DIY plexiglass diffuser for LEDs. Diffuser for LED strip. What you need to know

05.03.2020 Boilers

LED lighting, although it appeared relatively recently - literally 10-12 years, but almost instantly replaced Ilyich's light bulb, which we loved so much. Thanks to its long life, economical energy consumption, and shock resistance, this lighting fixture has stepped over from the sphere of domestic and industrial lighting to the automotive industry.

The main structural element that provides high-quality and comfortable lighting for the eyes is a diffuser for the LED strip. What kind of device it is, what functions it performs and how to install it correctly - you will learn about this in our article.

Diffuser functionality

Incandescent lamps, the design of which includes a tungsten filament, although they are the most energy-consuming today, are the only ones that, without additional devices, give light that is as close to natural as possible. The LED alternative by itself does not provide such light - besides the fact that it is narrowly focused, still bright and cold, extremely uncomfortable for the human eye and well-being. It is this dissonance that allows you to correct a diffuser made of plexiglass or polymeric materials.

The profile for the tape is completed with various diffusers

The use of such a structural element is due to SanPin standards, with the exception of street lighting and lighting of architectural objects.

So, the functions of the diffuser for LEDs are as follows:

  • protection of crystals from external negative factors;
  • even distribution of the light flux for optimal perception by the eye;
  • ensure a long service life of the entire structure.

At the same time, the element must be resistant to alkalis, chemicals, be aesthetically attractive and maintain a general stylistic direction.

What are they made from

If earlier only glass could act as such an element, today the choice has increased significantly. Most often, polymeric materials and their combinations are used for manufacturing.

Diffuser for LED strip made of acrylic and plexiglass

In terms of transparency, they are not inferior to ordinary glass, but it has a high class of anti-vandal protection, does not burst under mechanical stress, and can withstand significant temperature peaks of -60/+60°C.

Among the shortcomings - it ignites with direct fire exposure and does not withstand shock loads.

Polystyrene LED strip diffuser

Thermoplastic polymers are very actively popular in all areas, they have not “passed over” the attention to the organization of lighting. Characterized by high strength, resistance to temperatures, low price. Withstands impact point loads and is available in a range of colors from fully transparent to intense bright.

Polycarbonate LED Strip Diffuser

One of the best anti-vandal coatings, which, due to the presence of flame retardants and fire extinguishers, withstands any negative factors, including fire, hail and wind. Due to the cellular structure, it is very light, easy to install.

If you are going to make a diffuser for an LED strip with your own hands, it is better to buy polycarbonate. In the presence of a factory element, preference should be given to polystyrene or polycarbonate.

Usually, opal diffusers are made from acrylic glass, that is, matte with a low emission angle, and transparent polycarbonate with a prismatic angle. Outdoor appliances are covered with monolithic anti-vandal polycarbonate, and home sources are covered with acrylic.

The choice of one or another material depends solely on financial capabilities, since this does not affect the quality of light. The degree of protection matters, but for home use you can buy without it.


In addition to the fact that the material of manufacture is different, there are different ways of supplying lighting due to the difference in structure. So, for example, prismatic glass, which is often used in the manufacture of do-it-yourself diffusers, gives a maximum scattering angle of 90 ° due to the intense refraction of light rays. If the glass is opaque matte (opal diffuser), the angle is noticeably reduced to 60 °, but at the same time the room will be cozy due to such muting.

Separately, it is worth noting the pattern of the element, which in turn affects both the radiation angle and the color of the light. Quality samples are made from 3D polymer material that can be installed on large recessed ceiling lights, such as Armstrong.

Lighting in the room should be calculated taking into account the loss of light. If, for example, an ice lamp produces 4000 Lumens and an opal diffuser with a light transmission of 60% is selected, the luminous flux will be 4000x0.60 = 2400 Lumens.

VIDEO: Types of diffusers for LED sources

Mounting methods

There are the following types of profiles with diffuser for LED strip:

  • consignment note is a universal installation method practiced for all surfaces;
  • mortise - recommended for working with wood, chipboard and other materials where the source will be installed;
  • angular - mainly needed for zoning and highlighting individual elements;
  • interior - used as a design element, mainly made of polymethyl methacrylate (acrylic glass).

There is even a transparent cable channel for the LED strip, which can be installed on glass shelves, furniture and interior items.

Any chosen installation method can be performed independently, the main thing is to choose the right customer. If it is acrylic, a fragile material, delivery must take place according to all the rules so that the product does not burst. In everyday life, polycarbonate will become a much more practical solution, it does not burst, does not become cloudy, neither chemistry nor alkali “takes” it.

Mounting methods

Since the diode tape is made in different shapes and sizes, respectively, there are certain shapes and diffusers so that the installation takes a minimum of time and does not require “fitting” on site.

Since it is more convenient and stronger to mount LED devices on a flat, non-textured surface, the base is made in the form of a profile. These can be strips, strips, rulers, rings, where flexible material is laid out in a circle, etc.


The task of the diffuser for the LED strip is to eliminate the narrow direction of the light flux inherent in all ice sources and thereby create a soft distribution of light over the entire surface.

Since there are differences between the purpose of the room, the types of these elements also differ in terms of the angle of radiation - transparent, matte, prismatic, with a pattern, etc.

On sale, the diode tape is sold separately, respectively, the profile is also sold separately. Anyone can choose one that matches the given parameters. It takes a minimum of time to install it, for fastening there is all the necessary complex. In the same way, a failed profile is replaced.

When choosing one or another type of diffuser for LEDs, please note that opal (matte) varieties are much more popular, therefore they cost 20-30% more.

VIDEO: Profile for improvised LED strip

Lighting, properly selected and installed, creates not only comfortable conditions for our eyes, but also can add a new look to the interior, zone the space. Today, LED lamps are gaining popularity, because such lighting gives the interior a special style.

The function and principle of operation of the diffuser

LED strip consists of diodes, giving very bright and eye-catching lighting with a cold tint. This problem is solved by the LED strip diffuser, which makes the lighting more comfortable and warmer. The essence of the diffuser is to refract light and increase the angle of light propagation. It consists of a light-refracting material, a diffusing film, and when light passes through it, it is evenly distributed throughout the room.

Application of LED lighting with diffuser

This lighting has wide scope, starting from apartments, offices and all kinds of public institutions and up to any street. But this includes not only the lighting of the premises themselves, but LEDs are also used as lighting for cabinets, shelves, showcases and even aquariums. On the street, it can be any decor and advertising. Such a variety in the use of LEDs makes it possible to select and change any colors and shades.

Profile views

To install the LED strip, you need a profile. It has the function of protecting against various damages, and also cools the tape. In addition, the profile is completed with a diffuser, due to which the ability to dissipate heat and light is achieved, making it less bright and comfortable for our eyes. A variety of profiles for LED strip with a diffuser allows you to match them to any interior. There are several ways to attach a profile. Main types of profile:

The shape of the profile is"P-shaped", "L-shaped", "C-shaped" and other types. A variety of profile shapes allows you to choose any place for mounting a diode lamp. Currently, a plastic profile for LED strip is often used, and a flexible patch profile made of silicone is also very popular. It is made in the form of a tube, inside which an LED strip is inserted.

The profile of an LED strip with a diffuser can be successfully replaced with other building profiles, which will help save money. However, it is the special profile that ensures the safety of the LED strip, dissipates heat and light, and, therefore, this design will last a long time. In stores, you can now find a profile not only by type, size and method of fastening, but also for any interior by color, material.

Diffuser materials

To date Diffuser for LED strip can be made from various materials:

It should be noted that such an indicator as aging resistance, is an important factor when choosing a diffuser. Since LED lamps have a very long period of operation. Diffusion film can extend the life of the LEDs.

When choosing a transparent or matte surface for a lamp, remember that matte will create soft light and a relaxed atmosphere, while transparent will provide bright lighting. What type of lighting is suitable for certain purposes, it is better to decide on this issue before installation. To choose a diffuser for LEDs, first you need to choose a place where the tape will be attached. And determine what the dimensions of the tape will be. And think over the conditions for placing the tape, including the weather.


Mounting the LED strip is not difficult, almost everyone can cope with the task. For this purpose, use liquid nails, self-tapping screws, double-sided tape. Alternatively, special brackets can be attached to the surface and the lamp can be fixed in them. Also, the tape can be embedded in the surface. To do this, you need to prepare a groove in the wall in advance. For arches or other curved surfaces, a flexible profile is ideal.

DIY LED diffuser

To make a do-it-yourself diffuser, you will need plexiglass, polycarbonate or a diffuser film and a profile. You can take, for example, a plastic box used for laying wires. There are two ways to achieve a matte diffuser surface:

  1. It is necessary to carefully and evenly apply a special paste that destroys the crystalline structure. But the method is harmful, since the paste is toxic.
  2. Treat the surface with an abrasive material, for example,.

The conclusion that can be drawn is this: the diffuser for LED lamps has an important function. Without it, LED lighting will become simply unpleasant for our eyes and will not be able to satisfy a wide variety of requests. And a lot of options for shapes, colors, ways of fastening allow you to embody any design ideas and create a unique style for any room or object.

To give the luminous flux uniformity and direction, it is necessary to attach a characteristic optical design to the lamp. For the LED strip, its role is played by a special diffuser. However, as a rule, ice strips are not supplemented with such devices during the sale - they must be made independently or ordered separately, depending on the conditions of use and the parameters of the lighting device based on them.

Let's consider what is the principle of operation of such a device and what is its function, what types of it exist and where they are used, as well as how to make them with your own hands and what materials will be required for this.

A feature of the led strip is that the luminous flux from it extends to an angle of no more than 120 degrees. This significantly impairs their practical usefulness. To remedy the situation, it is necessary to place a material that refracts and scatters light in close proximity to the lamps.

This is the function of the LED diffuser. Its internal structure is based on the disordered arrangement of matter particles. As a result, when light passes through such a material, it significantly deviates from its original trajectory - and in different directions. From this, the luminous flux simultaneously weakens somewhat and evenly expands.

Note! You can see and understand the principle of operation of a diffuser for an LED lamp in the following example. You need to put a small piece of matte cellophane on top of the led tape. The luminous flux from such a diffusing film will immediately become slightly muffled and evenly distributed over the entire illuminated area.


A diffuser or diffuser used for LED strips consists of two main elements - a housing and a light-transmitting plate. In modern models, the first part of the device is presented in the form of a plastic, aluminum or stainless steel profile of the following shapes:

  1. Corner.
  2. U-shaped.
  3. S-visible.

Its geometry is determined primarily by the place where the diffuser is used, the types of brackets for it, the features and operating conditions. An LED strip is glued to the base of the profile, and then it is covered with a transparent or matte material from above. The former are used when a strong illumination of any selected areas is required - for example, shop windows in a store, the latter - when it is required to create general unobtrusive lighting, for example, in a restaurant.

Read also How to assemble and connect an LED strip with a motion sensor

There is also a flexible profile for LEDs. In fact, this is a silicone tube with the possibility of placing led strips inside it. Due to their high plasticity, they can be given any shape, which is important when decorating complex figured decor, advertising signs, trees.


The scope of LED diffusers is quite wide:

  1. Specialized lighting in residential areas of bookshelves, kitchen work areas, aquariums, interior elements.
  2. Additional lighting of special areas in shops, trade and exhibition centers.
  3. Highlighting important areas in street design, billboards, decorating squares, gardens.
  4. Creating a general glow background in public institutions.

With the help of colored diode tapes and programmatic control of their parameters, rooms, shop windows, interior and exterior elements, structures and structures are decorated in honor of various events, events and holidays.

Materials for the manufacture of diffuser

A modern range of ready-made optical materials makes it possible for anyone who wishes to make a diffuser for an LED strip with their own hands. Among the most suitable options are:

  1. Acrylic and Plexiglas.
  2. Polystyrene.
  3. Polycarbonate.

Consider their main characteristics and application features.

Acrylic and plexiglass

Such types of plastic as acrylic and plexiglass are characterized by the same light-scattering abilities as traditional glass (they transmit about 90% of the radiation). At the same time, they are characterized by maximum anti-vandal performance and do not crack from a constant change in climatic conditions, a sharp change in temperature from plus to minus sixty and mechanical influences.


  1. Light weight.
  2. Possibility of processing.
  3. Resistance to UV radiation.
  4. Waterproof.
  5. Not toxicity.
  6. Not susceptible to aging processes.

Interesting! Among the shortcomings, combustibility stands out in direct contact with fire and low resistance at high shock loads.


One of the thermoplastic polymers - has a high light transmission capacity (about 98%), greater than that of standard glass. Polystyrene is versatile and well processed, resistant to thermal changes and point strong impacts.

Its main advantages are low cost and a significant color variety - from completely transparent to a rich bright shade. However, in general, a plate of such material is quite fragile and can ignite when exposed to open fire.


Characteristic properties of polycarbonate are strength, light weight and good light transmission. In practice, a diffuser for LED strips made of such material is not afraid of contact with open fire, heavy wind collapse, heavy rain, hail and vandal blows. At the same time, it differs in structure into two subspecies:

  1. Cellular.
  2. Monolithic.

This design is everything that a super-bright LED needs to fully work as a lamp.

Not so long ago I discovered for myself super-bright LEDs at a very affordable price. They look like this:

They have a lot of advantages: high brightness, relatively low power consumption, long service life, small size, resistance to repeated switching on, etc. Produced with power from one watt and above, they have three different shades of white glow.

But when using them, I ran into some difficulties. First, they get very hot. If you use them at least half the power, they will need a radiator. Secondly, these LEDs have a large scattering angle. That is, if you make a simple table lamp out of them, then it will shine into your eyes in the same way as on the table. Therefore, the light flux must be focused in the right direction. The following construction helped to solve both of these problems.

A bit of school physics. You can focus the light flux, or direct it in parallel, using a parabolic mirror, if you place a point source of light at the focus of the parabola. Making a parabolic mirror at home is an impossible task. But it is possible to make a ceiling lamp that would simultaneously partially focus the light flux and remove heat.

The green line in the figure is a parabolic mirror, the black rectangle below is a super-bright LED, the yellow dot is the LED crystal and at the same time the focus of the parabola. And the rest of the black lines are the body of the future reflector. It is clear that the body repeats the shape of a parabola very approximately, but it will focus a certain percentage of the light. Dimensions, of course, are in millimeters.

The reflector sweep will look like this:

You can make a ceiling lamp from aluminum 0.5-1 mm thick, copper, or even tin from a tin can. In this case, 1mm thick aluminum was used.

In addition, for the lamp you will need a piece of one-sided foil textolite 15x20 mm in size, on which the LED itself will be soldered.

To begin with, a reflector and textolite are cut out, then holes are drilled in them, 4 pieces with a diameter of 1 mm, two more holes with a diameter of 3 mm are drilled in the ceiling, and two holes of 1 mm each for connecting wires are drilled in the textolite. Then the reflector and textolite are twisted together by two pieces of wire. You can also glue them on. The reflector bends, resulting in the following:

You need to bend the reflector carefully so as not to deform the seat for the LED, otherwise the LED will overheat. If the reflector is made of copper or tin, then its petals can and should be soldered together. After the reflector is bent, its edges can be processed with a file or sandpaper if necessary.

The final step is to install the LED. Before that, you need to apply a little thermal paste to the place of its installation in order to improve thermal dissipation. The LED leads will have to be slightly bent so that they fit into the holes. After that, the conclusions are unbent to their original state, the LED is pressed against the reflector and soldered. It is necessary to ensure that none of the LED contacts touch the reflector in order to prevent a short circuit between the terminals as much as possible.

LEDs are successfully used in many areas of human life, while increasingly replacing other technologies. For example, incandescent lamps are simply not able to compete with these devices. They still have only one trump card - the cost. And in all other respects, LEDs have long been ahead.

In order for them to perform their role qualitatively, many devices have been invented. For example diffusers. You can see on the photo. Here we will talk about them, in particular, about Plexiglas models.

About plexiglass

Otto Röhm created plexiglass in 1933. For this, there was a long twenty-year path of research and experimentation. Interestingly, the invention received a lot of positive feedback, so that after a few years it began to be produced in large volumes.

The popularity of plexiglass today is at a high level in a variety of industries. What is the secret of this material? Everything is simple. The foundation of popularity is laid in the properties of the material. Organic glass has high strength, lightness, light transmission, ductility to processing. Due to the presence of these qualities, as well as some others, a large number of different products are created.

One of these is the diffuser. For the manufacture of such products, plexiglass is an excellent material. To do this, the material has a high surface quality, optical transparency, the ability to transmit sunlight up to 92%. Therefore, losses when used as a diffuser are minimal.

It is also worth paying attention to other advantages of the material. For example, resistance to ultraviolet radiation. This prevents the material from becoming brittle and yellow over time.

At the same time, plexiglass perfectly resists the effects of chemicals, so the practicality of use is guaranteed. And this property is complemented by water resistance - no additional protection against moisture and water is required.

Do not forget about environmental friendliness either. Indeed, organic glass, even when burned, does not emit a harmful amount of fumes.

And given the use of plexiglass as a material for creating a diffuser, it is very important that it is a dielectric. Ease of processing allows you to create products of various shapes.

Objectively considering the quality of the material, it is impossible to highlight only positive aspects. Therefore, it is worth looking at the cons. They are, although they are few: highly flammable, may be difficult to manufacture, damage easily occurs on the coating.


There are several types of diffusers:

  • universal;
  • for fixing to the ceiling of any kind;
  • with overhead or built-in housing.

Some models have a prismatic material structure with the highest level of throughput and excellent "smooth" light distribution effect. Other products have a matte surface, providing a throughput of up to 60%. As a result, the light is warm and soft.

A variety of types of plexiglass diffusers makes it possible to choose the most optimal model for specific conditions. So, diffusers for LEDs are effectively used in certain conditions. For example, in a bedroom where concentrated light is contraindicated, such a device will come in handy.

How to install

To do this, you should use the instructions for the electrical appliance, in the design of which there is a diffuser. Therefore, as a rule, it is necessary to make several movements in order to fix the products on the electrical appliance with LEDs.

A simple solution

Indeed, if the light from the LED source does not suit you in terms of concentration, you can always apply an effective solution - a diffuser made of plexiglass. It allows you to achieve such light perception, which is necessary in specific conditions. Therefore, such products are widely used by professional designers, which allows you to create exclusive interiors.