We make a sofa with our own hands (100 ideas): a stylish and comfortable interior at no extra cost. Space saving and comfort of use - we make a sofa bed with our own hands at home A sofa in the shape of lips with our own hands

06.11.2019 alternative energy

The sofa in modern apartments is the most important design element. Often, for good quality furniture that matches the interior in color and shape, retail stores set a prohibitive price. Making a sofa with your own hands is much cheaper, and its manufacture will not cause difficulties.

Materials used

Depending on the desired model of the created piece of furniture, the place where it will be installed in the future and its purpose, you can choose completely different materials. To make a simple sofa, you can use several wooden pallets or pallets. Furniture from them is made quite simply, it is cheap and today it is at the peak of popularity. One has only to supplement the resulting pallet sofa with soft pillows, and it will turn into a great resting place for a Loft-style room or become an indispensable piece of furniture for installation on the veranda of a village house.

The material for the manufacture of another of the simplest and most cost-effective options for a homemade sofa can be the most ordinary cardboard. Old cardboard boxes, for example, from household appliances, pieces of bookbinding cardboard, corrugated cardboard - everything can be used. The main difference of such a sofa will be that in this model not a single nail and screw will be used, the parts of the sofa will be fastened together with the help of carpentry glue. Since cardboard is quite easy to cut, you can get furniture of any shape and size. In addition, such a design will weigh less than a sofa on a full-fledged wooden frame.

Wooden boards as a material open up a huge field for creativity. Of these, you can create a full-fledged folding sofa with any chosen mechanism, make both a frameless version and furniture on a strong wooden frame, create a comfortable sleeping bed or just a place to hang out with friends. The abundance of types of wood offered for sale in specialized stores and the thickness of the boards used allows you to adjust the weight of the finished product, its strength and functional features. From wood, you can also make interesting non-standard models of furniture for relaxation. So, you can easily make a hanging sofa swing. It can be a great option, for example, for a gazebo or veranda. Slow rocking and soft pillows will create a relaxing effect and give you a real rest from pressing problems.

You can also make a completely new piece of furniture by restoring the old frame. Sanding and impregnating the wood with a special solution will help renew the old wood material and create the basis for a future project.

In addition to the frame material, upholstery material may also be required, depending on the model being made. Here dense upholstery materials, which are most often used for the production of upholstered furniture, will come to the rescue. The choice will be determined by the interior design, the amount that the master will be willing to allocate for materials and the functions assigned to the sofa.

The most popular upholstery materials:

  • Leather- one of the most durable and durable materials, gives sophistication and solidity to manufactured furniture, however, it has a high cost and requires special tools to connect parts.
  • eco-leather- a material that has all the advantages of genuine leather, among the advantages, one can single out a lower cost and a larger range of colors.
  • Leatherette- the cheapest analogue of leather, quite durable, environmentally friendly and stylish. Among the minuses is the fear of mechanical damage.
  • chenille- a comfortable fabric for craftsmen who do not have much experience in sewing, as it does not stretch or slip, but at the same time it has a high degree of wear resistance.
  • Velours- soft and pleasant to the touch material, also refers to materials that are convenient for sewing, but it also has a significant disadvantage - stains are difficult to remove from such a fabric and it is very capricious in care.
  • Tapestry- dense and durable double-sided material with a pattern. You can buy it in absolutely any fabric store, but you need to remember that a sofa with such upholstery does not tolerate direct sunlight, as the fabric fades quickly enough.
  • Jacquard- durable, pleasant to the touch material, reminiscent of silk. Has a characteristic luster. When choosing, it should be borne in mind that when stitching, the material can slip and you will have to make some efforts to make the product beautiful and neat.

When choosing a material, it is also worth considering how the upholstery will be sewn together. If you plan to sew a cover on a conventional sewing machine, and not on an industrial one, it is more appropriate to choose thinner fabric materials. When fastening parts made of thick furniture leather or leatherette on a machine that is not designed for heavy materials, there is a risk that the machine will not sew them or even break.

A homemade sofa, if the idea suggests it, should have a soft comfortable seat. To do this, you need a special material - a filler. As it can be used:

  • Foam rubber- one of the softest furniture fillers, besides, it has a low cost and is available for purchase in retail stores.
  • Polyurethane foam or polyurethane foam- a relative of foam rubber, however, it has a denser structure, and therefore furniture filled with polyurethane foam is quite rigid.
  • Sintepon - soft white synthetic material, most often used as insulation or as a cheap way to soften the surface.
  • Batting- soft filler with a high content of cotton, and therefore it is a material that passes air well.

In addition, a spring block can be installed inside the sofa seat, which will extend the service life and improve the functional qualities of the furniture. The springs for such a block can be dependent and fastened to each other according to the serpentine principle, or they can be independent - in this embodiment, each spring exists separately and has its own individual case.

If the sofa is planned to be made sliding, it is necessary to purchase a layout mechanism. They exist in the following types:

  • "book";
  • "Eurobook";
  • "tic-tac";
  • "accordion";
  • "roll-out";
  • "dolphin";
  • "konrad".

In addition, you need to stock up on self-tapping screws, wood glue, which will easily and firmly glue the wooden frame, you will definitely need dense threads for sewing upholstery details.

Of the tools, an electric jigsaw, a screwdriver, a furniture stapler, as well as a sharp knife for cutting foam rubber will be useful.

How to do at home?

Any home-made project must begin with an idea - choosing a model and determining the purposes for which this piece of furniture will be used. If the sofa is planned to be used as a main or additional bed, it is better to opt for a sliding model, in this regard, you need to take care of buying a layout mechanism, choosing a denser and higher-quality upholstery material, as well as using a full-fledged spring block at the base of the furniture. If the home-made sofa will be used strictly for sitting or as an element of the decor of a summer house, garden house or stand on a terrace, you can experiment with the materials of both the upholstery and, in principle, the entire sofa. Massive sofas made of timber, actual from pallets, unusual ones made of cardboard, with and without armrests - any option can be appropriate and successfully created with your own hands.

So, when the type of the future sofa is chosen, its purpose is indicated, the general plan is drawn, the dimensions are outlined, you can start purchasing materials and directly creating what you want.

Creating a sofa with your own hands includes the following steps:

  • selection and purchase of materials;
  • creating a frame;
  • upholstery.

Of course, depending on the type of construction chosen, actions can be changed, added, or completely excluded.

From a pallet

So, in order to make a sofa out of pallets, you need the most minimal set of materials and tools. You will need several pallets, if desired, they can be sanded and painted in the desired color, a screwdriver, self-tapping screws and a jigsaw, plus pillow material that will serve as a soft back and seat for such a sofa. For armrests, it is necessary to cut off the extreme parts of the pallets with thick wooden inserts. These short parts must be stacked on top of each other and secured with screws, after which the finished armrests must be attached to the already prepared base. The best option is 3 cuts stacked on top of each other, but if desired, their number can be changed, which will help achieve the desired height of the armrests.

At the base there can be either one pallet or several interconnected with screws, the choice will depend on what size the sofa is planned to be in the end.

Next, use a sharp knife to cut out two rectangles from the foam rubber or other selected material to fit the size of the seat of the future sofa. After the foam has been successfully cut out, it is necessary to start tightening the seat. There are several ways here: the upholstery can be sewn with a machine or manually, as well as fixed with a furniture stapler. The same manipulations must be repeated in the manufacture of foam cushions for the back of the sofa.

If the sofa will stand against the wall, then here its manufacture can be completed, but if it is not intended to lean the sofa against the wall, then the backrest must be attached to the finished frame. To do this, you need to take one or two more pallets, depending on the amount used to make the seat, and screw it with self-tapping screws and a screwdriver to the back of the sofa, after which you can already put the pillows in place and enjoy the homemade new interior.

Homemade "book"

This is a more difficult option to manufacture, requiring more materials, time and effort. It is necessary to start manufacturing by determining the exact dimensions of the future interior element; for convenience, they must be written down on a sketch prepared in advance. In addition, you need to stock up on materials, you will need:

  • boards 25-30 mm thick for the manufacture of the frame;
  • timber;
  • foam rubber;
  • synthetic winterizer or batting;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • plywood;
  • sofa legs;
  • sofa mechanism;
  • wooden slats;
  • glue;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • staples for furniture stapler.

In addition to the above materials, you need to stock up on a certain set of tools. So, you will need:

  • jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • furniture stapler;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

When you have all the listed materials and tools, you can start manufacturing. This production involves a fairly large amount of debris and dust, so all work is best done on a garden plot, street, or in a garage.

The first step is to assemble the frame of the future linen box, for this it is necessary to assemble a rectangle from the boards of the desired length (the length of the box is 30 cm, less than the final length of the sofa along with the armrests). After the main frame is assembled, it is necessary to strengthen it with transverse rails; as a base, a sheet of plywood is attached to the bottom of the frame using self-tapping screws. From boards of the same length, it is necessary to assemble two more rectangles with transverse reinforcing rails - these will be the seat and back frames of the future sofa. It is necessary to attach wooden lamellas to these frames using a screwdriver - the basis for the future mattress. It should be remembered that all lamellas must be located at an equal distance from each other.

The next stage is the manufacture of armrests. Four armrests of the selected size and shape are cut out of plywood, then a beam is installed along the perimeter to strengthen the structure on two copies, after which the two remaining forms are fixed on top of the beam. Further, the individual parts of the sofa frame are assembled into one whole, at the same stage a special layout mechanism is attached.

There are a few simple rules to help with assembly:

  • When unfolded, the distance between the back and seat of the sofa should not be less than 1 cm;
  • In the folded design, the seat should in no case protrude beyond the attached armrests.

Next, the finished frame is pasted over with foam rubber, which must be chosen based on personal preferences, since there is a different structure and thickness of the material. After foam rubber, for greater strength and softness of furniture, the frame is sheathed with padding polyester or batting. At this stage, the most creative part of the work begins. Using a sewing machine, you need to sew a cover from upholstery fabric. Such covers are usually sewn to fit the dimensions of the sofa parts and put on them, shrinkage occurs with the help of zippers.

An alternative to this method is to shoot the upholstery fabric directly to the frame using staples and a furniture stapler. This method allows you to attach the fabric exactly along the frame with less time. The sofa book is ready. All that remains is to install it in the most prominent place in the room, perhaps even building a special podium for it, because a hand-made thing should arouse the pride of the inhabitants and the envy of those who do not have such an exclusive piece of furniture.

New furniture from old

When at home there is an old sofa that has been sold and has become uncomfortable, but a favorite sofa that is a pity to throw away, you can create a new piece of furniture from it. First you need to remove the old upholstery, carefully so as not to tear, because in the future it will become a pattern for the new one. Next, remove the filler from the frame (foam rubber, polyurethane foam, or any other), if the bed is on a spring block, then remove it as well.

Clean off the remnants of the old filler from the frame and sand it with sandpaper - now the frame is completely new. This is followed by the replacement of springs, if required by the model of the sofa.

After the new spring block takes its place, it is necessary to return the filling to the sofa - the frame is pasted with foam sheets of the required size. The final stage of the transformation will be the upholstery of the sofa with new material. To do this, it is necessary to cut out the material according to the old pattern, sew the details, put the finished cover on the workpiece and shoot it with a furniture stapler. If desired, you can add a new thing with soft pillows made of suitable fabric.

Where to place?

The placement of a homemade sofa is determined by some factors, such as:

  • Room style;
  • Functional features of the piece of furniture itself;
  • Owner's taste preferences.

So, a sofa made of pallets that is so relevant today will fit perfectly on a balcony or terrace, a comfortable stylish seat will enliven the interior and you will want to spend evenings in it more often, wrapped in a blanket and contemplating the stars in the sky. In addition, these sofas can be the highlight of a loft-style room.

A hand-made wooden swing sofa can be placed in a gazebo in the country, you just need to remember that since it will be influenced by natural factors, the wood used for manufacturing must be treated with a special protective impregnation. Folding, full-sized sofas with linen boxes, created by yourself, can be placed in the bedroom or in the garden house, you just need to choose the right upholstery material for manufacturing, which will look harmonious in the interior of the room.

Simple frameless non-folding sofas will be a great option for a kitchen or living room, especially if such a sofa has an angular shape. Here it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of fabric - it should not absorb odors and be picky about cleaning. You can also treat the upholstery with a special coating that will repel water and reduce the combustibility of the material. In addition, in the guest room or on the loggia, you can also place furniture made by yourself from cardboard. However, it is worth remembering that such models are sensitive to moisture and do not accept wet cleaning or liquids on them.

However, if the sofa is already created by oneself, there is definitely no need to hide it, it is safely necessary to place it in the most prominent place in the room, unless, of course, materials suitable for the general interior of the room were used when creating it.

First of all, it is necessary to develop a detailed project of the future sofa. The definition of overall dimensions, the exact height of the backrest, armrests, seat depth and other important elements should be reflected on the plan. It would be great if it would exist both in written and electronic form. When determining the dimensions, it must be remembered that, for example, the height of the seating area directly depends on the location of the furniture, and the kitchen corners are usually somewhat higher than those pieces of furniture that are used for relaxation. When a plan is developed, attention can be paid to materials. To create a frame, experts advise paying attention to wooden beams or cuts of a profile furniture pipe. With it, the frame will turn out to be even more durable, and the sofa will last a long time.

If foam rubber was chosen for internal filling, it is necessary to choose not loose and sufficiently thick cuts. The thickness ideal for home-made furniture starts from 15 cm, otherwise the foam rubber will need to be replaced too quickly, for which you will have to disassemble the entire structure. The same rule applies to the restoration of old furniture. As for the reworking of old furniture, the main parting word here will be that the sofa must be photographed before disassembly, plus, photos of the disassembly process itself will be useful - this simple action will help to assemble a new similar item in the future, and not guess what and where is attached.

If the idea to assemble a sofa on your own comes for the first time and there is no experience in this, you should not chase complex designs, it is better to start with the simplest straight forms. And in order to feel the wood, tools and fabric, it’s better to start with an ordinary stool, so to speak, to test your strength on it. After all, it is better, in which case, to remake a smaller form than large-sized furniture.

Today, the upholstered furniture market is filled with various proposals in abundance. But sometimes you really want something special, made with your own hands. By choosing this path, you can make furniture of the size and design you need, save money.

Sofa size chart.

So how to make a soft sofa with your own hands? Let's figure it out, because a do-it-yourself sofa is a business that almost everyone can do.

The first stage is preparatory

How to make a sofa with your own hands? This question interests many. The design of the sofa is quite complicated for beginners in creating furniture, therefore, before proceeding with its manufacture, it is necessary to carefully study all the nuances and features related to the production of such furniture.

First you need to make a drawing of the future sofa on paper. All of its constituent parts must be drawn on paper, indicating the exact dimensions and other characteristics. A high-quality and detailed project of the future sofa is the key to simple and quick work on its manufacture. The standard version of the sofa implies its length of 1.9 m, but the height of the back, counting from the floor, is about 0.8 m. Please note that the height of the specific seat (excluding the size of sofa cushions) should correspond to a value of about 0.3 m.

Before answering the question: how to make a sofa, you need to find out its constituent elements. What is an ordinary sofa made of? It:

Sofa side plan.

  1. Frame construction.
  2. Armrests or railings.
  3. Sofa legs.
  4. Sofa back.
  5. And the seat itself.

Everyone understands that the basis of any type of furniture is a frame structure. The service life of your furniture, in our case, a soft sofa, will depend on how it is made. That is why experts advise choosing only those materials that are of high quality for mounting the frame. And yet, pay attention to the dimensions of the frame structure, since during operation, even minor errors may cause problems regarding the deformation and deflection of the sofa you made.

What else to pay attention to in the production of furniture? These are her legs. At the sofa, they are the main support, but sometimes the design features allow them to perform an exclusively decorative function. In this case, the entire load falls on the frame. Make the legs of the sofa from balusters. Usually oak is chosen. These legs look great in almost any design. In addition to the aesthetic appearance, this material has a fairly high strength, which is also important.

How to make a sofa: preparation necessary for work

So, to make a sofa with your own hands, you will need:

Sofa upholstery plan.

  • Chipboard and fiberboard;
  • timber;
  • plywood;
  • foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, etc.;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • furniture glue;
  • nails, screws, etc.

This is about materials. They must be selected taking into account the quality and safety for human health. The best option for buying is a well-established construction market in your city. And now a few words about the tools. All you need is:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • sewing machine;
  • scissors and knife;
  • stapler for furniture;
  • a hammer.

Having prepared all of the above, you can safely proceed to the manufacture of the frame structure. This is one of the steps that allows you to answer the question of how to make a sofa yourself?

Sectional diagram of a soft sofa.

Using the previously prepared drawings, you first need to make the base of the sofa. They cut it out either from plywood or from wooden shields that are left over from some old furniture. If you opted for plywood, then you will need an electric jigsaw to work. With it, you can easily and quickly make the base of the shape and size you need.

Very often, in the manufacture of furniture of complex shape, its base is sawn out of several parts, which are subsequently connected to each other.

Having finished work on the manufacture of the base of the future sofa, you can proceed to the assembly of the frame structure. It will consist of racks and partitions. Racks will be vertical, partitions horizontal. Do not forget that the height of your sofa must be calculated in advance. This indicator should be chosen, focusing on the purpose of the furniture and the place in which it will be located. If this is a sofa for the kitchen, then its height will be slightly higher than usual, since it is very inconvenient to dine sitting on low furniture. But the sofa for the living room or bedroom implies a lower height, since its purpose is to relax.

Sofa upholstery.

At the next stage, the frame structure is covered with plywood. Its installation is carried out using an adhesive composition, in addition, self-tapping screws are used. The space formed inside is very suitable for storing bed linen.

So, the frame is assembled, now it's time to start making the back of the sofa. If your sofa is ordinary and is not a folding or other movable structure, then the installation work on fixing the backrest is carried out in the same way as described above. It is clear that the back should correspond to the size of the base of the sofa. The bar in the upper and lower parts of the back should correspond to a size of 9 cm. But the length of the vertical parts is usually about 45 cm, while the width of each part is about 6 cm. Metal corners are used to securely fasten the back to the base.

As for the angle of inclination, here you can choose the option that is convenient for you.

Making the sofa comfortable is very simple, you just need to choose a comfortable position for yourself.

Transition to sofa upholstery

Now we have everything ready, all parts of the sofa are assembled, which means that it is time to make soft furniture parts. Do not forget to pre-treat the frame with sandpaper, then paint it in the color you need or apply a layer of colorless varnish.

Using furniture fabric and foam rubber, you need to make two bases, the thickness of which will be approximately 20 cm. As for other dimensions, for example, the width and length of these parts, here you need to proceed from the parameters of your frame. More precisely, as a basis, you need to take the parameters of the back of the sofa and the base. In order for the foam rubber to serve you for a long time, it must be wrapped in a synthetic winterizer, so it will be much less subject to wear. You can connect two soft parts to each other using a stapler or by sewing a zipper between them (preferably detachable).

After that, prepared pillows need to be fixed on the base of the sofa. For these purposes, the so-called Velcro tape is used. If you still have extra fabric, foam rubber and other materials, you can additionally sew beautiful cushions. They look beautiful in the interior, creating comfort, and are very functional during the holidays.

Scheme of forming a sofa on a spring block.

Performing work on the upholstery of the sofa, you need to listen to some advice from professionals, then in the process of work you will not have problems and you will not have to start all over again. So:

  1. Before proceeding with cutting, it is necessary to carefully measure all the details of the structure. Do not forget that you need to add a couple of centimeters to the obtained parameters to make seams.
  2. In order to determine the amount of fabric more accurately (to save money), you can first lay out the details of the cut on paper. Do not forget that in this case you need to take into account both the pattern and the direction of the pile, if any. If these are the details of the seat, then the direction of the pile should be from the back, and vice versa on the details of the back. If you have chosen a fabric with a large pattern, such as stripes, then most likely you will have to adjust the pattern, and this will take a significant amount of material. So be sure to purchase extra fabric.
  3. Do not immediately cut all the details, as some nuances may be revealed in the process of work. Cut and sew one of the parts first, and after that, after evaluating the result and making the necessary corrections, you can continue to work. For example, some upholstery fabrics tend to stretch in one direction or both, while some, on the contrary, are absolutely not subject to this. All these points must be taken into account both when cutting and when directly upholstering the sofa.

Summarizing the above

Now you know how to make a soft sofa with your own hands. Agree, despite the complex design, the work on its manufacture is available for independent implementation. And the result of the work done will certainly be able to please not only you and your family members, but also guests who will be able to appreciate your work after spending the evening in your house.

Do not be afraid to do something wrong, because experience only brings benefits, and, gaining it, you become a truly professional master who can perform any, even the most complex, tasks.

The very impressive cost-effectiveness of a homemade sofa and the ability to manufacture it in accordance with individual wishes and requirements are popular reasons for self-assembly of home furniture.

It is important to understand that a sofa differs from a bed in that it has a fixed backrest and side armrests, which complicates the process of assembling it.

However, if you have an accurate drawing, quality materials and a strong desire, you can quickly and easily make a sofa with your own hands.

The first stage is planning

The first step to making a sofa should be a close acquaintance with photographs of hand-made furniture. In the process of searching, you can finally decide on the model of the future sofa, design and materials.

The initial stage involves the choice of a suitable model of sofa construction, among which the following types are most popular:

  • "Euro-book", assuming the presence of an exit and folding mechanism;
  • Sofa with wooden pallets, acting as a solid module and roomy space in the form of shelves or drawers;
  • Corner sofa, characterized by its "L-shaped" shape and complexity of design.

The second stage - we are looking for materials

The first step is to look around and look for suitable options, because often unclaimed things can be turned into a stylish and comfortable sofa.

So, a tractor tire covered with fabric and soft filler and complemented by a characteristic back will be an interesting alternative to purchased furniture.

You can also give a second life to an old cast-iron bathtub by cutting off one side and stitching a suitable mattress. Also, the basis of the sofa can be a profile pipe, to which two sheets of thick plywood or OSB boards are attached and decorated with mattresses.

To make a sofa from scratch, the following materials are required: a wooden block, board, plywood or chipboard, foam rubber, batting, upholstery fabric, PVA glue.

You can not do without the following set of tools: screwdriver, screws, sandpaper, electric jigsaw, hacksaw, tape measure, ruler.

To make the cover and upholstery, you need a knife, scissors, a stapler and a sewing machine.

The third stage - assembly

There are many schemes with which you can assemble a sofa with your own hands. For example, to assemble a pallet structure, pallets are fixed in pairs and sidewalls are fixed on them. The same wide cushions are used as the seat and back.

To make a corner sofa with your own hands, you need to make three interconnected blocks. The first rectangular and the second square block represent the smaller side of the structure, and the third is a folding or retractable sofa seat.

The base of each block is a frame made of plywood or chipboard, fixed on a frame made of timber. In the first and second compartments, removable covers are provided in advance. The third block is equipped with a drawer-seat on wheels.

Stage four - upholstery and covers

Further surface treatment and do-it-yourself upholstery and covers will help to sheathe the sofa, increase its comfort and give it an aesthetic appearance.

First, all the sharp corners of the product are sanded with sandpaper, covered with paints and varnishes, after which, using a stapler or glue, batting or thin foam rubber is fixed on the prepared surface.

It is better to order fabric for self-upholstery of a sofa in a specialized store according to the exact dimensions. The material is fixed in invisible areas with a stapler, while the cover must be tightly pulled, and it is advisable to make an incision in the place of the future staple.


The scheme for making sofa cushions is simple: sew one or more cushions according to the size of the base, fill them with foam rubber, sew them and lay them on the product.

Fifth stage - necessary repairs

To extend the life of a new sofa, you need to regularly monitor its condition, if necessary, repair and eliminate shortcomings with your own hands.

However, with self-assembly of the structure and upholstery of the sofa, it will not be difficult to monitor it and respond to damage in time.

If you have the time, materials, and desire to create, then trying to make a sofa with your own hands can be a great start for future achievements.

It is better to start with simple models, gradually improving skills, supplementing standard options and increasing the functionality of the product.


DIY sofa photo


The sofa is the heart of the home. It serves as an element of interior decor, helps to relax after a hard day's work. A sofa is not just a piece of furniture. It will certainly become the visiting card of the house and the center of attention of your guests.

In this article, you will learn how to make a sofa with your own hands no worse, and maybe better than those sold in furniture stores. You will see what elements the sofa consists of and what materials are most often used in the process of its manufacture.

Do not forget that homemade furniture saves the lion's share of the family budget. If you decide, for example, to make a sofa yourself, its cost will be two or even five times lower than the market price!

However, it depends on the selected materials and the particular design. A folding sofa will cost more, but if this is your first product, opt for the project described in this article - it is perfect for those who set out to learn how to make upholstered furniture.

Make a sofa with your own hands - and you will see by your own example that there is nothing complicated in this!

So let's get started.

For work you will need the following materials and tools:

- electric jigsaw. If you don’t have a jigsaw, it doesn’t matter: use a hacksaw for wood, especially since it will also come in handy in the process of sawing bars;
- pneumatic furniture stapler. If you intend to make only one product, use a mechanical stapler - it will be cheaper;
- screwdriver;
- grinder or planer for grinding sharp corners of the frame;
- a staple remover or a sharp screwdriver;
- a sharp knife for cutting foam rubber;
- scissors;
- sewing machine for stitching sofa upholstery elements;
- roulette.

2. Materials:
- bars with a section of 40-50 mm;
- plywood or any other available, durable and, if possible, lightweight sheet material;
- furniture foam rubber, 50 mm thick. Foam rubber, like many other materials, you can purchase in a specialized online store "everything for furniture";
- synthetic winterizer or batting for additional softness of the frame and the product as a whole;
- furniture fabric;
- joiner's glue;
- strong thread for stitching upholstery details;
- self-tapping screws or furniture screws (when using the latter, you will need an electric drill);
- a marker or pencil.

Let's get to work.

1. Frame
The basis of our sofa is the frame. It can be of any shape and size, but this article describes the simplest project, which can be made by a person who is inexperienced in the production of upholstered furniture.

The frame is based on wooden bars and slats with a section of 40-50 mm or any other size that ensures the strength of the finished product.

Additional rigidity to the frame is given by sheet materials with which it is sheathed - plywood, OSB, chipboard, fiberboard, etc. Inside the frame is hollow, which makes it relatively light.

At home, the sofa frame is assembled with a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Holes for screws can be pre-drilled with a drill, and the screws themselves can be lubricated with wood glue when drilling.

Also, glue is often used at the junction of wooden parts before they are connected with self-tapping screws. In this case, they are pressed against each other with clamps for a while.

In addition, when assembling the frame, it is convenient to use all kinds of angular and curvilinear metal fasteners.

The length of our sofa will be 3 meters. It is quite roomy and consists of two equal parts - 1.5 m each. In the photo below you see one of them - the left side of the sofa.

2. Frame and mattress
The frame of the future mattress - the base of our sofa - is made of board. For greater comfort, a binding of furniture belts is arranged.

It is not difficult to make it: first, the belts are fixed with a stapler horizontally, then the binding should be done and the belts should be fixed perpendicularly - vertically.

The photo shows what we should get in the end. These are the two components of the mattress.

3. Back
In the photo below - the frame of the back of our sofa, sheathed with plywood. Please note that the frame itself is made of wooden blocks, and metal connectors are used to fasten the parts.

The back is hollow and light, it is convenient to work with it. The shape in this case is as simple as possible - rectangular in profile. Without much effort, you can make it sloping by increasing the width at the base and reducing the width of the frame at the top.

4. Side pieces
By analogy with the back, we also make the side parts of the frame. It should be noted that the protruding bars that are visible in the photo in the future will serve as a basis for foam rubber. But more on that later.

5. Pasting with foam mats
After assembling the frame, we proceed to mount the foam rubber.

With pieces of foam rubber of the required size and shape, we paste over the top and front of the back, as well as the inner surfaces of the side elements. We lay the foam on the mattress over the binding.

The adhesive can be applied with a wide brush or used as an aerosol. Immediately after applying a layer of glue, we press the foam rubber to the surface and leave it for a while (usually no more than half an hour) until it sets.

6. Sintepon (batting)
In order to hide irregularities, smooth out sharp transitions and add volume, the back, side parts and, if desired, the mattress is wrapped with padding polyester or batting.

Before proceeding to this stage, it is necessary to sand all the sharp corners of the frame so that the upholstery does not rub off and lasts as long as possible. This operation is carried out using a grinder, planer or just coarse sandpaper.

7. Fabric upholstery.
Covers are usually sewn according to ready-made patterns and patterns. If there are none, you can make them yourself by applying and trying on fabric to each of the elements of the sofa, whether it be a back or a pillow. Some of them can be sewn with zippers for easy cleaning and washing.

Covers can be cut strictly in shape, or they can be picked up and grabbed with a stapler in those places where the design allows.

In extreme cases, tailoring of covers can be entrusted to specialists from the studio. Their design is very simple and inexpensive.

A sofa is an almost indispensable attribute of any living room. Soft and cozy, large and solid, designed for gatherings with the whole family or sleeping…

The widest range of models is presented on the market, among which choosing the best one is not an easy task. Why not take a different approach and make your own dream sofa?


One of the primary questions facing a novice master is what can you easily make a sofa from? The answer is simple: almost anything.

Boards, plywood sheets, chipboard, furniture boards are classic materials. Nothing prevents us from using door leaves that have served their purpose, pallets (pallets), a bathtub or car tires left over from the construction.

Be sure to find the right upholstery fabric and filling. In the role of the latter, foam rubber with a density of 35 kg / m3 and more often acts. The top layer is made of synthetic winterizer.

straight sofa

We offer instructions for making the simplest version of a sofa from traditional materials: plywood or boards.

Basic design includes:

  • frame;
  • backrest;
  • Side parts;
  • Sheathing.

Additional elements can be drawers, mechanisms, etc.

Instructions for the correct assembly of the sofa

Don't start work without a drawing. Schemes of hand-made sofas can be found on the Internet and adapted to the existing room, and if you are confident in your abilities, come up with your own model from scratch. The main thing: carefully take measurements and do not make mistakes in the calculations.

Stock up on enough materials and tools. You can not do without a jigsaw or hacksaw, drill, screwdriver. Get plywood with a thickness of 20 mm. If boards with a thickness of 20-25 mm are used in the work, plywood can be taken thinner - 15 mm.

Cut out the details of the structure with a circular saw or jigsaw. You will greatly simplify further work by immediately numbering and signing them.

Drill holes with a diameter of 3 mm for self-tapping screws. Suitable with fine threads and a regular cap with a diameter of not more than 5 mm. You will need self-tapping screws of different lengths: from 20 mm to 60.

We start assembly. Attach the lower side pieces to the back. Self-tapping screws are screwed through the back wall into the end of these parts.

Screw the seat close to the back. Attach it through the horizontal ends of the side pieces, and then the end of the seat through the back. Screw in the screws in increments of 15-18 cm.

Install the structure at the place of permanent deployment.

Drawers equipped with a sliding mechanism can be built into the lower part. It's time to do it.

Use a file or jigsaw to slightly round the corners of the plywood so as not to damage the sheathing material. Glue the foam rubber with polyurethane glue or the usual "Moment". The thickness of the filler is 100 mm. Lay a layer of synthetic winterizer on top.

Put on the upholstery cover and secure with a furniture stapler. Ready!

rounded sofa

An unusual idea for a homemade sofa is to make a design of a non-standard shape, for example, a semicircular one. It is important to choose a material that will cope with new loads. Furniture panels or thick plywood are perfect. Reinforce figured details from fiberboard with boards.

corner sofa

A more complex design that requires even greater attention to the calculations. It conditionally consists of three sections: two straight lines and an angled one. In manufacturing, it does not differ from a straight sofa, except that an additional lower box will have to be made.

Examine the photos of do-it-yourself sofas so as not to miscalculate the features of the model. In addition to the classic, options with an ottoman (protruding part without a back) are popular.

Sofa book

The “book” folding mechanism is familiar to everyone: we raise the seat, recline the backrest, return the seat to its place.

The assembly of such a sofa begins with the lower box. Then, the back and seat frames are mounted from the timber and reinforced with lamellas.

A mechanism is installed that connects the three elements. It can be purchased at a furniture store. After that, you can install the side parts and complete the trim. In this case, the sofa must be in the unfolded state.

This is how, without much effort and financial investment, you can complement the interior with an unusual and original sofa. Dare!

DIY sofa photo