to exclude the loading of cargo incompatible with flammable liquids into an aircraft (see Appendix 1).

3027. Loading of flammable liquids into aircraft must be carried out at a safe distance from other aircraft and airfield facilities, specified in Art. 612 (ch. 1).

It is strictly forbidden to use open flames or smoke near the places of loading (unloading). In conspicuous places on the site for loading flammable liquids, white signs with bright red inscriptions with letters at least 75 mm high should be posted: “Flammable liquids”; “Do not approach with open fire and with lanterns”; "Do not smoke"; “In case of fire, call no. . .".

3028. In the process of loading an aircraft with flammable liquids, it is strictly prohibited to refuel the aircraft with fuel and oxygen, as well as perform any work on the repair and check of the radio and

electrical equipment or other work using fire and tools that can be a source of sparking.

3029. When loading flammable liquids, care must be taken. Dropping the load, using hooks that could damage the container, dragging the load, hitting the load against the load are strictly prohibited.

3030. Moving drums by rolling is allowed only if there are specially arranged linings (boards, wooden bars), ladders or floorings.

3031. After the loading of the aircraft with flammable liquids, the container must be securely moored, it is necessary to check the presence of fire extinguishing agents in the aircraft and means to eliminate possible defects in the container in flight (bucket, can, rags, neutralizing liquid, etc.).

3032. After carrying out all loading operations, the cargo compartments of aircraft are thoroughly ventilated.

When transporting flammable liquids with highly toxic properties, at least two sets of personal protective equipment must be on board the aircraft.


3033. Flammable liquids of the first and second subclasses are served directly to the aircraft and are taken out immediately after unloading from the aircraft.

Flammable liquids of the third subclass, if there is a specially designated area at the airport (at the aerodrome), can be brought in (taken out) in advance, but not earlier than 24 hours before loading.

In the absence of a specially designated area, flammable liquids of the third subclass can be accepted for transportation only if they are delivered to the airport (airfield) immediately at the time of loading onto the aircraft and removed from the airport (from the airfield) immediately after unloading from the aircraft.

3034. The equipment, fencing and security of warehouses with flammable liquids must fully guarantee fire safety and the impossibility of entry into the territory of warehouses by persons not related to the production process.




Subclass 31

Low flash point (below -180C)

Oil products and hydrocarbons

Group 3111

Oil products

Explosive limits, %






for turbine engines


DEGASSING SOLUTION (RD based on gasoline)

STAMP "Flammable"

Properties Light to dark flammable liquid. Aviation and automotive gasolines are painted in different colors depending on the brand. Do not mix with water. MPC - 100 mg/m3. Tbp from 14 to 1350 C. Store in a cool place.

Conditions of carriage

Transported only on cargo aircraft. Samples are transported on all aircraft.

Containers and packaging See page 3019 (art. 1-11)."

Means of protection and first aid

See annex 15, Art. 9-16, 42, 46, 67. Note. Leaded gasolines are poisonous Additional stamps and stencils “Leaded” must be applied to documents and packages.

Delivery of dangerous goods is not only a well-paid job, but also a job that poses a threat to the health and life of people, the natural environment.

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In order for the transported cargo not to become a source of harm to others, it is necessary to observe safety measures during the transportation and storage of such cargo.

Class 3 substances

The cargo of the third hazard class is flammable liquids (flammable liquids). The property of flammable liquids is flash ignition and rapid free burning. They contain suspensions or solids (in solution) that emit flammable vapours.

Assignment to a certain class of elements depends on the extent to which this substance is dangerous. Characteristics of harmful and hazardous substances are indicated in.

These fluids include, for example:

  • ethanol;
  • acetone;
  • diethyl ether;
  • cyclohexane;
  • benzene;
  • gasoline and others.

Flammable liquids are toxic, capable of being oxidized in air with the formation of explosives.

The third hazard class has three subclasses:

  • the first includes mixtures that ignite from a flash at a temperature of less than -18 ° C (in a closed crucible);
  • to the second - flammable from a flash within the temperature range from -18 ° C to 23 ° C (in a closed crucible);
  • to the third - mixtures that ignite from a flash at a temperature of at least 23 ° C, but not more than 61 ° C (in a closed crucible).

Below is a detailed classification of dangerous goods:

When storing these substances, the following risks must be avoided:

  1. Substances of the first subclass should be stored in sealed containers so that the vapors do not leak into the atmosphere, where they can ignite and start a fire (acetone, gasoline, hexane).
  2. The property of substances of the second subclass is that their vapors in combination with air ignite at room temperature (benzene, ethyl alcohol, toluene).
  3. Substances of the third subclass ignite only near the source of fire (white spirit, turpentine, xylene).


Transportation of hazardous liquids is carried out by road, rail, river, sea transport, as well as aircraft.

Marking marks

Cargoes belonging to the 3rd class of danger during transportation are marked with special markings.

It is a rhombus:

  • on a red background in the upper corner is an image of a flame (black or white);
  • number 3 in the lower corner (black or white);
  • along the perimeter of the rhombus, a border in the form of a straight continuous line (black or white).

Rules for the carriage of goods of hazard class 3

Due to the danger of flammable liquids, their carriage must meet certain conditions. First of all, transportation must be carried out on special or specially adapted vehicles that meet certain conditions.

For road transport

Dangerous liquids must not be transported together with substances that transform into explosive mixtures with gases such as:

  • hydrogen (liquefied and compressed);
  • sulfuric;
  • nitrogen;
  • organic acids;
  • organic peroxides.


Transportation of flammable liquids is also allowed by rail. At the same time, you must follow.

The means of transport for the transportation of hazardous mixtures are tank cars, covered wagons, containers. They must:

  • be durable and prevent liquid leakage;
  • ensure the complete safety and security of cargo in transit.

Transportation by rail is possible only under the following conditions:

  1. Wagons and containers are equipped with means for securing dangerous goods containers to keep them in a fixed position during transport.
  2. Cargoes that emit flammable, caustic (corrosive) vapors or gases, cargoes that, when dried, become explosive, having oxidizing properties, must be in sealed containers. If dangerous liquids are in glass or polyethylene containers, then this container should be well sealed and placed in wooden boxes.
  3. Empty containers (1%) should be placed in containers so that there is a place to pour dangerous goods from damaged containers on the way.
  4. Danger labels must be present on the packages.
  5. The floor in the car must be covered with sand, the layer of sand is 100 mm.

By plane

The delivery of hazardous liquids by aircraft is regulated by the Federal Aviation Regulations.

Transportation by air is subject to the following conditions:

  1. Delivery of flammable liquids is strictly prohibited on passenger aircraft.
  2. Hazardous liquids are delivered on both domestic and international flights.
  3. It is prohibited to transport groupage cargo on the same aircraft, consisting of hazardous substances with incompatible properties.
  4. The characteristics and properties of flammable liquid containers are the same as for transportation by other modes of transport. This also applies to the markings on the packages indicating the degree of danger of the goods.
  5. It is unacceptable to exceed the maximum net mass or volume per package specified in the Dangerous Goods List.
  6. As a rule, transportation of dangerous liquids by aircraft is carried out by direct flights. Overloading at intermediate airfields only with the permission of these air hubs.
  7. Dangerous goods must be loaded on board in such a way that during the flight there is free access to them for observation and taking urgent measures in emergency cases.
  8. Personnel must be trained and instructed to know what to do in an emergency and be provided with protective equipment.


If it is necessary to deliver flammable liquids to remote places or to other parts of the world, then transportation is carried out by water (sea) transport, sea and river vessels.

This happens according to the following guidelines:

  1. Flammable liquids are transported by water in metal containers, which, in turn, are placed in wooden boxes. Such containers are not completely filled, part of the volume remains free.
  2. Containers with dangerous goods must be secured and fixed for the entire period of transportation.
  3. Vessels carrying hazardous liquids should be soft-moored (for safety reasons).
  4. Underfilling of liquid is the main feature of the delivery of such cargo by water. Under the influence of heat, liquids can expand in volume and underfilling contributes to the fact that there will be no leakage.
  5. Otherwise, the rules for the delivery of flammable liquids by water transport do not differ from the rules for delivery by road or rail.

Required documents

Transportation of liquids of hazard class 3 is carried out in the presence of certain documents.

When delivered by road transport, the following documents must be issued:

  • safety data sheet (MSDS);
  • instructions;
  • ADR certificate on the admission of a car to the delivery of dangerous goods;
  • ADR certificate for the driver;
  • informative sign of cargo danger;
  • special permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

When delivering cargo by rail, the following documents must be issued:

  • consignment note (in accordance with the requirements of SMGS, rules for the carriage of dangerous goods, general rules for the carriage of goods by rail);
  • quality certificates for packaging (tare).

When transporting dangerous goods by air, the following is issued:

  • consignment note indicating all the data on the transported cargo;
  • quality certificates for packaging.

When transporting by river and sea vessels, the following are issued:

  • cargo description;
  • waybill for sea cargo;
  • dock receipt for the delivery of cargo;
  • cargo plan (manifesto);
  • danger signs;
  • quality certificates for packaging.

dangerous goods according to the classification of GOST 19433 - 88 includes explosive materials, gases in various states, solid and self-igniting combustible substances, oxidizing agents and peroxides. If the container volume of transported dangerous substances is more than 1000 liters, it is necessary to have a special permit and a traffic police certificate, a route form with a permit mark, an indication of the validity period and the number of batches. The cargo is accompanied by a representative who knows its properties and has the appropriate training.

Route for the transportation of dangerous goods should not pass near large industrial enterprises, cultural facilities and recreation areas, educational and medical institutions, large settlements. Vehicles constantly transporting dangerous goods are provided with appropriate signs, inscriptions and special coloring.

Containers with compressed gases are fixed in cars on special racks trimmed with felt. Safety valves are provided on the cylinders. In summer, additional sun protection is required. Gasoline and other fuels and lubricants are transported exclusively in hermetically sealed metal containers, or in special trailers.

In warehouses, cylinders with gases, combustible and flammable substances are transported in or out of vehicles by two-wheeled carts or stretchers. Lifting of containers is allowed in containers. When placing barrels with and GJ, be careful, avoiding shocks and shocks, installing them strictly vertically with lids placed at the top. When transporting GZH in glass and ceramic containers, special stretchers equipped with sides or trolleys are used.

When transporting flammable and combustible liquids, equipment is equipped with spark arresters and fire extinguishers. Cylinders with liquefied gases are moved without touching the valve with hands and cloth stained with fats and oils. Unloading is done without falling cylinders and caps, eliminating the possibility of impacts.

Loading and unloading operations are carried out, excluding shocks, shocks, high pressure, without the use of sparking equipment, on the vehicle, the engine of which is turned off, in the absence of the driver and unauthorized persons. Mechanisms for load gripping should not damage the container, allow the load to fall. Containers with dangerous goods are moved along the decks and ladders. The bottles are placed in drums, crates, boxes filled with a special areactive material, they are moved in trolleys or baskets with reinforced handles.

The movement of the vehicle must ensure safe conditions of transportation, so drivers observe the appropriate speed, distance, stopping movement under dangerous meteorological conditions. In some cases, a convoy of vehicles carrying dangerous goods is followed by traffic police cars or escorts. If the column consists of more than 5 vehicles, the presence of an empty reserve vehicle is mandatory.

Barrels with explosives are transported in a horizontal position, orienting them longitudinally in the vehicle, in accordance with the requirements of GOST 19747 - 74. In winter, liquid nitroesters are transported on vehicles with insulated bodies. Boxes with gunpowder and shells are placed with a distance of 0.5 m between them and tightly reinforced. Can't be taken Chemical compounds or mixtures thereof capable of producing an explosion under the influence of external influences.

">explosives at a distance of less than 0.3 km from Uncontrolled burning outside a special hearth, causing material damage.

or 80 m from oil "torches". When transporting a vehicle with dangerous goods on a ferry, there should not be other vehicles.

Transportation by pipelines

Transportation through pipelines made of glass, plastic and ceramics is allowed if there is a theoretical and practical justification. Pipelines are equipped with gas-tight valves and diaphragms made of fireproof materials (their location is indicated on the wiring diagram). During the transportation of freezing combustible liquids, additional heating of the system is carried out, thermal insulation is checked. In places of possible stagnation of liquids and gases, gas analyzers are installed to determine the critical level of their concentration.

For transportation by squeezing, flammable and combustible liquids with temperatures above 20 C are used inert gas or compressed air (if it exceeds 45 C). Vegetable oils and animal fats are transported in a similar way if they are heated to 70°C or less. When pumping liquids of these classes with pumps, they ensure the constant operation of supply and exhaust ventilation systems. Control of the composition of the air environment allows real-time monitoring of the concentration of gases and flammable liquids.

Acetylene pipelines are mounted with an optimal section according to the regulations, the gas flow rate must comply with the standards in order to avoid detonation. If it is necessary to use more acetylene, additional branches are installed, without increasing the load on the existing ones. Installed on acetylene pipelines flame arresters and protective bursting discs, they are regularly cleaned of deposits, the condition of thermal insulation is monitored and immediately cleaned of flammable liquids.

Combustible solids are transported by pneumatic and gravity pipes, conveyors, aspiration lines equipped with automatic dampers, bucket elevators and other pneumatic transport devices. In the event of a fire in them, the aspiration and ventilation systems are immediately turned off. To prevent fire and accidents, an auto-blocking system for electric motors is installed when the air supply stops, in order to avoid the accumulation and ignition of dust. Belt skidding is unacceptable, the conveyor is immediately stopped.

Rail transportation

Drain and fill systems and ways of transporting flammable liquids must be grounded, they provide for the possibility of draining liquids. All sites are provided with a flat, hard surface. The locations of loading and unloading devices should not be in the path of movement of heat and electric locomotives. All sorting operations with tanks are carried out outside these points.

When supplying to the place of discharge - loading of tanks by steam locomotives, a cover of one four-axle or two two-axle wagons (platforms) is provided. Drivers are forbidden to open the firebox and force it, use various types of open fire and siphon. If transportation is carried out by diesel locomotives, cover is not needed.

Tankers move smoothly, braking is carried out with wooden linings or materials that do not spark. All metal products for shearing and rolling are not used. During the unloading and loading on the overpass, shunting actions are not carried out, other tanks are not fed to its free path. Before draining - filling, check the serviceability of all devices, grounding systems, valves, valves, tightness of hoses and pipes, tanks. Forbidden use metal hoses and equipment when draining and pouring liquids with a vapor flash point of 45 ° C or less.

Filling is carried out with the tip lowered to the bottom of the tank. If a malfunction of the lower drain device is established, pumping is carried out through the upper one, by pumping out. When pouring, liquid level limiters are used. During a thunderstorm, loading and unloading operations are not performed. On the loading and unloading equipment, install primary funds or stationary systems firefighting.

The fulfillment of all the above conditions is mandatory throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of technical approvals at industrial facilities with appropriate approval.