Garden flowers for the sunny side. Drought tolerant sun plants for flower beds

13.06.2019 Boilers

Then I realized how strong flowers are

They are like tenderness, like love, like children,

Stronger than evil, stronger than anything in the world,

Stronger than death and stronger than war.

Kirimize Zhane

Flowers are a decoration of the yard, but they require a thoughtful approach from the grower both to the arrangement of flower beds and flowerbeds, and to the combination of plants. In many cases, due to weather conditions, there is not enough moisture, and we, who are always busy and in a hurry, do not have the opportunity to water flower beds enough times. Not every plant is able to fully survive in such extreme conditions. But there is a way out, and this way out is drought-resistant plants.

Drought-resistant flowers, grasses and ornamental shrubs feel great even on soils with a minimum moisture content and are not at all happy with moisture-saturated soil. With an excess of moisture, drought-resistant plants can get sick or even die.

Of course, site drainage can come to the rescue here. This is a troublesome and costly business, but without it - in any way. The topic of drainage is a topic for a separate article.


The ease of care for annuals, their ability to bring new and new colors into the flower garden every year, the most amazing forms and their inexhaustible variety attract and will attract flower growers.

Among flowering annuals you can advise for a drought-resistant garden such plants as:

    • Zinnia (Zinnia)- annual flowering plant height from 30 to 90 cm. The leaves are located opposite each other, the stem and leaves are rigidly pubescent. It blooms in temperate latitudes from June to frost, the inflorescence is a basket, there are a wide variety of shades, the seeds have time to ripen, do not lose their germination for 2-4 years. Based on two types of zinnias - elegant and narrow-leaved, many varieties are currently bred for growing in flower beds.
    • Rudbeckia (Rudbeckia)- an annual or perennial flowering plant. Leaves oval below, lanceolate above. The flower is a basket with tubular and reed flowers. Tubular flowers form a brown tubercle, characteristic of this species. The flowers are similar to daisies, usually yellow or orange color. Seeds are tetrahedral, small.
    • Cosmos- a tall flowering plant, imported from South America. The leaves are doubly pinnate, giving the plant an openwork appearance. The flowers are large, on long bare stems, white or pale pink to purple. Seeds ripen very well, propagated by self-sowing.
    • decorative types sunflower (Helianthus annuus) – annual high, up to 2.5 m, plant. The leaves are heart-shaped, arranged alternately. The stem and leaves are rigidly pubescent, the flower is a basket with dark tubular flowers and yellow petaled flowers. Seeds wedge-shaped, smooth, slightly pubescent.
    • decorative poppy(Papaver rhoeas) - annual with many varieties with a variety of colors. This light-loving plant is planted in separate group plantings on a lawn or flower bed, as well as in a group of different varieties.

decorative poppy

ground cover plants

These drought tolerant perennials are short, up to a maximum of 35 cm, and very attractive. Forming dense, growing curtains, they are perfect for alpine slides and rocky gardens. Tolerates bright sun very well. They are best suited for light, low-moisture soils. You can list sun-loving perennials for a long time:

      • Young (Sempervivum): cobweb, hybrid, roofing, offspring - they all form dense rosettes of purple or green. In summer, large flowers of pinkish, yellowish, red flowers look spectacular against this background.
      • stonecrops (Sedum)- an amazing variety of shapes and colors. The leaves are yellowish, green, purple. Flowers crimson, orange, yellow, pink. They bloom from June to August, form extensive thickets.
      • Carnation (Dianthus) Well, how could it be without her. Carnation grass and gray, with simple flowers or with terry stunningly beautiful colors - from white-pink to raspberry-red.
      • Arabis (Arabis)- low creeping plant with rooted stems. May be annual or perennial. The leaves are pubescent, the flowers are white, yellow or pink, double or not, in pedicel inflorescences. The fruit is a pod.


    • Rock Alyssum (Alyssum saxatile)- a plant of the steppe hills and mountains of Siberia. A small herbaceous shrub with woody shoots. Leaves are ovate, strongly pubescent, with gray tint. The flowers are yellow, form a brush. It needs calcium rich soil.
    • Saxifrage (Saxifraga)- perennial plant with a well-developed root system. The flowers look like an asterisk, form inflorescences. The leaves are thick, with a glossy leathery sheen, exude lime along the edge of the leaf. Thickets of saxifrage form sod covers.
    • Phlox subulate (Phlox subulata)- a plant with lying shoots and prickly sharp leaves, forming evergreen turf coverings. It blooms very profusely, flowers of various shades. It grows well on stony soils, on hills and mountainous surfaces.
    • Felt sapling (Cerastium tomentosum)- herbaceous plant up to 30 cm tall, with white flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences. Leaves are silvery green and pubescent. Inhabits mountainous, hilly areas.
    • Mesembryanthemum (Mesembryanthemum)- one-year or two-year creeping or creeping succulent up to 15 cm high. Flowers resemble daisies, open at noon. On the stems, vitrified cells in the form of dew drops are visible from above.

Felt jar


You can continue the list of drought-resistant perennials. Unpretentious and hardy, they feel great in the sun, grow well between the stones of alpine slides and rockeries:

    • Wormwood (Artemisia)– m perennial grassy floor shrub plant with a tart bitter aroma of shoots. Leaves are green to silvery grey, dissected. Flowers in racemose or paniculate inflorescences, the fruit is an achene.
    • Euphorbia (Euphorbia)- perennial herbaceous or shrubby plant. In addition to seeds, it propagates by root shoots. All representatives have milky juice on the cut, very poisonous. The flowers are solitary or collected in rosettes, the inflorescence is surrounded by a sort of goblet.
    • Yarrow (Achillea) -perennial plant with baskets with many flowers, it would be more correct to say "yarrow". Widely used in folk medicine, Stems up to 50 cm high. Yarrow extracts sulfur from the soil and distributes it around the area.
    • Lavender- has a wonderful aroma, its purple thickets beautifully decorate garden paths.
    • Daylily (Hemerocallis)- a plant with high arrows, at the ends of which flowers - has a great variety and is completely unpretentious.


drought tolerant herbs

Making a flower garden without herbs and cereals cannot be considered complete. From decorative drought-resistant grasses you can plant:

    • Byzantine Chistets (Stachys byzantina)- a bluish-green plant with fluffy leaves.
    • Elimus (Elymus)- another name - grate. An unpretentious herbaceous plant, usually propagated by shoots from a rhizome. The inflorescence forms a panicle resembling an ear of rye or wheat; it remains dried on the stem for a long time.
    • Gray fescue (Festuca glauca)- perennial plant up to half a meter tall. The rhizomes are creeping, the inflorescences form panicles with spikelets, the fruit is a caryopsis. The leaves are lanceolate and may be green to silver in color.
    • Double source (Phalaroides)- perennial grass up to 120 cm high with striped linear leaves. It blooms with spikelets collected in panicles. The leaves do not wilt even from severe frosts. Usually with the help vegetative shoots from the rhizome it grows very strongly, it can become a hard-to-remove weed.

Byzantine chistets

These herbs will add charm to your flower garden, give it sophistication and attractiveness.

tall plants

First of all, among tall drought-resistant plants, I would like to note decorative bow, mallow. Each of these plants is beautiful in its own way. Double flowers of stock-rose captivate your heart with their richness of shades - from burgundy to snow-white. Mallow blooms all summer - from June to almost frost. And these plants grow up to two meters in height.

Not far behind them is the decorative Allium bow. Up to one hundred and seventy centimeters, its spherical inflorescences of pink and white shades rise.

Yellow is the color of the sun, and for good reason yellow flowers are a symbol of joy and happiness. They bring warmth to any corner of the garden ...

drought tolerant shrubs

It is often very difficult, when building a landscape, to do without ornamental shrubs. Shrubs - this is the note that makes the garden sound for real, gives completeness and visual completeness to the improvement of the territory, on which you have put so much of your strength, your imagination, your desire for beauty.

Juniper Cossack (Juniperus sabina) out of competition. Does not need additional care, quite steadfastly withstands adverse conditions. Attractive, evergreen, we can say about this shrub that if there are charismatic plants, then this is about him. Juniper with its presence brings a special charm and beauty to the landscape.

Euonymus (Euonymus)- a beautiful, very bright, even somewhat picturesque shrub. It is difficult to look away from the euonymus, surrounded by properly selected low-growing plants. AT summer months its openwork, dark green foliage attracts it, but autumn comes, and such a riot of colors embraces the crown of the bush - you can’t take your eyes off it. Many species are quite drought tolerant. This applies to, and others.

A good example of unpretentiousness and drought tolerance is barberry (Berberis). Yellow and bright red leaves adorn the long, thorny branches. Barberry loves the sun and feels great under its rays. Details of caring for this shrub can be found here Euonymus

  • Carefully thought out which plants should grow nearby. In no case do not plant a drought-resistant plant next to a moisture-loving one. It will be very difficult to organize watering.
  • When planting plants, the correct distance should be established between them. For plants that like to grow too much, root limiters should be used - they should be planted in containers without a bottom, buried in the ground, there will be no horizontal spread of roots further than expected.
  • Watering such flower beds should be rare, but plentiful.
Flower garden of sun-loving perennials:

Under sunbeams perennials bloom with special splendor and beauty. The choice of their species and varieties is large enough so that every gardener can find plants of the color, shape and flowering period that suit him.

Most good places for many profusely flowering garden perennials - open to the sun.

Here such noble long-flowers as lilies, peonies and phloxes can show themselves in all their glory. They tolerate short-term daytime shade quite calmly, but longer shading and even openwork shade from trees and shrubs seriously affect their prosperity.

Particularly sensitive in this regard are large, luxuriant breeding varieties of sun-loving perennials. For them, the most optimal rabatki with fertile and sufficiently moist soils.

The design of sunny areas depends entirely on your taste and, of course, on the real possibilities of your garden. Small flower beds in the front garden can be arranged no less effectively than a ridge stretched along the garden path, a "ribbon" of perennials along the border of the garden, or a flower island in the center of the lawn.

In any case, it is very important to skillfully combine plants according to growth. Such tall and luxuriant crops as krasnodnev, mallow and lupine are most advantageous in the "far" section of the flower bed. Their flower stalks will rise above the shorter crops in the foreground, which in turn will cover the bases of their shoots.

We offer you an approximate scheme of a flower bed with perennials:

1. Miscanthus - Miscanthus sinensis.

2. One-year-old three-incised, or hole - Malope trifida.

3. A hybrid variety of yarrow - Achillea "Schwefelbluete".

4. Bell flower - Campanula lactiflora.

5. Perovskia wormwood - Perovskia abrotanoides.

6. One-year verbena hybrid - Verbena.

7. Stonecrop-skripun, or hare cabbage - Sedum telephium (before flowering).

9. Fox-tailed peristoschetinnik - Pennisetum alopecuroides (before the appearance of peduncles).

10. Wormwood Louis - Artemisia ludoviciana.

11. Hybrid variety of yarrow - Achillea "Lachsschoenheit".

12. Hybrid shrub aster - Aster dumosus (before flowering).

13. Hybrid coreopsis - Coreopsis.

14. Fassen's catnip - Nepeta fassenii "Six Hills Giant".

15. Himalayan geranium - Geranium himalayense.

16. Annual fragrant tobacco - Nicotiana.

17. Santolina cypress - Santolina chamaecyparissus.

Of course, you can replace some of the flowers with your favorite ones, because this is an approximate option ... and you can extend the flowering season in a sunny flower bed with attractive fall-flowering crops such as sedum, garden chrysanthemums or autumn asters.

Most perennials will re-bloom in the fall if pruned after the main flowering period. Such plants include delphinium, stenaktis, catnip and scabious.

The choice of spring sun-loving perennials is somewhat less. Bloom in April rezuha, meadow backache and Adonis. Join them in May day-lily, catnip and peony.

You can enrich the spring palette with such bulbous ones as narcissus,tulip and grouse. Since bulbous crops become unattractive after flowering, they should not be planted in the foreground of flower beds.

An easier-to-care-for large flower garden option is a sunny lawn. wild perennials - nivyanik, yarrow,meadow sage- prosper here in a motley company with herbaceous plants. Such lawns are sown with a special seed mixture or individual crops are planted on an existing lawn.

Examples of compositions from sun-loving perennials:

Cascades of flowers

Thanks to a well thought out fit geranium, stonecrop and cuff receive the same amount of sunlight as tall forest mallow(Malva sylvestris) in the background.

Warm colors of autumn

Delicate and soft palette echinacea purpurea(Echinacea purpurea), gelenium hybrids(Helenium) and asters camomile(Aster amellus) is just amazing!

Beautiful sun-loving perennials

Delphinium- large-flowered perennial with long candle-shaped inflorescences; supports are desirable; re-flowering after pruning. Densely strewn with bells, upright flower stalks of the spur are spectacular in any corner of the garden.

Phlox paniculata- durable large-flowered perennial with dense pin-shaped peduncles; re-flowering after pruning. Pleasant aroma and lush floral attire make phlox one of the most popular garden crops.

Rudbeckia- unpretentious large-flowered perennial with inflorescences-baskets; gives root suckers; pruning increases the flowering period. If enough space is provided for rudbeckia, then gradually it forms dense flower thickets.

Aster shrub- abundance of star-shaped inflorescences over dense dark green foliage; good groundcover. The warm lights of the autumn shrub aster (Aster dumosus) glow in the garden until October.

Kotovnik- long, arched shoots with numerous small two-lipped flowers; loose bushy growth. It is not difficult for him to find a company. Regular pruning keeps the bush compact.

Oriental poppy (Turkish)- large cup-shaped flowers of luminous color; short time flowering; spreads by self-seeding. He is loved for the freshness of bright flowers and for the expressiveness of the seed pods.

heliopsis- hardy large-flowered perennial with sunflower-like inflorescences on long straight stems and long-lasting flowers.

Lavender- compact long-lived perennial with evergreen pubescent foliage and with fragrant flowers. Thanks to woody stems, lavender is classified as a semi-shrub. She is very good in borders.

Day-lily- large-flowered perennial with star-shaped or bell-shaped flowers; grows to the size of a large shrub.

Gaillardia- attractive multicolor ray-shaped inflorescences on strong stems; cold protection recommended.

Sources: vk.api;



Under the sun's rays, perennials bloom with special splendor and beauty. The choice of their species and varieties is large enough so that every gardener can find plants of the color, shape and flowering period that suit him.

The most successful places for many profusely flowering garden perennials are open to the sun.

Here such noble long-flowers as lilies, peonies and phloxes can show themselves in all their glory. They tolerate short-term daytime shade quite calmly, but longer shading and even openwork shade from trees and shrubs seriously affect their prosperity.

Particularly sensitive in this regard are large, luxuriant breeding varieties of sun-loving perennials. For them, the most optimal rabatki with fertile and sufficiently moist soils.

The design of sunny areas depends entirely on your taste and, of course, on the real possibilities of your garden. Small flower beds in the front garden can be arranged no less effectively than a ridge stretched along the garden path, a "ribbon" of perennials along the border of the garden, or a flower island in the center of the lawn.

In any case, it is very important to skillfully combine plants according to growth. Such tall and luxuriant crops as krasnodnev, mallow and lupine are most advantageous in the "far" section of the flower bed. Their flower stalks will rise above the shorter crops in the foreground, which in turn will cover the bases of their shoots.

Compact cushion-shaped perennials are very well suited for decorating a beautiful transition between a sun-exposed ridge and a lawn, terrace or garden path - aster shrub, gray carnation or Carpathian bell. They will reliably cover the soil with a dense leafy cover, which will decorate the edges of the rabatok at the time when flowering ends.

The most important advantage of sun-loving perennials is their colorful outfit. Their multi-color arrangement looks best against a calm background of trees and shrubs.

In order to achieve certain color combinations, it is necessary to take into account the periodicity of the development of each individual culture.

The peak of flowering perennials falls on the period from June to August. At this time, such large yellow-colored "sun worshipers" bloom magnificently, such as rudbeckia, heliopsis, coreopsis, gelenium, as well as juicy red Monarda and bookophia.

Calm white and blue notes bring this color different kinds and varieties of bluebell and spur (delphinium).

You can extend the flowering season on the sun bed with attractive fall-blooming crops such as sedum, garden chrysanthemums or autumn asters.

Most perennials will re-bloom in the fall if pruned after the main flowering period. Such plants include delphinium, stenaktis, catnip and scabious.

The choice of spring sun-loving perennials is somewhat less. Bloom in April rezuha, meadow backache and Adonis. Join them in May day-lily, catnip and peony.

You can enrich the spring palette with such bulbous ones as narcissus, tulip and grouse. Since bulbous crops become unattractive after flowering, they should not be planted in the foreground of flower beds.

An easier-to-care-for large flower garden option is a sunny lawn. wild perennials - nivyanik, yarrow, meadow sage- thrive here in a motley company with herbaceous plants. Such lawns are sown with a special seed mixture or individual crops are planted on an existing lawn.

Rabatka from sun-loving perennials

Soft and delicate colors dominate this perennial discount.

1. Miscanthus - Miscanthus sinensis.
2. One-year-old three-incised, or hole - Malope trifida.
3. A hybrid variety of yarrow - Achillea "Schwefelbluete".
4. Bell flower - Campanula lactiflora.
5. Perovskia wormwood - Perovskia abrotanoides.
6. An annual verbena hybrid - Verbena.
7. Stonecrop-skripun, or hare cabbage - Sedum telephium (before flowering).
8. Decorative round-headed bow - Allium sphaerocephalon.
9. Fox-tailed peristoschetinnik - Pennisetum alopecuroides (before the appearance of peduncles).
10. Wormwood Louis - Artemisia ludoviciana.
11. Hybrid variety of yarrow - Achillea "Lachsschoenheit".
12. Hybrid shrub aster - Aster dumosus (before flowering).
13. Hybrid coreopsis - Coreopsis.
14. Fassen's catnip - Nepeta fassenii "Six Hills Giant".
15. Himalayan geranium - Geranium himalayense.
16. Annual fragrant tobacco - Nicotiana.
17. Santolina cypress - Santolina chamaecyparissus.

Examples of compositions from sun-loving perennials

Cascades of flowers

Thanks to well thought out planting, the geranium, sedum and mantle get as much sunlight as the tall wood mallow (Malva sylvestris) in the background.

Warm colors of autumn

Delicate and soft palette of purple echinacea (Echinacea purpurea), gelenium hybrids (Helenium) and chamomile aster (Aster amellus) is simply amazing!


Daylily (Hemerocallis), Gaillardia (Gaillardia) and loosestrife (Lysimachia punctata) just glow in the sun.

Beautiful sun-loving perennials

Large-flowered perennial with long candle-shaped inflorescences; supports are desirable; re-flowering after pruning. Densely strewn with bells, upright flower stalks of the spur are spectacular in any corner of the garden.

Phlox paniculata- durable large-flowered perennial with dense pin-shaped peduncles; re-flowering after pruning. Pleasant aroma and lush floral attire make phlox one of the most popular garden crops.

Unpretentious large-flowered perennial with inflorescences-baskets; gives root suckers; pruning increases the flowering period. If enough space is provided for rudbeckia, then gradually it forms dense flower thickets.

An abundance of star-shaped inflorescences over dense dark green foliage; good groundcover. The warm lights of the autumn shrub aster (Aster dumosus) glow in the garden until October.

Kotovnik- long, arched shoots with numerous small two-lipped flowers; loose bushy growth. It is not difficult for him to find a company. Regular pruning keeps the bush compact.

Oriental poppy (Turkish)- large cup-shaped flowers of luminous color; short flowering time; spreads by self-seeding. He is loved for the freshness of bright flowers and for the expressiveness of the seed pods.

A hardy, large-flowered perennial with sunflower-like inflorescences on long straight stems and long-lasting flowers.

Lavender- compact long-lived perennial with evergreen pubescent foliage and fragrant flowers. Thanks to woody stems, lavender is classified as a semi-shrub. She is very good in borders.

Day-lily- large-flowered perennial with star-shaped or bell-shaped flowers; grows to the size of a large shrub.

Gaillardia- attractive multicolor ray-shaped inflorescences on strong stems; cold protection recommended.

plant name

Image (clickable)

Height, see

coloring flowers

flowering time

Spur high
(Delphinium elatum)

100-200 Blue, purple, white June-July, September-October.

Phlox paniculata(Phlox paniculata)

When designing a garden, emphasis should be placed on drought-resistant perennials. Big choice grass flowers and ornamental shrubs presents a wide scope for original ideas. The ability of these plants long time being without moisture makes it much easier to care for the garden, saves water.

The choice of plants for the alpine slide, features

Alpine hill has become a sign of the taste of the owners of a country house. It is traditionally located in the central part of the site, which is well lit by the sun at noon. The right choice will be sun-loving perennials.

Basic plants for alpine slides, rockeries, rocky gardens are ground cover perennials. They grow into a continuous carpet or form curtains up to 30 cm in diameter. These drought tolerant perennials make the visuals look like mountain landscapes:

  • braid the terraces;
  • harmoniously connect all tiers of the slide;
  • combine plants of different heights and large decorative boulders.

Attention! In the design of an alpine hill (rockeries), hybrid forms of perennial plants can be combined, and not just mountain varieties.

Enliven the landscape with flowers, also drought-resistant perennials. Don't forget about ornamental grass. Grass for dry places - fashion trend in the design of not only rock gardens, but in general any territory of a country house.

Description of perennials

A rich selection of ground cover drought-resistant perennials for sunny places makes it possible to create the desired background, to fix the soil on the slopes. To fill the space between stones landscape designers prefer perennials.

  • Mshanka subulate;
  • Aubriete;
  • Stonecrops.

Perennials grow well in the sun: Phlox subulate, Thyme, Astra alpine. From drought-resistant herbs in the sun, gray fescue grows well.

Bryozoan subulate

Styloid bryozoan is a sun-loving perennial. The plant has flexible stems, which are very difficult to break. Small leaves resemble needles, but they are very soft and do not prick. Rare watering is enough for the growth of bryozoan. The use of perennial in landscape design not limited to rock gardens, a drought-resistant plant is planted on a lawn, garden paths are planted around the perimeter.

The awl-shaped bryozoan blooms all summer, starting in May. Perennial flowers are white, about 5 cm in diameter. Plant of limited growth (8 cm), does not require pruning. The lawn of styloid bryozoan does not need to be mowed, this greatly facilitates care. Rock gardens, decorated with a drought-resistant perennial, always look well-groomed.

Advantages of awl-shaped bryozoan, which will not leave indifferent any owner of the garden:

  • beautiful grass cover;
  • the carpet of grass is so dense that weeds are completely absent;
  • rather rare watering during hot periods of summer;
  • flowers emit a pleasant aroma.

You can propagate the awl-shaped bryozoan by seeds, but it is easier to purchase ready-made perennial planting material in the nursery.

Advice! Sow perennial seeds in boxes in March: spread them on the surface, sprinkle with snow, close the container with a transparent lid or film.

The plant is dived, planted in the ground in May, leaving a distance of 10 cm between the bushes. A drought-resistant perennial that has taken root will reproduce by self-sowing in subsequent years.


Aubrieta is a sun-loving perennial for the garden, capable of withstanding light partial shade. This is a flowering plant. Flowers up to 1 cm in diameter are bright, of a wide variety of shades: white, pink, purple. The plant forms continuous carpets up to 35 cm high. Early flowering - April, May, June. Cropped perennial bushes bloom again in autumn.

leaves with light fluff laconic form from under the flowers are little visible. This special flower hibernates without shedding them even in cold weather. The frost resistance of the plant is convincing, but if the winters are severe, below minus 25 ° C, shelter is indispensable.

Important! The flower can be affected by aphids, suffer from powdery mildew. Prevention with fungicides is needed.

Aubrieta does not like prolonged rains, she tolerates drought easily. Propagated by seeds, cuttings, division of the bush is not used. When designing a garden, it is convenient to plant not seeds, but seedlings. You can grow it yourself or buy it from a nursery. Popular varieties:

  • Giant waterfall;
  • Charming Morocco;
  • Lizzie.


Stonecrop is an indispensable element of rock gardens, with their help they decorate unattractive places in the garden. Popular and easy care stonecrops:

  • White;
  • False;
  • Spanish;
  • Kamchatsky;
  • bent;
  • Clawed;
  • Caustic.

Most stonecrops love sunny places, tolerate partial shade. Stonecrop grows well in the shade, it is customary to plant it on rocky hills, it spreads slowly. On the sunny areas the flowering of stonecrops is longer and more abundant.

All types of stonecrops are propagated by seeds through seedlings, cuttings. Sowing seedlings begin in February-March. Care consists in rare watering, pruning of faded inflorescences, loosening the soil. Weeds will need to be removed periodically.

Advice! Stonecrop caustic saves the summer resident from weeding. Weed grass does not grow near it.

A pleasant feature of all varieties of stonecrops is the absence of pests on them and immunity to infections. Due to its unpretentiousness, this ground cover plant will become the best option for the alpine hill.


Thyme is a sun-loving perennial that needs a minimum of moisture. The plant has many types. In landscape design, a fast-growing perennial is used to decorate rock gardens. The most popular type is creeping thyme.

By mid-July it forms blooming carpet. The flowers are pinkish-lilac. The height of creeping thyme is 15 cm. The perennial is propagated by seeds. They are sown in a nursery in early spring, and in the fall the grown seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place.

For alpine slides, special dwarf varieties perennial, their height is from 1 to 5 cm:

  • T. Elfin;
  • T. coccneus;
  • T. White Moss.

All varieties of perennial thyme grow better in the bright sun, in the shade it loses its decorative effect: the shoots stretch out, the color of the leaves fades. The drought-resistant plant looks great against the background of fine gravel. Adult perennials can be transplanted, divided bushes, propagated by cuttings.

Astra Alpine

Perennial Astra Alpine is planted along garden paths into mixborders and to the fore of flower beds. Arid perennial is traditionally used in the design of alpine slides. It is not difficult to create flower arrangements, many varieties of different colors allow you to do this.

Popular drought-resistant varieties:

  • Albus;
  • Gloria;
  • Rosea;
  • Ruber.

Important! Plant the aster in a sunny, dry place.

In the southern regions, the perennial is propagated by seeds, directly sowing them into the ground. In temperate latitudes, they are sown in greenhouses and already grown seedlings are transplanted into the garden. Mature bushes can be divided. Rare drought-resistant varieties are propagated by cuttings. Care consists in rare moderate watering and the prevention of fungal diseases. The flower is susceptible to fusarium, black leg. From pests (meadow bug, caterpillars), bushes are treated with karbofos.

Phlox subulate

The profusely flowering perennial styloid phlox enjoys special love among gardeners. The plant is drought-resistant, prefers sunny places, dry, poor soil. It starts blooming in May. The flowers are medium-sized - 2 cm, collected from 5 petals. Varieties of different colors have been bred.

Important! To limit the overgrowth of a drought-tolerant plant, trim faded shrubs to 1/3 of their length.

Phlox subulate bushes grow up to 50 cm, the shoots are covered with evergreen, hard leaves up to 1 cm long. The plant is aggressive, spreads quickly. To preserve the decorative effect, formative pruning is carried out immediately after flowering.

The perennial is propagated vegetatively: cuttings, layering. seed propagation rarely practiced. Care is simple, the emphasis is on weed control, they are fed in the spring. Humates are used to feed the evergreen perennial.

gray fescue

In fescue, blue-gray narrow leaves look very impressive. It's drought tolerant cereal plant, flowering from June to July. Inflorescences paniculate, gray-green. The bushes are lush - up to 40 cm high, and sometimes up to 60 cm. Designers love to use this drought-resistant perennial in flower arrangements.

Important! For intense coloring of the leaves, transplant the perennial once every 2 years.

The plant prefers to grow in full sun. Grows best in poor soils. The grass grows well Alpine rollercoaster, since it needs well-drained soil, it must be limed a year before planting. Common varieties:

  • Azurite
  • Blauglut;
  • Daeumling.

Drought tolerant perennials require minimum care, from spring to late autumn are the decoration of the garden.

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