Kisei curtains: an original solution for the interior (24 photos). Filament curtains in the interior - types, decorating ideas, examples of use in the kitchen, living room and bedroom

12.04.2019 alternative energy

Filament curtains, or muslin, appeared as an element of decorating a room in the countries of the Arab East. They were fairly easy to use, diffused bright sunlight for a cozy partial shade effect, and provided good air circulation. They can also be used for decorating, delimiting and zoning space. Due to the shape, they visually increase the height of the room, as if “raising the ceiling”, which is convenient small rooms. Filament curtains are used in interior design and with other styles. Using clips, tiebacks or simple knotting, thread curtains can be given different interesting shapes. Variations have appeared where, instead of ordinary threads, braided cords are used, the so-called "noodles", spiral weaving, decorations in the form of pom-poms along the entire length. There are models of filament curtains decorated with beads, sequins, glass beads and other elements.

Filament curtains to create a new setting

Unlike other types, filament curtains are easy to use, they do not require careful maintenance, they do not need to be washed so often. Well-chosen color and shape will create a cozy atmosphere in the room. Different images - from ethnic motifs and abstract drawings to art reproductions - will give the room its own style. With such curtains, you can decorate windows, curtain doorways, zone the room. Such a translucent "wall" creates a halftone effect, scattering too bright light without preventing you from passing through it at all.

Once upon a time, original curtains made of threads were a bold addition to the interior. After were considered a relic of the past, but today old idea received a new incarnation and gained wide popularity. Today filament curtains in the interior in in large numbers can be found in the interior and choose from them the most suitable for yourself.

Short story

Thread curtains in the interior appeared many years ago in warm Eastern countries. Due to the hot climate, it was not possible to keep the doors closed, but houses always needed protection from prying eyes, they also created the necessary blackout and comfort.

Later, their practicality spread to other countries, most of all the consumer was tempted appearance than their beneficial properties.

So filament curtains in the interior have taken root in almost all countries and even gained new design options.

Types of curtains

Per long years The existence of a veil of threads was made using a variety of materials.

It is conditionally possible to divide all curtains into two types:

  • muslin curtains;
  • curtains made of durable materials.

The material of the curtains is selected based on the destination. For rooms, you can choose filament curtains from different materials and original design. Naturally, thread products need careful care. Otherwise, they will quickly lose their attractive appearance and can even spoil the whole impression of the room. Dust and dirt quickly settle on vertically suspended elements, so it is important to keep them clean.


Kisei are curtains made of interwoven threads, they can create an original ornament or simply fall down. They are easy to hang, you just need to decide on the size and pattern.
Since the kisei is made of fabric threads, it quickly gets dirty and needs care. Wash them periodically and hang them up to dry on their own.

Beautiful openwork patterns look harmoniously in any interior, the main thing is to choose the right stylistic combination. They can be hung indoors on windows, doors or zoning space.

Curtain decor

Filament curtains in the interior, made of all sorts of original materials, look very unusual.

For manufacturing use:

  • beads of different sizes;
  • rhinestones and beads;
  • natural stones;
  • metal and plastic elements of various shapes;
  • original details: feathers, sequins, glass details, etc.;
  • beads made of wood and other materials.

Such curtains can be made of the same details in the same style or combine different elements and details. When combined different colors you can get an original filament rainbow that will decorate a window or doorway. advantage hard materials you can assume that they do not need to be washed.


To provide the most long period curtains, you need to regularly and properly care for them.
Curtains made of threads should be washed periodically in soapy water. And products made of hard materials should be wiped with a soft damp cloth or brush off the dust with a special brush.

Filament curtains made of fabric categorically cannot be washed in an automatic machine, all elements will be mixed up with each other, and the product will be irretrievably damaged.

For the living room

Filament curtains will perfectly complement any room, you can hang them in the living room. You just need to choose the right style and combination. With the help of kisei, it is interesting to beat a doorway or a window opening, they can also become original decoration walls in the living room.

It is very convenient to hang them for zoning a small living room, thread curtains do not overload the space, at the same time they help to separate one zone from another.

So in the living room you can separate a place of rest or a small dining room. If necessary, the partition can simply be removed to the side and the integrity of the living room restored. If dirt appears, they can be washed quickly or wiped with a damp cloth.

Original curtains for the bedroom

Depending on the style in which the bedroom is made, curtains made of threads can very effectively decorate a window or door. Kisei at the head of the bed will also look interesting. Beads, seed beads, glass beads and drops and others bright details can be an addition to almost any bedroom.

Threads with beads can not only be combined with each other, they can complement ordinary parterres and give them some zest. A few threads with rhinestones and sparkles can decorate a lady's table. A rainbow of rhinestones and beads will also look very nice in the bedroom. You can also hang them at the entrance to the dressing room. Filament curtains must not be forgotten to be washed so that they do not spoil the appearance of the room.

Thread veil for the kitchen

Ordinary textile curtains in the kitchen very often suffer from grease and other contaminants, which are not few in the kitchen. Using curtains made of various solid elements for this room, cleaning in the kitchen can be greatly facilitated. It will not be necessary to constantly wash the curtains for the kitchen, it will be enough to periodically wipe them with detergent. For decorating a kitchen in art deco or high-tech style, such elements are the best fit, they will not only protect the kitchen from sun rays, but also give it individuality and glamorous chic.

Kisei can also decorate the kitchen. A rainbow of iridescent beads would also be appropriate.

Children's room

You can also decorate a children's room with filament curtains, you can even invite the child to make them on their own, with the help of mom or dad, and hang them together in the room. Any kid will love to string a variety of beads and other suitable decorations onto the rope. Using multi-colored beads, you can make it so that you get a rainbow. Such a rainbow will complement any children's room.

A beaded rainbow doesn't have to go with the style of the whole room, it can be a bright detail of it.
For a little princess, you can decorate the room with an unusual canopy made of muslin for a bed.

Filament curtains can be a decoration for any room, a variety of materials and colors allow you to embody any, even the most daring fantasies.

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From the name itself it is clear what is filament curtains. This is a kind of curtains, which is a weightless veil of a layer of threads. Such curtains are also called rope.

Their other name is "muslin". In general, such home decorations have been used for a long time in the East. After all, there is a rather hot climate, and such curtains are simply necessary for air circulation in the room. They can perfectly shade the room, but at the same time, without blocking the penetration of air currents.

Besides, filament curtains do not block access to light. In addition, they do an excellent job with the main task - they close the room from otherworldly views, create a feeling of coziness and comfort.

To date filament curtains enjoy great success in European countries. Moreover, they decorate windows not only in residential premises, but also in offices, beauty salons, restaurants, shops. After all, it is not only beautiful, but also stylish. Filament curtains are suitable for absolutely any style in the interior. The main thing is to choose the right color scheme and layering of threads.
The threads in the muslin are connected from above by special weaving, and from top to bottom they hang down freely. This creates a feeling of lightness and comfort.

Which room is suitable for filament curtains

They will look good in the living room. If you have this room done in classical style, designers offer to decorate windows with curtains with multilayer curtains of different textures. If you want to decorate your living room in a high-tech style, bright hues multi-level filament curtains. To make the interior look harmonious, you can use filament curtains with all sorts of cutouts. Kisei looks good in the bedroom. Can choose dark tones tightly closing threads, and then the sunlight will not interfere with your rest.

A great choice would be Roman filament curtains. They look extremely stylish and beautiful. You can pick up rope curtains for the children's room. They can be decorated with drawings of a children's theme.

What is very important, kisei is also suitable for the kitchen. And do not worry about the cleanliness and neatness of your curtains. They are easy to care for. After all, you can choose the material for the manufacture of curtains. Due to the special coating, dust will not sit on them much.

How to care (wash) filament curtains

AT washing machine they don't need to be washed. After all, they will get confused and lose their attractive appearance. It is better to take them to the dry cleaners or wash them yourself in soapy water. But rest assured that you won't have to do this often, because Filament curtains do not get dirty quickly.

Filament curtains in the interior

Can be used in window decoration not only alone filament curtains, but also in combination with various options curtains. For example, it can be oriental velvet curtains or Chinese fabric ones. You will receive a stylish and original design solution.

Filament curtains can zone the space. Their excellent ability to transmit light can do the job with certain lighting in the interior. You can hang Kisei in doorway. You can cover the niches in the room by decorating them with filament curtains. In general, it all depends on your imagination.

To date, many designers recommend using curtains with all sorts of decor. It can be Lurex threads that shimmer in the light, small sequins or beads. Options are many. The main thing is that the curtains fit perfectly into the overall style of the room.

As for the color scheme, it is presented in a wide variety. These are solid colors, and melange options, and combined curtains. You can combine curtains of several colors at the same time, the main thing is not to overdo it. Curtains of all colors of the rainbow are only suitable for a children's room.

Most often, filament curtains made of polyester or other synthetic threads of different thicknesses. Hence the different texture.

Another advantage of such curtains is that you do not need the services of a seamstress. The point is that usually filament curtains sell standard length. You can simply cut them with scissors as you like. Synthetic fibers do not crumble. This is another weighty argument in favor of these curtains.

Filament curtains - photo

Whether you want to change your interior or are just thinking about creating it, we are sure that filament curtains are a great idea that is worth bringing to life!

Curtains for windows and doorways can give any room a special atmosphere and become the final chord in interior design. Today, noodle curtains are popular. These are curtains in the form of threads.

On sale there is a huge selection of models of such curtains in different color solutions. They are suitable for decorating any room and affordable for everyone. Such a product successfully harmonizes with all interior areas.

Important! Noodle curtains "muslin" are suitable as a decorative element, and prevent the penetration of sunlight and prying eyes.

Filament curtains are divided into several options:

  • narrow;
  • plush in the form of a spiral or chain;
  • plain;
  • multi-colored combinations;
  • with pom-poms;
  • with decorative details: feathers, beads, glass beads.

Advice! The rainbow looks beautiful nautical style: a combination of rich blue, turquoise and blue tint is suitable for a bedroom located on the south side. It will bring a feeling of coolness in bright sunlight.

How curtains are hung

Kiseya is a decorative element, which is several rows of threads that are attached to the base border.

Such curtains are attached in 3 ways:

  • pass the cornice through the border;
  • with hooks;
  • sew on the braid and hang it on the cornice.

How to hang such curtains so that they do not get tangled? We perform the following actions:

  • remove from the package - manufacturers tie the threads in several places with thick or thin ribbons. This prevents them from getting tangled;
  • remove the first tape and hang on the ledge;
  • remove the remaining tapes and carefully disassemble the threads;
  • push the muslin along the entire eaves.

Important! Try not to pull the threads and unravel from top to bottom.

How to arrange such curtains? You have many options: stick plastic flowers or butterflies, hearts, the main thing is that the decor elements fit into the interior. You can use holders of your choice.

Filament curtains in the interior

When using thread curtains in the interior, it is necessary to take into account some of their features of use:

  • it is allowed to combine thread products with other curtain options;

Advice! Use oriental velvet fabrics or Chinese fabric curtains for a stylish design solution.

  • curtains made of threads are good for zoning the space. Great for doorways or to cover a niche in the premises;
  • a design with a different decor is welcome - lurix threads, small sequins, beads with glass beads are used.

Curtains-noodles are made of polyester and other artificial threads of different thicknesses and lengths. They are on sale with different textures.

Another advantage is that you do not need the services of a professional seamstress. Kisei is sold in standard lengths, and if necessary, you can carefully cut the curtains with ordinary scissors without any additional processing.

Which rooms are suitable for rope curtains

Due to its beauty, convenience and practicality, Kisei has been widely used in the interior of the most different rooms: living room kitchen, bedroom, nursery, corridor, cafe, restaurants.

What color are these curtains? On sale you will find absolutely any color range, and choose the right palette of one or more tones.

Look good in classic design living room. Designers advise decorating window openings with thread products of different textures. For a high-tech living room, light colors with several levels are suitable. The harmony of the design is wonderfully emphasized by black and white thread products with cutouts.

Advice! To make such curtains in the hall look stylish and spectacular, make deep folds. For example, for a cornice width of 3 m, the width should be 6 m.

Kisei is perfect for the bedroom. Black, tightly closing threads will not allow sunlight to penetrate and interfere with morning rest.

In the nursery, choose bright colors - yellow, orange, green or red. Use both plain and combined curtains of several colors.

Hanging curtains in the doorway

Thread curtains (muslin, hangings) fit not only on the window, but also fit perfectly into the doorways. Decorative door hangings are made from the following materials:

  • beads or beads;
  • wooden planks;
  • metal elements;
  • textiles;
  • improvised means: paper clips, CDs.

Advice! Curtains made of metal elements are suitable for a futuristic style, while wooden ones are suitable for retro or country.

Beads are used to create hanging curtains. There are beads for sale. various forms and sizes. It is popular to use rain curtains, which are made of drop-shaped beads.

There are curtains that look like chains, stylish marine-style curtains made of ropes with various knots look interesting.

Before hanging, buy special hooks first, or sew a braid on the top edge of the curtain.

Filament curtains for the kitchen

Thread curtains for the kitchen are designed to create an unusual design for such a room. In the interior of the kitchen, these curtains meet all the necessary criteria, namely:

  • unpretentiousness in care;
  • do not interfere with functionality in the kitchen;
  • practical.

Hangers are perfect for a doorway instead of a door.

Manufacturers process filament curtains with special materials that allow:

  • reject dust;
  • do not absorb odors;
  • make minor impurities invisible.

For the kitchen, choose products to match the furniture and wall decoration. A universal option is white or pastel shades of curtains.

Many housewives use curtain decorations not only in the kitchen, but also in the bedroom and living room. For example, decor with butterflies or flowers on threads will add a special charm to the room.

How to hang such curtains in a doorway? You can pre-attach a special cornice and hang curtains using hooks on the braid. Or the well-known option is to stretch a strong wire over the doorway and fix the curtain.

In the interior of the living room one-room apartment filament curtains are perfect for delimiting space, separating working area from the recreation area.

Photo - 42 Curtains noodles in the kitchen with clips

How to make thread curtains with your own hands

Making homemade pendants is easy even for a beginner. You only need threads. Filament fibers will replace:

  • buttons;
  • shells;
  • traffic jams;
  • tapes;
  • beads;
  • beads;
  • stones.

From what to make pendants, you decide.

Before you do it yourself, it is important to determine the length of the product. Accurately measure window parameters.

Before you hang curtains beautifully, buy a metal bar or braid.

How to unravel filament curtains? If your pendants are made from purchased threads, try not to pull them and gently untangle them from top to bottom.

Don't be discouraged if you don't know how to hem a noodle curtain. To adjust the height, it is enough to cut the ends with ordinary scissors.

Advice! Before cutting off unnecessary length, fasten it to the ledge and let it hang for 1-2 days.

A visual master class on how to beautifully make decorative pendants on a window and doorway, you can watch in the video:

Now you know what you can make a decorative noodle curtain from, how to hang it and how to shorten it if necessary. And below you can view a few more options for curtains made of threads.

Photo - 50 Thread curtains noodles with a rhombus

Depending on the task, the design of the window can transform the room beyond recognition: immerse it in transparent twilight, fill it with diffused light, create a chamber atmosphere. In any case, an important role is played by the aesthetics and originality of the design, compliance with the overall design of the room.

More recently, filament curtains in the interior, which came from the East, have become very popular. They fit very organically into the interior of any room, transform and refresh windows, have a huge variety of designs.

Quite successfully, you can decorate the windows of rooms of various functional purposes. And not just windows. With the help of filament curtains, you can zone the space of a room, fence off a secluded corner, fill interior space and just decorate the wall.

Let us consider in more detail the use of filament curtains in the interior of various rooms.

Very often, people do not dare to decorate kitchen windows with filament curtains, fearing that they will constantly get dirty. But there are many models of such curtains with a special coating that prevents pollution by protecting the surface of the curtains from dust and grease.

Filament curtains must match general style kitchens and organically fit into the design of the room. Thanks to a wide variety of curtains, you can easily choose the right one. color palette and original decorative look. Very often, metal filament curtains are selected for the kitchen, which harmonize favorably with the chrome elements of the kitchen interior.

If you want to zone the kitchen space, dividing it into a dining room and a cooking area, filament curtains will also come in handy here, which will separate the zones from each other with a translucent cloud and give the kitchen a special charm and a cozy atmosphere.

The ideal place to place filament curtains is the living room. The large area of ​​​​the hall allows you to place curtain segments in a very original way. different levels length. At the same time, the height of the filament curtains can be changed independently, by tying them different ways or even by trimming as needed. Thanks to these features, the appearance of the window can be changed constantly, refreshing the interior without much effort.

Often the design of windows in the hall is complex, multi-level, but still, the filament curtains perfectly blend into the overall ensemble, complementing it with a unique lightness and special sound.

With the help of filament curtains, you can separate from total area space for a small office or library. The advantage of filament curtains is the ability to easily combine the divided space, easily removing them if necessary.

Filament curtains are very appropriate. Due to the tight closing of the threads, excessive sunlight from the windows does not penetrate into the bedroom and does not interfere good rest. For the bedroom, choose darker shades of curtains. Despite the tightness of the thread connection, Fresh air freely penetrates through the curtains, contributing to a healthy sleep.

The choice of the shape and design of the curtains depends entirely on the style of the bedroom and the artistic taste of the owners. That's why simple models filament curtains can be replaced with filament curtains with beads, sequins or feathers, which look very original, romantic and aesthetically pleasing.

For the bedroom windows of a married couple, you can intersperse beads or beads, crystals and other shiny elements into the filament curtains. The result is a calm and measured, enough interesting design that will appeal to all residents.

Filament curtains in the interior should be in harmony with colors and style of the room. Wide selection range of curtains easily solves this problem. With the help of thread curtains, you can make excellent, amazingly light, flowing, transparent. The right choice of color will help create a suitable entourage. It can be a secluded island of bliss, and a comfortable bed, filled with a mysterious shimmering light.

The filament curtains should be a real decoration, having iridescent bright colors, cheerful patterns. They can consist of beads and glass beads, as well as buttons and even pompoms - all for the pleasure of the baby, who will certainly not remain indifferent to such beauty. This design will fill the room with a cheerful atmosphere, and create good mood little owner.

For teenagers, filament curtains of calm pastel shades, which will easily and unobtrusively fit into any interior and emphasize the style and taste of its owner. In a teenager's room, you can also do zoning of the room with the help of filament curtains, dividing the play, study and sleeping areas with their help.

Filament curtains come in several varieties, thanks to which they can be used in various ways of decor.

Types of curtains


One of the types of filament curtains is muslin. This is a translucent, rare-woven cotton fabric with a special plain weave. Kisei can be colored, patterned, embroidered. Kisey filament curtains are made of synthetic threads of different thicknesses, decorated with interspersed lurex, glass beads or other small shiny elements. The denser top weave of these curtains makes it easy to attach them in such a way that they cascade beautifully, giving the room a chic bohemian look.

It's hard to take your eyes off these curtains. They simply attract with their beauty. Beads can be arranged evenly or randomly. Such models can be made independently, strung on ordinary filament curtains. decorative elements. Such curtains are usually used in eclectic styles where strict frames are not maintained. Such curtains look very organically in glamorous and ethnic styles. The light, refracting through the beads, creates beautiful highlights, and a light breath of wind turns the curtain into a real waterfall of reflections and light. Having chosen filament curtains with beads for the interior of the room, it should be remembered that such curtains cannot be used in the nursery, where Small child may accidentally break the beads and harm your health.

These curtains are familiar look flowing threads, but they are based on solid, strong materials. Similar ones look very impressive, they can be decorated with various decorative accessories, but they can also have a strict ascetic look.

To create such curtains, acetate fabric, polyester, viscose, lurex, as well as rhinestones and beads are most often used. rope curtains can take the form of curtains, as well as vertical blinds, which can be adjusted with a special mechanism. Such blinds look much more effective than conventional counterparts.

How to choose the most lucky color filament curtains? A positive result directly depends on the ability to harmoniously combine them with the overall color scheme of the room.

There are two ways to choose curtains:

  1. Curtains must exactly match the main color of the room, deviation can only be allowed within the same color.
  2. Curtains should be in contrast to the main color of the room.

When choosing curtains, you need to consider the style orientation and functional purpose this or that room, as curtains that are bought at random will look ridiculous.

For example, curtains more suitable for the southern room dark shades that will protect the room from bright sunlight. In the nursery, you can pick up bright, multi-colored curtains with interesting decorative elements.

A room decorated in style will be decorated with filament curtains of a single color, or consisting of solid materials with a metallic sheen. Classic interiors will decorate multi-level filament curtains, from which you can create a unique masterpiece, complemented by an original lambrequin.

Although the curtains look very fragile at first glance, in fact they do not require particularly complex maintenance. Many types of such curtains have a special coating that protects them from dust and dirt, so they have to be cleaned much less frequently than ordinary fabric counterparts.

If there is a need to wash filament curtains, there are several ways to restore their purity and beauty without sacrificing quality. The first and easiest way is to have your curtains dry-cleaned by professionals who will take good care of them. The second way is to machine wash them. In this case, the curtains must be carefully and tightly rolled up and fastened with ropes to avoid tangling during washing. This method is much more risky, and is fraught with the risk of damage to the product. Therefore, it is better to refuse it. The best option- gentle gentle washing of the product in a mild soapy solution, without wringing and twisting, so as not to damage the structure of the threads. If the curtains are made of beads, they can simply be wiped with a damp cloth, or given to dry cleaners.

  1. Filament curtains pass air well, at the same time perfectly shading the rooms. They can be easily moved to let light into the room.
  2. They fit perfectly into any style of interior, which makes them universal, thanks to which the range of application of this type of curtains expands significantly, as they feel great both on their own and in a duet with other design elements.
  3. Filament curtains go well with any other types of curtains, curtains and blinds.
  4. A wide range of curtains of all types and colors allows you to choose desired option for your window.
  5. Easily attached to any cornice, thanks to a denser upper edge or the presence of a fabric band.
  6. Filament curtains can be changed to your liking and even adjusted in length with a simple trim with scissors.
  7. Thread curtains are multifunctional. They can be used not only to decorate windows, but also for zoning a room, decorating walls.
  8. They are easy to care for, because they are very undemanding to washing, thanks to a special coating that protects the curtains from dust and dirt. Also, they do not need to be ironed, they always look great.
  9. There are an infinite number of possible ways to place filament curtains, which allows you to change the interior of the room at no extra cost.
  10. Filament curtains - new fashion trend in interior design, able to bring a touch of freshness and originality.

Small but very important details will allow you to complete the decoration of the window with the help of filament curtains, thanks to which they will have a finished look. Such details can be special tiebacks with tassels, beautiful hairpins, clothespins in the form of bouquets, pins and pendants.

When choosing the right option for decorating curtains, you need to consider style direction room interior and feature curtains. It is important to maintain a balance of design: bright curtains must have modest simple accessories, and laconic and strict curtains can be beautifully decorated with bright and spectacular hairpins. Hairpins, clothespins and other elements can be used in various ways, thanks to which the design of the window can be radically changed, changing the familiar environment.

Using filament curtains in the interior, you can always be sure that they will easily cope with all the functions entrusted to them, decorate the window opening, give the room a unique charm, a sense of magic and airiness. With their help, you can realize all your creative imagination, transforming the interior again and again, changing the location and methods of decorating windows.