Kitchen decor with decorative bricks. Brick in the kitchen interior: options for use, photos. How to create a bare brick wall in the interior: photos of premises and recommendations

29.08.2019 Accessories

Modern tendencies In interior design, people are increasingly inclined to non-standard solutions, in particular, the use of unusual materials.White brick in the interiorwill personify order and cleanliness, and will also create a sophisticated accent. This type of decoration can exist in rooms of any functional nature. In our article we will look at the features that it has, as well as ways of its design.

White brick in the interior: methods of design and imitation

The easiest way to carry out this design is in a new building, where there is no interior decoration. In this casewhite brick in the interiorwill look most realistic. For finishing you only need to treat the surface by special means and paint. It is not necessary to clean up or remove unevenness and minor flaws in the masonry - with them the design will look much more natural.

If the walls have already been exposed more than once finishing works, or they are constructed of concrete or plasterboard, you will have to choose one of the most convenient options imitation towhite brick wall in the interiorlooked as natural as possible. Before this, it will be necessary to remove all signs of the former finishing and also treat the walls with painting solutions to prevent the occurrence of dampness of the walls, fungus and other troubles.

White decorative brick in the interior

For designing an intricate interior , resort to the use of sand-lime bricks. Photos of designs where usedwhite decorative brick in the interior, provided in our article. Based on them, we can say that it has a rather peculiar appearance, attracting with its attractiveness. In addition, it has such qualities as moisture resistance, strength, excellent sound insulation and, importantly, environmental safety.

In addition to wall decoration, this material can be used to construct partitions, fireplace surrounds, and decorate columns and arches. In order for the surface to have the most attractive appearance, it can be opened with varnish.

A good photo example of this design would be a loft-style living room, where white wall bricks in the interior(With bookshelves) puts the emphasis on this direction in the best possible way.

White brick wall in the interior: imitation using tiles

In order to make it realistic brick wall, you can use the technique of decorating with tiles. This could be, for example,white brick wall in the kitchenor in the bathroom. For these rooms, it is most rational to use ceramic tiles, which most closely match their quality characteristics. There are two types of tiles - in the form of individual bricks and a block of several rows. With its help you can decorate not only the wall, but also kitchen apron, fireplace lining and others architectural forms. If you decide to recreatewhite brick in the interiorusing ceramic tiles yourself, here it is worth considering one nuance: the gaps between its individual elements should be slightly larger than with conventional installation for greater naturalness.

The easiest way to display brickwork is to selectwhite brick wallpaper in the interior. A big plus for this type of finishing is that it can be done independently, without the help of specialists, which will also allow you to save some money. Another undeniable advantage is that the surface of the wall on which the wallpaper will be glued does not require careful cleaning and leveling. On the contrary, small irregularities will play a positive role.

White brick wall in the interior, can be covered with wallpaper with different brickwork styles, most suitable for the design of the room and at the same time it will always look “warm” and original.

White brick wall in the interior: choosing a design style

To date,white brick in the interiorresidential premises, as shown in photo , can be found when decorating in such styles as modern minimalism, high-tech, modern. Design of premises in a village And x Provence and country styles also welcome decoration separate walls in this manner.White brick wall in the interior, decorated in a Scandinavian style will look light and natural, especially since the main attributes of this style are purity and elegance. This type of decoration can often be found when creating Gothic interiors. Various designs interiors by professional designers can be viewed in our photo selection.

White brick wall in the interioris a must-have element in the loft style. Let's look at the photo to see how it was designed by professional designers using photo wallpaper, creating a three-dimensional realistic look in the living room. The interior will be filled with comfort and warmth if one of the walls with a built-in fireplace is tiled decorative bricks, as shown in the next photo.White brick in the living room interior small sizes can make the space heavier in some way. In order to soften this effect, you can add details to the interior such as photo frames on the walls, curtains, put a soft carpet on the floor, and cover the sofa with a blanket. Beige furniture will go perfectly with white walls.

White brick wall in the interiorthe living room can become an accent element used in zoning the space.

White brick wall in the kitchen

The kitchen space can be decorated entirely with white brick or you can choose one wall for it, for example, near the dining table.White brick in the interior(photo can be found in our th article ) is capable of expanding kitchen space, make it lighter and more attractive. Original and practical solution The apron will be decorated with tiles imitating brickwork. It will give a clean, neat look work surface, and at the same time, washing it is quite simple.White brick in the kitchen interiorwill go perfectly with any textures and shades: wooden furniture, metal appliances, fabric curtains, etc.

The hallway is a room that requires a particularly painstaking approach to design, since it is the first to greet anyone who enters the house.White brick in the hallway interiorwill be able to visually expand the space, which is important for small rooms. This design technique began to be used by designers quite recently, but, as we see in the photo, it looks very impressive.White brick in the interiorcan concentrate attention on one of the walls of the hallway or be placed along the entire wall surface. To revive such an interior, experienced designers They use the technique of covering one of the walls with 3D photo wallpaper (the image of cities with small streets is especially relevant), as shown in the photo. Multi-colored lamps, flowerpots with plants, and original paintings and other prominent elements.

White brickwork or its imitation in combination with textiles can help create a calm, romantic atmosphere in the bedroom. Quite often it is used to decorate the wall at the head of the bed, complementing it with paintings, as shown in the photo, original lamps and other decorative elements.White brick wall in a bedroom interiorIt will look quite impressive if you choose bright textiles and contrasting furniture correctly.

In most cases, it will be appropriatewhite brick wallpaper in the interiorbedrooms (see photos in article ) or the use of decorative bricks. Tiles are used much less frequently, since their reflective surface will become inappropriate in a room where you want to relax and unwind.

Along with decorative stone,white brick in the interioris increasingly gaining popularity and is turning into a mandatory element symbolizing an elite home. It serves, in a way, as an indicator of longevity and safety, while at the same time giving the room a special coziness, cleanliness and warmth.

If you think that brick can only be used for exterior decoration, you are mistaken. Designers often use this material when designing various types premises. However, most often brick walls are decorated in the kitchen - reliable, durable and beautiful material It has excellent performance properties and adds coziness to the room. The use of brick makes any kitchen original and cozy

About how to properly decorate a kitchen using brick, what are its features and how best to use it brick elements in the interior - read our article.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick in the kitchen

Like anyone finishing material, brick has both its pros and cons. Moreover, both of them can be considered quite significant.

A brick wall is a beautiful, but rather difficult move

It should be noted that brickwork in general is a rather unique material - on the one hand, it looks very stylish, on the other hand, it must be used carefully in the interior so as not to get the effect of an unrenovated room.

So, let's look at the list of advantages of brick in the interior:

  • First of all, these are its operational properties. Brick is reliable and durable material, which tolerates difficult conditions in the kitchen well. Constant moisture, temperature changes, greasy drops - all this will not cause significant damage to your wall. Therefore, brick is often used, among other things, for finishing the apron.
  • The brick wall looks very unusual and attracts attention. This finish looks stylish and beautiful, if, of course, you managed to correctly use it in the interior.
  • This - one of the most economical ways to decorate a wall. You will not need additional finishing, and the brick itself is not too expensive.
  • The material has excellent heat and sound insulation properties, so there is no need to lay a separate insulating layer.
  • Essentially, a brick universal material. It is used not only for wall decoration, but also for floors, ceilings, decoration or aprons. All this allows you to create an original and holistic interior.
  • If you wish, you can do without the help of builders - It’s easy to lay brickwork in one row with your own hands, even if you have never done repairs before.
  • Brickwork– a great way to zoning space. Having decorated the wall or part of it in this way, you can separate it kitchen area from the dining room, allocate a specific place in the kitchen.
  • Brick goes well with all other materials. Wallpaper, tiles, decorative plaster– you are practically unlimited in finishing combinations.

As you can see, brick - inexpensive material, which can be widely used in the interior of the kitchen. In addition, it has excellent performance properties.

What about the downsides? Let's see what you need to be careful about when working with brick:

  • If after the list of advantages you have a desire to decorate all the walls with brickwork, you will have to abandon it. Brick should be used sparingly in the interior, even if you are a fan of the urban style. Otherwise, you risk instead of beautiful and cozy kitchen get a strange room that evokes associations with an abandoned construction site.
  • Despite its strength, brick requires very careful maintenance. It has a porous, heterogeneous structure. Due to this, grease and dirt accumulate in the seams. This means that you will have to wipe such a wall regularly - otherwise you risk quickly ruining the appearance of the wall.
  • If you choose red brick to decorate the room, you won’t be able to save on lighting - you will need a lot of artificial Sveta. Terracotta brick is practically non-reflective luminous fluxes, so you will need many times more lamps than when using other materials.
  • As already mentioned, you should handle bricks with care. Especially if you decide to choose dark colors finishing material - If you overdo it a little, the room will seem gloomy and unkempt.

As you can see, the disadvantages can be considered quite conditional - if you show common sense, correctly design the lighting system and do not forget about caring for the brickwork, such a wall will serve you for a long time without losing its appearance and performance properties.

If there is a lot of brick in the interior, you need to work with it very carefully
At the right approach brick helps to create very beautiful interior
Combine brick with less capricious interiors so as not to overload the space

How to properly use brick in the interior? We hope the advice of our designers will help you with this!

Perhaps you are lucky and live in a house with brick walls. In this case, we recommend that you do not invent unnecessary problems for yourself - it is quite possible that you will not need to additionally lay decorative bricks.

Sometimes it is enough to remove the finishing trim to get a beautiful brick wall

It will probably be enough just to carefully clean the wall - sand the seams, remove all dirt.

This way you will get a great brick wall without breaking the bank. However, this is not always possible. If you're unlucky with brick wall– the next point is for you.

The main thing is to balance the interior well
This kitchen looks very original

At first glance, this advice sounds strange - a brick is a brick. What is to be determined here? However, in fact, the issue is deeper than it might seem at first glance.

A wide variety of materials can be used as bricks in the kitchen.

Most often, special decorative bricks or its imitation are used for the kitchen. Variations are possible here. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of materials to make the right choice.

First of all, we do not recommend using wallpaper with a brick print. Yes, this coverage may vary high quality print and be at first glance very reliable. However, the absence of a characteristic structure will completely kill the special charm that is inherent in brick walls.

One of the most popular options is ceramic tile imitating brick. Firstly, it is very easy to install. Secondly, the appearance, thanks to the volumetric texture, fully matches the brickwork. In addition, due to the special glaze, such tiles are ideal for finishing an apron - cleaning such a coating is much easier than natural porous brick.

Good for kitchen and sand-lime bricks. The properties of the material provide them with increased resistance to moisture, steam and temperature changes. Plus, they look very beautiful and authentic. They are produced in various colors. In addition, the coating can be painted - a great way to quickly update your kitchen interior.

Very often, gypsum tiles are used to decorate kitchens. They can be different shapes and size, so with their help it is easy to recreate any type of brickwork.

Gypsum can be used in different zones kitchens

A nice bonus is the thickness of the gypsum blocks. It is only five millimeters, so plaster is ideal for. The color scheme is also pleasing - from the usual white and terracotta to complex, sometimes unexpected colors.

An interesting solution is the use of MDF panels that imitate brickwork. Perhaps this is the most quick way decorate the kitchen like a brick. Due to the fact that the panels differ quite large sizes, you can lay the entire wall in a matter of hours. In addition, it is almost impossible to visually distinguish a fake from real brickwork. However, remember that in terms of performance properties, brick significantly exceeds the characteristics of MDF panels.

Even this one. the panel can be installed in a matter of hours

The brick does not have to be porous, like the one we are used to seeing in exterior decoration. Now the blocks are treated with a special glaze, which makes it possible to give the most varied look material.

Bricks can be very different

For example, you can use classic matte bricks - they are great for creating traditional interiors.

The usual matte brick

However, glossy glazed bricks also look very interesting. In addition, due to their reflective properties, they visually make a small kitchen larger. A significant bonus, especially when you consider that the brick itself conceals the space, making it smaller and cramped.

Interesting and attractive solution

A fashionable solution for interiors in the industrial loft style is chipped brick. The blocks appear a little broken, their edges are torn, and their texture is uneven. Due to this, the coating seems very voluminous and original. True, you need to work with such material very carefully, otherwise the kitchen will take on a sloppy, abandoned appearance.

Rough finishes should be compensated with elegant furniture

There is an opinion that brick walls can only be red, terracotta or white. This is fundamentally wrong. Modern possibilities make it possible to give brickwork any color - and we’re not even talking about painting, which gives you the chance to change the interior of the kitchen at least every month.

You can find brick in almost any color

Besides classic solutions you can choose almost any color. Brickwork in unexpected tones looks very interesting - blue, pistachio, green, straw.

Bricks painted using the ombre technique look interesting

Alternatively, you can experiment with color combinations and even lay out a kind of brick mosaic. However, keep in mind that such a solution requires quite financial costs and effort - it’s still much easier to decorate an ordinary brick wall. But the result will be much more original.

Take the time to find an interesting type of brick

If you want to place a brick directly next to the oven or use it to decorate an apron, we recommend that you coat it additionally thin layer scraping varnish. This will greatly simplify cleaning - dirt and grease will not penetrate the pores of the material, which means the coating will last you longer.

If you want to use brick near the work surface, it is better to further process it

If you are afraid that such processing will spoil the texture of the brick, do not worry. Modern materials can be applied in one layer so that they form a thin protective film, at first glance, not too noticeable.

Modern means allow you to make processing invisible

In addition, no one forces you to choose a flashy glossy finish - you can easily use matte varnish.

Do you have a small kitchen that you want to make more comfortable? A single-color coating for all walls and brick in the dining room or work area is very suitable solution. To make the room even prettier, we recommend sticking to one color scheme.

Nice monochromatic solution

This way the brickwork will stand out only due to its volumetric texture. This move will add coziness to the room, but the brick will not attract attention - for a small kitchen it is better not to use too flashy techniques.

This combination looks very impressive

Brick does not have very good reflective properties. Therefore, we recommend placing a brick wall opposite the window - so daylight will smooth out this effect.

Kitchen with brick requires a large number of Sveta

In addition, it is very important to properly highlight a prominent wall. Use several lamps at once - this will help highlight the beauty of the brick.

Lamps must fit into the interior and complement it
Additional lighting won't hurt

Tip 8. Caring for untreated brick is an important task.

If you decide not to glaze or paint your brickwork, you will have to take very good care of it in your kitchen. This is especially true for bricks laid in the area of ​​the slab or apron.

This apron looks beautiful, but requires special care

Any grease stain poses a danger - it can be absorbed into the porous structure and noticeably change the color of the material.

Therefore there will be optimal solution keep any grease remover in the kitchen - as soon as the stain gets on the surface, carefully remove it.

It is also important to promptly remove water that gets on the brick. It tolerates air humidity and steam well, but prolonged contact with liquid may cause whitish stains on the material.

Untreated bricks need to be wiped down regularly

Why did we put it at the very end of the article? We have already mentioned that with the right approach, brickwork can fit into almost any interior.

Classic set with brick wall

However, there are still styles where the use of brick is much more preferable than others.

First of all, of course, along with concrete, brickwork is recommended for use in such interiors.

A great example of an urban loft Cozy country kitchen

White brick is practically a must-have for Scandinavian style. This wall fits perfectly into the concept and makes the interior light and spacious.

Scandinavian cuisine can't imagine without white brick

For other types of interiors, brick can be used, but this should be done with caution. Choose colors that suit the design concept of the style, make sure that this material does not conflict with others. It is difficult to imagine a textured “broken” brick wall in victorian style. But elegant bronze masonry is quite appropriate there.

Kitchen in American style with brick wall

Be guided common sense and stylistic rules - and everything will work out.

Brick in the kitchen interior: 30 real photo examples

To clearly show how advantageous a material brick can be, we have compiled a selection of photographs. Brickwork in kitchens different style– we’re sure you’ll like it!

A brick wall is a great idea to update your kitchen. The most important advantage is versatility, because you can choose a design to match the brick in almost any color, which means it can fit into any interior. Of course, brick is more often used in exterior decoration, decoration of building facades and less often indoors, but we are sure that a brick wall in a kitchen interior is super.

Brick kitchen

One wall or all? A separate section or an entire wall? The question is, of course, important. Of course, the entire kitchen decorated with brick, may not look so attractive, but to make a decision, you just need to look at various design projects and relate them to yours kitchen set. There are many options for how to design a kitchen with a brick wall, ranging from real brickwork to simple wallpaper"Brick wall".

Brick wall in the kitchen interior

Ok, we've decided. We want one brick wall in the kitchen. Issues that need to be resolved: material, color, putty between bricks, if we are not talking about wallpaper. First of all, it is worth remembering that installing a wall made of real brick can narrow your kitchen by several centimeters. This can be fundamental in small Soviet kitchens, so in this case there is only one option - wallpaper. For those who feel that using brick-patterned wallpaper is too "cheap" an option for their kitchen, we recommend considering brick-style tiles.

Kitchen tile-brick

There are many varieties of brick-look tiles for your kitchen. The simplest option is monotonous tiles made according to the approximate dimensions of a brick, i.e. There is no difference, other than size, in its use in the kitchen. This option is good for its simplicity and minimal labor costs. It's more difficult if you want to use the effect of broken old bricks. Such tiles are more expensive, and it also costs more care to form a pattern from them.

Wallpaper brick wall in the kitchen interior

Let's go back to the wallpaper. There are no secrets here, choose a design and go to glue. The only thing worth remembering is that ordinary wallpaper with a brick pattern will not work here: it must be taken into account that the kitchen requires greater wear resistance, because they will constantly get dirty when cooking and even become soaked kitchen smells. In this case, saving is also not worth it.

Kitchen white brick

Some projects use white brick. It is especially good when used in modern stylish kitchens, because such a brick goes much better with gray and black appliances. Remember to carefully select the effect of the putty between the blocks, because it largely determines the style of the brick wall in the kitchen.

Brick kitchen photo

Kitchen decoration with brick photo

Decorative brick in the kitchen

Wallpaper brick wall in the kitchen

Brick in kitchen interior ideas

Brick in the interior photo

Stylish brick wall photo

With the advent of loft or other styles gravitating towards industrial romance, unlined, embossed surfaces have gained immense popularity in interior design. Rooms with “bare” walls have a special coziness and are a canvas for embodiment non-standard ideas. But it is not always possible to bring the original coverage to the fore. In such situations, you can use wallpaper that looks like brickwork, which will help create the desired effect.

Features of wallpaper with a brick pattern

Brickwork seems reliable and stylish, but this type of finish is quite difficult to implement. An authentic structure, if preservation is the goal, should look neat, which is rare in old houses. When laying additional brick partition Precious centimeters of space are taken away. In addition, the installation process itself takes a lot of time, leaves behind garbage, and also requires certain skills.

Fortunately, there is an affordable alternative - wallpaper, which, thanks to modern technologies, complex landscapes can be applied, not to mention simple brick texture. This type of finishing has a number of advantages and eliminates the disadvantages of other options.

— Even a beginner in the construction business can carry out gluing in a few days without contaminating the room being repaired;
— You can find affordable products, and if you wish, you can easily update the design, which cannot be said about brickwork;
— There are coatings that can be washed and cleaned, allow air to pass through, but do not accumulate dust;
— Can be used to decorate light structures of any shape;
— Wallpaper has a wide variety of colors and textures, allowing you to imitate different types masonry;
- Unlike plastic panels, have a high degree of detail and the best quality.

There is a drawback to this coating, and it lies in the simple fact that it is not real brickwork. No matter how reliably the canvas conveys every unevenness of the blocks, the artificial origin cannot be hidden even from inexperienced viewers.

This feature can be smoothed out without focusing on the wall. To achieve this, it is recommended to use a finish on one or more sides. At the same time, its color should match the other shades of the room, softly shading them rough texture. If possible, do not direct artificial lighting onto it, as this will only emphasize the “two-dimensionality” of the surface.

Types of wallpaper

Before you start designing, you should decide on the material. The range of wallpaper is wide, but not all varieties allow you to imitate masonry. Among suitable options the following can be distinguished:

Paper wallpaper . Traditional and affordable look, available in a variety of colors color scheme, which is easy to glue. It is absolutely safe for health, but is unlikely to last more than five years. Paper wallpaper is sensitive to moisture, high temperatures, mechanical stress, which limits the scope of application of the coating. In addition, they are rarely produced with a protruding texture, which is why they can look flat and implausible.

Non-woven wallpaper. The high price is justified by the excellent characteristics of the material. They do not deteriorate in harsh microclimates, hide wall imperfections, and can also be painted regularly. The surface texture looks more realistic, but it accumulates dust. With regular cleaning, this finish can last more than ten years.

Vinyl wallpapers. They are easy to care for and high density basics warns against any type of exposure. Visually, the wallpaper perfectly imitates brick, but is more suitable for non-residential premises due to the inability to pass air.

The choice depends on the characteristics of the home and the desired external effect. Available in matte, glossy or structural surface, embodying red or white bricks of different shapes. This gives wallpapers a lot of variety.

Wallpaper for brickwork in the interior - photo

This type of finishing will not look good in all spaces, and in some of them it is used with reservations. Let's look at each case in more detail!

Brick wallpaper in the living room

It is recommended to use patterned coatings in spacious rooms. Here they can highlight accent wall or help with zoning, separating, for example, a work area. At the same time, adjacent surfaces must be neutral, otherwise the interior will turn out to be overly colorful.

A living room with such cladding forms a certain image, which puts forward its own requirements for content. Furniture should be modern, leather if possible, in accordance with the rules of the loft. Artificial materials will stand out from the composition, but wooden parts“masonry” is emphasized.

The palette depends on the shade of the walls. So, white brick goes well with all colors, but it is better to stick to a light color scheme, which will visually give the room light. Red brick looks solid and will enter into an “union” with restrained, natural shades.

Designers advise limiting yourself to central lighting, since side sources will emphasize the artificial origin of the masonry. Can be purchased vinyl wallpapers with a realistic texture, fortunately in the living room the environmental friendliness of materials does not play such an important role.

Brick wallpaper in the kitchen interior

The kitchen area is very demanding in terms of finishing. Paper wallpaper in conditions of constant humidity, sudden temperature changes and high level pollution will not last long. Vinyl and non-woven ones cope better with challenging task, therefore, for wall cladding, it is recommended to focus on them.

The design of the kitchen depends on its size and layout. If it includes dining area, then wallpaper under the brickwork should be glued exactly there, thereby delineating the boundaries. In small kitchens, you can use them on the entire working wall or just the apron, hiding it behind a glass partition for safety.

Against the background of white brick, a set of light wood with bright details or models with rich colors. Against the background of red are calm, cool shades, which in this combination will give the room a little coziness.

Brick wallpaper in the bedroom interior

In the bedroom, such finishing should be used very carefully, trying not to disturb the relaxing atmosphere that usually reigns here. Often, only one side of the room is decorated - the one to which the bed is adjacent. At the same time, the wallpaper coating is more pleasant to the touch and is always warm, unlike real brick, which gives off a cold feeling.

You can balance out a rough surface with light curtains, a floor carpet or beautiful bedspread. A wall with masonry is perfect for displaying paintings, especially if it is contemporary art.

Thanks to the patterned finish, you can distinguish between the bedroom and other areas: with a desk, chest of drawers, mirror or dressing table.

Wallpaper for brickwork in the hallway

If you want to use a non-standard coating, but there are fears that this will violate home comfort, you can fit wallpaper with a brick pattern into the hallway - here they will fit perfectly. But this is an important point for houses that are completely decorated in the loft style, since it is necessary to organize the stylistic unity of all rooms.

White brick texture suitable for little ones narrow hallways. The primary color visually expands the area, and linearity complicates the design. It is recommended to select light-colored furniture for such a background to enhance the desired effect.

If you are planning to radically transform your interior, make it stylish, modern and at the same time cozy, use decorative brick for interior decoration. the best way turn your plans into reality. There is probably nothing more beautiful and refined than the presence in the house natural material, pleasing to the eye.

Wall decoration with decorative bricks

Today, brickwork is used almost everywhere. It can be used when interior decoration private houses, apartments, hotels, office and other premises.

Relatively inexpensive price of this material, with incredible natural beauty, allows it to compete with natural stone.

In production facing brick only from natural materials, so it is absolutely safe for humans. The appearance of brick has many different textures and color shades, which allows it to be used in interior design of various style themes.

Brick wall in various styles

Very often, a brick wall is used as decor in the pop art style, which is characterized by the use of various bright colors.

Orange color is a great combination with a brick wall

Modern design styles: high-tech and art deco, country and others also often use brickwork in their design. Brickwork adds a unique twist to the interior, which harmonizes perfectly with other materials such as steel and glass.

By decorating a wall with brick, you can make it a wonderful backdrop for your favorite paintings or family photos dear to your heart. Correct lighting, well-chosen furniture and decorative elements will make the interior even more attractive and elegant.

Brick in the interior can be combined with other finishing materials, for example, which can imitate a natural stone. Such a neighborhood will balance general form rooms, giving the design sophistication and a peaceful atmosphere.

Magnificent design solution(from Meritage Homes) - a recreation area located near a brick wall

A brick wall should not have a cold and austere appearance. Mix it up with different decorations or change the colors for stunning results.

IN Lately a fashionable trend is the decoration of walls with white brick, which is diluted bright colors. This color is suitable for decorating Scandinavian style interiors, which implies calmness and expressiveness.

Brick in the interior - where is it best to use it?

Designers do not have a clear answer to this question, since their opinions on this matter are divided. Some argue that the best place for the use of brick in the kitchen and living room, others believe the opposite and insist on the appropriateness of its use in living rooms.

However, I would like to note the following. If we take into account the characteristics of decorative bricks, then its scope is much wider than the kitchen, living room and bedroom. It can just as successfully be used for cladding walls in the corridor, hallway, or bathroom.

The artistic and aesthetic possibilities of brick in the interior are almost limitless. They can give the surface any shade and texture.

One of the striking examples, which is probably the flagship of this type of material, is artificially aged brick. Its main feature can be considered the absence of the need finishing walls after applying it.

The facing brick itself is a rather fragile material, so working with it requires special care, following the technology. The versatility of the product allows you to cover walls with almost any surface, from plasterboard to silicate blocks.

Properties of bricks for interior decoration

This material has excellent properties such as:

  • Durability - the service life of the material is at least 50 years, while the external attractiveness remains unchanged;
  • Good thermal insulation - significantly reduces heat loss in the house;
  • Abrasion resistance - minor mechanical stress will not affect the appearance of the brick in any way;
  • Waterproof - additional material, will protect the brick from moisture. In this state, the wall can be periodically cleaned with a soap solution;
  • Environmentally friendly - this brick contains natural ingredients that are absolutely harmless to humans.

Finishing brick is a finishing material that has to compete with other products such as or. Therefore, every year his physical and external characteristics are getting better and better.

Decorative brick in the kitchen

Brick wall cladding is very common in the kitchen. It is used to decorate either the entire wall or partially above work area, having previously covered the material with moisture-proof impregnation. Such a design decision almost always justifies itself, since positive feedback There are a huge number of people who have tried this experiment.

The color tones of the dining room furniture can be duplicated with various decorative elements on the wall, so you will achieve the effect of a smoothed picture, in which there will be no clear boundaries.

Decorative brick in the living room

Another favorite place where designers like to practice their talents is the living room. This room is the calling card of any house or apartment, so you can’t make a mistake here, everything should look flawless and aesthetically pleasing.

Don’t be afraid to experiment; add bright colors to your interior so that the holiday atmosphere never leaves you. Use everything for this possible ways: fabrics, chandeliers, paintings, furniture and other decorative elements.

A selection of the best design projects

We have selected especially for you finished works, which already decorate their owners’ homes. After looking through them, you can take something for yourself, or even repeat exactly what you saw, only this time at home.

Using decorative bricks is the right step towards creating a beautiful, flawless and expressive design for your home. Play with contrast and decor until you realize it's just yours. The work you have done will not go unnoticed by your loved ones and guests.

I wish you success in your endeavors and remember that only hard work will bring the desired result.