Central heating riser: characteristics, installation requirements, material selection options and shutdown procedure. How to change the heating riser with your own hands How to replace the heating riser

23.06.2020 Accessories

Analyzing the legal side of the issue, we can conclude that the owners of individual apartments are not the owner of the heating risers, even if they are inside the premises.

Who and when should change/repair them?

Maintenance of the heating system provides for 2 types of repairs - current and capital.

  1. The first type includes work to eliminate small problems that do not require significant costs. They are held at the request of residents, as needed.
  2. Overhaul provides for general house measures to ensure the operability and safety of the entire system. The procedure for its implementation is stipulated in Chapter 15 of the RF LC. Replacing heating risers belongs to this type of repair. It is carried out according to the schedule, taking into account the regulatory deadlines, in the event of an emergency or to modernize the system.

The management company is responsible for carrying out planned overhaul and current repairs. She, of course, does not conduct it herself, but with the involvement of a specialized organization. Unscheduled events of this type are held by decision of the general meeting of residents. Further, the application is submitted to the management company, which ensures their implementation.

Read more about the types and costs of major and other types of repairs to heating systems in an apartment building.

How long is the service life of thermal communications according to GOST?

The arrangement of the heating system in the MKD is carried out taking into account the requirements. Its risers can be made of different materials, but must provide high reliability and durability. Any material has a certain service life, when the performance of pipes made from it is guaranteed. Based on this indicator, a schedule is drawn up for the overhaul of the MKD central heating system.

This parameter is set by the Departmental Building Code (BCH). For heating risers made of ferrous metal, according to VSN 58-88, the guaranteed service life is 20 years (Appendix 2 of VSN). When using galvanized pipes, it can increase up to 25 years. In real life, major repairs are carried out in 25-30 years.

Who pays for the repairs and upgrades?

All work related to the maintenance of the heating system is paid by the owner of the property, those. residents of MKD. However, they pay a monthly fee for the maintenance and repair of the house, and the standard is calculated taking into account the area occupied by each apartment owner. These payments should create an appropriate fund, from which a major overhaul of the heating system is planned (?).

Thus, tenants pay in advance for the replacement of risers, and when the work is due, no additional payments are made. The demands of the management company to pay for repairs are illegal. This provision is enshrined in Art. 290 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as Article 155 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Only in exceptional cases, when it is proposed to upgrade the system in order to increase its efficiency, the management company can apply for an additional fee. The decision on this is made by the general meeting of tenants, which has the right to refuse new payments.

It is important to consider one circumstance. If repair work has to be carried out through the fault of one of the tenants, when he committed an action that damaged the riser, or did not take measures to eliminate minor defects inside his apartment that led to the failure of the entire riser, then the culprit will have to pay for the repair in full.

How to do this for free through the Criminal Code or ZhEK?

The problem of replacing the heating riser can arise for many technical reasons. In this case, current repair is necessary.

This The question is regulated by the following documents:

  • rules for the maintenance of the MKD, adopted at the general meeting of residents;
  • norms and rules for the technical operation of the housing stock (SNiP and VSN);

If, according to the specified documents, the heating riser does not meet the requirements and creates a lot of problems, then homeowners have the right to demand a free replacement (on account of monthly payments). There is a certain procedure for this. First of all, a general meeting of tenants gathers, at which a decision is made on the need for an event. If it is not possible to convene a meeting, then a collective appeal is written.

Where to apply?

If the MKD is owned by residents, then the issue of major or current repairs is in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the management company, where the corresponding application is submitted. In the case of preservation of municipal property, the responsibility for carrying out repairs lies with the local executive power. You should contact the housing office in charge of this house.

Required documents

The following documents are attached to the application for repair:

  1. The act of inspection of the riser. To compile it, a plumber is called in, who determines the type and extent of damage.
  2. A certificate confirming the absence of arrears in payments for the maintenance of the house and payment for other utilities.
  3. Technical passport of the house.

Work on replacing the riser will affect the interests of the residents through whose apartments it passes. That is why the consent of all interested residents (with a collective appeal) is necessary. If there is a decision of the general meeting, then a separate consent is not required.

Drawing up an application

After identifying defects and examining damaged elements, an application is submitted to the head of the management company (ZHEK). It is written in free form, but should contain the following main points:

  • information about the owner of the property;
  • the reasons for the appeal, a description of the damage and confirmation of non-repairability;
  • the nature of the request (repair or replacement, scope of work).

The application is made in 2 copies. One of them is sent to the management company. The copy of the applicant is stamped with the date and a signature confirming receipt.

Timing of the procedure

The term for consideration of the application is regulated by clause 40 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491, the management company is given 5 days for this. It has the right to send its representatives to conduct its own inspection.

For this, usually, experienced specialists are involved, giving an expert opinion on the degree of damage, the causes and the culprit of its occurrence. After that, the term of the work is agreed upon, which satisfies both parties.

To carry out the work, the management company concludes an agreement with a specialized organization. An estimate of the cost of repairs is agreed with the owner of the housing, incl. for the purchase of materials, dismantling, installation and testing. For its part, the owner must ensure a free approach to the working area and normal working conditions. Control of execution remains with the management company.

When can they refuse, and how to force the housing and communal services to fulfill their duties?

The management company has the right to refuse to replace the heating riser free of charge in the following cases:

  • damage to the structure was due to the fault of the tenants;
  • the heating system has undergone independent intervention without making appropriate changes to the registration certificate;
  • serious violations in the operation of the heating system by the owner;
  • arrears in payment of operating expenses;
  • groundlessness of the claim to performance, confirmed by an independent expert;
  • the desire of the owner to carry out a radical reconstruction of the system.

It is important to consider that the operating company is obliged to provide replacement only in case of serious damage capable of causing an emergency, and also according to the schedule of overhauls after the end of the service life.

If the owner wants to replace the riser without proper reason, but only for the purpose of modernization, then the management company may require additional payment for more expensive materials and appliances. The company can also, based on the results of its own inspection, instead of replacing the riser, limit itself to its full repair, if this solves the problem.

Unreasonable refusal to free replacement the owner can challenge. He can file a complaint with the Housing Inspectorate or the courts. It is absolutely unacceptable to refuse with reference to finding damaged elements of the central heating system inside the apartment. It is illegal to require an additional payment to increase the cost of materials and services, if it is not agreed in advance with the owner.

What difficulties with the law can arise if you carry out the work yourself?

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not prohibit the tenants of the apartment from changing the risers located in their premises. However, according to Article 46 of the LCD, they are considered common property, and any changes without agreement are recognized as a violation of property rights. In practice, there will be no problems if the reliable operation of the system is ensured and no one has any complaints.

Everything changes when a defect is discovered on the installed pipe. Further, serious problems and punishments will appear:

  • the management company will refuse to repair the system with an unauthorized change;
  • when neighbors are flooded, the fault will completely fall on the citizen who allowed the unauthorized action.

The owner, represented by the management company, may require a new repair at the expense of the tenant. For example, in the event of unauthorized installation of a plastic riser, a demand for the return of a metal pipe may follow.

Responsibility in the event of an emergency

After a poor-quality replacement of the riser, serious consequences are possible:

  • shutdown of heat supply;
  • flood;
  • damage to structural elements of the house.

For repairs, the management company is responsible to the tenants, to which an invoice for damages is presented. She, in turn, must present claims to the organization performing the work. First, pre-trial proceedings are carried out, and if the perpetrator does not agree to compensation for damages, then a lawsuit is filed.

Everything that surrounds us, sooner or later fails. Everyone can face the situation when you need to replace the riser or, if it is leaking. Who to contact and, as well as about, in radiators,

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The riser of the heating system is called vertical pipes, through which the coolant is supplied and removed to the heating devices located one above the other in the premises in a multi-storey building. As a rule, the riser consists of two pipes, but in a single-pipe heating system, it can consist of one pipe. In the vast majority of apartment buildings, each room has its own riser. Sometimes, heating devices from two adjacent rooms are connected to one riser.

Installation of a heating riser: requirements and rules

It is also impossible to do without a heating riser in a private house, especially if it has several levels (for example, a heated basement, 2 floors and an attic).

Installation of a heating riser in an apartment building is carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85 "Internal sanitary systems", which regulates all work, including even the diameter of the holes for the passage of pipes through the floors of the floors, the distance from the riser to the heaters, connection methods pipes, etc.

Particular attention is paid to compensation for the elongation of pipes that occurs when they are heated. For this, pipe bends are made at the connection points of the apartment heating branches. It is important to take into account that the maximum allowable bending stress of a steel pipe should not exceed 80 MPa/cmg.

They place heating risers against the wall, openly or hidden, making special recesses in the wall for this or installing a decorative box. With a hidden location of the pipe, it is better to insulate with any heat-insulating material. For emergency shutdown, each riser is equipped with shutoff valves. A special valve is used to drain the water, and an air vent is installed to release the air.

Such high requirements for the installation of a heating riser are not accidental: it is he (or rather, the pipes forming it) that must withstand the coolant pressure, which ensures uniform distribution of heat throughout all apartments of a multi-storey building. Moreover, the more floors, the higher the pressure level in the pipes. Do not forget about hydraulic shocks, the main force of which falls precisely on the riser pipes.

It is for this reason that when designing a heating system, special attention is paid to the riser, calculating the diameter of the pipes and choosing the material for them, and during installation using only welded joints, the quality of which must correspond GOST requirements.

Who owns the heating tower?

This question is relevant only for apartment buildings.

The heating riser connects several apartments and is a common property. The cost of its maintenance is paid from the item of expenses of the rent for general house needs. This means that in the event of failure of this important part of the heating system, the management company will repair it: the apartment owners have already paid for the repair in advance.

No less important is the fact that none of the apartment owners has the right to change the riser on their own. If you want to improve the heating system, you can experiment within your own apartment, but you can do this only after the shut-off valves that cut off the common property from your heating devices.

If, nevertheless, the desire to make a pipe replacement is irresistible, you need to contact the management company and obtain the appropriate permit, including technical specifications and project documentation.

It is not recommended to simplify this issue, because the riser unites several apartments and any incorrectly performed work can lead to emergencies, the essence of which is the formation of a leak. Let me remind you that the management company is responsible for the integrity of the riser, and its employees are unlikely to be happy about the prospect of compensating for the cost of damage to the home property of the affected tenants during the breakthrough of the system and repair costs.

If you don’t want to be extreme, properly issue a replacement permit and only then proceed to work. To do this, indicate the reason why you decided to replace the pipes.

To change or not to change?

It should be noted that the reason for replacing the heating riser is most often a rework arranged by neighbors who made pipe inserts into an existing system. If lovers of alterations live on the floor below, and the heating system is working properly, you don’t have to worry: if it breaks, then it’s their fault.

Another thing is if the alteration is made on the top floor, and you have valuable property or a good repair in your apartment. In this case, it is better to contact the management company and demand the replacement of the heating riser.

Other causes are rare. A steel heating riser, unlike water pipes, is not subject to corrosion and can work without replacement for decades.

Another reason is the desire to replace supposedly “obsolete” steel with modern polypropylene. A laudable desire, but in apartment buildings for heating plastic pipes are used with great limitation. The reason is the deformation of the pipe during heating and the insufficient level of pressure for which they are designed.

Also, the reason for replacing the riser may be the reconstruction of the heating system within one apartment, which can practically be done only by changing the heating systems accordingly in all apartments located above and below.

If the riser is emergency

If the riser is emergency and you cannot do without replacing it, and besides, you want to do the work yourself, then first shut off the supply and return of this particular riser, and then drain the water. To do this, use the shut-off valves installed on each riser of a house that has more than three floors.

It is good if there are shutoff valves on the heating branches coming from the main pipes. In this case, it is enough to simply block it, and cut off the pipe sections with a grinder. Sections of the old pipeline are being dismantled.

If the riser is replaced in a private house, you can choose new pipes from modern materials, after checking their compliance with the technical characteristics of the heating system. If the replacement is made in an apartment building, pipes can only be changed to those indicated in the project. If it is steel, then you will have to re-install steel pipes, or make a new heating system project.

As mentioned earlier, the management company will not give the go-ahead to replace the pipe material, and before taking responsibility for the operation of the entire heating system at home, you need to think carefully.

The inside diameter of the new pipes must exactly match the inside diameter of the old pipes. When passing the pipe through the ceiling, special sleeves must be used to protect it from direct contact with concrete. The sleeve should be flush with the ceiling, but its opposite end should protrude 30 mm above the floor surface.

Pipe sections are connected by welding. After laying the main pipe, branches leading to the apartment are connected to it. Then the tightness of the system is checked, air is released and you can enjoy the heat in the apartment.

Over time, any heating system deteriorates and heats the room much worse. This is especially critical for old houses. In most of them, pipes and batteries are cast iron, in many places they have corroded and begin to leak. Or they clogged with salt deposits during operation and are not able to provide the necessary heat transfer and transfer in the required volume of coolant. It is in such conditions that the replacement of heating risers, pipes and radiators is required.

What is behind this?

However, not everything is as simple as it looks at first glance. Technically, replacing heating risers is quite simple. The question is - do you have the right to do this? And who will be responsible for the consequences. And there is one more problem - how the replacement of the heating riser in the apartment (your) will correlate with what the neighbors did (top and bottom).

In any case, it is rather difficult to find an unambiguous solution. Everything will depend on the specific management company (UK) and the locksmith, as well as your perseverance and determination to resist the raids of the UK. According to the current regulatory documents and regulations, in-house heating, which includes: risers, heating elements, shut-off and control equipment, belongs to common house property.

Therefore, you have already paid for its maintenance, including the replacement of heating pipes in the apartment, as part of monthly payments under the item “general house expenses”. This is where the main contradiction arises - you yourself do not have the right to do anything, and the Criminal Code will not do anything at its own expense. Any alteration, replacement of heating pipes is met with hostility, and in the best case, you will be asked to do it at your own expense.

True, there is one nuance. If there is a shut-off valve on the tap from the common house riser, then everything located behind it is already your property, if there is no such tap, then it is common house, and either the Criminal Code or the general meeting manages it. This is a rather complicated issue, and you may need to seek the help of a lawyer if, for example, it is relevant for you to replace heating pipes with polypropylene.

It is much easier to do this kind of work in your own home. In this case, there are no described difficulties, and you can redo the heating in a private house at any time, if you, of course, are the owner.

But how to do it?

But leaving aside the questions of who should do what and what to be responsible for, we will consider purely technically how, for example, you can change old pipes for plastic ones. This will allow you to remove worn-out and clogged pipes by installing new ones, and thus help to solve the problem of how to increase the heat transfer of the heating pipe - due to the passage of more coolant.

In this case, what is at your neighbors will be critical for the performance of work. If the neighbors from above have already changed the metal pipe of the riser to polypropylene, then you need to install the same one.

It is best if you manage to agree with them on the possibility of connecting to their junction. In this case, you are dismantling the heating in the apartment, i.e. cut out all the old pipes, cut out an adapter from plastic to metal from a neighbor, determine in place the desired length of pipes that need to be laid. Then a metal piece is pulled out of the ceiling, a propylene pipe is inserted in its place and soldered through the propylene sleeve to the neighbors' one.

In those cases, if the neighbors have metal left, and they do not allow to make a joint at home in order to pass the ceiling, then you will have to cut your pipe under the ceiling, and cut the thread on its remains. A transition sleeve for polypropylene is placed on it, but the corresponding pipe is already connected to it.

If you want the replacement of heating in the apartment to be complete, i.e. If you plan to replace radiators, then you need to start work with them.

There are quite a lot of them, and of various types, but regardless of this, there are general rules, the implementation of which will allow you to get a good result:

  • all radiators in the apartment must be located in the same way, on the same level;
  • the battery must be located strictly vertically;
  • its top should be five cm below the windowsill and six cm above the floor;
  • when mounting a radiator, one mounting bracket must fall on one square meter of its surface;
  • the front surface of the battery should protrude beyond the edge of the window sill.

What else can be done to improve the heating in the apartment?

If you set yourself the task of how to improve the heating in the apartment, then perhaps the listed measures will not be enough for this. In many cases, a good result can be achieved by ordinary window insulation, which reduces heat loss. A heat-reflecting film located on the wall behind the radiator can also be useful. Together with the fact that the heating will be replaced (pipes and clogged radiators), such measures will ensure the influx of additional heat into the apartment.

In those cases when you want to be completely independent and not depend on the timing of the start-up of central heating, you should think about how to convert the heating in the apartment to individual. This task is far from simple, but if you have a gas water heater installed, then it is quite possible that you will be able to get permission to turn off the central heating and install your own gas boiler.

Of course, this will require significant financial costs and lengthy coordination, which will not necessarily be successful. But replacing the heating system (central with individual) will allow you to adjust the temperature in the apartment according to your needs, as well as the ability to turn on the heating at any time you need.

In many cases, especially in old houses, the heating has been running for many years, and sometimes the pipes become clogged with salt deposits, and even begin to leak due to corrosion. One of the measures to improve the heating in the apartment is the replacement of pipes, risers and radiators.


Replacing risers in an apartment building: at whose expense?

Owners of real estate in an apartment building can no longer do without an installed sewerage system, plumbing and heating system. Only any communications periodically need to be repaired.

Even a non-professional will be able to make internal piping, but he is unlikely to be able to replace communications on the riser.

At whose expense is the replacement of risers in an apartment building

Many people ask themselves: who should pay for the replacement of risers in each individual apartment? People still continue to argue about this, but they can not come to a consensus. Only lawyers can solve this riddle. However, to begin with, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all kinds of discussed versions.

Some believe that all tenants are required to pay equally for the replacement of the riser. According to another version, only those citizens who express a desire for a replacement should pay for it.

There is also an assumption that the developer must carry out these repairs. In this case, people would not have to pay for anything at all. So which of the judgments is correct?

There can be only one answer: the housing maintenance office should carry out the replacement of risers for apartments at its own expense, without involving citizens in this. This judgment has a legal basis.

As for the water supply or sewerage system in multi-storey buildings, these are public facilities, although they are related to each property owner individually. This statement is enshrined in law, it is enough just to read Art. 290, 292 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 5 of Art. 36 and Art. 155 ZhK RF. And after all everyone is ready to pay for this service from own pocket.

Monthly, in receipts for rent, you can find the amount that is collected from citizens for the maintenance and repair of the same risers and pipes. Therefore, when an unexpected breakthrough or other emergency occurs, the housing office must urgently replace it. ZhEK does not have the right to demand money from people, since they paid everything in advance, and maybe even for several years in advance.

If a refusal is received, it should be requested in writing. Now, having in hand a document in which the housing office refuses to replace the risers, you can go to court. True, you will probably have to wait more than one year until the court makes a decision. In this case, there are only two options.

First, you can wait for a serious accident, as a result of which the entire entrance will be flooded, and the repair team will have to do their job. Although in some cases, housing office workers simply weld up a problematic place, instead of replacing the riser completely.

Secondly, you can organize a general meeting of apartment owners and resolve the issue of high-quality replacement of pipes, but at your own expense. You will have to pay 3-5 thousand rubles from each apartment. In addition, you can solve the issue with piping, which is missing in the bathroom.

The procedure for replacing risers in an apartment building

Risers are installed in each house:

  • heating system;
  • sewer;
  • for supplying hot and cold water to the apartment.

Replacement of each of them must be done in a certain sequence. The following list of works is expected:

  • overlap of the repaired riser. In any case, if it comes to pipes for supplying water, then you still need to wait until the remaining liquid drains through the system. If we are talking about replacing the sewer riser, then you need to warn all the residents of the house so that no one drains the water at this moment, and shut off its supply;
  • removal of old pipes, dismantling. It should be agreed with the management company to involve professional locksmiths, since the old pipes will have to be removed from the interfloor ceiling. This is a very time-consuming procedure, especially if the pipes were made of cast iron;
  • installation of new pipes. At this point, you need to open the water and check the process of water supply for leakage.

The most optimal option is the simultaneous replacement of communications throughout the house. This will avoid in the future possible leaks and emergencies that may arise after the installation of a new riser in only one particular apartment.

Although the principle of work on replacing communication systems is the same everywhere, there are still some features.

At the time of replacing the heating riser, it is necessary:

  • notify the management company about the need to turn off the heat supply. Without certain knowledge regarding the location of the valve itself, you will not be able to block the riser;
  • when connecting batteries, you need to think about installing shut-off valves, so that in the event of a leak, you will not have to shut off the heat supply throughout the house;
  • when replacing pipes, one should not resort to extreme measures and narrow their diameter, otherwise a breakthrough may occur, given a certain pressure in the central heating system.

To replace the water riser, the correct type of pipe is of particular importance. There is a difference between the supply of cold and hot water, since in the second case there is a need to install reinforced plastic pipes. They will not deform at high temperatures.

The procedure for replacing pipes is best done throughout the house, but if the neighbors do not want to do this, then the master must cut off the old pipe in the apartment in front of the ceilings, upper and lower. Next, special fittings are installed.

When replacing the entire riser, it must be ensured that the dismantling is carried out starting from the apartment on the top floor. However, the installation of a new riser definitely starts from the bottom.

In the event that the neighbors are in no hurry to replace the riser, you can simply cut off the pipe at the floor and ceiling, and then install a branch, which is installed in the remains of the old pipe.

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At whose expense is the replacement of risers in the apartment

This question often arises among apartment owners, however, the answers to it among practitioners are ambiguous. On multiple Internet sites, users are trying to find a definite answer, although it practically lies on the surface.

One group of people believes that payment should be made at the expense of tenants, others talk about payment by persons who express their desire on their own, others say that the replacement is carried out at the expense of developers, optimists - about free provision. In this article we will try to find the truth.

Replacement of risers in the apartment: at whose expense

It is carried out at the expense of the housing office. This statement has a legal basis. Water supply, sewerage, electricity are objects of common ownership. This property is owned by all the owners of the dwelling (if we are talking about multi-storey buildings).

These provisions are enshrined in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, such as the Land Code and the LCD. And the owners pay for it. Every month, the housing office enters into the rent an amount that goes to the operation of pipes and risers.

In case of accidents, when risers break through, the ZhEK is obliged to respond to these situations. ZhEK has no right to take money from residents in such cases. If they refuse to make repairs, it is necessary to demand a written refusal from them. This provides a direct opportunity to apply to the judiciary. And, most likely, the court will take the side of the plaintiff.

To our deep regret, today's reality is a little different: the application will be accepted, considered and, most likely, the persons will be placed in a queue in which you can stand for several years.

And here there are several solutions:

  • Wait until an accident occurs, as a result of which the entire entrance will flood, and only after that the housing office will take measures to repair (there were cases when even in these situations, the repairmen carried out partial repairs, after which the “new” riser functioned for a maximum of a year);
  • organize a meeting of tenants and agree on a paid replacement at it (of course, at your own expense, as a rule, its cost varies from 3 to 5 thousand rubles).

How to replace risers in an apartment

Initially, you need to contact the Criminal Code and provide an application for a change of risers. Individuals must indicate in the application a convincing justification for the replacement, as well as provide evidence (for example, photographs or an expert opinion).

The application is drawn up in two copies, the first of them is given to the accounting department or the division that accepts applications, the next copy serves as evidence that the application has been accepted, therefore it must be signed by the person who accepted it.

In cases where the application is drawn up correctly and the facts indicated in it are legal, the housing office is obliged to carry out the appropriate work in the near future. Otherwise, the person will receive a refusal paper with explanations on what grounds the application was withdrawn.

If a person does not agree with the refusal, he should draw up an appeal to the prosecutor's office with all the documents in the hands of the applicant. It is also not prohibited to replace risers for homeowners without obtaining the appropriate permission. The person also has the right to take the initiative to replace the risers.

The sequence of steps for replacing risers is explained in the following instructions:

  • Writing an application to the housing office, in which the person expresses his desire to carry out such a replacement in his home. It is also necessary to indicate in it how the replacement will be made: with your own hands or with the help of another company. In such cases, the housing office issues permission to carry out this work and indicates the date and time period during which replacement can be carried out. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that disconnecting risers is an expensive service, and the amount of money is credited to the account of the management company.
  • It is necessary to prepare a set of tools and materials in advance, in which case the work will be accelerated. By the beginning of work, a complete set of tools should be ready. It is also necessary to gain access to the neighbors living above and below in order to organize the work.

  • carry out the transfer of risers and modify them;
  • block them with static structures (gaining access to the riser is carried out along its entire length);
  • operate small plumbing hatches that are not convenient during operation.

Material selection

The choice of a specific type of material can be agreed with the employees of the housing office - this will be the most optimal way. It is not recommended to buy material at will. In this case, it may cause material loss or force majeure. In no case, you should not independently carry out the replacement, it is best to carry it out in the housing office.

Required tools:

  • materials for cutting pipes;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • perforator;
  • piece of polyethylene;
  • Grinder;
  • gloves and goggles;
  • level.


At the very beginning, it is necessary to dismantle the obsolete pipe, eliminate all its remnants. Next, using a grinder, the pipe is cleaned. Special cuffs are installed on the upper and lower parts of the pipe.

Connection boundaries are lubricated with silicone. Clamps are collected in order to fasten the pipe elements. Next, the pipe is assembled, and then the functioning of the entire structure is restored. After the riser is started and the tightness of the pipe is checked.

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Who should change the risers in a privatized apartment - sewer, heating

Responsibilities for replacing risers in a privatized apartment

The newly minted owner of an apartment sometimes does not even suspect how many problems he will now have to solve. And one of them, who now owns the responsibility for replacing risers in a privatized apartment? After all, along with the living space, communications, including common house ones, also become the property.

Pipe replacement

All those communications that are located inside the apartment and which can only be used by its owner and residents do not raise questions about their ownership. This is private property. And the owner can do with them whatever he sees fit. Of course, if this does not lead to the fact that the property of his neighbors or their other rights and interests will suffer.

The owner of the apartment has the right:

  • replace old metal pipes with more modern ones;
  • put new mixers, counters;
  • increase or decrease the amount of plumbing;
  • change batteries, etc.

He does all this of his own free will and at his own expense. This does not cause surprise or doubt about the legitimacy of such actions. Ownership includes the possibility of such changes and improvements.

But when it comes to replacing risers, that is, those thick pipes that connect all floors and apartments into a single whole, opinions differ.

Residents believe that the management company is responsible for the common property, and they say that since this is the common property of apartment owners, everything related to replacing or repairing pipes is their responsibility. Let's try to figure out who is right.

Who should change risers in a privatized apartment

It is worth remembering that in addition to the right of ownership, there is also the so-called burden of the owner, which consists in the need to maintain their property in good condition and pay for its maintenance.

Including for:

  • water;
  • sewerage;
  • other benefits of civilization.

And here the question arises, who owns those pipes and their branches, which are no longer inside each private apartment, but connect it with utilities that supply water, heat and light to the building itself?

They, as it turns out, refer to common property belonging to all owners. That is, those pipes that are in the apartment are personal, and the risers are common.


The legislation confirms this. The government in 2006 approved the Rules concerning the maintenance of common house property.

They list what exactly relates to property recognized as common:

  1. Equipment serving more than one apartment.
  2. Drainage system (i.e. sewerage), etc.

But confirmation of the fact that all pipes, including water, heating, gas and sewer pipes, are the property of the residents of the house, does not answer the question, who should change the risers in a privatized apartment? The same document refers to such a concept as repair (current and capital).

The definition of current repairs, given in the Rules for the technical operation of the housing stock, includes such positions with respect to all pipelines inside a residential building, such as:

  • installation;
  • replacement;
  • restoration of performance.

How is the privatization of dilapidated housing going in 2015? Read here.

Owner Responsibilities

According to the Rules, decision-making on the need for current and even more overhaul lies with all owners.

The owners of apartments and common property are obliged to:

  • ensure the normal technical condition of common house communications;
  • decide on their repair if the need arises.

But the owners themselves can only repair the equipment that directly serves their apartment. Because it is their private property. And for the repair of common property, they transfer part of their duties to the management company, which solves all technical problems for them.

This contract is gratuitous, that is, it implies the payment of a certain amount monthly. Its introduction is also the responsibility of the owner of the apartment. In return, he receives maintenance of the entire common house economy.

Duties of the Housing Office

The performance of all repair work required to maintain the risers of water supply, sewerage, heating and others in good technical condition is the responsibility of the housing office. Or another company with which the corresponding contract was concluded.

The basis for the work will be:

  • plan for their implementation;
  • an act indicating that any part of the riser needs to be repaired to prevent an emergency;
  • leakage or other failure.

You can apply to the housing office with a statement, which they are obliged to consider and give a reasoned answer.

At whose expense

All attempts to force residents to contact private offices or pay additional funds for the repair of risers are illegal. Since these works are already being carried out at the expense of homeowners.

Every month, in notices for paying utility bills, you can see the line “maintenance and repair of housing”. The amount in it depends on the footage of the apartment and the number of residents.

According to the norms of MDK 2-04.2004, there are two lists of works that are included in the rent. This includes:

  • maintenance of various common property;
  • technical and other maintenance of communications;
  • emergency work;
  • Maintenance.

That is, all work on replacement, maintenance and repair is already included in the already rather big rent.

Therefore, the housing office must change the sewer riser in a privatized apartment absolutely free of charge. Already paid for it.

An exception is the case when repairs are required as a result of unauthorized repairs or any structural changes to common house communications by one of the owners of the apartments. And if neighbors suffered as a result of such interference, then they will have to compensate for the damage.

Are you filing an application to the court for forced resettlement and privatization of an apartment? You will find this article helpful.

How is the inheritance of a privatized apartment according to the law? See here.

Frequently asked Questions

Consider the questions that are often asked by the owners of privatized apartments.

Replacing the sewer riser

Since the risers located outside the apartments and connecting several of them are common property, the replacement is handled by the management company (HOA, housing office, housing department, etc.). At the expense of those funds that come as part of the rent for "maintenance and repair of the common property of the house."

Any attempt to force people to pay for these works additionally will be illegal.

When trying to reject the requirement to replace the riser to defend your position, you should refer to the regulatory documents:

  • rules for maintaining the common property of an apartment building;
  • guidelines MDK 2-04.2004.

As proof of the fulfillment of their obligations to pay utility bills on time, copies of the payment receipt can be attached to the application for repair work.

Replacement of pipes in privatized housing

It all depends on where these pipes are located and how many apartments they serve. All pipes that are inside the apartment are changed at the expense of the owner. Both specialists of the Criminal Code and other persons can perform work on the basis of a civil law contract.

It refers to:

  • pipes for water supply, sewerage, heating;
  • counters, faucets and plumbing, which are in sole use.

All common building communications are maintained by the management company at the expense of the apartment owners. The current repair also includes the replacement of pipes in case of their poor technical condition.

On the video about the responsibilities of the management company

Based on site materials: http://77metrov.ru

Replacing risers in an apartment: legal aspect and step-by-step instructions

When we move into a new apartment, we will never see rusty and dilapidated pipes there. If you wish, you can create design masterpieces without thinking about replacing the risers in the house. When the apartment is already over thirty, you can’t get off with cosmetic repairs. Often in such houses the water supply and sewerage systems fail, pipes and risers leak. Buying new plumbing fixtures will not solve the problem. Even the installation of a pipeline made of modern materials inside the dwelling does not always help. Need to replace the risers in the apartment. Perhaps the root of evil is there.

Riser change: legal aspect

The riser is the common property of the managing organization (ZHEK, ZHEU, etc.). An agreement is drawn up with this organization. Let's highlight the main points in a typical document.

1. The tenant (that is, we, mere mortals) is obliged to carry out current repairs in the occupied premises (at our own expense):

  • whitewash, paint or paste walls, ceilings;
  • paint floors, doors, window sills, window frames;
  • paint radiators;
  • change windows and doors;
  • repair intra-apartment engineering networks (heating, hot and cold water supply, electrical wiring, gas supply).

2. The landlord (the one to whom we pay for the apartment) is obliged:

  • participate in the worthy maintenance and repair of the common property of an apartment building;
  • carry out a major renovation of the premises.

If the Landlord fails to perform these obligations or performs them improperly, the Tenant shall have the right, at its option, to demand:

  • reduce rent for an apartment (corresponding utility bills);
  • reimburse their expenses for the repair of common property in an apartment building, elimination of shortcomings in a residential building;
  • compensate for losses incurred due to improper performance or non-performance by the lessor of his obligations.

Thus, the replacement of risers in a municipal apartment, as well as in the premises of an apartment building, should be carried out by the managing organization at no additional charge.

Pipes need to be dealt with separately. Everything that goes from the riser to the first shut-off valve is the common property of the managing organization. If there is no locking device up to the mixer itself, then this area is also common property. Everything after the valve is repaired by the tenant for his hard-earned money.

Another point: if the house is not the property of the housing department, then the repair of common property is paid for by all residents.

Replacing riser pipes in an apartment

The risers of hot and cold water supply, heating and sewerage can be changed. Step by step, the work will look like this:

1. Dismantling of old risers.

2. Installation of new pipes for heating, sewerage or hot water.

3. Connection to the wiring, control over the operation.

Let's look at the systems separately, how the replacement of risers in an apartment building is carried out.

Heating riser replacement

Ideally, you need to change the entire span. Neighbors also need to do repairs. In practice, it turns out differently. Perhaps the neighbors have already replaced the riser and pipes of the heating system. Or they do not need it, and so everything is fine. We are already on the spot, depending on the situation.

Stages of replacing the heating riser:

1. Shut off the system and release water from it (this can only be done through the housing department). If the replacement of the heating riser is not a necessity, but only a whim of the owner, then all work will be paid.

2. Cut out old pipes with a grinder, carefully pull them out of the floor slabs.

3. Mark the area where the new heating radiators will be located.

4. Set the battery level, screw it with a perforator.

5. After installing the battery, pipes are connected. The top and bottom of the radiator should go to the neighbors.

6. Install a jumper and run water into the riser.

The jumper will help block a certain section of the system in case of leakage. The rest of the network will continue to work.

Replacement of water risers

As a rule, cast-iron pipes are changed to polypropylene. And this replacement is justified. Benefits of the new material:

  • resistant to corrosion;
  • has an ideal smoothness of the inner surface, so that limescale does not accumulate;
  • characterized by high strength and environmental safety.

If hot water pipes change, then you need to look for options that are resistant to high temperatures.

Preparatory work:

  • drawing up a diagram where the wiring to the bathroom, toilet and kitchen will be marked;
  • calculation and purchase of materials.

Stages of work:

1. Settlement of all issues with the managing organization and neighbors.

2. Dismantling of the old water supply system.

3. Marking areas for clips, which are used to fasten pipes to the wall at the place of wiring.

4. Cutting new pipes. Cleaning the soldering spots, treating them with alcohol.

5. Preparation of the welding machine. For welding polypropylene, a Teflon nozzle is used. The required temperature is two hundred and fifty degrees.

6. A pipe and a fitting are simultaneously put on the heated apparatus. They are scrolled to the full depth of the nozzles.

7. When the elements are heated, they must be removed and connected.

Even before heating the pipe and fitting, marks must be made on these parts. To what point the connection will be made.

8. To solder your own riser with a neighbor's, a special coupling is used. If the neighbors have metal pipes, then an adapter coupling is used.

With the help of soldering, the entire system is assembled, water is connected and the tightness is checked.

Replacement of sewer risers

It is better not to mess with sewer risers at all. This pipe is big and heavy. If suddenly it falls down, it will break the neighboring or basement system. An emergency situation will be created, which will have to be eliminated at your own expense. Therefore, it is best to go to the management organization and get the replacement of the sewer riser.

Schematically, the work of plumbers can be represented as follows:

1. Dismantling the old system. Punch holes in the ceilings and pull out the pipe.

2. Installation of a new riser. Start from the bottom. One pipe is inserted into another using a rubber ring.

3. The top point of the pipe goes, as a rule, to the attic, or goes into the sewer fan riser.

If the neighbors from above do not change the riser, then the new pipe is simply inserted into their old one.


Material selection

During the construction and overhaul of apartment buildings, heating risers are often mounted from reinforced polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes.

How justified is this choice of material?

  • The installation itself is greatly simplified. It is performed without the use of welding in the shortest possible time.
  • Pipes are easily bent by hand: you can make a bypass or bend on the spot.
  • Pipes and fittings are light: lifting the necessary materials to the fifth floor will not take you much effort.

It would seem that everything speaks in favor of modern materials. It wasn't there.

Attention: if you want to create a minimum of problems for yourself in the future, use only and exclusively galvanized water and gas pipes for the installation of risers and connections to the valves.

Why? After all, the normal mode of operation of the heating system with a margin fits into the parameters declared for the same polypropylene?

You see, no one canceled the human factor. As soon as the locksmith forgets to close the inlet valves during the density tests of the heating main, the pressure in the risers will turn out to be not 4-5 atmospheres, but 10-12.

It is enough to open the house valves when starting the heating quickly - and the result will be a water hammer, in which a short-term pressure surge is possible and even up to 15-20 kgf / cm2.

What about annual temperature tests? Remember those few days in the spring when the batteries are hot? Working in the limit mode reduces the resource of plastics, and very much.

So, the choice is made. To replace the heating risers, we need a galvanized pipe DU20; we will make connections to heating devices with it. What will be required besides a few meters of pipe?

The answer depends on whether you have welding and related skills at your disposal. Please note: you need to be able to weld sealed seams, and with a mirror.

By the way, gas welding in problematic conditions is somewhat easier to work with.

  • If there is welding, welds are needed - long and short threads, to which radiators and valves will be attached.
    In addition, you will need three locknuts for each radiator; three drives - one for the eyeliners and the jumper; three valves DU20.

The valves will be in different positions or block the flow of water through the jumper, directing the entire volume of water to the heater; or, conversely, limit the permeability of the battery when the jumper is fully open.

Useful: valves are only and exclusively modern ball valves. It is better to completely forget about the existence of screw valves.
As an option, a choke or a thermal head can be installed on one of the connections.

  • When assembling by hand, you will have to arm yourself with a die with a holder and an impeller with a cutting wheel for steel. All straight pipe sections with threads will be fabricated on site.
    In addition, you will need the entire set of parts listed above; two tees (cast iron or brass) and two couplings. Threading, of course, will have to be done in a vise.

Getting Started

Riser reset

How to turn off the heating riser?

In houses with a lower filling, the risers are connected in pairs. You will have to find out which particular riser you are interested in is connected with. The easiest way to do this is to go up to the apartment on the top floor and look at the location of the jumper.

Top filling means you have to turn off one valve each in the basement and in the attic.

How to find the right valves? Focus on the entrances - in the basement flights of stairs are always visible. After the desired entrance is found, calculating the position of the valve you need is a simple matter.

Both valves are closed; then the plugs are unscrewed or the vents are opened. Wait until the water drains to make sure that the valves are fully functional. It is done.

Important: turning off the riser during the heating season is only permissible if you have access to the upper apartment. If it is non-residential, you simply cannot start heating by bleeding air.

Dismantling the old riser

The easiest way to disconnect heaters is to cut the connection to them with a turbine. Then the lock nuts are given, after which the cut of the eyeliner is unscrewed from the radiator plug.

Where to cut the riser itself?

The choice of location is influenced by two factors:

  1. Your relations with neighbors from above and below. It makes sense to change heating risers through ceilings: as experience shows, corrosion destroys the pipe most quickly inside the concrete.
  2. Convenience of further work. You need to cut the pipe in the place where you can cut threads on it or weld the finished one. Preferably not too close to the floor and wall.


An experienced welder, I think, does not need to suggest a procedure; but threading by hand may well be unusual for the reader.

What to pay attention to?

  • A chamfer is removed from the pipe with a file or impeller - an entry is made for a die.
  • The holder with a die is put on the pipe with a long side. This is necessary so that the die enters the pipe strictly perpendicular to its axis.
  • Short threads are cut on the riser - no more than five threads.
  • When the die comes to the edge of the pipe, you need to press the holder with the maximum effort available to you.
  • The riser itself, after the first thread is cut, must be adhered to with a gas wrench. The force is applied in such a direction as to compensate for the torque from the die. Otherwise, the situation is quite real when you tear off the thread from the radiator up or down the riser.

Nuance: the exception is convectors installed for welding. You will not tear off the pipe welded to the convector; the riser when cutting the thread does not need to be held.

Long threads are cut on the connections to the radiator (radiator plugs and locknuts will have to be driven along them) and on the drive in the jumper. When cutting, a piece of pipe is fixed in a vice - so as not to jam or deform already cut threads.


Pipes cut in place with short threads cut on both sides are passed through the ceilings and connected with the threads on the riser by couplings. Winding - sanitary flax with paint or silicone sealant; polymeric thread (for example, Tangit Unilok) also gives excellent results.

In the second case, the cost of winding is much higher; however, for one-time work, you can also go broke on packaging.

Then tees are screwed onto the threads. The distance between the internal threads oriented towards the heater should be exactly 50 centimeters along their axes: otherwise you will have to mount the liner tightly.

In addition to the fact that if the locknuts are skewed, it will be difficult to seal, the inclined eyeliner looks simply sloppy.

The next ones are screwed into the valve tees - with male-female threads or female-female threads with short branch pipes.

Long drives are screwed into the valves that cut off the radiator - pipes with a short thread at one end and a long one at the other. On them, you can immediately drive the lock nut all the way (with the flat side to the radiator) and the radiator plug.

The jumper is mounted in the same way as any squeegee: a long thread with a lock nut screwed up to the stop is screwed into the tee; then the short thread, combined with the thread of the valve, is wound up and screwed into it, while the long thread is turned out of the tee by the length of the short one; then the lock nut is wound up and clamped.

The radiator is connected last. It is hung on brackets so that the axes of the threads for the plugs coincide with the axes of the connections. Then pre-rolled corks are driven into it; after them, the operation is repeated with locknuts.

Riser start

We have already, in general, completed the replacement of the heating riser in the apartment. There was a mere trifle left: to test the assembled structure under pressure and start the riser, resuming circulation in it.

Let's start with tests.

At this stage, it is desirable to have an assistant who, in the event of a leak, will be able to inform you about this by mobile phone or in the simplest way - by knocking on the riser.

  1. Open the valve on the jumper and close both valves leading to the radiator. This will limit the number of threads under pressure during the test run.
  2. We screw in the plugs or close the vents in the basement.
  3. We slightly open the valve on the riser we replaced.

Important: if screw valves are installed on the risers, the valve that is installed with the arrow in the direction from the filling to the apartments opens. The instruction is connected with the device of this type of shut-off valves: by opening the opposite valve, you will most likely tear the valve off the stem.

  1. As soon as the water stops making noise in the ajar valve, the pressure in the risers and bottling can be considered equalized. Both valves on double risers (in the case of top filling - in the basement and in the attic) open completely.
  2. Then - a visual inspection: returning to the apartment, we open the valve on the liner (also slowly, allowing the radiator to fill with water without water hammer) and carefully examine all the threads for leaks.

Now it remains only to bleed the air, resuming circulation.

How to do it?

  1. In houses with a lower bottling in an apartment on the top floor, a Mayevsky tap opens on a jumper between the risers. When water comes out of the tap, do not rush to leave: air bubbles can linger in the radiators and end up near the air vent with some delay.
    Definitely, only the heating of the riser speaks of renewed circulation.
  1. Top filling does not require any active actions from you: the air lock will be forced out into the expansion tank in the attic.
    However, if its volume is small, it is better not to be lazy and open the air vent at the top of the tank.

A special case

What can be done if for some reason (absence of residents of the upper floor, etc.) it was not possible to bleed the air?

Not always, but in most cases, circulation can be resumed by overtaking the riser for discharge. Experienced locksmiths often do this with plugs; much easier, more convenient and safer, however, when vents are installed instead - ball or screw valves.

The algorithm of actions is simple: a valve opens on one riser, and a relief valve on the second. Most of the air is carried out at the water front. If the circulation has not resumed, you can repeat the distillation of the riser in the opposite direction.

The method always turns out to be effective if convectors are installed as heating devices in the house. Aluminum and bimetallic radiators, thanks to narrow internal channels, are also usually bypassed without problems; but cast-iron radiators often delay air congestion.

Read more…

Mass gasification, begun in the USSR in the mid-60s of the last century, made it possible for owners of private farmsteads to change the way they heat their homes. For this, the country's industry produced gas boilers, which had the designation AGV common to all models.

Over time, any heating system deteriorates and heats the room much worse. This is especially critical for old houses. In most of them, pipes and batteries are cast iron, in many places they have corroded and begin to leak. Or they clogged with salt deposits during operation and are not able to provide the necessary heat transfer and transfer in the required volume of coolant. It is in such conditions that the replacement of heating risers, pipes and radiators is required.

What is behind this?

However, not everything is as simple as it looks at first glance. Technically, replacing heating risers is quite simple. The question is - do you have the right to do this? And who will be responsible for the consequences. And there is one more problem - how the replacement of the heating riser in the apartment (your) will correlate with what the neighbors did (top and bottom).

In any case, it is rather difficult to find an unambiguous solution. Everything will depend on the specific management company (UK) and the locksmith, as well as your perseverance and determination to resist the raids of the UK. According to the current regulatory documents and regulations, in-house heating, which includes: risers, heating elements, shut-off and control equipment, belongs to common house property.

Therefore, you have already paid for its maintenance, including the replacement of heating pipes in the apartment, as part of monthly payments under the item “general house expenses”. This is where the main contradiction arises - you yourself do not have the right to do anything, and the Criminal Code will not do anything at its own expense. Any alteration, replacement of heating pipes is met with hostility, and in the best case, you will be asked to do it at your own expense.

True, there is one nuance. If there is a shut-off valve on the tap from the common house riser, then everything located behind it is already your property, if there is no such tap, then it is common house, and either the Criminal Code or the general meeting manages it. This is a rather complicated issue, and you may need to seek the help of a lawyer if, for example, it is relevant for you to replace heating pipes with polypropylene.

It is much easier to do this kind of work in your own home. In this case, there are no described difficulties, and you can redo the heating in a private house at any time, if you, of course, are the owner.

But how to do it?

But leaving aside the questions of who should do what and what to be responsible for, we will consider purely technically how, for example, you can change old pipes for plastic ones. This will allow you to remove worn-out and clogged pipes by installing new ones, and thus help to solve the problem of how to increase the heat transfer of the heating pipe - due to the passage of more coolant.

In this case, what is at your neighbors will be critical for the performance of work. If the neighbors from above have already changed the metal pipe of the riser to polypropylene, then you need to install the same one.

It is best if you manage to agree with them on the possibility of connecting to their junction. In this case, you are dismantling the heating in the apartment, i.e. cut out all the old pipes, cut out an adapter from plastic to metal from a neighbor, determine in place the desired length of pipes that need to be laid. Then a metal piece is pulled out of the ceiling, a propylene pipe is inserted in its place and soldered through the propylene sleeve to the neighbors' one.

In those cases, if the neighbors have metal left, and they do not allow to make a joint at home in order to pass the ceiling, then you will have to cut your pipe under the ceiling, and cut the thread on its remains. A transition sleeve for polypropylene is placed on it, but the corresponding pipe is already connected to it.

If you want the replacement of heating in the apartment to be complete, i.e. If you plan to replace radiators, then you need to start work with them.

There are quite a lot of them, and of various types, but regardless of this, there are general rules, the implementation of which will allow you to get a good result:

  • all radiators in the apartment must be located in the same way, on the same level;
  • the battery must be located strictly vertically;
  • its top should be five cm below the windowsill and six cm above the floor;
  • when mounting a radiator, one mounting bracket must fall on one square meter of its surface;
  • the front surface of the battery should protrude beyond the edge of the window sill.

What else can be done to improve the heating in the apartment?

If you set yourself the task of how to improve the heating in the apartment, then perhaps the listed measures will not be enough for this. In many cases, a good result can be achieved by ordinary window insulation, which reduces heat loss. A heat-reflecting film located on the wall behind the radiator can also be useful. Together with the fact that the heating will be replaced (pipes and clogged radiators), such measures will ensure the influx of additional heat into the apartment.

In those cases when you want to be completely independent and not depend on the timing of the start-up of central heating, you should think about how to convert the heating in the apartment to individual. This task is far from simple, but if you have a gas water heater installed, then it is quite possible that you will be able to get permission to turn off the central heating and install your own gas boiler.

Of course, this will require significant financial costs and lengthy coordination, which will not necessarily be successful. But replacing the heating system (central with individual) will allow you to adjust the temperature in the apartment according to your needs, as well as the ability to turn on the heating at any time you need.

In many cases, especially in old houses, the heating has been running for many years, and sometimes the pipes become clogged with salt deposits, and even begin to leak due to corrosion. One of the measures to improve the heating in the apartment is the replacement of pipes, risers and radiators.

There are no eternal communications, the service life of heating risers is also exhausted. To replace them, you should find out what they are, how and for what they are used. New materials are constantly appearing on the construction market - easier to install, wear-resistant and reliable. How to choose and replace the heating riser yourself?

Heating riser in the apartment

What is a heating tower

The heating riser is a pipeline that connects the elements of the system and ensures the normal circulation of the coolant in the heating devices. The risers are supply and return. The former dilute the coolant into radiators, while the latter collect and drain the cooled liquid. In a single pipe system, one heat pipe performs both functions.

The coolant can move in two directions: from bottom to top and from top to bottom. In district heating systems, special compensators are installed on the main risers. To urgently stop the heating system, shut-off valves are installed.

Layout of risers in two-pipe heating systems

What are pipes made of?

Pipes used in heating systems must withstand high temperatures and severe pressure surges. These requirements are met by several types of materials:

  • steel;
  • copper;
  • metal-plastic;
  • polypropylene;
  • cross-linked polyethylene.

Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Steel is durable, withstands a coolant temperature of 95 degrees, but it is expensive, wears out quickly, and is difficult to install. Copper is very expensive, but it serves for several decades, it is highly resistant to all negative influences.

When arranging modern heating systems, metal pipes are used less and less. They were replaced by metal-plastic, polypropylene, polyethylene. Synthetic materials are resistant to high temperatures, pressure and corrosion, have high thermal conductivity, and are well suited for flush mounting.

Polypropylene pipes look neat and aesthetically pleasing

Cross-linked polyethylene is a new promising material on the construction market

Particular attention of buyers is attracted by products made of cross-linked polyethylene. This is an innovative material with which you can mount an almost eternal heating system. He is not afraid of corrosion, pressure or high temperatures. Pipes from it are obtained thin and light, but at the same time very durable.

The main advantage of cross-linked polyethylene is its high plasticity: it can withstand high loads and quickly takes its original shape. Thanks to this property, the pipes do not flow at the joints, which makes the material ideal for concealed installation. The only drawback is the high cost of the material itself, the connecting elements and installation tools.

How is a cross-linked polyethylene pipe

Features of the placement of risers in the rooms

Heating risers are located at the outer walls. If the room is angular, then it is better to place the riser in the corner to protect the walls from cooling and dampening. At the same time, it is taken into account that the riser:

  • They are installed simultaneously with heating devices or after their installation.
  • Do not place near flammable materials. At a coolant temperature of 105 degrees, the distance to such materials should be at least 10 cm.
  • In single-pipe systems, the riser is placed 15 cm from the window opening with eyeliners about 40 cm long.
  • If the distance to the heating device is less than half a meter, then it is not necessary to make a slope, and if more, then the slope is made 5-10 mm towards the battery.
  • In houses with several floors, the fastenings depend on the height of the floors. At a height of less than 3 m, fastenings are not installed. If the height is greater, then the fasteners are mounted at half the height of the floor.

Schematic representation of the location of the heating riser in the corner room

How to change the heating riser with your own hands

Most often, polypropylene is chosen for modern heating systems. It is affordable, looks nice and has good technical and operational characteristics. For the owner of an apartment in a multi-storey building, the ideal option is if the neighbor from above has already changed the heating pipes to polypropylene ones. If not, then you will have to negotiate with him to connect the riser. If no one lives in the apartment, you will not be able to start the heating system after replacing the pipe.

How to turn off the heating riser before replacing

If the coolant in the system rises from below, the risers are connected in pairs. To figure out which riser your neighbor is connected to, go up to the next apartment and look at how the jumpers are placed. If the coolant is supplied from above, then to turn it off, you will have to close two valves - in the attic and in the basement.

To find the right valve, it is important to correctly determine the entrance, after which the location of the desired one will become obvious. After closing the valve, it is necessary to unscrew the plugs, open the vents and wait for the water to drain from the system.

It is important to correctly determine the desired valve in the basement

Replacing metal with polypropylene

If the neighbor has already changed the pipes, then there will be no problems at all. Buy pipes of the same diameter. Cut off the old riser, insert a new pipe into the ceiling and connect to the pipe of the neighboring apartment through the adapter. Next, remove the foil layer from the pipe. Unscrew the old pipe from the radiator and put on the faucet. An adapter is installed in it and connected to the riser.

If the upstairs neighbor has old pipes, arrange to install a coupling in his apartment. If you can’t find a common language, then you will have to cut off the pipe under the ceiling, leaving room for cutting 5-6 threads. The rest of the work is the same as when connecting to polypropylene pipes.

Connecting the adapter and riser to a metal pipe under the ceiling

Replacing the heating risers in the apartment is not particularly difficult. It is best to change them with the whole entrance and turn to specialists who are able to carry out high-quality installation. It will be much cheaper and easier, because all the neighbors will know in advance when installation work will be carried out in their apartments. In this way, many difficulties and mutual claims can be avoided.

Video: replacement of heating risers in a high-rise building